Category:Deaths 1920-1929
Pages in category "Deaths 1920-1929"
The following 2,653 pages are in this category, out of 2,653 total.
- Richard Henry Abbatt
- Frank Abbott
- William Sutherland Abbott
- Robert Graham Abercrombie
- William de Wiveleslie Abney
- William Edward Ackroyd
- William Mitchell Acworth
- Thomas Benjamin Stratton Adair
- George North Adams
- Sidney Rickman Adams
- Joseph Adamson
- George Addy
- Clement Ader
- Edward Tancred Agius
- Ernest Leopold Ahrons
- Albert Aichele
- George Ainsworth
- David Air
- James Erskine Aird
- William Atkinson Airey
- Wilfrid Airy
- Richard Akerman
- Albert Carter Ashton
- Henry Fleetwood Albright
- Cromwell Alder
- George Beeton Alderson
- Alexander Alexander
- Robert Alford (1838-1922)
- Frederic Algar
- Alexander Allan (1844-1927)
- George Allan
- Alfred Ernest Allen
- Arthur Hinton Allen
- Charles Allen
- Francis Allen
- George Arthur Allen
- Harry Allen
- Marcus Allen
- William Henry Allen
- William Milward Allen
- Royston Arthur Allman
- Henry Newmarch Allott
- William Murray Alston
- Abel Alvey
- James Armer
- Alexander Anderson
- Allen Anderson
- John Herbertson Anderson
- Konrad Anderson
- William Patrick Anderson
- Clifford Andrew
- Albert Densham Andrews
- Thomas Andrew Andrews
- Arthur Ernest Angold
- Robert Angus
- Frederick Charles Anstey
- John Arthur Anstice
- John Richard Appleby
- Robert Applegarth
- Joseph Appleton
- James Archdale
- Gilbert Archer
- William Armistead
- Edwin Clipsham Armstead
- Francis Edwin Armstrong
- Riccardo Arno
- Ferdinand Arnodin
- William Arnold (d.1928)
- William Arnot
- Ferdinand Arnoux
- Svante Arrhenius
- Albert George Asbury
- Claudius James Ash
- Henry Claudius Ash
- Thomas Ashbury
- Cecil Thomas Ashby
- Henry Deakin Ashton
- Henry Ashworth
- Walter Ashworth
- H. H. Asquith
- Thomas Atherton
- James Harold Atherton
- Thomas Goodson Atkins
- Edward Peter Atkinson
- Alfred Atkinson
- Claude William Atkinson
- Henry Birch Atkinson
- Jabez Attwood
- August Thyssen
- Alfred Whorwood Auster
- Samuel Peter Austin, Junior
- William Rebotier Aveline
- Daizaburo Awoki
- (Phoebe) Sarah Hertha Ayrton
- Luis Maria De Aznar
- Arthur Charles Lempriere Back
- Adolphus Otto Backert
- Ferdinand de Baeder
- George Herbert Bailey
- George Ridley Bailey
- John David Bailie
- John Anderson Bain
- William Alfred Baines
- John Richard Bainton
- Alfred William Baird
- Richard Baker (b.1869)
- Arthur Hugh Baldwin
- Thomas Scott Baldwin
- Manfred Powis Bale
- John Balfour
- Robert Balfour (1844-1929)
- James Benjamin Ball
- Henry Kelway Gwyer Bamber
- George Starr Bambrick
- Arthur Richard Banks
- Edward Whitley Barber
- Herbert Barber
- James Golby Barford
- Sabine Baring-Gould
- Tom Birkett Barker
- William Thomas Edward Barker
- Francis Barker (1865-1922)
- George Newton Halifax Barlow
- Sydney Walker Barnaby
- Henry Cuthbert Barnard
- John Henry Barnbrook
- John Frederick Evelyn Barnes
- Arthur Abraham Barnes
- Samuel Barnett
- Samson Barnett, Junior
- Thomas Barningham (1844-1921)
- H. C. Barnard
- Henry Barnsley
- William Fletcher Barrett
- Neil McKechnie Barron
- Charles John Bartlett
- Thomas Walter Bartlett
- Arthur Hardington Bartlett
- Herbert Henry Bartlett
- Thomas Barton
- Charles Edward Basevi
- Leopold Harold Baskerville-Cosway
- Charles Orme Bastian
- Ernest Albert Bastin
- John Neilson Batcheler
- Stephen Conrad Clavell Bate
- Henry Herbert Bateman
- William Ralph Bates
- Herbert Bates
- Thomas Baxendale
- Frederick Baxter
- Peter MacLeod Baxter
- George Handyside Baxter
- Clement Bayard
- Arthur Bakewell Baylis
- Armistead Keith Baylor
- Frederick Walter Baynes
- Alban Francis Baynham
- Bertram Robert Beale
- George Bean
- Bernard Beard
- Ammon Beasley
- George Beaton
- Alfred Luther Beattie
- Roberts Beaumont
- William Worby Beaumont
- Roger Beck (1841-1923)
- William James Bedford
- George Thomas Beilby
- Nicolas Apollonovitch Belelubsky
- Charles Story Belford
- Alexander Graham Bell
- James Bell
- Henry Franklin Bellamy
- Mervyn Hallett Bendall
- Siegfried Bendit
- Sykes Benn (1849-1925)
- Arthur Edward Bennett (1873-1920)
- Herbert James Leigh Bennett
- Alfred Rosling Bennett
- Charles Bennion
- W. A. S. Benson
- Thomas Sims Bentley
- John Benton
- Karl Benz
- Charles Frederick Cobbe Beresford
- Per Torsten Berg
- Siegmund Bergmann
- Emile Berliner
- Thomas Henry Devereux Berridge
- Ernest Evans Willoughby Berrington
- Robert Berry
- Henry Seymour Berry
- Daniel Berthelot
- L. E. Bertin
- James Dixon Best
- Frederick Arrowsmith Beswick
- Frederick John Williams Bethell
- Samuel Betts
- Alfred Stewart Betts
- Henry Bevis
- Hubert Bewlay
- Henry Beynon
- Francisco Bhering
- Frank Bibby
- Henry Neild Bickerton
- Harry Clifford Biddell
- Charles Henry Walker Biggs
- John Bilbie
- John Robert Billington
- Charles Binks (1864-1922)
- Alfred Frederick Bird
- Lawrence Birks
- Jesse Hargreaves Birtwistle
- J. J. Bisgood
- William Thomas Blacking
- Alfred Blackwell
- William George Blagden
- James Norman Blaikie
- William Nisbet Blair
- Charles Edward Blake
- Thomas Holmes Blakesley
- Charles Albert Blascheck
- Herbert Sanderson Bleckly
- William George Bligh
- John Henry Blizard
- Frederick John Bloomer
