Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)
- AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co
- A. A. Brazier and Co
- A. A. D. La Touche
- A. A. Godwin and Son
- A. Adkins and Sons
- A. and A. J. Law
- A. and J. Main and Co
- A. Arnold and Co
- A. B. C. Motors
- A. B. Gibbons
- A. Batchelor
- A. Burnwell and Co
- A. C. Cossor
- A. Jackaman and Son
- A. C. M. Jackaman
- A. C. Sproston
- A. C. Wells and Co
- A. C. Wickman
- A. Collinge
- A. D. S. Barr
- A. Dobson
- A. E. Bennett and Co
- A. E. Dobell
- A. E. F. Manufacturing Co
- A. E. H. Campbell
- A. E. H. Coltman
- A. E. Harris and Co
- A. E. Harris and Co Birmingham
- A. E. Jolivet
- A. E. Skinner and Co
- A. F. Hill
- A. Finney and Co
- A. G. fur Dornier-Flugzeuge
- A. G. G. Marshall
- A. G. Poole
- A. Green and Sons
- A. H. Wheeler
- A. H. Wilkie and Co
- A. Henshaw
- A. Hopkinson
- A. J. Holladay and Co
- A. J. Linnell
- A. J. Walter
- A. Jackaman and Son
- A. Kay and Sons
- A. M. Richardson
- A. Macnair and Co
- A. N. T. Rankin
- A. O. Roth
- A. P. Lundberg and Sons
- A. P. Newall and Co
- A. P. Thurston and Co
- A. Phillips
- A. Q. Cooper
- A. R. Colman
- A. R. Senior
- A. Reyrolle and Co
- A. S. Bacon and H. S. Butts
- A. S. Bathard and Co
- A. S. Butler
- A. S. Walter, Tovarny Na Automobily a Letecke Motory
- A. S. Zlinska letecka
- A. Sanderson and Co
- A. Southern and Co
- A. V. Roe and Co
- A. V. Tomkins
- A. W. Martin and Co
- A. W. Weyman and Partners
- A-1 Electric Welding Appliances
- Abbey Coachworks
- Abbott, Anderson and Abbott
- Aberdeen Airways
- Abies Battery Co
- Abies Battery Co (1927)
- Abis and Co
- Abis and Co Birmingham
- Accles and Pollock
- Accles and Shelvoke
- Accurate Recording Instrument Co
- Acme Electrical Manufacturing Co
- Acme Lock Nut Co
- Acme Lock Nut Co (Shaws Patent)
- Acme Spring Co
- AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co
- Acton and Borman
- Acton Manufacturing Co
- Adam and Lane and Neeve
- Adamant Engineering Co
- Adams and Co
- Adams and Co, London - could this refer to A. Adams and Co?
- Adastra Airways
- Adcock and Shipley
- Adcocks
- Adlerwerkevorm, Heinrich Kleyer A. G.
- Adolphe Crosbie and Co
- Advance Motor Manufacturing Co
- Aer Lingus Teoranta
- Aeraspray Manufacturing Co
- Aerial Photographic Co
- Aerial Sites
- Aerial Transport Company of Siam
- Aeronautical and Panel Plywood Co
- Aero Club Brasileiro
- Aero Club de France
- Aero Club der Schweiz
- Aero Club of India and Burma
- Aero Club of the Polish Republic
- Aero Club Royal d’Egypte
- Aero Engineering Corporation
- Aero Engines
- Aero Lloyd Iguassu, S.A.
- Aero Motor Spirit Co
- Aero O/Y
- Aero Piston Ring Co
- Aero Precision Machinists
- Aero Research
- Aero Services
- Aero Tovarna Letadel Dr. Kabes
- Aero-Club del Peru
- Aero-Club of Greece
- Aero-Club von Deutschland
- Aerofilms
- Aeroflot
- Aerograph Co
- Aeroklub of the Czechoslovak Republic (Aeroklub Ceskoslovenskie)
- Aeromarine
- Aeromaritime (Compagnie des Chargeurs Reunis)
- Aeronautica d’Italia
- Aeronautica Macchi, S.A.
- Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America
- Aeronautical Corporation of Great Britain
- Aeronautics
- Aeronaves de Mexico, S.A.
- Aeropilot
- Aeroplane and Motor Aluminium Castings
- Aeroplanes Henry Potez
- Aeroplanes Morane-Saulnier
- Aeroposta Agentina, S.A.
- Aeropostal Venezolana]]
- Aeroput (Yugoslavia)
- Aeroput (Greece)
- Aerostyle
- Aerovias Nacionales (Sur Malek)
- Aerovias Nacionales Empresa Roman Macaya
- African Air Services
- African Air Transport
- African Explosives and Industries
- African Flying Services
- Agra Engineering Co
- Agra Engineering Co (1934)
- Air Afrique (Commandant d’Agnaux)
- Air Agency
- Air Commerce
- Air Dispatch
- Air Ducts
- Air Estates
- Air France
- Air France (Chile)
- Air France (Czechoslovakia)
- Air France (France)
- Air France (Greece)
- Air France (Hungary)
- Air France (India)
- Air France (Poland)
- Air France (Roumania)
- Air France (Yugoslavia)
- Air France and Deutsche Luft Hansa (Bulgaria)
- Air Greasecup Co
- Air Hire
- Air Industrial Developments
- Air League of the British Empire
- Air Lines (W.A.)
- Air Lines of Australia
- Air Log Co
- Air Publicity
- Air Pumps
- Air Sales and Service
- Air Service
- Air Service Training
- Air Survey Co
- Air Taxi Co
- Air Taxis
- Air Transport and Sales
- Air Transport Manufacturing Co
- Air Travel
- Air Travel, New Zealand
- Air Trips
- Air Vice-Marshal A. E. Borton
- Airco
- Aircraft Association
- Aircraft Components
- Aircraft Distributors
- Aircraft Exchange and Mart
- Aircraft Facilities
- Aircraft General Supplies
- Aircraft Industries Corporation
- Aircraft Materials
- Aircraft Mechanics
- Aircraft Operating Company of Africa
- Aircraft Patents
- Aircraft Propellers
- Aircraft Research and Development Co
- Aircrafts Pty.
- Air-France (Brazil)
- Airports
- Air-Roads and Patents
- Airscrew Co
- Airspares
- Airspeed
- Airspeed (1934)
- Airways Union
- Airwork
- Airworthiness
- Akciova Spolecnost Pro Prumysl Letecky
- Aktiebolaget Aerotransport (Swedish Air Lines)
- Aktiebolaget Svenska Jarnvagsverkstaderna
- Ala Littoria (Egypt)
- Ala Littoria, S.A. (Greece)
- Ala Littoria, S.A. (Italy)
- Ala Littoria, S.A. (Albania)
- Alabastine Co British
- Alan Cobham Aviation
- Aland Fan Co
- Aland Fan Co (Aland and Co)
- Albany Engineering Co
- Albastine Co
- Albert Jagger
- Albion Drop Forgings Co
- Albion Foundry
- Albion Oils
- Aldis Brothers
- Alec Lindsay M.I.E.E.
- Alex Jacob and Co
- Alex Tough and Son
- Alexander Duckham and Co
- Alexander Shanks and Son
- Alexander Tough and Son
- Alexander Wright and Co
- Alexander, Herbert and Co
- Alfred A. Corre and Co
- Alfred A. Odoni and Co
- Alfred Beebee
- Alfred Come (Schweizerische Flugzeugfabrik)
- Alfred Grindrod and Co
- Alfred Herbert
- Alfred Hopps Sons and Co
- Anglo-American Vulcanized Fibre Co
- Alkit
- Alklum Storage Batteries
- Allan, Arthur and Ure
- Allen, Edgar and Co
- Allen, Harrison and Co
- Alley and Maclellan
- Alliance Petroleum Marketing Co
- Allott, Jones and Co
- Alnwick Construction and Engineering Co
- Alpar, Schweiz Luftverkehrs, A. G.
