Category:Deaths 1870-1879
Pages in category "Deaths 1870-1879"
The following 1,277 pages are in this category, out of 1,277 total.
- Thomas Dyke Acland
- William Edward Acraman
- William James Adams
- Edward Adams
- John Henry Adams
- Robert Adams (1828-1873)
- William Bridges Adams
- John Addy (1798-1876)
- Alexander James Adie (1808-1879)
- John Aird (1800-1876)
- John Yonge Akerman
- Michael Alcock
- William Allingham
- Bryce Allan
- James Allan (1811-1874)
- William Loader Allchin
- Samuel Stafford Allen
- Alexander Alliott
- James Anderson (of Glasgow)
- Robert Nicoll Angus
- James Appleby
- George Clerk Arbuthnot
- Alfred Arculus
- George Armitage (c1806-1871)
- Joseph Armstrong
- Thomas William De Butts Armstrong
- Neil Arnott
- Isaac Arrowsmith
- Thomas Woodhouse Ashby
- Peter Ashcroft
- James Aspdin
- James Wood Aston
- Charles Atherton
- George Attock
- Charles Attwood
- Thomas Auster
- William Henry Avery
- Frederick Ayrton
- Robert Aytoun
- Benjamin Herschel Babbage
- Charles Babbage
- M. Babinet
- John Hastings Babington
- Richard Bach
- James Bagnall
- Richard Siddoway Bagnall
- Richard Siddoway Bagnall, Junior
- John James Bagshawe
- Alexander Bain
- James Baird (1802-1876)
- John Baird (1798-1870)
- Robert Southgate Baker
- William Baker (1830-1878)
- William Baker
- Martin Baldwin
- James Melville Balfour
- William Ball (1804-1877)
- Henry Kenway Balston
- Price Prichard Baly
- Edward Banfield
- Thomas Peck Banks
- William Barber
- William Barbour (1797-1873)
- George Barker
- Thomas Greaves Barlow
- William Barnard (1806-1878)
- Robert Barnes (1800-1871)
- George Barnsley (1810-1874)
- Robert Barr
- George Allam Barrett
- John Barrow (1790-1871)
- Edwin Barton
- M. Le Bas
- Benjamin Butter Bastin
- James Charles Batchelor
- James Battersby
- Benjamin Baud
- Wilhelm Bauer
- Joseph Baxendale
- David Baxter (1793-1872)
- David Baxter
- Robert Dudley Baxter
- Henry Baylis
- Samuel Beale
- Richard Beamish
- Joseph Beardmore, Senior
- Nathaniel Beardmore
- William Beardmore (1824-1877)
- John Beatson
- Joseph Hamilton Beattie
- Antoine Cesar Becquerel
- Benjamin Bedford
- George Audas-Beaumont Beecroft
- Francis Bell
- George Bell
- John Fox Bell
- Edward Bell
- Thomas Bell (1802-1875)
- Thomas Bell (1810-1874)
- George Bellamy
- Robert Dewer Bennett
- James Bennie (1803-1877)
- John Benson
- Henry Berger
- Charles Louis Aime de Bergue
- Robert Berryman
- Robert Besley
- Edward Ladd Betts
- William Henry Betts
- James Bevans
- Charles Beyer
- John Solomon Bickford
- Edwin Bidder
- George Parker Bidder (1806-1878)
- George Bidder
- Samuel Parker Bidder, Junior
- Gordon Bigsby
- Alfred Bird (1811-1878)
- Frederick Bird
- John Frederick Birkinshaw
- Richard Birley
- George Black
- Isaac Blackburn
- John George Blackburne
- John William Blackburne
- Henry Blacklock
- William Thomas Blacklock
- Charles Bladen
- James Fairrie Blair
- Francois Frederick Louis Blaise
- James Dore Blake
- Edward Blore
- William Canute Bodley (1832-1876)
- James Bogardus
- Henry Bolckow
- Ignatius Bonomi
- Joseph Bonomi
- Albert Borsig
- William Bouch
- Dr. Boucherie
- William Staples Boulton
- John Frederick Bourne
- George Mason Bowen
- John Bowen (1825-1873)
- Abraham Bowyer
- Edward William Frederick Boxer
- John Boyd
- Pierre Boyer
- Joseph Bradbury (1825-1877)
- Augustus Beattie Bradbury
- Patrick Brady
- John Braidwood
- John Braithwaite