- Bertram Blount
- Edward Blythe
- Arthur Boake
- Ernest A. Boas
- Gustav Adolf Boeddicker
- Thomas Robins Bolitho
- Gustavus Ferdinand Bonnor
- Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor
- William Lilley Boon
- William Booth (1833-1921)
- Hugo Borchardt
- Francois Borel
- Johann Auguste Diedrich Bornemann
- Fanindra Nath Bose
- Henry Bostock
- William Henry Bostock
- Samuel Boswell
- St. George James Boswell
- John William Bottomley
- James Thomson Bottomley
- Henry Percy Boulnois
- James Watt Boulton
- Harold Staveley Boumphrey
- Francois Edouard Bourdon
- John Ebenezer Bousfield
- Walter Boveri
- Frederick William Bowater
- Henry White Bowden
- George Robert Harland Bowden
- William A. Bowden
- Frederic Hungerford Bowman
- Walter John Boxall
- George Boyd
- John White Boyd
- William Walter Bradfield
- Bernard Grove Bradley
- Walter Bradney
- John Daniel Love Bradwell
- Francis William Thomas Brain
- Edwin Branford
- David Bray
- Alfred Brereton
- Joseph Beaumont Brew
- Edwin Henry George Brewster
- Cyprian Arthur George Bridge
- Robert Bridge
- George Soudon Bridgman
- John Henry Briggs
- Joseph Briggs (c1847-1921)
- Samuel Briggs (c1847-1928)
- Arthur Harry Briggs
- Isaac Briggs
- Arthur William Brightmore
- Harry Samuel Bickerton Brindley
- Johan August Brinell
- William Henry Brittain
- Benjamin Broadbent
- William Broadbent
- John Wilson Broadhead
- Bertrand Summers Broadhurst
- Robert Henry Broadhurst
- Edward Tootal Broadhurst
- John Brockhouse
- Benjamin Nikolas Broido
- Frank Brook
- Charles Berjew Brooke
- Robert Grundy Brooke
- John Walter Brooke
- John Boultbee Brooks
- George Broughall
- Edward Henry Broughall
- Reginald Thomas Dudley Brougham
- Cuthbert Chalmers Brown
- Edmund C. Brown
- Edward Eugene Brown
- Harry Brown
- John Armour Brown
- W. Brown (d.1924)
- William Gray Brown
- William Lionel Treadway Brown
- Arthur Edward Brown (1853-1922)
- Andrew Brown (d.1929)
- Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown
- Edward Vavasour Brown
- Henry Brown (1862-1929)
- Herbert Brown
- John Smith Brown
- Peter Brown
- William Brown (1850-1929)
- William Pringle Brown
- Wallis Vincent Browne
- William Ruddle Browne
- Tomyns Reginald Browne
- John Moses Browning
- Montague Browning
- George Browning
- John Browning (1831-1925)
- John Lockhart Brunton
- Charles Francis Brush
- Kenneth Hugh Buchanan
- John Young Buchanan
- George Thomas Buckham
- Robert Burton Buckley
- Daniel Buckney
- George W. H. Budd
- Harry William Buddicom
- Percy John Budge
- Alfred Holland Bull
- Lewis William Bull
- Francis Dixon Bumsted
- John Henry Burchell
- Frederick Tasker Burgess
- Ernest Macartney de Burgh
- Peter Bond Burgoyne
- Alan Hughes Burgoyne
- Francis Eustace Burke
- Herbert Thomas Burls
- George Frank Burn
- Augustus Henry Burnand
- William Burnside
- Frank Burr Smith
- Charles Burrell (1847-1929)
- Frederick John Burrell
- George Henry Burrows
- Ambrose Edmund Butler (1848-1923)
- Edward Butler (1903-1928)
- Frank Hedges Butler
- James William Butler (1840-1928)
- James Butler (1875-1925)
- Thomas Butterworth
- Thomas Byrne
- Ernest Cable
- George Cadbury
- Cornelius Cadle (1847-1927)
- Walter John Cadman
- Joseph Caffyn
- Arthur Caird
- James Calcott
- Adam Caldow
- George Marshall Callender
- Everard Richard Calthrop
- Edwin Cambridge
- James M. Camp
- Archibald W. Campbell
- E. L. Campbell
- Edward Demille Campbell
- William Walker Campbell
- Charles Ivor Rae Campbell
- John Montriou Campion
- Edward Capel-Cure
- David Sing Capper
- William Henry Carder
- Cornelius Edward Cardew
- James Alston Carfrae
- Alexander Montgomery Carlisle
- Edward Stafford Carlos
- Charles George Carolin
- George Anderson Carr
- James John William Carr
- William Thomas Henney Carrington
- John Hornsby Carruthers
- George John Carter
- Margaret Cartledge
- Cecil Leonard Cartwright
- William Cartwright, Junior
- Facundo Josquin Ramon Carulla
- Alexander Carus (1843-1920)
- William Edwin Cary
- Luigi Casale
- Louis Marino Casella
- Thomas Cash
- Frank Castle
- William George Causer
- Camille Cavallier
- George Cawley
- Frank Henry Cerrito
- Ernest Chalmer
- George Chalmers
- Walter Chamberlain
- William Ashcombe Chamen
- Albert Champion
- Shapoorje N. Chandabhoy
- Charles Chandler
- Henry Chaplin
- Leonard Chapman
- Hemsley Theodore Chapman
- Albert James Leppoc Cappel
- Edwin Arthur Chard
- George Frederick Charnock
- Fernand Charron
- William Chater Lea
- Leslie Chatfeild-Clarke
- George Chauvin
- Frederick John Pickering Cheesbrough
- Charles Henry John Chetwynd-Talbot
- Charles Percy Cheverton
- William Chew
- George Thomas Child
- Charles Chittick
- John Chivers
- Alfred Church
- Henry Charles Church
- John William Church
- Richard Frederick Church
- John Herbert Churnside
- James Arthur Clabour
- Thomas Clacher
- Jesse Clare
- Ernest Alexander Claremont
- John Clark (1848-1926)
- Alexander Clark (1887-1922)
- Frank William Clark
- Lyonel Edwin Clark
- Robert Clark (1871-1929)
- William Clark (d.1925)
- William Stephens Clark
- Edward Fuhrmann Clarke
- Richard Elliott Clarke
- Stafford Clarke
- William Howard Clarke
- William Clarke
- Charles Clarkson
- Gilbert Henry Claughton