- Altigraph
- Aluminium Corporation
- Aluminium Equipment Co
- Aluminium Plant and Vessel Co
- Aluminium Union
- Alva
- Alvis
- Alvis Straussler
- Amal
- Amalgams Co
- American Airlines
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co
- Andersons Rubber Co
- Andrew G. Soutter and Co
- Andrew H. Baird
- Andrew Johnson and Son
- Andrew Womersley and Son
- Andrews Toledo
- Anglo Abrasive Works
- Anglo-American Oil Co
- Anglo-American Vulcanized Fibre Co
- Anglo-Bosphorus Oil Co
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co
- Anglo-Swiss Electrical Co
- Anglo-Swiss Screw Co
- Ansett Airways (Pty.)
- Anti-Attrition Metal Co
- Antifyre
- Antwerp Aviation Club
- Appleton and Howard
- Arado Flugzeugwerke, G. m. b. H.
- Archer Works Engineering Co
- Archibald Pearce and Co
- Architectural Services
- Arens Controls
- Argonaut Aircraft Co
- Argus Motoren, G. m. b. H.
- Armstrong Cork Co
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors
- Army Aircraft Factory (Kjeller Flyfabrikk)
- Arnott and Harrison
- Arnott and Harrison (1928)
- Arora Co
- Arrow Aircraft
- Arrow Aircraft and Motor Corporation
- Arrow Electric Switches
- Arthur B. Williams
- Arthur Balfour and Co
- Arthur Chester
- Arthur Holden and Sons
- Arthur J. T. Goss and Co
- Arthur L. Gibson and Co
- Arthur Lee and Sons
- Arthur Raybould
- Arthur Smart and Sons
- Aryton and Co
- Asahi Periodical Air Navigation Society
- Asbestos Corporation
- Asbestos Fireproof and General Paint Co
- Asbestos Quarries
- Asiatic Petroleum Co
- Askey and Quine
- Assam Oil Co
- Associated Belting Co
- Associated Belting Companies
- Associated Electric Welders
- Associated Fire Alarms
- Association of British Chemical Manufacturers
- Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers
- Astral Engineering Co
- Astral Oils and Disinfectants
- Atlantic Coast Air Services
- Atlas Air Services
- Atlas Carbon and Battery Co
- Atlas Diesel Co
- Atlas Metal and Alloys Co
- Atlas Preservative Co
- Attwater and Sons
- Aublet Homer and Co
- Auster
- Austin and Hayes
- Austin Motor Co
- Australian National Airways (Pty.)
- Austroflug
- Auto Diesels
- Auto Fire Protection
- Autocar Electrical Co
- Auto-Klean Strainers
- Automobile Association (Aviation Department)
- Automotive Engineering Co
- Automotive Products Co
- Automotive Spares
- Autoset Clamp Co
- Auto-Union, A. G.
- Aveling-Barford
- Avery Equipment
- Avery-Hardoll
- Avia Akciova Spolecnost Pro Prumysl Letecky
- Aviatik Beider Basel
- Aviation and General Insurance Co
- Aviation Commerce
- Aviation Council (Japan)
- Aviation Developments
- Aviation Holding Co
- Aviation Manufacturing Corporation
- Avions Amiot (S.E.C.M.)
- Avions Caudron-Renault
- Avions Henri, Maurice et Dick Farman
- Avions Legers Leopoldoff
- Avions Marcel Bloch
- Avions Mauboussin
- Ayrton and Co
- B. Bunston-Roberts
- B. E. N. Patents
- B. French
- B. H. Pottier and Co
- B. H. Saunders and Co
- B. Haar
- B. J. Hall and Co
- B. J. Piper
- B. L. Pewtress
- B. Selier
- B.M.W.-Flugmotorenbau, G. m. b. H.
- Back and Lindgren
- Baird and Tatlock (London)
- Bakelite
- Baldwin, Son and Co
- Baldwins
- Bamfords
- Bank Bridge Works
- Banks and Sons
- Barimar
- Barkley-Grow Aircraft Corporation
- Barlow and Chidlaw
- Barrett, Tagant and Gotts
- Bartoline (Hull)
- Barton Rivet Co
- Bastian and Allen
- Bates and Nortcliffe
- Batteries
- Baume and Co
- Baxter, Fell and Co
- Baxters Bolt, Screw and Rivet Works
- Bayerische Flugzeugwerke, A.G.
- Beard and Fitch
- Bearings Service Co
- Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson
- Beech Aircraft Co
- Beldam Asbestos Co
- Beldam Packing and Rubber Co
- Belfast Ropework Co
- Bell Aircraft Corporation
- Bell Rock Belting Co
- Bells Asbestos and Engineering Supplies
- Bellanca Aircraft of Canada
- Belliss and Morcom
- Beltfasteners
- Belting and Mechanical Leather Co
- Ben O. Howard
- Bendix
- Benjamin Electric
- Benjamin Whittaker
- Benton and Stone
- Berger, Lewis and Sons
- Bergougnan Tyre Co
- Berkefeld Filters and Water Softeners
- Berry Wiggins and Co
- Besler Systems
- Bessbrook Spinning Co
- Bibby Garnock and Co
- Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co
- Billington and Newton
- Birkett Air Service
- Birmingham Aluminium Castings Co
- Birmingham Belting Co
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces
- Birmingham Medal Co
- Birmingham Products
- Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co
- Bitulac
- Black and Decker
- Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Co
- Blackburn Aircraft
- Blackburn and Crawshaw
- Blackpool and West Coast Air Services
- Blackstone and Co
- Blackwells Metallurgical Works
- Blakemore and Co
- Bleriot-Aeronautique
- Bloctube Controls
- Bloctube Controls (R. Tampier)
- Blundell, Spence and Co
- Blundells and T. Albert Crompton and Co
- Bo’ness Iron Co
- Boeing Aircraft of Canada
- Bolt and Nut Co (Tipton)
- Boneham and Turner
- Boodle and Dunthorne
- Bosch
- Boston Blacking Co
- Boulton and Paul
- Boulton Paul Aircraft
- Bowden (Engineers)
- Bowen and Co
- Bowketts Wire Mills
- Bowleys
- Bowmaker
- Boyriven
- Boyriven (Hardware)
- Bradley and Burch (Ilford)
- Bradley Brothers
- Bradshaws International Air Guide
- Brake Linings
- Brandenburgische Motorenwerke, G. m. b. H.
