Category:Births 1830-1839
Pages in category "Births 1830-1839"
The following 2,318 pages are in this category, out of 2,318 total.
- John Henry Abbey
- John Hallen Abbott
- Jacob Elia Abdela
- Charles Denton Abel
- William Adam
- William Grylls Adams
- John Grey Adamson
- Henry Bawn Addis
- Henry Adlam
- William Adlam
- Samuel Adshead
- Robert Agnew
- Henry Ainley
- William George Ainslie
- Charles Aird
- John Aird (1833-1911)
- Wilfrid Airy
- John Aitken (1839-1919)
- Thomas Aitken (c1836-1911)
- John Aiton
- Richard Akerman
- Charles Akrill
- Arthur Stanhope Aldrich
- Peter Alexander
- Thomas Alexander (1839-1915)
- Robert Alford (1838-1922)
- David Allan (c1839-1911)
- James Allan (1837-1892)
- George Allan
- William Allan
- James Hobson Allcard
- Henry Allchin (1834-1916)
- Joshua Allder
- George Allen (1832-1907)
- William Allen (1830-1898)
- Thomas Isaac Allen
- William Edgar Allen
- George Allibon
- Samuel Sealy Allin
- John Allison
- Jeremiah Ambler (1839-1884)
- James Chapman Amos
- Samuel Amphlet
- Beresford Anderson
- Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
- Henry John Card Anderson
- John Philip Cortlandt Anderson
- William Anderson
- William Anderson (1836-1910)
- Thomas Andrew (1832-1902)
- Eliza Howard Andrew
- James Edward Hyde Andrew
- John Topping
- Peter Andrew
- Thornton Andrews
- Edmund Andrews
- Edward Andrews
- John Orme Andrews
- William Stratford Andrews
- Amias Charles Andros
- Robert Angus
- George Augustus D'Auvergne Anley
- James Lempriere Anley
- Alfred Apperly
- Charles Edward Appleby
- Robert Applegarth
- Edward Appleton (2)
- Carl Arbenz
- John Archbold
- James Archdale
- William Edwin Archdeacon
- John Crickmore Archer
- Eduardo Argenti
- John Ramsden Armitage
- Samuel Armitage
- Edwin Arnfield
- William Arrol
- James Lloyd Ashbury
- Thomas Ashbury
- Thomas Atkin Ashton
- William Thomas Ashton
- Philip Unwin Askham
- Edward Thomas Atkin
- Frank Shaw Atkin
- William Atkins (1832-1903)
- John Atkinson (3)
- Martin Atock
- John Atterton
- Stephen Thomas Aveling
- Arthur Ayres
- John Ayris
- George Herman Babcock
- Alfred Bache
- Robert Bacon
- Richard Siddoway Bagnall, Junior
- Benjamin Thomas Bagshaw
- John James Bagshawe
- John Bailey (1831-1905)
- John Bailey (1839-1892)
- William Henry Bailey
- John Robert Baily
- Charles Bernard Baker
- James Baldwin
- David Balfour
- James Melville Balfour
- Thomas Balmforth
- Adam Carlisle Bamlett
- Henry Bancroft
- David Banderali
- Edward Banfield
- Thomas Peck Banks
- Thomas Barbour
- Henry Barcroft
- William Barford
- Sabine Baring-Gould
- William Erskine Bartlett
- Charles Barnard (1836-1912)
- Godfrey Barnard
- John Hickman Barnes
- Patrick Moir Barnett
- George Barnsley (1837-1895)
- George Morrison Barr
- Thomas Morrison Barr
- Joseph Barraclough (b.1832)
- Antonio Paulo De Mello Barreto
- James Barrow
- Benjamin Barrow
- Joseph Barrow
- Reuben Vincent Barrow
- Samuel Barrow
- John David Barry
- Philip Barry
- Edward Middleton Barry
- John Wolfe Barry
- Thomas Wood Bartholomew
- William Hamond Bartholomew
- Henry Critchett Bartlett
- Edward Barton
- Edwin Barton (b.1830)
- Samuel Barton (b.1831)
- Walthew Clarance Barton
- Edwin Barton
- Charles Edward Basevi
- Walter Bassano
- John Underwood Bateman-Champain
- Ranson Colecome Batterbee
- James Brend Batten
- Hilary Bauerman
- John Clowes Bayley
- Kennett Bayley
- Richard Dansey Bayley
- Joseph Edwin Baylis
- Thomas Richard Bayliss
- Richard Roskell Bayne
- Thomas Mayhew Bear
- Isaac Beardmore
- Charles Calow Beardshaw
- Edward Taylor Beardshaw
- Ammon Beasley
- William Beattie
- Frederick Beaumont
- Alexander Beazeley
- Michael Beazeley
- Isaac Beck
- William Henry Beck
- John Henry Beckwith
- Thomas Beeley
- Frederick Beesley
- Hamilton T. Beggs
- Lorens Beijer
- George Bell (of Rhyl)
- George Joseph Bell
- John Bell (d.1891)
- Wilson Bell
- Charles Napier Bell
- Horace Bell
- Imrie Bell
- James Bell (1839-1903)
- John Bell (1832-1894)
- Valentine Graeme Bell
- George David Bellamy
- George Edward Belliss
- Ernest Benedict
- Alfred Henry Bennett
- James Bennie (1831-1884)
- James Bennie (1834- )
- Thomas Newton Bennie
- Edward Bennis
- Daniel Barrowclough Bentley
- Joseph Bernays
- Isaac Lovell Berridge
- Robert Berridge
- Jean Baptiste Louis Felix Marc Berrier-Fontaine
- Marc Berrier-Fontaine
- James Berry (1839-1884)
- Robert Berryman
- Henry Bessemer (1838-1907)
- John Best
- Stephen Charles Best
- William Smith Betts
- George Betzold
- Seth Bevan
- Thomas William Beverley
- Thomas Bevington
- William John Hardcastle
- John Bibby, Junior
- George Bickerton
- George Parker Bidder (1836-1896)
- Edwin Bidder
- William Henry Bidder
- Emil Biederman
- Gordon Bigsby
- John Edward Bingham
- Henry Binko
- Joseph Walker Binney
- Alexander Richardson Binnie
- John James Birckel
- James Binfield Bird
- William Birt
- Richard Birtwistle
- Frank Charles Black
- James Blackburn
- John William Blackburne
- John Howard Blackwell
- James MacLellan Blair
- James Fairrie Blair
- John Blake (1836-1900)
- William Greaves Blake
- W. Blakemore
- George Blaxland
- William Blinkhorn
- Roscoe Bocquet
- Charles Boddington
- Owen Arthur Bodley
- William Canute Bodley (1832-1876)
- Gustave Boel
- Carl Ferdinand Henry Bolckow
- Henry Bolden
- William Bolitho (1830-1894)
- James Bolland
- Francis Bolling
- Alexander Joseph Bolton
- Francis John Bolton
- Francis Bolton
- Walter Bonallack (1837-1915)
- John Harrocks Booker
- Thomas William Booker
- William Booth (1833-1921)
- John Borrie
- Edwin Bostock (1838-1901)
- Thomas Bostock (1836-1908)
- Samuel Bagster Boulton
- John Bourdeaux
- Leon Bourdelles
- Joseph Bourne (1836-1893)
- Edward Tenney Bousfield
- William Bousted
- William Vansittart Bowater
- Nathaniel Bowden Smith
- Jonathan Burdett Bowler
- Frederic Hungerford Bowman
- Joseph Bown
- John Bown
- William Bown
- George Boyd
- John Edward Boyd
- William Boyd (d.1919)
- Frederick Braby
- Alfred Bradburn
- Joseph Braddock
- Hugh Meller Bradford (1837-1886)
- Isaac Bradley (1833-1918)
- Jonas James Bradshaw
- Francis Brady
- Aaron Brain
- Richard Charles Braithwaite
- Christopher Brakell
- Henry Bramall
- Alfred Bramall
- Frederick Brampton
- James Brand
- John Brandt
- John Hugh Branson
- Thomas Brassey (1836-1918)
- John Watts Brassington
- George Bailey Brayton
- Robert Maitland Brereton
