Category:Births 1840-1849
Pages in category "Births 1840-1849"
The following 2,845 pages are in this category, out of 2,845 total.
- Richard Henry Abbatt
- Ernst Abbe
- John Abbott (1847-1916)
- Samuel Abbott
- Thomas Abbott
- Thomas Abell
- James Abernethy (1844-1897)
- William de Wiveleslie Abney
- Charles Thomas Dyke Acland
- William Richard Acton
- Henry Adams
- George Frederick Adams
- Joseph Adamson
- Edwin Addenbrooke
- John Addie
- John Addy
- Clement Ader
- Charles Septimus Adye
- Edward Tancred Agius
- F. C. Ahlfeldt
- Henry Alabaster
- Charles Alberga
- George Beeton Alderson
- William Alexander (1841-1904)
- Arthur Lyon Alexander
- Richard Francis Alford
- Alfred Noble (1844-1914)
- Alexander Allan (1844-1927)
- Alfred Henry Allen
- Edward Rawson Allen
- Samuel Stafford Allen
- William Allen (1848-1898)
- Alfred Evans Allen
- William Henry Allen
- William Milward Allen
- Stephen Alley
- James Bingham Alliott
- Henry Thomas Allison
- Howard Aston Allport
- Samuel Charles Allsopp
- John Allsopp
- Thomas Richard Almond
- William Murray Alston
- Henry Alty
- Justin Victor Wilfrid Amor
- Allen Anderson
- Herbert Goulburn Anderson
- John Anderson (1843-1916)
- James Arthur Anderson (1843-1899)
- Samuel Anderson
- Thomas Anderson (1842-1918)
- Charles Henry Andrew
- Thomas Andrews (1847-1908)
- Thomas Andrews (1847-1907)
- William Angus
- Richard Charles Francis Annett
- John Arthur Anstice
- Richard Edmund Anstice
- John Anstif
- James Henry Apjohn
- Joseph Appleby (1848-1916)
- Lawrence Ardern (1845-1898)
- Henry Arkell
- Thomas Napier Armit
- George Frederick Armstrong
- Henry Edward Armstrong
- William Armstrong (1846-1918)
- George John Armytage
- Ferdinand Arnodin
- Edmund James Arnold
- Ferdinand Arnoux
- James Arrowsmith
- Claudius James Ash
- Edward Claudius Ash
- Henry Claudius Ash
- William Henry Ash
- Henry George Ashton
- Arthur Turnour Atchison
- Edward Peter Atkinson
- James Henry Atkinson
- Alfred Atkinson
- James Atkinson
- Frederick Attock
- George Attwood (1845-1912)
- Jabez Attwood
- Edwin Ault
- Henry Austin
- Edward Robert Austin
- Samuel Peter Austin, Junior
- Samuel Averill
- Frederick Morris Avern
- Samuel Anthony Aviolet
- Ambrose Awdry
- William Edward Ayrton
- John Hastings Babington
- Henry Charles Baggallay
- Charles John Bagley
- Charles Hervey Bagot
- Rai Madhub Chunder Roy Bahadoor
- Charles Henry Bailey
- Jonathan Robert Baillie
- Albert William Shore Baily
- William Neish Bain
- Emerson Muschamp Bainbridge
- William Alfred Baines
- Alfred Baker (c1847-1940)
- Benjamin Baker
- William Philip Baker
- William Newton Bakewell
- Alfred Baldwin
- William Henry Bale
- John Balfour
- Robert Balfour (1844-1929)
- Thomas Cutler Balfour
- Arthur James Balfour
- Arthur Lloyd Cochrane Bamber
- John Sellers Bancroft
- Joas Nepomuceno Baptista
- Robert Thomas Olivier Barbenson
- Edmund Scott Barber (1845-1896)
- Thomas Walter Barber
- Thomas Barber, Junior
- Evelyn Baring
- John Barker (1842-1913)
- Robert Barker
- Edward Dunning Barker
- Robert Martin Barklie
- Peter William Barlow (1846-1890)
- Samson Barnett, Junior
- James Barningham
- Thomas Barningham (1844-1921)
- Henry Barnsley
- James Barr (1844-1910)
- Amos Barraclough
- Henry Barratt
- Samuel Barratt
- William Fletcher Barrett
- William Barrie
- Frederick Cadogan Barron
- Thomas Walter Bartlett
- Herbert Henry Bartlett
- Charles Batchelor
- Arthur Henry Bateman
- Henry Bates (1846-1903)
- George Bates
- James Battersby
- Emile Baudot
- William Baxter (1840-1908)
- William Henry Baxter
- Daniel Henry Bayldon
- Edward Swayne Bayliss
- Samuel Bayliss
- Thomas Bayliss
- George Henry Bayly
- Donald Stuart Baynes
- Louise Bazalgette
- James Beach
- Nathaniel St. Bernard Beardmore
- Herbert Beardshaw
- Joseph Beardshaw
- Thomas Styring Beardshaw
- Francis Henry Beattie
- William George Beattie
- Clayton Scudamore Beauchamp
- William Worby Beaumont
- Charles Edward Beavis
- Roger Beck (1841-1923)
- Henry William Beck
- Marcus Beck
- John George Hawksley Bedford
- William James Bedford
- George Audas-Beaumont Beecroft
- Robert Chapman Beeston
- Fritz Bernard Behr
- John Belcher
- Asplan Beldam
- Robert Belfitt
- Andrew William Belfrage
- Thomas Belk
- William Belk
- Asahel Pilkington Bell
- John Bell (1841-1911)
- John Fox Bell
- Patrick Bell (c1848-1888)
- Thomas Bell (1840-1905)
- Thomas Bell (1846-1884)
- Alexander Graham Bell
- David Bell
- Hugh Bell
- Joshua Henry Bell
- James Richard Bell
- Charles Henry Beloe
- Maurice Belsham
- Sykes Benn (1849-1925)
- John Ryan Bennett
- Ernest Leigh Bennett
- Henry Ogilvie Bennett (1846-1895)
- James Gordon Bennett
- William Bennett (1846-1903)
- John Bennie (1849-1906)
- Alfred Bentley
- Arthur Benton
- Karl Benz
- John Stuart Beresford
- Charles Beresford
- Charles Frederick Cobbe Beresford
- John Simeon Bergheim
- Walter Carl Bergius
- John Hart Hardtman-Berkeley
- Francis Berry (1842-1904)
- James Wilson Berry
- Robert Berry (1845-1916)
- Ernst Bertrand
- Alfred George Bessemer (1840-1918)
- Charles Ithell Bethell
- James Alexander Betts
- Samuel Betts
- Alfred Stewart Betts
- Morgan Mark Bevan
- Hubert Bewlay
- Thomas Arthur Bewley
- Arthur Wilson Bibby
- Charles Frederick Von Bibra
- William Edward Bickerdike
- Spencer Henry Bickham (1840-1933)
- Edward Bicknell
- Samuel Parker Bidder, Junior
- Joseph Parsons Biddle
- Shelford Bidwell
- Thomas Plantagenet Bigg-Wither
- Charles Henry Walker Biggs
- Thomas Moyles Bigley
- Robert John Billinton
- Charles Henry Bingham
- John Grant Birch
- Robert William Peregrine Birch
- Frederick Augustus Bird
- Herbert Henry Bird
- Thomas Colerick Bird
- Alfred Frederick Bird
- Charles Bird
- Clarence Bird
- John Frederick Birkinshaw
- Alexander Bewicke Blackburn
- John Blackburn
- Charles Blackwell
- George G. Blackwell
- William George Blagden
- William Newsham Blair
- Charles Edward Blake
- John Hopwood Blake
- William Edward Blake
- Thomas Holmes Blakesley
- C. Blauel
- Alfred Blechynden
- John James Bleckly
- Herbert Sanderson Bleckly
- William Henry Bleckly
- Adolf Bleichert
- William George Bligh
- Bagot William Blood
- Clifford George Bloomer
- Emil Blum
- Benjamin Hall Blyth (1849-1917)
- Arthur Boake
- William Bocquet
- Edward Henry Bold
- Thomas Robins Bolitho
- Amedee Bollee
- Alfred Pancoast Boller
- Ludwig Boltzmann
- Edwin Bond
- George Bond
- David Hunter Bonnella
- Edwin Bonner
- Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor
- James Wilson Booth
- Hugo Borchardt
- Francois Borel
- Alexander Borodine
- Henry Bostock
- John Henry Bostock
- Samuel Boswell
- Charles Edward Botley
- William Fereday Bottomley
- James Thomson Bottomley
- Henry Percy Boulnois
- Alfred Julius Boult
- John Bowden
- Edward Bowen
- John Bowen (1849-1944)
- John Bowns
- Charles James Bowstead
- Edward William Frederick Boxer
- Cavendish Boyle
- Courtenay Boyle
- William John Boys
- John Albert Bradburn
- Thomas Richard Bradburn
- Augustus Beattie Bradbury
- Thomas Bradbury (1840-1905)
- Frederic Bradley
- Philip Braham
- Edouard Branly
- Albert Brassey (1844-1918)
- Henry Arthur Brassey (1840-1891)
- Samuel Gordon Brebner
- Rudolf Bredt
- Freidrich Bremme
- Alfred Brereton
- Arthur Hemery Le Breton
- John Williams Brewer
- Edwin Henry George Brewster
- Francis Wentworth Brewster
- Walter Seckford Brewster
- James Gordon Brickenden
- Augustus Lea Bricknell
- James Alfred Briggs
- Joseph Briggs (c1847-1921)
- Samuel Briggs (c1847-1928)
- Isaac Briggs
- Thomas Edward Brigham
- Hugh Meyler Bright
- William Bright
- John Henry Brinjes
- John Richard Brittle
- John Edward Broadbent
- Henry Broadhurst
- Aubrey Brock
- Thomas Attwood Brockelbank
- William Brock (1845-1914)
- John Brockhouse
- Thomas Brogden
- William Isherwood Bromiley
- Massey Bromley
- Arthur Brooke (1845-1918)
- John Walter Brooke
- William Colborne Brookes
- Walter Brooks
- Redmond John Brough
- Richard Secker Brough
- Edmund C. Brown
- Frederick Brown (1848-1913)
