Category:Births 1820-1829
Pages in category "Births 1820-1829"
The following 1,981 pages are in this category, out of 1,981 total.
- Frederick Augustus Abel
- George Adams
- John Henry Adams
- Robert Adams (1828-1873)
- Thomas Adams (1826-1882)
- William Adams
- William Alexander Adams
- Swainston Adamson
- Daniel Adamson
- George Addenbrooke
- John Addison
- Patrick Adie (1821-1886)
- Charles Coles Adley
- John Alfred Lumb Airey
- Thomas Aitken
- Auguste Albaret
- Michael Alcock
- Andrew Alexander
- John Alexander (c1825-1895)
- Alfred Tylor
- Alexander Allan (1825-1892)
- Andrew Allan
- William Allchin (1823-1905)
- William Allday (1822-1888)
- Charles Allen (b.1824)
- William Clement Allen
- Charles Bruce Allen
- Edward Ellis Allen
- James Allen (1824-1864)
- William George Allen
- William Daniel Allen
- John Gay Newton Alleyne
- John Ambler
- James Anderson (1824-1893)
- John Henry Andrew
- Arthur Thomas Andrews
- Charles Andrews
- James Andrews
- Stamper Annington
- George Frederick Ansell
- William Thomas Ansell
- William Anstey
- Charles James Appleby
- Thomas Hodgson Appleby
- Alfred Arculus
- John Ward Armstrong
- George Armstrong
- Thomas William De Butts Armstrong
- Joseph Arnfield
- Frederick Ashmead
- William Ashmore
- Ralph Shorrock Ashton
- John Ashworth (1826-1888)
- Joseph Dixon Asquith
- James Wood Aston
- Harry Wright Atkin
- William Atkinson
- Charles Robert Atkinson
- John Staines Atkinson
- Richard Attenborough
- Thomas Auster
- Thomas Aveling
- Enoch Harrison Aydon
- Thomas Blake Ayshford
- Henry Prevost Babbage
- John Fraser Loddington Baddeley
- William Bage
- Charles Bagnall
- John Bagshaw
- John Charles Bailey
- Samuel Bailey
- Crawshay Bailey (1821-1887)
- Martha Bailey-Denton
- William Lambert Baines
- Samuel Baker
- Thomas Baker (d.1903)
- William Lewis Baker
- Frederick Bakewell
- Thomas Baldwin
- John Baldwin (1824-1891)
- Alexander Balfour (1824-1886)
- Robert Balfour (1827-1863)
- Henry Thomas Balfour
- Henry Kenway Balston
- Augustus Hamilton Bampton
- Frederick Dale Banister
- George Hatfield Banks
- Thomas Bantock
- James Henry Barber
- John Barclay (2)
- Frederick Settle Barff
- James Barker
- John Trevor Barkley
- Samuel Barlow
- Edward Barlow (2)
- Nathaniel Barnaby
- John Edward Barnard
- Frederick Kyneston Barnes
- William Barningham (1825-1882)
- James Barr (1824-1894)
- John Barran
- George Osborne Barratt
- Philip Barrington
- William Barrington
- Charles Barry (1823-1900)
- Frederick Barry
- William Henry Barry
- James Bartle
- James Barton
- William Harrison Barwell
- Alexander Bassett
- Richard Bassett
- Edward Bath
- William Fothergill Batho
- John Worthy Battershill
- Wilhelm Bauer
- Ernest E. W. Baumler
- William Bawden
- Richard Baxendale
- Salisbury Baxendale
- Robert Dudley Baxter
- Henry Bayley
- Thomas William Baylis
- Henry Baylis
- John Bayliss
- Samuel Bayliss (1821-1898)
- James Pattle Beadle
- John Beale (1825- )
- Alfred William Bean
- William Beardmore (1824-1877)
- Jonathan Beardshaw (1822-1864)
- Jonathan Beardshaw (1827-1911)
- Vickers George Beardshaw
- William Beardshaw
- Henry Beare
- Samuel Beaton
- John Beatson
- James Beatty
- Richard Beck
- Joseph Beck
- George Bedson
- James Bell (1829-1883)
- Robert Bruce Bell
- Alexander Morton Bell
- Alfred Jules Belpaire
- James Smyth Benest
- Robert Dewer Bennett
- John Bennett (1823-1896)
- Peter Duckworth Bennett
- William Christopher Bennett
- George Bennie (1824-1882)
- Robert Bennie
- Martin Benson
- George Benton
- Samuel Berisford
- William Berisford
- George Berkley
- William Frederick Bernard
- Edwin Arthur Bernays
- Francis Berry
- Marcellin Berthelot
- Restal Ratsey Bevis
- Thomas John Bewick
- Jebus Bickle (1822-1902)
- George Arthur Biddell
- George Bidder
- John Bidder
- Henry Heather Bigg
- John Robert Biggs
- Joshua Billcliff
- Joseph Rose Binks
- Charles Richard Binney
- William Birkett
- Henry Birley
- Thomas Hornby Birley
- John Bishop (2)
- Carl Anton Bjerknes
- George Black
- William Black (1823-1905)
- Thomas Blackall
- Robert Blackburn (1821-1889)
- William Henry Blacking
- Frederick Blackwood
- Charles Bladen
- George Blair (1826-1894)
- Francois Frederick Louis Blaise
- Alexander Blakely
- Charles Graham Blatchley
- Edward Lawrence Ireland Blyth
- Louis Rudolph Bodmer
- Alfred S. Bolton
- Francis Seddon Bolton
- James Bolton
- Charles Bontemps
- Thomas Chapman Boorn
- John Booth
- William Booth
- Edward Borrows
- Albert Borsig
- John Champney Bothams
- Thomas Bouch
- William Staples Boulton
- Matthew Piers Watt Boulton
- William Bounds
- Joseph Harvey Bourne
- John Boustead
- George Hinton Bovill
- Robert H. Bow
- William Bowden
- Thomas Bowen
- John Bowen (1825-1873)
- Anthony Bower
- George Bower
- George Bowers (c1829-1863)
- Howard Bowser
- Elijah Bowyer
- Edward Mounier Boxer
- Charles Boyd
- Richard Vicars Boyle
- Richard Edmund St. Lawrence Boyle
- Benjamin Bracher
- Joseph Bradbury (1825-1877)
- George Francis Bradbury
- Thomas Bradley (1825-1897)
- Joseph Brady
- Joseph Martin Brady
- William Bragge
- William Branfoot
- Edwin Bray
- Joseph Bray
- Alan Brebner
- Henry Brecknell, Senior
- Job Brecknell
- J. R. Breckon
- Vincenzo Stefano Breda
- Joseph Breeden
- William Brentnall
- Alphonse Briart
- Henry Orlando Bridgeman
- Joseph Brierley
- George Briggs (c1821-1890)
- Henry Currer Briggs
