Bond Cars: Minicar
- 1948-51. 122cc engine.
At first sight the Bond Minicar gives the impression of being a toy, but there is little toy-like about the capabilities and performance of this attractive little three-seat three-wheeler. While it is quite equal to covering long distances with ease and has been successfully subjected to severe tests as a tourer, it also appears to be finding considerable favour as a runabout. There is no doubt that this is the ideal vehicle for the country dweller's shopping expeditions and for the hundred-and one journeys that have to be made in areas lacking other means of transport.
As a vehicle for more exacting work it is in a class of its own. Journeys of 200 miles, with driver, passenger and luggage have been made at average speeds of over thirty miles per hour and for an outlay of less than five shillings for petrol and oil.
ENGINE. Type: 2 h.p. Cylinders: 1. Bore X Stroke: 59 mm. X 72 mm. Compression ratio: 8 to 1. Maximum b.h.p.: 8.4 at 4,500 r.p.m.
PERFORMANCE. Maximum speed: 53 m.p.h. Fuel consumption: 85-90 m.p.g.
DIMENSIONS. Length: 8 ft. 8 ins. Height: 3 ft. 6 ins. Width: 4 ft. 7 ins. Wheelbase: 5 ft. 5 ins. Track: 3 ft. 8 ins. (rear). Weight (dry): 336 lbs. Fuel capacity: 2.5 gallons. Tyre size: 4 X 16.
BRAKES. Mechanical.
PRICE. £205 plus £57.13.11 Purchase Tax. Total: £262.13.11.