Category:Births 1910-1919
Pages in category "Births 1910-1919"
The following 818 pages are in this category, out of 818 total.
- George Abecassis
- Lord Aberconway
- Ronald James Adams
- John Duncan Adie
- John Harold Alden
- Max Arthur Aldridge
- Stephen Daniel Alesbury
- Denis James Allard
- Sydney Herbert Allard
- Ronald Charles Tucker Allen
- John Richard Lane Anderson
- James Kenneth Anderson
- Robert Appleby
- Ronald John Walter Appleton
- Christopher G. Arengo-Jones
- William John Argent
- Henry Shull Arms
- William Armstrong (1916-2011)
- Ronald N. Arnold
- R. J. Ashley
- Ronald John Ashley
- Geoffrey Ashton
- Geoffrey Ballentine Ashton
- David William Ashworth
- Frank Metcalf Aspin
- Kenneth Aspland
- John Green Asquith
- Thomas W. Atherton
- Leslie Frederick Atkinson
- Roy Atkinson
- James Atkinson (b. c1910)
- John William Atwell
- William Sinclair Ault
- Frederick Henry Babcock
- John Kenneth Bache
- Joseph William Bache
- Arthur Bailey
- Leslie James William Bailey
- Sydney Breedon Bailey
- Donald Bailey
- Alan Baker
- Douglas Millward Ball
- Thomas Ball
- Norman Balmforth
- Joseph Cyril Bamford
- Edgar Henson Peter Bancroft
- Maurice F. Barbey
- John Edward Quintus Barford
- Peter John Robert Bryan Barlow
- Wilfred Barnard
- Richard Kenyon Barnes
- Ronald Trevor Barnfield
- Angus Barr
- Eric Gordon Barwell
- Frederick Thomas Barwell
- John H. Bassett
- Rex Bate
- William Bradshaw Batty
- Harry Arthur Bauchop
- Louis Arthur Beare
- Frederic Harry Beasant
- Kenneth Beaton
- James Beattie (Consulting Engineer)
- Richard John Beattie-Seaman
- John Frederick Bechtel
- Gordon Don Bedson
- Richard Beeching
- J. C. G. Bell
- John Francis Bell
- Donald Clifford Tyndall Bennett
- Elsa Bennett
- Nigel Jack Bennett
- John Stuart Bennett
- Howard William Beresford
- Dennis Percy Bertlin
- Oliver Henry Julius Bertram
- Fred Martin Spencer Best
- John Herbert Betts
- Robert Lewis Beverley
- Austin Ernest Bide
- Charles Billingsley
- John Rae Binley
- Prince Bira
- Christopher Richard Brodrick Birdwood
- John Charles Ramsay Birney
- Walter M. Bishop
- Dudley Otis Black
- Harry Crothall Blackford
- George Rothney Blakely
- Frank Thompson Blakey
- Maxey Hungerford Bland
- John Polwhele Blatchley
- John Henry Blight
- David J. W. Boag
- Walter Hugh Boardman
- William Charles Boddy
- Cyril Leslie Bodvan-Griffith
- Peter R. Bolton
- Geoffrey William Bone
- Andrew Donald Booth
- Stanley John Boshier
- Frederick Henry Bothamley
- Charles John Boughton
- Frederick Bourne
- John Edward Mortimer Bowen
- Edward Bowker
- Godfrey Frank Boys
- Charles Alfred Brackpool
- Cyril Henry Bradbury
- John Hyde Bradley
- Eric Anthony Charles Branczik
- Samuel Ernest Bray
- William John Bray
- David Lucas Breeden
- Maurice Joseph Brennan
- William Lee Bride
- John Brierley
- William George Player Brigstocke
- Percy Michael Bristow
- Cyril Edgar Brook
- Walter Michael Andrew Brown
- Harold Lenton Brozyna
- Leslie Arnold Bryar
- Chadwick Derek Frank Buckler
- Geoffrey Bull