- William Henry Clay
- Lawrence Clayton
- Gilbert Augustus Clayton-East
- John Cleave
- Frederick Cleeves
- Alexander Cleghorn
- Henry Clements
- Frederick Clench (1838-1923)
- Leon Clerc
- Charles Clifford (1843-1927)
- Charles James Clover
- Herbert John Coates
- Alfred Tom Coates
- Daniel Coats
- Thomas Glen Coats
- Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson
- Arthur Cecil Cockburn
- James Woods Arthur Cocksedge
- Henry Ivor Coe
- Louis Coen (c1863-1922)
- Francis John Leslie Cogan
- Barnett Cohen
- Albert Ladd Colby
- Charles Cole (1859-1920)
- Robert Cole
- Robert Wilding Cole
- Francis J. Cole
- Henry Aylwin Bevan Cole
- Ernest Harcourt Coles
- Walter Joseph Coles
- Thomas Edward Collcutt
- Henry Herbert Collier
- William Collingwood
- Alfred Howe Collinson
- William Blow Collis
- Thomas Comstive (1862-1922)
- Daniel Connery
- Charles Guthrie Conradi
- Henry Conradi
- Joseph Constantine (1856-1922)
- John Charles Coode
- Alfred Bickersteth Cook
- Charles Grant Cook
- David Cook (1856-1924)
- Percy Dixon Cook
- Sydney Herbert Cook
- William Hall Cook
- Charles A. Cooke
- Frank Cooke
- Henry Cooke
- Lewis Henry Cooke
- Conrad William Cooke
- Charles John Bowen Cooke
- John Hartshorne Cooper
- William Ranson Cooper
- Charles Friend Cooper
- Thomas Cooper (1855-1923)
- John Pearson Copland
- Evence Coppee
- Harold Copperthwaite
- William Charles Copperthwaite
- William Corin
- George Stephen Corlett
- Alexander Campbell Cormack
- Christopher Robert Corning
- Thomas Cossor
- Alfred Charles Cossor (1861-1922)
- William Percy Costain
- William Wallace Coster
- Joseph Charles Costigan
- Edward Percy Coston
- George Henry Cottam
- Francis Antonius Cotterell
- James Henry Cotterill
- Henry Spencer Newton Courtney
- Robert Cowan
- John Cowan (1845-1929)
- Thomas William Cowan
- James Cowie (1886-1927)
- Francis Arthur Adam Cowley
- Charles Edward Cowper
- Martin Cox
- Samuel Herbert Cox
- Edward Cox-Walker
- Job Coxeter
- Norman Cozens
- Eugene Alfred Crabtree
- Frederick Crabtree
- William Fox Crabtree
- Richard Wadsworth Crabtree
- James Hally Craig
- Job Seymour Cranmer
- Ellis Herbert Crapper
- William Henry Saville Craven
- Walter Coulton Crawford
- William Mitchell Crawford
- Herbert Gaylor Creasey
- Charles Chree
- John Henry Cremer
- George Belben Cresswell
- Theodore Crewdson
- Frederick James Cribb
- Robert Crighton
- Richard Crittall
- Claude Edward Crocker
- Frederick Lister Croft
- Charles James Crofts
- Walter Crooke (1840-1924)
- Harry Croom-Johnson
- Joseph Crosland
- Reginald Thomas Green Cross
- Arthur William Crossley
- Charles Thomas Crowden
- Edward Crowe (1861-1924)
- Henry Crown
- William Spark Crowson
- Arthur Bernard Crump
- Henry Smith Crump
- James Wilfred Cryer
- Mansfield George Smith Cumming
- Ernest Haliburton Cunard
- Granville Carlyle Cuningham
- William Whitmore Cunliffe
- Peter Nisbet Cunningham
- William Mitchel Cunningham
- Thomas Cureton
- Ivor Curtis
- Arthur Robert Curtis
- Lisle Henry Curtois
- Thomas Tomlinson Cussons
- Harold Parker Cuthbert
- Samuel Cutler
- George Austin Pryce Cuxson
- J. D'Aeth
- Patrick Walter D'Alton
- Charles Abraham D'Ebro
- Leo Daft
- John Eastwood Dallas
- Davison Dalziel
- Edward Freer Daniel
- John Daniel
- William Daniel
- Oliver Carl Daniell
- Joseph Daniels
- Alfred Benjamin Charles Danks
- James Edward Darbishire
- John Charles Homfray Darby
- Cecil West Darley
- Francis Arthur Darton
- Horace Darwin
- Edward Cyprian Daubeny
- Henry Davey
- Smith William Davids
- John George Davidson
- Samuel Cleland Davidson
- Cecil St. Hugh Davies
- Hugh Davies
- John Cecil Davies
- William Davies (c1847-1923)
- Charles Davies (1858-1922)
- Harry Llewelyn Davies
- Alfred Thomas Davis
- Robert Elliot Davis
- Edward Prosser Davis
- Frederick Lewis Davis
- Edward Dawson
- Margaret Damer Dawson
- Frederic Day
- Sydney Edmund Day
- Charles Day (1854-1928)
- George Cameron Day
- Archibald Robert Dayson
- Frederick Henry De Veulle
- Charles Ernest De Viell
- Richard William Deacon
- Henry Deane
- Henry Hargrave Deane
- Arthur Lovel Dearlove
- Carl Dellwik
- Samuel Denison
- Gavin Hadden Dennison
- John McAusland Denny
- William Denton
- Sidney Barron Depree
- William Eugene Desbruslais
- George Deuchars
- Edouard G. Deville
- Thomas Lane Devitt
- James Dewar
- Peter Dewar
- George Elford Dewhirst
- John Henry Dewhurst
- John Leake Dexter
- William Joseph Dibdin
- James Clark Dickinson
- Harold Dickinson
- Hermann Dietler
- W. H. Dines
- Adolphe Alfred Dion
- William John Hubert Diplock
- A. A. Dircks
- William Henry Discombe
- John Stewart Dismorr
- Tooljaram Moolji Divecha
- Charles Frederick Dixon
- Walter Dixon
- Rowland Edward Dixon
- James Murray Dobson
- William Dobson
- George Henry Dodd
- T. J. Dodd
- Dolivo-Dobrowoisky
- Edward James Domville
- David Boswell Donald
- Patrick Dunlop Donald
- Donat Banki
- Pelham George von Donop
- Arthur Charles Dorman
- Charles Mark Dorman
- William Henry Dorman
- Samuel Dorsett
- Theodore William Doubble
- James Thomas Douglas
- John Thomas Douglas
- Percy Sholto Douglas
- Andrew Douie
- Ronald Duneau Doulton
- Harold Percy Dow
- Walter Brown Harvey Drayson
- Edouard Dreux
- Charles Stewart Drewry
