Category:Biography - Aviation
Pages in category "Biography - Aviation"
The following 1,720 pages are in this category, out of 1,720 total.
- Charles Reginald Abbott
- Robert Ogilvie Abercromby
- Aboukaia
- William Henry Dyke Acland
- Gordon Adams
- Francis Percy Adams
- Frederick Adams
- Robert Mortimer Adams
- William Campbell Adamson
- Edward John Addis
- Clement Ader
- Augustus Willington Shelton Agar
- Herbert Charles Agnew
- Arthur Haynes Aitken
- John Alcock
- Gerald West Storey Aldwell
- Patrick Young Alexander
- Clement Robert Wedgwood Allen
- Damer Leslie Allen
- Theodore Allison
- Robert Charles Wallace Alston
- Maurice John Ambler
- Ernest Vincent Anderson
- James Arthur Anderson
- Frank George Andreae
- Joseph Claude Andrews
- Harold Wells Angier
- Alessandro Anzani
- Ernest Archdeacon
- Ernest Albert Archer
- Robert Alexander Archer
- Frances Alec Arcier
- Louis Silvio Armandias
- Otokar Theodor Arno
- William Hammett Arscott
- Desmond Lucius Arthur
- Basil Drummond Ash
- Edward Bailey Ashmore
- George Reginald Ashton
- Henry Jacob Delaval Astley
- Lionel Lidderdale Atherton
- Reginald Virgo Atkinson
- Kenlis Percival Atkinson
- Charles William Attwood
- Emile Aubron
- Edmond Audemars
- John Tremayne Babington
- Gertrude Bacon
- John Mackenzie Bacon
- Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell
- Andrew Delfosse Badgery
- William Badley
- Ferdinand de Baeder
- Arthur Andrew Bage
- Ralph Kirkby Bagnall-Wild
- W. Bailey
- Leonard Bairstow
- Frederick Walker Baldwin
- Thomas Scott Baldwin
- Albert Ball
- Archibald Morton Ballantyne
- Frank Martin Ballard
- R. M. Balston
- Stephen M. Balzer
- Thomas Bancroft
- Francis Rodwell Banks
- Alexander Bannerman
- Horatio Claude Barber
- Walter Henry Barling
- Alfred Charles Barlow
- Raymond Keith Barlow
- Thomas Morgan Barlow
- Charles Douglas Barnard
- H. N. Barnard
- Arthur Charles Barnby
- Arthur Abraham Barnes
- George Arthur Barnes
- Frank Barnshaw
- Frank Barnwell
- Richard Harold Barnwell
- Frederick Barr
- Barra
- Arthur Sheridan Barratt
- Basil Herbert Barrington Kennett
- John George Barron
- Alfred Edward Barrs
- Kenelm Joseph Godfrey Bartlett
- Francis Alexander Barton
- Robert John Ferguson Barton
- Ernest Charles Bass
- Walter Edward Bastable
- A. Batchelor
- Jack William Batchelor
- Arthur John Bateman
- Bernard Montague Basil Bateman
- Frederick George Bateman (1884-1915)
- Philip Ephraim Bateman
- Bathiat
- Sydney Harry Batty-Smith
- Eric Bentley Bauman
- Edouard Baumann
- Alexander D. Baxter
- J. Baxter
- Tone Hippolyte Bayetto
- Charles George Gordon Bayly
- Leslie Everett Baynes
- William James Beadle
- Donald Wainwright Beard
- Ralph Beasley
- William Dawson Beatty (1884-1941)
- John Harold Whitworth Becke
- Alfred William Bedford
- Alexander Crutchley Beech
- Charles Francis Beevor
- Nicholas Timothy Belaiew
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Charles Gordon Bell
- Stanley Bell
- Richard Bell-Davies
- Alfred Bellamy
- Bellamy aeroplane
- William Bendall
- F. Bennell
- Jim Bennett
- William George Bennett
- Bernard Benson
- Reginald Limond Benwell
- Eustace Richard Berne
- Constantin Beroniade
- Sanchez Besa
- Arthur Vere Bettington
- Claude Albemarle Bettington
- Frederic George Bevis
- Reginald Charles Hope Bewes
- Henry Charles Biard
- Bielovucie
- Bier
- Arthur Wellesley Bigsworth
- Eardley Delorney Billing
- Charles George Billing
- Noel Pemberton-Billing
- Frank Burges Binney
- William Claud Kennedy Birch
- William Birchenough
- Ronald Edward Bird
- Thomas Christopher George Bird
- William Avery Bishop
- Cortlandt F. Bishop
- Frederick Ernest Bishop
- Tom Campbell Black
- Harold Blackburn
- Vivian Gaskell Blackburn
- Latham Valentine Stewart Blacker
- Maurice Bernal Blake
- Joseph James Bland
- Lilian Emily Bland
- Guy Blatherwick
- Louis Bleriot
- Hubert Le Blon
- Gustav Blondeau
- George Alfred John Blundell
- Andrew George Board
- Henry Charles Bobbett
- Arthur Courtney Boddam-Whetham
- Bertram Richard White Boer
- Robert Albany Boger
- Roger Montague Boger
- John Bruce Bolitho
- Henry George Bond
- Reginald John Bone
- Ian Malcolm Bonhan-Carter
- Jean-Francois Boyvin de Bonnetot
- Robert Boorman
- Harris Booth
- Frederick Lewis Maitland Boothby
- Amyas Eden Borton
- Henry John Lawrence Botterell
- Matthew Piers Watt Boulton
- Rowland Henry Bound
- Ulick John Deane Bourke
- John Graham Bower
- Christopher William Henry Bowers
- Frederick William Bowhill
- Alan Reginald Boyle
- John David Boyle
- Claude Brabazon
- G. W. B. Bradford
- Herbert Bradford
- Granville Eastwood Bradshaw
- Bernard John William Brady
- Caleb S. Bragg
- Reuben Bramhall
- William Sefton Brancker
- Charles Edward Brassington
- Charles Dempster Breese
- Henri Bregi
- Louis Charles Breguet
- Armand Breil