- Marcus Gordon Bull
- Henry Anthony Vaughan Bulleid
- Robert Bullivant
- Raymond Ernest John Burgess
- Robert James Burn
- William John Burnell
- Anne Burns
- Arthur James Burton
- Douglas Gordon Burton
- Jack Bushnell
- Henrietta Langdale Bussell
- Reginald Tredre Byford
- Alfred Reginald Callender
- Alexander George Campbell
- Claude Campling
- John Norman Campling
- Duncan Carmichael
- George Frederick Carr
- Keith Challen
- Robert Chalmers
- Marcus Mordaunt Bertrand Chambers
- Ernest John Bruton Chare
- Charles Arthur Copeland Chetham
- Richard Bertram Symes Chettoe
- Douglas Richard Chick
- Michael Alexander Hunter Christie
- Philip Guy Christmas
- Richard Constantine Christoforides
- Leslie Ivan Clark
- Brian George Joseph Clarke
- Robert James Clayton
- Nicholas John Clerke
- Charles Lucas Coade
- Robert Cocker
- Christopher Sydney Cockerell
- Fletcher Sydney George Codling
- Ronald Stephenson Cogdon
- Albert Joseph Cohen
- George Ward Beresford Coles
- John Martin George Collins
- Ian Ferguson Connell
- Kathleen Mary Cook
- Peter William Cook
- Walter Norman Crisp
- William Ewart Crook
- John Hamilton Cross
- Leonard Crossland
- Michael Stephen Crosthwaite
- Eric Crow
- Colin William Cudlipp
- Thomas Cummings
- Eleanor Lettice Curtis
- George William Curtis
- David Christian Curwen
- Herbert Reginald Daddow
- Thomas Alexander Dalling
- Ian Forbes Davies
- Peter Neville Davies
- Philip Morey Davies
- Trevor Seaton Davies
- John Emerson Harding Davies
- William Herbert Davis
- Elsie Joy Davison
- Antony Lawrence Hawkins Dawson
- Oliver Dawson
- Douglas John Hayward Day
- Harry Samuel Day
- John de Havilland
- Cyril Terence Delaney
- Eric Denys Delaney
- Francis Sydney Derham
- Diana Barnato Walker
- Alick Sydney Dick
- George Frederick Robert Dickinson
- John Lawrence Dickinson
- Jack Difazio
- Francis Russel Dinnis
- Austin Dobson
- Gerald A. Dodridge
- Peter Michael Hall James
- Arthur Eric Courtney Drake
- Winifred Joyce Drinkwater
- William Lonsdale Drummond
- Richard Dufton
- John Frederick Dugdale
- Alan Simpson Duncan
- William Duncan (c1918-1993)
- Ian Duncan
- Vernon Dunhill
- Ludovic James Dunnett
- Alexander Charles Durie
- Eric Eastwood
- Michael Logan Edgar
- Richard Shafto MacDonald Edleston
- A. Geoffrey Edwards
- Courtenay Edwards
- Louis Charles Edwards (1914-1980)
- Edward Francis Edwin
- Josef Ehrlich
- Frank Ellis
- Eileen Ellison
- John Bingham Emmott
- Charles Peter Graham Engelbach
- Frank Raymond Wilton England
- Doreen Evans
- Kenneth Douglas Evans
- Kenneth Douglas Evans (b.1912)
- Joseph John Facchino
- Richard Fairey
- Roger Falk
- John Lawrence Fallon
- Ronald Thomas Farnsworth
- Herbert Leslie Farr
- Geoffrey Bertram Robert Feilden
- Edward Fennessy
- Mary Isolen Fergusson
- Eric Field (b.1914)
- John James Field
- John Harold Hugh Fielder
- George Kendrick Findlay
- Harold Montague Finniston
- Robert Noel Fitton
- Richard W. Fitzwilliam
- Denis Gerald Flather
- Andrew James Flatley
- George Fleming
