1900 Automotor Pocket Book: Directory
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1900 Automotor Pocket Book
LIST of firms and individuals, other than the Companies included in the Limited Liability Co. list, concerned, more or less directly, with Automobilism, either as Makers, Owners, Users, &c., of Motor Vehicles or component parts.
THE reference figures in brackets after a name signify the page and volume of the AUTOMOTOR on which will be found an invention or some reference to the person against whose name they stand, explanatory of their connection with Automobilism.
THE names with a $ denote owners of Motor Vehicles.
ABBREVIATIONS Dir., Director; Man. Dir., Managing Director ; Sec., Secretary.
For full alphabetical list of Patentees' names, see Indexes to, and Vols. 1, 2 and 3, of AUTOMOTOR JOURNAL.
- AALBREGHT & CO., High Street, Ramsgate, and High Street, Broadstairs (Accessories, &c.).
- ACCLES, J. G., Pony Barr, Birmingham.
- ACCLES-TURRELL MOTOR CO., Ltd., Holford Works, Perry Barr, Birmingham.
- ACLAND, CAPT. F. E. DYKE, Woodmansterne, nr. Epsons.
- $ ACWORTH, J. J. Ph.D., Automobile Club.
- ADAM, C. F. (Dir., Auxiliary Steam Power Co., Ltd.).
- ADAM, E. (Dir., Edinburgh Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- ADAMS, S., & Co., (Lowestoft Motor Vehicles, &c.).
- ADLER, E. N. (Dir., Delecroix Motor Syssd., Ltd.).
- AGACIO, A. B. (Sec., Automatic Magneto Elec. Ignition Co. (France and Belgium), Ltd.; Motor Carriage Supply Co., Ltd.)
- AITKEN, A. P. (Dir., Madelvic Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- ALBEMARLE, EARL OF (Dir., Dunlop Tyre Co. (South Africa), Ltd.; Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd. ; Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (Continental), Ltd.).
- $ ALBONE, D., Ivel Cycle Works, Biggleswade (Ball Bearings, Petroleum Stores).
- ALBRIGHT, J. F., (Dir., Monobloc Accumulator Synd., Ltd.; Drake and Gorham Elec. Power and Traction Co., Ltd).
- ALDRED, A. J., Midland Motor Agency.
- $ ALDRIDGE, DR. NORMAN, Southampton.
- ALLARD & CO. Earlston Works, Coventry.
- ALLEN, A. J., London Institution, Finsbury Circus, E.C.
- ALLISON, E. (Man. and Engineer, Newcastle and District Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- ALLISON, G. (Dir., Boag's Crescent Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- ALLSOP, R. D., 37, Norfolk Street, Strand.
- ALTREE, A. H. D. (Altree's Autocar Agency), 17, Shaftsbury Avenue, W.C. (Dara Tyre Co.).
- AMOS, E. C., 11, Queen Victoria Street, KC. (Engineer).
- AMPS, J. W., Old Lodge, Uckfield.
- ANDREWS BROS., 14, Above Bar, Southampton (Engineers).
- ANDREWS, F. E. (Dir., Star Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- ANDREW'S MFG. CO., Birmingham (Swerdna Wheel, &c.).
- ANDREWS, S. (Dir., Star Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- ANDREWS, W. H. (Dir., Motor Traction Co.. Ltd.).
- ANGULAR HOLE MACHINE Co., Dashwood House, .E.C. (Accessories).
- ANNAN, J. (Dir., Wearwell Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- APPLETON, W. M., Hill Road, Weston-super-Mare.
- ARMISTEAD, R. (Dir., Thomas Parker, Ltd.).
- $ ARMSTRONG, A. W., 85, Broadhurst Gardens, West Hampstead.
- $ ARNOLD, G., Frant, Tunbridge Wells.
- $ ARNOLD, W., East Peckham, Kent.
- $ ARNOLD, W. H., Holland Gate, Kensington (Whitlock., Ltd., &c.).
- ARROL, SIR WILLIAM, 241, Baltic Street, Glasgow (Mo-Car Syn., Ltd.)
- ASH, J. (Dir., B'ham Rly. Carr. & Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- ASHENHURST, C. (Dir., City Wheel and Carriage Works,Ltd.).
- ASHFORD, H. N. (Dep. Ch., Birmingham Rly. Carr. & Vagon Co., Ltd.).
- $ ATKINSON & PHILIPSON, 27, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne (Motor and Carriage Builders).
- ATKINSON, D. B., Elec. Eng., Cardiff (Dir., Marquand Accumulator Co., Ltd.). M.C., M.D. (Automobile Club).
- AUTO-MACHINERY Co., Read Street, Coventry.
- AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY Co., 56, Broad Street, Birmingham.
- $ AVERY, W. B. (Automobile Club).
- AVON INDIA-RUBBER Co., Melksham, Wilts (Tyres).
- AYLESFORD, EARL OF (Dir., Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- BACCHUS, H. (Dir., Bedford Motor Car Synd., Ltd.).
- BACH, P. (Dir., Tyne Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- BAILEY, F. W. (Hon. Sec., Motor Car Club).
- $ BAINES, W., 5 and 6, Great Winchester Street, E.C. (Pennington & Baines, &c.)
- BAKER, C. N. (Dir., Leather Shod Wheel Co., Ltd. ; Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co., Ltd.). W.C.
- $ BAKER, E. (Automobile Club).
- BAKER, J. S. (Dir., Chloride Elec. Storage Synd., Ltd.).
- BALE, A. J. (Dir., Auxiliary Steam Power Co., Ltd.).
- BALLANTYNE, W. R. (Dir., Blackpool Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ BAMBER & LEWIS, Meopham, Kent ("Vesta" Motor).
- BANNISTER, M. W. & Co., West Green, Crawley.
- BANNISTER, W., J.P. (Dir., Chloride Elec. Storage Synd., Ltd.).
- $ BARCLAY, Major, The Warren, Cromer.
- BARD CYCLE MFG., Co., Birmingham (Motocycles).
- BARGATE, G. (Sec. and Man., Mossberg Roller Bearings Co.,
- $ BARHAM, J. A., Trafalgar Buildings, Charing Cross, W.C. (Electrical Undertakings, Ltd.).
- BARKER, J. (Dir., Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co)
- BARKER & LANGCAKE, Outgang Engineering Works, Co., Ltd.). (Motor and Motor Car Builders).
- BARLOW, H. B., & Co., Cornbrook Works, Manchester
- BARNARD, J. W., 4, Great Winchester Street, E.C. (Engineers)
- BARNSLEY, H. (Dir., Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd.). CO., Ltd.
- $ BARON, F. E., 11, Buchanan Street, Blackpool (Blackpool Motor Car Co., &c.).
- BARR, ANDREW W. 30, Moorgate Street, London, E.C.
- BARRACLOUGH, W. 30, Scotland Road, Nelson, Lancs.
- BARRETT, A. (Dir., Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.)
- $ BARRETT, Dr., 29, Park Crescent, Southport.
- BARRY, H. J. (Sec., Thames Valley Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- BARTON, W. J. (Sec., Nottingham Motor Car, &c., Exhibitiors Co., Ltd.).
- BASDEN, D. F. (Dir., Humber & Co., Ltd.).
- BASTIAN, C. O. (Dir., Britannia Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.)
- BAX, CAPT. IRONSIDE, Eldon, Weybridge, Surrey. Glasgow
- BAXENDALE & CO., Miller Street, Manchester (Motor Cycles)
- BAYLEY, E. H. J.P., Southwark (London Steam Omnibus Co.; Chairman, Daimler Co.)
- BAYLISS & THACKRAY, Victoria Foundry, Huntingdon (Motors, Frames and Accessories).
- BEACH & CO., Pioneer Motor Works, East-reach, Taunton.
- BEADLE, F. J. (Dir., Jesse Ellis & Co., Ltd.).
- BEADON, R. (Dir., Paris Singer, Ltd.). Ltd.).
- BEARCROFT, R. (Dir., Smith, Parfrey, & Co., Ltd.).
- BEARD, H., & Co., 20, Hill Rise, Richmond, Surrey.
- BEARDSHAW & SON, Sheffield, and 118, Cannon Street, E.C. (Tools, &c.)
- BEATTY, L. (Dir., Adair Pneumatic Tyre Synd., Ltd.)
- BEAUMONT, W. WOBEY, &c., Outer Temple, 222, Strand, W.C. (Consulting Engineer ; Dir., Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- BECKWITH, A. (Dir., Shippey Bros., Ltd.).
- BEDFORD, J., Sheffield (Springs).
- BEDSON, J. P. (Dir., Clayton Eng. and Elec. Construction Co., Ltd.).
- BEETON, F. E. (Dir., Dover and E. Kent Motor Bus Co., Ltd.).
- $ BEEVOR, S. F., 25, Leinster Square, W.
- BEEVER, B. D. (Dir., Coulson's Synd. Ltd.).
- BELLISS, G. E. (Dir., Belliss & Morcom, Ltd.).
- BENETFINK & CO., 107 and 108, Cheapside, E.G.
- BENTON & STONE, Bracebridge Street, Birmingham (Accessories etc.).
- $ BENZ, CARL, Mannheim, Germany.
- BERGIN, L. M. (Sec., Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd.).
- BERESFOED, LORD H. (Dir., Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- BERESFORD, LORD WM., The Deepdene, Dorking (Dir., Marquand Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- $ BERKELEY, HON. J. H., Junior United Service Club (Chairman Britannia Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- BERRA, J. W. (Dir., Thornton Motor Co., Ltd.).
- $ BERSEY, W. C., 39, Victoria Street, S.W. (London Electrical Cab Co., Ltd. ; W. C. Berney & Ltd.).
- BESSEMER, H. A., 42, Therapia Road, Honor Oak. (Vol. 2, p. 313.)
- BETTRIDGE, S. S. (Sec. Dover and E. Kent Motor Bus Co., Ltd.).
- BICKFORD BURNERS Co., Camborne, Cornwall.
- BINNIE, W. M. (Dir., Britannia Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- BIRCHAM, F. R. S., 6, Park Street, Taunton.
- $ BIRD, A. F., The Firs, Moseley, Birmingham.
- $ BIRD, R. B. (Automobile Club).
- BIRMINGHAM SMALL ARMS Co., Ltd., Small Heath, Birmingham (Chains).
- BLACKLOCK, R. (Dir., Tyne Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- BLACK TYRE Co., Ltd., 32, St. James Street, Paisley Road, Glasgow.
- BLAIKIE, R. M. (Sec., London Steam Omnibus Co., Ltd. ; Motor Char-a-Banc Co., Ltd.; Motor Traction Co., Ltd.).
- BLAKE, F. C. Balling Road, Hammersmith (Springs, Electrical Ignition, &c.). (See Advt. p. ix.)
- BLAKISTON, R., 10, Blackstock Street, Liverpool.
- BLAXTON ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., 69, Old Street, St. Luke's, E.C.
- BLAYMINES, R. (Dir., Bradford & District Cycle & Motor Assn., Ltd.).
- BLOT, G. R., 33, St. Swithin's Lane, E.C.
- $ BLYTHSWOOD, LORD, "Blythswood," Renfrew, N.B.
- BOAG, A. (Dir., Boag's Crescent Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- BOLTON, A. S., J.P. (Dir., British Aluminium Co. Ltd.).
- BONNIE, W. (Dir., Fluid Pressure Eng. Synd., Ltd.).
- BONSER, H. (Dir., Leeds Carriage, Omnibus and Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- BOOTH, F. R. (Dir., Kellum Rolling Mils, Ltd.).
- BOSCH, R. (Dir., Automatic Magneto Elec. Ignition Co., F. & B., Ltd.).
- $ BOULT, A. J., 11, Hatton Garden, E.C. (Boult & Wade).
- BOWDEN, E. M., 35, Bedford Place, London, W.C.
- BOWDEN, J. T., City Carlton Club (Crowdus's Storage Battery).
- BOWMAN, F. H., D.Sc. (Chloride Elec. Storage Synd., Ltd.).
- BOYD, J. T., M.I.M.E. (Dir., Stirlings Motor Carriage, Ltd.).
- BOYS, PROF. C. V., F.R.S., The Grove, Boltons, S.W.
- BRACHETT, W. H., Motor Works, Leamington (Sec., Road Ring-rail. Tractor Synd., Ltd.).
- $ BRADSHAW, J. A., 4, York Buildings, Sweeting Street, Liverpool.
- BRAMPTON, A. (Dir., Brampton Bros., Ltd.).
- BRAMPTON, C. H. (Dir., Brampton Bros., Ltd.).
- BRAMPTON, F. W. (Dir., Brampton Bros., Ltd.).
- BRAND, A. (Dir., New Gent Traction Co., Ltd.).
- BRANDRETH, A. B. (Soc. Intern. de Const. d'Automobiles, Ltd.).
- BRAZIL, J. P. (Dir., Brazil, Holborow & Straker, Ltd.).