- William Cooke Brakenridge
- Frederick Brampton
- Thomas Shaw Brandreth
- Thomas Brassey
- James Bray
- Joseph Briddon
- Henry Orlando Bridgeman
- Henry Bridges
- Thomas Bright
- Jean-Marie Le Bris
- Robert Broad
- Rogers Broadhead
- William Alexander Brooks
- Orlando Brothers (1815-1870)
- Lionel Brough
- Richard Secker Brough
- John Allan Broun
- George Brown (d.1874)
- William Brown (1835-1877)
- James Brown (1790-1872)
- Arrott Browning
- Thomas Gaul Browning
- William Bryant
- William Edward Bryson
- Thomas Buchan
- William Thomas Buckett
- Thomas Buckham
- Thomas Buckney, Senior
- William Buffham
- Claude Burdin
- George Burge
- John Fox Burgoyne
- Benjamin Burleigh
- Frederick Burr
- Thomas Talbot Bury
- William Tarleton Bury
- Robert Parish Busk
- William Butcher (1791-1870)
- Joseph Butler
- Thomas Snowden Butler
- John Michael Butt
- Thomas Cabry
- William James Cadett
- Nathaniel Caine
- William Romaine Callender
- Frederick Crace Calvert
- Charles Cammell
- Crawford James Campbell
- John Nicholl Robert Campbell
- Alexander Campbell
- John Candlish
- Fleetwood James Cannell
- William Cardwell
- Thomas Carr
- William Elliot Carrett
- William Thomas Carrington
- Henry William Caslon
- Charles Castleman
- Thomas Catchpool
- Henry Cater (1798-1878)
- Samuel Cavander
- François Cavé
- Charles Edward Cawley
- William Chadwick
- Joseph Chamberlain, Senior
- Robert Chambers (1802-1871)
- Thomas Chambers (1796-1875)
- John Chapman (1)
- Thomas Charlton
- Louis Le Chatelier
- William Snell Chauncy
- Francis Cheesman
- Francis Rawdon Chesney
- Samuel Chevin
- Samuel Childs
- Robert Munro Christie
- John Christy
- Thomas Christy, Junior
- John Chubb
- Jabez Church
- David Churchland
- William Churchman
- Henry William Churchward
- Daniel A. Clark
- James Clark
- Thomas Clark (1812-1873)
- Henry Clarke (1804-1879)
- Seymour Clarke
- William Welham Clarke
- Richard Smith Clayton
- John Cleminson
- Francis North Clerk
- Charles Cleworth
- Joseph Cliff (d.1879)
- John Edward Clift
- George Louis Clowser
- Thomas Clunes
- Thomas Fildes Cocker
- Zerah Colburn
- Cowper Phipps Coles
- James Collins (1817-1875)
- William Whitaker Collins
- Bazett David Colvin
- James Combe (of Belfast)
- M. Combes
- William Comstive (1821-1870)
- Benjamin Conner
- John Connolly
- Frederick Willem Conrad
- George Caesar Cooke
- William Fothergill Cooke
- Samuel Thomas Cooper
- James Cope
- William Corbitt
- Bryan Corcoran (1809-1878)
- William W. Cornell
- Robert Stribling Cornish
- Henry Thomas Lowry Corry
- Frederick Warren Cotterill
- Charles Couche
- Joseph Cowen (1800-1873)
- Robert Cowen (1794-1870)
- David Cowie
- William Cowin
- Samuel Henry Fortnum Cox
- Benjamin Payne Coxon
- Robert Craggs
- William Cramp (1807-1879)
- Alfred Wingate Craven
- George Baden Crawley
- James Thomas Crawshaw
- Henry Crawshay
- Robert Thompson Crawshay
- Andrea Crestadoro
- Henry Crichley
- William Crosley (1819-1874)
- Joseph Wheeler Cross
- Francis Crossley
- John Sydney Crossley
- Edward Crowe
- Charles Cubitt
- Joseph Cubitt
- William Culmer
- Richard Stedman Cunliff
- Henry Duncan Preston Cunningham
- Robert Curle
- Charles Currey
- Ardaseer Cursetjee
- Charles Berwick Curtis
- John George Cockburn Curtis
- William Joseph Curtis
- William Cuthbert
- Samuel Cutler, Senior
- Thomas Barnabas Daft
- John A. Dahlgren
- Thomas Dale
- Abraham Darby (1804-1878)