- Maurice Joseph Brennan
- John Brereton
- Griffith Brewer
- Robert Wellesley Antony Brewer
- Leonard Bridgman
- Charles Edward Ridgway Bridson
- Edward Featherstone Briggs
- Alfred Brind
- Jean-Marie Le Bris
- Wilfrid Broadbent
- Gerald Henry Broadhurst
- Henry Le Marchant Brock
- Walter Laurence Brock
- John Longmuir Penman Brodie
- Francis John Brodigan
- Francis George Brodribb
- Paul Augustine Broder
- Philip William Lilian Broke-Smith
- Geoffrey Rhodes Bromet
- Cecil Percy John Bromley
- Henry Robert Moore Brooke-Popham
- Walter Brookins
- Harry Bingham Brown
- Vernon S. Brown
- Alan Montagu Yeats Brown
- Alexander Claud Garden Brown
- Arthur Whitten Brown
- Lindop Evans Brown
- Robert Simpson Brown
- Walter Browning
- Charles Bruce-Gardner
- Mildred Bruce
- Robert Arthur Bruce
- William Robert Bruce
- Simon Brunnhuber
- Anthony Loftus Bryan
- Gerald Charles Balfour Buckland
- Arthur Leslie Bucknall
- Ernest Corfield Bucknall
- Henry Ion Bulkeley
- Winnie Buller
- George Purvis Bulman
- Frank Arnold Bumpus
- Etienne Bunau-Varilla
- Alexander Ernest Burchardt Ashton
- Arthur Burdett Burdett
- John Burgess (1825-1890)
- Aubrey Francis Burke
- Charles James Burke
- William Wallace Allison Burn
- Cecil Stanley Burney
- Ronald Burns
- Hugh Burroughes
- James Edward Godfrey Burroughs
- James Burrows
- William John Burtenshaw
- Gilbert Bremridge Bush
- Richard Eldon Bush
- Edward Teshmaker Busk
- Hans Acworth Busk
- Horace Austen Buss
- Henry Richard Busteed
- Frank Hedges Butler
- Vera Butler
- William Hedley Butt
- Egbert Cadbury
- Colin Simpson Cadell
- A. Caille
- J. T. Call
- Everard Richard Calthrop
- Dhoual Cameron
- Napier Charles Gordon Cameron
- Neville John Gordon Cameron
- Frederick James Camm
- Sydney Camm
- Reginald Archibald Cammell
- Charles Lindsey Campbell
- Charles Ivor Rae Campbell
- Charles Campbell
- Charles Lindsay Campbell
- H. Campbell
- Ronald Portman Cannon
- Serge Cantacuzene
- John Edward Capper
- John Carbery
- Alan Douglas Carden
- Frederick Henry Carey
- Louis Carle
- Thomas Frederick Boyd Carlisle
- George Ivan Carmichael
- Gerald Goodwin Carpenter
- A. G. H. Carr
- Reginald Hugh Carr
- George Carruthers
- Henry Wilfred Carter
- Lewis Edward Carter
- Wilfred George Carter
- John Case
- Albert Edward Case
- Bartolomeo Cattaneo
- Gaston Caudron
- Rene Caudron
- Frank Cave-Browne-Cave
- Thomas Reginald Cave-Browne-Cave
- George Cayley
- Cecil Thomas Carfrae
- Roy Chadwick
- George Henry Challenger
- Alfred Eustace Chambers
- Ennis Tristram Ratcliffe Chambers
- Reginald Chambers
- Charles Ferris Montagu Chambers
- John Adrian Chamier
- Florentin Champel
- Octave Chanute
- Herbert Eugene Chaplin
- Harold Thomas Chapman
- Douglas Alwyn Rougier Chapman
- William Henry Charlesworth
- Lionel Evelyn Oswald Charlton
- Ronald Louis Charteris
- James Denys Perceval Chataway
- Herbert Chatley
- Ernest Edward Chatterton
- Georges Chavez
- Alfred Bryson East Cheeseman
- Edward Wallace Cheeseman
- N. Chereau
- Chester Melvin Vaniman
- Cheuret
- Montagu Reaney Chidson
- Harold Borlase Triscott Childs
- Esme Fairfax Chinnery
- Arthur Chivers
- Reginald Cholmondeley
- Josef Christiaens
- Archibald Christie
- Richard Constantine Christoforides
- Christolet
- Donald William Clappen
- Ernest Alexander Claremont
- John Percival Clark
- Julia Clark
- Thomas Wigston Kinglake Clarke
- Alan William Scott Clarke
- Edward Denman Clarke
- Horace William Clarke
- Richard Milroy Clarkson
- Dorothy Mary Clayton East Clayton
- Frederick Holden Cleaver
- Stephen Thomas Clemens
- Gustave Adolphe Clement
- Maurice Clement
- Alfred William Clemson
- Stanley Edward Clotworthy
- Newsome Henry Clough
- George Clout
- Henri Coanda
- Harry Cobby
- Alan Cobham
- Ralph Cochrane
- George Bertram Cockburn
- Samuel Pepys Cockerell
- Robert Cocking
- Fletcher Sydney George Codling
- Samuel Franklin Cody
- Francis John Leslie Cogan
- William Cole
- Edgar Ralph Coles
- Vyvian Harcourt Coles
- Charles Herbert Collet
- John Collins
- Reginald Collis
- Raymond Collishaw
- Charles Collyer
- George Cyril Colmore
- George Lushington Columb
- Charles James Comerford
- Daniel Goodwin Conner
- Eric Lewis Conran
- Owen Mostyn Conran
- Hayne Constant
- Henry Rex Cook
- Howard Lister Cooper
- Herbert Ambrose Cooper
- Horace Arthur Cooper
- Ernest Edward Copper
- Edward Roux Littledale Corballis
- Denys Corbett-Wilson
- Robert Harry Lucas Cordner
- Robert Cordonnier
- Paul Cornu
- George Cornwall
- William Alec Coryton
- Christopher Lloyd Courtney
- Francis Thomas Courtney
- Henry Spencer Newton Courtney
- Ivon Terence Courtney
- George Evelyn Cowley
- Cecil Jebson Cox
- Geoffrey Henry Cox
- Harold Roxbee Cox
- Henry Coxwell
- Percy George Crabbe
- Jean de Crawhez
- Richard Oakes Crawshay
- Richard Patrick Creagh