- BRIDGWATER MOTOR Co., East Quay, Bridgwater.
- BRIGGS, F., 6, Park Crescent, Torquay (Automatic Conveyance Co., Ltd.).
- BRIGHTON CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Marine Parade, Brighton.
- $ BRIGSTOCKE, W. P., The Terrace, Ryde, Isle of Wight.
- BRISTOL MOTOR Co., 5, Redcross Street, Bristol (Agents).
- BRITANNIA Co., Colchester (Petroleum Oil Engines and Engineers' Tools).
- BRITANNIA SUPPLY CO., 49, Lime Street, E.C. (Lubricating Oil).
- $ BROADBENT, C. (Dir., Bradford & Dis. Cycle and Motor Assn., Ltd.)
- BRODIE, J. A., 3, Cook Street, Liverpool.
- BROMFIELD, G. G. T. (Dir., W. C. Bersey A Co., Ltd.).
- BROUGHAM. THE HON. REGINALD, 22, Dorset Street, Portman Square, W. (Dir., Elect. Cab Co. Ltd.).
- BROWN, A. (Dir., Lon. Motor Car Wks., Ltd.).
- BROWN, A. G. (Dir., Trusty Engine Works, Ltd.).
- BROWN, A. J. Mules (Sec., Societe d'Appareils Noel, Ltd.).
- BROWN, J. (Dir., City Wheel & Carriage Works, Ltd.).
- BROWN, V. W. (Dir., Adair Pneumatic Tyre Synd., Ltd.).
- $ BROWN, W. H., Beechcroft, Devizes.
- $ BROWN & BUCKTON, Mytholme Cycle Works, Hipperholme (Engineers).
- BROWN BROS., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C. (Motor parts).
- BROWNE, JESSOP, 104, Great Brunswick Street, Dublin (Patent Wheels).
- BROWNE-MARTIN, JOSEPH, 28, Victoria, Street, S.W. (Dir., Power and Traction, Ltd., Re.).
- $ BROWNE, T. B. (Automobile Club), 121, Barkston Gardens, S.W.
- BROWNE, CAPT. T. H. (Dir., Cycle Patent Pomp Co., Ltd.).
- BRYAN DONKIN & CO., LTD., Bermondsey, 8.E. (Engineers).
- BRYANT, J. (Dir., Britannia Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- BUCK, G. R. (Dir., Buck & Co., Ltd.).
- BUCKEA, M. H. (Dir., Motor Manfg. Co., Ltd.).
- BUCKNALL, A. L., Wickhurst Manor, nr. Sevenoaks.
- BULLOCK, F., Strangeways Cycle Works, Bury New Road, Manchester (Wheels, &c.).
- BURCHELL, C. J. DYNE (Dir., Wright's Taper Roller Bearings Synd., Ltd,.).
- BURFORD, H. G. (Dir, Thames Valley Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- BURGESS, A., 47, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (Sec., Motor Mfg. Co.):
- BURGESS, W. H. M. 27, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell (Motocycles).
- BURLS, G. A., A.M.I.C.E., 17, Homefield Road, Chiswick (Thornycroft Steam Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- BURMAN, J. B., (Dir., Midland Cycle and Motor Exhibition Co., Ltd.).
- BURNS, J., Motor Car Depot, 44, Berners Street, Oxford Street.
- BURNS, Jas. (Dir , Stirling's Motor Carriages, Ltd.)
- BURNS, R. (Dir., Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- BURRELL, C. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- BURRELL, CHAS., & SONS, Thetford (Traction Engines),
- BURTON, J. H. (Automobile Club).
- $ BUSHY, W., 66, St. Anne Street, Liverpool.
- BUTLER, E., Coatesworth Road, Gateshead. (Vol. 2, p. 376.)
- $ BUTLER, F. H., 5, Cleveland Row, St. James's Street, S.W. (Dir., Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- BUTLER, H. W. (Ch. Eng., E.P.S. Co., Ltd.).
- $ BUTTEMER, R. W., St. Mary's, Godalming.
- BYNG, G. (Dir., Gen. Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- BYNG, M. (Dir., Gen. Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- BYRNE, E. J., (Dir., Clayton Eng. and Elec. Construction Co., Ltd. ; Chairman, Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- CAMPBELL, H., 16, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C.
- CAMPBELL, R. M. (Works Man., Paris Singer, Ltd.).
- CAPEL & CO., 168, Dalston Lane, N.E.
- $ CAPEL, H. C., 204, Amhurst Road, West Hackney, N.E.
- CAPPELLEN, H., 45, Esmond Road, Kilburn.
- CARDINALL, W. E. (Dir., London Motor Van and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- CARLESS, CAPEL & LEONARD, Hope Chemical Works, Hackney Wick, N.E. (Petrol). (See Advt. p. xxxv.)
- CARLILE, W., M. P. (Newport Pagnall Motor Car Synd.).
- CARMONT, W. H. (Dir., Motor Attachment Syn., Ltd., Ac.)
- $ CARNARVON, THE RT. Hon. THE EARL of, 13, Berkeley Square. C
- CARROLL, A., 39, Elspeth Road, S.W. .( Vol. 3, p. 220.) 4PC
- $ CARTER, F. T., Portmore Park, Weybridge, Surrey. C
- CARTER, J. (See., Cycle Components. Mfg. Co., Ltd.).
- CARTLAND, G. W. (Dir., Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- $ CARVER, H., Bridgwater Motor Co., East Quay, Bridgwater. $C
- CARY, W. E., Red Bank Works, Manchester (Springs, Axles, &c.). C
- CASWELLS, 29, Great Eastern Street, E.C. (De Dion Motors and Accessories).
- CATHCART & Co., 3, Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C. (Accumulators re-charged).
- CATTERMOLE, J. (London Traction Haulage Co., Ltd.), Orleston Road, Holloway, N. C
- CAVE, H., 38, Ford Street, Coventry.
- CENTURY ENG. AND MOTOR CO., Altrincham, Cheshire (Moto-cycles).
- CHADRURN, W. J. (Dir., Mansfield Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- CHAMBER, C. (Dir., Challiner, &c., Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- CHAMBERLAIN, W. (Dir., Joseph Lucas, Ltd.).
- CHAMBERS, T. G. (Dir., Leecoll Electric Battery Co., Ltd.).
- CHARNOCK, G. F., Technical College, Bradford.
- CHEESWRIGHT, F. R. (Dir., Paris Singer, Ltd.).
- $ CHESWRIGHT, H. T. (Automobile Club). $
- $ CHILTON, BROS., Wolverhampton (De Dion System).
- CLARK, BROS. CYCLE MEG., Co., 24, Dames Street, Forest Gate, E.
- CLARK, E. J. (Dir., "Hart" Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- |CLARKE, A. Roller Mills, Soham, Cambs.
- CLARKE, F. W. (Dir., Leicester Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- CLARKE, W. (Chairman, Wearwell Cycles Access. Co., Ltd.; Wearwell Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- CLARKE'S CRANK AND FORGE CO., Lincoln ("Libra" Oil Motor).
- $ CLARKSON, T., Grove Villa, Sutton, Surrey.
- CLAYTON & SHUTTLEWORTH, Lincoln (Traction Engines).
- $ CLEAR, J. P., 83, Little Park Street, Coventry.
- CLEMENTS, A. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.). 4:
- CLERK, DUGALD, M.I.C.E., &c., 18, Southampton Buildings, W.C. (Consulting Engineer).
- $ CLIFT, E. H., 61, Sinclair Road, Kensington.
- CLIFTON, J. TALBOT, Rhidoroch Forest, Ullapool, N.B.
- CLUBBE, E. J., 16, Elm Street, Gray's Inn Road. $4:
- COATS, ARCHIBALD, Paisley (Mo-Car Synd., Ltd.).
- COATS, P. M., Paisley (Mo-Car Synd. Ltd.)
- COBBETT, S. A. (Sec., Leecoll Eke. Battery Co., Ltd.).
- COCKERTON, G. (Dir., Leecoll Elev. Battery Co., Ltd.).
- COLLIER, A. T., St. Alban's (The Twin Tyre).
- $ COLLINGE, JAS. (Jun.), Kinnerton Lodge, Chester.
- $ COLLINS, E. S., Coventry.
- COLLINs, J. T., J.P. (Dir., B'ham Rlwy. Carr. and Wagon Co., Ltd.)
- $ COLOHAN, DR. J. F. Woodville, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.
- COMMON, A. A., LL.D., &c. (Dir., Nat. Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.; British Aluminium Co., Ltd.).
- CONLON, E. J., 60, Warwick Road, Kensington.
- $ CONNAH & CO., Queen Street, Rhyl, North Wales (Agents).
- CONNOLLY, J. W. & T., 65, Wharfdale Road, King's Cross (Rubber Tyres). T.A. "Smiddy, London." (See Advt. p. xii.)
- CONNOLLY, W., Buckhurst, Redhill, Surrey (Dir., Pretot Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- CONTINENTAL TYRE CO., 64, Holborn Viaduct, E.C.
- COOPER, G. V. (Dir., Geo. Y. Cooper, S.M.A. and Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- COOPER, SIR DANIEL, Bart. (Dir., Co.,E.P.S. Ltd.).
- COOPER, WM. (Dir., B'ham Rly. Carr. and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- $ COPLAND, N. (Automobile Club).
- CORDINGLEY, CHAS., 39, Shoe Lane, N.C.
- $ CORNELL, A., Tonbridge, Kent (Arnold's Motors).
- CORNWELL, D. G. (Dir., G. & J. Smith, Ltd.).
- COTTRELL, S. B., 31, James Street, Liverpool.
- $ COULMAN, J., M.I.M.E., Lyndhurst, Newington, Hull (Hull and Barnsley Railway).
- COULSON, S. G. (Dir., Coulson's Synd., Ltd.).
- $ COULTHARD, P. & Co., Cooper Road, Preston (Steam and Oil Motor Vehicles). (See Advt. p. xvi.)
- COUPE CO., Britannia Road, Fulham, S.W. (Wheels).
- COURTENAY, I. J. (Chairman, E.P.S. Co., Ltd.).
- COVENTRY CHAIN Co., Dale Street, Coventry.
- COVENTRY EAGLE Co., Lincoln Street, Coventry (Motor Cycles).
- $ COWEN, G. R., 22, Hound Road, West Bridgford, Notts.
- COWPER-COLES, SHERARD, 26-27, Grosvenor Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.
- COX, R., J.P. (Dir., Madelvic Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- COX TYRE Co., 3. Great Charles Street, Birmingham.
- COZENS-HARDY, E. H., 66, Victoria Street, S.W. (Vol. 3, p. 495, Ac.)
- CRABTREE, J. (Dir., Blackpool Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- CRADDOCK, S. (Dir., Elec. Street Car Manfg. Synd. Ltd.).
- CRAIG, A. (Engineer, Humber & Co., Ltd.).
- CRAIG, Thos. (Dir., Yorkshire Motor Co., Ltd.).
- $ CRAMPTON, W. J., 56, Regent Road, Great Yarmouth.
- CHASTIN, C., 16, Tollington Road, Holloway (Oil Motors and Calcium Carbide).
- CRAWFORD, M., 37, New Oxford Street, W.C.
- $ CRAWSHAY, W. C. (Automobile Club).
- CREESE & CO., 58, Middleton Street, Rosebery Avenue, E.C. (Oil Motors.)
- $ CRITCHLY, J. S., Willey House, Coventry (Wks. Man., Daimler Motor Co., Ltd.).
- CROMPTON, R. E., Thriplands, Kensington Court, W.
- CROS, A. DU (Dir., Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (Continental), Ltd.; Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (South Africa), Ltd.).
- CROS, HARVEY Du (Dir., Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (S. Africa) Ltd.; Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- CROS, HARVEY DU (jun.), (Dir., Cycle Components Mfg. Co. Ltd.).
- CROSSLEY, F. W., Openshaw, Manchester.
- CROUCH, J., Motor Agency Co., Ryley Street, Coventry.
- $ CROWDEN, C. T., Motor Works, Leamington. (See Advt. p. xxxiv.)
- CROWDUS, W. A. (Dir., Crowdus Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- $ CUMMING, SIR M. GORDON, Gordonston, Hopeman, Elgin, N.B.
- CUNNINGHAM, CAPT. A. B., 98, Buckingham Palace Road, S.W.
- CUTHBERT. F. (Dir., Cycle Pat. Pump Co., Ltd.).
- CUTTING & CO., Viaduct Engineering Works, Hanwell.
- DAGNALL, E., 30, Maude Grove, Fulham. (Vol. 2, p. 314.)
- $ DAIMLER, G., Cannstadt, Wurtemberg, Germany.
- DAND, R. (Sec., Drake and Gorham Elec. Power and Traction Co., Ltd).
- DANGERFIELD, W., (Dir., London Motor Van and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- DARBY, J. (Dir., Cycle Patent Pump, Co., Ltd.).