- George Richard Drummond
- Hugh Henry John Williams-Drummond
- John Whitehead Wilson Drysdale
- Harvey Du Cros
- Heber Duckham
- Plimmon Henry Dudley
- Daniel Duff
- Reginald Francis Duke
- R. Duncan
- William Henry Dunkley
- John H. Dunlap
- Charles Blackburn Dunlop
- James Dunlop (1867-1927)
- John Boyd Dunlop
- James Lowry Dunseath
- Paul Dvorkovitz
- Waldemar Dyrssen
- Robert Dyson
- William Henry Dyson
- Andrew Eadie
- S. Eardley-Wilmot
- John William Earle
- Arthur Clifford Earp
- Walter Thomas Clifford Earp
- Robert Scott Easton
- Christoph Eberle
- Henry Eccles
- Charles Hamilton Eden
- John Butler Edlington
- Henry Edmunds
- Thomas Alured Wynne Edwards
- Gustave Eiffel
- Whately Eliot
- Herbert Frederick Elkington
- Edward Baudoin Ellice Clark
- James Elliman
- Ernest Harry Ellingham
- Arthur Buller Lynes Elliott
- George Henry Elliott
- Herbert Clively Ellis
- John Parker Ellison
- John Dove Ellson
- Theodore Gordon Ellyson
- Joseph John Elmer
- Thomas Alexander Elphick
- Frank Vincent Elsden
- Ernest Frederick Elton
- Thomas Matthew English
- Henry John Enthoven
- Gustaf Eriksson
- James Robert Erskine-Murray
- H. Cole Estep
- Ernest Fiander Etchells
- Dan Harries Evans
- George Evans (c1853-1928)
- Philip James Evans
- Robert Evans (1863-1927)
- Thomas Evans (c1853-1922)
- Frederick Thomas Everard
- John Breedon Everard
- Nevill Henry Everitt
- Robert Ewbank
- John Edward Faire
- John Farnon
- William Farrar
- John Gray Farrar-Morgan
- Maria Fattorini
- Charles Louis Faulkner
- George Noble Fell
- John Corry Fell
- John Fellows (c1842-1926)
- Thomas Fender
- John Ferguson (1887-1929)
- William Fiddian
- James Fielding
- Charles Wightwick Finch
- Alexander Findlay
- Ambrose Firth
- Thomas Henry Firth
- Douglas A. Firth
- Nathan Crosley Firth
- John Bertram Fisher
- John Arbuthnot Fisher
- Maurice Frederick FitzGerald
- Maurice Fitzmaurice
- Walter Flather
- George Edward Fleming
- Thomas Fletcher (1850-1925)
- Thomas William Fletcher
- Alfred Evans Fletcher
- Ernest Just Flindt
- Valere Alfred Fynn
- John Edward Foden
- Ernest Alfred Foley (1871-1926)
- Henry Folland (1879-1926)
- Charles John Follett
- Edwin L. Ford
- George McLean Ford
- Ernest Forder
- Peter Forrest
- Andrew Forster
- John Forster
- Robert Forsyth
- William Thomas Exham Fosbery
- Herbert Fraser Foster
- William Henry Foster
- Herbert Foulston
- Charles Lloyd Stephenson Fouracres
- Edmund Thomas Foweraker
- Fulwar Craven Fowle
- George Fowler (1840-1921)
- Frederick Fowler
- George Fowler
- George Fowler (1850-1924)
- Henry Thomas Fowler
- Frederick Joseph Fox
- William Fox (1856-1928)
- Charles Douglas Fox
- Francis Fox
- William Henry Fox (1843-1920)
- William Theodore Foxlee
- Edward Foy
- Martin Fradd
- George Herbert France
- Harry Francis
- Walter Joseph Francis
- Frank Torrens Stokes
- William Temple Franks
- Gordon H. Fraser
- James Fraser (d.1923)
- Frederick Hadley Platt
- John Oscar Fredholm
- Edmund Leavenworth French
- Somerset Richard French
- Edgar French
- Frederick Francis Joseph Friedenthal
- Steuart Fripp
- Charles Ernest Hain Friswell
- Edward Purkis Frost
- Robert Edmund Froude
- Francis Randolph Fry
- Thomas Henry Fry
- James Edward Fulton
- Tom Gale
- Alexander Gall
- Thomas Gallaher
- John Galloway (1861-1925)
- William Galloway (1840-1927)
- John MacFarlane Galt
- Thomas Gardner
- Joseph Garfield
- William Edward Garforth
- James Bird Garnham
- William Edmund Garstin
- Robert Glegg Garvie
- Elbert H. Gary
- Edmund Gascoine
- Arthur Bruce Gaskell
- Leon Gaster
- Tom Ernest Gatehouse
- Joseph Shaw Gaunt
- John Gavey
- Sydney William Gavine
- George James Gawley
- Albert Gay
- James Gayley
- Christopher Geddes
- Harry Simpson Gee
- Thomas John Gee
- William Winson Haldane Gee
- Alexander Ramsay Gemmell
- Samuel Geoghegan
- Harry George
- George Johnson (1848-1926)
- Thomas Bruges Gerard
- Hermann Albert Gerny
- Norman Gibb
- George Stegmann Gibb
- Thomas Gibbon
- William Pike Gibbons
- George Gibbs (1846-1928)
- Robert Harold Giblett
- Albert Giblin
- David Gibson
- Thomas Sydney Fletcher Gibson
- Lionel Sapsford Gidden
- W. W. Giddings
- Francis W. Gilbertson
- Fred Hampson Gilbody
- Edward Albert Gilburt
- Benjamin Giles
- Gilbert Gilkes
- Thomas Howard Gill
- Peter Gillespie
- John Inglis Gilmour
- Leonce Girardot
- Alfred Ernest Gordon
- William Wallace Girdwood
- John Glasbrook
- David Corse Glen
- Robert Graham Glendinning
- Charles Jasper Glidden
- Arthur William Glover
- Montague Gluckstein
- Isidore Gluckstein
- Samuel Montague Gluckstein
- Francis John Joseph Glynn
- Francis Edward Gobey
- Harold Percy Goddard
- Joseph Wallis Goddard
- William Bernard Godfrey
- Francis Godlee
- James Uriah Godsell
- Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen
- Daniel Goedkoop
- George Washington Goethals
- Robert Murdock Goldie
- Alfred Joseph Goldsmith
- Montague Goodall
- Frederick Frank Goodfellow
- George Ben Goodfellow
- John Goodman (1857-1929)
- Arthur Goodwin
- Robert Goodwin
- Allen Goodwyn
- William Albert Goold
- Lewis William Goold
- William Tom Goold
- John Marshall Gorham
- Samuel Gorton
- Albert Thomas Gosford
- William Gosling
- Arthur Edgar Gott
- Sydney Tolman Gough