- Robert Bridgart
- Cyprian Arthur George Bridge
- Sidney Thomas Bridgford
- George Soudon Bridgman
- William Briggs (1839-1919)
- Alfred Charles Bright
- Charles Tilston Bright
- Edward Brailsford Bright
- William Britain (1831-1907)
- William Henry Brittain
- Joseph Knowles Broadbent
- Thomas Broadbent
- George Broadrick
- Walter Brock
- William Brock
- John Brock (1834-1916)
- William Brockbank
- George Brocklehurst
- James Brogden
- Charles Berjew Brooke
- Thomas Charles Brooke
- Edward Richards Broom
- Richard Archibald Brooman
- Michael Mary Brophy
- Peter Brotherhood (1838-1902)
- John Armour Brown
- William Brown (1835-1877)
- Benjamin Brown
- Francis David Millett Brown
- Henry Brown
- Richard Brown
- Samuel Brown (1836-1891)
- Thomas Forster Brown
- William Armitage Brown
- William Brown
- William Joseph Brown
- Thomas Chappell Brown-Westhead
- Benjamin Chapman Browne
- James Browne
- Arthur Giraud Browning
- Arrott Browning
- John Browning (1831-1925)
- Thomas Gaul Browning
- William Duff Bruce
- Isambard Brunel, Junior (1837–1902)
- Henry Brunner
- Archibald Douglas Bryce-Douglas
- William Buchanan
- George Buchanan
- John Haywood Watson Buck
- Leffert Lefferts Buck
- John Buckett
- Thomas Buckham
- John Russell Buckler
- James Buckley
- Robert Shaw Buckley
- Samuel Buckley
- Thomas Buckney
- Alfred Budge
- Frederick Budgen
- Redvers Buller
- Wentworth William Buller
- John Bulmer
- James Clark Bunten
- Arthur Burch
- James A. Burden
- Nicholas Procter Burgh
- Nathan James Burlinson
- John Burlinson
- Robert Harvey Burnett
- Richard Burniston
- Frederick Burr
- Percy Burrell
- Peter Burrell
- Thomas Ansley Burrington
- Timothy Burstall (1830-1888)
- Joseph Smith Burt (b.1834)
- William Tarleton Bury
- George Butchard
- Isaac Butler (1837-1917)
- Henry Joseph Butter
- Henry Holt Butterfill
- John Walker Buyers
- Julian Byrne
- St. Clare John Byrne
- Elijah Cabble
- Charles Cabry
- Henry Cabry
- Joseph Cabry
- George Cadbury
- Joel Cadbury
- Richard Cadbury
- William Calder (b.1828)
- Albert Jarman Caley
- Crawford James Campbell
- David Wilkinson Campbell
- John William Campbell
- Archibald Campbell Campbell
- George Campbell
- James Campbell
- George Bligh Capel
- Edward Hamer Carbutt
- John Carbutt
- Mon. Carels
- Eustace Carey
- David Carlaw
- Andrew Carnegie
- Heinrich Caro
- Arthur Carpmael (1836-1931)
- William Carpmael (1832-1899)
- Alfred Carpmael
- William Thomas Carrington
- John Carruthers
- John Hornsby Carruthers
- William Carson
- Henry Robert Pasley Carter
- Noblett St. Leger Carter
- Joshua Cartwright
- Charles Townsend Casebourne
- Sidney Nash Castle
- Edward Cavendish
- Spencer Compton Cavendish
- Frederick Cavendish
- Thomas Chadwick (1830-1886)
- Charles Chambers
- William James Chamberlain
- Richard Chambers
- Charles Chandler
- Octave Chanute
- Alfred Chapman
- James Gregson Chapman
- John George Chapman
- Abel Henry Chapman
- Henry Chapman
- Albert James Leppoc Cappel
- Samuel Chatwood (1833-1909)
- Thomas Checkley
- William Chesterman
- Leopold Chevalier
- Edward Chidley
- Roland Chown
- Charles John Denham Christie
- Richard Copley Christie
- Thomas Christy, Junior (1831-1905)
- Arthur Herbert Church
- Richard Frederick Church
- Charles Churchill
- Francisco Javier Cisneros
- Christopher Fisher Clark
- John Clark (1831-1868)
- James Clark
- Octavus Deacon Clark
- William Stephens Clark
- Henry Stephen Clarke
- John Clarke (1831-1868)
- Thomas Charles Clarke
- William Clarke (1832-1890)
- Thomas Gething Clayton
- Richard Smith Clayton
- Thomas Clayton
- Lewis Metzler Clement
- Frederick Clench (1838-1923)
- Leon Clerc
- William John Bird Clerke
- Charles Cleworth
- William Clissold (1831-1902)
- William George Clissold
- Robert Clough (1832-1911)
- George Clulow
- George Coates (1838-1880)
- James Coats (1835-1913)
- George Henry Cobb
- Charles Cochrane
- William Cochrane
- William Henry Cock
- Hiram Codd
- William Coddington
- Zerah Colburn
- George Cole (of Bradford)
- Joseph James Coleman
- Francis Collingwood
- John Collins (1832-1888)
- William Blow Collis
- Jeremiah James Colman
- Philip Howard Colomb
- James Colquhoun
- Charles Colson
- Huram Coltman
- Frederick Colyer
- Patrick Forstall Comber
- John Freeland Fergus Common
- Charles Edwin Compton
- Edmund Compton
- Henry Conder
- Lewis Conway-Gordon
- Edward Rider Cook
- John Mason Cook
- Joseph Green Cooke
- Theodore Cooke
- Frederick Nesfield Cookson
- Ebenezer Elias Cooper
- Frederick Cooper
- John Vernon Cooper
- William Cooper (1831-1887)
- George Cooper
- Samuel Thomas Cooper
- William Robertson Copland
- Charles Copland
- Harold Copperthwaite
- William Corder
- Jabez James Cornish
- Thomas Cossor
- Alfred Charles Cossor
- Richard Costain, Senior
- Charles Philip Cotton
- Edward Rushton Coulborn
- Matthew Coulson
- William Coulthard (1835-1906)
- Hiram Craven Coulthard
- Thomas Coulthard (1832-1905)
- William Coulthard (1838-1904)
- John Irving Courtenay
- Malcolm Colquhoun Cowan
- Benjamin Cowan
- William Cowan (1833-1922)
- Edward Coward
- Edward Cox-Walker
- Benjamin Payne Coxon
- Samuel Bailey Coxon
- Henry Crabtree
- Edward Charles Cracknell
- William John Cracknell
- Henry Foxton Craggs
- Jacob C. Cramp
- Thomas Crapper
- John Craven
- John Craven (1831-1903)
- Ettrick William Creak
- William Dilworth Crewdson (1839-1908)
- William Arnold Crips
- Robert Croall
- Frederick William Crohn
- Thomas Crompton
- Charles Alexander Crook
- Charles Crookes
- William Crookes
- Henry Smith Cropper
- Joseph Wheeler Cross
- Thomas Damby Cross
- Edmund Crosskill
- James Benjamin Chessell Crossland
- Francis William Crossley
- John Crossley (Sussex)
- William Crossley
- James Hiscutt Crossman (1833-1899)
- Charles Hutton Croudace
- William Henry Crowley
- Clement Crowther
- William Crumblehulme
- Charles Cubitt
- James Cubitt
- James Culverwell
- Nicholas Marshall Cummins
- Richard Cunliffe
- David Cunningham
- Frank Leonard Cunningham
- Charles Currey
- Thomas Tomlinson Cussons
- Julien D'Andrimont
- William Stewart Mitchel D'Urban
- George Heaton Daglish
- Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler
- Alfred Dalby
- John Henry Dallmeyer
- Edward Dangerfield
- Edward Freer Daniel
- Edward Rice Daniel
- Edwin Danks (1839-1915)
- Henry Danks
- Thomas Danks
- Samuel Danks (b.1842)
- Frederick Charles Danvers