- DARWIN, MAJOR L. (Dir., L. R. G. P. Co., Ltd.).
- DAVENPORT, J. E. (Dir., Mann's Pat. Cart and Wagon td.).
- DAVIDSON, CoL. C. 51. (Dir., London Steam Omnibus Co.,do., Ltd. ; Motor Traction Co., Ltd.).
- DAVIDSON, T. (Dir., Elec. Traction Co.. Ltd.).
- DAVIS, C. (Dir., W. C. Bersey & Co., Ltd.).
- DAVIS, H. T., 115, Lewisham Road, S.E. (Steering Gear).
- DAVIS, J. W. (Sec., Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- DAVY, J. W. (Dir.,Humber & Co., Lt,d.).
- DAWSON's, Stour Street, Canterbury (Dawson Motor).
- $ DEAKIN, J. H., Loughrigg Brow, Ambleside, Windermere.
- DELAHAYE MOTOR Co., Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.
- DELECROIX, Ad., (Dir., Delecroix Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- DELECROIX, X. (Dir., Delecroix Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- DEMPSTER, A. (Dir., Blackpool Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- DENNIS BROS., 94, High Street, Guildford (Light Cars).
- D'ERLANGER, BARON (Dir., New Genl. Traction Co., Ltd.).
- $ DE STERN, H., 26, Princes Gate, S.W.
- DES VIGNES, G. F. G., Strand-on-the-Green, Chiswick.
- DICK's ASBESTOS CO., Victoria Works, Trinity Street, Canning Town, E. (Pickings, Lubricating Oil, Engineers' Stores).
- DISMOR, J. S. (Dir., Pretot Motor Synd. Ltd.).
- DOBSON, Cardiff Central Dry Dock, Cardiff.
- DOMINY, G., King Street, Weymouth (Transmission Gear, &c.).
- DONKIN, BRYAN, Southwark Park Road, Bermondsey, S.E.
- DORMAN ENGINEERING CO., The Mayorhold, Northampton (Quadricycle).
- DORMER, E. H. (Dir. Toni Tyre Synd., Ltd.).
- DOUBLEDAY, V. C., (Dir., (Sec., Nat. Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.).
- DOUGLAS, J. (Dir., Wm. Douglas & Sons, Ltd.).
- DOUGLAS, L. M. (Dir., Wm. Douglas A. Sons, Ltd.).
- DOUGLAS, T., (Dir., Win. Douglas A Sons, Ltd.).
- DOUGLAS, W. (Dir., Wm. Douglas & Sons, Ltd.).
- DOWSING, H. J., 24, Budge Row, E.C. (Pretot Motor Synd., Ltd., &c.).
- DRAKE, B. M. (Dir., Monobloc Accumulator Synd., Ltd.; Drake & Gorham Elec. Power and Traction Co., Ltd.).
- DRAKE, J. A., "Brandon," Ellys Road, Coventry (Daimler CO.).
- DRESDEN, G., 11, South John Street, Liverpool (Butler's Motor Tricycles, .).
- DRUCKER, A., 39A, Curzon Street, W.
- $ DRUMMOND, P., Batterflats, Stirling, N.B.
- DUCK, W. H. (Dir., Cambridge and E. Counties Automobile Co., Ltd.).
- DUGARD, W. H., Vulcan Mills, Bridge Street West, Birmingham.
- $ DUGDALE, J. B., Automobile Club.
- DUNCAN, H. O., (Dir., De Dion Boston Brit. and Colonial Synd., Ltd.).
- $ DUNCOMBE, CAPT. THE HON. CECIL, The Grange, Nawton, Yorks, R.S.O.
- DUNHILL, A., 147, Euston Road, N.W. (Fittings &c.).
- DUNKELSBUHLER, B. (Dir., Cycles and Automobiles Michaux, Ltd.).
- $ DUNKLEY, W. H., World's Factory, Birmingham (Gas Motors).
- EADIE, A., (Dir., Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- EARLE, H. A., (Dir., Mather and Platt, Ltd.).
- ECLIPSE BRASS AND COPPER CO., LTD., Halifax (Schanschieff Battery).
- ECKSTEIN, A. (Dir., Gen. Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- $ EDGE, S. F., 7, Tavistock Chambers, Hall Street, W.C. (Dir., Paris Singer, Ltd.; Dunlop Motor Co., Ltd., ; De Dion Bouton Brit. and Colonial Synd., Ltd.; Ariel Cycle Co., Ltd.; Gen. Man. Cycle Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.).
- EDINBURGH AUTOCAR CO., London Road, Abbey Hill, Edinburgh.
- $ EDMUNDS, H., 71, Upper Tulse Hill, S.W.
- EDWARDS, E. F. (Dir., B'ham Vehicle Owners' Assurance, Ltd.).
- EELES. R. (Dir., David Martyn & Co., Ltd.).
- $ EGERTON. H. W., Weston Rectory, Norwich.
- ELDERFIELD, W. R. (Sec., Ariel Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- $ ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER CO., 74, Caistor Road, Bantam, S.W.
- ELIAS, E. (Dir., Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co.. Ltd.).
- $ ELIESON, C. P., 75, Edith Road, West Kensington, W. (Dir., Elieson Lamina Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- ELLICE-CLARK, E. B. (Dir., Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- $ ELLIOT, T. R. B.. Clifton Park, Kelso, N.B.
- $ ELLIS, JESSE, & Co., Maidstone, Kent (Engineers).
- $ Ellis, MAJ.-GEN. SIR ARTHUR, K.C.V.O., &c., 22, Portland Place, W.
- $ ELLIS, THE HON. EVELYN, Datchet, nr. Windsor (Dir., Lon. Elec. Cab Co., Ltd.; Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- ENGLAND, A. V. (Dir., Motor Omnibus Synd., Ltd.).
- $ ENGLAND, MAJ.-GEN. E. L., C.B., King's Gatchell, Trull, nr. Taunton. Somerset.
- Esson, J. (Dir., Glen's Steel-shielded Rubber Tyre Svnd., Ltd.).
- $ ESTCOURT, E., Elsmere Mansions, Canfield Gardens, Hampstead.
- EUROPEAN CYCLES CONSOLIDATED CO., 149, Albany Road, Camberwell (Motocycles).
- EVANS, A. F., 107, Wool Exchange,.E.C. (Monarch Motor).
- EVANS, Thos. (Dir., Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- EVATT, Dr. F., Waterbach, Cambs.
- EVERATT, G. (Dir., Challiner, &c., Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- EYRE, H. S., 6, Grosvenor Gardens, St. Leonards-on-Sea.
- FAIRCLOUGH, A. (Dir., Motor Van Synd., Ltd., &c.).
- FAIRCLOUGH, M., 10, Christian Street, St. George's-in-the-East (Dir., Motor Van Synd., Ltd., &c.).
- FAIRE, S. (Dir., Leicester Motor Car Co.. Ltd.).
- FANTA, F. (Dir., Nat. Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.).
- $ FARNELL, A. (Ch., Bradford and District Cycle, Ste. Assn., Ltd.).
- FARRANT, SIR RICHARD, (Dir., Elec Traction Co., Ltd.).
- FAVET, M., Hatton Garden, E.C. (Bevel Gene).
- FEATHERLEY, W., Watford.
- FENNELL, C. W., 82, Westgate, Wakefield (Dir., London Auto-car Co., Ltd.).
- FENNEY, HOWARD, Messrs. Hearl & Tonks.
- FERRUBRON MFG. Co., 143, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. (Lubricant).
- FIRTH, T. H. (Dir., Trusty Engine Wks.,Ltd.)
- FIRTH. T. W.. 140, upper Tulsa Hill, S.W.
- FISH, G. A. (Dir., Mansfield Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ FISCHER, F. Von. (Automobile Club).
- FLACK, T. S. (Dir.; Lon. Elec. Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- FLETCHER, J. R. (Dir. Boags Crescent Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- FLETCHER, W., 128, West Parade, Lincoln.
- FOLLARD, H. (See., Brazil, Holborow & Straker, Ltd.).
- $ FOORT, R., 19, Queen Street, Oxford.
- $ FORBES, SIR CHAS., Queen's Gate, S.W.
- FORBES, D. (Dir., Leecoll Elec. Battery, Co., Ltd.).
- FOSTER, R. Le N. (Dir., Clayton Eng. and Elec. Construction Co., Ltd.).
- FOWLER, E. (Man. Dir., B'ham Rly. Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- FOX BROS., LTD., Wellington, Somerset.
- FOX, H. (Lon. Elec. Omnibus, Co., Ltd.).
- FRADD, M. (Dir., Elieson Lamina Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- FRAXENBURG, H. (Frankenburgs, Ltd.), 28, Snow Hill, Birmingham.
- FRANKLIN, G. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston'Co., Ltd.).
- FRASER, J. (Dir.. Carbide of Calcium Supply Synd., Ltd.).
- FRASER, F. H. 98, Commercial Road, E.
- FREMLIN, R. J. (Dir., Jesse Ellis & Co:, Ltd.).
- FRENMEL F. (Automobile Assocn, Ltd.).
- FRIEDENHAIN, H., 16-20, Farringdon Avenue, E.C. (Axles, &c.).
- FRIEND, MAX (Dir., Crowd. Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- $ FRISWELL, CHAS., 18, Holborn Viaduct, E.C.
- FULLER & Co., Griffin Brewery, Chiswick.
- $ FULLER, H. H. (Automobile Club).
- FULLER, H. J. (Dir., Adair Pneumatic Tyre Synd. Ltd. ; De Dion Bouton Brit. and Colonial Sy nd., Ltd.).
- $ FULLER, R. H. (Automobile Club).
- $ FULLERS, SMITH & TURNER, Chiswick (Brewers).
- FURNEAUX, T. B., Victoria Works, Gateshead-on-Tyne.
- GALLOWAY, THE RT. HON. THE EARL OF, K.T., 17, Upper Grosvenor Street.
- GALTON, SIR DOUGLAS, K.C.B., He., He., 12, Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, S.W.
- GAMBLE, H. E. (Dir., Fluid Pressure En, Synd., Ltd.).
- GAMBLE, J. (Dir., Kelham Rolling Mills, Ltd.).
- GANSS, JULIUS (Automobile Club).
- GARDNER, F. L. (Chairman, American Automobile Motor Co., Ltd.).
- GARNER, G. (Dir., Clayton Eng. and Elec. Construction Co., Ltd.).
- GARRARD, C. R. (Man. Dir., Garrard Mfg. Co., Ltd.).
- GARRETT, J. D. (Man. Dir. Forward Eng. Co., Ltd.).
- GAS LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT CO., LTD., 18, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, E.C. (Wholesale Petrol).
- $ GASCOINE, E., Hamilton Lodge, Ascot Road, Moseley, Birmingham.
- GEDDES, W. M. (Dir., Motor Touring Co., Ltd.).
- GEERING, T., & SON, Rolvenden, Kent (Heavy Oil Motor Cars).
- GEIGER, A. (Vice-Chairman, American Auto-Motor Co., Ltd.).
- GIBBONS BROS., Belmont, Surrey (Motor Factors).
- GILBERT, RALPH, & SON, John Bright Street, Birmingham (Petrol Motors, Axles, &e.).
- GILLESPIE, T. (Dir., Boags Ciescent Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- GILLETT, E. (Dir., Motor Omnibus Synd., Ltd.).
- $ GILLETT & CO., Hounslow (Steam Vehicles).
- GLENDENNING, A. (Dir., Edinburgh Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- GLEW, J. H. (Dir., Glew's Steel-shielded Rubber Tyre Syndicate, Ltd.).
- GLOVER & SONS, Eagle Works, Warwick.
- $ GOFF, W. G. D. GLENVIDLE, Waterford (Dir., Dunlop Pneu. Tyre Co., Ltd. ; do. (Continental), Ltd. ; and do. (S. Africa), Ltd.).
- GOODWIN, A. S. 9, John Street, Hampstead (Tyre).
- $ GOODWIN, A., Ormonde Cycle Co., Ltd., Wells Street, Oxford Street, W.
- GORDON CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Seven Sisters Road, N. (Motocycles).
- GORHAM, J. M. (Dir., Monobloc Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO., Farringdon Road, E.C. (Motocycles).
- GORTON, S. (Dir., Beeston Motor Co., Ltd.).
- $ GOWAN, F. M., 26, Clarendon Square, Leamington Spa.
- $ GRAHAME-WHITE, C., Blairmore. Bedford.
- GRAND COLOSSEUM WAREHOUSE CO., 70, Jamaica Street, Glasgow (Motor Vehicles).
- GRAY, A. (Dir., Edinburgh Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- GRAY, M. (Man. Dir., I. R. G. P. Co., Ltd.).
- GRAY, R. K. (Dir., I. R. G. P. Co., Ltd.).
- GREEN & BOULDING, 21, Featherstone Street, City Road, E.C. (Friction Clutch).