- Arthur Holmes Fletcher
- John Antony Fletcher
- Alec Francis Rivers Fletcher
- Norman Reginald Foley
- Colin Leslie Forbes
- Cecil Vernon Ford
- Henry Ford II
- Hugh Ford
- James Robert Forshaw
- Cecil Buchanan Forster
- Eustace Forth
- Leslie Eric Fortune
- Alfred Stephen Fosh
- Thomas Ivo Fowle
- Edwin Roland Fox
- John Levis Fraser
- Ralph Freeman (1911-1998)
- Ernest Evelyn Freeth
- Edward Frend
- Norman Henry Froggatt
- Frederick Charles Gatcombe Fry
- Stanley Nash Bruce Gairn
- W. K. V. Gale
- Douglas S. Gardner
- Peter Garnier
- Thomas Kenneth Garrett
- Imre Gaspar
- Bernard Anthony Gay
- William George Nicholson Geddes
- Anthony Reay Mackay Geddes
- Frederick Roberts Gerard
- Michael Edward Gibb
- Antony Kinton Gibbs
- Eric Malcolm Gibbs
- William Ernest Gibbs
- John George Giles
- Ian Maclaren Gillett
- Howard Ginaven
- Dennis William Ginns
- Cyril Arthur Gladman
- John James Glasgow
- Montague Henry Good
- Percival Charles Goodman
- John Aidan Hastings Gott
- Pauline Mary de Peauly Gower
- Gregor James Grant
- John Archibald Gray
- Jack Green
- Patrick Ernest John Greenhous
- Cyril Gregory
- J. P. Gregory
- Charles Reginald Gray
- Robert William Grice
- Morley Aytoun Griffith-Jones
- John Alan Griffiths
- James Brabazon Grimston
- Richard Steele Grover
- Alexander Eddie Guid
- Basil Stuart Gylee
- Arthur George Hacker
- Desmond Thomas Ballantyne Hall
- Kenneth Frederick Hall
- Augustus Douglas Hall
- Allan Anderson Halley
- John Philip Halpin
- William Hammerton
- Eric Walter Hardiman
- Isabel Hardwich
- Hugh Rawson Hardy
- Clifford Ernest Harrington
- Gordon Henry Harrington
- Albert William Harrington
- Frederic Walter Harris
- David Robert Harrison
- Walter Norman Hart
- William Hethorn Hartley
- Charles Augustus Haspel
- Geoffrey Raoul de Havilland
- Arthur Ernest Hawkins
- Richard Walter Benson Hawksley
- Lionel Haworth
- William Douglas Haworth
- William Rede Hawthorne
- Barrie Heath
- David Leroy Hegland
- Cyril Henderson
- Andrew Brodie Henderson
- Desmond Harrington Henri
- Geoffrey Spencer Hensby
- George Collin Hepworth
- Jack Lyndhurst Hepworth
- Horace William Heyman
- Harry Bardsley Heywood
- Tom Hibbert
- Ernest Hicks
- Peter Beardsley Higgins
- Dearick Arthur Higgs
- Frank Edward Higham
- Alan Charles Hill
- Donald James Hill
- Henry John Carwardine Hill
- Harold Hugh Hirst
- Ivan Hirst
- Archie John Hirst
- Ronald John Hoare
- Dudley Edwin Hobbs
- Alfred John Cecil Hodges
- Roger Patrick Hodgkinson
- Noel Hogman
- Anthony Frederick Eustace Hole
- Alec Hugo Holladay
- Henry Edgar Eland Holladay
- Kenneth George Holman
- Sidney Douglas Holmes
- Richard Robert Hopkins
- John Rossall Houldsworth
- George Russell Howell
- Jack Foster Wyndham Howes
- Cyril Cuttle Howis
- John Huggins
- William Arthur Hughes
- William Hughes-Jones
- Keith Ramsey Hunt
- Edward Marcus Hunter
- Hugh Curling Hunter
- Thomas Hunter (1911- )
- Collis P. Huntington
- Anthony Harold Bingham Hurst
- James Louis Hurst
- Leslie James Kastner
- Emmanuel Kaye