- Gordon Shergold Creed
- Hugh Vivian Champion de Crespigny
- Claude Champion de Crespigny
- Thomas Scholes Creswell
- Albert Throne Crick
- John Marten Rush Cripps
- Andre Crochon
- William Reginald Crocker
- Frederick Francis Crocombe
- Felix du Temple de la Croix
- Dudley Stuart Kays Crosbie
- Reginald Jack Cross
- Edward Guy Kynaston Cross
- Reginald George Cudmore
- Mansfield George Smith Cumming
- Jack Armand Cuningham
- Eleanor Lettice Curtis
- Frazier Curtis
- Glenn Curtiss
- Herbert Dennis Cutler
- Giacomo D'Angelis
- Charles Roberts D'Esterre
- George Bentley Dacre
- Carl Olof Dahlbeck
- Martin Dale
- Roderic Dallas
- Geoffrey Cayley Lambert Dalley
- Ian Hew Waldegrave Stair Dalrympie-Clark
- John Damian
- Charles Darbyshire
- Charles Curtis Darley
- George Richard Sutton Darroch
- Francis Edwin Darvill
- Marcel Dassault
- George Louis Outram Davidson
- Stuart Duncan Davies
- William Davies (1862-1936)
- Edward Keith Davies
- Richard Bell Davies
- Eleanor Josephine Trehawke Davies
- William Frank Davison
- Elsie Joy Davison
- George William Patrick Dawes
- Leonard Dawes
- Francis Gilmer Tempest Dawson
- Mark Dawson
- F. Day
- John de Havilland
- Albert Deakin
- Eric Norman Deane
- Andre Debuissy
- Colin Defries
- Delabrosse
- Harry Delacombe
- Leon Delagrange
- Andre Delprat
- Lucien Blin Desbleds
- Marcel Desoutter
- Rene Louis Desoutter
- Wallace Charles Devereux
- John Dewbery
- Bertram Dickson
- Frederick John William Wingfield Digby
- William Rowland Ding
- Frederick Dismore
- Ditchfield
- William Stuart Dobbie
- William Findlay Robertson Dobie
- Roy Hardy Dobson
- Eric Henry Dobson
- Wilfrid Herbert Dolphin
- David Sigismund Don
- Geoffrey Charles Herbert Dorman
- Douglas Douglas-Hamilton
- Stephen Douglas
- Hugh Caswell Tremenheere Dowding
- Cyril Percy Downer
- George Dowty
- Christopher Draper
- O. H. Drewer
- John Armstrong Drexel
- Winifred Joyce Drinkwater
- Evelyn Frederick Driver
- William Henry Drumm
- W. F. Dry
- Paul Dubois
- Emile Dubonnet
- Maurice Ducrocq
- Rolf Dudley-Williams
- Henry Dufaux
- Robin George Vivian Duff
- John Robertson Duigan
- William Jolly Duncan
- Malcolm Wallace Duncan
- Thomas Smith Duncan
- Frederick George Dunn
- Keith Frederick William Dunn
- John William Dunne
- George Dunville
- John Dunville
- Arthur Duray
- William Frederick Durand
- Helene Dutrieu
- T. D. Dutton
- George Miller Dyott
- W. H. Dyson
- Arthur Eadsforth
- Arthur Cecil Herbert Adrian Eales
- Eric John Earnshaw
- Geoffrey Hugh Eastwood
- Albert Victor Ebblewhite
- Francis Hermann Eberli
- George Wirth Eddington
- S. Edgington
- Charles Humphrey Kingsman Edmonds
- John Edmonds
- Henry Allen Edridge-Green
- George Robert Edwards
- Patrick Harrington Edwards
- Robert William Edwards
- Maurice Egerton
- Jacob Ellehammer
- Edward Leonard Ellington
- Arthur Buller Lynes Elliott
- William Henry Elliott
- Arthur James Ellis
- James Edwin Ellor
- Theodore Gordon Ellyson
- Henry Elsdale
- Thomas Wilfrid Elsdon
- Eugene Burton Ely
- Edwin Cheere Emmett
- John Empson
- Charles Peter Graham Engelbach
- Paul Engelhardt
- Eric Cecil Gordon England
- Geoffrey William England
- Harry England
- Walter Cecil England
- Ercole Ercole
- Robert Esnault-Pelterie
- Charles Robert d'Esterre
- Albert Eteve
- Igo Etrich
- August Euler
- Evan Burnett Sara
- Lewis Pugh Evans
- Douglas Claude Strathearn Evill
- William Hugh Ewen
- Alexander Arthur Des Voeux Ewing
- Donald Eyre
- Bill Eyre
- Valentine William Eyre
- Henri Fabre
- Charles Richard Fairey
- Bryan Charles Fairfax
- Gilbert Lindsay Farie
- Henry Farman
- Maurice Farman
- Richard Farman
- Fred Farrer
- Neville Alexander Thomas Nix Feary
- Walter Featherstone
- Alfred Hubert Roy Fedden
- Ernest Arthur Hunter Fell
- Robert Cooke Fenwick
- Fequent
- Ferdinand Ferber
- Francis A. Ferguson
- Antonio Fernandez
- John Claude Joubert De La Ferte
- Phillip Bennet Joubert de la Ferte
- Leslie Maurice Few
- Henry Crossley Fielding
- Filip Augustin Bjorklund
- Samuel John Vincent Fill
- James Leonard Finney
- Bertie Drew Fisher
- Edward Victor Beauchamp Fisher
- Jacques de Fitz-James
- Raymond Fitzmaurice
- James Fitzmaurice
- Earl Fitzwilliam (7th)
- Henry Rowland Fleming
- C. A. Fletcher
- Albert Fletcher
- John Norman Fletcher
- William Ronald Flockhart
- William Foster Floyd
- Cyril Edgar Foggin
- Anton Herman Gerard Fokker
- Henry Philip Folland
- Archibald Ford
- Arthur Baron Forman
- Henry Fournier
- Francis Henry Fowler
- Frederick Bernard Fowler
- Ivor Guy Vaughan Fowler
- Alan Geoffrey Fox
- Jean de Francia
- Thomas Hugh Colville Frankland
- H. H. Franklin
- Sidney Thomas Freeman
- Wilfrid Rhodes Freeman
- Alfred Frey
- Edward Purkis Frost
- Samuel John Frost
- William Frost
- Lawrence Fry
- Edgar Fuld
- Philip Fletcher Fullard