- GREEN, F. (Dir., E.P.S. Co., Ltd.).
- GREENWOOD, A. (Dir., Power and Traction, Ltd.).
- GREG, E. H., Junr. (Dir., Swain Patents Synd., Ltd.).
- $ GREGOIRE, O. (Automobile Club).
- $ GREGSON, C. K. (Automobile Club).
- GREIG, A. BURNESS, St. Dunstan's House, Idol Lane, E.C.
- $ GRETTON, J. H. (Chairman, Motor Manfg. Co., Ltd.).
- $ GREVILLE, A. E., 2, Staple Inn, Holborn, W.C.
- GRIBBIN, T. M. (Sec., Electromotors, Ltd.).
- GRIFFIN, GEN. E. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- GRIFFITHS, W. (Dir., Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- GRIMES, E. V. (Dir., Grimes Bros., Ltd.).
- GRIMES, F. W. (Dir., Grimes Bros., Ltd.).
- $ GRIMSHAWE, C., The Avenue, Apsley Guise.
- GRINDLE, G. A. (Dir., Chloride Elec. Storage Synd., Ltd.).
- $ GROSS, J., 63, Gold-street, Northampton.
- GROVER, F., A.M.I.C.E., Ac., Greek Street Chambers, Leeds.
- $ GROVES & SONS, Brewers, Weymouth.
- GRUBB, SIR H., Knight, Rathmines, Dublin (Vol. 3, p. 223).
- $ GUDGEON, J., Temple Bar, Stowmarket, Suffolk.
- $ GUINNESS, HON. A. E. (Automobile Club).
- $ GUINNESS, HON. R. (Automobile Club).
- GUNG, N. (See. Gen., Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- GUNN, MARCUS, Shipowner, Cardiff (Dir., Marquand Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- GYDE, J. E. (Sec., Forward Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- HALL, J. W., 1, Wiltshire Road, Brixton. (Vol. 2, p. 428.)
- HALL, R. GRESLEY (London Steam Omnibus Co.).
- HALL, R. F. (Dir., Midland Cycle A Motor Ban. Co., Ltd.).
- HALLETT, COUNCILLOR, Cardiff Central Dry Dock, Cardiff,
- HAMEVER, F. (Dir., Mansfield Motor Car CO., Ltd.).
- HAMILTON, G. T. (Dir., Blackpool Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ HAMILTON, P., Seaford Lodge, Ryde.
- HAMSPOHN, J. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- HANCOCK, W., 10, Upper Chadwell Street, Myddelton Square, E.C.
- $ HANDYSIDE, G., Newcastle-on-Tyne.
- HANKEY, HERBERT, J.P., 67, Elba Park Gardens, S.W.
- HANKINSON, R. M., 12, Norfolk Street, W.C.
- HARDY, G. A. (Dir., Auxiliary Steam Power Co., Ltd.).
- $ HARDY, WM.. (Automobile Club).
- HARDY & PODMORE, Worcester Foundry, Worcester (Southall's Oil Engine).
- $ HARGREAVES, J. R., Witchingham Hall, Norwich.
- HARKER, W. E. (Dir., Boags Crescent Carriage Co. Ltd.).
- $ HARMSWORT, A., J.P., 36, Berkeley Square, London, W.
- $ HARMSWORTH, H. (Automobile Club).
- $ HARPER, Josh, JUN., Heath Park, nr. Aberdeen.
- HARPER, WM., 33, Bridge Street, Aberdeen (Benz. Motors).
- HARRAP, G. T., 34, Queen Street, E.C.
- HARRISON, J. (Dir., New Coventry Cross Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- HARRISON & SONS, Porchester Foundry, Birmingham (Fittings, Ac.).
- HARROP, J. (Dir., Epicyclic Manfg. Co., Ltd.).
- HART, J. J., (Fleet Carriage- and Motor-Wheel Works, Fleet Street, Coventry (Tyres and Wheels).
- HART, S. W. (Dir., "Hart" Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- HARVEY, JULIUS, & CO., 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. (Steam, Oil and Electric Motor Vehicles of all kinds). (See Advt. p. v.)
- HARVEY, E. D. (Dir., Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- HATTERSLEY, C. H. (Dir., Trusty Engine Works, Ltd.).
- HATTERSLEY, R. L. (Dir., Mann's Patent Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- HAYLES, C. (Dir., Motor Omnibus Synd., Ltd.).
- HAYTER, H. (Chairman, Hull and District Cycle Trades Assn., Ltd.).
- HEADECH, S., Eastwell Park, Ashford, Kent (Headsets Motor).
- HEALEY, C. W.. (Dir., Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (Continental), Ltd.).
- HEAP-SOUTHALL, R., 22, Chestnut Avenue, Headingley, Leeds.
- HEATH, ROBT., P.P. (Dir., British Aluminium Co., Ltd.).
- $ HEATLY, H. (Automobile Club).
- HECKFORD, A. E., Birmingham (Hubs and Ignition Tubes).
- HEDGES, K., 92, Victoria Street, S.W.
- HELE-SHAW, PROFESSOR S., University College, Liverpool.
- HELY, C. W. (Dir., Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., (S. Africa), Ltd.; do. (Continental) ; Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.. Ltd.).
- HEMING, A. E., Amberley House, Norfolk Street, W.C.
- HEMSLEY, H. S. (Dir., London Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- HENSER, W. H. (Dir., Pearson, Hollis & Co., Ltd.).
- HENWOOD, E. N., 22, Great St. Helens, E.C. (Engineer, &c.)
- HEPENSTAL, L. (Dir., Components Mnfg. Co_., Ltd.).
- $ HEWETSON, H., 77, Oxford Street,W. (Man. Dir., Hewetson's, Ltd.).
- $ HEYERMANS, C., 71, Eardley Crescent, S.W.
- HERWOOD, T. M., Shipowner, Cardiff (Dir., Marquand Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- HIGGS & CO., 17, Ironmonger Lane, E.C. ("Champion" Car).
- HIGGINS, E. S., 127, Brixton Hill, Brixton. (Vol 2, p. 313.)
- HIGGINS, T. W., A.M.I.C.E., Surveyor, Chelsea Vestry.
- HIGHAM, R. (Dir., Thornton Motor Co., Ltd.).
- HILL, E., 56, Broomhall Street, Sheffield ("Benz." Motor).
- HILL, E. H. Betna Works, Sheffield (Accessories.)
- $ HILL, P., Winuals, Hayward's Heath.
- HILL, ROWLAND (Dir., Beeston Motor Co., Ltd.).
- HILLIER, G. LACY, 75, Old Broad Street, E.C.
- HILLs, A. F. (Dir., Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- HILLs, T. H. (Dir., Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- HIPPISLEY, B., Ston Easton Park, Bath.
- HIRST H. (Dir., Gen. Elec. Co. Ltd.).
- $ HODGES, W. M., 86, Chiswell Street, E.C. (Lond. Motor Van and Wagon Co.).
- HODGSON, A. E. (Eclipse Brass and Copper Co., Ltd.).
- HODGSON, L., Suffolk Street, Sunderland.
- HODSON, L. W. (Dir., Forward Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- HOFFMANN, R. (Dir., Motor Manfg. Co., Ltd.).
- $ HOLDEN, MAJOR H. L., R.A., The Eves, Belvedere, Kent,
- HOLDEN, J. J. (Dir., Mather and Platt, Ltd.).
- $ HOLDER, J. A., Pilmaston, Moor Green, Birmingham.
- HOLFORD, W. D. (Chairman, Glew's Steel Shielded Rubber Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- HOLLAMS, J., jun. (Automobile Club).
- $ HOLLIS, G. J., (Dir., Pearson, Hollis and Co., Ltd.).
- HOLMES & SONS, Norwich (Engineers).
- HOLMES, J. H., & Co., 17, Soho Square, W., and Newcastle (Electric Motors).
- HOLROYD, J. (Dir., Compound Hydro-Carbon Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- HOLT, ALFRED, 1, India Buildings, Liverpool.
- HOLT, F. (Sec., P. Souvestre & Co., Ltd.).
- HOLT, G. W. (Dir., Quickfast Pat. Tyre Tyre, Co., Ltd.).
- HOLT, H. E. S., 1, St. James's Street, S.W. (Daimler Co.; Taxameter Synd.. Ltd.).
- HOLT, H. P., 22, Chancery Lane, E.C.
- HONEY, E. (G. R. Blot & Co., Ltd.); 17, Godliman Street, E.C.
- HOPE, H. D. (Dir., Forward Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- HOPKINS, E. A. (Dir., New Gen. Traction Co., Ltd.).
- HOPKINS, G., Clun House, Surrey Street, W.C. (Consulting Engineer).
- HOPKINSON, E. (Dir., Mather and Platt, Ltd.).
- HOPKINSON, ED., D.Sc., &c. (Dir., Chloride Elec. Storage Synd., Ltd.).
- HOPWOOD, J. T., 5, Bury Street, St. James's, S.W.
- HORNE, J. J. (Dir., Motor Touring Co., Ltd.).
- HORNSBY, R., & SONS, Grantham (Automotors).
- $ HOUSE, A., 68, Grantham Road, Bradford (Sec., Bradford Cycle and Motor Car Traders' Association, Ltd.
- $ HOUSE, H. A., JUN. (Liquid Fuel Eng. Co., East Cowes, Isle of Wight).
- HOW, T. W., Roller Bearings Delahay Street, Westminster.
- HOWARD, 13, Theobald's Row, Co.,A.). (lyres and Repairs).
- $ HOWARD, R., Durdham Down Villas, Westbury Road, Bristol.
- HOWELL J. C. (Dir., Epicyclic Mfg. Co., Ltd.).
- HOWELL, Thos. H. (Man. Dir., Thomas H. Howell, Ltd.).
- HOWES BROS., 13, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich (Cycle. and Motor Makers).
- $ HOWEY, MAJOR J. E. W., The Grange, Woodbridge.
- $ HOWL, E. (Automobile Club).
- HUDSON, F. (Dir., Sun Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- $ HUNT, G. (Automobile Club).
- HUNT, J. M. (Dir., Birmingham Vehicle Owners' Assurance, Ltd.).
- HUNT, R. (Dir., International Engine Pats. Develpt. Co., Ltd.).
- $ HUNTER & Co., East Down Works, Lewisham (Automotor Vehicle Manufacturers).
- $ HUNTER, J., M.B., Locligilphead, N.B.
- HUPFELD & Co., 7, Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Street, E.C.
- $ HURST, W. (Automobile Club).
- HURST & LLOYD, 257, High Holborn, W.C. (Petrol Motors, Gauges, &e.).
- HUSSEY, H. P. (Sec., Thames Ironworks Shipbldg. and Eng. Co., Ltd.).
- $ HUTCHINSON F. W. H. (Automobile Club ; Dir., Cambridge and E. Counties Automobile Co., Ltd.).
- HUTCHINSON, W. (Dir., Mann's Pat. Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- HUTTON, A. H., Stonehall, Eccleshall, Bradford (Chairman Yorkshire Motor Car Co.).
- $ HUTTON, J. E. (Automobile Club).
- $ HYLER-WHITE, T., c/o John Smith Jr Co., Grove Iron Works, Carshalton.
- $ IBBETSON, G. B., Fore Street, Camborne, Cornwall.
- $ IDEN, G.,. A.M.I.M.E. (Motor Mfg. Co.).
- ILIFFE, W. (Dir., Beeston Motor Co., Ltd.).
- ILLINGWORTH, E. (Dir., Bradford Cycle and Motor Car Assocn., Ltd.).
- ILLSTON, G. (Dir., Brampton Bros., Ltd.).
- $ INSTONE, E. M. C., 27, rue le Peletier, Paris, and Automobile Club de France (Man., Automatic Magneto Elec. Ignition Co., Ltd.).
- $ INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO., 106, Portland Street, Oxford Street, W. (Manufacturers and Agents).
- ISON, W. E. (Dir., Bedford Motor Car Synd., Ltd.).
- $ JACKSON, F., & Co., Motor Depot, 77, Oxford Street, W.
- JACOBS, J. B. (Man. Dir., Wearwell Cycle Accessories Co., Ltd.).
- JAFFRAY, J. M., The Styd House, Lyndhurst, Hants.
- JAMESON, MAJOR J. E., (Dir., Leather Shod Wheel Co., Ltd.).
- JAMES & BROWN, 155, Buckingham Palace Rd., S.W. (Petrol Motor).
- $ JARROTT, C., 40, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (Sec., British Motor Co. ; Dir., Dunlop Motor Co., Ltd.).
- JARVIS, A. W. (Dir., I.R.G.P. Co., Ltd.).
- JARVIS, G. E. (Dir., Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- JEFFERIES, W. (Sec., B'ham Rly. Carr. & Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- JEFFREY, R. D. (Dir., Tyne Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- JENKINSON, Sir E., K.C.B. (Dir., Daimler Motor Co,. Ltd.).