- Alfred Darbyshire
- William Dart
- Edward Gershom Davenport
- George Henry Davey
- James Davidson (1836-1886)
- William Davies
- William Davies (1836-1897)
- Rowland Lyttelton Archer Davies
- Charles Samuel Davis
- Joseph Davis
- Joseph P. Davis
- Robert Elliot Davis
- Frederick Blake Davis
- John Davis (1834-1902)
- John Henry Davis
- Lewis Davis (1830-1888)
- Samuel Davison
- Abraham Davy (1831-1896)
- Albert Davy
- Alfred Davy
- David Davy
- Edmund Davy
- Walter Scott Davy
- Richard Rendle Miller Daw
- William Boyd Dawkins
- Charles Dawney
- George Dawson
- V. Daymard
- Francis Johnstone De Soyres
- John Debenham
- Julien Deby
- John Richard Dedicoat
- Ananias Dekke
- Edward Magdelen Joseph Delaney
- Joseph Francis Delany
- Edward Delebecque
- William Bleckly Dell
- Maurice Delmard
- Charles Henry Denham
- Samuel Henry Dening
- Robert Dennett
- George Dennis
- Gavin Hadden Dennison
- James Denton
- George Edward Dering
- Richard Carden Despard
- Thomas Lane Devitt
- Thomas Inglis Dewar
- Charles Dick
- Charles James Adolph Dick
- George Alexander Dick
- William Bruce Dick
- John Robert Dickson
- George Charles Dieckstahl
- Hermann Dietler
- James Dillon
- Jules Isidore Dingler
- Charles Joseph Morris Dixon
- James Willis Dixon
- John Dixon (1835-1891)
- Raylton Dixon
- Thomas Dobson
- Edgar Dodd
- John Dodd
- Alfred Dodman
- Frederick Bernard Doering
- John Doherty
- William James Doherty
- George Edmond Donisthorpe
- Bryan Donkin (1835-1902)
- James Doquemin
- William Henry Dorman
- Charles Camille Dornat
- Charles Prattman Douglas
- John Douglas
- John Douglas (1833-1874)
- William Douglass
- James Doulton
- James Duneau Doulton
- Charles Campbell Downes
- Alfred Christian Downey
- Arthur Edward Downing
- John Downing
- James Downs (1831-1904)
- Christopher Dresser
- Henry George Drury
- Joseph Napoleon Du Barry
- Walter Mardon Ducat
- Sidengham Duer
- Daniel Duff
- James Duncan
- Cecil Duncombe
- Robert Dundas
- James Dunlop (1831-1904)
- David John Dunlop
- Nathaniel Dunlop
- James Dunn
- Thomas Edward Dunn
- Robert Grimshaw Dunville
- August Dupre
- Edwin Durning-Lawrence
- Edward Kenworthy Dutton
- Samuel Telford Dutton
- V. A. E. Dwelshauvers-Dery
- Alfred Dyball
- Clement Swinnerton Dyer
- Henry Clement Swinnerton Dyer
- Thomas Dyke
- Robert Armstrong Dykes
- David Stewart Dykes
- George Eedes Eachus
- John Edward Eager
- Peter Boyd Eassie
- Edward Easton
- John Tucker Easton
- William Easton
- James Easton, Junior
- Henry Eaton
- Henry Storks Eaton
- Robert William Eddison
- Robert Edward Ede
- Joseph Eden
- William Henry Edgcome
- Charles Ernest Edgcumbe
- John Harris Edge
- John Butler Edlington
- Thomas Edlington
- Gray Denison Edmeston
- Thomas Edmeston
- John Beeby Edmondson
- Thomas Egleston
- Gustave Eiffel
- James Balleny Elkington
- Thomas Skevington Ellin
- John Swift Ellis
- William Horton Ellis
- Arthur Ellis (2)
- Joseph Bramell Ellison
- John Dove Ellson
- William Elsdon
- Charles Edward Emery
- William Joseph Ennever
- James Enright
- Frederick Entwistle
- Ludwig Ehrhardt
- William Errington
- William Esplen
- John Eunson
- Evan Burnett Sara
- David Evans
- David Evans (1836-1909)
- J. Evans (1833-1882)
- Robert Evans (1832–1911)
- Henry M. Eyton
- George Fagg
- Charles Fairbairn
- Archibald Fairlie
- Robert Francis Fairlie
- Henry Weymouth Farley
- Andrew Farmer
- Frederic William Farrar
- George Farren
- Antonio Fattorini (1837-1913)
- Henry Faulder
- Samuel Clough Faviell
- Thomas Constantine Fawcett
- Thomas James Fearn
- George Featherstone
- Joseph Henry Fenner
- Rest Fenner
- Edward Robert Festing
- James Fforde
- Telford Field
- Rogers Field
- Alexander Jerome Filgate
- Edward Filliter
- James Fincham
- Ralph Firbank
- Charles Henry Firth
- Edward Firth
- Thomas Rhodes Firth
- William Firth (1835-1892)
- Nathaniel Fish
- Frederick George Fishenden
- Ben James Fisher
- Benjamin Samuel Fisher
- Joseph Fisher
- Desmond G. Fitzgerald
- John Flather (1831-1914)
- Joseph Flather
- Walter Flather
- William Thomas Flather
- Charles Thomas Fleetwood
- George Fletcher
- Henry Allason Fletcher
- James Fletcher, Junior
- John William Fletcher
- William Fletcher (d.1902)
- Thomas Fletcher (1830-1880)
- William Fletcher (1831-1900)
- Philip William Flower
- Joseph Fogerty
- Arthur Crouch Folkard
- Charles John Follett
- Hippolyte Fontaine
- George Foot
- Joseph Samuel Forbes
- George Mortimer Ford
- Jacob Forrest
- James Forshaw
- George Baker Forster
- William George Forster
- William Thomas Exham Fosbery
- George Carey Foster
- Sampson Lloyd Foster
- William Foulis
- Edmund Thomas Foweraker
- Alfred Mountain Fowler
- Barnard Fowler
- Frederick Fowler
- John Fowler (of Sheffield)
- Daniel Makinson Fox
- Samson Fox
- Theodore Fox
- Richard Hodge Francis
- William Francis
- Henry Francis
- Edward Franckel
- Philip Frankenstein
- Frederick Augustus Franklin
- William Franklin
- George Coleman Fraser
- John Hazell Fraser
- John Russell Frears (1835-1910)
- William Freeman (c1839-1918)
- William French
- Thomas Frost (1834-1871)
- Theodore Fry
- Albert Fry
- Francis James Fry
- Alfred Fryer
- Frederick George Fuller
- Henry David Furness
- John Cooper Furniss
- Willoughby Charles Furnivall
- John Fyfe (d.1906)
- Henry Gale
- James Morris Gale
- Emmanuel Lewis Galizia
- William L. Galloway
- Charles John Galloway
- Thomas Galloway
- William St. John Galwey
- John Gamgee
- Charles Gandon
- Phillip Garnish
- James Mortimer Garrard
- John Garrett
- Benjamin Garrington
- Richard Garrington
- John James Gascoine
- Edward Wilson Gates
- Auckland Campbell Geddes
- Heinrich Gottfried Gerber
- Charles Alexander Gerhardi
- John Dixon Gibbes
- Henry Philip Gibbons
- John Venable Gibbons
- Edward John Gibbs
- Henry William Gibbs
- John Dixon Gibbs
- John Gibson (c1831-1881)
- Bartholomew Charles Gidley
- Edward Gilbert
- Alfred Gilbey
- Walter Gilbey
- John Giles (1830-1900)
- Samuel Gilfillan
- George Gill
- John Gjers
- James Lyon Norbury Glascott
- William Glennie (1837-1861)
- Thomas Craigie Glover
- Emile Godferneaux
- Robert Godfrey
- Samuel Godfrey
- Jose Manuel Farfan de los Godos
- Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen
- William Goff Davis Goff
- Robert Bruce Goldsworthy
- Charles Augustus Goodchap
- James Graham Goodenough
- William Oliver Gooding
- David Goodwin