- Henry Gould
- George Jay Gould
- Alexander Gouvy
- Frank W. Gower
- Francis William Gower
- William Gowland (1842-1922)
- Robert Gracey
- Charles Knott Graham
- Jesse Graham
- William John Graham
- Archibald Ernest Grant
- James M. Grant
- Richard Fuge Grantham
- John Pinguay Grassick
- Henry George Graves
- Andrew Gray (1847-1925)
- George Watson Gray
- James Hunter Gray
- Thomas Lowe Gray
- William Cresswell Gray
- John Singleton Green
- Edward Green (1831-1923)
- Frederick Green, Junior
- William Wellington Greener
- Charles Greenham
- Alfred George Greenhill
- Thomas Charles Greensmith
- James Gregory
- Edwin Grice
- Dudley Grierson
- Thomas Benjamin Grierson
- Albany Richard Grieve
- James Henry Grieve
- Francis Henry Griffiths
- George Washington Griffiths
- John George Griffiths
- Richard William Griffiths
- William James Grinling
- Francis Edward Gripper
- Vladmir Groum-Grjimailo
- Alick George Groundwater
- Herbert Groves
- Charles Henry Guest
- William Steele Guild
- Edward Cecil Guinness
- James Ker Gulland
- Kay Oscar Arthur Gulstad
- Wilbur Gunn
- William Telford Gunson
- William Gunther
- John Gwyn
- Joshua Hacking
- Frederick Walter Hadwen
- John Douglas Haggie
- Robert Hood Haggie (1870-1927)
- Charles Logan Hair
- Martin Luther Hall
- Thomas Bernard Hall
- Vincent Edwin Hall
- Ebenezer Hall-Brown
- Mark Halliday
- Reginald Francis Halliwell
- William Henry Halliwell
- Druitt Halpin
- Belton Tattnall Hamilton
- Leslie Hamilton
- Claud John Hamilton (1843-1925)
- Francis James Hamley
- Charles Douglas Richard Hanbury-Tracy
- Frederick Robert Hancock
- James Gregory Hancox
- Charles H. Hands
- Richard Vernon Hansford
- Edward Hall Harbottle
- Petrus Harden
- James Edward Hardman
- William Lawrence Hardman
- William Edward Hardy
- William Eversley Hardy
- John Hargreaves (1864-1926)
- John Allen Harker
- John Sutherland Harmood-Banner
- Robert Lovel St John Harmsworth
- Alfred Harmsworth
- John Harper
- Gordon Harris
- James Wilfred Harris
- Jonathan Wistar Harris
- William Augustus Harris
- William Wallington Harris
- Frederick George Harrisson
- Robert Humphrys Harry
- Francis George Hart
- Wilson Hartnell
- Charles William Harvey
- Robert Harvey (1848-1925)
- Alfred Seale Haslam
- Lewis Haslam
- Lucien Hautvast
- George Richard William Hawke
- Harry Hawker
- Samuel Stanley Hawkes
- John Clarke Hawkshaw
- Kenneth Phipson Hawksley
- James William Haworth
- Edward Haydock
- Richard Henry Hayhurst
- Elwood Haynes
- Robert Francis Hayward
- Howard Clark Head
- R. H. Head
- Charles Arthur Head
- Harold Heape
- Ashton Marler Heath
- Thomas Tannett Heaton
- Arthur West Heaviside
- Oliver Heaviside
- Walter Charles Heavysege
- William Buller Heberden
- Arthur Egerton Heckford
- Armorer Hedley
- Walter Joseph Heeley
- Richard Hammersley Heenan
- John H. Heffernan
- Jean-Jacques Heilmann
- Henry Herbert Hellins
- John Baillie Henderson
- John Macdonald Henderson (1843-1922)
- Thomas Henderson (1867-1929)
- David Henderson
- John Macdonald Henderson
- Francois Hennebique
- Cecil Quixano Henriques
- George Herbert Henson
- John William Hepworth
- George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert
- William Abbott Herdman
- Louis Anthyme Herdt
- John Herschel
- Otto Hesmer
- John Hewett
- Peter Cooper Hewitt
- Walter Hewson
- William Hexter
- William Edwin Heys
- Frank Hickman
- John Roe Hickman (1854-1921)
- Lloyd Higginbottom
- Walter Higginbotham
- Alfred Higginbottom
- Walter Higginbottom
- Reginald Higgs
- George Goffrie Higgs
- Arthur Edward Hight
- George Highton
- Jacob Higson
- James Bracebridge Hilditch
- Alfred John Hill
- Alfred Percy Hill
- Alick Sargeant Hill
- Arthur Trenchard Hill
- Claude William Hill
- Elijah Hill
- John Kershaw Hill
- Joseph Albert Hill
- Arthur Hill
- Andre Hillairet
- William Hillman
- Arnold Frank Hills
- Thomas Henry Hindle
- Francis Hird
- Alfred Hirst
- Henry Hirst
- George Robertson Hislop
- Arthur John Hobson
- Robert Hobson
- Albert John Hobson
- Henry Hodgson
- Frederick Goddard Hodson
- Thomas Stuart Hodson
- William James Hodson, Junior
- Heinrich Oscar Hofman
- Richard Holbrook
- Francis John Gerald Holden
- Henry James Holden
- Edward Thomas Holden
- James Holden
- Harry Thomas Holdron
- William Henry Holland (1849-1927)
- Harry Holliday
- Wilfred Wilson Hollings
- Alexander Thomas Hollingsworth
- Henry Ernest Hollins
- Frederick Holman
- Albert Baden Holmes
- Joseph Holmes
- Arthur Bromley Holmes
- George Charles Vincent Holmes
- Tom de Brunnow Holmes
- George Ernest Holroyde
- Gotfried Moritz Ludwig Leopold Holzapfel
- Harold Homan
- George Hone
- David Wilson Hood
- William Walker Hood
- George Hookham
- Terah Hooley
- John Pitman Hooper
- Geoffrey William Winsmore Hooper
- Linton Chorley Hope
- Suwarrow Moore Hopkins
- William Randolph Innes Hopkins
- Charles Hopkinson (1854-1920)
- Edward Hopkinson
- Ernest Hopwood
- Horace George Thornton
- David Bayne Horn
- Joseph Gregory Horner
- Isaac Horton (1841-1915)
- Thomas Hosking
- Albert Joseph Hoskins
- Cecil Harold Hoskins
- Charles Hoskins
- George John Hoskins
- Harry Houdini
- John Houghton (1850-1924)
- Thomas Harry Houghton
- Eliot Howard
- Rosalind Howard