- James Seymour Darlington
- Samuel Thomas Davenport
- Edward Gershom Davenport
- James Davidson (1798-1877)
- John Rankin Davidson
- William Davie
- Charles Davies (1818-1879)
- Linch Davies
- Thomas Davis
- Mr. Dawent (d.1873)
- Thomas Geast Dawes
- William Henry Dawes
- John Samuel Dawes
- William Dawson (1790-1877)
- Francis Dawson
- James Dennis De Vitre
- Henry Deacon
- John Dees
- James Dees
- Philip Chilwell Delagarde
- M. Delaunay
- William Denison
- Charles Colton Dennett
- Alexander Denoon
- David Derrin
- Ebenezer Dewer
- Charles Dickens
- M. De Dion
- Henry Dircks
- Henry Disston
- Richard Disturnal
- Thomas Joseph Ditchburn
- Charles William Dixon
- Edward Dixon (1809-1877)
- Benjamin Dobson
- George Clarisse Dobson
- Samuel Dobson
- Jacob Dockray
- Robert Benson Dockray
- Ralph Dodds (1792-1874)
- Dodshon Foster
- Arthur John Dodson
- George Edmund Donisthorpe
- Thomas Doubleday (1790-1870)
- John Douglas (1833-1874)
- Alexander Doull
- John Doulton
- John Downie
- Nicholas Downing
- William Thomas Doyne
- William Drayton
- James Dredge (1848-1876)
- Henry Dubs
- Richard Duckering (1825-1870)
- William Dudgeon
- William Henry Duff
- Guillaume Henri Dufour
- Frederick Dunhill
- John Macmillan Dunlop
- Samuel John Dunlop
- James Benjamin Dunn
- Thomas Dunn
- Thomas Edward Dunn
- William Dunville
- Charles Dupin
- Francis Stacker Dutton
- General Dyer
- Joseph Chessborough Dyer
- Henry Dykes
- James Eadie, senior
- Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot
- Charles Foster Earle
- William Joel Earle
- Edward Early
- John Early (1801-1877)
- Peter Boyd Eassie
- Frederick East
- John Easton (1804-1875)
- John Tucker Easton
- James Easton
- James Eastwood (1808-1874)
- Richard Eaton
- Cornelius Willes Eborall
- Thomas Edmeston
- Osborne Cadwallader Edwards
- Gustaf Ekman
- James Elliman (d.1870)
- Ralph Elliot
- Frederick Henry Elliott
- Henry Ellis
- Henry Ellis (1791-1871)
- John Swift Ellis
- Henry Samuel Ellis
- Robert Elsdon (1792-1871)
- John England, Junior
- John Samuel Enys
- Nils Ericsson
- John Evans (1818-1872)
- Josiah Evans
- William Ewart (1789–1873)
- Thomas Ewbank
- Charles Wilson Faber
- William Fairbairn
- William Fanner
- James Faraday
- Joseph Ashby Fardon
- Jeremiah Bourn Faviell
- Samuel Clough Faviell
- Louis Favre
- William Henry Fawcett
- Thomas Fearn (1812-1876)
- James Ferrabee
- John Kingsford Field (1823-1875)
- Arthur Field
- Samuel Fielding
- Edward Finch
- Alexander George Findlay
- William Firmstone
- Frederick Firth
- Charles Caulfeild Fishe
- Joseph Fisher
- Thomas John Hamilton Fitzmaurice
- Eugene Flachat
- David Flather (1805-1873)
- James Fletcher, Junior
- David Forbes
- Joseph Samuel Forbes
- William John Forrest
- Thomas Emerson Forster
- John Curphey Forsyth
- Peter Le Neve Foster
- John Foster (1798-1879)
- Sampson Foster
- Sampson Lloyd Foster
- William Foster
- Rowland Fothergill
- William Fowler
- Charles Fowler (1823-1879)
- Frederick John Fownes
- Benjamin Fox
- Charles Fox
- Henry Hawes Fox, Junior
- Alfred Francis
- Charles Larkin Francis
- Frederick Lennard
- John Russell Freeman
- Joseph Freeman
- Martin Lindsay Freeman
- Samuel Tate Freeman
- George Fritz
- George Frodsham
- Charles Frodsham
- Thomas Frost (1834-1871)
- William Froude
- Joseph Fry (1795-1879)
- William Galwey
- William Gammon
- Thome de Gamond
- Thomas William Gardner
- John Garrington