- Gilbert Smith Goodwin
- Paul Thomas Goodwin
- Joseph Gordon
- William Augustus Gorman
- Alexandre Gottschalk
- Philippe Alexandre Gottschalk
- Carl Johann Wilhelm Gotz
- George Daniel Gould
- Wallis Rivers Goulty
- Alfred Hargreaves Gowenlock
- George Smyth Gower
- George Gowlland
- Theodore Grace
- Jules Henri Freday Gramaccini
- Abraham Grandage
- Charles William Grant
- Edward Graves
- Adolphus Graves
- John Gray (1830-1889)
- John Macfarlane Gray
- Thomas Gray (1832-1890)
- Henry Holdrege Grayson
- Henry Green (1834-1908)
- Edward Green (1831-1923)
- Samuel Richard Green
- William Robert Green
- Robert Rowan Greene
- William Henry Greene
- William Wellington Greener
- Samuel Greenough
- Henry Russell Greg
- James Gresham
- Edwin James Grice
- William Magee Grier
- Henry Houldsworth Grierson
- Azahiah Griffiths
- Eli Henry Griffiths
- Samuel Griffiths
- Charles Cains Grimes
- Richard De Aquila Grosvenor
- Frederick Grounsell
- John William Grover
- Joseph Grunebaum
- Ivor Bertie Guest
- Josiah Guest (1837-1915)
- Frederic Carl Guilliaume
- William Telford Gunson
- William Gunther
- Charles William Guy
- James Eglinton Anderson Gwynne
- John Gwynne
- Rudolph Haack
- Thomas Hack
- Henry Burdett Haderstedt
- Robert Hadfield (1830-1888)
- Robert Hood Haggie (1838-1908)
- Robert Haire
- Edward Haith
- John Wilton Cuningham Haldane
- John Hall (1839-1901)
- John Hall (1839-1906)
- Thomas Crump Hambling
- William Hamilton
- Walter Hancock (2)
- William Frederick Flood Handcock
- James Baird Handyside
- Edmund Phillips Hannaford
- Robert Hannay, Junior
- William Hanson (1837-1899)
- Charles Harbord
- Augustus George Vernon Harcourt
- George Hardinge
- William Horatio Harfield
- Henry James Bennett Hargrave
- James Hargreaves (Preston)
- John Edward Hargrove
- Edward James Harland
- William Henry Harling
- Benjamin Harlow
- Robert Harlow
- John Henry Harris
- Robert Harris
- Robert Lewis Harris
- John Harris (1833-1912)
- Frederick Henry Harrison
- George Harrison (1830-1898)
- Henry Harrison (1832-1878)
- William Bealey Harrison
- James William Harrison
- Richard Harrison
- William Wheatcroft Harrison
- Charles Hart
- John Henry Eustace Hart
- Morris Hart
- Peter Hart
- John Edward Hartley
- Wilson Hartnell
- Joseph Hatton (1837-1900)
- Charles William Hawkins
- Charles Hawksley
- George William Hawksley
- Thomas Hawthorn
- Charles T. Hayball
- Charles Searle Hayne
- Thomas John Haynes
- James Hazlewood
- Charles Arthur Head
- Jeremiah Head (1835-1899)
- John Head
- John Head (1839-1893)
- Thomas Howard Head
- William Jerry Walker Heath
- John Heathcote
- Thomas Bridges Heathorn
- George Heaton (1833-1904)
- William Buller Heberden
- Henry Burdett Hederstedt
- Edward Hedley
- John Baillie Henderson
- Peter Lindsay Henderson
- Charles Henderson
- Thomas Hendra
- William Thoms Hendry
- Richard Henesey
- Follett Charles Hennet
- Henry Grant Spence
- Joseph Hepworth (1834-1911)
- Hercules Linton
- Raphael Herring
- Alexander Stewart Herschel
- John Herschel
- Thomas Ridley Hetherington
- John Muir Hetherington
- William Isaac Hetherington
- Edmund Sykes Hett
- Alfred Hickman (1830-1910)
- George Higgin
- Harry Pasley Higginson
- John B. Higgs
- John Hignett
- Samuel Hignett
- Jacob Higson
- John Adam Hilger
- James J. Hill
- Alfred Clayton Hill
- Henry Hiller
- Charles La Fletcher Hillman
- John Hinchcliffe (d.1903)
- Joseph Hindle
- Benjamin Hingley
- Richard Neville Hitchings
- Thomas Franklin Hodge
- William Henry Hodges
- Alfred Hodgetts
- Henry Hodgson
- Joseph Hodgson (2)
- Richard Hodson
- Robert Hoe
- David Francis Hogarth
- Henry Hogarth
- Charles Holcroft
- Arthur Holden
- Edward Thomas Holden
- James Alexander Holden
- James Holden
- William Daniel Holford
- Walter Holland
- William Holland (1837-1895)
- Alexander Lyman Holley
- Thomas Pratt Hollick
- Robert Arthur Hollins
- Henry William Hollis
- Frederick Robert Holmes
- George Thomas Holmes
- Thomas Holmes (b.1838)
- James Archibald Hamilton Holmes
- Philip Henry Holt
- William Lyster Holt
- John Jacob Holtzapffel (1836-1897)
- Frederic Jervis Home
- Charles James Homer
- James Hookey
- Terah Hooley
- William Hooton (1838-1899)
- Alfred Nind Hopkins
- James Innes Hopkins
- Thomas William Horn
- James Hornsby
- Thomas Hopkin Hosgood
- John Hosking (1839-1874)
- Joseph Paul Hoskins
- John Campbell Arthur Houghton
- John Houghton
- William Henry Houldsworth
- Julian St. John Hovenden
- Joseph Howard
- David Howard
- Robert Luke Howard
- Andrew Cassels Howden
- James Howden
- Charles Henry Howell
- George Howell (1833-1910)
- John Howkins
- William Jennings Hoyle
- Henry Hozier
- Peter Emil Huber
- William Shillito Hudswell
- Henry Huggins
- John Huggins (b.1835)
- John Hughes (d.1924)
- David Edward Hughes
- Henry Hughes
- Henry George Hulbert
- Henry Temple Humphreys
- Henry Arthur Hunt (1836-1904)
- John Hunt (d.1903)
- Robert Woolston Hunt
- Edwin Hunt
- Reuben Hunt (1836-1927)
- Robert Hunt (1831-1867)
- Charles Lafayette Hunter
- William Havard Hunter
- George Hunter (of Arbroath)
- James K. Hunter
- Albert Hussener
- Edward Hutchinson
- James Edward Hutton
- Robert Hutton (1839-1896)
- George Morland Hutton
- Hortensius Huxham
- Adam Hyde
- Thomas Hydes
- William Jack
- Edward Wilthew Jackson
- John Hezekiah Jackson
- John Jackson (1834-1891)
- Arthur Jacob
- William Jacomb
- Christopher James
- Daniel Willis James
- John Jameson (1830-1904)
- John Cordy Jeaffreson
- George Robert Jebb
- Thomas Jefferies
- Cornelius Jefferson
- Joseph Jefferson
- George Edward Jeffery
- Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin
- Edward Jenkins
- Fredrick Jenkins
- John Jones Jenkins
- Richard Jenkins (1834-1894)
- Edward George Jenkinson
- Stanley Jevons
- John Thewlis Johnson
- Samuel Waite Johnson
- William Johnson (1838-1910)
- William Robert Johnson
- John Lawson Johnston
- William Jolley (1837-1919)
- Henry Jones (1831-1901)
- Samuel Jones (1832-1904)
- William Richard Jones
- Charles Jones
- Charles Jones (1830-1913)
- D. Jones (d.1905)
- David Jones
- Edward Jones (1837-1924)
- Elias William Jones
- Frederic Francis Jones
- John Allcock Jones
- John Jones (1831-1893)
- John Jones (1835-1877)
- John Jones (b.1833)
- William Jones (1835-1911)
- Henry Keyes Jordan
- Robert Jordan
- Samson Jordan
- William Leighton Jordan
- Frederick Jorgensen