- David Keith-Lucas
- George William Kelland
- Kenneth Linden Kelly
- Michael Ward Kendall
- Geoffrey Farrer Kennedy
- Frank Kenning
- George Kenning
- Gawen Philip Kenway
- Cyril William Kieft
- Adrian Victor Kilburn
- William Bruce McCausland Killen
- Albert Leslie King
- John Leonard King
- John Norman King
- Rex King-Clark
- Christopher Dixon Kingham
- Reginald Herbert Honley Kirkham
- Louis Klemantaski
- Frederick William Knight
- Trevor Victor Knox
- James Anthony Kyd
- Douglas Gerald Lamb
- Alan Salisbury Lamburn
- William Gilbert Lane
- Lewis Raymond Langmead
- Godfrey Laurence
- John Ernest Mathias Lawrence
- Edwin John Lefevre
- Jack Lemon-Burton
- John Lennox (1913-1945)
- Norman Alexander Leslie
- Donald Arthur William Lewis
- Richard G. Lewis
- Alastair Douglas Liddell
- Bernard Henry Liggins
- Frank Mould Lincoln
- Norman Lindsay
- Fred Norman Lines
- Nevil Lloyd
- Frederick John Lock
- John Lodge
- Adrian Albert Lombard
- Cyril Lord
- Phil Prince Love
- Bernard Lovell
- James Lovelock
- John Lowe (b.1911)
- Robert Lowe
- Joseph Lowrey
- Gerhard Lubszynski
- Ronald Jasper Lucas
- Philip Edward Luke
- Stanley Thomas Harry Lush
- John Leslie Lutyens
- Peter Walter Lynn
- Bevil Guy Mabey
- Walter Lawrie Macharg
- Basil Mackenzie
- Barry Lewis Mackie
- Donald Maxwell Mackintosh
- Ian MacLeod-Smith
- Edwin Thomas Malindine
- Peter Gillespie Mallam
- G. A. Malone
- Jock Manby-Colegrave
- Philip Graham Warner Manning
- Douglas H. Marshall
- Geoffrey Wilson Marshall
- Charles Edward Capel Martin
- Jennings Martin
- William Masterton
- Leonard Matchan
- Bert Matthews
- Basil Guy Pritchard De Mattos
- Ernest McCabe
- Kevin Charles McCarthy
- Norman George McCullagh
- Duncan Ronald McDonald
- George McDougall
- John David McGregor
- John McHugh
- Joseph McKell
- William McMaster
- Douglas Fenn Wyndham McNair
- Percy William McNally
- John L. Mease
- Alfred Kenneth Meggitt
- Charles George Meisl
- Wilfred Merchant
- George Herbert Miles
- James Glen Millar
- William Douglas Millar
- Thomas Millard (b.1912)
- Terence Charles Barry Miller
- Alfred Charles Lyndon Mills
- J. E. Mills
- Irving J. Minett
- Alexander Mitchell (1910- )
- John Blackball Mitchell
- Nancy Mitchell
- Reginald Ernest Mitchell
- Peter Mitchell-Thomson
- Geoffrey Ernest Moore
- John Richard Moore
- Leslie Reginald Moore
- Arthur Robert Moore
- Kenneth Robert Smith Moorley
- Brian Morgan
- Henry Murdoch Morgan
- Eric Morgan
- John Angus Allan Morrison
- Charles Mortimer
- Mark Mothio
- Peter Yolland Moyse
- William Alastair Cameron Muirhead
- Geoffrey Gloagh Murdoch
- C. C. Murray
- Frederick Reginald Murray
- R. G. J. Nash
- Thomas Robert Nelson
- Henry George Nelson
- George Edgar Neville
- Reginald Neville
- Cyril William Newberry
- Edward Frank Newley
- Frederick Edward Fry Newman
- Ernest Nathaniel Hilton Niblett
- Robert William Nicholas Danielson
- Leonard Wilfred Nickols
- George Nissel
- Maurice G. Nix
- Madeleine Nobbs
- George Harvey Noble
- Gordon Noble