- Edward Newman Fuller
- Edmund James Fulton
- John Duncan Bertie Fulton
- Wilfrid Henry Furlonger
- Charles R. Gallie
- Alexander Gallaher
- Pierre Gandillon
- John Roland Gardiner
- Albert John Gardner
- Phillip Gardner
- Tom Garne
- Walter Hugh Stuart Garnett
- Roland Garros
- Arthur Bruce Gaskell
- Charles George Gass
- Emile Louis Gassler
- Richard Thomas Gates
- Auguste Gaudron
- John Gaunt
- Arthur Edward Geere
- Athelstan Key Durance George
- Arthur Edward George
- Frederick John Parsons Geard
- Eugene Louis Gerrard
- John Houghton Gibbon
- Louis Dwarris Launcelot Gibbs
- John Gibson
- William Ewart Gibson
- Henri Giffard
- Maurice Raymond Gifford
- Napier John Gill
- Maxwell Gordon Gill
- Robert William Rickerby Gill
- Angus George Gillman
- Douglas Graham Gilmour
- John Inglis Gilmour
- George Lancelot Gipps
- Thomas Anthony Gladstone
- James Glaisher
- Glalzot
- Hugh Fanshawe Glanville
- John Glenn
- Montague Francis Glew
- Oscar Theodor Gnosspelius
- Jean Gobron
- Dagoberto Godoy
- Charles Cayley Godwin
- William Goff Davis Goff
- Geoffrey Charles Gold
- Frank Widenham Goodden
- Robert Gordon
- Arthur Gouge
- Claude Grenville Shephard Gould
- Cecil Stanley Grace
- Raymond Sheffield Hamilton-Grace
- Hans Grade
- James Fraser Grady
- Jack Benjamin Graham
- Claude Grahame-White
- James Grant
- James Harold Dundas Grant
- Pierre Gratien
- Eugene Gratze
- Tom Grave
- Charles Green (1785-1870)
- Frederick Michael Green
- Gustavus Green
- Basil Edward Pease Gregg
- Reginald Gregory
- George P. Grenfell
- Laurence Gresley
- Clement Hugh Greswell
- Charles Grey Grey
- Robin Grey
- Spenser Douglas Adair Grey
- George Marshall Griffith
- Harold Grinsted
- Alfred Maurice Grose
- Edward Arthur Grosvenor
- George Edward Grover
- Alexander Henry Watkins Grubb
- Rex Stephen Gude
- Guffroy
- Maurice Guillaux
- Dennis Gwynne
- Alfred George Hackett
- Herbert Hackney
- Raoul Hafner
- Robert Crosby Halahan
- John Crosby Halahan
- Bernard Francis Hale
- Frank Bernard Halford
- Harold Wesley Hall
- John Laurence Hall
- Julian Bernard Hall
- Robert Hamilton Clark Hall
- George Eustace Amyot Hallett
- Frederick William Halliwell
- Gustav Wilhelm Hamel
- Charles K. Hamilton
- Leslie Hamilton
- Alexander Beamish Hamilton
- Patrick Hamilton
- Joseph Joel Hammond
- Dermot Roberts Hanion
- Marcel Hanriot
- Hanushke
- Howard Joseph Harding
- William Lawrence Hardman
- Alfred Arkell Hardwick
- Henry Harold Harford
- Lawrence Hargrave
- James McKinley Hargreaves
- Harry Harkness
- John Bower Harman
- Clifford D. Harmon
- Rowland Harper
- Graham Elesmere Harris
- Eric Harrison
- Richard Scorer Molyneux Harrison
- William John Harrison
- William Ralph Elliot Harrison
- Ivan Beauclerk Hart-Davies
- William Ewart Hart
- Richard Harte
- Alan Hartree
- Hubert Dunsterville Harvey-Kelly
- John Douglas Harvey
- Francis Knox Haskins
- George Hugh Vaus Hathorn
- Beckwith Havens
- John William Havers
- Geoffrey Raoul de Havilland
- Geoffrey de Havilland
- Hereward de Havilland
- Harry Hawker
- Lanoe Hawker
- E. Caesar Hawkins
- Edmund John Edward Hawkins
- Ernest N. Haxton
- Basil Henri Louis Hay
- George Osborn Hayne
- Ewart Temple Haynes
- G. B. Haynes
- Archibald George Hazell
- Thomas Falcon Hazell
- Matthew C. Head
- Clement Gordon Wakefield Head
- Thomas Elder Hearn
- Smitheyt Heckstall Smith
- William Snowdon Hedley
- F. J. Hellyer
- Basil Balfour Henderson
- D. C. B. Henderson
- David Henderson
- James Claud Hendry
- William Samuel Henson
- Philip Lee William Herbert
- Samuel Dalziel Heron
- John Robert Campbell Heathcote
- Thomas Gerard Hetherington
- Alexander Hewetson
- Vivian Vaughan Davies Hewitt
- Francis Esme Theodore Hewlett
- Hilda Beatrice Hewlett
- William Charles Hicks
- Bernard Laurence Hieatt
- Gerald Higginbotham
- Victor Colin Higginbottom
- John Frederick Andrews Higgins
- Thomas Charles Reginald Higgins
- Geoffrey Terence Roland Hill
- Roderic Maxwell Hill
- William Miller Hilliard
- John Stuart Hindmarsh
- Ralph William Gore Hinds
- Herbert John Louis Hinkler
- Thomas Hinshelwood
- Stanley William Hiscocks
- Frederick George Hitch
- Cuthbert Gurney Hoare
- Charles Albert Hobby
- John Edmund Hodgson
- Wallace Prowse Hodgson
- Arthur Preston Hohler
- Thomas Leonard Stanley Holbrow
- Henry Capel Holden
- Robert John Hayne Holland
- Sidney Herbert Hollands
- Rudolph Holscher
- Felton Vesey Holt
- Ralph Gerald Holyoake
- Stanley Hooker
- Alexander Francis Anderson Hooper
- Frederick James Hooper
- Geoffrey William Winsmore Hooper
- Bertram Hopkinson
- Llewelyn Charles Hordern
- Edmund Eric Horn
- Cyril Cordon Hosking
- Edward Hotchkiss
- Harry Houdini
- Albert House
- Bernard Henry Esme Howard
- Richard Leonard Howard-Flanders
- Norman Howarth
- Joseph Arthur Howell
- Owen Bulmer Howell