- Albert Alsop Jowitt
- Henry Batson Joyner
- Nicholas Kalakoutsky
- Thomas Kane
- Walter Katte
- Shozo Kawasaki
- George Rusby Kaye
- George Alexander Keefer
- George William Keeling
- Arthur Keen
- George Keighley
- George Johnson Kell
- Frederick Colthurst Kelson
- Ebenezer Kemp
- Henry Kemp
- Irvine Kempt
- John Anthony Kendrew
- Henry Martyn Kennard
- Lawrence James Kennaway
- John Kennedy (1838-1921)
- William Robert Kennedy
- Myles Kennedy (1836-1883)
- Thomas Kennedy
- William Kennedy (1837-1899)
- William Kenrick
- Frederick Kensington
- William Coutts Keppel
- William Keppel
- Henry George Clopper Ketchum
- George Keyte (1830-1911)
- James Kimber
- Joseph Kincaid
- John T. King
- William King (1839-1916)
- Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge Kingscote
- Walter Robert Kinipple
- Walter Robert Kinniple
- Joseph Edward Kirby
- John Kirk (1835-1908)
- Alexander Carnegie Kirk
- Henry Kirk
- Herbert Kirkhouse
- James Kitson (1835-1911)
- Charles George Kleberg
- Edward Knapman
- Henry Edmund Knight
- Robert Knight
- Charles Benjamin Knorpp
- Walter Knox
- Wilhelm Eduard Kochs
- Ferdinand Kohn
- Ferdinand Korn
- Otto Krell
- Wilhelm Kress
- John Kyle
- George Kynoch
- Henry Christopher Digges La Touche
- John Pierce Lacy
- Alphonse Lafargue
- Eugene Lafont
- William Laird (1830-1901)
- William Laird (1831-1899)
- Henry Hyndman Laird
- John Laird (1834-1898)
- John Ellett Lake
- William James Lamb
- Alexander Lambert
- George Nugent Reynolds Lambert
- Henry Lambert
- John Lambie
- Arthur Moffat Lang
- William Lang
- William Edward Langdon
- Hermann Ludwig Lange
- Samuel Pierpont Langley
- John Lanyon
- Jorgen Daniel Larsen
- Charles Lartigue
- Albert Latham
- Baldwin Latham
- Ernest Latham
- John Herbert Latham
- Alexander Lauder
- George Lauder
- Thomas Tipping Lawden
- William George Laws
- Joseph Christopher Laws
- John Lawson (1837-1895)
- Henry Lea
- Thomas Picton Leather (1835-1895)
- Erasmus Darwin Leavitt
- Georges Leclanche
- Adolf Ledebur
- James Campbell Ledger
- John Cockburn Francis Lee
- James Paris Lee
- Joseph Leece
- William Leech
- William Carey Leechman
- Samuel Lees (1831-1907)
- William Lefevre
- James Lemon
- Alfred Selfe Leonard
- Bradford Leslie
- Wroth Acland Lethbridge
- John Leverton
- Alfred David Lewis
- Ernest Lewis (c.1838-1926)
- George Lewis (1836-1905)
- John Lewis (1836-1928)
- Richard Lewis
- William Bourne Lewis
- William Thomas Lewis
- Frederick Leyland
- John Liddell (1830-1924)
- Charles Julian Light
- John Lightfoot (1832-1872)
- Wilhelm Von Lindheim
- Joseph Lindsay
- James Gavin Lindsay
- George Thomas Livesey
- James Livesey (1832-1925)
- John Talbot Dillwyn Llewelyn
- Horace Charles Lloyd
- Joseph Foster Lloyd
- William Henry Lloyd
- Edward Rigge Lloyd
- Ernest Henry Lloyd
- Howard Lloyd
- Wilson Lloyd
- Henry Christian Lobnitz
- Joseph Norman Lockyer
- Herbert Locock
- David Logan
- George Longhurst
- Richard Longlands
- James Longley
- Edward Louis-Hack
- Samuel Henry Louttit
- Cornelius Ash Lovell
- Robert Low
- George Low
- John Edgar Lowe
- John Grayson Lowood
- John Lubbock (2)
- Joseph Lucas (1834-1902)
- William Lucy (1837-1873)
- Carl Lueg
- Andreas Peter Lundberg
- John Lunt
- Albert Thomas Lydeard
- Edward James Lynch
- John Lysaght (1832-1895)
- George Henry Maberly
- Charles Henry Mabey
- James Mabey
- Philip Henry Macadam
- James Macarthur
- Frederic Julius Macaulay
- John Cumming Macdona
- John Hay Athole Macdonald
- Manoel Buarque de Macedo
- John Stevenson Macintyre
- John William Mackay
- Donald James Mackay
- Robert Cavendish Spencer Mackenzie
- Henry Augustin Ornano Mackenzie
- George Colby Mackrow
- John William Maclure
- William Macmillan
- Alexander Macnab
- Daniel Macnee
- John Macnie
- Alexander Sinclair Macpherson
- John Macrae
- Eardley Maitland
- Edward Donald Malcolm
- William Malcolm
- Samuel Smythe Malcolm
- John Mallaband
- Henry Mallalieu
- Robert Trefusis Mallet
- Henry Archibald Mallock
- Isaac John Mann
- Augustus Manning
- John Manning
- Alfred John Mansell
- James Mansergh
- John Newton Mappin
- Siegfried Marcus
- Francis Arthur Marindin
- William Henry Marling
- Edwin Henry Marples
- James Marriott
- Benjamin Marsden (1838-1897)
- Francis Carr Marshall
- James Marshall
- John Marston (1836-1918)
- Edward Bindon Marten
- William Wakeham Martin
- Samuel Garlick Martin
- Thomas Martin
- George Martineau (1835-1919)
- Philip Meadows Martineau
- Eleuthere Elie Nicolas Mascart
- John Nevil Maskelyne
- John Edward Massey
- Louis Massey
- Thomas Massey (b.1838)
- James Massie
- Andrew Masson
- Colin Mather
- William Mather
- Francis Mathew
- George Spencer Mathews
- Henry Montagu Mathews
- Thomas William Matthews
- Edward Alexander Frederick De Mattos
- Thomas Henry Maudslay, Junior
- Edwin Davison Maule
- Frederick John Maule
- William Henry Maw
- William John Maxwell
- Francis John Charles May
- Walter May
- William May
- George W. Maynard
- Henry Nathan Maynard
- Gilbert McCall (1837-1893)
- Thomas McCall
- Frank McClean (1837-1904)
- Walter Simpson McClelland
- James Adair McConnochie
- William McCowan
- Frederick Bradford McCrea
- John Benjamin McCrea
- Archibald McDougall
- Alexander McGregor
- Thomas McIlwraith
- William Andrew McIntosh Valon
- Alexander McKerrow
- Bryce McMaster
- Clement John Mead
- George Meakin (1832-1891)
- James Meakin
- Arthur Mechan
- Andreas Mechwart
- Henry Benedict Medlicott
- William Thomas Blanford
- Giulio Cesare Melisurgo Di Melissenos
- Ralph Mellard
- John William Melling
- Thomas Melling (1837-1909)
- John Charles Melliss
- Samuel Mellor
- D. I. Mendeleieff
- James Menzies
- Ernest Mercadier
- James Bury Mercer
- John Child Meredith (1830-1898)
- Auguste de Meritens
- Richard Moses Merryweather
- Philip John Messent
- William Henry Le Mesurier
- Frederick Augustus Le Mesurier
- William Metcalf
- Christian Hendrick Meyer
- William Mitford
- John Milburn
- Frank Potter Milford
- John Miller (1830-1911)
- Henry Mills (Warrington)
- William Hemingway Mills
- George Frederick Milnes
- William Henry Mirfin
- Henry Mitchell
- Charles Henry Moberly
- William Moffat
- Thomas Moffat
- Lewis Pritchard Moline
- William Molineaux
- Gerald Molloy
- Ludwig Mond
- Frederick Monks
- Thomas Monro
- Adrien de Montgolfier
- Patrick Montgomerie
- John James Montgomery
- William Moore (1834-1889)