- Braniff Airways
- Bray Hawkhead and Son
- Bray, Gibb and Co
- Brayshaw Furnaces and Tools
- Bretts Stamping Co
- Brian Allen Aviation
- Brian Lewis and Co
- Bridge Foundry Co
- Brierley, Edmund
- Bristol Aeroplane Co
- Bristol Channel Airways
- Bristol Manufacturers
- Bristol Pneumatic Tools
- Britannia Batteries
- British Acheson Electrodes
- British Aero Components
- British Air Transport
- British Aircraft Manufacturing Co
- British Airways
- British Airways (Sweden)
- British Aluminium Co
- British Anodising
- British Anzani Engineering Co
- British Aviation Insurance Co
- British Belting and Asbestos
- British Celanese
- British Cellulose Lacquers
- British Coal Petrol Mixture
- British Coastal Airways
- British Continental Airways
- British Cystoscope Co
- British Driver Harris Co
- British Ebonite Co
- British Equipment Co
- British Glasruit
- British Glues and Chemicals
- British Hard Rubber Co
- British Hose and Appliances Co
- British Industrial Gases
- British Industrial Plastics
- British Instrument Co
- British Insulated Cables
- British Landing Gears
- British Lock Washers
- British Manzel Oil Pump Co
- British Marine Aircraft
- British Metallic Packings Co
- British Metallic Packings Co (1933)
- British Mica Co
- British Oxygen Co
- British Piston Ring Co
- British Portland Cement Manufacturers
- British Power Boat Co
- British Pressed Panels
- British Rawhide Belting Co
- British Rola Co
- British Rolling Mills
- British Ropes
- British Salmson Aero Engines
- British Scandinavian Airways
- British Scientific Instrument Research Association
- British Screw Co
- British Separators
- British Standard Institutions
- British Steelwork Association
- British Thermit
- British Thomson-Houston Co (BTH)
- British Timken
- British Trolley Track Co
- British Tyre and Rubber Co
- British Vulcanised Fibre
- British Xylonite Co
- British-American Air Services
- Britoyl Lubricants
- Bromley-Langton Electric Wire and Insulator Co
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co
- Brookes (Oldbury)
- Brookhirst Apparatus Co
- Brookhirst Switchgear
- Brooklands Aviation
- Broom and Wade
- Broughton-Blayney Aircraft Co
- Brown and Forth
- Brown, Bayleys Steel Works
- Brown Brothers (Aircraft)
- Bruce Peebles and Co
- Bruntons (Musselburgh)
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co
- Bucker Flugzeubau, G. m. b. H.
- Buckley, Saunders and Co (Pontelec)
- Builders Copper Tube Supply Co
- Bull Motors
- Bullers
- Bulls Metal and Melloid Co
- Bulpitt and Sons
- Bunhill Publications
- Burberrys
- Burchs
- Burgess Products Co
- Burley
- Burmah Oil Co
- Burnelli Aircraft
- Burnelli Aircraft (Motor Division)
- Burt Brothers
- Burtonwood Motor and Aircraft Engineering Co
- Butler Air Transport Co
- Butlers Aero Works
- C. A. Baldwin and Co
- C. A. Nepean Bishop
- C. A. V. Bosch
- C. and B. Smith
- C. and J. Hampton
- C. and W. Walker
- C. B. Field
- C. B. Mills
- C. C. Wakefield and Co
- C. Churchill and Co
- C. D. Monniger
- C. E. Baker and Partner
- C. E. Berens
- C. E. Gardner
- C. E. Heinke and Co
- C. E. Horne
- C. E. Lambe
- C. E. Mercer
- C. F. Brooke
- C. F. R. Giesler
- C. F. R. Griffin
- C. Frost
- C. G. M. Alington
- C. G. Taylor
- C. G. Templer and Co
- C. G. Vokes
- C. Groom
- C. H. Cooper
- C. H. Johnson and Sons
- C. H. Leng and Sons
- C. H. Robinson and Co
- C. H. Tutt
- C. Howitt
- C. J. Donada
- C. J. Edwards and Son
- C. L. Berrington
- C. L. W. Aviation Co
- C. L. W. Aviation Co (1936)
- C. Lindley and Co
- C. M. D. Engineering Co
- C. Ogle
- C. R. Averill
- C. R. Shoults
- C. S. Burney
- C. S. Napier
- C. V. Bolton, F. S. M. C.
- C. W. Callery and Co
- C. and W. Walker
- C. Watson
- A. C. Wickman
- Callenders Cable and Construction Co
- Carbonizing Corporation of Great Britain
- Cambridge Instrument Co
- Campbell Aircraft Co
- Canadian Airways
- Canadian Colonial Airways
- Canadian Flying Clubs Association
- Canadian Vickers
- Cantieri Aeronautici Bergamaschi (Caproni)
- Cantieri Riuniti Dell’Adriatico Monfalcone
- Capt. R. W. A. Brewer
- Captain G. De Havilland
- Captain I. C. Maxwell
- Captain I. O’B. MacGregor
- Captain J. K. Mathew
- Captain Merriam, A.F.C., A.F.R.Ae.S.
- Captain R. G. Cazalet
- Captain S. Burt
- The Honourable Captain Lionel Lambart
- Captain W. R. Bailey
- Carbic
- Carborundum Co
- Carden Aero Engines
- Carden-Baynes Aircraft
- Cardiff Foundry and Engineering Co
- Cargo Fleet Iron Co
- Carkeek and Sons
- Carl Zeiss (London)
- Carless, Capel and Leonard
- Carlos Mayse
- Carlos Panini
- Carobronze
- Carpenter and Tildesley
- Carron Company
- Cartright
- Cassel Cyanide Co
- Castle Leather Co
- Castleton Steam Packing Co
- Cattley, Ernest and Co
- Caxton Name Plate Manufacturing Co
- Caxton Steel Co
- Cedos Engineering Co
- Celestor Manufacturing Co
- Cellactite and British Uralite
- Cellon
- Celtic Stamping Co
- Cement Marketing Co
- Central Aerophoto Co
- Central Airlines
- Central American Air Transport Co (T. A. C. A.)
- Cercke Liegois d’Aviation de Tourisme
- Ceskomoravska-Kolben-Danek Co
- Chamier Gilbert-Lodge and Co
- Champion Sparking Plug Co
- Chance Brothers and Co
- Chance Vought Aircraft
- Chantiers Aero-Maritimes de la Seine
- Chantiers Aeronavals E. Romano
- Chapman Engineering Co
- Charles A. Betts and Co
- Charles Baker
- Charles Baughan
- Charles Benn and Sons
- Charles Churchill and Co
- Charles Clifford and Son
- Charles H. Pugh
- Charles Harrison and Co
- Charles Harrold and Co
- Charles Richards and Sons
- Charles S. Madan and Co
- Charles Taylor (Birmingham)
- Charles Tennant and Co
- Charles Weston and Co
- Charrier Mouldings
- Chatwin, Thomas and Co
- Chemical and Insulating Co
- Chesterfield Tube Co
- Chicago and Southern Airlines
- Child and Hewitt
- China National Aviation Corporation
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co
- Chrislea Aircraft Co
- Christiani and Nielson
- Christopher J. and Sons
- Chromates
- Churchill Machine Tool Co
- Cia Aeronautica de la Sierra, S. A.
- Cia Aeronautica del Sur, S. A.
- Cia de Aviacion Faucett, S. A.
- Cia de Transportes Aeros (Senor Gelabert)
- Cia Nacional Cubana
- Cia Transporte Aereos de Chipas, S. A.
- Cia Transportes Aereos de Veracruz, S. A.
- Cierva Autogiro Co
- Cinque Ports Aviation
- Cirrus Hermes Engineering Co
- Citex Fire Extinguisher Co
- City Sheet Metal Works
- Civil Aviation
- Civil Aviation (Tanganyika)
- Civil Aviation (Argentina)
- Civil Aviation (Australia)
- Civil Aviation (Austria)
- Civil Aviation (Belgium)
- Civil Aviation (Bolivia)
- Civil Aviation (Brazil)
- Civil Aviation (Bulgaria)
- Civil Aviation (China)
- Civil Aviation (Colombia)
- Civil Aviation (Costa Rica)
- Civil Aviation (Cuba)
- Civil Aviation (Czechoslovakia)
- Civil Aviation (Denmark)
- Civil Aviation (Egypt)
- Civil Aviation (Estonia)
- Civil Aviation (Finland)
- Civil Aviation (France)
- Civil Aviation (Greece)
- Civil Aviation (Holland)
- Civil Aviation (Hungary)
- Civil Aviation (India)
- Civil Aviation (Irish Free State)
- Civil Aviation (Latvia)
- Civil Aviation (Malaya)
- Civil Aviation (Mexico)
- Civil Aviation (New Zealand)
- Civil Aviation (Norway)
- Civil Aviation (Peru)
- Civil Aviation (Poland)
- Civil Aviation (Portugal)
- Civil Aviation (Roumania)
- Civil Aviation (Russia)
- Civil Aviation (Salvador)
- Civil Aviation (Siam)
- Civil Aviation (South Africa)
- Civil Aviation (Southern Rhodesia)
- Civil Aviation (Sweden)
- Civil Aviation (Switzerland)
- Civil Aviation (Turkey)
- Civil Aviation (U.S.A.)