- Archie Hoxsey
- Thomas O'Brien Hubbard
- Charles Louis Andre Hubert
- Frank Hucks
- Bentfield Charles Hucks
- Frank Hudson
- David Arthur Hughes
- Marcus Winslow Huish
- Norman John Hulbert
- Jack Humphreys
- Gordon Noel Humphreys
- Rowland Edward Brian Hunt
- Albert Hunter
- Alfred Kirby Huntington
- Robert John MacGeagh Hurst
- Steele Hutcheson
- George Bayard Hynes
- James Lee Jackson
- Henry Cholmondeley Jackson
- Henry Jacques
- Leonard Hubert Jagenburg
- Baron Trevenen James
- Frank James
- Henry Howard James
- John Herbert James
- Sydney James
- Charles Edward Jarvis
- Karl Jatho
- Herbert Creagh Jenings
- Francis Conway Jenkins
- Nevile Morris Jenkins
- Montagu Righton Nevill Jennings
- James Jensen
- Henry Vaughan Jerrard
- Paul Georges Leon Jezzi
- David Samuel Jillings
- Reginald Arthur Johnson
- Amy Johnson
- Harold Richard Johnson
- Ralph Johnstone
- St. Croix Johnstone
- William Darnley Johnstone
- Percy Muir Jones
- Alfred Dunkinfield Jones
- H. B. Jones
- Victor Clarance Judge
- Hugo Junkers
- John Francis Aloysius Kane
- Henry Kapferer
- Henry Sheehy Keating
- Michael Keegan
- Jessel Crawford Kehrmann
- Fridolin Keidel
- David Keith-Lucas
- Ronald Campbell Kemp
- Joseph Kemper
- James Robert Branch Kennedy
- John Kenworthy
- Michael Sullivan Keogh
- Vere Ker-Seymer
- Mark Edward Frederic Kerr
- Ronald Hargrave Kershaw
- Leonard Cameron Kidd
- Gray Campbell Conning Kilburn
- Cecil Francis Kilner
- Robert Arthur King
- Rex King-Clark
- Gerald Kinsman
- Frank Howard Kirby
- Richard Butler Kitson
- Athelstan Alfred Allen Knight
- Archibald Knight
- C. E. Kny
- Harry Macleod Kraser
- Wilhelm Kress
- G. P. Kuller
- Frederick George Kunhardt
- Bonnet-Labranche
- Charles Victor Lacey
- Gustav Victor Lachmann
- Emile Ladougne
- Robert Eugene Lagrange
- Charles de Lambert
- Cyril Frederick Lan-Davis
- Oswald Lancaster
- Lancelot Law Whyte
- Joseph Herbert Arthur Landon
- Jean Marie Landry
- Tod Lane
- Charles Lane
- Henry Percival Douglas Lane
- Arthur Alexander Dashwood Lang
- Paul Lange
- Allan John Lanman
- Joseph Raymond de Laplane
- Willoughby Lappin
- Raymonde de Laroche
- Hubert Latham
- Cecil Hugh Latimer-Needham
- Theodor Laufer
- E. Laurens
- Eardley Haydon Lawford
- Walter Lawrence (1891-1914)
- George Aubrey Kennedy Lawrence
- Colin Layzell-Apps
- Bernard Victor Leak
- Edward W. Bilyard Leake
- Gerald Leake
- Paul Lebaudy
- Alfred Leblanc
- Robert Leckie
- H. P. Lee
- Zee Yee Lee
- Charles Frederick Lee
- Maurice George Lee
- Eugene Lefebvre
- Legagneux
- Hubert Poyntz-Gaynor Leigh
- Bryan Baldwin Marddery Leighton
- John Burgh Talbot Leighton
- Frederic Leith
- George Leith
- E. Gordon Lennox
- Frank William Lerwill
- Paul de Lesseps
- Robert de Lesseps
- Jacques de Lesseps
- Leon Levavasseur
- Maxime Leverrier
- Edwin Lewes Montague Leveson-Gower
- Albert Levick
- Brian Edmund Lewis
- Cecil Lewis
- Donald Swain Lewis
- Richard Edward Lewis
- John Aidan Liddell
- John Henry Lidderdale
- Otto Lilienthal
- Max Lillie
- Robert John Lillywhite
- George Alfred Limouzin
- Charles Lindbergh
- Alfred Edwin Lindon
- Victor Somerset Erskine Lindop
- Otto Lindpaintner
- Robert Ashby Lister
- Ernest George Robert Lithgow
- Robert Little
- Hugh Alexander Littleton
- Herbert Fetherston Lloyd
- Thomas Chadwick Lloyd
- Frederick Lindsay Lloyd
- Henry John Lloyd
- Richard Arthur Lloyd
- Marcel Lobelle
- Arthur James Locker
- M. H. Lockwood
- Adrian Albert Lombard
- Charles Longcroft
- Arthur Murray Longmore
- John Lewis Longstaffe
- Eustace Loraine
- Robert Bilcliffe Loraine
- Libomir Loultcheff
- Captain Lovelace
- Alfred Cyril Lovesey
- Archibald Reith Low
- Gordon Steuart Low
- Henry Pagan Lowe
- A. E. Lowy
- B. E. Luboshez
- Thomas Farquhar Lucas
- James Lancaster Lucena
- Jack Austen Luck
- Harry Tailyour Lumsden
- George John Lusted
- Oswyn George William Gifford Lywood
- Henry Elliot William Macandrew
- Colin George MacArthur
- J. P. L. MacDonald
- Leslie Falconer MacDonald
- Alister Maxwell MacDonell
- Ian Cameron Macdonell
- Herbert Creagh MacDonnell
- Robert Francis Macfie
- Stephenson MacGordon
- R. J. H. L. Mackenzie
- John Dolben Mackworth
- Archibald Campbell Holms Maclean
- Lachlan Loudoun Maclean
- Thomas Macleod
- William Foster MacNeece
- Archibald Benn Maconochie
- Gwynn Henry Buller Madocks
- Michel Mahieu
- Victor Mahl
- G. M. Maitland
- Edward Maitland Maitland
- George John Malcolm
- Louis Malecot
- Cecil John L'Estrange Malone
- Julien Mamet
- Lionel Henry Mander
- George Jennings Eldon Manisty
- Charles Manly
- Edward Mannock
- Wilmsdorff George Mansergh
- William Henry Charles Mansfield
- Marcus Dyce Manton
- Edward Manville
- Gilbert William Mapplebeck
- Reginald Lennox George Marix
- Beryl Markham
- Cecil Hoffnung Marks
- Louis Maron
- James C. Mars