- JENNINGS, E. A. (Dir., Wellington Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ JOEL, H. F., A.M.I.C.E. (Dir. Nat. Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.).
- $ JOHNSON, C., 14, Argyll Mansions, Addison Bridge, W. (Sec Automobile Club and Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.)
- JOHNSON, MATHEY & Co., 78, Hatton Garden, E.C. (Ignition Tubes).
- JOHNSON, W. H., Jr SONS, Cycle and Motor Works, St. James's Street, King's Lynn.
- JOHNSON W. H. (Dir., Electromotors, Ltd.)
- JOHNSTON, G., 94, Hope Street, Glasgow (Carburator, &c.). (Vol. 2, p. 34.) (Mo-Car Synd., Ltd.).
- JONES, A., Castle Street, Liverpool, M.C.S.P.T.A.
- JONES, ALFRED L., J.P., 14, Castle Street, Liverpool.
- JONES, C. F. (Sec., British Aluminium Co., Ltd.).
- JONES, LAWRENCE, 14, Castle Street, Liverpool.
- JONES, W. H., Gloucester Works, Smithfield Passage, Birmingham.
- JOSSE, Capt. H. (Automobile Club).
- JUKES, S., Cirencester.
- JUNGE, C. (J. Lincoln & Co.), 75, Chancery Lane, W.C. (Consulting Engineer).
- JUVENET, J. P. (Dir., Paris Automobile Cab Co., Ltd.).
- KELVIN, LORD (Dir., Brit. Aluminium Co., Ltd.).
- $ KENNARD, E., J.P. (Automobile Club).
- $ KENNEDY, F. SHAW, Dyrock, Maybole, Ayrshire, N.B.
- KEY, S. H. (Dir., Midland Cycle & Motor Exn. Co., Ltd.).
- KEY, W. (London Adventure Corporation, Ltd.).
- KIDD, G. W. (Chairman, Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- "KING" MOTOR CAR CO., 70A, Rye Lane,Peckham.
- KING, H. P. (Sec., Cycle Pat. Pump Co., Lt.).
- KING, R. R., 7, Greek Street, Leeds (Dir., London Auto-car Co., Ltd.).
- KIRBY, F. HALL, M.I.C.R. East Dulwich and Peckham Rye (Dir., G. R. Blot & Co., Ltd. ; Leather Shod Wheel Co., Ltd.).
- $ KITTO, W. H. (Gormully & Jeffery), "Morvah," Hartington Road, Chiswick.
- $ KNIGHT, J. H., Barfield, Farnham.
- KNOWLES, E. (Dir., Swain Patents Synd., Ltd.).
- KNOWLES, J. H. (Dir., Leecoll Elec. Battery Co., Ltd.).
- $ KNOWLEs, R. M. Colston Bassett Hall, Brigham.
- $ KOOSEN, JOHN A., 1, Sussex Place, Southsea (Lutzmann Oil Motor).
- LAMBERT, W. (Dir., Leather Shod Wheel Co., Ltd.).
- $ LANCASHIRE STEAM MOTOR CO., Leyland, Lancashire (Steam Motor Vans, Buses, Drays, &c). T.A. " Motor, Leyland."
- LANCASTER, E. S. (Dir., Universal Motor Carriage & Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- $ LANCHESTER, F. W., Ladywood Road, Balham (Dir., Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd.). (Spirit Passenger Phaeton).
- LANE, HOWARD, 484, Corporation Street, Birmingham. (Vol. 2, p.35.) (Dir., Hydro-Pneumatic Traction Synd., Ltd.)
- $ LANGFORD, C. HARRIS, M.B., Crouch End, N.
- $ LANGRISHE, Capt. H. R. (Automobile Club).
- LATHAM, E., "Lamoone," Catford Bridge, S.E.
- $ LAURENCE, REV. F. S., 30, Augustus Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
- LAW, J., Gilmore Place, Edinburgh (Steam Motors).
- LAWRENCE & Co., 132, Latimar Road, W. (Gronvelles Gilled Tubes) .
- $ LAWRENCE, B. (Automobile Club).
- $ LAWSON, H. J., 40, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (Dir., British Motor Co., Ltd.; Dunlop Motor Co., Ltd.).
- LAZARUS, E. (Chairman, British Thomson-Houston, Co., Ltd.).
- LEA, J. P., 102, Princes Road, Moss Side, Manchester.
- $ LEDGER, A., Mayfield, Eltham Road, Lee, Kent.
- LEE, Col. F. W., Budleigh Salterton, Devon (Dir., Motor Car Supply Co., Ltd.).
- LEE, P., 34, Trongate, and 7, High Street, Glasgow (Oil and Petrol.)
- LEEDER, E. H. (F. M. Leeder & Son), Swansea (Dir., Swansea Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- LEFEBURE, E. E., A.M.I.C.E., Donington House, Norfolk Street, W.C. (Motor Carriage Supply Co.).
- $ LEHWESS, E. E., PH.D., LL.D., 10, Clanricarde Gardens, W. (Dir., Automobile Assocn., Ltd., &c.).
- $ LEOFFLER, H. (Automobile Club).
- LEONARD, W. J., Hope Chemical Works, Hackney Wick, N.E.
- LESLIE, G. J. (Dir., Pennington Motor Foreign Patents Synd., Ltd.).
- LETYCHTERS, S., 41, Acre Street, Leeds.
- LEVER BROS., LTD., Port Sunlight, Birkenhead,
- LEVETUS, C. (Ferrolite Elec. Synd., Ltd.).
- LEVETUS, E. L. (Dir., Ferrolite Elec. Synd., Ltd.).
- LEVETUS, H. (Dir., Ferrolite Elec. Synd.,
- LEVISON & STEINER, 43, Tabernacle Street, E.C. (Accessories).
- LEWIS & LEWIS, Townmead Engineering Works, Fulham, S.W.
- LINFORD & WILLSON, Bell Barn Yard, Birmingham (Fittings, &c.).
- $ LIQUID FUEL ENGINEERING CO., 20, Abchurch Lane, E.C. (Works East Cowes, Isle of Wight), Sec., W. J. Songhurst (Steam Engines, Steam Vans, Lorries and Omnibuses).
- LISLE, E. (Dir., Elec. Street Car Manufg. Synd., Ltd.).
- $ LISTER, F., Keighley, Yorks.
- LITTLE, G. H., 62, St. Martin's Lane, W.C. (Consulting Engineer).
- LIVERSIDGE, A. J., 196, Old Street, E.C. (Dir., Hydro-Pneumatic Traction Synd.. Ltd.).
- LIVERSIDGE, P. B., 196, Old Street, E.C. (Dir., Hydro-Pneumatic Traction Synd., Ltd.)
- LIVERSIDGE, W. H., Leadenhall Market, E.C. (Dir., Hydro-Pneumatic Traction Synd., Ltd.).
- LLOYD, T. J. (Sec., I.R.(.P. Ltd.).
- LOCOMOBILE CO. OF AMERICA Co., (London Agency), 52, Sussex Place, South Kensington.
- LOEWE, J. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- LOGAN, H. (Dir., Coulson's Synd., Ltd.).
- LORMANN, C., 36, Aldersgate Street, E.C. (Lamps).
- $ LOVE, JOHN, JUN., & Co., Motor Car Works, Kirkcaldy.
- LOYD, A. H. (Dir., Leecoll Elec. Battery Co., Ltd.).
- LUCAS, H., (Joint Man. Direc., Joseph Lucas, Ltd.).
- LUCAS, Jos. (Chairman and Joint Man. Director, Joseph Lucas, Ltd.).
- LUDLOW, F. (Dir., Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- LYCETT, ED., High Street, Deritend, Birmingham (Accessories).
- MACDONALD, C. B., THE RT. Hon. J. H. A., &c., 15, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh.
- MACE, J. H. (Dir., Daimler Co.; Leather Shod Wheel Co., Ltd. ; Lond. Elec. Cab Co., Ltd.).
- MACDONALD, A. (Dir., Edinburgh Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- MACDONALD, Lt.-Col., C.E. (Dir., London Steam Omnibus Co. Motor Traction Co., Ltd.).
- MACDONALD, N. (Dir., Edinburgh Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- MACKAILL, J. (Treas. Hull and Dist. Cycle Trades Assn., Ltd
- MACKENZIE, H. (Dir., Elieson Lamina Ace. Co., Ltd.).
- MACKENZIE CARRIAGE WORKS, 26 and 27, Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington Road, S.E.
- MACKINTOSH, A., jun., Cambridge and E. Counties Automobile Co., Ltd.).
- MACLULICH, J. M. (Sirdar Rubber Co.), 30, Moorgate Street, E.C.
- MACRORY, E., Q.C., 19, Pembridge Square, W.
- $ MAGRATH, COL. J., Bann-Aboo, nr. Wexford.
- MAHON, J. F., Hyde Park Club, Albert Gate, S.W.
- MAJOR & GILKES, 29, Broad Street, Reading.
- MAKINS BOILER PATENTS Co., Manchester (Steam Moto-Cars).
- MALLAM, J. S., 30, Moorgate Street, E.C.
- MALONEY, P. J. (Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- MALTBY, R. B. (Dir., Trusty Engine Wks., Ltd.).
- MAINWARING, The Hon. W. F. B. MASSEY, M.P. (Chairman, Acatene Cycle Co.).
- $ MANCHESTER, DUKE OF, 45 Portman Square, W.
- MANDER, C. T. (Dir.,Thomas Parker, Ltd.).
- MANN, Ed., Palace Chas., Westminster, S.W.
- MANN, J. H. (Dir.. Mann's Pat. Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- $ MANN, J. J., c/o Messrs. Marshall & Sons, Birmingham.
- MANN, W. HUTCHINSON (Dir., Mann's Pat. Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- MANN & CHARLESWORTH, Canning Works, Dewsbury Road, Leeds (Steam Vehicles).
- MANNING, R. (Dir., Motor Omnibus Synd., Ltd.).
- MARCUSON, E. (Niblett, Sutherland and Marcuson), 61, Chandos Street, W.C.
- MARLBOROUGH MOTOR Co., 105, North Road, Brighton.
- MARQUAND A. J. Con. Eng., Cardiff (Dir., Marquand Accumulator
- MARQUAND, A. J. (Dir., Marquand, Accumulator Co., Ltd.). .
- MARQUAND, H. B., Shipowner, Cardiff (Dir., Marquand, Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- MARRIOTT & COOPER, 1, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (Motocycles).
- MARSDEN, A. The Rookeries, Sandy Lane, Leyland (Vol. 3, p. 220).
- MARSHALL & Co., Belsize Works, Clayton, Manchester (Makers of Motor Cars, &c.— Hurtu System).
- MARSHALL, H. C., 7, Fen Court, E.C.
- MARSHALL, P. C. (New Rossleigh Cycle Motor Co., Ltd.).
- MARSHALL, Sons, & Co., Britannia Ironworks, Gainsborough.
- MARSHAM, HON H. (Dir., I.R.G.P., Co., Ltd.)
- MAROON, F., Tillington House, Cardiff (Dir., Marquand Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- MARTIN, C. (Sec., Endurance Motor Co., Ltd.).
- MARTIN, J. BROWN (Dir., Crowdus Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- MARTIN, W. A., & Co., 9, Pocock Street, Blackfriars, S.E. (Steam Motors).
- MARTINDALE, W. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- MARTYN, D. (Man., David Martyn & Co., Ltd.).
- MATHER, C. (Dir., Mather and Platt. Ltd.).
- MATHER, W. (Dir., Mather & Platt, Ltd.).
- MAUNDER, J. B. W. (Dir., Lon. Elec. Omnibus Co., Ltd.)
- MAWBEY, E. G. (C.E.), Town Hall, Leicester (Borough Engineer).
- MAXIM, H. S., 18, Queen's Gate Place, S.W. (Dir., H. S. Maxim Automobile Synd., Ltd.).
- MAXIM, HUDSON, c/o. T. A. Dennison & Co., 71, Gracechurch Street, E.C.
- MAY, T. C. (Dir., Bedford Motor Car Synd., Ltd.).
- MAYER, A., Hillmorton House, Coundon Road, Coventry (Daimler Co.).
- $ MAYHEW, M. (Automobile Club).
- McARTHUR, W. A. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- McCORMAC, C. (Dir., G. F. Smith, Ltd.).
- McCREEDY, G. D., (Dir., Leicester Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- McDONALD, D. D. (Dir., City Wheel and Carriage Works, Ltd.).
- McDONNELL, A. (Dir., Roots' Oil Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- McDOUGALL, A. (Dir., Electromotors, Ltd.).
- McDOWELL, G. C. (Dir., McDowell's, Ltd.).
- McDOWELL, J., sen. (Dir., McDowell's, Ltd.).
- McDOWELL, J., jun., (Dir., McDowell's Ltd.).