- Civil Aviation (Uruguay)
- Civil Aviation (Venezuela)
- Civil Aviation (Yugoslavia)
- Civil Aviation Office (Netherlands East Indies)
- Clare-Collets
- Clarke and Vigilant Sprinklers
- Clarke, Chapman and Co
- Clarkes (Redditch)
- Claude-General Neon Lights
- Clay and Atkinson
- Clayton Dewandre Co
- Clayton Folkerts
- Cleveland Oil Co
- Cleveland Petroleum Products Co
- Cleveland Product Co
- Clews Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Co
- Clive Greenway, Vale and Co
- Club Aeronautique Caroloregien
- Clyde Aero Engine Co
- Clyde Alloy Steel Co
- Clyde Crane and Engineering Co
- Colas Products
- Colbit
- Colledge and Bridgen
- Collins and Son
- Colombo
- Colonel J. F. Turner
- Colvilles
- Comdr. C. Croxford
- Commercial Air Hire
- Commercial Aviation (Chile)
- Commercial Aviation Co Pty.
- Compagnia Nazionale Aeronautica
- Compagnie Air-France
- Compagnie des Avion Hanriot
- Compagnie Lilloise de Moteurs
- Compania de Aviacion Condor
- Compania de Aviacion Pan-Americana Argentina, S.A.
- Compania Mexicana de Aviacion, S. A.
- Compania Nacional de Aviacion (T. A. C. A.)
- Companias Aerovias Centrales, S. A.
- Comper Aeroplanes
- Connolly Brothers (Curriers)
- Consolidated Aircraft Corporation
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co
- Constructions de Planeurs a Moteur Auxiliare
- Continental Motors Corporation (Aircraft Engine Division)
- Cook Strait Airways
- Cooke, Troughton and Simms
- Cookson Lead and Antimony Co
- Cooper and Sons (Sheffield)
- Cooper, Webb-Jones and Co
- Coopers Garage (Surbiton)
- Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co
- Corfield and Buckle
- Cork Insulation Co
- Cork Manufacturing Co
- Corona Engineering Co
- Costruzioni Meccaniche Aeronautiche, S. A.
- County Chemical Co
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co
- Coventry Magneto Co
- Coventry-Victor Motor Co
- Cramlington Aircraft
- Cranford Manufacturing Co
- Craven and Speeding Brothers
- Craven Brothers (Manchester)
- Crawford Hughes and Co
- Crawley, Parsons and Co
- Cressall Manufacturing Co
- Croager Brothers
- Crofts (Engineers)
- Cromil and Piercy
- Crompton Parkinson
- Crosbie, Adolphe and Co
- Crosby Engineering Co
- Cross Alloy Cylinders
- Crossley Brothers
- Crouch-Bolas Aircraft Corporation
- Croydon Airways
- Croydon Cable Works
- Crypto Electric Co
- Crystalate Gramophone Record Manufacturing Co
- Cub Aircraft
- Curtis Manufacturing Co
- Czechoslovak Aviation Co
- Czechoslovak State Air Lines
- D. Anderson and Son
- D. Brown and Sons
- D. C. Durgoyne
- D. F. W. Atcherley
- D. H. Bonnella and Son
- D. K. Fairweather
- D. Lewis
- D. M. Henderson and Co
- D. Mitchell and Co
- D. Morgan Rees and Sons
- D. Napier and Son
- D. P. Battery Co
- D. R. Pobjoy
- D. Schreiber, M.V.O.
- Dacier
- Daimler-Benz, A. G.
- Danks, Edwin and Co (Oldbury)
- Dargue Acetylene Gas Co
- Darjavna Aeroplanna Robotilnitza
- Darlington Rolling Mills Co
- Darlington Wire Mills
- Darmstadt University Aviation Society
- Dart Aircraft
- Dart Spring Co
- Darwins
- Dashwood and Partners
- Davey and Co
- Davey and Co London
- David and Leslie Keay
- David Baxter and Sons
- David Bentley (Leicester)
- David Harcourt
- David J. Patton (1934)
- David Keay and Leslie
- David Moseley and Sons
- David Powis and Sons
- David Rowell and Co
- David Waddell and Sons
- Davidson and Co
- Davies Brothers (Asphalters)
- Davies Coleman and Co
- Richard Davies Leather Co
- Davis and Timmins
- Davis Gas Stove Co
- De Bergues Patents
- De Havilland Aircraft Co
- De Havilland Aircraft of Canada
- Dee Oil Co
- Del Guerra Oilskin Manufacturing Co
- Delco Remy and Hyatt
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co
- Delta Airlines
- Delta Metal Co
- Demolition and Construction Co
- Denbigh Engineering Co
- Denhams Engineering Co
- Dening and Co
- Dennis Brothers
- Dennis Millar and Co
- Dennis, Adams and Co
- Dent and Co and Johnson
- Derby Cables
- Deritend Stamping Co
- Deruluft (Latvia)
- Deruluft (Lithuania)
- Deruluft (Russia)
- Desmo
- Desoutter Brothers
- Det Dankse Luftfartselskab, A. S. (D.D.L.)
- Det Kongelige Danske Aeronautiske Selskab (The Royal Danish Aeronautical Society)
- Det Norske Luftfartselskap Fred. Olsen and Bergenske, A/S
- Deutsche Luft Hansa (Yugoslavia)
- Deutsche Luft Hansa, A. G. (Czechoslovakia)
- Deutsche Lufthansa, A. G. (Germany)
- Deutsche Lufthansa, A. G. (Greece)
- Deutsche Zeppelin Redderei
- Deutscher Luftsport-Verband, E. V.
- Deutsche-Russiche Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft
- Diagrid Structure
- Dicks Asbestos Co
- Dixon Corbitt
- Dixon, Powner and Sons
- Dixonia
- Dixons, Cardiff and South Wales Ropeworks
- Dobbie, McInnes and Clyde
- Dobbs Brothers and Hitchman
- Docker Brothers
- Dod Brothers
- Dominion Motor Spirit Co
- Dominion Skyways
- Donald Brown (Brownall)
- Donovan Electrical Co
- Dorman and Smith
- Dornier Metallbauten, G. m. b. H.
- Doswiadczalne Warsztaty Lotnicze
- Douglas, Lawson and Co
- Dover
- Dowsing Co (Electrical Manufacturers)
- Dowson and Mason Gas Plant Co
- Drake and Dahm (Translators)
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co
- Drysdale and Co
- Du Bois Co
- Duchess of Bedford
- Duke, Waring, Crisp and Co
- Duncan Watson (Electrical Engineers)
- Dunford and Elliott (Sheffield)
- Dunlop and Ranken
- Dunlop Rubber Co
- Durastic Bituminous Products
- Durex Abrasives
- Dussek Bitumen and Taroleum
- Duston and Co (Inc. G. and P. Hookham)
- G. A. Essex
- G. and J. Paton
- G. and J. Weir
- G. and M. Lane and Co
- G. Bemridge
- G. Brady and Co
- G. C. Maxwell, M.C., D.F.C., A.F.C.