- Heinrich Geissler
- George Gent
- Benjamin Gibbons (1783-1873)
- Louis Benet
- Alfred Gilbey
- Edward Giles (1842-1878)
- George Giles
- W. H. Gillespie
- Joseph Gillott
- Richard Atwood Glass
- George James Hervey Glinn
- Samuel Gluckstein
- George Carr Glyn
- Thomas Hardinge Going
- James Graham Goodenough
- William Oliver Gooding
- J. A. Gordon
- John William Gordon
- Lewis Dunbar Brodie Gordon
- George Masters Gould
- William Gould
- William Gowland
- James Graham
- John Grant (1826-1879)
- John Grantham
- Edward Gray (1821-1871)
- George Gray (1794-1876)
- James Henry Greaves
- James B. Green
- Charles Green (1785-1870)
- Frederick Green (1814-1876)
- Henry Green (1808-1876)
- Robert Wood Everett Green
- Thomas Greenwood
- Robert Hyde Greg
- Joseph Besly Gribble
- Charles Archibald Grieve
- John Joseph Griffin
- Richard Griffith
- Thomas Grissell
- David Groucutt
- Thomas Grubb
- Ralph Darling Grundy
- Edward Guest
- Charles Frederick Gurden
- Goldsworthy Gurney
- Anthony John Gutzmer
- William Boughton Hack
- Thomas Hackworth
- John Valentine Hagart
- Henry Hakewill
- William Hale (1797-1870)
- Edward Hall (1798-1875)
- Peter Brames Hall
- Richard Hall (1806-1878)
- Thomas Young Hall
- William Hall (Admiral)
- William Hall (b.1802)
- Henry Hallam
- Edward Pellew Halsted
- Thomas Crump Hambling
- William Hamley
- William Hamshaw
- Thomas Alers Hankey
- Robert Hannay
- Hannibal Leigh Becker
- David Hanson
- John Hanvey
- Granville Venables Harcourt Vernon
- John Harding
- George Hardinge
- Philip Hardwick
- Hugh Rawson Hardy
- James McNair Harkness
- Robert Harlow
- Henry William Harman
- Robert Harrild (1808-1871)
- Abraham Adams Harris
- Peter Harris
- Henry Harrison (1832-1878)
- John Maleham Harrison
- Joseph Harrison (1810-1874)
- George Harrison
- John Bernard Hartley
- Richard Hartmann
- Marcus Harty
- Hamilton Edward Harwood
- William Haslam (1805-1878)
- Charles Aaron Haslett
- Timothy Hawkes
- Charles William Hawkins
- William Hawthorn
- George Hay
- Edward Hayes (1818-1877)
- Edward Lambert Hayward
- Benjamin Haywood
- Jonathan Nash Hearder
- Robert Heenan
- Gotthilf Frederick Heinke
- John William Heinke
- J. B. Helson
- James McLintock Henderson
- John Henderson (2)
- David Henry (1809-1879)
- John Mortimer Heppel
- John Frederick William Herschel
- Charles Hewitt
- John Hewitt
- Isaac Higginbottom
- Jesse Hildred
- John Hill (Providence, RI)
- Rowland Hill (1795-1879)
- Noah Hingley
- Richard Neville Hitchings
- Soren Hjorth
- Samuel Hocking
- Charles Hodge
- Paul Rapsey Hodge
- Chaplin Hodges (1791-1877)
- James Hodges
- Robert Hodgson
- Thomas Hoey
- Thomas Hudson Holbrook
- James Holcroft (1803-1878)
- G. Holmes
- James Archibald Hamilton Holmes
- Henry Riley Holt
- William Crawshaw Holt
- George Randle Hookey
- George Hooper
- William Wills Hooper
- John Head Hopkins
- James Innes Hopkins
- George William Horn
- Lewis Hornblower
- William Horsfall (1807-1871)
- Isaac Horton (1809-1872)
- Joshua Horton (1803-1872)
- John Hosking
- John Hosking (1839-1874)
- George Houghton
- Julian St. John Hovenden
- Thomas Howard
- Andrew Cassels Howden
- William Howe
- William Augustus Hubbuck
- George Hudson
- Samuel Hughes
- John D'Urban Hughes
- Henry George Hulbert
- Edward Barber Humble
- William Hunt (1808-1875)
- John Hutton (of Manchester)
- Charles Hyde
- Alexander Jack (d.1877)
- Robert Jackson