- McDOWELL, S. (Dir., McDowell's Ltd.).
- McINTOSH, R. Y., (Dir., David Martyn & Co., Ltd.).
- McLACHLAN, E. A., Engine Co., 14, Holborn Viaduct, E.C.
- $ McMANUS, J., 12, Pall Mall, S.W. (Headland Battery Co.).
- $ McMANUS, P., Albion Lodge, Brook Green, W.
- McMILLAN (Dir., Clew's Steel Shielded Rubber Tyre Synd. Ltd.).
- McNEIL, W., Makin's Boiler Patents Co., Manchester.
- MELLING, J., Dashwood House, E.C. (Pretot Motor).
- MELVILLE, H., 19, Kensington Court, W.
- MERZ, J. T. (Dir., Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- $ MEYER, M. (Automobile Club).
- MIDLAND MOTOR AGENCY, Acocks Green, Birmingham.
- MIDLAND RUBBER CO., Ryland. Street, Birmingham.
- MILES, C. F. (See Onward Motor Works).
- MILLAR, J., Paisley (Mo-Car Synd. Ltd.).
- $ MILLERSHIP, J. T., Kings Heath.
- MILLIGAN, J. (Dir., Mather & Platt, Ltd.).
- MILLS, W., Atlas Works, Bonner's Field, Sunderland (Aluminium Castings).
- MIRRLEES, WATSON & YARYAN CO., LTD., Glasgow (Diesel Engine).
- MITCHELL & SMITH, 59, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow (Accountants).
- MOLLETE, J. (Dir., Yorkshire Motor Ltd.).
- MONK & LONSDALE, 105, North Road, Co., righton.
- MONKS, H. R. (Man. Dir., British Thomson-Houston, Co., Ltd.).
- $ MONTAGU, HON. J. S., M.P. Beaulieu, Hants (Dir., De Dion Bouton Brit. and Colonial gynd.,Ltd.).
- $ MONTGOMERY, MAJOR-GEN. H. P., 35, Southgate Street, Winchester.
- $ MOORE, C. HARRINGTON, The Lodge, Avonmore Road, Kensington (Dir., Motor Carriage Supply Co., Ltd. ; Taxameter Syndicate, Ltd. ; Automatic Magneto-Elec. Ignition Co. F. and B., Ltd. ; Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- MOORE, (Dir. Cycle Components Mfg. Co., Ltd.).
- MOORE, S. J. (Dir., New Coventry Cross Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- MORCOM, A. (Dir., Belliss & Morcom, Ltd.).
- MORECRAFT, WELLINGTON & Co., Clement Avenue, High Street, Clapham,S.W.
- MORGAN H. (Man. Dir., Morgan's Chains and Pedals, Ltd.).
- $ MORRIS BROS., Pontypridd, Wales.
- MORRIS, FRANK, Kings Lynn (Motor and Cycle Agent).
- MORRIS, J. (Dir., Elec. Traction Co., Ltd.).
- MORRIS, J. C., Viner, Leeder & Morris, Swansea. (Dir., Swansea Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- MORTIMER, C. R., Cambridge Cycle Traders' Association, 11 and 12, Corn Exchange Street, Cambridge.
- MOSELEY, H. F. (Dir., Brazil, Holborow and Straker, Ltd.).
- MOTOR AGENCY CO., Ryley Street, Coventry.
- $ MOTOR CAR Co., 168, Shaftsbury Avenue, W.C.
- $ MOTOR TOURING CO., THE, Head Quarters, Llandudno (Petrol Stores, Accumulators charged, &c.).
- MOTOR VEHICLE CO., 14, Regent Street, S.W. (H. Du Cros and S. F. Edge).
- MOUNCIE, BARON A. T. de (Dir., Carbide of Calcium Supply Synd.).
- $ MUIR, E. C. (Automobile Club).
- MUIRHEAD, R., Lenrick House, Station Road, Maidstone.
- MULHOLLAND, Hon. A., J.P. (Automobile Club).
- $ MULLINER, A. F., Bridge Street, Northampton (Dir., Mulliner, London, Ltd. ; National Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.).
- MULLINER, A. G. (Dir., Mulliner, London, Ltd.).
- MULLINER, H. H. (Dir., Lond. Elec. Cab Co., Ltd.).
- $ MULLINER, H. J., Iris House, Grove Park, Chiswick.
- MURRAY, D. O. (Dir., Cycles and Automobiles Michaux, Ltd.).
- $ MURRAY, Dr. WM., Swinburne Castle, Barrasford on Tyne.
- MUSKETT, J., Higher Walton, near Warrington.
- $ NAINBY, C. M., Thorganby Hall, Grimsby.
- NAISMITH, W. (Dir., Stirling's Motor Carriages, Ltd.).
- $ NAPIER & Co., Vine Street, Lambeth, S.E. (Petroleum Spirit Motor).
- NAUHEIM, J. F. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- NEALE, D., 21, Rutland Square, Edinburgh (Electric Cars).
- $ NEW, A. G., The Voltage, Woking (Dir., International Engine Pats. Develpt. Co., Ltd.).
- $ NEWCASTLE, DUKE OF, 11, Hill Street, Berkeley Square, W.
- NEW COURIER CYCLE CO., Alexander Street, Wolverhampton (Motocycles).
- NEW GRAPPLER PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., 164, Corporation Street, Birmingham (Irish Registration).
- NEWMAN, W. H., Totteridge Park, Herts (Variable Speed Gear).
- NEWSTEAD, A. C. (Dir., Pretot Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- NEWTON, S. & Co., 167, Manor Street, Clapham, S.W. (Elec. and Mech. Engineers).
- NIBLETT, H. (Sec., Thornycroft Steam Wagon, Co., Ltd.).
- NIBLETT, J. T., 16, Colerain Road, Blackheath, S.E.
- NIBLETT, SUTHERLAND & MARCUSON, Chandos Street, W.C. (Electrical Engineers).
- $ NORBERT, REV. D., The Priory, Storrington, Sussex.
- NORRIS, W., Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., &C.
- $ NORTHEY, P. W., A.I.E.E., 34, Victoria Street, S.W. (Elec. Motive Power Co., Ltd.).
- NUNN, F. C., "Eastnor," Sydenham Hill, S.E.
- OLDHAM, F. G., Col. (Dir., Wright's Taper Roller Bearings Synd., Ltd.).
- OLIVERSON, C. H., 11, Queen's Road, Southport (Motor Car Builder and Agent).
- $ O'NEILL, V. F. (Automobile Club).
- ONWARD MOTOR & CYCLE WORKS, 417, Brighton Road, Croydon.
- $ OPPERMANN, C., 2, Wynyatt Street, Clerkenwell, E.C. (Electro-motor Cars). (See Advt. p. ir.)
- OSMOND CYCLE Co., The Tower, Begot Street, Birmingham (Motocycles).
- $ OUTHWAITE, T. R, Elie, Fife, N.B.
- PAGE, MAJOR FLOOD (Dir., Elec. Street Car Manfg. Synd., Ltd.; London Elec. Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- $ PAGET, R. A. S., 2, Harcourt Buildings, Temple (Dir., Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- $ PALETHORPE, C. H., Killiney, Rhyl, North Wales.
- PALMER, J. W., St. Paul's Road, Dorking (Dir., Marquand Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- PALMER SHIPBUILDING Co., Jarrow-on-Tyne.
- PALMER, T. C., 98, Commercial Road East (Dir., Motor Van Synd., Ltd.).
- $ PARIS SINGER & Co., Clapham, S.W. (Gas and Oil Engines). (See Advt. pp. x., xi.)
- $ PARKER, F., High Street, Slough.
- PARKER, Thos., J.P., Wolverhampton (G. R. Blot, Ltd., Elec. Street Car Manfg. Synd., Ltd. ; Thomas Parker, Ltd.).
- PARKER, THOS. H. (Dir., Fleet Street Car Manfg. Synd., Ltd.).
- PARKES, E., M.P. (Brampton Bros., Ltd.).
- PARKYN, F. H. (Dir., Midland Cycle and Motor Exn. Co., Ltd.)
- PARR, C. W. (Automobile Club).
- PARR, ELLIS, Brazil House, Isleworth, Middlesex.
- PARROTT, G. B. (Sec., Belliss & Morcom, Ltd.).
- PARSONS, HON. C. A. (Turbines), Newcastle-on-Tyne.
- PATERSON, H. R. (Dir., Lond. Elec. Cab Co., Ltd. ; Carter, Paterson, &e.).
- PAULTON, J. M., M.P. (Dir., Elec. Traction Co., Ltd.).
- PANT, F. (Dir., New General Traction Co., Ltd.).
- PAYNE, G. (Dir., Sun Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- PEACOCK, Dr. Prcye, Castleknock, Co. Dublin.
- PEACOCK, J. (Automobile Club).
- PEARSON, A. G. (Dir., Pearson, Hollis & Co., Ltd.).
- PEDLEY, G. F. (Daimler Motor Co., Ltd.).
- $ PEEK, FREAN & CO. Drummond Road, London, S.E.
- PEEK, W. (Dir., Madelvic Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- PENDER, SIR JAMES, BART. (Dir., E.P.S. Co., Ltd.).
- PENN, W. (Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.).
- PENNINGTON & BAINES, 5 & 6, Gt. Winchester St., E.C. (Oil Engines, &c.).
- $ PENNINGTON, E. J., 5 and 6, Great Winchester Street, E.C. (Pennington & Baines, &c.).
- PENNINGTON, H. S. W. (Dir., Glew's Steel Shielded Rubber Tyre Synd., Ltd.).
- PERKINS, W. P. (Sec., Joseph Lucas, Ltd.).
- PERMAN, A. E. (Sec., Dunlop Motor Co., Ltd.).
- PERRETT, Thos. J., 181, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. (Dir., Hydro. Pneumatic Traction Synd., Ltd.).
- PERRY & Co., Lancaster Street, Birmingham (Motocycles).
- PERRY, W. A. (Dir., Star Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- PETTER, E. W., 30, Trebovir Road, Earls Court, S.W.
- PETTER, HILL & BOLL (See Yeovil Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- PFEIL, STEDALL & SON, Broad Street, Bloomsbury (Wheels).
- PHILIPP & Co., 49, Farringdon Street, E.C. (Accessories).
- $ PHILLIPS, R. E., 70, Chancery Lane, W.C.
- PHILLIPS, W. (Gen. Man., Humber & Co., Ltd.).
- PICKARD, E. (Dir., Leicester Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- PICKARD, THEO. (Ch., B'ham Rly. Carr. & Wagon CO., Ltd.).
- PIGGOTT, J. 117, Cheapside, E.C. (Motorcycles).
- PILCHER, M. S. (Automobile Club).
- PINKNEY, C. W., 77, Raglan Road, Smethwick, Stafford.
- PITCHER, W. E., 4, Court Weaman Street, Birmingham (Petrol Engine).
- PLATT, J. (Dir., Mather & Platt, Ltd.).
- $ PLAYER-BRIGSTOCKE, W., The Terrace, Ryde, I. of W.
- POAD & HELPS, St. Phillips Bridge, Bristol.
- $ PORTER, DR. H. E. B., 5, Queen's Gardens, Windsor.
- POTTER, W., A.M.I.C.E. (Dir., Nat Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.).
- POWELL, E. (Dir., Humber & Co., Ltd.).
- POWELL, R. L., Heatherbank, Chislehurst.
- POWER, F. A., & SON, Saltley, Birmingham (Steel Sections and Wheel Nipples).
- $ POWER, H., 24, Portland Place, W.
- PREECE, W. H., Gothic Lodge, Wimbledon.
- PRICE, J. H. (Dir., Midland Cycle and Motor Exn. Co. Ltd.).
- PUGH, C. P., 434, Spon Street, Coventry (Dir., Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd.).
- PUGH, J. V. (Dir., Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd.).
- PUMPLIN, W. C. (Dir., Cambridge and Eastern Counties Automobile Co.. Ltd.).
- $ PURCHASE, E. K., Brackley Lodge, Weybridge, Surrey.
- $ PURCHASE, J. B., 14, Regent Street, W. (Dir., Dunlop Pneu. Tyre Co. (Continental), Ltd. ;. do. (South Africa) Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.
- RADAX PNEUMATIC TYRE Co., 51, Fountain Street, Manchester.
- RADFORD, W. H. (Dir., Humber & Co. Ltd.).
- RALPHO-WATSON CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., Oakfield Road, Altrincham.
- $ RAWLINSON, A., Winwick Warren, Rugby.
- RAYNE, H. (Dir., Motor Attachment Synd., Ltd.).
- RAYMOND, E. H. (Assist. Sec., Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- READ, A. (Sec., Monobloc Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- READ, E. T. (Universal Motor Carriage & Cycle Co., Ltd ).
- REANEY, D. L. (Bradford Cycle & Motor Car Assocn., Ltd.).