- Augustus Charles Earle Marsh
- Arthur Gregory George Marshall
- Roger Marshall
- James Vernon Martin
- The Spitfire by Bert Martin
- Glenn Luther Martin
- Hugh Barnes Martindale
- Robert Martinet
- P. Marty
- Alfred Willie Martyn
- Barry Martyn
- Marie Marvingt
- Archibald Spencer Maskell
- Percy Herbert Maskell
- John William Maskery
- Kathleen Rosa Maslen
- Victor Mason
- Seaton Dunham Massy
- Christopher Edward Maude
- Frederick Natusch Maude
- Alfred Pericles Maxfield
- Hiram Stevens Maxim
- R. S. Maxwell
- Alfred Robert May
- Robert Hobart Mayo
- William Edward McArdle
- Patrick Hugh McCartan
- Francis Kennedy McClean
- William Robert McCleery
- Greville Edward Gordon McClellan
- James McCrae
- James McCudden
- William Thomas James McCudden
- Daniel Harrison Macdonell
- Cedric Yeats McDonald
- Leslie Alfred McDougald
- George Edward Henry McElroy
- Hugh McGrane
- Ronald Stuart McGregor
- W. H. McKenna
- Donald Jay McMullen
- Joseph Charles McNamara
- Joseph Frederick Mead
- John Mead
- John Henry Meade
- Rupert Henry Steinbach Mealing
- Arthur Harold Measures
- William Bernard Megone
- Oswald Lawrence Mellersh
- Clive Mellor
- Henry Greg Melly
- Menard
- A. W. Mepstead
- Cyril Wright Meredith
- Frederick Warren Merriam
- George Charlton Merrick
- Emil Messner
- Lionel Seymour Metford
- Frederick George Miles
- Arnold John Miley
- Bernetta Adams Miller
- George Ralph Miller
- John Gordon Miller
- Gerald Desmond Mills
- Reginald Mills
- A. J. Milne-Wilson
- Frederick Frank Reilly Minchin
- Edward Mines
- Ewen Henderson Mitchell
- Duncan Mitchell
- Reginald Joseph Mitchell
- William Gore Sutherland Mitchell
- John B. Moisant
- Matilde Moisant
- James Allan Mollison
- Leon Molon
- Marmaduke Henry Monckton
- John Joseph Montgomery
- Reginald James Moody
- Edwin Rowland Moon
- Alfred Garnet Moore
- Barry Fitzgerald Moore
- John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon
- Leon Morane
- Robert Morane
- Thomas Westropp Mulcahy-Morgan
- Albert Ernest Morgan
- Oscar Colin Morison
- Ronald Falshaw Morkill
- Edward Horne Morriss
- William Mortimer-Phelan
- Lionel Boyd Moss
- Thomas Mottershead
- Eric Stanley Moult
- Thomas Moy
- Thomas Couper Mudie
- Charles Mullen
- Percy Maxwell Muller
- Thomas Murphy (b.1874)
- Cyril Francis De Sales Murphy
- Reginald Maximilian Murray
- Denis George Murray
- Eric Mackay Murray
- Robert George Hamilton Murray
- Herbert Musgrave
- Philip Stafford Myburgh
- Eric Roper-Curzon Nanson
- Gerald Napier
- Narahara Sanji
- George Negresco
- Thomas Robert Nelson
- Hugh Nelson
- Henry George Nelson
- Hugh Percy Nesham
- Christopher Nevile
- Cyril Louis Norton Newall
- George Newberry
- Frederick Edward Fry Newman
- Maurice Ashdown Newnham
- Edward Thomas Newton-Clare
- Arthur Victor Newton
- Charles Percy Nicholas
- J. S. Nicholls
- William Petrie Nicholls
- Edouard Nieuport
- Maurice Waldegrave Noel
- Louis Noel
- Mervyn Noott
- Edward Fraser Norris
- John Dudley North
- Charles Robert Finch Noyes
- Charles Nugent
- George Thomas Harvey Pack
- Frederick Handley Page
- Ron Paine
- Godfrey Paine
- Herbert Edward Parfitt
- Wilfrid Parke
- Frederick Herbert Parker
- Eric Parker
- Edward Bertram Parker
- George Alec Parker
- Henry Edward Parker
- John Lankester Parker
- Leonard Parker
- William Percy Parker
- Charles H. Parkes
- Sydney Parr
- Alexandru Pascanu
- Cecil Lawrence Pashley
- Eric Clowes Pashley
- Vivaldi Pasqua
- J. B. Passat
- Alexander Paterson
- Cecil Compton Paterson
- Richard Orr Paterson
- David Patterson
- Lawrence Arthur Pattinson
- Edmond Paul
- Louis Paulhan
- Arthur Payze
- James Edward Pearce
- Richard William Pearse
- Adolphe Pegoud
- H. C. Peirce
- Richard Edmund Charles Peirse
- Herbert Lyttelton Pelham
- Alphonse Penaud
- Willoughby Montgomery Fane Pendlebury
- Leslie Da Costa Penn-Gaskell
- Rupert Ernest Cunningham Penny
- Harold James Penrose
- John Willington Pepper
- Norman Scott Percival
- David Percival
- Edgar Wikner Percival
- Harold Ernest Perrin
- Evelyn Walter Copland Perry
- Herbert Howard Perry
- Peter Gordon Masefield
- Edward Petre
- Henry Aloysius Petre
- Richard Cecil Petter
- A. L. Pfitzner
- Arthur Phillips
- Edward Hawtin Phillips
- Horatio Frederick Phillips
- Robert William Philpott
- Sydney Pickles
- Wilfrid Picton-Warlow
- Maurice Walker Piercey
- Norman Augustus Victor Piercy
- Benjamin Herbert Piercy
- Pierre Lebaudy
- Reginald Kirshaw Pierson
- Harold Hume Piffard
- Robert Pigot
- Percy Sinclair Pilcher
- De Pischoff
- Duncan Le Geyt Pitcher
- Cecil Howard Pixton
- Collyns Price Pizey
- Lambert Playfair
- Patrick Henry Lyon Playfair
- Douglas Rudolf Pobjoy
- Quinto Poggioli
- Edmund Poillot
- Charles Frederick Pollock
- Robert Valentine Pollok
- James Pool
- Andre Popovici
- John Porte
- Edward Ernest Porter