- Robert Briggs (1822-1882)
- Eliza Maria Bright
- Horatio Bright
- William Bright (b.1821)
- James Brimelow
- William Swann Brittain
- George Brittain
- Robert Broad
- Henry Tootal Broadhurst
- Lewis W. Broadwell
- Frederick Henry Brock
- Philip North Brockedon
- Cuthbert Brodrick
- Henry Brogden
- John Brogden, Junior
- Thomas Brooke
- Sarah Brooks
- Samuel Brooks
- Horatio Brothers
- William George Brounger
- William Brown (1827-1900)
- Andrew Brown
- Charles Brown (1827-1905)
- John Brown (1823-1889)
- Thomas Common Brown
- William Brown (1823-1908)
- Valentine Browne
- Edward Fiske Browne
- Samuel John Browning
- George Barclay Bruce
- John Vans Agnew Bruce
- Benjamin Shaw Brundell
- Richard Shaw Brundell
- George Brunton
- John Dickinson Brunton
- William Lynde Brunton
- Alexander Buchanan
- George Buchanan (1827-1897)
- William Thomas Buckett
- William Munton Bullivant
- John Thornton Bullock
- William Bulmer
- Theophilus Wood Bunning
- William Burges
- John Burgess
- John Burgess (1825-1890)
- Benjamin Burleigh
- Charles Burn
- John Henry Burn
- Robert Scott Burn
- Jerome Burns
- John Burns (1829-1901)
- Stephen Burridge
- Abraham Burrows
- Henry Stibbs Bush
- Henry Bushell
- James William Butler
- John Butler
- Richard Butler
- William Butlin
- John B. Buxton
- Emanuel Buxtorf
- Robert Cain
- James Augustus Caley
- William Ormiston Callender
- William Romaine Callender
- Martin John Callow
- Colin Minton Campbell
- James Campbell (1825-1887)
- George Douglas Campbell
- Robert Davey Cann
- Fleetwood James Cannell
- Samuel Canning
- Charles Capper
- Robert Carnegie
- Robert Carr
- Thomas Carr
- Mark William Carr (1822-1888)
- William Elliot Carrett
- Joseph Casartelli
- John Casey
- Edward Caspar
- Edmund Small Cathels
- Samuel Cavander
- David Chadwick
- Humphrey Chamberlain, Senior
- Samuel Chandler (1821-1902)
- John Chapman
- Robert Chapman
- William Chapman (1822-1853)
- Charles James Watts
- Thomas Chatwin (1824-1889)
- William Snell Chauncy
- Giuseppe Chiappa
- James Russell Chibnall
- Rock Chidley (1825-1894)
- Rowland Childe
- Stephen Chivers (1824-1907)
- Charles Edward Chrimes
- Robert Munro Christie
- Frederick Collier Christy
- Jabez Church
- Thomas Church
- John Fleming Churchill
- Henry Charles Churchman
- Robert Calvert Clapham
- Henry Clapham
- John William Clare
- Alfred S. Clark
- Daniel Kinnear Clark
- Josiah Latimer Clark
- Leslie Clark
- William Clark (1821-1880)
- Andrew Clarke
- Edward Clarke
- John Farrand Clarke
- John Clarke
- John Algernon Clarke
- Thomas Curtis Clarke
- William Welham Clarke
- Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
- William Clay
- Samuel John Claye
- James Clayton (USA)
- Francis North Clerk
- John Campbell Climie
- Benjamin Clough
- George Robert Clover (1820-1881)
- George Louis Clowser
- Frederick Clutson
- Arthur Auckland Leopold Pedro Cochrane
- Henry Cochrane
- John Cochrane (1823-1891)
- Octavius Cockayne
- Thomas Codrington
- Henry Edward Coe
- John Coghlan
- Joseph Cole (2)
- William Richard Cole
- Henry Septimus Coleman
- Richard Collett
- William Collier (1822-1867)
- Arthur Collinge
- Thomas Bernard Collinson
- Robert Dyer Commans
- Thomas Comstive (1829-1886)
- Joseph Comstive
- William Comstive (1821-1870)
- Charles Connell
- Henry Conybeare
- James Samuel Cooke
- John Cooke (1821-1887)
- Edward Cooper
- James Cope (2)
- Charles Copley
- William Corbitt
- Thomas Cordes
- Henry Lee Corlett
- William Cornthwaite
- Handel Cossham
- Frederick Warren Cotterill
- John Coulson
- John Coultas
- William Robson Coulthard
- Edward Cousins
- William Cowan
- William Cowin
- Charles Cowper
- Samuel Henry Fortnum Cox
- Frederick Carley Coxhead
- William Crabtree (1826-1896)
- William Craggs
- Joseph Craven
- Thomas Edwin Craven
- Greenwood Craven
- William Craven (1829-1906)
- Joseph Crawhall (1821-1896)
- Thomas W. Crawhall-Wilson
- Theodore Crewdson
- Henry Crichley
- Alexander Crichton (2)
- William Crichton
- Matthew Cridge
- John Crier
- Henry Critchley
- Felix du Temple de la Croix
- James Croll (1821-1890)
- George Crompton
- George Crompton (1829-1886)
- Thomas Crook
- William Mann Crosland
- James Cross
- Alfred Crosskill
- W. Crossley, Junior
- Edward Crowe
- Eli Culverhouse
- William Cunard
- John Cundy
- William Henry Richards Curll
- Henry Currey
- Alexander Currie (2)
- Donald Currie
- David Dale (1829-1906)
- John Charles Dalrymple-Hay
- Juland Danvers
- Charles Edward Darby
- George Christian Darbyshire
- George Johnstone Darley
- William Darling
- Thomas Alexis Dash
- John Dauglish
- Samuel Thomas Davenport
- Charles M. Davey
- Henry M. Davey
- William Twiston Davies
- Charles Lennox Davies
- William Henry Davies (1825-1898)
- David Davis (1821-1884)
- Samuel Dobson Davison
- Mr. Dawent (d.1873)
- William Dawes
- John Marsh Day
- Thomas Fletcher Chappe De Leonval
- Antonio Gomes De Mattos
- Henry Deacon
- James Deakin (1822-1900)
- Edward Carr Deakin
- John Horridge Deane
- Robert Dempster
- Henry Dean Denison
- Ananias Dennett
- Henry Dennis
- Archibald Denny (c.1825-1866)
- Peter Denny
- Andrew Derrin
- John Dewhurst
- Alfred Lamert Dickens
- Charles John Dickins
- John Dickinson (1825-1908)
- Francis Tyack Dingey
- Justus Dirks
- Thomas Irwin Dixon
- William Smith Dixon
- Benjamin Dobson
- Samuel Dobson
- I. W. Dodds
- Thomas Weatherburn Dodds