- Henry Marion Howe
- Samuel Earnshaw Howell
- Francis Howlett
- Cecil G. Howsin
- James Rossiter Hoyle
- Edward Clifton Hubbard
- Herman Victor Hubert
- Thomas Edgar Hudson
- Henry Huggins
- John Hughes (d.1924)
- Ralph T. Hughes
- David Arthur Hughes
- Walter Charleton Hughes
- Alfred Brocklebank Hull
- Nelson Powell Hulst
- Henry Humphreys
- Stephen Humphry
- James Hulse Humphryes
- Robert Woolston Hunt
- William Hunt (1845-1924)
- Charles Hunt
- Reuben Hunt (1836-1927)
- Charles Frederick Hunter
- James Hunter (1871-1920)
- John Chalmers Hunter
- John William Hunter
- Michael Joseph Hunter
- Andrew Ritchie Hunter
- William Dods Hunter
- Alfred Kirby Huntington
- Joseph Huntrods
- Edward Norman Richard Hurt
- Thomas William Stainer Hutchins
- Sydney Hutton Cooper Hutchinson
- Robert Hutton (1862- )
- William Mangles I'Anson
- George Iden
- George Idle
- Charles Webb Iliffe
- George Rumney Illingworth
- Francis Ince
- Frederick William Ingram
- William Ingham
- Gardiner Inglis
- Patrick MacNab Inglis
- Samuel Ingram
- William Ingram
- Fearnside Irvine
- D. Irving
- John Irwin
- Godfrey Charles Isaacs
- Camillo Isler
- Isoji Ishiguro
- Henry Alfred Ivatt
- Alexander Izat
- Alexander G. M. Jack
- William Jack
- Joseph Jackman
- William R. Jackman
- Algernon Brooker Jackson
- Harold Drinkwater Jackson
- William Alexander Jackson
- William Uprichard Jackson
- Henry Bradwardine Jackson
- Harry Yule Vivian Jackson
- William Jackson (1845-1928)
- Arthur Jacob
- Arthur Jacob (1868-1925)
- Francis Jacob
- George James Jacobs
- Otto Moses Jaffe
- Christopher John Wallace Jakeman
- Albert Alfred James
- Christopher William James
- Charles Godfrey Jameson
- Frank Wearing Jarman
- George Robert Jebb
- Joseph Jeffery
- James Jeffery
- James Black Jeffrey
- August Jegher
- Henry Holmes Jellett
- Charles James Jenkin
- David M. Jenkins
- James Graham Jenkins
- Henry Frederick William Jenks
- I. L. W. V. Jensen
- Charles James Jewell
- Charles Leonard Jewell
- William Henry Johns
- Arthur Henry Johnson
- Ernest Victor Johnson
- Frank Mihill Johnson
- Frederick F. E. Johnson
- Herbert Alfred Johnson
- Ronald Marr Johnson
- Thomas Henry Johnson
- William Johnson (1856-1922)
- Claude Goodman Johnson
- Richard Johnson
- Walter Claude Johnson
- James Johnston (1863-1922)
- John Joice
- Charles Eustace Jolly
- John McCallum Jolly
- Joseph Jonas
- Alfred Arthur Jones
- Ellis Williams Jones
- Evan Rowland Jones
- Henry James Jones
- Herbert Edward Jones
- John Charles Dwaffyd Jones
- John Jones (c1828-1924)
- Richard Edwin Jones
- Robert Clay Jones
- Samuel Gilbert Jones
- Thomas Jones (1843-1927)
- Edward Jones (1837-1924)
- George Edward Jones
- Harry Edward Jones
- Henry Edward Jones
- Thomas Jones (1844-1926)
- Thomas Jones (1853-1922)
- Thomas Charles Jones
- Walter Jones
- Henry Keyes Jordan
- William Leighton Jordan
- Richard Henry Jude
- William John Jures
- Gisbert Kapp
- Walter Kelata Kaye
- Henry Ward Kearns
- James Alfred Keay
- Thomas William Keele
- James Keith
- Howard George Kelley
- William Redfern Kelly
- G. Newenham Kelly
- James Hermann Rosenthal Kemnal
- Irvine Kempt
- Annesley Kenealy
- Robert William Kennard (1858-1929)
- John Kennedy (1838-1921)
- Myles Kennedy
- Alexander Blackie William Kennedy
- John Arthur Kenrick
- Walter George Kent (d.1921)
- Albert Ryder Kenworthy
- Georgina Elizabeth Kermode
- Henry Williams Kernick
- James Kerr (1844-1927)
- Abraham Kershaw
- Henry Kesterton
- Charles Bosworth Ketley
- Harry Mason Kettelwell
- Henry John Cubitt Keymer
- Hector Kidd
- Nicholas Kilburn
- Harry Birch Killon
- Harry Watkins Kimber
- Charles Stewart Kincaid
- John George Kincaid
- Charles Penrose King
- Hugh Fortescue Locke King
- George Walter King
- Henry Sampson King
- Lucius Augustus Kingston
- Samuel Alexander Kirkby
- John Kirkaldy (1853-1920)
- Edward Christian Kitson
- Conrad Knap
- Allen Arthur Knapman
- William Bond Knapman
- Zac Ellis Knapp
- Charles Albert Knight
- Robert Knox (1868-1928)
- Elias Bernard Koopman
- Christian Korte
- Rudolph Howard Krause
- Arthur Henry Carleton L'Estrange
- Charles Victor Lacey
- Alexander Lachenal
- Harry Thompson Laity
- Carlton John Lambert
- Andrew Lamberton
- Benjamin G. Lamme
- Joseph Lamont
- Norman Augustus Lane
- Howard Lane
- Walter Langdon-Davies
- Frederick Montague Townshend Lange
- Bernard Laporte
- Charles Lapworth
- Ernest William Larkworthy
- Henry James Lascelles
- James Gilmore Latta
- Alexander Lauder
- George Lauder
- Reginald Edward Laurence
- William Knox Laurence
- William Laurillard
- Ernest Charles Law
- Andrew Bonar Law
- William Lawley (1844-1929)
- Maximilian Robert Lawrence
- Frederick Washington Lawson
- Henry John Lawson
- Gordon Layton
- Louis Le Chatelier (1853-1928)
- William Edgar Lea
- William Lea
- Fred Leaman
- Thomas Picton Leather (1859-1928)
- Maurice Leblanc
- Alfred Leblanc
- Albert Reid Ledoux
- Hoe Thye Lee
- Albert Charles Lee
- George Douglas Leechman
- William Lees (1869-1925)
- Alfred Legrand
- Joseph William Leigh
- James Lemon
- John Lennard
- William Lennard
- William John Leonard
- Bradford Leslie
- Isaac Enoch Lester
- Leon Levavasseur
- Dorothy Levitt
- David Lewis
- Ernest Lewis (c.1838-1926)