- Garthshore Tindal Porter
- Alphonse Potet
- David Watson Powell
- Richard Crofts Powell
- Ambrose Grattan Power
- William Boyle Power
- Charles Powis (2)
- Adolf Camden Pratt
- Francis Ashbury Pratt
- H. B. Pratt
- Frank Pratt
- George Prensiel
- Waldo Ridley Prentice
- Edward Radclyffe Pretyman
- George Frederick Pretyman
- Charles Lempriere Price
- John Banks Price
- H. C. Prichard
- George Prickett
- Pierre Prier
- Edward Overend Priestley
- Francis Hesketh Pritchard
- Stuart Russell Proctor
- Edwin Prosser
- Edward James Protheroe
- Frederick T. Pullen
- Cuthbert Euan Charles Rabagliati
- Henry Racine-Jaques
- Ernest John Radcliffe
- James Radley
- Stamford Cecil Raffles
- Thomas Alfred Rainey
- George Hebden Raleigh
- John Ramsey
- Charles Russell Jekyl Randall
- Charles Edward Henry Rathborne
- Percy Townley Rawlings
- Alfred Rawlinson
- Frederick Phillips Raynham
- Anketell Moutray Read
- William Ronald Read
- Lionel Wilmot Brabazon Rees
- Vivian Rees
- Alan Herbert Reffell
- Frank Myles Temple Reilly
- Hugh Lambert Reilly
- Van Reimsdyke
- Henri Remy
- Colonel Renard
- Eugene Renaux
- John Douglas Rennie
- Charles Reynolds
- Herbert Ramsay Playford Reynolds
- William Barnard Rhodes-Moorhouse
- Malcolm Alexander Stewart Riach
- Arthur Rice
- Leslie Fitzroy Richard
- Frederick William Richey
- Gilbert Braithwaite Rickards
- Charles Ricou
- Frank Ridd
- Theodore John Ridge
- Marcel Riffard
- Rippen
- Charles Erskine Risk
- Harold Victor Robbins
- Robert Blackburn
- Cecil Le de Spencer Wynne Roberts
- William Sterling Roberts
- William Henry Roberts
- Edmund Digby Maxwell Robertson
- Arthur Claud Robins
- Charles Edward Robinson
- Hugh Robinson
- Percy Dickson Robinson
- William Leefe Robinson
- Thaddeus Robl
- Hyacinth Joseph Albert Roche
- Reginald Mandeville Rodwell
- Alliott Verdon-Roe
- Humphrey Verdon Roe
- Lancelot Charles Rogers-Harrison
- Walter Rogers
- Roland Rohlfs
- Charles Stewart Rolls
- Hans Rolshoven
- Charles Day Rose
- John Harold Rose
- Alexander Ross-Hume
- Andrew Alexander Ross
- Robert Peel Ross
- Thomas Melville Ross
- Henri Rougier
- Norman Spencer Roupell
- Arthur John Rowledge
- Arthur Alexander Rubbra
- Bernard Rubin
- Germano Eros Ruggerone
- Herbert Russell
- Archibald Russell (1904-1995)
- Arthur Leslie Russell
- Frank Russell
- Thomas Forster Rutledge
- Giovanni Sabelli
- Henry Salmet
- Geoffrey Salmond
- John Maitland Salmond
- Charles Rumney Samson
- Captain Sanders
- James Donald Gerhardt Sanders
- A. A. Sanderson
- George Samuel Sansom
- Alberto Santos-Dumont
- Leon Sapieha
- Ellice Victor Sassoon
- Franklin Geoffrey Saunders
- Robert Savary
- Anne Savile
- George Savill
- William H. Sayers
- Francis Rowland Scarlett
- Edward Rodolph Clement Scholefield
- Louis Schreck
- Oliver Schwann
- James William Humphrys Scotland
- Hubert Scott-Paine
- Henry Herbert Scott
- Hubert Scott
- Bertram Scovell
- Thomas Henry Sebag-Montefiore
- John Wilfrid Seddon
- Walter Edward Birch
- Rolf Gustav Ugo von Segebaden
- Oscar Carl Selbach
- Thomas Selfridge
- William Francis Forbes-Sempill
- Augusto Severo
- Alfred Ernest Sharpe
- Donald Edwin Shaw
- Frederick James Shaw
- Kenneth Rawson Shaw
- William Fleetwood Shaw
- Alexander Shekleton
- Francis Shelmerdine
- Gordon Strachey Shephard
- Arthur Gelston Shepherd
- Philip Shepherd
- Gerard Lowndes Edward Sherlock
- Beatrice Shilling
- Charles Raymond Shillingford
- Albert Eustace Short
- Francisco Samuel Short
- Horace Short
- Hugh Oswald Short
- James Shortridge
- Henry Hammond Shott
- Tod Shriver
- Frederick Sigrist
- Igor Sikorsky
- A. Sim
- Herbert Rutter Simms
- James Simpson (c1899-1953)
- Archibald Henry Macdonald Sinclair
- Adam Mortimer Singer
- W. W. Singh
- Arthur Henry Sippe
- Sydney Vincent Sippe
- William George Sitwell
- Robert Reginald Skene
- Graham Skillen
- John William Wilfred Slack
- Robert Bertram Slack
- Francis Gordon Small
- Reginald George Douglas Small
- Charles Oswald Smeaton
- Michael Geoffrey Smiles
- Charles Henry Chichester Smith
- G. L. Smith
- Sydney Ernest Smith
- William Verdon Smith
- Charles M. Smith
- Charles Edward Kingsford Smith
- Edgar Askew Smith
- Frederick Hamilton Smith
- Herbert Smith
- Harold Cecil Smith
- Joseph Smith (1897-1956)
- Robert J. Smith
- Ross Smith
- Sydney William Smith
- Vladimir Smith
- William Smith (Aviator)
- Robert Smith-Barry
- Nevill Maskelyne Smyth
- Joseph Ruscombe Wadham Smyth-Pigott
- Bernard Edward Smythies
- Charles Barry Snow
- Richard Talbot Snowden-Smith
- Arthur Henry Leslie Soames
- Henry Charles Somers Somerset
- Roger Sommer
- Thomas Octave Murdoch Sopwith
- William Donovan South
- Richard Vynne Southwell
- Charles Bennett Spence
- John Charles Spencer-Warwick
- Sydney Spencer
- Charles Green Spencer
- Arthur Spencer