- James Donald
- Thomas Olinthus Donaldson
- John Dore
- James Nicholas Douglass
- Henry Doulton
- George Downing
- Robert Downing
- William Thomas Doyne
- Alfred Wilks Drayson
- John Drayton
- William Dredge
- Edward Alexander Drew
- Charles Henry Driver
- Charles R. Drysdale
- Richard Duckering (1825-1870)
- Robert Duncan, Junior
- Charles Dunch
- William Dunham
- James Benjamin Dunn
- Spencer Dunn
- John Dunning
- Alexander Duthie
- Ralph Heneage Dutton
- James Buchanan Eads
- William Eames
- William Joel Earle
- Charles Early (1824-1912)
- John Easterbrook
- Cornelius Willes Eborall
- Eccles Shorrock (1827-1889)
- William Eckersley
- John Edden
- Jonathan Edge
- Henry Edmunds (1824-1904)
- Osborne Cadwallader Edwards
- John Elce (1823- )
- John Elce (1829-1890)
- John Elder
- Frederick Elkington
- William Elliot (1827-1892)
- John Elliott (1822-1906)
- Henry Worton Elliott
- John Devonshire Ellis
- William Ellis (1828-1916)
- Alfred Ellis
- Henry Samuel Ellis
- Howard Elphinstone
- Richard Charles Else
- Robert Baker Elwin
- John Thomas Emmerson
- Friedrich Engels
- John England, Junior
- James Crossley Eno
- John Evans (1823-1908)
- Josiah Evans
- Thomas Evans (c1829-1887)
- George Allen Everitt
- William Evill
- Andrew Fairbairn
- Thomas Fairbairn
- William Andrew Fairbairn
- Charles Fairholme
- Travers Hartley Falkiner
- Jean Joseph Leon Farcot
- Barnard William Farey
- Reuben Farley
- John Stinson Farmer
- William Farnworth
- James Farrar
- John Johnson Farthing
- John Faulkner (1823-1897)
- William Frederick Faviell
- Louis Favre
- Thomas Fearnley
- Charles Conrad Adolphus Du Bois De Feffieres
- Thomas Fenwick
- John Fenwick
- John Ferguson (c1823-1887)
- John Fernie
- Henry Ferrabee
- Walter Fiddes
- John Kingsford Field (1823-1875)
- Joshua Field (1829-1904)
- Joshua Fielden (1827-1887)
- Samuel Fielding
- George Findlay
- Frederick Firth
- John Firth
- Thomas Firth (1822-1860)
- Charles Caulfeild Fishe
- Edward Knapp Fisher
- Edward Fisher (1826-1888)
- Joseph Fitter (b.1826)
- Abraham Coates Fitz-Gibbon
- Abraham Fitzgibbon
- John Fleming
- Sandford Fleming
- John Fletcher (1820-1895)
- Thomas Keddey Fletcher
- Alfred Evans Fletcher
- Henry Alcock Fletcher
- Lavington Evans Fletcher
- Patrick John Flynn
- Robert Fogg
- James Staats Forbes
- David Forbes
- Arthur William Forde
- Henry Charles Forde
- James Richardson Forman
- James Forrest
- William John Forrest
- George Forsyth
- Hugh Ebrington Fortescue
- William Foster (1821-1884)
- Richard Fothergill (1822-1903)
- Charles Fouracres
- Francis Fowke
- Francis Fowler
- John Fowler (1828-1888)
- William Fowler
- Charles Fowler (1823-1879)
- Charles Fowler (1823-1903)
- Henry Fowler (1821-1854)
- Henry Fowler (1823-1880 )
- John Fowler (1824-1888)
- John Fowler, Junior
- Robert Fowler
- William Fowler (1828-1905)
- Frederick John Fownes
- Henry Erasmus Fox
- John Francis (1828-1894)
- Thomas Francis (1829-1915)
- Edward Frankland
- Alexander Fraser
- James Grant Fraser
- William John Fraser
- Alister Fraser
- Edward Fraser
- Robert Samuel Fraser
- Frederick Lennard
- William George Freeman
- John Russell Freeman
- Samuel Tate Freeman
- Charles Frewer
- Carl August Von Frey
- John Fritz
- William Nathaniel Froy
- Alexander Fry
- Joseph Storrs Fry (1826-1913)
- George Leedham Fuller
- John Crisp Fuller
- Alexander Fullerton (1821-1886)
- George Furness
- Richard Furnival
- Abraham Fussell
- William Robert Galbraith
- John Galloway (1825-1896)
- Douglas Strutt Galton
- William Galwey
- Joseph Gamble
- Joseph Sampson Gamgee
- John Gardner
- Edward Garlick
- George Garnett
- Richard Garrett (1829-1884)
- Robert Garrett
- John Josiah Garton
- William Henry Gauntlett
- George Vair Turnbull
- Emile Geyelin
- Philip Gibbons
- William Alfred Gibbs
- Henri Giffard
- James Benjamin Gifford
- E. E. Gilbert
- Henry Parry Gilbey
- Archibald Gilchrist (1822-1900)
- Edgar Gilkes
- John Wootton Gill
- Henry Gill
- John Gillett
- George Gilroy
- Samuel Squire Gimblett
- William Gilbert Ginty
- Henry John Girdlestone
- Horace Daniel Girling
- Frederick Newton Gisborne
- Lionel Gisborne
- John Hall Gladstone
- William Gladwell (1820-1882)
- Richard Atwood Glass
- Manassah Gledhill
- David Corse Glen (c1824-1892)
- George James Hervey Glinn
- Robert Peacock Gloag
- Thomas George Glover
- Samuel Gluckstein
- George Grenfell Glyn
- Thomas Hardinge Going
- Robert Heward Goldthorp
- William Frederick Gooch
- Josiah Montague Goodall
- George Gordon
- George Gore
- William Gorse
- Edward Gotto
- Alexander Gourlay
- Gershom Gourlay
- George Granville William Sutherland Leveson Gower
- George Graham (1828-1901)
- Robert Wilfred Graham
- George Graham (1822-1899)
- James Graham
- Zenobe Gramme
- John Grant (1826-1879)
- Richard Robb Grant
- John William Gray
- William Gray (1823-1898)
- Edward Gray (1821-1871)
- Matthew Gray (b.1821)
- John Phillips Grazebrook
- Michael Phillips Grazebrook
- Peter Greck
- Edward Baker Green
- John Barcham Green
- Thomas Lewis Green
- John Henry Greener
- George Clementson Greenwell
- Nathaniel Grew
- Frederic Groom Grice
- David Greig
- James Grierson
- William Griffin (1825-1906)
- William Peter Griffith
- Edward Paige Griffiths
- William Grinling
- John Joseph Grinlinton
- Martin De La Garde Grissell
- Daniel Gallagher Grose
- Edmund Grove
- Hermann Gruson