- John Lewis (1836-1928)
- Christopher John Leyland
- John Liddell (1830-1924)
- John William Lieb
- Thomas Bell Lightfoot
- Cecil Lightfoot
- George Charles Lilley
- Charles Coxhead Lindsay
- William Lindsey-Badcock
- Edward Lisle
- Robert Ashton Lister
- David Harrower Littlejohn
- Archibald Liversidge
- James Livesey (1832-1925)
- John Talbot Dillwyn Llewelyn
- Leonard Wilkinson Llewelyn
- Edgar Harry Lloyd
- Lewis Allon Lloyd
- Robert McAllister Lloyd
- William Harold Lloyd
- Arthur Llewellyn Lloyd
- Francis Zachary Lloyd
- Howard Lloyd
- John Christian Lloyd
- William Arthur Lloyd
- Henry Denzil Lobley
- William Stronach Lockhart
- Thomas Dixon Lockwood
- Norman Joseph Lockyer
- Joseph Norman Lockyer
- William Albert James London
- Walter Hume Long
- John Gordon Longbottom
- Michael Longridge
- William Turner Lord
- Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
- William Lorimer
- Henry Lovegrove
- Sidney Richard Lowcock
- John Lowdon
- Percy Norman Lowndes
- Edward Sydney Luard
- Arthur Lucas
- Saxon Lucas
- Arthur George Luckett
- Stephen Paget Walter Vyvyan Luke
- Hugh David Lumsden
- Thomas Lumsden
- Andreas Peter Lundberg
- Edward Lyall
- Charles Lyle
- Robert Park Lyle
- Anthony George Lyster
- Charles George Lyttelton
- George Watson Macalpine
- John Henry Macalpine
- Colin George MacArthur
- John Stewart MacArthur
- Alfred William Macaulay
- Donald Herbert MacDonald
- Donald Macdonald
- James Macdonald
- James Ronald Leslie Macdonald
- William G. A. MacDonald
- John MacDonald
- Alfred Creagh Macdonnell
- James Wright Macfarlane
- Walter Mace Macfarlane
- Walter Macfarlane (d.1921)
- James Macgregor
- John Macintyre
- Henry John Sutherland Mackay
- Wallace Mackay
- Donald James Mackay
- Francis John Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie
- Keith Ronald Mackenzie
- John Bower Mackenzie
- William Mackie
- Charles Rennie Mackintosh
- John Mackintosh (1868-1920)
- George Frank Mackrow
- David Mowat Maclay
- Andrew Bruce MacLean
- Cecil Howard MacNay
- William Leonard Madgen
- Gwynn Henry Buller Madocks
- Kenrick Madocks
- James Porter Maginnis
- Arthur John Maginnis
- Cree Maitland
- Edward Maitland Maitland
- Arthur Henry Mallett
- Henry Archibald Mallock
- Robert Hansford Mance
- Henry Christopher Mance
- Harry Manfield
- James Manfield
- Simeon Outram Manlove
- Charles Manly
- William Hutchinson Mann
- John Andrew Mannell
- Frank Mappin
- Stanley Arthur Mappin
- Alexander Marcet
- Heber Mardon
- Richard Mardon
- William Margetson
- Walter Markby
- Charles Paxton Markham
- Edward Charles Robert Marks
- Sydney Smith Marner
- Arthur Edward Marrian
- Ernest Joseph Marriott
- Thomas Edmund Marsh
- Walter Roberton Marsh
- Henry Marshall (2)
- Herbert John Marshall
- James Brown Marshall
- Percy James Marshall
- Reginald Marshall
- Roland Marshall
- James Marshall
- Percy Francis Edward Marshall
- Wilson Marshall
- Charles Louis Marston
- John Martin (1878-1922)
- Thomas Commerford Martin
- William Edward Martin
- Arthur Martin (1886-1929)
- Horace Richard Marwood
- Robert Masefield
- Hugh Mason (1878-1928)
- Thomas Mason (1844-1924)
- Seaton Dunham Massy
- Frank Matcham
- William Mather
- Albert Roger Mathews
- Alfred Eugene Mathewson
- Harry Bryant Matthews
- Joseph Matthews
- Robert Matthews
- William Matthews
- William Robert Matthews
- Thomas Matthews
- Thomas William Matthews
- Ernest George Matthewson
- Henry Mattinson
- William Vallance Mauchlin
- Walter Henry Maudslay
- Frederick John Maule
- William Henry Maw
- Christopher John Mawhood
- Harold Maxwell-Lefroy
- William Walker May
- Wilhelm Maybach
- Charles Riley Maynard
- Emile Mayrisch
- James Frederick Alfred Maythorn
- Christopher McAdams
- John Kermack McBain
- Duncan McCall
- George Kerr McCall
- Gilbert McCall
- Christopher Howell McCarthy-Jones
- William McConway
- Frederick William McCullough
- Neil J. McDermaid
- Ian Alister McDonnell
- James McGeorge
- Stuart William Buchanan McGregor
- T. McGregor
- Henry Airton McInnes
- Lewis McIver
- Benjamin Robert McIvor
- Hugh Victor McKay
- Alexander George McKenzie Jack
- Alexander McKerrow
- Frederick Lachlan McKinnon
- John McLachlan
- Henry McLaren
- John McLaren
- William Alexander McLaren
- William McLaren
- W. McLean
- Herbert McLeod
- S. J. McMechan
- Ina Erskine McNeil
- John McNeil
- Alexander McVicar
- Andrew McWilliam
- Arthur Mechan
- Richard James Mecredy
- William Bernard Megone
- John Mehaffey
- Charles Scott Meik
- William Solomon Melling
- William Melville
- William Wilkie Melville
- James Bury Mercer
- John Theodore Merz
- Rudolph Messel
- William Henry Le Mesurier
- Frederick Augustus Le Mesurier
- Frank Walker Metcalfe
- James Metcalfe
- Charles Herbert Theophilus Metcalfe
- Anthony Cornelius Meyjes
- Reginald Empson Middleton
- Thomas Millar
- Herbert Woodville Miller
- Thomas Miller (1841-1928)
- John Smith Miller
- Samuel Wylie Miller
- Jacob Millhoff
- Alfred Ernest Mills
- George Ernest Mills
- John Mills (1843-1924)
- Frank Milton (c1850-1920)
- Frederick Frank Reilly Minchin
- Perojshah Daraji Mirza
- Frank Mitchell
- George Mitchell
- Herbert Edward Mitchell
- Peter Dochard Mitchell
- Robert Mitchell