- REDWOOD, B. B., Glen Wathen, Church End, Finchley.
- REDWOOD, PROFESSOR BOVERTON, F.R.S.E., F.I.C., 4, Bishopsgate Street Within, London, E.C. (Petroleum Expert).
- REGENT ENGINEERING Co., Regent Parade, Birmingham (Motocycles).
- RENOLD, HANS, Brook Street, Manchester (Noiseless Transmission Chains).
- $ REYNOLDS, E. P., Ashdell Grove, Sheffield.
- RHODES, J. (Dir., Kelham Rolling Mills, Ltd.).
- RHODES, S. R. (Dir., Wearwell Cycle Accessories Co., Ltd.; Wearwell Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- RICHARDSON, P., 47, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (Daimler Motor Cp.).
- RICHTER MANUFACTURING CO., Bradford (Automatic Safety Guard).
- RICKARD, J. R. (Dir., Lond. Motor Car Wks. Co., Ltd.).
- RIGAUD, CAPT. H. C. (Dir., Motor Development Ccrp., Ltd. ; Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- RILEY CYCLE CO., Coventry (Motor Cycles).
- REMINGTON, E. C., Lynton House, The Park, Norwood, S.E.
- RISTORT, E. (Dir., British Aluminium Co., Ltd.).
- $ ROBERTS, Dr. T. PRITCHARD, St. Alban's.
- ROBERTSON'S INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR AGENCY, Woodstone, Peterborough (Rouxel Motor Voiturette).
- ROBINSON, C. (Automobile Club).
- ROBINSON, A. E. (Dir., Wearwell Cycle Accessories Co., Ltd.; Wearwell Motor Carriage Co:, Lad.).
- ROBINSON, F. A., The Park, Mansfield (Mansfield Motor Car Co.).
- ROBINSON, THOS. (Man. Dir., Motor Manufacturing Co.; Lond. Steam Omnibus Co.).
- ROBINSON & PRICE, Liverpool (Motor Cycles).
- ROBSON, J. J. (Ch. Dover and East Kent Motor Bus Co., Ltd.).
- RODEWALD, F. A. (Dir., Thames Valley Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ ROE, E. H. (Automobile Club).
- $ ROGET, S. R.. (Automobile Club).
- ROLFE, J. H. H. (Dir., Pretot Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- ROLLASON, A., Winnick Warren, Nottingham.
- ROLLESTON, Sir J. F. L. (Dir., Clyde Cycle & Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ ROLLS, HON. C. S., South Lodge, Rutland Gate, S.W.
- $ ROOTS, J. D., 100, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.
- ROSE, A. A. (Dir., Madelvic Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- $ ROSS, W. D., Oathorpe, Palmer's Green, N.
- ROTHERHAM & SONS, Coventry (Lubricant, Re.)
- $ ROTHSCHILD, BARON A. DE (Automobile Club).
- ROUGH, F. & Co., 21, Commercial Road, Hereford.
- ROVER CYCLE Co., Coventry.
- ROWBOTHAM, W., 27, Vittoria Street, Birmingham.
- ROWLETT, W. T. (Dir., Leicester Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- RUBERY & CO., Victoria Ironworks, Darlaston, S. Staffs. (Frames) (See Advt. p. xxxii.)
- RUCK, E. W. (Dir., Wright's Taper Roller Bearings Synd., Ltd.).
- RUCKER, M. D. (Dir., Humber & Co.; Ltd.).
- $ RUSH, C. H. E. (London Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- $ RUSSELL, EARL (Automobile Club).
- RUSSELL, S., 1, Windmill Hill, Cranbrook.
- RYVES, R. A.. c/o T. W. Barber, 17 and 18, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.
- SALMONS, LUCAS (Man., Newport Pagnel Motor Car Synd.)
- SALMONS & SONS, Newport Pagnell, Bucks.
- $ SALOMONS, SIR DAVID, BART., Tunbridge Wells (Dir., Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- SALTER, T., Cycle and Motor Mfr., London Road, St. Leonard's-on-Sea.
- $ SAMPSON, CAPT. G. D., 18, Hyde Park Gate, S.W.
- $ SAMPSON, J. LYONS, Harewood Chambers, 274, Oxford Street.
- SAMUELSON & CO., LTD., Britannia Wks., Banbury (Motor Engines).
- SAMUELSON, E., Bodicote Grange, Banbury.
- SANGSTER, C. (Dir., Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.; Ariel Cycle Co., Ltd.; Cycle Components Mfg. Co. Ltd.).
- SARGEANT, W. S., Kew Bridge, Chiswick (Launches and Tubular Boilers).
- SARTORIS, F., J.P. (Dir., Motor Development Corp., Ltd.; Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- SARTORIS, H., J.P. (Dir., Motor Development Corp., Ltd.; Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- $ SAUNDERSON, H. P., Kempton Road, Bedford (Dir., R. Saunderson & Co., Ltd.).
- SAVAGE & CO., King's Lynn.
- SAVEN, C. (Sec., Hull and District Cycle Trades Assn., Ltd.).
- SAWYER, E. E. (Dir., Elec. Traction Co., Ltd.).
- $ SAYER, E. C., 14, King Street, Ipswich (Inspector of Petroleum).
- $ SAYER, R. C., 11, Clyde Road, Redland, Bristol.
- $ SCAMELL, E. (Automobile Club).
- SCARBOROUGH, J. (Man., City and District Motor Supply, Ltd.), 56, Broad Street, Birmingham.
- $ SCHENLEY, G. A., Warsash, Hants.
- SCHLESINGER, S. (Dir., American Automobile and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- SCOTT, A. (Dir., I. R. G. P. Co., Ltd.).
- SCOTT, E. K., 194, Victoria Road, Old Charlton, Kent.
- SCOTT, T. (Dir., Jesse Ellis & Co., Ltd.).
- SEALE, J., 180, Castlenau, Barnes, S.W. ("Seal" Oil Engines.)
- SEATON, A. E. (Dir., Belliss and Morcom, Ltd.).
- SELIG SONNENTHAL & CO., 85, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
- $ SENNETT, A. R., Royal Institution, London (Consulting Engineer).
- SEVIER, C. J. F. (Sec., Power and Traction, Ltd.).
- SEYMOUR (Chairman, Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- SHANKS, F. (Dir., Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- SHANN, M. H. C. & R. E. C., Westfield, Bromley, Kent.
- SHANNESSY, J. J., 90, Northumberland Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne (Man. Dir., Midland Rubber Co., Ltd., and Non-Collapsable Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- SHAW & SONS, AMBROSE, Crawley (Motorcycles).
- SHAW, M. W., Eastbourne (Dir., Hydro-Pneumatic Traction Synd., Ltd.).
- SHAW-KENNEDY, F. D. C. (Dir., Roots' Oil Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- $ SNELLY, C. E., M.D., Hertford, Hants.
- $ SHERRATT, T. (Automobile Club).
- SHERRIN, J. VAUGHAN (Dir., Britannia Motor Co.).
- SHIPPEY, A., King Street, Cheapside (Dir., Shippey Bros., Lti. Riker Motor).
- SHIPPEY, F. J. (Dir., Shippey Bros., Ltd.).
- SHIPTON, E. R., 47, Victoria Street, S.W. (Cyclists' Touring Club, &C.).
- SHOWELL'S, W., (Dir., New Coventry Cross Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- $ SHREWSBURY AND TALBOT, THE RT. HON. THE EARL OF, 12A, George Street, Hanover Square.
- SIDDELEY, H. C. (Sec., Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- $ SIDDELEY, J. D. (Man. Dir., Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- SIEMENS, A., 12, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.
- SILVER, S. W. (Dir., I.R.G.P. Co., Ltd.).
- $ Simms, F. R. (Simms & Co.) (Dir., Motor Carriage Supply Co., Ltd.; Taxameter Synd., Ltd., &c.; Automatic Magneto - Elec. Ignition Co.(France and Belgium), Ltd.; Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- SIMMS & CO. Atnberley House, Norfolk Street, Strand (Consulting Engineers).
- SIMPSON, O., 14, Edward Terrace, New Town, Gt. Yarmouth.
- SIMPSON & BODMAN, Pomona Engine Works, Lund Street, Cornbrook, Manchester.
- SIMPSON, STRICKLAND & CO., Dartmouth, S. Devon (Launch and Automotor Vehicle Builders).
- $ SINGER, PARIS, 19, Kensington Court, S.W. (Dir., Paris Singer, Ltd.).
- SIRDAR RUBBER CO., 30, Moorgate Street, E.C.
- SKELTON (Dir., Yorkshire Motor Co., Ltd.).
- SLEATH BROS., Leamington.
- SMITH, A. (Dir., Mann's Pat. Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- SMITH, DAVID (Sec., E. P. S. Co., Ltd.).
- SMITH, E. (Dir., Leeds Carriage, Omnibus and Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- SMITH, E. E. (Dir., G. & J. Smith, Ltd.).
- SMITH, E. J. (Dir., Humber & Co., Ltd.).
- SMITH, E. SHRAPNELL, Royal Institution, Colquitt Street, Liverpool.
- SMITH, G. (Dir., G. & J. Smith, Ltd.).
- SMITH, G. F. (Gov. Dir., G. F. Smith, Ltd.).
- $ SMITH, HOLROYD, 47, Victoria Street, S.W. (Oil Motors).
- SMITH, J. (Dir., G. & J. Smith, Ltd.).
- SMITH, JOHN, & CO., Grove Ironworks, Carshalton, Surrey (Hyler-White Motor, &c.).
- SMITH, PARFREY, & CO., 141, Buckingham Palace Rd., S.W. (Wheels, &c.). (See Advt. p. xoxvii.)
- SMITH, R. A. (Mang. Dir., Power and Traction, Ltd.).
- SMITH, R. T. (Dir., Sun Elec. Co., Ltd.).
- SMITH, R. W. (Dir., Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- SMITH, T., 40, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (British Motor CO.).
- SMITH, T. V. (Dir., Smith, Parfrey, & Co., Ltd.).
- SNELL, S. (Dir., Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- $ SOAMES, E., 102, Windmore Road, Bromley.
- SOBERANO, P. (Dir., American Automobile and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- SONGHURST, J. (Liquid Fuel Engineering CO.).
- SOUTHERN MOTOR CAR & CYCLE CO., 59, Brixton Road, S.W.
- SOUTHEY, A. W., 16, Elm Street, Gray's Inn Road.
- SOUVESTRE, P., 19, Pilgrim Street, Liverpool (Dir., P. Souvestre & Co., Ltd.).
- SPAGNOLETTI, C. E., 2, Craven Terrace, Ealing, W. (Electrician).
- SPARKES, S. H. (Fox Bros., Ltd.).
- SPARR, B. F. (Dir., Toni Tyre Synd., Ltd.).
- STILLER, W. D., 113, Above Bar Street, Southampton.
- SPOONER, STANLEY, 62, St. Martin's Lane,W.Q.
- SPRATT, L. W. (Dir., Hart Accumulator, Co., Ltd.).
- $ SPURRIER, H., JUN., The Lodge, Leyland, Lanes.
- $ SPURRIER, H., SEN., Marston-on-Dove, Derby.
- STAINFORTH, C. (Dir., Toni Tyre Synd., Ltd.).
- STANLEY, W., St. Mary's Gate, Chesterfield.
- STAR MOTOR Co., Wolverhampton.
- STARLEY, J. K., Barra Hill House, Coventry.
- STATTER, J. GRICE (Man., Lond. Elec. Cab Co.).
- STAUNTON, V. W., Howth, Co. Dublin (Pitch Chain).
- STEADMAN, S. ST. J. (Director, Lond. Motor Van and Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- $ STEDMAN, H. DR., 145, East India Dock Road, Poplar, E.
- STEELE, F. R. C. Dir., G. R. Blot & Co., Ltd.).
- STEEN-NEILSON (P. Souvestre & Co., Ltd.), Liverpool.
- STEPHENS, R., Clevedon, Somerset.
- $ STIRLING, J., Ingleton, Hamilton, N.B. (Dir., Stirling's Motor Carriages, Ltd.).
- $ STOCKS, J. W. (Dir., Ariel Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- STOKES, J. W. (Dir., Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- STONE, J. HARRIS, M.A. (Dir., Dover and E. Bent Motor Bus Co., Ltd.).
- $ STOPES, A. D. Hillsleigh, Colchester.
- STRAKER, P. W., Gilmeston, Penn Road, Croydon (Daimler Co.).
- $ STRAKER, SIDNEY, 110, Cannon Street, E.C. (Oil Motors), (Dir. Brazil, Holborow & Straker, Ltd.).
- STRINGER, G. E., 92, New North Road, Huddersfield (Dir., Lond. Autocar Co., Ltd.).
- $ STRINGER, J. C., Park Hill, Kenilworth.
- STRONG, H. O., Norfolk Works, St. Paul's, Bristol (Gas, Steam and other Engines).