- Joseph William Brown
- William Gray Brown
- Andrew Betts Brown
- Charles Armitage Brown
- David George Brown
- David Brown
- Edward Vavasour Brown
- Harold Brown (1845-1910)
- James Brown (1844-1913)
- John Brown (1844-1905)
- Oswald Brown
- Philip Henry Brown
- William Brown (1849-1936)
- Walter Raleigh Browne
- Henry Marc Brunel
- John Tomlinson Brunner
- Richard Henry Brunton
- William Alexander Brunton
- William E Brunton
- Charles Francis Brush
- William Booth Bryan
- Samuel Bryson
- John Young Buchanan
- John Augustus Arnold Buchholz
- Robert Burton Buckley
- Daniel Buckney
- Otto Karl Eduard Budde
- Oliver Budge
- Thomas Alfred Bulkley
- James Bull
- Charles Albert Bull
- Ernest Wentworth Buller
- Frederick Charles Bullmore
- Joseph Howell Bullock
- Francis Dixon Bumsted
- Peter Bond Burgoyne
- Francis Eustace Burke
- Arthur Wildman Burnett
- John Burnett (1842-1914)
- Robert Reginald Burnett
- Charles Burrell (1847-1929)
- John Henry Burrows
- John Mowlem Burt
- Thomas James Bush
- Charles Daniel Thompson Bushell
- Joseph John Butcher
- Theobald Fitzwalter Butler
- Ambrose Edmund Butler (1848-1923)
- James William Butler (1840-1928)
- James Ryder Butler
- Thomas Snowden Butler
- William Butler (1843-1907)
- John Butterworth
- Alfred Button
- William James Cadett
- Cornelius Cadle (1847-1927)
- Redmond Parker Cafferata
- William Morris Caffyn
- William Sproston Caine
- Edward Bonar Caird
- Patrick Tennant Caird
- William Calcott
- Adam Caldow
- Thomas Calvert
- Edwin Cambridge
- Augustus John Darling Cameron
- Charles David Wilson Cammell
- Archibald W. Campbell
- Frederick Archibald Vaughan Campbell
- George Stephenson Campbell
- Thomas Procter Campbell
- Thomas Proctor Campbell
- Charles Campbell
- James Jennings Campbell
- Gerrit Willem Camphius
- Francis Campin
- John Montriou Campion
- Joseph Phelan Candy
- Jean-Baptiste Gustave Adolphe Canet
- Thomas Canning
- William Cantrell
- John Sweet Cape
- George Marie Capell
- Robert Capper
- William Capper
- James Alston Carfrae
- Henry Smith Carhart
- Edward Stafford Carlos
- William Haselwood Carmont
- Edward Richard Carolin
- William Lant Carpenter
- Edward Carpmael
- Edward Carr
- Mark William Carr (1847-1904)
- Thomas William Carr
- Samuel Stewart Carrick
- Thomas Carrington
- William Thomas Henney Carrington
- James Harrison Carter
- William Carter
- William Cartwright
- Facundo Josquin Ramon Carulla
- Alexander Carus (1843-1920)
- Henry Clifton Carver
- Sulyarde Bernard Cary
- William Edwin Cary
- Edward Case
- Louis Marino Casella
- Joseph Cash
- Thomas Cash
- Arthur William Henry Casson
- William Thomas Casson
- Edward James Castle
- Henry James Castle (1845-1903)
- Samuel John Caswell
- William George Causer
- George Cawley
- Joseph Julius Cazimajou
- Sackville Arthur Cecil
- Osbert Chadwick
- Stephen William Challen
- John Reid Chalmers
- Herbert Chamberlain
- Humphrey Chamberlain (1846-1896)
- Walter Chamberlain
- Arthur Chamberlain
- Arthur Marshall Chambers
- Edward John Chambers
- Samuel Chandler (1845-1917)
- Henry Chaplin
- Josiah Thomas Chapman
- James Lawrence Chapman
- Spencer Chapman
- James Charles
- George Chauvin
- Frederick John Pickering Cheesbrough
- Francis Cheesman
- Richard Bird Cheverton (1846-1933)
- Francis Sheldon Chittenden
- Thomas Chivers
- William Buchan Christie
- Henry Carmichael Christopher
- Charles John Chubb
- George Hayter Chubb
- John Charles Chubb
- Jabez Church (1845-1896)
- Henry William Churchward
- James Bowling Clabour
- Daniel Clacher
- Jesse Clare
- Edward Hyde Villiers
- John Alfred Clark
- John Clark (1848-1926)
- George Clark (1843-1901)
- George Clarke
- George Howard Clarke
- Alexander Thomas Clarkson
- Charles Clay (c1841-1906)
- Richard Haworth Clayton
- William Wikeley Clayton
- Alfred Clayton
- Lawrence Clayton
- Gilbert Augustus Clayton-East
- John Cleave
- Arthur Cleaver
- Frederick Cleeves
- James Lyons Cleminson
- Harry Cliff
- Joseph Cliff
- Charles Clifford (1843-1927)
- Stephen Clive
- Jean Baptiste Prosper Closson
- Thomas Charles Cloud
- George Robert Clover (1846-1900)
- Matthew Clover
- Charles James Clover
- John Coates
- Thomas Coates
- Archibald Coats
- Daniel Coats
- George Coats (1846-1901)
- George Coats (1849-1918)
- Peter Coats (1842-1913)
- Thomas Glen Coats
- Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson
- James Taylor Cochran
- Joseph Bramah Cochrane
- Samuel Cocker, Junior
- John George Thornton Coddington
- Louis Coiseau
- Charles Cole (of Bradford)
- John William Cole
- Thomas Cole
- Henry James Coles
- Robert Collard
- Thomas Edward Collcutt
- Thomas Long Colley
- Maris John Collings
- John George Henry Collister
- John Howard Colls
- Alfred Colson
- George Colson
- William Colson
- Robert Colver
- Andrew Aynsley Common
- John Conacher
- James Connolly (d.1912)
- Thomas Connolly
- Thomas Connolly (b.1849)
- William Connolly
- Augustus Samuel William Connor
- Alexander William Conquest
- Henry Conradi
- John Charles Coode
- Rupert Thomas Cooke
- Samuel Cooke
- Conrad William Cooke
- George Cookson
- Norman Cookson
- Frederick Eastment Cooper
- John Cooper (1843-1901)
- Matthew Cooper
- Arthur Cooper
- Leonard Cooper (1841-1904)
- William Cooper (1843-1904)
- Arthur Coote
- Thomas Corbett (1846-1917)
- Joseph Corbett
- William Corbett (1840-1904)
- Thomas Matthew Corby
- Bryan Corcoran (1844-1915)
- Isaac Cordingley
- John Thomas Corner
- Elmer Lawrence Corthell
- George Cotton
- John Ormerod Cottrill
- Francis Coulson
- James Perkins Coultas (1845-1910)
- William McDougall Courtney
- Douglas Cow
- Peter Brusey Cow (1847-1916)
- John Cowan (1845-1929)
- Thomas William Cowan
- William Clark Cowie
- Charles Edward Cowper
- Samuel Fitzhugh Cox
- Henry Herbert Cox
- Job Coxeter
- Richard Wadsworth Crabtree
- Robert Craggs (b.1842)
- Archibald Fulton Craig
- James Craig (1844-1897)
- John S. Craig
- James Craik
- Job Seymour Cranmer
- William Henry Cranstone
- William Thompson Crawshay
- James Creighton
- John Henry Cremer
- Claude Champion de Crespigny
- Robert Crichton
- James Crichton-Browne
- Leonard Cridland
- Charles Edwin Crighton
- Francis Edward Critchley
- Edward Crompton
- Rookes Evelyn Bell Crompton
- Thomas Taylor Crook (1842-1897)
- Walter Crooke (1840-1924)
- James Foyell Lovelock Crosland
- Joseph Crosland
- James Wheeler Cross
- William Wheeler Cross
- Robert James Cross
- William Cross (1843-1899)
- Elijah Crossfield
- Louis John Crossley
- William John Crossley
- Alexander Crossman
- William Milner Crowe
- Foster Crowell
- John Crown
- Henry Smith Crump
- Alfred Brace Cruse
- William Crush
- James Cruwys
- William Cubitt (1849-1935)
- William John Cudworth
- Granville Carlyle Cuningham
- William Ryan Cunis
- Henry Hardinge Samuel Cunynghame
- Thomas Cushing
- Nevil John Cuss
- George Cussons
- Walter John Cutbill
- Edwin Cuthbert
- Samuel Cutler
- William D'Arcy
- Elim Henry D'Avigdor
- Jamsetjee Nesserwanjee Dady
- Reiner Maria Daelen
- Leo Daft
- James Charles Dalman
- William Danby
- Henry Dangerfield
- Edward Daniel
- Joseph Daniels
- Thomas Daniels
- Samuel Danks (1840-1913)
- Christopher Darby
- Thomas Churchman Darby
- Cecil West Darley
- Edward Charles Darley
- John Darlington (2)
- William Henry Darlington
- Samuel Brothers Darwin
- Samuel Davey
- Henry Davey
- Hezekiah David
- Alfred Davidson
- John George Davidson
- Samuel Cleland Davidson
- Charles Merson Davies
- William Davies (c1847-1923)
- William Henry Davies
- Edmund Joseph Davies
- Edward F. C. Davis
- Frederick Davis
- George Davis
- Francis Gordon Davis
- William Griffin Davis
- Robert Davison (1848-1913)
- Abraham Davy the younger
- Henry Thomas Dawson
- William Alfred Dawson
- George James Crosbie Dawson
- William Dawson (1840- )
- Job Day
- George Campbell De Morgan
- Richard William Deacon
- George Frederick Deacon
- John Deakin (1848-1935)
- William Pitchford Deakin
- John William Dean
- William Dean
- Henry Deane
- George D. Dennis
- William Frederick Dennis