- G. D. Peters and Co
- G. E. Mortley-Sprague and Co
- G. E. N. Everett
- G. E. Prior-Palmer
- G. E. T. Eyston
- G. E. Wallis and Sons
- G. Ellis and Co
- G. F. Briggs
- G. H. Robinson and Son
- G. H. Smith and Co
- G. H. Wilson-Fox
- G. L. A. France
- G. L. Prendergast
- G. Linnell
- G. N. Haden and Sons
- G. P. Dennis
- G. P. E. and E. F. E. Howard
- G. Q. Parachute Co
- G. R. Armstrong and J. Shand
- G. R. Jones and Co
- G. R. Speaker and Co
- G. S. Davison
- G. S. Ogilvie
- G. S. Peckham and Co
- G. Scott-Pearse
- G. Sonneborn and Co
- G. T. Hawkins
- G. W. Garnett
- G. W. Hall
- G. W. Harben
- G. W. Higgs
- G. Wadsworth and Sons
- Gabriel and Co
- Gale and Polden
- Gallay
- Gambrells, Rowse and Snoaden
- Garden-Baynes Aircraft
- Garnock, Bibby and Co
- Gataverken
- Gaunt and Hickman
- Gay Brothers
- Gear Grinding Co
- General Aircraft
- General Airways
- General Celluloid Co
- General Electric Co
- General Fire Appliance Co
- Gent and Co
- Geoge Purdom and Co
- Geographia
- George Angus and Co
- George Baker
- George Banham and Co
- George Bennett and Sons
- George Brown and Brothers
- George Burn
- George Cohen, Sons and Co
- George Emmott (Pawsons)
- George Emmott (Rawsons)
- George Green and Co
- George H. Elt
- George H. Rome
- George Hatch
- George Hill and Co
- George Jowitt and Sons
- George Painter and Co
- George Purdom and Co
- George Russell and Co
- George Salter and Co
- George Spencer Moulton and Co
- George Sumner
- George Swift and Sons
- George Taylor (Brass Founders)
- George Taylor (Brass Sprayers)
- George Tucker Eyelet Co
- George Turton, Platt and Co
- George Whalley and Co
- Germ Lubricants
- Gibson (West Bromwich)
- Gieves
- Gill Rhodes Co
- Gillett, Stephen and Co
- Gilt Edge Safety Glass
- Gimson and Co (Leicester)
- Giro Aviation Co
- Gittings and Hills
- Glacier Metal Co
- Glasgow Electrical Engineering Co
- Glass Sealer Co
- Glasso Paint Products
- Gledhill-Brook Time Recorders
- Glenfield and Kennedy
- Gloster Aircraft Co
- Gloucester Foundry
- Glover Brothers (Mossley)
- Glyco Metal Co
- Godins
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (Great Britain)
- Gothaer Waggonfabrik, A. G.
- Gothic Electrical Supplies
- Gourdov-Lesseurre
- Govan Shafting and Engineering Co
- Government Workshops (Portugal)
- Gramophone Co
- Grant and West
- Granville, Miller and de Lackner
- Graphite Oils Co
- Greases
- Great British Rubber Co
- Great Lakes Aircraft Corporation
- Greek National Aircraft Factory
- Greenway, Clive, Vale and Co
- Gresham and Craven
- Grierson
- Griffin and Tatlock
- Griffith Brewer
- Gross Sherwood and Heald
- Grosvenor and Co (London)
- Grosvenor Electric Batteries
- Group Captain W. H. Primrose, A.F.C., R.A.F.
- Grover Loening Aircraft Co
- Guernsey Airways
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds
- Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators of the British Empire
- Guinea Airways
- Gwinn Aircar Co
- Gwynnes Pumps
- M. and C. Switchgear
- M. C. Harley
- M. C. L. and Repetition
- M. E. King
- M. G. Christie
- M. G. Lazaro and A. L. Bieber
- M. K. Electric
- M. L. Curtis
- M. Maxwell
- M. N. Mavrogordato
- M. R. C.
- M. Sassoon
- M. W. Dunscombe
- M. W. Woods
- M. Yates and Sons
- Maatschappij voor Vliegtuigbouw N. V.
- MacArthur and Jackson
- MacEchern and Co
- Macfarlane Engineering Co
- Macnab and Co
- MacRobertson Miller Aviation Co
- Magnesium Castings and Products
- Magnesium Elektron
- Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co of Great Britain
- Magyar Legiforgalm Reszvenytarsasag (Hungarian Airtraffic Co)
- Maison Sarole, S.A.
- Major and Co
- Major G. W. G. Allen
- Major H. Musker
- Major J. C. Savage
- Major J. E. D. Shaw
- Major, Robinson and Co
- Major-General Viscount Gort
- Malcolm and Farquharson
- Malling Aviation
- Mallock-Armstrong Ear Defender Co
- Manchester Paint and Varnish Co
- Manfred Weiss Flugzeug und Motorenfabrik A. G.
- Manfred Weiss Flugzeug und Motorenfabrik Aktiengesellschaft
- Manuchuria Airtransport Co
- Manufacturers Aircraft Association
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co
- Markham and Co
- Marquess of Donegall
- Marquess of Douglas and Clydesdale
- Marquess of Dufferin and Ava
- Marsh Brothers and Co
- Marshall Osborne and Co
- Marshall, Sons and Co (Successors)
- Marshalls Flying School
- Marshalls Flying Services
- Martin-Baker Aircraft Co
- Massa Sparking Plug Co
- Masson, Seeley and Co
- Matchett and Martineau
- Matthew T. Shaw and Co
- Matthew Wells and Co
- Maurice B. Fraser
- Mawdsleys
- May and Baker
- Maybach-Motorenbau, G. m. b. H.
- Mayo Composite Aircraft Co
- McGowan, Wild and Co
- McGraw-Hill Publishing Co
- McGregor and Co
- McKechnie Brothers
- Mechanism
- Mechanism (H. C. Peirce)
- Mechans
- Medway Synthetic Products
- Melvin Brothers
- Menasco Manufacturing Co
- Menno Compressed Air Greasecup Co
- Mercury Aircraft
- Meredith and Co
- Merrick and Heath
- Merryweather and Sons
- Merseyside Aero and Sports Co
- Merseyside Air Park
- Messier Aviation Engineering Co
- Metal Industries
- Metal Propellers
- Metal Sprayers
- Metal Structures
- Metallic Seamless Tube Co
- Metals
- Metropolitan Plywood Co
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co
- Meynell and Sons
- Mica Lubricant Co
- Mica Products
- Micanite and Insulators Co
- Middlesex Paint and Lacquer Co
- Midland Airways
- Midland Electric Installation Co
- Midland Electric Manufacturing Co
- Midland Electric Wire Co
- Midland Expanded Metal Co
- Midland Fan Co
- Midland Flexible Metallic Tubing Co
- Midland Metals (Wolverhampton)
- Midland Motor Cylinder Co
- Midland Sheet Metal Works
- Miles Ashworth
- Military Aircraft Corporation
- Miller, Rayner and Haysom
- Mills Equipment Co
- Milne and Longbottom
- Milne and Longbottom (R. Milne)
- Minimax
- Minister for Air (Germany)
- Mint, Birmingham
- Miralite
- Misr Airwork, S. A. E.