- William Jackson (1805-1876)
- Daniel James
- Henry James (1803-1877)
- John James
- William Henry James
- Isaac Jefferson
- Robert Jeffrey
- Robert Jobson
- John Sims
- Thomas Marr Johnson
- Thomas Fildes Johnson
- William Johnstone
- Frederick George Jones
- Edward Jones (1809- )
- Elias William Jones
- John Jones (1835-1877)
- Thomas Jowitt
- William Jowlings
- John Kane
- John Z. Kay
- Philip Kelland
- Arthur Kempe
- Sampson Kempthorne
- William Kendall (1805-1878)
- William Kendall (2)
- Robert William Kennard
- John Pitt Kennedy (1796-1879)
- Thomas Kennedy (1799-1874)
- Archibald Kenrick, Junior
- Charles Chatterley Kermode
- John Kerr (1823-1872)
- Joseph Kershaw
- Durand Kershaw
- John Key
- John Eyre Kingdon
- William Kinghorn
- George William Fox Kinnaird
- Thomas Kirkaldy (1829-1870)
- James Pugh Kirkwood
- Matthew Kirtley
- Frederick William Kitson
- James Kitson
- William Kitson
- John Thomas Knapp
- Ferdinand Kohn
- Ferdinand Korn
- Charles Kurtz
- Edward Wilds Ladd
- John Laird
- William Blake Lambert
- George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton
- Charles William Lancaster
- Christopher Bagot Lane
- William Lang
- William Langdon
- John Lavington Larkworthy
- Dan Wood Latham
- George Latham
- William Daniel Latimer
- James Laurie
- Caleb Lawden
- Alfred Lawrence
- John Lawson
- John Laybourne
- William Comyns Leach
- John Lean
- George Leather
- Thomas Yate Lee
- Edward Leeming
- Samuel Lees (1794-1873)
- Evan Leigh
- Joseph Dorning Leigh
- Charles Lenny
- William Leslie (1802-1879)
- John Levick (1819-1875)
- Joseph Lewin
- Anthony Lewis Thomas
- James Blount Lewis
- M. W. Lewis
- Henry Thomas Liddell
- John Lightfoot (1832-1872)
- George Lister
- Thomas Littleton
- Thomas Livesey
- David Livingstone
- William Hely Llewellyn
- Thomas Lloyd (1803-1875)
- Sampson Lloyd
- Michael Loam
- Thomas Login
- Anton Lohage
- William Smith Longridge
- Edward Lord
- Thomas Wilks Lord
- Thomas Lovell
- William Lowther
- William Lucy (1837-1873)
- Edward Lumb
- Charles Lungley (1816-1871)
- Charles Hugh Lushington
- Stephen Lushington
- John MacCunn
- John Mackay
- John McKenzie (of Worcester)
- John M. Maclure
- Patrick Maddin
- Charles Edward Mangles
- J. Maniel
- William George Manly
- John Manning
- William March
- Thomas Marling
- Frederick Marrable
- Henry Rowland Marsden
- James Garth Marshall
- John Marston (1809-1871)
- Albinus Martin
- Richard Martin
- Samuel Dickinson Martin
- William Martley
- Frederick Marwood
- John Nevil Maskelyne (1800-1875)
- Samuel Mason (2)
- Colin Mather Senior
- James Matheson
- William Mathews
- John Matthews (1807-1871)
- William Anthony Matthews
- James Clerk Maxwell
- James May
- Walter May
- Julius Robert Mayer
- Jacob Mayer
- John Robinson McClean
- J. McManus (1808-1875)
- Bryce McMaster
- Clement John Mead
- George Mears
- Henry Meiggs
- Andrew Menzies
- Alban Meredith
- Louisa Heath Merivale
- James Merry
- Richard Moses Merryweather
- Moses Merryweather
- Charles Benjamin Le Mesurier
- Jean-Jacques Meyer
- Harry Stephen Meysey-Thompson
- Frederick Nathaniel Micklethwait
- Thomas Middleton
- John William Miles
- William Allen Miller
- James Millholland
- Robert Milligan
- George Minto
- Thomas Webb Minton
- Stephen Mitchell (1789-1874)
- Joseph Mitchell (1807-1876)
- Thomas Mitchell (1806-1878)
- Thomas Mitchell (1798-1871)
- William Moodie (c1811-1872)