- Edward Guest
- John Callaway Guest
- John Gunning
- John Gunning (1827-1885)
- Anthony John Gutzmer
- Matthew Edward Habershon
- George Hackford
- James Hacking
- John Wesley Hackworth
- Peter Haggie
- Charles Townshend Hargrave
- George Augustus Haig
- William Blacket Haigh (1820-1883)
- Philip Haldinstein
- Ebenezer Hall
- Richard Thomas Hall
- William Bancks Hall
- Henry Hall (1827-1904)
- John Hall (1821- )
- Charles Holman Ham
- Hubert Palmer Osborne Hamlin
- Charles Hammerton
- Thomas Hammett
- Joseph Hampton (1823-1908)
- William Hamshaw
- Joseph Hancox
- Carl Julius Tetens Hanssen
- Joseph Harding
- Philip Charles Hardwick
- John Hardy
- Sholto Vere Hare (1820 - 1900)
- William Hargreaves
- James Sidney Hargrove
- Samuel Harpur
- Henry Harris
- John Dewdney Harris
- William Robert Harris
- George King Harrison (1826-1906)
- Henry Harrison
- Henry Harrison (2)
- John Harrison (1828-1894)
- Joseph Harrison
- William Arthur Harrison
- Thomas Harrison (1744-1829)
- Thomas Harrison (4)
- Thomas Harrison (5)
- Absalom Harrop (1827-1895)
- Charles Frederick Hart
- Charles Hart (1820- )
- Charles Augustus Hartley
- Charles Hartley
- Frederick William Hartley
- Henry Thomas Hartnoll
- James Harvey
- Hamilton Edward Harwood
- William Haskins
- Charles Aaron Haslett
- Richard Hassard
- John Armstrong Haswell
- John Mitchell Hattersley
- Samuel Haughton
- Samuel Wilfred Haughton
- William Hawksworth
- Henry Haynes
- Harrison Hayter
- William Hayward (of Borough)
- Joseph Haywood
- William Haywood
- Thomas Burt Haywood
- Joshua Heap
- William Heap (1826-1912)
- George Heaton (1824-1889)
- Ralph Heaton (1827-1891)
- William Harland Hebb
- Alfred Charles Heberden
- Philip Hedger
- Edward Armorer Hedley
- Gotthilf Henry Heinke
- Augustus Helder
- Hermann von Helmholtz
- C. Hermite
- Robert Hempsted
- James Henderson (1821-1903)
- James McLintock Henderson
- John Henderson (2)
- William Henderson (1826-1895)
- William Henderson (1827-1881)
- Joshua Hendy
- William Hensman
- Spencer Herapath
- Abram Stevens Hewitt
- John Roe Hickman (1829-1904)
- George Haden Hickman
- Thomas Comings Hide
- Patrick Higgins
- William Higgs
- Isaac Hill
- George Henry Hill
- Graham Hewitt Hills
- Thomas Hindmarsh
- Joseph Hingley
- Samuel Hingley
- Max Hjortsberg
- Chaplin Hodges (1823-1889)
- John Eliot Hodgkin
- John Lee Hodgson
- Thomas Hudson Holbrook
- Richard Holbrook (1822-1898)
- Thomas Holcroft
- John Holliday
- Alfred Hollis
- James Holman (1823-1892)
- Stephen Holman
- James Holmes
- Samuel Furness Holmes
- Sheriton Holmes
- William Holmes (1823-1887)
- Charles Herbert Holt
- Francis Holt
- Alfred Holt
- George Holt
- Thomas Stephen Holt
- Archibald Hood
- James Hoof
- Henry Hooper (1822-1882)
- William Hooper (c1825-1896)
- Edward Hooper
- George Norgate Hooper
- John Satchell Hopkins
- George Hopkins
- William Randolph Innes Hopkins
- John Hopkinson (1824-1902)
- Lewis Hornblower
- Geoffrey Thomas Phipps Hornby
- Charles Horsley
- Thomas Horsley
- Enoch Horton
- Joshua Horton
- Henry Houghton
- Henry Gourlay
- Frederick Howard
- James Howard (1821-1889)
- Joseph Howard (Manchester)
- Richard Howson
- William Howson
- Alexander Hubbard
- John Hubber
- Edward Martin Hubbuck
- William Augustus Hubbuck
- William Hudspith
- William Huggins
- George Douglas Hughes
- William Templer Hughes
- William Wilson Hulse
- Joseph Sykes Hulse
- William Humber
- Edmund Hunt
- James P. Hunt
- Thomas Hunt (1825-1863)
- William Hunt, Junior
- Michael Hunter
- Henry Columbus Hurry
- Thomas Grainge Hurst
- William Husband
- John Richards Hussey
- John Houseman Hutchinson
- Charles Scrope Hutchinson
- John Hutchinson (of Widnes)
- Robert Hutton
- William Rich Hutton
- Thomas Henry Huxley
- Mark Hyde
- Henry Hyde
- Arthur Blomfield Jackson
- Henry James Jackson
- James Armstrong Jackson
- Robert Raynsford Jackson
- John Jackson (1821-1897)
- Joseph Burdekin Jackson
- Matthew Murray Jackson (1821-1892)
- Robert Jacomb-Hood
- John James
- John William James (1820-1908)
- James Wardrop Jameson
- John Lennox Kincaid Jamieson
- Pierre Charles Oscar Janssen
- John Jay (1820- )
- Henry Pounsbery Jeboult
- Parkin Jeffcock
- Edward Alexander Jeffreys
- George Jeffries (1820-1896)
- Silvanus William Jenkin
- John Hadow Jenkins
- William Jenkins (1825-1895)
- John Henry Jenkinson
- James C. Jennings
- William Francis Drummond Jervois
- Joseph Jessop
- John Wilder (1826-1903)
- Bryan Johnson
- Charles Cooper Johnson
- Robert Johnson (b.1829)
- Henry Croom Johnson
- John Henry Johnson
- James Yate Johnson (1820-1900)
- Richard Johnson
- Thomas Marr Johnson
- William Beckett Johnson
- William Johnson (1823-1864)
- Ronald Johnstone
- Benjamin Franklin Jones
- John Hodgson Jones
- John Jones (c1828-1924)
- Edwin Francis Jones
- Thomas Jones (1829-1905)
- Charles Michael Jopling
- Morgan Joseph
- David Joy
- William Lomas Joy
- Walker Joy
- Charles Tiot Judkins
- John Louis Jullion
- Jan Kacirek
- Thomas Coltrin Keefer
- Herbert Howard Keeling
- William Ward Kell
- John Kemp
- Howard John Kennard
- William Kennard
- Thomas William Kennard
- John Pitt Kennedy (1824-1897)
- John Arthur Kenrick
- Charles Buchanan Ker
- John Kerr (1824-1907)
- John Kerr (1823-1872)
- Robert Kerr
- Durand Kershaw
- John Kershaw (1827-1912)
- John Key
- William Walter Kiddle
- Joseph Knight Kilbourn
