1919 Institution of Electrical Engineers: Members
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1919 Institution of Electrical Engineers
Extraction of members listed with business connection (the business connection entered against the individual's entry)
- Arthur James Abraham
- Henry Melville Ackery
- Rooke Ainsworth
- Christian Vilhelm G. Albertus
- Henry Fleetwood Albright
- Thomas Henry Unite Aldridge
- Sydney Trewhalla Allen
- William Henry Allen
- Willie Pontifex Allen
- Anders Christian M. Andersen
- Alexander Anderson
- Oswald M. Andrews
- Arthur Armitage
- Henry Herbert Arthur
- Arthur William Ashton
- Frank Boulton Aspinall
- Arthur Francis T. Atchison
- Charles Claremont Atchison
- Joseph J. Atkinson
- Frank Ayton
- Francis G. Baily
- Edward A. Barker
- Thomas Barton
- Bertram Robert Beale
- John Russell Bedford
- Herbert Bell
- James Alexander Bell
- Charles Reginald Belling
- Francis Edward Benest
- Jorgen Bjornstad
- Albert Arthur Blackburn
- Alfred S. Blackman
- John Rutherford Blaikie
- Andrew William Blake
- Charles Albert Blascheck
- Thomas William Bloxam
- Joseph Harding Bolam
- Gustavus Ferdinand Bonnor
- William Melland Booth
- David Alexander Bremner
- Norman Cressy Bridge
- Thomas Britten
- Sydney Ernest Britton
- George Broughall
- Harold Hodgkinson Broughton
- Robert Percy Brousson
- James Stephen Brown
- William Baker Brown
- William Browning
- George A. Bruce
- Sydney Linton Brunton
- John Kemp Brydges
- Ignatius Bulfin
- William Anthony A. Burgess
- Charles D. Burnet
- James William Burr
- Edward Calvert
- Robert Harry Campion
- Robert Marshall Carr
- Frederick William Carter
- William Ashcombe Chamen
- Harry C. Channon
- Walter Evans Chappell
- Richard Alexander Chattock
- John Christie
- Stanley Clegg
- Frederic Horton Clough
- Albert Frederick Coates
- Walter James Coles
- Alfred George Cooper
- Edmund Lucas Cooper
- A. Campbell Cormack
- Haldane Gwilt Cotsworth
- A. Cathcart Coubrough
- H. Ainslie Cox
- Alexander Charles Cramb
- Chetwode George G. Crawley
- William Cross
- James Dalziel
- F. R. Davenport
- Charles Smith Davidson
- Arthur Albert Day
- Archibald R. Dayson
- Benjamin Walter Deakin
- Herbert H. Denton
- James Devonshire
- Harold Dickinson
- Harold Leslie Dixon
- Lewis William Dixon
- Rowland Edward Dixon
- Joseph Henry Dobson
- Charles M. Dorman
- Reginald Sydney Downe
- Charles Vickery Drysdale
- W. E. D. Duncan
- Arthur Edmund du Pasquier
- Cyril Charles T. Eastgate
- Ernest E. Eccles
- James Edmund Edgecombe
- Kenelm Edgcumbe
- Harry Stephenson Ellis
- Charles H. Ellison
- James Erskine-Murray
- Max Kai Esskildsen
- David O. Evans
- Augustine Robert Everest
- Edgar Isaac Everett
- Sydney Evershed
- Manley Farrer
- Mark Feetham
- Aubrey Llewellwyn Fell
- William Fennell
- John Ferguson
- Russell Forester Ferguson
- Harold William Firth
- Arthur William Fithian
- Arthur Percy Fleming
- John Ambrose Fleming
- Cecil Lewis Fortescue
- Edmund John Fox
- O. Francis Francis
- Edward Stanley Franklin
- William Frisby
- George Fuller
- Charles Furness
- Harry Parker Gibbs
- Frank Gill
- Harry Gill
- Walter Cullingford Goodchild
- Ernest T. Goslin
- Archibald Ernest Grant
- Percy Vivian Gray
- Alfred Ernest Green
- John P. Gregory
- Francis E. Gripper
- Wellington Ernest Groves
- Kay Oscar Arthur Gulstad
- Eustace Edward Gunter
- Alfred Smith Hampton
- Leo Arthur Hards
- Herbert Reah Harper
- Herbert Buchanan Harvey
- Arthur Pirrie Haslam
- Harold Hastings
- Robert James Hatton
- John Angus Hay
- Harry Curwen Hazel
- Arthur Cecil Heap
- William Henry Heaton
- Andrew Henderson
- Arthur Stephens Herbert
- E. F. J. Holcombe Hewlett
- Claude Higgs
- Edmund Lewin Hill
- Edward E. Hoadley
- Arthur Hoare
- Francis John G. Holden
- Sydney H. Holden
- Harry Holliday
- Benjamin Shuttleworth Hornby
- Robert Harold Houghton
- Wilfrid Hoult
- George William Osborn Howe
- Herbert Francis Hunt
- Philip Vassar Hunter
- William D. Hunter
- Alfred Edward Jackson
- Henry Jackson
- George Gilbert Jobbins
- Charles Morison Johnston
- Albert Wilson Jones
- Charles Jones
- Christopher Jones
- Edward Lionel Joseph
- Joseph Josephs
- Sydney Arthur Joyce
- Max Ludwig Kahn
- Arthur Clifton Kelly
- Hugh Sebastian King
- Alexander Kinnes
- Edgar J. Kipps
- John Douglas Knight
- Harry Cromwell Lamb