- Joseph Basil Denison
- William Denny (1847-1887)
- James Denny (1849-1934)
- Robert Denny
- William Denton
- Sidney Barron Depree
- Charles Lambert Depree
- Marcel Deprez
- Frederick Arthur Stanley
- Edward Robert McDermott
- Pedro Nolasco Desoto
- Fitzherbert Ruxton Despard
- William Henry Devine
- Albert George Dew-Smith
- James Dewar
- Alexander Dey
- Gavin Gemmel Dick
- Richard Elihu Dickinson
- George Manners Dickson
- George Workman Dickson
- Charles Wentworth Dilke
- Elizabeth Amy Dillwyn
- Clarence Gray Dinsmore
- John Stewart Dismorr
- Samuel Dixon
- Waynman Dixon
- Thomas Dobeson
- James Murray Dobson
- Benjamin Alfred Dobson
- Edward Dodson (1841-1883)
- Robert Dollar
- Edward James Domville
- John Donaldson
- George Donkin
- Henry Cornelius Donovan
- Arthur John Dorman
- Arthur Loft Dossor
- George Double
- James Doull
- William George Dowden
- Nicholas Downing (b.1840)
- Samuel Forbes Downing
- Alfred Dowson
- Joseph Emerson Dowson
- William Theodore Doxford
- John Drake
- Carter Draper
- William Dracup
- James Dredge
- James Dredge (1848-1876)
- Frederick Dresser
- Lear James Drew
- Charles Stewart Drewry
- Charles Dreyfus
- Augustus Henry Murray Driver
- George Driver
- Joseph Standring Dronsfield
- William Dronsfield
- Thomas Messinger Drown
- Dugald Drummond
- John Whitehead Wilson Drysdale
- William Harvey Du Cros
- Henry John Sillars Dubs
- Charles Duckering (1841-1916)
- Frederic Eliot Duckham
- Alexander John Dudgeon
- Charles Benjamin Dudley
- Plimmon Henry Dudley
- William Henry Dugard
- George Duncan
- George Robert Dunell
- Alexander Milne Dunlop
- Charles Blackburn Dunlop
- John Boyd Dunlop
- John Gibb Dunlop
- Samuel John Dunlop
- Hugh Shaw Dunn
- Walter Thomas Dunn
- George Robert Dunnell
- Clement Dunscombe
- Hugh Dunsmuir
- Arthur Proctor Dunstan
- Augusto Duprat
- Albert John Durston
- Charles Forshaw Dutton
- Henry Dutton
- William Twanbrooke Courtier Dutton
- Henry Dyer
- Robert Dyson
- James Eadie
- Thomas Duncombe Eagles
- Thomas Henry Eagles
- S. Eardley-Wilmot
- Thomas Coxeter Early
- Julius Ebel
- James Fuller Eberle
- William Roberts Eckart
- Walter Eddison
- John Eddy (1847-1912)
- Augustus Eden
- James Edgar (1843-1907)
- Charles Allarton Edge
- Thomas Alva Edison
- James Brown Edmiston
- John Wigham Edmundson
- Joshua William Edmundson
- Angelo Emanuel Edwards
- Alfred Eggington
- Richard Pentney Eidsforth
- John Thomas Elford
- Francis Elgar
- Whately Eliot
- Edward Baudoin Ellice Clark
- James Elliman
- Arthur Robert Ellin
- Edward Bayzand Ellington
- Ralph Elliot
- George William Elliott
- Thomas Graham Elliott
- George Henry Elliott
- Robert Elliott-Cooper
- Thomas Charles Ellis
- Evelyn Henry Ellis
- Jesse Ellis
- George Ellson
- Joseph John Elmer
- William Elmore
- Henry Elsdale
- Joseph Toward Eltringham
- Henry Elwell (1844-1868)
- Theodore Newel Ely
- Barrow Emanuel
- Denis Embleton
- Thomas William Embleton (b.1843)
- Walter Emden
- Max am Ende
- William Pye English
- Thomas English
- Adolph von Ernst
- Edward Rice Sweet Escott
- Ernest Estcourt
- Christmas Evans
- Francis Henry Evans
- Philip James Evans
- William Evans (1843-1915)
- John Breedon Everard
- James Alfred Ewins
- George Lancelot Eyles
- John Joseph Fahie
- Henry Faija
- John Edward Faire
- William Christopher Fanner
- Harold Faraday
- Thomas Fardon
- Alfred Farrar
- Joseph Farrow
- Maria Fattorini
- Frederick Faulkner
- William Henry Fawcett
- Walter Fearnehough
- John Fellows (c1842-1926)
- Joseph Beverley Fenby
- James Fenton (1848-1893)
- John Fenwick Fenwick
- Henry Tanner Ferguson
- Mephan Ferguson
- Benjamin Traill Ffinch
- Walter William Fiddes
- William Fiddian
- Henry Fidler
- John Kingsford Field
- Arthur Field
- John Fielding
- James Fielding
- Christopher William Fincken
- Edward W. Findlay
- Alexander Findlay
- Ambrose Firth
- Nathan Crosley Firth
- Alfred Francis John Fisher
- John Arbuthnot Fisher
- George H. Fisher-Smith
- Bennett Fitch
- Frank Fitzjames
- Edward Fitzsimons
- Sidney Flavel, Junior
- John Ambrose Fleming
- Edward Fletcher (1840-1887)
- Henry Marshall Fletcher
- Herbert Fletcher
- James Richard Fletcher
- Thomas Fletcher (1840-1903)
- David Hardman Fletcher
- Joseph Fletcher (c1843-1882)
- William Fletcher (1848-1918)
- Frederick Flood
- James John Alexander Flower
- Edwin Foden
- Harry Footner
- Andrew Forbes
- George Forbes
- Thomas Forknall
- Thomas Forknall (1843-1935)
- Hilary Sheldon Forrest
- Robert Forsyth
- Frederick Foster
- James Foster (1845-1905)
- William Foster (1846-1893)
- William Henry Foster
- John Reed Fothergill
- A. Fould-Dupont
- George John Fowell
- George Fowler (1840-1921)
- George Fowler
- Henry Fownes
- William Henry Fox
- Charles Douglas Fox
- Francis Fox
- William Fox (1840-1891)
- William Fox (1847-1913)
- William Henry Fox (1843-1920)
- Martin Fradd
- William France
- Joseph Francis (d.1934)
- Graham Fraser
- Henry John Fraser
- John William Frazer
- Robert James Frecheville
- George Freestone
- Somerset Richard French
- James French
- Alexander Frew
- John Frew
- Alfred Emanuel Fridlander
- Edward Purkis Frost
- William Frost
- Robert Edmund Froude
- Richard Hurrell Froude
- John Doyle Fry
- Thomas Henry Fry
- Thomas Fryer
- George Fuller (2)
- Edward Furness
- George Fussell
- Henry Gadd
- John Galbraith
- William Galloway (1840-1927)
- John George Gamble
- William Gammon
- Joseph Horlock Gann
- Richard Gardiner
- William Gardner
- Henry Dent Gardner
- Thomas William Gardner
- William Edward Garforth
- Joseph Garland
- James Bird Garnham
- William Garrett
- Frank Garrett, Senior
- William Edmund Garstin
- James Garvie
- Robert Glegg Garvie
- Alfred Edward Garwood
- Holbrook Gaskell (1847-1919)
- Donald Mcdonald Ford Gaskin
- Joseph Shaw Gaunt
- Charles Gauntlett
- John Gavey
- Hugh Morton Gavin
- John Jabez Geach
- Ernest George Gearing
- Christopher Geddes
- Harry Simpson Gee
- John Gee
- Arnold Geiser
- William Gemmell (b.1847)
- Frank Alexander Brown Geneste
- John Thomas Gent
- Josiah William Gentle
- Samuel Geoghegan
- Robert John George
- George Johnson (1848-1926)
- Thomas Bruges Gerard
- Alexander Easton Gibb
- Edward Stanley Gibbons
- Thomas Hughes Gibbons
- George Gibbs (1846-1928)
- Thomas Gibson (1843-1899)
- James Gilchrist
- William Gilchrist Gilchrist
- Edward Giles (1842-1878)
- Gilbert Gilkes
- David Gill
- William Gill
- Richard Gillott
- Henry Gittus
- John Glasbrook
- Carl Glaser
- James George Henry Glass
- John Duncan Glass
- Alexander Glegg
- Alfred George de Glehn
- George Raleigh Glover
- Walter Twiss Glover
- James White Godbeer
- John Godfrey Hochstaetter Godfrey
- Thomas Henry Godsell
- Alfred Joseph Goldsmith
- Alfred William Gooch
- William David Gooch
- William Good
- Hamilton Goodall
- George Onley Gooday
- William Albert Goold
- Walter Thomas Goolden
- A. Henrik Goransson
- John Gordon (1840-1884)
- Samuel Gordon (1846-1935)
- Daniel William Gott
- John Gott
- Sydney Tolman Gough
- William Edward Gower
- William Gowland (1842-1922)
- John Grace
- William Gradwell (1847-1913)
- Robert Ferdinand Graesser
- Alexander Grafton
- Malcolm Graham
- James Nixon Grainger
- John Duncan Grant
- Lewis Grant
- Richard Grant
- Thomas Maxwell Grant
- Richard Fuge Grantham
- Andrew Gray (1847-1925)
- Henry Alfred Gray
- Charles Grayson (b.1846)
- James Henry Greathead
- James Henry Greaves
- Charles Frederic Green
- John William Green
- Charles Green (1844-1906)
- Charles Ernest Green
- Frederick Green, Junior
- George Frederick Green
- Robert Wood Everett Green
- Thomas Arthur Greenhill
- Alfred George Greenhill
- Thomas Charles Greensmith
- George Greenwood
- Arthur Greenwood
- William Henry Greenwood
- Adolphe Greiner
- Robert Neville Grenville
- John Humphrys Gretton
- Henry Grey
- Charles Edward Grierson
- Nathanael Robert Griffith
- Frederick Griffith
- John Purser Griffith
- George Washington Griffiths
- James Evans Griffiths
- John Alfred Griffiths
- John George Griffiths