- John Kilner (1828-1894)
- Arthur Kinder
- Fred King
- John Gould King
- Robert King (1822-1891)
- George Canning Kingdon
- David Kinghorn
- William Joseph Kingsbury
- David Kirkaldy (1820-1897)
- Thomas Kirkaldy (1829-1870)
- Richard Churchill Kitching
- Frederick William Kitson
- Thomas Kitson
- Benjamin Kittmer
- John Thomas Knapp
- John Peake Knight
- William Knighton
- John Knowles
- William Knox (1829-1901)
- Stephen Lancelot Koe
- James Laing (1823-1901)
- Rai Bahadur Kanhaya Lal
- George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton
- Charles William Lancaster
- Henry Lartigue
- William Daniel Latimer
- Alexander Theodore Lavalley
- Henry Law
- William Lawford
- Henry Lawrence
- Alfred Lawrence
- Frederick Lawrence (1828-1864)
- John Lawson
- William Lax
- John Laybourne
- Richard Laybourne
- Alfred Thomas Layton
- Frederica Weber Lea
- William Robert Howard Leaker
- William H. Lean
- Samuel Petty Leather
- William Jellicorse Ledward
- Henry Lee
- Joseph Lee (of Lincoln)
- Hamilton Lee-Smith
- John Lees (1827-1861)
- Joseph Dorning Leigh
- Francis Haden Lemann
- William Christopher Leng
- Etienne Lenoir
- George Hare Leonard
- Hugh Leonard
- John Hare Leonard
- Frederick Leslie
- Henry Corbyn Levinge
- Stephen Samuel Lewin
- James Winterbotham Lewis
- William Winterbotham Lewis
- Benjamin Lewis
- John Lewis
- John Lewis (of Swansea)
- Richard Leybourne
- William Liddell
- Henry George Liddell
- Charles Llewellyn Light
- Joseph Lillie
- Robert Charles Lindley
- Richard Lisle
- Joseph Lister
- George Little
- Thomas Littleton
- David Llewellin
- Edward John Lloyd
- George Braithwaite Lloyd
- John Lloyd
- Samuel Lloyd (1827-1918)
- Sampson Samuel Lloyd
- William Lloyd
- Crosby Lockwood
- Thomas Login
- Luke Longbottom
- Robert Bewick Longridge
- Alfred Longsdon
- Robert Longsdon
- James Lovegrove
- Thomas Lovell
- Samuel Loveridge
- Thomas Lovick
- George Lowdon
- Charles Lowinger
- Charles Thomas Lucas
- Thomas Lucas
- Ferdinand Wilhelm Weghorst Luders
- Abram Lyle
- Thomas Royse Lysaght
- George Fosbery Lyster
- Henry McColley
- Alexander Macdonald
- John Macglashan
- John Mackay (1822-1906)
- John Mackenzie
- John McKenzie (of Worcester)
- John Mackinlay
- Alexander Kendall Mackinnon
- William Mackinnon
- Alexander Mackintosh
- Francis Mackison
- Herbert Francis Mackworth
- Andrew Maclean (1828-1900)
- Hugh H. Maclure
- William MacNay
- Henry Shaw MacPherson
- Edmund Macrory
- Henry Maddison
- John Richard Magrath
- Henry Coathupe Mais
- Alexander Woodlands Makinson
- Godfrey Oates Mann
- William Thompson Mann
- August Manns
- Robert Mansel
- Reginald Neville Mantell
- Frederick Thorpe Mappin
- Robert Mudge Marchant
- Peter John Margary
- James Constantien Marillier
- Robert Aspland Marillier
- Charles Markham
- Alice Theresa Marks
- John Marley
- Joseph Blackman Marmont
- James Marmont
- Henry Rowland Marsden
- William Ebenezer Marshall
- Benjamin Martell
- Henry John Marten
- Richard Martin
- James Martin (1821-1899)
- David Martineau
- Thomas Martineau
- William Martineau
- Ben Hay Martindale
- Friedrich Martini
- William Martley
- Frederick Marwood
- Nevil Story Maskelyne
- Charles Mason (1823-1869)
- Joseph Francis Massey
- James Mather
- William Mathews (1828-1901)
- James Mathias
- Thomas Adam Mathieson
- Thomas Matthew
- George Matthey
- Henry Maudslay, Junior
- William Maule (1829-1897)
- George Maule
- John Maxton (1820-1892)
- Robert Charles May (1829-1882)
- John Mayer (1830-1905)
- William Millbanke Mayes
- William Maylor
- John Maylor
- John Maythorn
- John McAusland
- David McCall
- William McCandlish
- Andrew Simpson McClelland
- John McConnell
- John McConnochie
- James McCreath (1828-1910)
- Alexander McDonald
- Alexander McDonnell
- James McEwen
- James Macnaghten Mcgarel-Hogg
- Alexander McIlquham
- John McIlwraith
- Hugh Unsworth McKie
- John McKinnon
- William McLandsborough
- John Frederick Adolphus McNair
- James Aldren McNaught
- George Mears
- Julius George Medley
- William Meikle
- Edward Meldrum
- Andrew Menzies
- Thomas Mercer (1822-1900)
- William Frederick Meredith
- John Bult Meredith
- Levi Parsons Merriam
- Charles Watkins Merrifield
- Charles Benjamin Le Mesurier
- Henry Peveril Le Mesurier
- William Ellis Metford
- Francis Charles Miers
- William Milburn
- Adam Miller (1828-1901)
- Daniel Miller
- Henry Miller (1826- )
- Robert Milligan
- James Mills (1828-1880)
- Charles Mintram
- James Buchanan Mirrlees
- Charles Mitchell
- John Thomas Whitehead Mitchell
- Guilford Lindsey Molesworth
- Alexander Moncrieff
- Joseph Monier
- Hugh Parker Montgomery
- John Montgomrie
- Alfred Moore
- James Moore (1826-1887)
- Joseph Moore
- Alfred William Morant
- Augustus Mordan
- James More
- Joshua Llewelyn Morgan
- James Vaughan Morgan
- Thomas Vaughan Morgan
- William Vaughan Morgan
- Edward Orpen Moriarty
- Robert Morrison
- Henry Joseph Morton
- Frederick Moser
- Henry Moser
- John Moser
- Robert James Moser
- James Robert Mosse
- Charles George Mountain
- James Michael Boxer Mowle
- Thomas Moy
- Francis Mulliner
- Harry Mulliner
- George James Munday
- Anthony John Mundella
- William Munden
- George Frederick Muntz, Junior
- John Murdoch
- James Murgatroyd (c1829-1894)
- Henry De La Poire Murphy
- Thomas Hunter Murray
- James Musgrave
- James Musgrave (1826-1904)
- John Musgrave, Junior