- John Lambert
- John Lustgarten Langton
- Percy Gilbert Ledger
- Sydney George Leech
- Frederick A. Cortez Leigh
- Herbert David William Lewis
- George Duthie Leys
- James Fraser Lister
- Francis Maddison Long
- Benjamin Longbottom
- Frederick George Loring
- James Roberts P. Lunn
- James Kenneth MacDougall
- James C. Macfarlane
- John Julius Macgregor
- Charles Frederic McInnes
- Norman W. McLachlan
- David Eardley McLaren
- Simon L. F. McLauchlan
- Andrew B. Maclean
- Magnus Maclean
- Joseph P. McMahon
- William George P. MacMuldrow
- Robert Valentine Macrory
- Anthony Clark McWhirter
- Henry Ashley Madge
- Esmond Morgan Malek
- Edgar Walford Marchant
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Francis Richard Marsh
- William Marsh
- Arthur Grotjan Marshall
- Albert Henry W. Marshall
- Archibald Victor Mason
- Frederick Vincent L. Mathias
- Wyatt Meacher
- Herbert Woodville Miller
- Gustavus Frederick Moller
- Samuel Ernest Monkhouse
- Albert Edwin Moore
- Arthur Nichols Moore
- Francis John Mudford
- Edward May Munro
- Ethelbert Thomas Ruthven Murray
- William Nairn
- George Howard Nash
- Thomas D'Arcy Nassau
- Edward John Neachell
- Harry Anderton Nevill
- Arthur Joseph Newman
- Henry Clement Newton
- John Steel Nicholson
- Frederic Carl C. Nielsen
- John Frederick Nielsen
- William Noble
- Archibald Page
- Godfrey Bernard Parlett
- Evan Parry
- Gerald W. Partridge
- Walter John D. Partridge
- Clifford Copland Paterson
- Arthur P. Patey
- Robert William Paul
- Standen Leonard Pearce
- John Sedgwick Peck
- William Griegson Pickvance
- Robert Cecil Pierce
- Robert Edward Pemberton Pigott
- George Frederick Pilditch
- Thomas Plummer
- H. Faraday Proctor
- Walter A. Purdom
- John Purrett
- Percy John Pybus
- M. J. Railing
- Alexander B. Randall
- Hugh Lionel Randolph
- Robert Rankin
- James Douglas Restler
- Harry Richardson
- Albert Edward A. Ridgway
- Philip Lyle Riviere
- Frederick William Roberts
- Frederick Steell Robertson
- James Archibald Robertson
- Leonard L. Robinson
- Andrew F. Rock
- William Michael Rogerson
- Thomas Roles
- Percy Rosling
- Gilbert Rowe
- Frederick Henry Royce
- George Russell
- Stuart A. Russell
- A. Peden Rutherford
- Walter Rutherford
- Frederick Ryan
- Charles William Salt
- Frederick Samuelson
- Edgar Stopford Saunders
- Josiah Sayers
- Ernest B. Schattner
- Frederick William Schiller
- William H. Scott
- K. A. Scott-Moncrieff
- Arthur Hugh Seabrook
- William M. Selvey
- John Severs
- Arthur Henry Shaw
- Cyril Morley Shaw
- Francis Blewett Shaw
- Joshua Shaw
- Charles Edwin C. Shawfield
- James Boyd Shield
- John Franklin Shipley
- Alexander Siemens
- Joseph F. Simpson
- Dane Sinclair
- Herbert Ashlin Skelton
- Ernest Slater
- William Slingo
- Charles Bottomley Smith
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Reginald Arthur Smith
- Stanley Parker Smith
- John Francis Cleverton Snell
- William John Unwin Sowter
- James Walter Spark
- Charles William Spiers
- Wilfrid L. Spence
- Rupert Stanley
- Louis J. Steele
- William Stevenson
- Charles Stewart
- John E. Stewart
- Harry Potts Stokes
- Gerald Stoney
- Henry Stroud
- Dudley Stuart
- Arthur James Stubbs
- Edward Suenson
- Ernest John Summerhill
- W. E. Sumpter
- Laurence Webster Swainson
- James Arthur Sykes
- Charles Davis Taite
- Herbert Talbot
- George Stamp Taylor
- John Edwin Teasdel
- William Thom
- John Godfrey Parry Thomas
- Hedley Jeffreys Thomson
- William Mundell Thornton
- F. Thursfield
- Julius Timm
- Reginald Norman Torpy
- George Tough
- John Michell Grylls Trezise
- Charles Turnbull
- George Victor Twiss
- Frank Wallis
- Robert M. Walmsley
- John Charles A. Ward
- Laurence Maxwell Waterhouse
- William Henry Watkinson
- Victor Watlington
- Arthur Watts
- Philip James Watts
- Arthur George Way
- George R. Webb
- Harry Webber
- R. W. Weightman
- Burkewood Welbourn
- Paul Westergaard
- George C. Weston
- James Alfred Whatnall
- Samuel Whipp
- Frank Henry Whysall
- Henry Dewar Wight
- John Harry Wild
- Lancelot William Wild
- Joseph Wilkinson
- C. T. Williams
- Ernest T. Williams
- Alfred David Williamson
- Roger H. Willis
- Ernest Wilson
- Arthur Pemberton Wood
- William John H. Wood
- William Wood
- William Bradley Woodhouse
- Richard Oliver Wright
See Also
Sources of Information