- Griffith Griffiths
- Arthur James Grinling
- Charles Frederick Gripper
- Clement A. Griscom
- Albert Grothe
- David Grove
- George Edward Grover
- Herbert Groves
- Howard Grubb
- Ralph Darling Grundy
- Arthur Edward Guest
- Francis Leaver Guilford
- Emil Guilleaume
- Arthur Edward Guinness
- Edward Cecil Guinness
- William Gumbley
- Charles Frederick Gurden
- William Brampton Gurdon
- John Gwyn
- Richard Hack
- Joshua Hacking
- William Henry Hacking
- Samuel John Hackney
- William Hackney
- John Lawton Haddan
- Andrew Aitken Haddin
- Joseph Poynton Haden
- Augustus Haghe
- Joseph Hague
- Thomas Hailstone
- Joseph Richard Haines
- Henry Hakewill
- James Pitcairn Halket
- Albert Francis Hall
- Charles Hall
- Edward Hall (1840-1901)
- George Edward Hall
- John Percy Hall
- Thomas Bernard Hall
- Henry Hall (1845-1936)
- Samuel Hall (1842- )
- William Silver Hall
- Robert Edward Halliday
- Druitt Halpin
- Arthur Samuel Hamand
- Claud John Hamilton (1843-1925)
- Frederick Adam Hamilton
- James Hamilton
- John Hamilton (1841-1901)
- Francis James Hamley
- John Hammond (1842-1916)
- Walter John Hammond
- Thomas Hampton
- John James Hanbury
- Charles Douglas Richard Hanbury-Tracy
- Francis Baker Hanna
- Thomas Hannay
- Edward Hall Harbottle
- Otto Simon Henry Harcourt
- Alexander C. A. Harding
- George Harding
- William Joshua Harding
- Charles William Harding
- George Gatton Melhuish Hardingham
- Arthur Hardy
- Charles Bowles Hare (1841-1911)
- John Hargreaves (1840-1893)
- John Henry Hargreaves
- Harry Jones Harman
- Alfred Harman
- Oscar Harmer
- John Sutherland Harmood-Banner
- Horton Harrold Harrild
- Joseph Thomas Harris
- William Wallington Harris
- Charles Wesley Harris (1845-1933)
- Charles Augustus Harrison
- Frederick Harrison
- John Maleham Harrison
- Robert John Harrison
- Charles Digby Harrod
- Joseph Harrop
- Robert Humphrys Harry
- Harry Hems
- John Hart
- William Albert John Squire Hart
- John William Hartley
- Charles Randolph Harvey
- Julius Augustus Harvey
- Robert Harvey (1848-1925)
- Julius Harvey
- Robert Harvey (1847-1930)
- Eugene Kinnaird Haselden
- Alfred Seale Haslam
- William Haslam
- Edward Claude Hawkes
- Edward Jackson Hawkins
- George Hawkins (2)
- John Clarke Hawkshaw
- Alexander Sowerby Hay
- Edward Hayes
- Frederick Troake Jago Haynes
- Henry Sidney Freeman Haynes
- Charles Marriott Hayward
- William Hayward
- William Henry Haywood
- Edward Charles Healey
- Musgrave Heaphy
- Thomas Musgrave Heaphy
- George Wilson Heath
- George Heaton (1840-1910)
- Arthur West Heaviside
- William James Heaviside
- Walter Joseph Heeley
- Richard Hammersley Heenan
- Arthur Willoughby Hemans
- Robert Cadding Hemberow
- George Hempsted
- Nathaniel Hempsted
- Charles William Chipchase Henderson
- John Macdonald Henderson (1843-1922)
- Reginald Friend Henderson
- Thomas Henderson
- William Scott Henderson
- Henry John Hendey
- Francois Hennebique
- Olaus Henrici
- Edwin N. Henwood
- George Hepburn
- Joseph Hepworth
- John William Hepworth
- Hubert von Herkomer
- John Spier Heron
- Nathanael Greens Herreshoff
- Clemens Herschel
- Alexander Herzberg
- Charles Louis Hett
- Edward Edwards Hewett
- John Richardson Hewitt
- William Henry Hewlett
- William Edwin Heys
- Henry Heywood
- Arthur Percival Heywood
- Benjamin Hick (1845-1882)
- Alfred William Hickman
- Robert Rowan Purdon Hickson
- Frederick Higginbottom
- Frederick Herbert William Higgins
- James Bracebridge Hilditch
- Jesse Hildred
- Edward J. Hill
- Rowland Hill (1848-1930)
- Vincent Walker Hill
- William Hillman
- Alfred Hills
- Enoch Hind
- William Hindson
- George Thomas Hine
- William Hines
- George Benjamin Hingley
- Joseph Hinks
- William Hipkins
- Arthur Hirst (1842-1907)
- Alfred Hitchon
- John Falshaw Hobson
- William Henry Hobson
- George Hocking
- John Hodgart
- Edward Hodges
- Charles Hodgson (1842-1912)
- Frederick Goddard Hodson
- Alexander Lauder Hogg
- Quintin Hogg
- Ulrich Holborow
- Henry George Holborow
- Richard Holbrook
- Robert Holden
- Richard Grover Holland
- John Philip Holland
- William Henry Holland (1849-1927)
- Alexander Thomas Hollingsworth
- Frederick Holman
- Arthur Hill Holme
- Arthur Wyndham Holmes A Court
- Charles Denton Holmes
- Matthew Holmes
- Arthur Bromley Holmes
- George Charles Vincent Holmes
- John Holroyd
- Henry Percy Holt
- George Hone
- Edwin John Honychurch
- George Hookham
- John Pitman Hooper
- George Hopewell
- John Hopkinson (1849-1898)
- Joseph Gregory Horner
- Thomas Coglan Horsfall
- Alfred Horsfield
- Daniel Horsnell
- Benjamin Horton
- George Horton
- Isaac Horton (1841-1915)
- James Hosking
- Thomas Hosking
- George John Hoskins
- Edward J. Houghton
- George Houghton
- Edward Holroyd Houlditch
- Joseph Hoult
- Henry Alonso House
- Albert Houtam-Schindler
- Eliot Howard
- Rosalind Howard
- Henry Howard
- Andrew Howatson
- Henry Bryant Howe
- Henry Marion Howe
- Joseph Arthur Howell
- Samuel Earnshaw Howell
- Edmund Howl
- Edwin Francis Howlden
- Francis Howlett
- Hippolyte d'Huart
- David Derry Hubbard
- Herman Victor Hubert
- William Hucks
- John George Hudson
- John Hudson (b.1848)
- Robert Hudson
- John Ellis Hughes
- Arthur John Hughes
- John Hughes (1843- )
- John James Hughes
- William Hughes (d.1911)
- Gabriel Raphael Hugon
- Nelson Powell Hulst
- Thomas Humber
- Edward Barber Humble
- Edward John Humphery
- George Humphreys-Davies
- Henry Hunnings
- Herbert Edgell Hunt
- Octavius Hunt (1847-1915)
- William Hunt (1843-1897)
- William Hunt (1845-1924)
- Charles Hunt
- Frederick Thomas Hunt
- Reuben Hunt (1848-1898)
- John Hunter (1846-1911)
- Walter Hunter (1840-1914)
- William Henry Hunter
- Frederick Hurd
- John Hussey
- George Albert Hutchins
- Thomas Charles Hutchinson
- Herbert Hutton
- Robert Joseph Hutton
- Herbert George Huxley
- Frederick Margarson Hynes
- James I'Anson
- Joseph Coventry I'Anson
- William I'Anson (1846-1915)
- George Iden
- Charles Webb Iliffe
- William Iliffe
- Francis Ince
- Joseph Ingleby
- John Inglis
- Thomas Inman
- Cosmo Innes
- William Innes
- Thomas Instone
- Thomas Irons
- Robert Irvine
- Thomas Frederick Irwin
- Robert Isaac
- Job Isles
- Fletcher James Ivens
- Thomas Edward Ivens
- Alexander Izat
- Alexander Jack
- Joseph Jackman
- William Jacks
- Robert Jackson (1847- )
- W. L. Jackson
- William Jackson (1849-1915)
- John Jackson (1843-1899)
- Samuel Jackson
- William Jackson (1845-1928)
- Augustus Hamilton Jacob
- Samuel Swinton Jacob
- George James Jacobs
- Otto Moses Jaffe
- John Stephenson Jagger
- Christopher John Wallace Jakeman
- Simon Louis Francois Jambillie
- Arthur William James
- Enoch James
- John William Henry James
- Andrew Jamieson
- Allan Janes
- Ailsa Janson
- William Henry Jaques
- Edward Worrell Jarvis
- Henry Jarvis (b.1844)
- John Jay (1849-1909)
- James Stephen Jeans
- Thomas William Jeffcock
- John Robert Jefferies
- Lazarus Jefferson
- Mordecai Jefferson
- William Jeffery
- George Lincoln Jeffries
- John Jefferies
- August Jegher
- Herbert Jekyll
- John Jenkin
- Henry Michael Jenkins
- Samuel Jenkins
- Alfred B. Jenkins
- Isaac James Jenks
- James Jerman
- Francis Henry Jeune
- James Augustus Jobling
- Alfred Johnson (b.1846)
- John Clarke Johnson
- John William Johnson
- Joseph Johnson (b.1842)
- Joshua Johnson
- Walter Johnson
- William Henry Johnson (b.1847)
- Walter Claude Johnson
- Warwick Huson Johnson
- Andrew Johnston (died 1896)
- Robert Edward Johnston
- George Hope Johnstone
- Ronald Henry Johnstone
- William Henry Johnstone
- William Johnstone (1844-1879)
- John Joice
- James Joicey
- Henry Joll
- Joseph Jonas
- Charles Henry Jones
- David Jones (1844-1897)
- Peter Rees Jones
- Peyton Jones
- Richard Edwin Jones
- Samuel Gilbert Jones
- William Richard Sumption Jones
- Alfred Lewis Jones
- Arthur Daniel Jones
- Edward John Jones
- Frederick Warner Jones
- George Edward Jones
- Hodgson Monteith Layard Jones
- Harry Edward Jones
- Henry Edward Jones
- John Jones (1841-1903)
- James Jones (1841-1884)