- STUBBS, J. H. (Dir., Electromotors, Ltd.).
- STUBBS, W. T. (Dir., Electromotors, Ltd.).
- $ STURMEY, J. J. H., 19, Hertford Street, Coventry.
- SUFFIELD, THE RT. HON. LORD, K.C.B., 4, Manchester Square.
- SULLIVAN, SIR E., BART., (Dir., Pennington Motor Foreign Patent Synd., Ltd., &c.).
- SUNDERLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 42, West Sunnyside, Sunderland.
- SWAIN, W. (Dir., Swain Patents Synd. Ltd.).
- SWIFT CYCLE Co., Holborn Viaduct, E.C.
- SWINBOURNE, F., 66, Victoria Street, S.W.
- SYREN MOTOR CO., Smithdown Road, Liverpool.
- TAYLOR, J. (Dir., Mather and Platt, Ltd.).
- TAYLOR, Queen's Road, Nottingham (Automotor Vehicle Frames).
- TAYLOR, J. S. (Dir., Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd.).
- TEARLE, J. (Dir., Compound Hydro-Carbon Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- TEMPLE, C. A. (Dir.,, G. Y. Cooper S.A. and Cycle Co., Ltd.).
- TERRY, S. H. (Dir., Motor Attachment Synd., Ltd.).
- THOMAS, H. R., B.Sc., Stud.Inst.C.E., B'ham. (Vol. 3, p. 172.).
- THOMAS, T. P., Port Tennant, Swansea (Dir., Swansea Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- THOMAS, W. (Dir., Thomas Parker, Ltd.).
- THOMPSON, A., 20, Bucklersbury, E.C.
- THOMPSON, F. (Dir., B'ham Vehicle Owners' Assurance, Ltd.).
- THOMPSON, G. F., 29, Newstead Road, Liverpool.
- THOMPSON, H. E., 5, Tenth Avenue. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
- THOMPSON, SIR THOS., BART. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston, Co., Ltd.).
- THOMSON SMITH, J., 5, Denbigh Street, S.W.
- $ THORNYCROFT, J. I., F.R.S. M.I.C.E., Chiswick (Automobile Torpedo, Launch and Vehicle Builder) ; (Chairman, Thornycroft Steam Wagon Co,. Ltd.).
- $ THORNYCROFT, J. E., Chiswick (Man. Dir., Thornycroft Steam Wagon Co., Ltd.).
- THORNHILL, W. J. (Sec., Paris Automobile Cab Co., Ltd.).
- THORNTON, R. (Dir., Tyne Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- THORNTON, F. E. (Dir., Thornton Motor Co. Ltd.).
- THRUPP, G. H., JUN., 425, Oxford Street, W.
- THURNAUER, E. (Dir., Brit. Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- "TIMES" CYCLE AND ENGINEERING WORKS CO., St. James Street, Brighton.
- TINNE, T. F. S.. The Hall House, Hawkhurst, Kent.
- TIPPET, H. G. (Dir., "Quickfast" Patent Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- TOD, A, MAXWELL (Dir., National Motor Carriage Synd., Ltd.).
- TOLCH & Co., The Boat-Yard, Fulham.
- TOLE, W. (Gen. Man., Newport-Pagnel Motor Car, Synd.).
- TOULMIN, J. H. (Dir., Pennington Motor Foreign Patents Synd., Ltd.). East Cowes, I.W.
- TOUSEY, F. W., 3, Cambridge Terrace,
- $ TOWARD & CO., St. Lawrence Ironworks, Newcastle-on-Tyne (Automotor Vehicle Builders).
- $ TOWNSEND, E., Pembroke Lodge, St. John's Road, Sevenoaks.
- TREECE, H. D., Dashwood House, New Broad Street (Fittings, &c.).
- TREVOR, W. Lothbury Park, Newport-Pagnel (Newport-Pagnel Motor Car Synd.).
- TRUSCOTT & SON, Stroud, Glos.
- TRUSELLE, E. H. W., Byrne Road, Wolverhampton.
- "TRUSTY" ENGINE WORKS, Cheltenham (Oil Engines).
- TIME, G. (Dir., Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- TUKE, J. E., Burleigh Villa, Harrogate (Dir., Yorkshire Motor Co., Ltd.).
- TURNBULL, LT.-CoL. (Mang. Dir., Lond. Elec. Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- TURNER (DR.) DAWSON, F. D.. 37, George Square, Edinburgh.
- TURVEY, F. (Dir. Tyne Motor Car Cc., Ltd.).
- $ TWEEDDALE, Balquholly, nr. Turriff, Aberdeen.
- TWIST, C. F., 35, Kidbrook Park Road, Blackheath.
- UNDERWOOD, H. T. (Dir., Buck & Co., Ltd.).
- UPTON, H. E., F.I.S. (Sec., Elec. Traction Co., Ltd.).
- URQUHART, R. J., C.E., 6, Clayton Square, Liverpool (Engineer).
- URRY, A. J. (Dir., Midland Cycle and Motor Exn. Co., Ltd.).
- VALENTINE, A., Croxton House, Leamington (Arnold Motor and Petrol "Raglan" Moto-vehicles).
- VALLANCE, R. F. (Dir., Mansfield Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- VAN TOLL, J., 18, Radford Street, Coventry (Dir., Thames Valley Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- $ VENABLES, C. E., 100, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E. (Dir., Roots' Oil Motor Carriage Co., Ltd.).
- VERITY MOTOR CO., East Street, Bradford.
- VICTOR ENG. Co., Seaside Road, W. Marina, St. Leonards (Motor Car and Cycle Makers).
- VICTORIA CARRIAGE WORKS, 25, Long Acre, W.C. (Carriage Builders).
- VICTORIA CYCLE & MOTOR CO. Cook Street, Dublin.
- VILAINE, BARON P. DE (Dir., American Auto-Motor Co., Ltd.).
- VILLE LE ROMA, R. DE LA (Dir., American Automobile and Motor Co., Ltd.).
- $ VINCENT, SIR E. (Automobile Club).
- VINE, SIR J. R. SOMERS, C.M.G., Members' Mansions, S.W.
- WADE, J. M., & Co., Victoria Parade, Felixstowe.
- WADSWORTH, R., Thomas Street, Halifax (Parochial Motor Vehicles).
- $ WAGNER, J. W., 13, Castlenau Villas, Barnes S.W.
- $ WALLACE, ROGER W., Q,.C., 2, Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C. (Chairman, Automobile Proprietary ; Automobile Club ; British Aluminium, Ltd., &c.).
- $ WALKER & HUTTON, 37, Huntress Row, Scarborough.
- WALKER, G. C. (Sec., Bedford Motor Car Synd., Ltd.).
- WALKER, H. C. (Dir., Power and Traction, Ltd.).
- WALKER, J. C. (Dir., Bedford Motor Car Synd., Ltd.).
- WALKER, R. W. M. (Dir., Smith, Parfrey & Co., Ltd.).
- WALLIS-TAYLER, A. J., Mechanical Institute of Civil Engineers.
- WALTER, A. J., 3, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C. (Dir., Automobile Proprietary, Ltd.).
- $ WALTER, L. H. (Automobile Club).
- WALTERS, O. (Walters & Johns), Morriston (Dir., Swansea Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- WALTON, A. H. (Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.).
- WANKLYN, C. (Dir., Monobloc Accumulator Synd., Ltd.).
- WARD, E. D. (Hon. Sec., Roads Impta. Assn., Ltd.).
- WARD, J. J. (Dir., Mansfield Motor Car Co., Ltd:).
- WARD, RADCLIFFE, Trafalgar Buildings, Northumberland Avenue (Engineer).
- WARE, JOHN (Sec., Daimler Motor Co., Ltd.).
- WARWICK, F. (Dir., Cycle Components Mfg. Co., Ltd.).
- WASTAGE & CO., 213, Maida Vale, W. (Motor Builders).
- WATERSEN, H., Albert Road, Aston, B'ham (Carriage Bodies).
- WATSON, C. S. (Dir., "Quickfast" Pat. Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- WATSON, J. G. (Dir., International Eng. Pats. Develpt. Co., Ltd.).
- WATSON, R. (Dir., Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd. ; do. (S. Africa), Ltd. ; and do. (Continental), Ltd.).
- WATSON, T. H. (Dir., Carbide of Calcium Supply Synd., Ltd.).
- WEATHERILL, W. P. W., 33, Beach Street, Hightown, Manchester (Wheels).
- WEARWELL CYCLE. Co., Ltd., Pountney Street, Wolverhampton.
- WEDERELL, T. S. (Sec., Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd.).
- WEGUELIN, B. H., 61, Pont Street, W. (Dir., De Dion Bouton British and Colonial Synd., Ltd.).
- $ WEGUELIN, H., 16, Ashley Place, S.W.
- $ WEIR, A., Bendarroch, Ottery-St.-Mary, Devon.
- WEISER, B. (Dir., Delecroix Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- WELDLESS STEEL TUBE Co., Icknield Port Road, Birmingham.
- WELLINGTON, F. F., 36, St. George's Square, Regent's Park, N.W.
- WELLINGTON, J. M. (Dir., Wellington Motor Car. Co., Ltd.).
- WELLS & Co., Hardman Street Oil Works, Manchester (Lubricating Oil).
- WERNER ACCUMULATOR CO., 11 and 12, Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate Street, E.C.
- WEST, H. H., Liverpool (Consulting Engineer).
- $ WEST, J. R., Alscot Park, Stratford-on-Avon.
- $ WHATTON, REV. A., Burleydown Vicarage, Southampton.
- WHEELWRIGHT, CHAS. (Man. Dir., Midland Cycle & Motor Exhn. Co., Ltd.).
- WHITE, A. J., Surrey House, Littlehampton (Dir., Motor Carriage Supply Co., Ltd.).
- WHITE & POPPE, Lockhurst Lane, Coventry.
- WHITE, G. F. (Dir., Smith, Parfrey & Co., Ltd.).
- WHITE, T. HYLER, 44, Parson's Mead, West Croydon, Surrey.
- WHITE, J. W. (Hon. Treasurer, Self-Propelled Traffic Association, Liverpool).
- WHITEHEAD, C. (Man., Whithead Autocycle Co.. Ltd.).
- WHITFIELD, J. (Dir., Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd.).
- WHITMORE, G. F. (Dir., Cambridge & E. Counties Automobile Co., Ltd.).
- $ WIGAN, L. D. (Automobile Club).
- WIGGIN, W. W. (Dir., Joseph Lucas, Ltd.).
- WILKINSON, F. B. (Dir., Cycle Patent Pump Co., Ltd.).
- WILKINSON H. C. (Chief Engineer, Sunderland Motor Car Co., Ltd.).
- WILKINSON, Thos (Dir., (Glew's Steel Shielded Rubber Tyre Synd., Ltd.).
- WILKINSON & Co., Retford.
- WILLETT, A. (Dir., Mather & Platt, Ltd.).
- WILLIAMS, J., St. Helen's Road, Swansea (Dir., Swansea Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.).
- $ WILLIAMSON, L., Albert Road, Howick, Southport.
- WILLOUGHBY, F. S. (Dir., Challiner, &c., Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- WILLS, F. (Man., Bridgwater Motor Co.), East Quay, Bridgwater.
- $ WILLS, W. P. C., Southfield, Uxbridge, Middlesex. ()
- WILSON, PROF. CARUS (Electric Traction).
- WILSON, W. H. (Dir., Challiner, &c., Tyre Co., Ltd.).
- WIMPERIS, H. E., 3, Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge.
- WINGFILD, E. (Man., T. Salter), London Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea.
- WISE, A. L. (Sec. Hydro-Pneumatic Traction Synd., Ltd.).
- WISEMAN, E. (Dir., Compound Hydro-Carbon Motor Synd., Ltd.).
- WOLSELEY SHEEP SHEARING CO. Birmingham (Automotors).
- $ WOOD, A. H. E., Sudbourne Hall, Wickham Market, Suffolk.
- WOOD, H. (Dir., Swain Patents Synd., Ltd.).
- WORMALD, J. (Dir., Mather & Platt, Ltd.).
- WRIDES, J. T., 3, Blomfield Pavement, Uxbridge Road, W. (Motor Builder).
- WRIDGWAY, C. G. (Pennington and Baines). 5 and 6, Great Winchester Street, E.C.
- $ WRIGHT, F., The Cross, Gloucester.
- WRIGHT, WM., Wollaton, near Nottingham.
- WRIGHT, W. H. (Dir., Wright's Taper Roller Bearings Synd., Ltd.).
- WYATH, Rev. P. W. (Dir., Bedford Motor Car Synd., Ltd.).
- ZACHARIAS, H. L. E. (Dir., Motor Car Emporium, Ltd., &c.).
- $ ZBOROWSKI, COUNT (Automobile Club).
- $ ZUYLEN. DE NYEVELT, BARON DE (Automobile Club).
See Also
Sources of Information