- Sampson Moore
- William Denis Moore
- M. Morandiere
- George Ramshaw Mordue
- Edmund Morel
- Joshua Llewelyn Morgan
- William Morgan (Bristol)
- Philip Morris (1835-1873)
- William Richard Morris (1808-1874)
- James Morrison (1806-1878)
- Alvin C. Morton
- Hugh Morton
- William Mosedale (1802-1876)
- Henry Moseley
- Richard Moser (1814-1877)
- William Munk
- Edward Murch
- Roderick I. Murchison
- Joshua Murgatroyd
- Henry De La Poire Murphy
- Thomas Hunter Murray
- Andrew Murray
- Jonathan Musgrave
- Robert Mushet (c.1813-1871)
- James Sheridan Muspratt
- William Chadwell Mylne (1821-1876)
- Francis Napier
- James Napier
- John Napier (1832-1877)
- James Robert Napier
- Robert Napier
- Thomas Brown Needham
- Henry Negretti
- Thomas Boustead Nelson
- Edward John Nettlefold
- Henry James Walton Neville
- James Newlands
- William Edward Newton
- Peter Dale Nichol
- James Nichols (c1815-1873)
- Charles Nixon
- Henry Minchin Noad
- Mathew Noble
- Augustin Normand
- Henry Norrington
- Thomas George Norris
- Henry Norris
- Richard Stuart Norris
- Edward Nowill
- Philip Algernon Herbert Noyes
- John Henry Nye
- George Paddison
- Edward Page
- Thomas Page (1803-1877)
- George Robert Palmer
- William Pare
- Youngs Parfrey
- Josiah Parkes
- George Parry
- John Parson
- John Meeson Parsons
- James Paxman, Senior
- M. Payen
- Hugh Pearce
- John Pearson (1808-1878)
- Charles Pease
- Gurney Pease
- John Beaumont Pease (1803-1873)
- Joseph Beaumont Pease
- Joseph Pease
- Walter Pease
- Frederick Peck
- William Peek
- George Peel, Junior
- William Pegg (1799-1874)
- Morris Birkbeck Pell
- George Arthur Pemberton
- Thomas Pemberton
- John Penn
- John Percival
- John Perks (1798-1875)
- John Perry (c1801-1879)
- Benjamin Perry
- George Henry Perry
- John Perry (1840-1879)
- William Perry (1843-1879)
- Jules Petiet
- William Petrie (1804-1872)
- Thomas Pewtress
- Frederick Molesworth Pfeil
- Leonard Wilson Philipson
- George Hare Philipson
- John Phillips (1800-1874)
- Philip Phillips
- Francis Pickernell
- George Piggott
- Thomas Pilgrim
- Peter Pilkington (1814-1879)
- M. Pioda
- Henry Sotheby Pitcher
- Joseph Pitts
- John Platt
- William Wilkinson Platt
- John Player
- George Frederick Playne
- Thomas William Plum
- Charles Pontifex
- Edmund Pontifex
- William Pontifex (1793-1870)
- James Poole
- Henry Pooley
- John Thomas Brown Porter
- George Pothecary
- John Wilkes Poundley
- Joseph Martin Powell
- Samuel Power
- John Prestige
- George Preston
- William Preston (1806-1871)
- Edward Price (1805-1871)
- George Pridham
- Samuel Priestman
- Daniel Baddeley Pritchard
- James Toyne Proctor
- William Alexander Provis
- John Pullar
- Alfred Stansfield Rake
- Thomas Webster Rammell
- David Allan Ramsay
- John Ramsay
- Charles Randolph
- William John Macquorn Rankine
- James Allen Ransome
- William Rawlinson
- S. J. Reeves
- Henri Victor Regnault
- John Rennie
- James Purdy Rennoldson
- Alexander Rhodes
- Joseph Rhodes (1804-1876)
- John Rich
- Henry Parker Richardson
- Henry T. Richardson
- W. R. Richardson
- Francis Richmond
- Frederick Henry Ricketts
- Matthew White Ridley (1807-1877)
- Joseph Drown Rigby
- Benjamin Riley
- Alfred Ritchie
- Joseph Horatio Ritchie (c1799-1872)
- Robert Ritchie
- Peter Von Rittinger
- Auguste De La Rive
- Robert Lane
- Robert Stephen Cuthbertson
- John Roberts (c1800-1871)
- Robert Roberts
- John Robertson (d.1872)