- Richard Lionel Jones
- Thomas Jones (1844-1926)
- Walter Jones
- William John Jones
- Edward Jordan
- Charles Henry Jordan
- Joseph Hall (1841-1905)
- Robert Batson Joyner
- Albert Von Julin
- John Jurd
- Howard Rudulph Justice
- Charles William Kayser
- Henry Ward Kearns
- Edward Henry Keating
- John Keen
- George Keith (1846-1916)
- James Keith
- Abram Kellet
- William Redfern Kelly
- G. Newenham Kelly
- John Magrath Kelly
- Cornelius Edward Kelway
- James Francis Kendal
- Mary Eliza Kennard
- Edward Kennard
- Thomas Stuart Kennedy
- Alexander Blackie William Kennedy
- Archibald Kennedy
- John Kennedy (1840-1918)
- William Charles Kernot
- James Kerr (1844-1927)
- Joseph Malcolm Kerr
- Alfred Kerry
- Thomas Kershaw (1840-1899)
- Anthony Henry Kessner
- Henry Kesterton
- Amandus Edmund Keydell
- Henry John Cubitt Keymer
- Hector Kidd
- James Cameron Kidd
- Nicholas Kilburn
- John George Kincaid
- Hugh Fortescue Locke King
- Maurice King
- Henry James Hogg King
- Henry Sampson King
- Imre Kiralfy
- Samuel Alexander Kirkby
- Charles Kirchoff
- Frank Kirk
- James Kirkwood
- William Kirtley
- Rudolph Kirschbaum
- John Hawthorn Kitson
- August Klonne
- Conrad Knap
- William Bond Knapman
- Richard Kneen
- John Henry Knight
- Edward Ball Knobel
- William Knott
- Edward Baldwin John Knox
- Frans Henrik Kockum
- Friedrich Kohlrausch
- Christian Wilhelm Kundeberg
- Charles La Lievre
- Louis Auguste De Jacques De Labastide
- Charles Lack
- John H. Ladd
- George Bastable Laffan
- Caleb Lainchbury
- Philip Henry Laing
- Thomas Elcoat Laing
- Frederick Crompton Lake
- John Hinton Lake
- Horace Lamb
- Carlton John Lambert
- Edward Tiley Lambert
- William Lambshead (1848-1932)
- Joseph Lamont
- John Withey Lampard
- Charles Lancaster (1844-1930)
- Richard Quiller Lane
- Edward Tickell Lang
- William Langdon (1846-1933)
- Alfred Andrew Langley
- Charles Lapworth
- Victorino Aurelio Lastarria
- Edwin Davenport Latham
- Edward Lauckert
- Carl Gustaf Patrik De Laval
- Beilby Lawley
- Joseph Lawley (1848-1917)
- William Lawley (1844-1929)
- Hubert Laws
- Arthur Tredgold Lawson
- Frederick William Lawson
- Robert Lawson
- Joseph Alfred Lawton
- William Samuel Laycock
- Charles Noel Layman
- Clement Le Neve Foster
- Robert John Lea
- William Edgar Lea
- William Lea
- Edwin Leadbeater
- Gilbert Rigby Leah
- Charles Lean
- John Machray Ledingham
- Arthur Lee (1842-1918)
- Samuel Edward Lee
- Sydney Williams Lee
- William Rufus Lee
- Robert Crawford Lees
- Alfred Legrand
- Robert Arthur Lehmann
- Joseph Leigh
- John Rock Lemon
- John Lennard
- William Lennard
- Richard Herbert Lapage
- Henry Haworth Leslie
- Alexander Leslie
- Jacob Leverton
- John Levick (1840-1915)
- Lewis Levy
- Leonidas Lewicki
- David Lewis
- Henry Frederick William Lewis
- Herbert William Lewis
- James Frederick Lewis
- John Lewis (1848-1930)
- John Lewis (b.1842)
- John Milton Lewis
- Francis Ley
- Christopher John Leyland
- Arthur Lasenby Liberty
- John George Liddiard
- Thomas Bell Lightfoot
- James Lilburn
- Otto Lilienthal
- George Charles Lilley
- Samuel William Limpenny
- William Robertson Lindsay
- James Ludovic Lindsay
- John Barber Lindsell
- George Lines
- Joseph Lines
- Thomas Linscott
- Frederick Thomas Churchill Linton
- Thomas Lipton (1848-1931)
- William James Lister
- Robert Ashton Lister
- Lawrence Stark Little
- Thomas David Little
- Archibald Liversidge
- Jarratt Liversidge
- Frank Livesey
- William Maberly Llewellin
- Evan Henry Llewellyn
- William Hely Llewellyn
- Evan Henry Llewelyn
- Charles Lloyd (1840-1904)
- Francis Henry Lloyd
- Sampson Samuel Lloyd, Junior
- Sampson Zachary Lloyd
- Joseph Lobley
- Alice Lockett Scott
- Thomas Dixon Lockwood
- Ezra Lofts
- Jabez Lones
- Albert de Lande Long
- Michael Longridge
- Daniel Longworth
- William Turner Lord
- William Lorimer
- Henry Lovegrove
- John Lowdon
- Charles Harlowe Lowe
- Arthur Lucas
- Francis Robert Lucas
- Thomas Ludlow
- Stephen Paget Walter Vyvyan Luke
- Hugh David Lumsden
- Ulysses de Lungo
- William Walter Lupton
- Arnold Lupton
- John Luscombe
- W. H. Luther
- Robert Luthy
- John Lyall
- Joseph Lynch
- William Lynd
- James Henry Lynde
- Charles George Lyttelton
- Leon L'Hollier
- Luke Livingston Macassey
- John Macdonald (c1845-1911)
- John MacDonald
- Alan MacDougall
- William Mace
- Thomas Milbourne Macfarlaine
- David MacIver (1840-1907)
- Charles O'Keefe Mackay
- George Mackay
- John Bower Mackenzie
- Lauchlan Alexander Entwistle Mackinnon
- Peter Arthur Mackintosh
- Robert Maclagan
- Frederick Gurr MacLean
- Loudoun Francis Maclean
- Samuel Trew Maclean
- George MacLellan Blair
- John MacLennan
- Andrew MacLuckie
- Archibald Campbell Macmillan
- James MacRitchie
- James Mactear
- James Chatburn Madeley
- Jules Magery
- John Makeague
- John Edward Mammatt
- Henry Christopher Mance
- Edward Manisty
- Thomas James Mann
- John Waddington Mann
- Jacques Manne
- Horace John Mannering
- William Posnette Manners
- James Manson
- Frank Mappin
- Wilson Mappin
- Edward Mapplebeck
- Heber Mardon
- John Margetson
- William Margetson
- Arthur Matthew Markham
- Thomas Thomas Marks
- James Edward Marley
- George William Marner
- Frederick Marriott
- William Mark Noble Marriott
- Cornelius Marshall
- Joe Learoy Marshall
- Richard Marshall (b.1842)
- Henry Dickenson Marshall
- Solomon Marshall
- Edwin John Marson
- Charles Louis Marston
- Edward Pritchard Martin
- George Best Martin
- Thomas George Martin
- Herbert Henry Martyn
- Inoue Masaru
- Robert Masefield
- Clayton Turner Mason
- William Mason (c1842-1896)
- Richard Mason (1844-1906)
- Thomas Mason (1844-1924)
- William Henry Massey
- Henry Masterton
- George Radford Mather
- Ewing Matheson
- Jeremiah Eugene Mathewson
- John Mathieson
- William Matthews
- Thomas Matthews
- Thomas Bright Matthews
- Walter Henry Maudslay
- James Archibald Maughan
- Hiram Stevens Maxim
- Joseph Prime Maxwell
- William Walker May
- John Mayall, Junior
- Wilhelm Maybach
- William Frederick Mayes
- Robert McAlpine
- Andrew Armor McArd
- William McClintock
- William McCormack
- John McCormick
- Andrew Kirkwood McCosh
- Alexander McCulloch
- Alexander Beith McDonald
- John Allen McDonald
- Arthur Harman McDonald
- John McDonald
- John McDougall
- George McFarlane
- William McGeoch, Senior
- John Farquharson McIntosh
- Lewis McIver
- John McLachlan
- Herbert McLeod
- John McMillan (1848-1888)
- Robert McMillan
- David McMordie
- John McNaught (b.1841)
- William McNaught (b.1843)
- Ina Erskine McNeil
- John McNeil
- John McQueen
- Alfred Meakin
- Charles Meakin
- David Meiklereid
- James Jones Meldrum
- Richard Melhuish
- William Francis Melhuish
- Samuel Melling
- George Wallace Melville
- John Menzies (1846-1907)
- William Menzies
- Thomas Menzies
- James Compton Merryweather
- Henry Merryweather
- Zachary Merton
- John Theodore Merz
- Rudolph Messel
- James Metcalfe
- John Methven
- John Clayton Mewburn
- Vitale Domenico De Michele
- Robert Thomas Middleton
- Robert Middleton
- Thomas Midelton
- Albert Midgley
- Thomas William Miles
- Henry Miller
- Adam Miller (1849-1916)
- John Fulton Miller
- Henry Michell Millett
- George Kaye Mills
- John Mills (1843-1924)
- Joseph Mills (1845-1919)
- John Millward (2)
- William Milne
- Solomon Mirls
- Joseph Mitchell (1840-1895)
- Peter Dochard Mitchell
- Thomas Mitchell (1844-1919)
- John Mitchell (of Barnsley)
- Alexander Charles Baddeley Moffatt
- Frederick Herbert Mollett
- Ambrose James Molloy
- Claud Monckton
- Alexander Bain Moncrieff
- John Moncur
- Hugh Lewin Monk
- Albert Monk
- James Milne Monro
- Robert Moodie
- Alexander William Moore
- Arthur C. Moore
- Ponsonby William Moore
- James Moore
- John Batt Moorhouse
- Ernest Frederic Morant
- John Hemphill Morant
- James Law Lushington Morant
- Alfred Morcom
- George Ramshaw Mordue
- Edmund Morel
- Thomas Morel
- George Shattuck Morison
- S. Hope Morley
- Claude John Morris
- David Morris
- Frederick Morris
- John Alfred Morris