- Edward Spencer (1799-1849)
- Herbert Spencer
- Percival Green Spencer
- Stanley Edward Spencer
- Stanley Spooner
- John Spottiswoode (1874-1914)
- John Roderick Charles Herbert Spottiswoode
- Norman Channing Spratt
- Herbert Spreckley
- Kenneth Reid Van der Spuy
- Leonard Rupert Staddon
- William George Stafford
- Arthur Stanley
- Herbert Stanley-Adams
- W. M. Stark
- August Stepan
- John Hugh Macdonald Stevenson
- Walter Stewart
- Harry Stewart
- Katherine Stinson
- Marjorie Claire Stinson
- Robert Millar Stirling
- Cheridah de Beauvoir Stocks
- David Edmund Stodart
- George Beresford Stopford
- Sidney Ernest Storrar
- John Nowell Stanhope Stott
- Laurance Hugh Strain
- Lewis Arbon Strange
- Edward James Street
- John Stringfellow
- John Grant McKenzie Martin Stronach
- Howard Bertie Strong
- Ernest James Strover
- William Victor Strugnell
- William John Stutt
- Frederick Ernest Styles
- Murray Sueter
- Samuel Summerfield
- M. Surcouf
- William Edward Surman
- Frank Susans
- Ernest Frank Sutton
- Svendson
- Harold Sweetman-Powell
- Frederick Hugh Sykes
- Maurice Tabuteau
- Robert Alexander Tarleton
- Charlie Taylor
- Vincent Patrick Taylor
- Charles Temperley
- George Lee Temple
- James Lethbridge Brooke Templer
- John Edward Tennent
- H. V. Terry
- Maurice Tetard
- Jules Teulade-Cabanes
- Robert Thelen
- Alexander Ludwig Thiersch
- George Holt Thomas
- Herbert John Thomas
- Rene Thomas
- William Thomas
- Alan Boulton Thompson
- Arthur Benjamin Ashford Thomson
- George Paget Thomson
- John Edmund Burnet Thornely
- Oliver Thornycroft
- Peter Thurston
- Gebr Timm
- James Collingwood Tinling
- Gaston Tissandier
- Paul Tissandier
- John Dodds Titler
- Henry Tizard
- George Eardley Todd
- R. E. Tollerfield
- Lancelot Tomkinson
- John Herbert Graham Torr
- Hugh Christopher Tower
- James Lindsay Travers
- William Tredwell (1777-1840)
- Frederic Hugh Treeby
- Hugh Frederic Treeby
- William Harold Treloar
- Lucien Alfred Tremlett
- Hugh Trenchard
- George Stanley Trewin
- F. C. Trollope
- John Frederick Arthur Trotter
- Frederick St. George Tucker
- Basil Hobson Turner
- Charles Cyril Turner
- Lewis William Francis Turner
- Ernest Walter Twining
- James M. Tytler
- Charles Louis Wachter
- William James Waddington
- Vivian Hugh Nicholas Wadham
- L. Wagner
- Edward Wakefield
- John Peter Wakefield
- Henry Edward Charles Walcot
- Francis FitzGerald Waldron
- Arthur Huntley Walker
- Gerard Percy Wallace
- Roger William Wallace
- Rupert Healey Walley
- Barnes Wallis
- Percy Wallis
- Walter Hadley (b.1903)
- Rodman Wanamaker
- Frederick Angus Wanklyn
- Herbert Graham Wanklyn
- Adolf Warchalonski
- B. R. Ward
- Denys Charles Ware
- Reginald Alexander John Warneford
- Leonard William Warner
- Alastair St. John Munro Warrand
- Thomas Warren
- William Thomas Warren
- Henry de Grey Warter
- Vincent Waterfall
- Clive Maitland Waterlow
- Sydney James Waters
- Charles Horace Watkins
- Harold Edward Mostyn Watkins
- Hugh Evelyn Watkins
- Charles Moore Watson
- Preston Watson
- Walter Oswald Watt
- Henry Charles Watts
- Wilfrid Watts
- John Keith Waugh
- Cecil Francis Webb
- Walter George Webb
- Tom Ince Webb-Bowen
- Charles Weber
- H. J. Webster
- Josiah Wedgwood (1872-1943)
- Thomas Weeding
- Graham Weir
- James George Weir
- Jose Weiss
- Robert John Weiss
- George Wellesley
- Walter Wellman
- Hardy Vesey Wells
- Thomas Ralph Wells
- Francis Herbert Wenham
- Bertram Charles Maximillian Western
- John L. Weston
- Charles Terres Weymann
- Samuel Whear
- Noel Frederick Wheeler
- Henry Whitaker
- Samuel White
- George White (1913-1983)
- George Stanley White
- George White
- James White
- Gustave Whitehead
- Evelyn Ronald Whitehouse
- Charles Hart Whitlock
- Frank Whittle
- Richard Wickham
- Richard Norton Wight
- Ernest Victor Samuel Wilberforce
- Gilbert Vernon Wildman-Lushington
- Charles Foster Willard
- John Arthur Charles Williams
- Frederick Arthur Peere Williams-Freeman
- Oliver de Lancey Williams
- Thomas Blenheim Williams
- Hugh Alexander Williamson
- Ernest Thompson Willows
- A. Corbett Wilson
- Arthur William Wilson
- Alfred Wilson
- Alfred Wilson (2)
- Christopher William Wilson
- Denys Corbett Wilson
- Francis Stuart Wilson
- John Philip Wilson
- Richard Hubert Victor Wilson
- Harry Egerton Wimperis
- Walter George Windham
- Stephen Christopher Winfield-Smith
- John Scott Bradbury Winter
- Gordon Tsoe Kwong Wong
- Ronald McKinnon Wood
- Benjamin Graham Wood
- Herbert Frederick Wood
- William Henry Wood
- Norman Wood-Smith
- Harold Larpent Woodcock
- F. M. Worthington-Wilmer
- Howard Theophilus Wright
- Maurice Edward Arthur Wright
- Wright Brothers
- Alfred Charles Wright
- Horace Charles Wright
- Orville Wright
- Wilbur Wright
- Athole Wyness-Stuart
- L. Wynmalen
- Arthur Meredyth Wynne