- James Sheridan Muspratt
- Maurice Myers (1827-1899)
- William Chadwell Mylne (1821-1876)
- George Napier (1828-1906)
- James Murdoch Napier
- William Henry Edward Napier
- Charles George Napier
- Francis Napier
- John Napier
- James Robert Napier
- Robert David Napier
- John William Naylor
- Joseph Naylor
- Charles Neate
- James Nelson (b.1823)
- William Nethersole
- Edward John Nettlefold
- Joseph Henry Nettlefold
- William Nevill
- Henry James Walton Neville
- Peter Newall
- William Millars Newey
- William Newmarch
- Francis Newton (1827-1904)
- John Newton (1829-1896)
- Thomas Newton (1824-1892)
- Alfred Vincent Newton
- Edward T. Newton
- Joseph Newton
- Charles Nicholls
- Wilfred Nicholson
- Edward Chambers Nicholson
- Donald Nicoll
- Johannes Peter Daniel Nippel
- David Innes Noad
- John Noble
- Richard Noddings
- John Norbury
- William Gregory Norris
- James North
- James Lee Norton
- Arthur Nowill
- Edward Nowill
- Thomas Mathias Nowill
- Peter Pierce Lyons O'Connell
- Charles O'Connor
- Charles Henry Oakes
- Henry Oakley
- Samuel Oddy
- William Odling
- Joseph Offord
- Charles Edward Walker Ogilvie
- Patrick Ogilvie
- Richard Ogle
- Magnus Ohren
- Edward Oldfield
- Lewis Olrick
- James Guthrie Orchar
- Rowland Mason Ordish
- Thomas Ormiston
- Arthur Sydney Ormsby
- Samuel Osborn
- Sherard Osborn
- C. A. Otis
- George Owen (1827-1901)
- Philip Cunliffe Owen
- John Owen
- James Oxley (b.1824)
- William Oxley (d.1903)
- James Oxley (Frome)
- George Paddison
- John Birch Paddon
- Sarah Ann Page
- William Thomas Palin
- Charles Mark Palmer
- James Park, Junior
- John Parker (1826-1909)
- Edward Parker (1822-1887)
- Thomas Parker (1829-1903)
- William Parkes
- Francis Parkin
- William Parkinson (1821-1852)
- Thomas Parkyns
- William Parsey
- Charles Frederick Parsons (1821-1886)
- Charles Pasley
- Murdoch Paterson
- John Paton (of Holyhead)
- Hugh Lee Pattinson (1829-1898)
- John Pattinson
- Henry John Pauling
- William Kirkby Peace
- George Peach
- George Peacock (USA)
- Ralph Peacock (1826-1889)
- Richard Peacock
- Hugh Pearce
- John Charles Pearce
- George Pears
- George Pearson (1821-1899)
- James Pearson
- Joseph Whitwell Pease
- Frederick Peck
- David Bruce Peebles
- Henry William Peek
- George Peel, Junior
- Robert Peel (1822-1895)
- William Peel (1824-1858)
- Alfred Pegler
- Frederick Weston Peile
- Morris Birkbeck Pell
- George Arthur Pemberton
- Henry Timothy Penney
- Alfred Perkins
- Thomas Perkins
- Robert Perks
- Thomas Joseph Perry
- Henry James Perry
- James Peters
- Henry Petter
- George William Petter
- John Petter
- Cornelius Pettet
- John Pettigrew
- Charles Henry Phillips
- Godfrey Phillips (1826-1900)
- John Arthur Phillips
- Joseph Phillips
- John Phillips (1827-1902)
- Jonathan Pickering (c1827-1892)
- William Pickup
- Robert Piercy
- Benjamin Piercy
- Carl Abraham Pihl
- Woodford Pilkington
- James Pillay
- Bedford Pim
- Robert Pinchin
- John A. Pinson
- Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers
- James Platt (1824-1857)
- George Frederick Playne
- Samuel Plimsoll
- Henry Davis Pochin
- Rudolph Poensgen
- Maurice Pollack
- Charles Pollard
- Richard Pollit
- Christopher Pond
- Edmund Alfred Pontifex
- Henry Pooley (1829-1906)
- John Pope
- George Porter
- John Thomas Brown Porter
- Charles Talbot Porter
- John Henderson Porter
- Robert Porter
- Charles Portway
- Addison Potter
- Joseph Martin Powell
- William Powell
- William Powell (1820-1895)
- John Hardman Powell
- Francis Ashbury Pratt
- Franklin Prestage
- Francis Preston
- Robert Berthon Preston
- William Henry Price
- Astley Paston Price
- William Price
- Richard Carless Prickett
- James Primrose
- Daniel Baddeley Pritchard
- Lewis William Pritchard
- George Edward Pritchett
- William Purcell
- Samuel Guyon Purchas
- Edward Purser
- John Rabone (1820-1892)
- William Henry Rabone
- John Alexander Radcliffe
- William Radcliffe (2)
- Nicolas-Jules Raffard
- Nicholas Raine
- Charles Rammell
- David Allan Ramsay
- James Ramsden
- William G. Ramsden
- William Randle
- William John Macquorn Rankine
- John Richard Ravenhill
- George Lowe Reid
- James Reid
- Robert Nicol Reid
- William Reid (1824-1868)
- Callcott Reilly
- James Reilly
- Alexander Meadows Rendel
- William Edgcumbe Rendle
- John Keith Rennie
- James Purdy Rennoldson
- Franz Reuleaux
- Edward Reynolds
- William Rhodes (1820-1885)
- George Rich (1822-1889)
- Edwin Richards
- Evan Matthew Richards
- Lewis Richards
- William Joseph Richards
- Josiah Richards
- Joseph Richardson
- William Augustus Richardson
- Henry T. Richardson
- Thomas Richardson (1821-1891)
- John Osborne Riches
- Richard Robert Riches
- Francis Richmond
- Francis Richmond (2)
- Thomas Richmond
- William Richmond (2)
- Carl Richter
- Thomas Rickett
- Thomas Miller Rickman
- Thomas Dawson Ridley
- William Rigby (1821-1863)
- William Riley
- John Henry Rimbault
- Robert Morgan
- James Roberts (1825-1902)
- James Roberts (c1820-1883)
- Samuel Ussher Roberts
- Thomas Roberts (b.1827)
- William Roberts (c1825-1891)
- James Robertson
- Robert Robey
- Charles Robins
- Jethro Thomas Robinson
- John Robinson (1823-1877)
- John Robinson (1829-1912)
- Murrell Robinson Robinson
- William Bradbury Robinson
- William Leckie Robinson
- William Robinson (1826-1870)
- John Robinson
- Richard Oswald Robson