- Joseph Morris
- Gabriel James Morrison
- William Henry Morrow
- Andrew Morton
- David Home Morton
- Charles Moseley
- Richard Wynn Moser
- Robert Fead Mosley
- Louis Samuel Moss
- Richard Mottram
- Sir Richard Mottram
- John Fletcher Moulton
- Benjamin Horncastle Moxon
- Alfred Muir
- Edwin Muir
- John Muirhead
- Richard Muirhead
- Alexander Muirhead
- William Mumford
- Thomas William Bassett Mumford
- Robert Douglas Munro
- Philip Maurice Muntz
- Daniel Murcott
- Robert Macmillan Murdoch
- George Brooke Muriel
- James Murray (1842-1907)
- Lewis John Murray
- John Murray (1841-1914)
- Walter Martin Musgrave
- Edward Mushing
- John James Myres (1841-1913)
- Thomas Harrison Myres
- Georges Nagelmackers
- Emil Naglo
- Robert Assheton Napier
- Adolphus Nathan
- Deodatus Hilin Neale
- Frederick Neebe
- Frederick James Needham
- John Needham
- John Taylor Needham
- Alexander Neil
- Walter Neilson (1842-1896)
- George Neilson (1849-1932)
- Hugh Neilson (1845-1890)
- Walter Neilson (c.1849-1921)
- William Neilson (1845- )
- John Nelson
- Edward Montague Nelson
- Thomas Boustead Nelson
- Alexander Walter Nesbitt
- Edward Newcombe
- Albert Lewis Newdigate
- Joseph Newey
- James Clement Newey
- William Thomas Newitt
- B. E. R. Newlands
- John Newman
- Thomas George Newton
- John Newton (1843-1929)
- Thomas Chambers Newton
- Charles Edward Nicholas
- Evan Nicholas
- Thomas Nivens
- Thomas Joseph Noakes
- William Edward Norbury
- Thorsten Nordenfelt
- John Thomas North
- William Henry Northcott
- Philip Algernon Herbert Noyes
- James Nuttall (c.1844-post 1901)
- John O'Connell
- Andrew O'Keefe
- Maurice Ockenden
- Charles William Odling
- Francis James Odling
- Henry Rowlatt Augustus Oertling
- James Smith Okell
- Robert Augustus Oldham
- Edwin Oldroyd (1842-1897)
- Robert Stewart Oliver
- George Willes Ommanney
- Andrew Onderdonk
- John Collingwood Onions (1841-1904)
- Salvador Diaz Ordonez
- Cuthbert Knightley Orlebar
- George Edward Ormiston
- James Osbourne
- Alfred Clarkson Osler
- Floris Osmond
- John Oswald (2)
- Norton P. Otis
- Francis William Otter
- Drewry Gifford Ottley
- Edward Carl Fredrich Otto
- William Ottway
- Walter Thomas Owbridge
- George Dyson Owen
- George Wells Owen
- Thomas Ellis Owen
- William Lancaster Owen
- Charles John Owens
- George Henry Oxley
- David Jonathan Oyler
- Antonio Pacinotti
- Jonathan Packman
- William Albert Padfield
- John Pagan
- Thomas Hyde Page
- Berkeley Paget
- Julius Fr. Pajeken
- Julius Pajeken
- John Palfreeman
- John Palmer (1844-1926)
- Thomas John Palmer
- William Henry Panton
- Edmund Parham
- Edward Alexander Paris
- Herbert Albert Parker
- John Dunlop Parker
- John Parker (1849-1910)
- Walter Raleigh Parker
- Henry Albert Parker
- John Parker (of Hereford)
- Thomas Parker
- Thomas Farmer Parkes
- Persehouse Parkes
- Joseph Parkinson
- William C. Parkinson
- William Joseph Parkyn
- Christopher Parnaby
- Thomas Naylor Parr
- Henry Blackburne Parry
- Henry Parry
- Lawrence Parsons
- Frank Bailey Passmore
- John Paterson
- Thomas Stark Paterson
- Edward James Paterson
- Andrew Crawford Patrick
- Anthony Patterson
- Robert Charles Patterson
- Joseph John Dawson Paul
- William Thomas Paulin
- Lindley William Paynter
- Julius Pazzani
- John Richard Peace
- Hugh Kirkby Peace
- Thomas Jackson Peacock
- Richard Pearce
- Francis Tring Pearce
- Sinclair Pearn
- Howard Devenish Pearsall
- William Monro Pearse
- Frank Henry Pearson
- Henry William Pearson
- Charles Pease
- Walter Pease
- Harry Pegg
- James Wallace Peggs
- Bennett Pell
- Thomas Edgar Pemberton
- James Pender
- William Pendlebury
- George Williams Penn
- John Penn (1848-1903)
- William Penn (1849-1921)
- William James Pennington
- Louis Penny
- John Percival
- Cornelius McLeod Percy
- Thomas Perham
- John Perkin (1847-1931)
- Alfred Robert Steele Perkins
- Edward Steel Perkins
- John Hartley Perks
- Robert William Perks
- Joseph Maria Pernter
- Josiah Richard Perrett
- Edward Perrett
- Roland Perrier
- John Perry (1840-1879)
- James Perry (1845-1906)
- William Perry (1843-1879)
- Frederico Pescetto
- James Bazeley Petter
- Armand Peugeot
- Alfred Phillips
- Arthur Frederick Phillips
- Exham Phillips
- Albert Phillips (2)
- Charles David Phillips
- Horatio Frederick Phillips
- Samuel Edmund Phillips
- Christopher Edward Phipps
- George Henry Phipps (1840-1884)
- Alfred Picard
- Benjamin Pickard
- Gustav Piedboeuf
- Henry James Taylor Piercy
- George Augustus Pilkington
- Alfred Pilkington (1844-1896)
- Edward Pilkington
- Richard Pilkington
- Joaquim Galdino Pimentel
- William Samuel Pincott
- Thomas Shadford Pinder
- Charles Louis Marie Pinel
- M. Pioda
- John Sinclair Pirrie
- William James Pirrie
- George Albert Pitts
- John Pitts
- Samuel Platt (1845-1902)
- Henry Platt (1842–1914)
- John Platt (1848-1927)
- Samuel Radcliffe Platt
- John Joseph Platts
- John Player (1842-1931)
- Arthur Twisden Playne
- Edward Playne
- Edward Pellew Plenty (1845-1918)
- Joe Pogson
- George Henry Poke
- Frederick Pollard (b.1841)
- William Pollitt
- Julius Frederick Moore Pollock
- James Ponsford
- Robert Portelli
- Julius Possmann
- George Pothecary
- William Furniss Potter
- Alexandre Pourcel
- Henry Coke Powel
- Horatio Gibbs Powell
- Henry Coke Powell
- Warington Baden-Powell
- Henry Handley Pridham Powles
- Charles Assheton Whately Pownall
- John Richard Preece
- Charles Sheibner Du Riche Preller
- John Prentice
- Henry Prescott
- Ernest Charles Antoine Presser
- Andrew Preston
- Samuel Tolver Preston
- Edwin James Preston
- Frederick Philip Preston
- Reuben Thomas Preston
- Daniel Price
- John Bennett Price
- John Price (1846-1913)
- Joseph Price
- Henry Sherley Price
- Robert Price (of Birmingham)
- William Priest
- William Dent Priestman
- Francis Archibald Primrose
- James Procter
- Jonas Proctor
- Rudolph Proell
- William Henry Prosser
- William Robert Pryke
- James Pudifin
- Charles Henry Pugh
- Richard Russal Pulford
- James Pullinger
- Samuel Puplett
- William Thomas Pye
- Herbert Radcliffe
- William Radcliffe (1844-1908)
- William Claude Rafarel
- William Rainforth
- Joseph Randall
- Isham Randolph
- Robert Rankin (2)
- George Frederick Ransome
- Benjamin Alfred Raworth
- John Smith Raworth
- Rossiter Worthington Raymond
- Thomas Cheveley Rayner
- Thomas Purvis Reay
- Gilbert Richard Redgrave
- Robert Readhead
- Thomas Boverton Redwood
- Albert Edwin Reed
- William Robert Reeves
- Alfred George Woodward Reid
- Robert Carstairs Reid
- David Reid (1841-1892)
- George Whyte Reid
- Ira Remsen
- Hamilton Owen Rendel
- Alan Wood Rendell
- John Edgcumbe Rendle
- William Coupar Rennie
- John Rennie (1843-1918)
- William Robert Renshaw
- Benjamin M. Renton
- Charles Henry Rew
- John Henry Rew
- Charles Henry Reynolds
- Frederick William Reynolds
- Osborne Reynolds
- Playford Reynolds
- James Rhind
- Charles Edward Rhodes
- George Rhodes
- Matthew Rhodes
- William Rhodes (1845-1904)
- William Edmund Rich
- Henry William Hall Richards
- John Richards (1845-1922)
- Thomas Richards (1844-1916)
- Edward Richards
- John Richardson (1841-1920)
- William Pelham Richardson
- A. W. Richardson
- George Richardson (1845-1883)
- James Nicholson Richardson
- Thomas Richardson (1846-1906)
- William Richardson (1842-1918)
- Tom Hurry Riches
- David Richmond
- James Richmond
- Joseph Richmond
- James Gadsby Richmond
- Alfred Austin Rickaby
- Robert Riddell
- James Cartmell Ridley
- William Ridley
- John Hilton Ridley
- Matthew Ridley
- Rudolf Oskar Rieter-Dolly
- Hermann Rietschel
- Jason Rigby
- Henry Rigg
- James Rigg
- James Riley
- George Rimington
- John M. Rimington
- Franz Rinecker
- Robert Ring
- Charles Henry Ringwood
- Frederick George Ross
- Francis Rixson (1846-1901)
- Albert Roberts
- Francis George Adair Roberts
- Peter Roberts
- Thomas Roberts (b.1846)
- William Chandler Roberts-Austen
- George Henry Roberts
- William Roberts (1844-1904)
- Duncan Robertson
- Frederick Ewart Robertson
- Robert Andrew Robertson