- James Moore (c.1830-1912)
- Lewis Henry Moorsom
- Thomas Parkin Moorwood
- Richard Moreland, Junior
- Charles Hill Morgan
- James Morgan
- Joseph Bond Morgan
- Thomas Rees Morgan
- Edward Vaughan Morgan
- Octavius Vaughan Morgan
- Septimus Vaughan Morgan
- Walter Vaughan Morgan
- Henry Morland
- Leopold Morris
- Philip Morris (1835-1873)
- William Morris (1836-1886)
- William Morris (1837-1915)
- Charles Mortimer (1837-1923)
- Francis Morton (1839-1920)
- Henry Morton
- Robert Morton (1834-1911)
- William Morton
- Joseph Moseley
- Johan Viggo Sigvald Muller
- Robert Bouverie Mulliner
- Thomas Munday (of Norwich)
- James Mungall
- Edwin Isaac Munk
- Henry Adolphus Muntz
- Philip Albert Muntz
- George Brown Murdoch
- William Mallabey Murdock
- Martin Murphy (1831-1926)
- William Musgrave
- Edmund Knowles Muspratt
- James Hall Nalder (1832-1886)
- Thomas Nalder
- William Nalder
- John Napier (1832-1883)
- John Napier (1832-1877)
- Thomas Nash
- Thomas Nayler
- John Neale
- Joseph Needham (1833-1898)
- John Neilson (1839-1935)
- George Mackintosh Neilson
- James Neilson
- Arthur Nesfield
- Edward Joseph Newbegin
- Thomas Newbigging
- Frederick Newman
- Josiah Hignell Newman
- Edward Newman
- George Bolland Newton
- Samuel Barton Newton
- Peter Dale Nichol
- Theophilus Nicholls
- William David Nisbet
- Alfred Nobel
- Andrew Noble
- William Henry Noble
- Olof Gustav Nordenstrom
- John Musgrove Norman
- Charles Benjamin Normand
- Jacques Augustin Normand
- Jacques-Augustin Normand
- Alphonse Louis Le Mire Normandy
- Edward Henry Nowell
- Perry Fairfax Nursey
- Thomas Nuttall
- John Henry Nye
- Francis Langford O'Callaghan
- Thomas Francis O'Meara
- Patrick O'Meara
- James Edward O'Shaughnessy
- James Oag
- Frederick Oertling
- Samuel Okell
- John Charles Raymond Okes
- Edmund Olander
- Reginald Charles Oldknow
- Elihu Henry Oliver
- Carl Oppermann (b.1839)
- George Orme
- Johann Oser
- Henry Follett Osler
- Draper Ottewell
- Carl Otto
- Nicolaus August Otto
- George Blake Oughterson
- Henry Oyler
- George Gordon Page
- Arthur Paget
- William Byerley Paget
- Frederick Arthur Paget
- Samuel Flood Page
- William Palliser
- Edward Palmer (d.1902)
- Henry Spencer Palmer
- John Palmer (b.1835)
- Thomas Palmer
- Edgar George Papworth
- William Parham
- John Carter Park
- Francis George Shirecliffe Parker
- George Charles Parker
- John Parker (1839- )
- James Parkes
- Henry Persehouse Parkes
- Joseph Parks, Senior
- Albert Woodward Parry
- Henry Parry (of Newcastle)
- W. Bailey Partridge
- Peter Alexander Peterson
- Thomas Paterson (1830-1869)
- Michael Patterson
- George Fletcher Pattison
- James Noah Paxman
- Joseph Payne
- Walter Payton
- Alfred Lindley Peace
- Maskell William Peace
- Francis Peacock
- Ralph Peacock
- John Nash Peake
- George Peaker
- Richard Pearce (1837-1927)
- Robert Webb Pearce
- William Pearce
- Thomas Peard
- Edward Jewkes Pearson
- Joseph Hickman Pearson
- Thomas William Pearson
- George Pearson
- Arthur Pease
- Edward Pease (1834-1880)
- Gurney Pease
- Henry Fell Pease
- Joseph Beaumont Pease
- John William Pease
- Jonathan Peate
- Thomas Peckett
- Graham Peddie
- William Peech
- Arthur John Peele
- William Duncan Pegg
- George Peile
- William George Peirce
- John Pendlebury
- Vaughan Pendred
- James Black Penman (b.1833)
- Robert Penman
- William Henry Perkin (1838-1907)
- Loftus Perkins
- Samuel Hollis Perks
- Alfred Perry
- Stephen Joseph Perry
- Gordon Donaldson Peters
- William Peters (1838-1896)
- George Petrie
- John Pinkard Pettit
- Frederick Molesworth Pfeil
- John Frederick Augustus Pflaum
- Leonard Wilson Philipson
- John Philipson
- David Phillips
- William Douglas Phillipps
- John Phillips (4)
- Charles John Phipps
- Wilson Weatherley Phipson
- George Piggott
- Thomas Francis Pigot
- Charles Frederick Pilgrim
- Richard Pilkington, Junior
- (William) Windle Pilkington
- Richard Pink
- John Morgan Pinn
- Alfred Sturton Pinn
- James Pitkin
- James Platt
- Robert Pochin
- George Polkey (1831-1905)
- James Pollock (1838-1910)
- John Pollock (3)
- Gustave Ernest Polonceau
- Charles Pontifex, Junior
- Fredrick Pool
- James Pool
- Robert Pople
- William Janvrin Du Port
- Alexander Brown Portus
- John Davy Postle
- William Aubone Potter
- Benjamin Langford Forster Potts
- Edward Potts
- Frederick Augustus Power
- John Powers
- John Pratchitt
- William Pratchitt
- George Edward Preece
- William Henry Preece
- Edward Preston
- Frederick Walter Preston
- Henry Berthon Preston
- James Price (1831-1895)
- George Price (1838-1905)
- John Price
- Alfred Coveney Priestley
- Charles Prime
- Henry Prince
- Walter Pring
- Edward Pritchard
- Barnard Simpson Proctor
- John Proctor
- Richard Anthony Proctor
- Richard Bissell Prosser
- Francisco Pedro Manuel Prudencio
- Laurence Pullar
- George Mortimer Pullman
- William Henry Punchard
- William Putnam
- Richard Heber Radford
- Thomas Tempest-Radford
- Frederic William Rafarel
- Henry Milnes Rait
- Alfred Stansfield Rake
- Richard Ramage
- John Ramsden
- James Ramsey (1839-1912)
- William Randall
- James Rankine
- Robert Charles Ransome
- Allen Ransome
- James Edward Ransome
- Robert James Ransome
- Richard Christopher Rapier
- Daniel Rowlinson Ratcliff
- Ann Rattenburg
- Henry Doo Rawlings
- John Rawlins
- John Thomas Raworth
- Middleton Rayne
- Frederick Thomas Reade
- Thomas Mellard Reade
- Frederick Hubbard Reader
- Hudson Reah
- Charles Holloway Reed
- Edward James Reed
- James Reid (1833-1910)
- Henri Remaury
- Charles Remfry
- George Wightwick Rendel
- Lewis Rendel
- Stuart Rendel
- George Banks Rennie
- George Reveirs
- Charles Revill
- Julian John Revy
- Robert Reynolds
- Frederic Cornell Reynolds
- Alexander Rhodes
- Jonathan Rhodes
- Josiah Rhodes
- William Sunderland Rhodes
- Richard Spreckley Caborn
- Charles Richards
- Edward Windsor Richards
- Frederick William Richards
- Josiah John Richards
- John Wigham Richardson
- William Milward Richardson
- John Richardson (1831-1908)
- James Richer
- Frederick Henry Ricketts
- George John Miller Ridehalgh
- James Edwin Ridingbery (1834-1907)
- Henry Saddler Ridings
- Arthur Rigg (1839-1914)
- Edward Riley
- Gustav Risch
- Joseph Horatio Ritchie (c1832-1908)
- Robert William Roberts
- Thomas David Roberts
- Thomas Roberts (1837-1900)
- Frederick Roberts
- William Robertson (1833-1898)