- Brian Darbyshire Norris
- Graham Alexander Norris
- Eric Norris
- Eric George North
- Kyoichi Nosawa
- Alexander Warren Page
- Ron Paine
- Dennis Guy Palmer
- Gerald Marley Palmer
- John Tennant Panks
- Cornelius Donald Parish
- Francis George Parker
- Frederick Herbert Parker
- Reginald Charles Parker
- Reginald Harold Haslam Parnell
- Lewis Arthur Parnell
- James Melvill Rowan Parry
- John Charles George Victor Parsons-Chandler
- George E. Partington
- Martin Roy Pascall
- Edward Victor Paterson
- Joseph Patrick
- John Arthur Paul
- George Edward Roy Pearl
- E. B. Pearson
- Albert Cecil Pepper
- Ronald Albert Perham
- Geoffrey Temple Perkins
- John Bertram Perrett
- Percival George Perry
- Peter Gordon Masefield
- Hugh Charles Robert Peters
- Ivo Oscar Frederick Peters
- Christopher John Peyton
- Bernard Frederick Pindar
- Thomas Pinder
- E. L. Pipe
- Sidney Pizzey
- Robert Clarkson Plumb
- Jack Horace Pogmore
- Robert Johnstone Porter
- Jasper Mally Porter
- Cyril Posthumus
- Eric Price
- Montague Illtyd Prichard
- Ronald Priestley
- Derek Wilbraham Pritchard
- John Richard Privett
- Anthony Procter
- Ralph Cecil Pulley
- Gordon Hindle Rawcliffe
- Peter Herbert Rayner
- John Emms Read
- Samuel Thomas Rees
- Hugh Quentin Alleyne Reeves
- Hans Reik
- Kenneth Claude Revis
- Anthony Arthur Reynolds
- Sydney Ridgway
- Mortimer Hulme Rigby
- Wilfrid John Rippon
- George Roland Ritherdon
- Peter Geoffrey Roberts
- Frank Roberts
- Alan Murray Robrtson
- James Eustace Robinson
- Ward Eric Arthur Robinson
- Stephen Smith Robson
- Kenneth Harry Roscoe
- Geoffrey Verdon Roe
- Anthony Peter Roylance Rolt
- Thomas Caswall Rolt
- Arthur Desmond Rootes
- William Geoffrey Rootes
- Brian Gordon Rootes
- Geoffrey William Rose
- Harold Frederick Rose
- Alexander Yorke Ross
- Ernest John Routly
- Kenneth Charles Harold Rowe
- Maurice George Rowe
- Thomas Horsfall Rowland
- Edwin Denis Rowlands
- Ronald Pryce Rowlands
- Donald Carlton Royle
- Edward Hastings Rundle
- Robert Ernest Rushbrook
- Ronald Eric Russell
- Henry Colin Ryan
- Victor Gordon Ryan
- Anthony A. Salmon
- Harold William Sansum
- Raymond Ibbott Sargeant
- Michael Graham Satow
- Charles Edward Harry Saunders
- Eric George Scammell
- Desmond James Scannell
- Kenneth John Scarle
- Lewis Ernest Hall Scholefield
- Sydney Schreiber
- Bernard Francis William Scott
- Thomas Henry Scott
- Bernard Scott
- Ivor Searle (d.1956)
- Stanley Sedgwick
- Arthur William Selby
- Harold Thomas Seviour
- Leslie Harold Sewell
- Ivan Robert Sewell
- Harold Peter Sharkie
- Selwyn Sharp
- Robert Gordon Sharp
- Alan Shaw
- Frank Shaw
- Brian Newton Shawe-Taylor
- John Vincent Sheffield
- Brian Shepherd
- Arthur Edmond Sherlock-Mesher
- Leonard Shibko
- Joseph William Shirley
- F. H. Shrimpton
- John Silver
- George Douglas Simpson
- W. E. F. Simpson
- Keith Herbert Joseph Sinnott
- S. Gordon Sloan
- Raymond Jack Smart
- Alfred Bernard Smith
- James Millar Smith
- C. B. Smith
- Edward William Smith
- Leslie Smith
- Maurice Armstrong Smith