- William Henry Robins
- Charles Napier Robinson
- Charles Portland Robinson
- James Clifton Robinson
- John Henry Robinson
- Mark Heaton Robinson
- Charles Robinson (1841- )
- John James Robinson
- James Salkeld Robinson
- Mark Robinson
- Jonathan Robson (1840- )
- Oliver Claude Robson
- William Rodger
- Emily Warren Roebling
- Archibald Colin Campbell Rogers
- William Rogers
- Henry John Rogers
- John Kenyon Rogers
- John Fowke Lancelot Rolleston
- Albert Kaye Rollit
- Charles Day Rose
- Charles Ross (1841-1899)
- David James Ross
- George Hennet Ross
- Thomas Braban Ross
- Alexander Ross
- Henry Rossell
- George William Rothery
- Alfred Charles de Rothschild
- Fred Rothwell
- Tom Rothwell
- Charles Rous-Marten
- William Pole Routh
- Frederic Charles Rowan
- Almond Rowe
- James Rowe
- Henry A. Rowland
- Charles Arthur Rowlandson
- George Appelbee Royce
- John Tunner Rubery
- Samuel Rubery
- Arthur William Rucker
- Walter Runciman
- Charles Richardson Ruston
- John Murie Rutherford
- David Rutherford
- John Ruthven Ruthven
- Walter Rutt
- Henry Norlande Ruttan
- Robert Henry Ryan
- Frederick Ryland
- Alexander Manson Rymer-Jones
- Francois Van Rysselberghe
- George Sabberton
- Alfred Louis Sabine
- Alfred Louis Sacre
- Samuel Sadler
- John James Sainsbury
- Matthew Townsend Sale
- Joseph Salmon
- John Mitchell Salmond
- Frank Salmond
- Fritz Salomon
- John Robert Salsbury
- Titus Salt (1843-1887)
- Frank Salter
- Edward Richard Salwey
- James Lyons Sampson
- Peter Samson
- Richard David Sanders
- Henry Conrad Sanders
- Richard Barnsley Sanders
- William Sandford (1841-1932)
- George Edward Langham Somerset Sanford
- Herbert Samuel Sanguinetti
- Stephen Sansum (1848- )
- Herbert Sartoris
- Tom Anning Saunders
- Frederick Saunderson
- John Burn Anstis Du Sautoy
- Albert Sauvee
- Thomas Ackers Savery (1848-1921)
- Robert Thomas Scaldwell
- William Edward Hermann Scharina
- Charles Albert Schlesinger
- Otto Schlick
- Albert Schmitz
- Henri Adolphe Eugene Schneider
- Robert Schott
- Sigmund Schuckert
- James Dix Schuyler
- Charles Prestwich Scott
- Francis Liddle Scott
- James Scott (1846-1903)
- Lothian Kerr Scott
- Frank Walter Scott (1840-1915)
- Frederick Whittaker Scott
- Robert Sinclair Scott
- William Dundas Scott-Moncrieff
- Charles Scriven
- Thomas Seager (1843-1919)
- John Coombe Searle
- Albert Edward Seaton
- John Frederick Seddon
- George Baldwin Selden
- John Carrington Sellars
- Richard Sennett
- Carl Setterwall
- George Seymour
- Francois Gustave Theophile Seyrig
- Edmund John Shannon
- Ambrose Shardlow
- Charles Stanley Sharland
- Robert Sharpe
- Charles James Sharpe
- Ambrose Shaw
- Frank Shaw (1840-1867)
- John Shaw (1841-1909)
- John Shaw (1844-1911)
- Joshua Shaw (1840-1913)
- Robert Bentley Shaw-Yates
- James Shenton
- John William Shepherd
- William Shepherd
- William Hanbury Pettingal Sherman
- John Edward Shervell (1845-1916)
- James Shinnie
- Robert Shinnie
- William Shipp
- Arthur Shippey
- James Rew Shopland
- John Short (d.1900)
- Frank Shuttleworth
- Alexander Siemens
- Arnold Sietz
- David Simms
- Daniel Simonds
- William Turner Simonds
- William Simpkins
- Arthur Telford Simpson
- James Thomas Simpson
- Robert More Simpson
- Edward Taylor Simpson
- Francis Charles Simpson
- William Speirs Simpson
- George Singer
- John Godfree Single
- James Sissons
- Robert Sissons
- William G. Skelton
- William Banks Skinner
- William Slack
- Walter Percy Sladen
- John Slate
- Samuel Colin Sleep
- Thomas Slingsby
- Joseph Smalley
- John Thomas Marsden Smedley
- Hugh Smellie
- Joseph Smethurst (c1842-1908)
- John Smethurst (1848-1900)
- William Holmes Smiles
- Arthur Toulmin Smith
- Charles Smith (1843-1882)
- Charles Smith (1843-1909)
- Henry Julius Smith
- Henry Smith (1849-1924)
- Henry Smith (b.1840)
- Joseph A. Smith
- Thomas Edward Smith
- William Smith (1848-1916)
- Alexander Dawson Smith
- Edward Smith (1848-1915)
- Edwin Smith
- Hamilton Smith
- John Smith (1845-1929)
- Lancelot John Smith
- Michael Holroyd Smith
- Oberlin Smith
- Prince Smith, Junior
- William Borthwick Smith
- William Smith (1841-1883)
- William Smith (1843-1908)
- William Smith (of Saltley)
- Walter Mackersie Smith
- George Smith (1841-1918)
- Thomas Dixon Smythe
- Arthur James Hamilton Smythe
- John Palmer Smythies
- John Armstrong Snowdon
- John Henry Sokell
- Richard De Soldenhoff
- Thomas Somers (2)
- Henry Somerset
- George Sonnenthal
- Arthur Sopwith
- Khan Bahudur Bomanji Sorabji
- Robert Watson Angus Southern
- Frederick Charles Southwell
- Robinson Souttar
- Charles Henry Sparkes
- John Barnes Sparks
- John Spencer (1840-1910)
- John Spencer (1846-1910)
- Charles Spencer (1846-1905)
- John Walton Spencer
- Albert Spicer
- Ernest Spon
- Robert William Spranger
- Francis Joseph Edward Spring
- Ferdinand Springer
- Henry Spurrier (c1840-1922)
- Edward Lovell Squire
- Peter Wyatt Squire
- Henry Leonard Stables
- Frederick Stafford
- Ernest Kinderley Stanford
- Walter Halsted Cortis Stanford
- William Harry Stanger
- William Henry Stanier
- Julius Stanke
- Frederick Stanley
- Edward William Henry Staples
- Charles Henry Stearn
- Alfred Stedall
- Henry Stedall
- Everard Steele
- George Steere
- James Stelfox
- Sydney Stent
- Daniel Stephens
- William Stephenson
- Robert Stephenson (2)
- Sydney James Stern
- Arthur James Stevens
- Frederick William Stevens
- John Sanders Stevens
- George Ernest Stevenson
- George Richard Steward
- Charles Edward Stewart
- Duncan Stewart
- Sydney James Stiff
- Charlotte Mary Stiff
- Ebenezer Stiff
- Allan Stirling
- Frederick William Stoker
- Edward Herbert Stone
- Thomas William Stone
- Edward Waller Stoney
- Isaac Storey (1840-1876)
- John H. Storey (1844-1911)
- Samuel Storer Stott
- John Strachan
- John Strain
- Albert Adolph Albert Straube
- Arthur Lewis Stride
- Henry Osborne Strong
- Augustus Horace Strongitharm
- John William Strutt
- William George Strype
- James Stuart
- William Henry Stubbs
- Thomas Sturgeon
- Newton John Suckling
- Edouard Suenson
- Thomas Sugden
- Albert Sulzer-Grossmann
- James Summers
- James Woolley Summers
- Thomas Robinson Summerson
- Henry Wardale Surtees
- Henry Sutcliffe (c1840-1908)
- Reuben Sutcliffe (1842-1919)
- Frederic John Ramsbottom Sutcliffe
- James Stuart Swallow
- Henry Frederick Swan
- Ambrose Swasey
- John Crane Swift
- James Swift
- James Swindell Evers Swindell
- James Syder
- Ezra Sykes
- George Dyson Sykes
- William Robert Sykes
- James Page Symes
- Samuel Symington (1841-1909)
- William Symons (b.1845)
- James Tait
- William Henry Tait
- Frank Forrest Talbot
- Emily Charlotte Talbot
- Joseph Talbot
- James John Talman
- Thomas Selby Tancred
- James Alfred Tannahill
- William Tanner
- Henry Thomas Tanner
- Thomas Lanfear Tanner
- John Thomas Tannett
- William Henry Tannett
- Percy Frederick Tarbutt
- William James Tarrant
- Henry Brome Tarry
- John Henry Royle Tasker
- John Tatlock
- John Henry Tattersall
- Edward John Tatum
- Herbert Arnaud Taylor
- William Grigor Taylor
- William Henry Taylor (1841-1901)
- Charles Taylor (1841-1897)
- Charles Henry Taylor (of Nottingham)
- Charles Dyke Taylor
- Frank Taylor
- Henry Enfield Taylor
- Herbert Arnand Taylor
- John Taylor (1841-1920)
- Joseph Samuel Taylor
- Percyvale Taylor
- Thomas Albert Oakes Taylor
- William Taylor (of Nottingham)
- William Henry Osborne Taylor
- William Isaac Taylor
- Isaac Teasdale
- John Thomas Teasdale
- Conrad Samuel Tegnander
- James Lethbridge Brooke Templer
- Herbert Durrell Terry
- Henry Seymour Tett
- William Thackray
- Samuel James Pope Thearle
- Richard Theiler
- Alexander Thielen
- William Thom
- James Donnithorne Thomas
- James Thomas (b.1841)
- John Edmund Thomas
- John William Thomas
- Lewis William Thomas
- John Thomas (1859-1904)
- John Thompson (1840-1909)
- Thomas Charles Thompson
- Arthur Moore Thompson
- John Thompson (1846-1900)
- James George Thompson
- William Phillips Thompson
- Campbell Thomson
- Charles Thomson