- James Robertson (1835-1876)
- Robert Robey
- James Henry Robinson
- Jethro Thomas Robinson
- John Robinson (1823-1877)
- William Robinson (1826-1870)
- Albert Robinson
- Elisha Smith Robinson
- James Rodger
- Freeman Roe (1808-1870)
- John Roe
- John Rogerson (1822-1879)
- Peter Roget
- Francis Ronalds
- Joseph Philip Ronayne
- Richard Steven Roper
- Thomas Rose (1809-1874)
- Christiana Rose
- Thomas Braban Ross
- Thomas Ross (1818-1870)
- Samuel Egan Rosser
- John Rotherham
- David Rothwell
- Henry Beadon Rotton
- Henry Daniel Ruhmkorff
- James Raine Rushton
- George Russell (d.1877)
- John Russell (1788-1873)
- Edward Russell
- John Russell (1792-1878)
- John James Russell
- Thomas Wills Rust
- John Joseph Ruston
- Thomas Tenison Ryan
- Thomas Sabberton
- Samuel Sage
- Joseph Salmons (1796-1878)
- David Salomons (1797-1873)
- Titus Salt
- James Samuel
- Alexander Samuelson
- Charles Sanderson (1803-1873)
- Charles Sanderson (1824-1870)
- George S. Sanderson
- Edouard Sauvage (1814-1872)
- Joseph Savery
- George Saward
- Charles Saxby (c1806-1879)
- George Saxon (1821-1879)
- Joseph Saxton
- George Scammell (1817-1874)
- William Scamp
- Per Georg Scheutz
- Eugene Schneider (d.1875)
- Martin Schunck
- John Scott (d.1874)
- Charles Scott
- Edward Baliol Scott
- Edward Scott
- George Gilbert Scott
- John Scott (1786-1874)
- George Poulett Scrope
- Epaphras Seage (1799-1875)
- William Searle
- Angelo Secchi
- Marc Seguin
- William Miller Sewell
- John Shannon
- Charles Stanley Sharland
- Edmund Sharpe
- Robert Bentley Shaw-Yates
- Alexander Clunes Sherriff
- William Sherwood
- Ralph Shorrock
- Augustus Siebe
- Gerrit Simons
- Edward Taylor Simpson
- Samuel Sims
- Samuel Colin Sleep
- Richard Smallman
- John Smedley (1803-1874)
- Richard Smethurst (c1825-1879)
- George Henry Smith (d.1870)
- John Paterson Smith
- John Smith (1804-1875)
- Samuel Hill Smith
- Samuel Smith (d.1874)
- Edward Pease Smith
- Francis Pettit Smith
- George Smith (1793-1877)
- James Smith (d. 1870)
- John Mark Frederick Smith
- John Smith (1794-1871)
- John Smith (1800-1874)
- John Smith (1828-1879)
- John Smith (1831-1878)
- Octavius H. Smith
- William Smith (1815-1875)
- William Smith (1825-1878)
- Ralph Sneyd
- Peter Soames
- Max Strobel
- Germain Sommeiller
- Thomas Sopwith (1803-1879)
- Thomas Sorby
- Bergerius Sorensen
- George William Southern
- Francis Southern
- John Spark
- John Roberts Spencer
- William Spencer (1820-1876)
- Charles Innes Spencer
- John Spencer (1792-1874)
- George Spill (1817-1878)
- Joel Spiller
- Christopher Spriggs
- Robert Steele (1791-1879)
- Alexander Stephen (1795-1875)
- John Stephen (d.1877)
- Adrian Stephens
- Cecil Mackintosh Stephenson
- Charles Tooley Stephenson
- Hugh Stephenson
- David de Stern
- Thomas Lowrey Stevenson
- James Stirling (1800-1876)
- Robert Stirling
- Isaac Storey (1840-1876)
- Thomas Storey (1838-1871)
- William Storey (1823-1879)
- Isaac Storey
- John Stothert
- Richard Stothert
- William Price Struve
- Joseph Stubbs, Senior
- Thomas Stubbs
- John Summers, Senior
- William Summers (1798-1876)
- Charles Sheridan Swan
- George Swetenham
- Thomas Swingler
- Percy Syder
- William Sykes (1815-1872)
- Robert Harry Inglis Synnot
- Edward Talbot (1798-1871)
- Thomas Tannett
- Charles Tarrant
- Robert Tasker
- Julia Matilda Tate
- Peter Tate
- Janet Taylor
- Charles Dyke Taylor
- Frederick William Taylor