- Hazelton Robson Robson
- Theodore Anthony Rochussen
- William Sargeant Roden
- George Joseph Rodgers
- Carl Heinrich Roeckner
- John Rogerson
- John Rogerson (1822-1879)
- David Rollo
- Joseph Philip Ronayne
- Leathom Earle Ross
- Owen Charles Dalhousie Ross
- Samuel Egan Rosser
- William Rosser
- John Wilkinson Rotheram
- Richard Kevitt Rotherham
- David Rothwell
- Henry James Rouse
- David Rowan
- Richard Reynolds Rowe
- Thomas Rowe
- John Royle (USA)
- George Ruck
- Francis Tongue Rufford
- Thomas Rumball
- James Raine Rushton
- William Russ
- Thomas Russell (c.1821-1886)
- William Russell
- Hurrychund Sadasewjee
- Jagannath Sadasewjee
- Thomas Salmons
- Benjamin Saloway
- John Edward Salsbury
- Christian Salvesen
- Johan Theodor Salvesen
- James Samuel
- Martin Samuelson
- Alexander Samuelson
- Bernhard Samuelson
- John Holloway Sanders
- Charles Sanderson (1824-1870)
- John Scott Burdon Sanderson
- Joseph Sankey
- Allen Sarle
- Henry James Sarson
- Frederick George Saunders
- George Henry Saunders
- Louis Sautter
- Frederick Savage
- Alfred Savery
- Thomas Savin
- Thomas Spencer Sawyer
- John Saxby
- George Saxon (1821-1879)
- Maximilian Hjortsberg
- Thomas Scammell
- James Scarlett
- Henrique Scheid
- Christian Schiele
- Bernhard Schmidt
- Edward Schunck (1829-1903)
- Archibald Scott
- Clement Augustus Scott
- William Booth Scott
- William Henry Scott
- Henry Young Darracott Scott
- John Scott (1827-1892)
- Thomas Scott
- Walter Scott (1826-1910)
- William Henry Scriven
- Epaphras Seage (1829-1896)
- Lewis James Seargeant
- William Sellers
- Coleman Sellers
- Charles Sells
- Francois-Josef Sepulchre
- James Shand
- John Shanks
- Henry Shapland
- William Prior Sharp
- Edward Dethick Shaw
- Thomas Wilkinson Shaw
- George Shaw (3)
- William Shaw (1826-1896)
- William Shaw (3)
- Charles Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Thomas Robert Shervinton
- Jabez Shipman
- James Alfred Shipton
- John Shorrock
- Ralph Shorrock
- George Sibley
- William Sibley
- Joseph Sidebotham
- Carl Siemens
- William Siemens
- Herman James Sillem
- Hugh Adams Silver
- John Lintorn Arabin Simmons
- Henry Minchin Simons
- William Simons (d.1902)
- John Harwood Simpson
- James Simpson, Junior
- James Carrington Simpson
- John Sinclair (c1826-1895)
- Robert Cooper Sinclair
- Daniel Skelton
- Frederick Slade
- Charles Slagg
- Thomas Slater
- John Montgomery Sleater
- Frederick Slight
- Daniel Smallwood
- Josiah Smallwood
- William George Smart
- Mortimer Knight Smart
- Richard Smethurst (c1825-1879)
- Alexander Kennedy Smith
- Donald Alexander Smith
- James Smith (1825-1910)
- John Smith (1827-1917)
- John Smith (1829-1899)
- Thomas Macdougall Smith
- William Bickford Smith
- William Smith (1825-1911)
- Charles Frederic Stuart Smith
- Finlay Smith
- Frederick Smith (1823-1868)
- Frederick Smith (Dudley)
- Henry Smith
- Henry John Stephen Smith
- Isaac Smith
- James Thornloe Smith
- John Smith (1822-1897)
- John Smith (1828-1879)
- Josiah Timmis Smith
- John Chaloner Smith
- Joseph Smith (1828-1897)
- Joseph Amos Smith
- Robert Smith (b.1820)
- Thomas Smith (of Saltley)
- Thomas James Smith
- Thomas Valentine Smith
- William Henry Smith
- William Smith (1823-1892)
- William Smith (of Clerkenwell)
- William Smith (1825-1878)
- Richard Smith-Carington
- Frederick Smith-Shenstone
- Edward Snell
- James Snowden
- Max Strobel
- M. Solacroup
- Robert Miller Somervell
- Robert Somerville
- Thomas Austin Sorby
- Henry Clifton Sorby
- Thomas Sorby
- William Sowerby
- Thomas Sparrow
- Benjamin Spence
- Eli Spencer
- Michael Spencer
- Thomas Spencer (1825-1901)
- William Spencer (1820-1876)
- Joseph Spencer (1825-1899)
- John Frederick Spencer
- Thomas Spencer (1820-1883)
- George Andrew Spottiswoode
- William Spottiswoode
- Christopher Spriggs
- John Smith Sproul
- Joseph Squire
- James Stabler
- John Stacey
- John Martin Stanley
- William Ford Stanley
- Horatio Stead
- Thomas Dyne Steel
- John Steell
- Dr. Stefani
- Vincent Steinlen
- Frederick Cook Stephens
- Charles Tooley Stephenson
- Henry Palfrey Stephenson
- Henry Stephenson
- Thomas Stephenson (1827-1869)
- Joseph Stevens (1821-1897)
- Francis Stevenson
- George Wilson Stevenson
- James Cochran Stevenson
- Charles Patrick Stewart
- John Tiffin Stewart
- Balfour Stewart
- William Houston Stewart
- Francis Croughton Stileman
- Patrick Stirling
- Charles Lingard Stokes
- John Stokes (1825-1902)
- George Stokes
- Charles Stone
- Bindon Blood Stoney
- Edward Storey (1829-1913)
- Thomas Storey
- William Storey (1823-1879)
- Richard Hugh Stotherd
- John Lum Stothert
- Abraham Henthorn Stott, Senior
- John Strachey
- William Strang (1829-1902)
- John Strapp
- George Edmund Street
- John Matthias Augustus Stroh
- Joseph Frank Strong
- Edward Gray Strong
- Joseph Stubbs, Senior
- Knut Styffe
- Henry Summerhill
- Thomas Summers
- John Summers, Senior
- Archibald Sutter
- John Swain
- Joseph Swan
- James Powell Swift
- George Swingler
- Thomas Swingler
- Robert Sykes
- Arthur John Symonds
- George W. H. Symons
- James Tangye
- John Tangye (1829-1848)
- Joseph Tangye
- John Lewis Felix Target
- James Hunter Tasker
- John Hooke Taunton
- Edward Tayleur
- Charles Taylor (1822-1895)
- Frederick Sherwood Taylor
- George Taylor (1820-1875)
- George Noble Taylor
- Henry Dyson Taylor
- John Taylor (of Nottingham)