- David Thomson (1845-1895)
- Grahame Hardie Thomson
- John Thomson
- James McIntyre Thomson
- James Rodger Thomson
- John Thomson (1840-1922)
- William Henry Thornbery
- Edward Baylies Thornhill
- Alexander George Thornton
- Edward Zohrab Thornton
- Falkland Samuel Thornton
- John Isaac Thornycroft
- John Thorold
- Thomas Edward Thorpe
- Joseph Clarke Threadgold
- Thomas Threfall
- James White Thurburn
- Henry Thwaites
- Thomas Hirst Thwaites
- William Ninnis Tiddy
- John Deane Tilney
- Jean Francois Timmermans
- Benjamin Timmington
- Joseph Timmington
- John Tindall
- William Tingey
- Theodore Frederic Sandbach Tinne
- Richard Tiplady
- Gaston Tissandier
- John Philkins Toby
- David Tod, Junior
- Robert Todd
- Edward Tomkins
- Michael Tomkinson
- Henry Tomlison
- William Henry Tooth (2)
- William Topley
- Charles James Topple
- Hamilton Tovey
- Beauchamp Tower
- William Townhill
- William Acheson Traill
- Frederick Henry Trevithick (Junior)
- Richard Francis Trevithick
- George Careless Trewby
- Julien John Stanislaus Tripplin
- Norman Percy Miles Tronson
- John Whittier Throop
- Charles William Trotman
- Charles Trubshaw
- Frederick Trumble
- Thomas Tucker
- Joshua Carby Tuckwell
- James Thomson Tullis
- Charles Henry Turnbull
- John Turnbull (1841-1903)
- Henry Turner (1844-1904)
- William James Turner
- Joshua Alfred Alexander Turner
- Rowley Benbow Turner
- Samuel Lucas Turner
- William Barrow Turner
- Fanos Eugene Turpin
- Frank Turton (1844-1883)
- George Turton
- John Turton
- William Turton
- George Parker Tuxford
- Ralph Hart Tweddell
- Samuel Tweedale
- William Tweedie
- George Francis Twist
- William Thomas Twose
- Thomas Twyford
- George Albert Twynam
- Frederick George Tyler
- John Franklyn Tyler
- Thomas Tyrer
- Thomas Tyzack (1842-1923)
- Frederick Beveley Vallance
- Frederick Henry Varley
- Richard Vassar-Smith
- Cedric Vaughan
- William Weaver Vaughan
- William Steains Vaughan
- William Edward Joseph Vavasour
- William Vawdrey
- Robert Vawser
- Douglas D'Arcy Wilberforce Veitch
- Frederick Vickers
- John Jacob Vickers
- Hermann C. Vogel
- Freidrich Von Voith
- Samuel Vyle
- Hugh William Waddle
- Nowrosjee Nesserwanjee Wadia
- John William Wailes
- William Henry Waister
- John Hooper Wait
- Henry Hay Wake
- Thomas Finsbury Septimus Wakley
- August Waldner
- Edwin Robert Walker
- James Walker (1840-1913)
- John Scarisbrick Walker
- Thomas Walker (6)
- William Walker (1843-1922)
- William Eden Walker
- David Wallace
- Joseph Wallace
- William Wallace (1848-1912)
- William Wallace (of Liverpool)
- James Henry Waller
- George Ambrose Wallis
- Herbert Wallis
- Arthur Thomas Walmisley
- George Nelson Walsh
- Thomas Lister Walsh
- Frederick Thomas Granville Walton
- John Thomas Walton
- Joseph Walton
- Rienzi Giesman Walton
- John Seaton Warburton
- Albert Bird Ward
- George Gray Ward
- Henry Ward (1849-1936)
- John Ward (1847-1912)
- Frank Newby Wardell
- Walter Evers Warden
- Francis John Waring
- Charles Edward Delancy Waring
- Worcester Reed Warner
- William Warren (1843-1908)
- John Warrick
- Herbert Jameson Waterlow
- Robert Waterston (c1849-1935)
- Alfred Mellor Watkin
- Alfred Watkins
- James Watkins
- Lewis Powell Watkins
- George Coghlan Watson
- George Scarr Watson
- William Watson (1843-1909)
- William Watson (d.1900)
- Charles Moore Watson
- James Watson (1844-1919)
- John Watson (1844-1911)
- Joseph Watson (1840-1873)
- Frederick Albert Watts
- Philip Watts
- Meddlemost Wawm
- William Wearing
- Robert Weatherburn
- Patrick Lambert Weatherhead
- Henry Webb
- John Heywood Bird Webber
- Heinrich Friedrich Weber
- John Webster
- John James Webster
- Richard Everard Webster
- William Webster (1849-1922)
- Clement Wedgwood
- Joseph D. Weeks
- Arthur Herring Weir
- James Weir
- Joseph Welch
- Arthur Mellen Wellington
- Samuel Wellman
- Professor Wellner
- William George Wells
- Lionel Bury Wells
- Charles Keen Welton
- Henri De Wendel
- Robert De Wendel
- Henry Charles Edward Wenden
- Albert Francis Wenger
- William Wesson
- H. J. West (1842-1910)
- Charles Dickinson West
- John Westacott
- George Westinghouse
- Henry Westlake
- David Monro Westland
- Robinson Westray
- John Westray
- Joseph Westwood
- George Whale
- William James Lloyd Wharton
- Uriah Whatley
- Ernest Wheatcroft
- Alfred Wheatley
- Samuel While
- Arthur Henry Whipham
- George Mathews Whipple
- William Butler Whitaker
- Arthur George Whitby
- George White (1849-1916)
- Richard Saxton White
- Alfred William White
- Frederick Anthony White
- John Bazely White (1848-1927)
- Robert White
- William Henry White (1844-1925)
- William Henry White
- Thomas Whitehead
- Thomas Whitelegg
- James Whitfield
- Henry Michell Whitley
- John Whittaker (1840-1909)
- George Coates Whitwell
- Peter Whyte
- Frederick Wicks
- Henry Wicks
- Charles Wicksteed
- Joseph Hartley Wicksteed
- William Fawcett Wightman
- Reginald Wigram
- Eustace Ernest Wigzell
- Henry Wilcocks
- Charles Henry Wild
- Arthur Marsden Wild
- John Wildridge
- Wilhelm Westhofen
- James John McKinlay Wilkie
- Thomas Wilkins
- Charles Henry Wilkinson
- Thomas Wilkinson (1844-1909)
- Edward Robert Wilkinson
- George William Wilkinson
- John Willis Wilkinson
- Joseph Loftus Wilkinson
- Lightowler Wilkinson
- Fredric Willans
- George Waller Willcocks
- Francis William Willcox
- William Augustus Tilden
- William Earnshaw
- William Wright (1844-1880)
- James Williams (1847-1898)
- Nicholas Williams
- Charles Stroud Williams
- Edward Bentinck Williams
- George Phipps Williams
- John Evelyn Williams
- Lewis Williams
- Robert Williams (1848-1918)
- Thomas Williams (1843-1915)
- William Lawrence Williams
- George Henry Williamson
- James Williamson (1842-1930)
- William Blizard Williamson (1845-1895)
- Frederick Willis
- Joseph William Willmot
- Charles Joseph Wills
- Stephen Prust Wills
- John Chaplin Willsher
- Edward Wilson (1846-1917)
- John Paul Wilson
- Alexander Wilson (1847-1919)
- Alexander Wilson (5)
- Alexander Basil Wilson
- John Wilson (1846-1922)
- Joseph Wilson
- John Jordan Wilson
- James Wilson (1842-1900)
- John Veitch Wilson
- Robert Edward Wilson
- Thomas Wilson (1844-1890)
- Thomas Wilson (1843-1890)
- Thomas Bright Wilson
- Thomas Sipling Wilson
- John Steddy Winbolt
- Frederick Charles Winby
- Patterson Wingate
- Wilson Wingate
- George Kift Winter
- Henry Hugh Wippell
- William Lloyd Wise
- William Wiseman
- George Pawsey Witt
- Charles Wood (b.1846)
- Henry Trueman Wood
- John Wood (1840-1912)
- John Thomas Wood (1849-1932)
- Thomas Wood (1849-1886)
- Thomas Wood (of North Hetton)
- Corbet Woodall
- William Hugh Woodcock
- John Proctor Woodhead
- Richard Morris Woodhead
- Richard Woodhouse
- Arthur Woodhouse
- Thomas Hale Woodroffe
- Arthur Woods
- Edward Henry Woods
- Stanley George Buchanan Wollaston
- Henry Woolcock
- Edward Augustus Woollard
- John Tuppen Woollright
- Albert Wootton
- John Wootton
- William Service Workman
- Charles Smith Worssam
- Henry John Worssam
- Walter Newton Worssam
- William Samuel Worssam
- Albert Octavius Worthington
- Robert Worthington
- Francis John Wraight
- John Mervyn Wrench
- Benjamin Wright (Leeds)
- Charles Romley Alder Wright
- John James Wright
- Benjamin Frederick Wright
- Charles Wright (1846-1929)
- Henry Trueman Wright
- John Arthur Wright
- John Roper Wright
- Robert Edwin Wright
- George Digby Wybrow
- Alexander Wylie
- William Henry Wynn
- George Edward Wythes
- Thomas Henry Yabbicom
- Jabez Yardley (1840-1914)
- Alfred Fernandez Yarrow
- Henry Yates (2)
- Frederick Yates (1845- )
- Sydney Robert Yates
- Fernando L. De Ybarra
- George Jope Yeo
- Sydney William Yockney
- James E. York
- Horatio Arthur Yorke
- Richard Henry Young
- Robert Young (1846-1899)
- Daniel George Frederick Young
- Henry William Young (1840-1903)
- James Young (1840- )
- James Young (1846-1919)
- James Young (1845-1906)
- Robert George Young
- William Young (1840-1907)
- William Andrew Young
- Charles Edward Sabine Younghusband