- Newlands Guy Bassett Smith
- Ralph Norman Smith
- Rodney Smith
- Ralph James Dalziel Smith
- Lesley Scott Souter
- Tristram Foster Spence
- Frederick Elliot Vickery Spencer
- John Spiers
- John George Thomas Spry
- Adrian Morgan Squire
- Robert Verdun Stamp
- John Vivian Stanbury
- Henry Morton Stanley
- Harry Griffin Stanyon
- Richard Gaylard Shattock
- Edward Lorraine Stead
- Clifford Stuart Steadman
- Donald Gresham Stokes
- Raymond Harold Stone
- Whitney Willard Straight
- Whitney Straight (1912-1979)
- Maurice Eyre Persse Studdart
- Gerald Sumner
- Arthur Leonard Sunderland
- Geoffrey Scott Sutcliffe
- John Ward Sutton
- Percy Fritz Swain
- Andrew Clifford Swindle
- James Sharp Tait
- Ronald Tame
- Frank Henry Tarlton
- Cyril Frederick Taylor
- John Harris Taylor
- William Roland Tebbs
- Basil Joseph Terrell
- Hugh Philip Terry
- Norman Victor Terry
- Arthur Thomas
- Jane Cicely Thompson
- Raymond Frederick Thompson
- Thomas Bacon French Thompson
- David Thomson (1910- )
- Meredith Wooldridge Thring
- John Wharton Tidswell
- Mervyn Kingsmorth Tippen
- Ronald Frank Tippen
- Stanley Arnold Tippetts
- Leslie John Tolley
- Reginald Ellis Tongue
- Alfred Towle
- John C. Townsend
- Robert Trappe
- Kenneth Hannibal Tredinnick
- Charlie Gerald Tresidder
- Alan Mathison Turing
- Eric Turner
- George Alfred Turner
- John Henry Turner
- Philip Arthur Turner
- Martin John Tustin
- James I. Waddington
- Hector Aitkin Wainwright
- John Peter Wakefield
- Sidney Arthur Wale
- Edward Craven Walker
- Rob Walker
- Robert Ramsay Campbell Walker
- Thomas Eades Walker
- Geoffrey Eric Walker
- Peter Walker (1916-2003)
- Sydney George Brian Wallace
- Frank Victor Waller
- Thomas Percy Walmsley
- George Walsh (b.1911)
- George Francis Walton
- Howard Vivian Wansborough
- Philip Trehearne Ward
- Frank Raven Ward
- Jan Kanty Wardzala
- Gerry Waring
- William John Reeks Warren
- William Kenneth Wasdell
- Rollo Waterhouse
- David Bowe Waters
- John Morgan Watkins
- Philip Steer Watkins
- Ronald Watson
- William Nash Watson
- Alfred James Thomas Watson
- James Watt (1915- )
- Laurence Derek Watts
- John Howard Weaver
- John Harold Weaving
- Alfred Webb
- Paul John St. Clair Webber
- Henry George Webster
- Donald B. Welbourn
- Rochester Charles Went
- Alan Westley
- Arthur Frederick Wheeler
- Gerald Richard White
- John Edward White
- Philip Rampton White
- George White (1913-1983)
- Michael Whitfield
- William Marriner Whitley
- Cecil Stanley Hugh Whitworth
- John Frederick Wickins
- Ivan Wicksteed
- Douglas Milton Wiggins
- Gilbert Wild
- John Charles Wilkins
- John Arthur Charles Williams
- Miss Peggy Williams
- Frederic Calland Williams
- Albert Henry Willis
- Kenneth Lethbridge Wilson
- Lawrence R. Wilson
- Peter Sumner Wilson
- Thomas Gordon Wilson
- John Theodore Winn
- J. P. Wolstenholme
- E. K. Wood
- Edward Francis Wooldridge
- Kenneth Edgar Woollatt
- Peter Worledge
- Walter Wrench
- Alan Wharton Wright
- Joseph Henry Wright
- James Edwin Wyness