- Samuel Taylor
- William Crees Taylor
- Henry Teague
- Charles Tellier
- Charles Tennant (1823-1906)
- James Francis Tennant
- Joseph Terry (1828-1898)
- James Henry Thomas
- Edwin Thomas
- Thomas Jefferson Thompson
- Matthew William Thompson
- Stephen Thompson
- William Joseph Thompson
- John Turnbull Thomson
- William Sparks Thomson
- James Thomson (1822-1892)
- Robert William Thomson
- William Thomson
- George Tidcombe (1828-1906)
- James Barracliff Tiernay
- Carl Frederik Tietgen
- Thomas Tilling (1825-1893)
- Ebenezer Timmins
- William Tingey, Senior
- William Upton Tinney
- Charles Todd (1826-1910)
- Isaac Todhunter
- Thomas Tolley
- Joseph Tomlinson
- John Furness Tone
- Edmund Tonks
- William Henry Tonks
- George Townend
- Thomas Charles Townsend
- Edward Tozer
- Robert Tozer
- Richard James Trahar
- John Traill
- George Francis Train
- Alfred Trappen
- James Jenkin Trathan
- Alice Tredwell
- Solomon Tredwell
- Walter William Tremlett
- Louis Joseph Troost
- Charles Troward
- Joseph William Trutch
- John Tulloch
- Thomas Tunks
- Charles Turner
- Edward Rush Turner
- George Reynolds Turner
- Thomas Turner (1829-1916)
- Thomas Turner (c1824-c1863)
- William Turner (1827-1888)
- William Tweedie (1821-1874)
- Harper Twelvetrees (1823-1881)
- Thomas Twyford (1827-1872)
- John Tye
- Henry Whatley Tyler
- William Henry Tylor
- George Tyndall
- John Tyndall
- Joseph Type
- John Waddell
- John Waddington (1822-1910)
- Thomas Waddington
- George Wade (1826-1892)
- Edward Wadham
- Bernard Wake
- William Henry Walenn
- Benjamin Walker
- Henry Walker (1824-1896)
- John Griffin Walker
- Thomas Andrew Walker
- William Hugill Walker
- Andrew Barclay Walker
- Bernard Peard Walker
- Charles Clement Walker
- James Ralph Walker
- John Walker (1826-1905)
- James Thomas Walker
- Matthew Walker (2)
- William Thomas Walker
- James Cresswell Wall
- Philip William Wall
- David Wallace (1823-1877)
- George Waller, Junior
- James Walters
- Wilhelm Walther
- Frederick Walton
- James Walton (1820-1901)
- James Edward Warburton
- George William Ward
- William Wilkinson Wardell
- Thomas Warden
- Charles Wetherell Wardle
- John Robson Warham
- Thomas Waring
- Charles Waring
- Henry Waring (1823-1909)
- William Waring
- John Warner
- Thomas Waterhouse
- Sydney Hedley Waterlow
- Albert Crakell Waterlow
- Thomas Colclough Watson
- Robert Watson (1822-1891)
- Thomas Parker Watson
- Thomas Rossiter Watt
- William Wiseman Watts
- William Weallens
- Thomas Weatherley
- Christopher Weatherley
- Francis Hughes Webb
- Edward Brainerd Webb
- Frederick Charles Webb
- Christian Philip Max Maria von Weber
- James Webster
- Francis Wedge
- Jabez Wedgwood
- Charles Aspull Wells
- George Wells (c1822-1892)
- George Wells
- John Welsh
- Francis Herbert Wenham
- James Fox Wentworth
- Francis Webb Wentworth-Sheilds
- Matthias Erasmus Wesley
- John West (1828-1863)
- William Edward West
- Arthur Anderson West
- Robert West (1826-1901)
- William Westacott
- Charles Matthew Whale
- Joseph Wharton
- Thomas Wheatley
- Job Wheway
- Timothy White
- Charles Fitzwilliam White
- Charles Harcourt White
- Isaiah White
- James White (1824-1884)
- Robert Owen White
- John B. Whitehead
- Robert Whitehead
- William Whitehead
- Daniel Whitehouse
- Cornelius Whitehouse (1825-1899)
- Alexander Whitelaw
- John Whitfield
- Joseph Whitley (1822-1886)
- George Henry Whitney
- James Whittaker
- William K. Whytehead
- John Henry Widdowson (1828-1901)
- William Widgery
- Henry Wiggin
- John Richardson Wigham
- Theophilus George Wight
- Eustace Wigzell
- James Wilder (1823-1900)
- Robert Wildgoose
- Joseph Wilkes (1825-1907)
- George Wilkie
- Charles Vaughan Wilkieson
- John Walker Wilkins
- Robert Carne Wilkinson
- Thomas Willey
- Frederick Smeeton Williams
- William Williams (1822-1896)
- Alfred Williams (1821-1901)
- Edward Williams (1826-1886)
- Edward Leader Williams (1828-1910)
- Morgan Bransby Williams
- Richard Price Williams
- Watkin Williams-Wynn
- Alexander William Williamson
- John Williamson
- Henry Willis (1821-1901)
- James Wilson (1822-1894)
- Peter Wilson
- Allan Wilson
- Charles George Wilson
- Edward Wilson
- George Wilson
- George Fergusson Wilson
- Henry Wilson (1825-1901)
- Henry Wilson (3)
- John Wilson (c.1828-1905)
- John Charles Wilson
- John Hays Wilson
- James Wilson (c1823-1904)
- James Edwards Wilson
- Joseph William Wilson
- William Wilson (1822-1898)
- Henry William Wimshurst
- Rowland Winn (1820-1893)
- Thomas Bradbury Winter
- John G. Winton (1827- )
- Francis Wise
- Charles James Wollaston
- George Wood (1826-1879)
- Alfred Hope Wood
- Edward Wood
- John Wood (1822-1889)
- Joseph Woodall (b.1825)
- Solomon Woodall
- John Wyman Woodford
- Henry Woodhouse (1823- )
- Henry Woodhouse
- Matthew Woodifield
- Abraham Woodiwiss
- Edmund Freeman Woods
- Henry Robert Woolbert
- John Stephen Woolrich
- J. E. Wooten
- George Worsdell
- William Henry Worthington
- Samuel Barton Worthington
- Henry Wren (1820-1902)
- George Wright (1823-1880)
- Henry Thompson Wright
- Benjamin Wright
- James Wright (1825-1899)
- Joseph Wright (1826-1893)
- Joseph Wright (1826-1905)
- Thomas Wright (1821- )
- Thomas Wright (1826-1886)
- William Barton Wright
- William Valentine Wright, Senior
- Matthew Digby Wyatt
- Andrew Wylie
- Henry Johnston Wylie
- Francis William Wymer
- Leonard Charles Wyon