- George Robertson
- James Robertson (1835-1876)
- William Robertson (c1832-1919)
- Charles Robinson Robinson
- James Henry Robinson
- John Robinson (1832-1909)
- Matthew Robinson
- Robert Robinson (1835-1902)
- William Robert Robinson
- Henry Robinson
- Robert Robinson (1839-1915)
- Edward Robson
- James Robson
- Thomas Robson
- Emile Theodore Quinette De Rochemont
- William Freeman Roe
- Washington A. Roebling
- Richard Hugo Oswald Roehricht
- Henry Rofe
- John Allan Rolls
- Richard Steven Roper
- Robert Ropner
- Henry Enfield Roscoe
- Henry Beadon Rotton
- Edwin Rouch
- Benjamin Round
- John Barnouin Rowcliffe
- William Thomas Rowden
- Charles Edward Rowe
- Alfred Rumball
- Thomas William Rumble
- James William Rundall
- Macnamara Russel
- William Russell (c.1833-1908)
- Joseph Russell
- Norman Scott Russell
- Joseph Ruston
- Jeremiah Ryan
- Thomas Tenison Ryan
- George Ryder
- John Ryley
- Thomas Manson Rymer-Jones
- Robert Henry Sabine
- Charles Sacre
- Edward Antoine Sacre
- Rafael Cerero Y Saenz
- Frederick Sage
- M. Said
- Barnett Salmon
- Joseph Salmons (1836-1909)
- George Salt
- Edward Barnard Sampson
- Christer Peter Sandberg
- John Glas Sandeman
- Frank Stewart Sandeman
- Robert Bell Sanson
- William Henry Sara
- James Saunders
- John Brewer Saunders
- Richard James Harris Saunders
- Charles Victor de Sauty
- Frederick Saxby
- Georgio Constantino Schinas
- Joseph Schlink
- Alfred Ewald Schmid
- Christopher James Schofield
- William Anton Gottleib Schonheyder
- John Richard Schram
- Gustav Schulz
- Carl Louis Schwendler
- James Scorgie
- Alexander De Courcy Scott
- David Scott
- John Scott (1830-1903)
- Walter Henry Scott
- William George Scott
- Charles William Scott
- Edward Scott
- George Gilbert Scott (1839-1897)
- James Scott (1838- )
- Thomas Scott (1831-1902)
- Colin Scott-Moncrieff
- Charles Scotter
- John Richard Scram
- Peter Henry Scratchley
- John Scudder
- Charles Seale-Hayne
- James William Sears
- George Seaton
- Horace See
- Henry Seebohm
- John Robert Seeley
- Charles Seely
- Millin Selby
- Norman Selfe
- John Scudamore Sellon
- George Senior (1838-1915)
- Henry Augustus Severn
- Frederic Robertson Sewell
- William Copley Shackleford
- Andrew Ferrier Shanks
- Arthur Shanks
- James Shanks (1831-1909)
- William Shanks (1838-1919)
- Alexander Shanks
- Paul Wallace Sharpe
- William John Sharpe
- Charles Brook Shaw
- James Shaw (1836-1883)
- Richard Norman Shaw
- William Henry Shaw
- George Shaw
- John Shaw (1839-1887)
- Joseph Whiteley Shaw
- Henry Russell Shaw
- Robert Mac Shaw
- George John Shaw-Lefevre
- William Shelford
- John Shenton
- Francis Kingston John Shenton
- Charles Sherwood
- Henry Shield
- Clifton Shield
- William Powell Shinn
- Isaac Shone
- James Nelson Shoolbred
- William Gorel Shorrock
- Thomas Watling Short
- Edward Henry Shorto
- James Shortridge
- Henry Herepath Siebe
- Albert Marcius Silber
- Sophus Simmelkjoer
- Henry Gustav Simon
- David Lees Simpson
- John Bell Simpson
- Harry Simpson
- Francis Skurray
- John Slaughter
- William H. Sleep
- Frederick George Slessor
- Thomas Slingsby (1838-1916)
- James Smalley
- Percy Tunder Smallwood
- Samuel Morton Smart
- Aston William Smith
- Benjamin Smith (1838-1899)
- Guy Smith
- James Smith (1833-1906)
- Percy Guillemard Lewellin Smith
- Richard Smith-Casson
- Isaac Smith (1839-1920)
- James William Smith
- John Smith (1831-1878)
- John Smith (1834-1898)
- Samuel Smith (1830-1895)
- Thomas Smith (1837-1909)
- Thomas Eustace Smith
- William Ford Smith
- William Wasteneys Smith
- Augustinus Franciscus Smulders
- William Stopford Smyth
- Henry Saxon Snell
- Edward William Snell (1834-1891)
- George James Snelus
- Edward Snowball
- Samuel George Soame
- Peter Soames
- Walter Somers
- John Somerville (1832-1892)
- Thomas Sopwith (1838-1898)
- John Southan
- Charles Ernest Paolo della Diana Spagnoletti
- Jacob Wolf Spier
- William Albert Jackson
- Thomas Samuel Speck
- Richard Speight
- William Spence
- Samuel Spencer
- Charles Green Spencer
- Charles James Spencer
- George Spencer (1833-1916)
- John Spencer (1834-1916)
- Thomas Spencer (b.1833)
- Felix William Spiers
- Daniel Spill
- John Spiller
- William Spiller
- Daniel Spink
- James Osborn Spong
- John Sprot
- William Stevens Squire
- Oliver Beauchamp Coventry St. John
- John Staley
- John Headon Stanbury
- John Edwin Standfield
- John Standfield
- Francis Stanier (1838-1900)
- Douglas Austhwaite Stanley
- Reginald Stanley
- Jabez Stanley
- Joseph Stannah
- Frederick Smith Stanton
- James Starley
- William Starling
- William Stead (1837-1921)
- Addison Langhorne Steavenson
- Henry Steel (1832-1915)
- James Steel (1830-1904)
- William Heron Steel
- Lancelot Steel
- Gustavus Adolphus Steinthal
- William Stell
- Joseph Stenhouse
- Joseph Stenner
- John Stephen
- Alexander Stephen (1832-1899)
- William Stephen
- Richard Stephens (1836-1898)
- Joseph Anthony Stephenson
- Louis Sterne
- Hugh Steven
- Graham Stevenson
- John Stevenson
- John Crawford Stevenson
- Alan Plantagenet Stewart
- Allan Duncan Stewart
- James Stewart (1833-1914)
- Andrew Stewart
- John Heron Maxwell Shaw Stewart
- Patrick Stewart
- Peter Stewart
- William Stiff
- William Charles Stiff
- William Stirling
- James Stirling
- James John Stockall
- Charles John Stoddart
- James Folliott Stokes
- William Henry Stone
- Francis Goold Morony Stoney
- Henry Francis Storey
- John Henry Storey
- Thomas Storey (1838-1871)
- Richard Henry Stotesbury (1839-1916)
- Edward Stout
- Alexander Morton Strathern
- John Strick
- Edward Henry Stringer
- Richard John Strong
- William Stroudley
- Karl Ferdinand Freiherr von Strumm
- Charles Stuart
- Joseph Sheldon Stubbs
- Thomas Stubbs
- John Mohler Studebaker
- John Sturgeon
- William Thomas Sugg
- Heinrich Sulzer-Steiner
- Charles H. Summers
- Sarah Sumner
- William Sumner
- Thomas Sutherland
- Hugh Henry Swan
- John George Swan
- Charles Sheridan Swan
- William Norman Swettenham
- Mark William Swinburne
- Rupert Swindells
- Benjamin Sykes
- Hugh Symington
- George James Symons
- Robert Harry Inglis Synnot
- James Weeks Szlumper
- Peter Guthrie Tait
- Edward Talbot (1831-1913)
- Edward Tangye
- George Tangye
- Richard Tangye
- John Edward Tanner
- Robert Tannett
- Benjamin Dutton Taplin
- Mariott Ogle Tarbotton
- William Tartt
- Robert Tasker, Junior
- William Tasker, Junior