- Miss C. M. de Reyes
- Miss E. L. M. Barbour
- Miss J. E. Giles
- Miss J. G. Batten
- Miss M. S. D. Wilson
- Miss R. Rees
- Misses M. and S. Glass
- Mitchell, Shackleton and Co
- Mitsubishi Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha]] (Mitsubishi Heavy-Industries)
- Mixtrol Oil Products of Great Britain
- Model Aircraft Stores
- Model Aircraft Supplies
- Model Transport Co
- Models Manufacturing Co
- Mollart Engineering Co
- Moore and Bird
- Morgan Ebonite Co
- Morgan, Owen and Taylor
- Morris and Co (Chester)
- Morris and Ingram
- Morris and West
- Mosers
- Moss Brothers Aircraft
- Moss Brothers and Co
- Moss Gear Co
- Mosses and Mitchell
- Moteurs Aubier and Dunne
- Motor and Aviation Insurance Brokers
- Motor Components (Birmingham)
- Moulded Products
- Mouldrite
- Mountford Rubber Co
- Mountsorrel Tarred Macadam Co
- Mrs B. Macdonald
- Mrs D. M. Wills
- Mrs E. M. Robinson
- Mrs Howard-Jones
- Mrs I. J. Goldspink
- Mrs L. H. Gibbs
- Mrs M. K. Wilberforce
- Muegyetemi Sportrepulo Egyesulet (Sport Flying Association of the Technical University)
- Murex Welding Processes
- Murray Aeronautical Corporation
- Musgrave and Co
- P. B. Deviator
- P. B. Snowdon and Co
- P. C. Henderson
- P. Dunkerley
- P. E. Buck
- P. E. Matthews and Sons
- P. G. Aldrich-Blake
- P. G. Allday and Co
- P. H. Jackson and Co
- P. Levasseur
- A. P. Lundberg and Sons
- P. P. S. Pratt
- P. Priest, F. Lawton and C. Brooke
- P. R. Burton and V. M. Desmond
- P. Randolph
- P. Richardson and Son
- P. Stobie and Co
- P. T. Eckersley
- Pahl Brothers
- Pak Parachute Co
- Palmer Tyre
- Palmer-Browne Lubricator Co
- Pan American Airways (Grace)
- Pan-Aero Pictures
- Panair do Brazil, S.A.
- Pan-Amercian Airways (Ecuador)
- Pan-American Airways
- Pan-American Airways (British Honduras)
- Pan-American Airways (Colombia)
- Pan-American Airways (Costa Rica)
- Pan-American Airways (Cuba)
- Pan-American Airways (Guatemala)
- Pan-American Airways (Honduras)
- Pan-American Airways (Mexico)
- Pan-American Airways (Nicaragua)
- Pan-American Airways (Panama)
- Pan-American Airways (Salvador)
- Pan-American Airways (U.S.A.)
- Pan-American Airways (Uruguay)
- Pan-American Airways (Venezuela)
- Pan-American Grace Airways (Peru)
- Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze W. Warszawie
- Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze W. Warszawie (Late Polsky Zaklady Skody)
- Parker, Winder and Achurch
- Parnall Aircraft
- Pasped Aircraft Co
- Patent Motor Products Co
- Paths and Ways
- Paul Boulton Aircraft
- Payne and Griffiths
- Pearce Signs
- Pegson
- Penney and Porter (1932)
- Pennsylvania Aircraft Syndicate
- Pennsylvania Airlines
- Percival Aircraft
- Perfecta Motor Equipments
- Perry and Fudge
- Perry Barr Metal Co
- Personal Airways
- Peruvian Cotton Dusting Co
- Peruvian National Air Lines
- Peter Brotherhood
- Peter Stobie and Co
- Peto and Radford
- Petro-Flex Tubing Co
- Philco Radio and Television Corporation of Great Britain
- Philip Kirkup and Co
- Philip Wilkinson and Sons
- Philippine Aerial Taxi Co
- Philips Industrial (Philips Lamps)
- Phillips and Powis Aircraft
- Phillips and Rabone
- Phillips and Sons (Electrical)
- Phillips Telescopic Taps
- Phoenix Steel Tube Co
- Phosphor Bronze Co
- Pidgen Brothers
- Piercy and Co
- Piero Magni Aviazione, S. A. I.
- Piftin
- Pinchin, Johnson and Co
- Pines Airways
- Pirelli-General Cable Works
- Pitcairn Autogiro Co
- Pitter Gauge and Precision Tool Co
- Plane Advertising
- Plant C. H. (Formerly Kalinin)
- Plastilume Products
- Platt Brothers and Co
- Platts Split Packing Co
- Plessey Co
- Plymouth Airport
- Pneumatic Tools
- Pobjoy Airmotors and Aircraft
- Pocklington and Johnson
- Podlaska Wytwornia Samolotow, S. A.
- Polskie Linje Lotnicze (L. O. T.)
- Pomona Rubber Co
- Pooley and Austin
- Poppe Rubber and Tyre Co
- Popular Flying
- Portsmouth, Southsea and I. O. W. Aviation
- Postans, Morley Brothers and Birtles
- Poulton Self and Lee
- Power Contracts (Batwin)
- Power Flexible Tubing Co
- Power Plant Co
- Pratt and Whitney Aircraft
- Prellers and Sampsons Belting Co
- Premier Aluminium Castings Co
- Premier Electric Control Co
- Premiers Chantiers Serbe de Constructions Aeronautiques G. Rogojarsky S. A.
- Prentice
- Prescot Clock and Mechanism Co
- Presspahn
- Prices Patent Candle Co
- Priest, Rowland
- Proctor, Johnson and Co
- Purimachos
- Puttnam Aircraft Co
- Pymore Mill Co
- Pyrene Co
- Pytchley Autocar Co
- R. A. Dyson and Co
- R. A. Lister and Co
- R. A. Mitchell Junior
- R. A. Munder
- R. and J. Dick
- R. and J. Park
- R. and J. Rankin
- R. Anderson, Son and Co
- R. B. Gilliat
- R. B. Pullin and Co
- R. Branston
- R. Bullock
- R. Butler
- R. C. Presland
- R. C. Ramsay
- R. Cadisch and Sons
- R. Cruickshank (Cellulose)
- R. Dundas
- R. E. Gardner
- R. E. Horrox
- R. E. L. Beere
- R. E. Sharples
- R. F. D. Co
- R. G. Davies
- R. G. Doig
- R. H. Collier and Co
- R. H. Cook and Co
- R. H. Neal and Co
- R. H. Patterson and Co
- R. H. Stocken
- R. I. W. Protective Products Co
- R. Ince
- R. J. Bird
- R. J. Coley
- R. J. Coley and Atkinson
- R. J. Edwards and Co
- R. J. Pattinson
- R. K. Dundas
- R. K. L. S. Mainwaring
- R. Kearlsey and Co
- R. L. Thorn
- R. M. Miller and Co
- R. N. Birley
- R. O. Shuttleworth
- R. P. Hartley
- R. Proctor
- R. Riley
- R. S. H. Callingham
- R. S. Thacker and Co
- R. T. Boyd
- R. W. Anderson and Sons
- R. W. Coan
- R. W. Munro
- Radio Transmission Equipment
- Ragosine Oil Co
- Railway Air Services
- Ralph Richardson
- Ramage, Whitehead and Co
- Ramsgate Airport
- Ranalah
- Randle Radiators
- Ransome and Marles Bearing Co
- Ransomes and Rapier
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co
- Ratcliffs (Great Bridge)
- Rateau Engineers
- Ravenhose
- Rawsthornes (Bolton)
- Raybestos Belaco
- Raynoil Maps
- Read and Campbell
- Reale Unione Nazionale Aeronautica
- Rearwin Airplanes
- Reavell and Co
- Reay Brass Foundry Co
- Reay Gearworks
- Record Electrical Co
- Redditch Garages
- Redditch Spring Co
- Redfern's Rubber Works
- Redline-Glico
- Redpath, Brown and Co
- Redwing Aircraft Co
- Reid and Sigrist
- Reliance Sheetmetal Works
- Renard. Constructions Aeronautiques G. Renard
- Revo Electric Co
- Reynolds and Bradwell
- Reynolds Tube Co
- Rheostatic Co
- Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt
- Rhodes, Gill and Co
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland Airways (R.A.N.A.)