- George Taylor (1820-1875)
- George Ledwell Taylor
- Philip Taylor
- Samuel Taylor
- John Tennant (1796-1872)
- John Tennant
- Alfred Terry
- Charles Frederick Terry
- Joseph Thomas (d.1874)
- Samuel Thomas (2)
- George Thompson (1839-1876)
- James George Thompson
- William Thompson (1798-1878)
- James Thomson (1803-1870)
- Peter Thomson
- Robert William Thomson
- Peter Thorn
- Falkland Samuel Thornton
- Samuel Thornton
- William Thorold
- Charles Joseph Thrupp
- John Thwaites
- William Joshua Tilley
- Lawrence Tipping
- William Tite
- Julian Horn Tolme
- Edward Tomkins
- William Tonks
- William Tothill
- John Toward
- Thomas Towlson
- William Townsend
- George Barnard Townsend
- John Tredwell
- William Tredwell
- Samuel Prideaux Tregelles
- Edward Norris Tremlett
- William Tremlett
- Francis Trevithick
- William Troughton
- Charles Troward
- Constantine Tscheffkine
- Thomas Tunks
- Benjamin Turner
- Frederick Thomas Turner
- Joseph Shepherd Tuxford
- William Wedd Tuxford
- William Tweedie (1821-1874)
- Thomas Twyford (1827-1872)
- George Albert Twynam
- Henry Tyzack
- Matthew Waddell
- John Hooper Wait
- Charles H. Walker (1830-1874)
- John Scholes Walker
- John Baker Walker
- Thomas Walker (1805-1871)
- William Icke Wall
- David Wallace (1823-1877)
- Charles Vincent Walton
- Thomas Asline Ward
- John Ware (1806-1875)
- Frederick Warner
- Joseph Warren
- James Warren
- James Waterlow (1790-1876)
- William John Laverick Watkin
- William Watson (1787-1870)
- Joseph Watson (1807-1874)
- Joseph Watson (1840-1873)
- James Watts (1803-1872)
- Richard Waygood (1806-1879)
- Edward Brainerd Webb
- John Webster
- Thomas Webster
- Enoch Wedgwood
- Jane Weedon (1818-1870)
- John Weetman
- William Weild
- Joseph James Welch
- Joseph Wells (c1816-1873)
- William George Wells
- George Wells
- John James Wentworth
- Richard Thornton West
- William West (1801-1879)
- James Roger Western
- John Westwood
- Arthur John Whalley
- Charles Wheatstone
- Samuel Charles Whitbread
- William Whitehead
- Alexander Whitelaw
- Frederic Whitfield
- John Whitmore
- Asa Whitney
- Thomas Whitwell
- Charles Whitworth
- Charles Whowell (1812-1874)
- Thomas Wicksteed
- William Fawcett Wightman
- Money Wigram
- Nathaniel Wilcocks (1817-1871)
- Charles Vaughan Wilkieson
- Clement Wilks
- Joseph Willcock
- Charles Cave Williams
- Edward Leader Williams
- Frederick Martin Williams
- William Blizard Williamson (1811-1878)
- Robert Willis
- Henry Overton Wills (1800-1871)
- Thomas Lamb Willshire
- Peter Wilson
- Edward Wilson
- Edward Brown Wilson
- Thomas Wilson (1781-1873)
- Thomas Winans
- Ross Winans
- Frederick Albert Winsor (1797-1874)
- Henry Winteringham
- Francis Winton
- George Wood (1826-1879)
- John Wood (1783-1871)
- Solomon Woodall
- William Woodcock
- Bennet Woodcroft
- John Penny Woodfin
- John Wyman Woodford
- John Thomas Woodhouse
- Hamilton Woods
- James Woods
- Henry Robert Woolbert
- Thomas Woollcombe
- William Worby
- Charles Favell Forth Wordsworth
- John Mayo Worrall
- George Jervis Worssam (1814-1879)
- Calvert Worthington
- William Worthington (1797-1871)
- George Wostenholm
- William Wray
- Henry Wrigg
- Henry Troubridge Wright
- Benjamin Wright
- Edwin Thomas Wright
- Peter Wright
- William Valentine Wright, Senior
- Matthew Digby Wyatt
- Alexander Wylie (1819-1876)
- Henry Johnston Wylie
- John Shepherd Cook Wynn
- George Edward Wythes