- Julia Matilda Tate
- James Samuel Tate
- Richard Hobbs Taunton
- Christopher Mardon Taylor
- John Taylor (Architect)
- Thomas Taylor
- Charles Taylor (1836-1903)
- James Taylor (1835-1892)
- James Taylor (1839-1892)
- John Temple
- Herbert Terry
- Alfred Terry
- Charles Frederick Terry
- Alfred Thacker
- Samuel Thacker
- David Thomas
- Ebenezer Rowland Thomas
- Henry Drew Thomas
- Hubert Thomas
- William Thomas (1832-1903)
- Joseph Thomas
- Richard Thomas
- Thomas Thomas
- William Henry Thomas
- William Thomas (d.1905)
- William Luson Thomas
- Nathan Frederick Thompson
- William George Macneill Thompson
- George Thompson (1839-1876)
- John Thompson (c1833-1887)
- William Thompson (1838- )
- William Bruce Thompson
- John Mann Thomson
- John Thomson (1837-1887)
- Murray Thomson
- Charles J. Thorn
- George Thornley
- Robert Henry Thurston
- Bruno Joannes Tideman
- Robert Tidman
- William Tijou
- William Spooner Till
- Thomas Henry Tilley (b.1832)
- William Henry Tilley (1834-1896)
- Illius Augustus Timmis
- Henry Tipping
- Thomas Henry Tizard
- Hadden W. Todd
- John Morton Toler
- Robert William Tolfree
- Henry James Tollit
- Julian Horn Tolme
- Charles Tomlison
- William Tonks (1839-1931)
- John Topham
- Hamilton Ela Towle
- John Towlson
- Richard Townsend
- William Townsend
- Thomas Henry Tregoning
- William Le Poer Trench
- John Salusbury Trevor
- William Spottiswoode Trevor
- William Trowell
- Richard Hartley Trubshaw
- Arthur Smith Truman
- Dimitris Tschernoff
- Hector Tulloch
- John Tunstall
- Benjamin Thorne Turner
- George Henry Turner
- William Thorne Turner
- Frederick William Turner (1834-1900)
- Frederick Turner
- Joseph Taylor Turton
- Thomas Turton
- James George Tuxford
- Edmund Tweedale
- Michael Tweedie
- Robert Harkness Twigg
- Charles Tylden-Wright
- John Tyler (1834-1884)
- Edward Tyer
- Louis Tylor
- Joseph John Tyrrell
- William Alexander Tyzack
- Charles James Valentine
- Arthur Valentine
- Henry Valpot Francis Valpy
- John Pennefather Vansittart
- Henrietta Vansittart
- William Vanstone
- Edwin Varley
- Samuel Alfred Varley
- Robert Lowe Grant Vassall
- Thomas Vaughan
- Josiah Vavasseur
- Harrison Veevers
- Thomas Verity (1837-1891)
- William Vernon
- Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt
- Edgar William Verrinder
- George Naylor Vickers
- Thomas Edward Vickers
- Albert Vickers
- Henry Villard
- William Burton Wade
- Joshua Watson Wagner
- George Wailes
- William Wainwright
- William Wakefield
- John Wakeford
- Charles H. Walker (1830-1874)
- Francis Blennerhasset Walker
- Alexander Thomson Walker
- John Baker Walker
- James Penman Hugh Walker
- Thomas Ferdinand Walker
- William Walker
- Henry David Birds Wall
- George Parkes Wall
- Alex Wallace
- James John Wallis
- Henry Wallwork
- Thomas Walpole
- Thomas Walsh
- Charles Vincent Walton
- John Pears Walton
- Fredric Elias Warburg
- Henry Ashton Warburton
- David Ward
- Charles Edwin Ware
- John Pickard Ware
- George E. Waring, Junior
- Henry Robert Waring
- Joseph Henry Warren
- William John Laverick Watkin
- Charles Watson
- Henry Watson
- Joseph Watson (2)
- Robert Spence Watson
- William Renny Watson
- Emile Watteen
- Alfred Edwin Watts
- John Watts (1839-1911)
- Edmund Hannay Watts (1830-1902)
- Edwin Richard Watts
- Richard Wear
- George Webb
- Francis William Webb
- Charles Edmund Webber
- William Webster (1838-1895)
- W. Wedding
- William Weeks
- Thomas Samuel Weeks
- William Weems
- John Weetman
- William Weir
- John Weitzer
- Richard Flint Welby
- Joseph Henry George Wells
- Charles Wells (1836-1890)
- Matthew Wells
- George Weslake
- Edward William West
- Francis William Isherwood West
- Henry Hartley West
- John West
- Nicholas James West
- Percy Graham Buchanan Westmacott
- Thomas Aldridge Weston
- William Weston
- Arthur John Whalley
- Samuel Whear
- William Henry Wheeler
- Jerome Wheelock
- Charles Woodley Whitaker
- Richard White
- John Samuel White
- Joseph White
- Leedham White
- Peter Ormerod Whitehead
- William Whitehill
- Benjamin Whitehouse (1833-1913)
- William Whiteley (1831-1907)
- Frederic Whitfield
- Samuel Benjamin Whitfield
- Joseph Whitham
- William Nathaniel Whitmore
- John Whitmore (1839- )
- Thomas Sibley Whittem
- Irwine John Whitty
- Thomas Whitwell
- William Whitwell
- Henry Frederick Whyte
- Johan Gustav Wiborgh
- William Wigfull
- Nathaniel George Wilcocks (1837-1902)
- Stephen Wilcox
- Henry Wilde
- Thomas Wrigley Wiley
- Thomas Kember Wilkes
- Joseph Wilkinson (1836- )
- John Sheldon Wilkinson
- William Wilkinson (1838-1906)
- Joseph Willcock
- William John Willcox
- William Willcox
- Henry Frederick Willey
- Benjamin Williams (1834-1903)
- John P. D. Williams
- Alfred Williams (1834- )
- Frederick Martin Williams
- Henry Willey Williams
- James Williams (1830-1903)
- John Avery Branton Williams
- Walter Williams (1831-1892)
- Francis John Williamson
- Benjamin Williamson
- James Williamson (1839-1932)
- William Williamson (2)
- Charles Willman
- Arthur Winkler Wills
- William Henry Wills
- Charles Sweet Willshire
- John Joseph Wilson
- Walter Henry Wilson
- Alexander Wilson (1837-1907)
- Charles Henry Wilson
- George Wilson (3)
- Henry Alexander Wilson
- John Frederick Wilson
- Jacob Wilson
- James Wilson (1831-1906)
- John Edward Wilson
- Joseph Miller Wilson
- Everden Wimshurst
- James Wimshurst
- Clifford Etches Winby
- William Edward Winby
- Charles Sandford Windover
- Edwin Wells Windsor
- John Fawkener Winfield
- Andrew Wingate
- James Wingate
- Robert Wingate
- Thomas Wingate (1833-1901)
- Arthur Brend Winterbotham
- Francis Winton
- Samuel Withers (1833-1908)
- Rudolph Wolf
- Gustav Wilhelm Wolff
- Garnet Wolseley
- Frederick York Wolseley
- John Wolstenholme (1834- )
- Charles Wood (1839-1894)
- Edward Wood (1839-1917)
- Alfred Wood (1836-1906)
- Charles Wood (1834-1901)
- Edward Malcolm Wood
- John Wood
- Lindsay Wood
- Henry Woodall (1839- )
- Samuel Woodall (b.1830)
- William Woodall
- Walter Bentley Woodbury
- Jonas Woodhead (1831-1913)
- Thomas Walter Woodhouse
- William F. Woodington
- Thomas William Worsdell
- Calvert Worthington
- Peter Wragg
- Edmund Wragge
- William Wray
- George Hustwait Wright
- John Wright
- Lewis Wright
- Owen Wright
- Thomas Houghton Wright
- William Wright (1836-1903)
- Thomas Wrightson
- Henry Wrixon
- John Henry Wurtzburg
- John Cook Wynn