- Ribbesford Co
- Richard Bell and Co
- Richard C. Gibbins and Co
- Richard Cooper and Son (Wolverhampton)
- Richard Davies Leather Co
- Richard Klinger
- Richard Lloyd and Co
- Richard W. Carr and Co
- Richard Whiffen
- Richards (Leicester)
- Rider-Clarl Aircraft Corporation
- Ridgacre Foundry Co
- Rijks Studie Dienst voor de Luchtvaart
- Riley Aircraft
- Ripaults
- Robert Ingham, Clark and Co
- Robert Jenkins and Co
- Robert Kearsley and Co
- Robert Proctor
- Robert Rigby
- Robert Watson and Co
- Roberto L. Miranda
- Roberts, Black and Co
- Robertson Coolers
- Robinson and Cleaver
- Robinson and Kershaw
- Robson and Coleman
- Rockhampton Aerial Services
- Rogers-Jenkins and Co
- Rollason Aircraft Service
- Rolls-Royce
- Ronald Trist and Co
- Rooney and Sons
- Rose Aeroplane and Motor Co
- Rose, Downs and Thompson
- Ross
- Ross and Robinson
- Rotax
- Rotherham and Sons
- Rotherham Forge and Rolling Mills Co
- Rotunda
- Rowland Priest
- Rowland Rawlinson
- Royal Aero Club of Sweden
- Royal Aeronautical Society
- Royal Army Aircraft Factory (Denmark)
- Royal Dutch Air Line (K. L. M.)
- Royal Dutch Air Lines (K. L. M.) (Greece)
- Royal Meteorological Society
- Royal Naval Dockyard (Denmark)
- Royal Netherlands Aero Club
- Royal Yugoslav Aero Club
- Rubery, Owen and Co
- Runbaken Products
- Russell Brothers (Walsall)
- Russells Oil Co
- Russian Oil Products
- Rustless Iron Co
- Ruston and Hornsby
- Rutas Aereas Occidentales, S. A.
- S. A. Aeroplani Caproni
- S. A. Industrie Meccaniche e Aeronautiche Meridionali
- S. A. R. T. A. (S. A. Roumaine de Transport Aerien)
- S. A. Stablilimenti Farina
- S. A. Yorke
- S. Appleyard and Co
- S. B. Cliff
- S. Crawshaw and Sons
- S. De Saulles and Son
- S. Dixon and Son
- S. E. C. Pearson
- S. E. Norris and Co
- S. F. Bowser and Co (London)
- S. G. Brown
- S. Gleave
- S. Gregson and Sons
- S. Hawley
- S. J. Green and Co
- Saul D. Harrison and Sons
- S. Kenneth Davies
- S. L. Dodwell
- S. Mills and Co
- S. N. Jones
- S. P. Tyzack
- S. Pickering and Son
- S. Redfern and Co
- S. Russell and Sons
- S. T. Lowe
- S. Tyzack and Son
- S. U. Carburetter Co
- S. V. Appleby
- S. Wolf and Co
- S.A.B.C.A. Societe Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aeronautiques
- Sackville
- Safety Products
- Sagar-Richards
- Salford Electrical Instrument
- Salvolene Lubricants
- Sam Reid
- Sampson, Law, Marston and Co
- Samuel Denison and Son
- Samuel Fox and Co
- Samuel Greenwood and Sons
- Samuel Harris
- Samuel Heath and Sons
- Samuel Jones and Co
- Samuel Marsden and Son
- Samuel Mercer and Co
- Samuel Netherwood and Sons
- Samuel Wills and Co
- Sandemans Varnish
- Sanderson and Robinson
- Sanderson Brothers and Newbould
- Sandvik British Agency
- Santon
- Saul D. Harrison and Sons
- Saunders-Roe
- Schlupmannsche Industrie und Handelsgesellschaft G. m. b. H.
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines
- Scientific Glass Blowing Co
- Scintilla
- Scott Brothers
- Scott Laurence and Electromotors
- Scott Motor Cycle Co
- Scott Motors (Saltaire)
- Scottish Aircraft and Engineering Co
- Scottish Eastern Aircraft Services
- Scottish Stamping and Engineering Co
- Seapak Insulation Co
- Seattle-Victoria Air Mail
- Secretary of State for Air
- Security National Aircraft Corporation
- Selas Gas and Engineering Co
- Self-Priming Pump and Engineering Co
- Selson Machine Tool Co
- Serck Radiators
- Service de la Navigation Aerienne de Madagascar
- Servicios Aereos del Norveste, S. A.
- Servis Recorders
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co
- Sheffield and Hallamshire Hack Saw Co
- Sheffield Supply Co
- Sheffield Twist Drill and Steel Co
- Shell-Mex and B. P.
- Shetack Tool Works
- Shipman (Sales)
- Short and Harland
- Short and Mason
- Short Brothers
- Siddall and Hilton
- Sidney J. Mortimer and Co
- Siebe, Gorman and Co
- Siemens Brothers and Co
- Siemens Electric Lamps and Supplies
- Siemens-Schuckert
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain)
- Silentbloc
- Sifton, Praed and Co
- Sigmarine Co
- Sikorsky Aircraft
- Silentbloc
- Silvertown Lubricants
- Simmonds Aerocessories
- Simmonds and Stokes
- Simmonds Development Corporation
- Simmons and Hawker
- Simms Motor Units
- Simplifix Couplings
- Simpson (Piccadilly)
- Singleton, Flint and Co
- Sir A. Beit
- Sir C. A. Wrench
- Sir C. Rose
- Sir Derwent Hall Caine
- Sir G. Lewis
- Sir George Godfrey and Partners
- Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons
- Sir James Laing and Sons
- Sir K. I. Crossley Bart
- Sir Philip Sassoon
- Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft
- Sir W. H. Bailey and Co
- Sir William Firth
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co
- Skywriting
- Slater and Crabtree
- Slick Brands
- Small Power Dynamo and Motor Co
- Smethwick Drop Forgings
- Smethwick Stamping Co
- Smith and Rodger
- Smith Brothers and Co
- Smith-Clayton Forge
- Smiths Aircraft Instruments
- Snowdon, Sons and Co
- Sociedad Colombo-Alemana de Transportes Aereos (SCADTA)
- Sociedade Aero-Portugueza
- Societa Aeronautica Italiana (S. A. I.)
- Societa Anonima Aero-Espresso Italiana
- Societa Anonima Alfa-Romeo
- Societa Anonima F.I.A.T.
- Societa Anonima Piaggio and C.
- Societa Gabardini
- Societe Aeronautique du Sud-ouest
- Societe Aeronautique Francaise
- Societe Anonima Avio-Linee Italiana
- Societe Anonyme Belge d’Exploitation de la Navigation Aerienne (S.A.B.E.N.A.)
- Societe Anonyme de Ateliers d’Aviation Louis Breguet
- Societe Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Panhard et Levassor
- Societe Anonyme des Etablissements Emile Regnier
- Societe Anonyme des Usines Renault
- Societe Anonyme l’Aile Volante
- Societe Anonyme Loire-Nieuport
- Societe Anonyme Nieuport-Astra (Group Loire-Nieuport)
- Societe Anonyme Omnium Metallurgique et Industriel
- Societe Anonyme Pour la Fabrication et l’Exploitation des Avions Roab
- Societe des Aeroplanes Henry Potez
- Societe des Avions Bernard
- Societe des Avions H. M. et D. Farman
- Societe des Moteurs et Automobiles Lorraine
- Societe des Moteurs Gnome-et-Rhone
- Societe des Moteurs Salmson
- Societe Francais de Fabrication Aeronautique
- Societe Francaise d’Aviation Nouvelle
- Societe Francaise de Constructions Aeronautiques
- Societe Hellenique de Communications Aeriennes, S. A.
- Societe Italiana Ernesto Breda
- Societe Kellner-Bechereau
- Societe Provencale de Constructions Aeronautiques
- Societete Anonima Industria Aeronautica Romana
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors
- Sofnol
- Solar Refining Co
- Solenoid Regulator Co
- Solignum
- South African Airways (South African Railways and Harbours)
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co
- South Western Aviation Corporation
- South Western Brass Foundry
- Southwark Manufacturing Co
- Spartan Air Lines
- Spartan Aircraft
- Spauldings
- Specialliod
- Speedometer Supply Co
- Speedwell Gear Case Co
- Spencer Chapman and Messel
- Spencer Wire Co
- Spensall Screw and Bolt Co
- Sperry Gyroscope Co
- Spiral Tube and Components Co
- Spiro Ball Bearing Co
- Splintex-Newtex Safety Glass
- Spring Washers
- Spry and Holman
- Spurrier, Glazebrook and Co
- Squadron Leader H. Peake
- Squadron Leader N. C. Ogilvie-Forbes
- Square Grip Reinforcement Co
- St. Albans Rubber Co
- Staffordshire Airplanes
- Stampe-et-Vertongen. J. Stampe et M. Vertongen
- Stampings Alliance
- Standard Insulator Co
- Standard Telephones and Cables
- Standard Valves
- Standard Wire Co
- Stanley Earle and Co
- Stanley Engineering Co
- Stearman-Hammond Aircraft Corporation
- Stearn Electric Co
- Steel Band Conveyor and Engineering Co
- Steel Ceilings
- Steel Conduit Co
- Steel Construction Co
- Steel Nut and Joseph Hampton
- Steel Scaffolding Co
- Steel Stampings Co
- Steel Tube and Conduit Co
- Stephen Gillett and Co
- Stephen Seal, Son and Co
- Stephens Belting Co
- Sterling Metals
- Sterling Varnish Co
- Sternol
- Stewarts and Lloyds
- Stokes Castings
- Stone and Sons
- Stones, Wilkinson and Co
- Stothert and Pitt
- Stourbridge Rolling Mills
- Strand and Interchangeable Signs
- Strand Electric and Engineering Co
- Stream-Line Filters
- Streetly Manufacturing Co
- Sturge and Co
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920)
- Sunderland Engineering Equipment Co
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co
- Super Radio Co (Bradford)
- Superflexit
- Supermarine Aviation Works
- Super-Tools
- Surrey Flying Services
- Surtees Auto Marine Aircraft
- Swift, Levick and Sons
- Swindell and Co
- Swinnerton and Co
- Swissair, Schweizerische Luftverkehr, A. G.
- Sylicum Pistons
- Sylvan Lubricants Co
- Syndicaro Condor, Limitada
- Syndicat des Transports Aeriens du Katanga
- Syndicator Condor
- Sywell Aerodrome
- W. A. Hole A.M.I.E.E.
- W. A. Parker and Co
- W. Adams
- W. and A. Williamson and Co
- W. and J. George
- W. and J. Leigh
- W. and J. R. Watson
- W. and T. Avery
- W. and T. Jackson and Co
- W. Annison Bull
- W. B. Dick and Co
- W. B. Harrison
- W. Blackwell Oil Co
- W. Brown
- W. C. Martin and Co
- W. Canning and Co
- W. Courtenay
- W. D. Macpherson
- W. Dorman and Co
- W. E. Davis
- W. Edwards and Co
- W. F. Dennis and Co
- W. F. Smallman and Son
- Snowdon, Sons and Co
- W. G. Robson
- W. Gallimore and Sons
- W. Goldsmith
- W. Greenhalgh
- W. H. Allen, Sons and Co
- W. H. Dorman and Co
- W. H. Hotton and Co
- W. H. Moss
- W. H. Reynolds
- W. H. Reynolds and Co
- W. H. Silvester
- W. Humble
- W. J. Cearns
- W. J. Furse and Co
- W. J. Gunther
- W. J. Smith-Jackson
- W. L. Hey
- W. L. Lewis
- W. L. Runciman
- W. L. S. Macleod
- W. Lindsay Everard, M. P.
- A. W. Martin and Co
- W. McGowing and Co
- W. N. Nicholson and Sons
- W. P. Butterfield
- W. P. O. Evans
- W. P. Taylor
- W. Pound and Co
- W. R. Carpenter
- W. R. D. Perkiss
- W. R. Ellis
- W. R. Norman
- W. R. Porter
- W. R. Thornton
- W. S. Shackleton
- W. T. Bowie and Co
- W. T. Flather
- W. T. Henleys Telegraph Works Co
- W. Taylor-Young
- W. V. Smedley and C. Bell
- W. W. Greener
- W. W. Howard Brothers and Co
- W.A.S.P Air Lines
- Wadkin
- Wakeham Brothers
- Walker and Holroyd (1933)
- Walker and Wilson
- Walker, Crosweller and Co
- Waller and Co
- Walraven
- Walsall Electrical Co
- Walter Kidde Co
- Walter Spencer and Co
- Walters Electrical Manufacturing Co
- Ward and Goldstone
- Ward, Haggas and Smith
- Warrington Light Castings Co
- Watanabe Iron Works Co
- Water Purifiers
- Waterman Arrowplane Corporation
- Watson Duncan Electrical Engineers
- Watson, Saville and Co
- Watts Brothers (Sheffield)
- Wayne Tank and Pump Co
- Wayne V. Myers Co
- Weathershields
- Webb and Wilson
- Webley and Scott
- Webster and Co
- Weddel-Williams Air Service Corp
- Wedderburn and Burn
- Wednesbury Tube Co
- Weir Precision Engineering
- Weldless Steel Tube Co
- Weldox
- Weldrics (1922)
- Wellings and McMillan
- Wellman Bibby Co
- Wellworthy Piston Rings
- Wessex Aircraft Engineering Co
- West Bromwich Spring Co
- West London Welding Co
- West of Scotland Air Services
- Western Air Express Corp
- Western Air Transport
- Western Aircraft
- Western Aircraft Sales
- Western Airways
- Westland Aircraft
- Westminster Engineering Co
- Weston Electrical Instrument Co
- Westwood Rim and Patents
- Westwood, Macneill and Co
- Weybridge Air Services
- Weyburn Engineering Co
- Whessoe Foundry and Engineering Co
- Whipp and Bourne
- White Brothers and Jacobs
- Whites Engineering Co (Pendleton)
- Whitney Straight
- Wideroes Flyveselskap, A/S
- Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces
- Wilfred Robbins
- Wilfrid Overton
- Wilkins and Wright
- Wilkinson, Bentley and Co
- Willford and Co
- William Asquith
- William Bain and Co
- William Bayliss
- William Beardmore and Co
- William Coates and Son
- William Coulthard and Co
- William E. Cary
- William Harland and Son
- William Jessop and Sons
- William Mallinson and Sons
- William Marples and Sons
- William McPhail and Sons
- William Mills
- William Morrison and Sons (Leith)
- William Moyers and Sons
- William Newman and Sons
- William Ridgway and Sons
- William Spencer and Son
- William Standring
- William Stephens and Sons
- William Terrell and Sons
- William Turner and Brother
- William Twigg and Co
- William Ward and Son (Sheffield)
- Williams and Co
- Williams and Howard
- Williams and James
- Williams Brothers (Sheffield)
- Williams Brothers and Piggott
- Williamson Manufacturing Co
- Williamson Packing Co
- Wills Pressure Filled Joint Ring
- Wilmington-Catalina Airline
- Wilmot Breeden
- Wilson Airways
- Wilson Brothers (Leeds)
- Wilson Fyfe and Co
- Wings
- Wolverhampton Die-Casting Co
- Wondegrip Products
- Woods, Sons and Co
- Worcester Windshields and Casements
- Worldwin Pistons
- Worthington-Simpson
- Wright Aeronautical Corporation
- Wright and Weaire
- Wrights Ropes
- Wrightways
- Wryburn Engineering Co
- Wynn Timmins
- Wyoming Air Service