- Oliver Linnell Mobbs
- William Moffat
- Alexander Charles Baddeley Moffatt
- William Todd Moffatt
- Georges Moilliet
- Herbert John Moir
- Guilford Lindsey Molesworth
- Ambrose James Molloy
- Charles Patrick Molloy
- Alexander Bain Moncrieff
- Ambrose Monell
- James Milne Monro
- Robert Monroe
- John Walter Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu
- Robert Moodie
- Christopher Moody
- George Henry Moody
- Edwin Rowland Moon
- Richard St. George Moore
- Frederick Louis Moorhouse
- John Batt Moorhouse
- Ethel Mordaunt
- Charles Morehead
- Richard Moreland, Junior
- Edward Vaughan Morgan
- Donald Barns Morison
- S. Hope Morley
- Herbert William Morley
- Charles Morris (1854-1926)
- James Morris
- John Alfred Morris
- John Morris (1853-1929)
- Joseph Morris
- William H. Morris
- Harold Morris-Airey
- Frederick Thomas Morrison
- J. S. Morrison
- John Walter Morrison
- Richard Victor Morse
- Charles Mortimer (1837-1923)
- David Home Morton
- Francis Morton (1839-1920)
- Thomas Morton Gray Morton
- Thomas James Moss-Flower
- William Edward Moulsdale
- John Fletcher Moulton
- Montague B. Mountain
- William Charles Mountain
- Ernest Francis Moy
- Hidalgo Moya
- William Morgan Moylan
- William Robert Mudd
- Francis John Mudford
- David Temple Muir
- Henry Muir
- William Muirhead (c1855-1923)
- Herbert Hall Mulliner
- Thomas Munday (of Norwich)
- Edwin Isaac Munk
- William Munro (1858-1925)
- John Macintosh Mackay Munro
- Gerard Albert Muntz
- James Murch
- Martin Murphy (1831-1926)
- George William Murray
- Lee Lathrop Murray
- Thomas Roberts Murray
- Thomas Blackwood Murray
- Robert Charles Murrin
- John Richard Musgrave
- Bernard Musgrave
- Edmund Knowles Muspratt
- Thomas Harrison Myres
- William Myers (1864-1925)
- Ernest Roberton Myers
- William Nairn
- Robert Twentyman Napier
- Robert Carnegie Napier
- John Nasmith
- Adolphus Nathan
- Thomas William Nayler
- Robert Henry Bennett Neal
- Robert Thomas Neall
- Joseph Edward Needham
- Walter Neilson (c.1849-1921)
- William Muir Nelson
- William Nelson (1851-1922)
- David Mein Nesbit
- Hugh Percy Nesham
- Oswald Nettlefold
- Edward Anster Neville
- John Fenton Newall
- Henry Thornton Newbigin
- Edwin Gordon Newey
- William Newill
- Thomas George Newton
- John Newton (1843-1929)
- Norman Edward Niblett
- Edmund George Nicholls
- John Charles Nicholson
- Nicol MacIntyre
- Henry Nicholson
- Thomas Ogilvie Niven
- Frederick Albert Nixon
- Harry Noble
- B. V. Nordberg
- Thorsten Nordenfelt
- Charles Ernest Norman
- Edmund Golledge Norman
- Geoffrey Hamilton Norman
- Helen Lavender Norris
- Henry McCoy Norris
- Samuel Joseph Norton
- James Lansdowne Norton
- Edward Noyes
- Charles Hugh Hodges Nugent
- George Beaumont Nutt
- Edmund Nuttall
- Henry Stafford Fred Robert O'Brien
- Lucius Trant O'Shea
- Ernst Odelberg
- William Odling
- Henry Rowlatt Augustus Oertling
- Fred Ogden
- Andrew Muter John Ogilvie
- Saitaro Oi
- Frank Stanley Oldfield
- Frederick William Oldfield
- Orlando Oldham
- Eric Anthony Creswick Oliver
- Christopher Herbert Oliverson
- John Bailey Rowe Orchard
- Joseph Orchiston
- Charles Louis Orchsner
- Edwin Lancelot Orde
- Michael Orde
- Julian Walter Orde
- Giuseppe Orlando
- John William Orme
- John Orr (d.1928)
- John Turton Orrell
- Alfred Draper Ottewell
- Henry Philip Overmass
- Alfred Ernest Owen
- George Henry Oxley
- Gilmour Packman
- William Albert Padfield
- William Pagan
- Hugh Algernon Page
- Thomas Hyde Page
- Albert Charles Pain
- Alfred Palmer
- John Palmer (1844-1926)
- Thomas John Palmer
- John Robert Pannell
- Edgar George Papworth
- George Molyneux Park
- Charles Archibald Park
- John Henry Parker
- Edward Bertram Parker
- George Lawrence Parkes
- Hudson Clough Parkinson
- William Joseph Parkyn
- William Joseph Parkyn (1852-1927)
- Thomas Parkyns (1854-1926)
- Tom Dixon Parr
- William Heather Parratt
- Walter Jones Parry
- Charles Frederick Parsons (1862-1928)
- Enoch Herbert Parsons
- Richard Clere Parsons
- Percy Rexford Parsons
- Ahmed Pasha
- John Robinson Pastfield
- James Patchett
- Hormusji Ruttonjo Patel
- Campbell Paterson
- William Paterson (1862-1926)
- Andrew Crawford Patrick
- Anthony Patterson
- W. Patteson
- Hugh Lee Pattinson (1854-1924)
- John Shield Pattinson
- James Noah Paxman
- George Payne (c1859-1927)
- Raymond Payne
- Thomas Jackson Peacock
- Ralph Peacock
- Charles Pearce
- Richard Pearce (1837-1927)
- William Alfred Pearn
- Henry Charles Pearson
- Robert John Addison Pearson
- C. Arthur Pearson
- Joseph Frederic Pearson
- Weetman Dickinson Pearson
- Reginald Pease
- Arthur Francis Pease
- Jonathan Peate
- William Peck
- Mikael Pedersen
- Percy Harold Peel
- James Peet
- William George Peirce
- Ernest Frank Peirson
- Frederick Bennett Pell
- James Pender
- Andrew Clark Penman
- William Penn (1849-1921)
- William Pennington
- Augustus Pereno
- William Henry Perkin (1860-1929)
- James Perkins
- Ludlow Patton Perkins
- John Perry (1850-1920)
- Antoine Pescatore
- Leonard Peskett
- Emil Bernhard Petersen
- George William Pettit
- Joah Carver Phelon
- Arthur Frederick Phillips
- Charles Godfrey Phillips
- James Alexander Phillips
- Walter Henry Phillips
- Albert B. Phillips
- Horatio Frederick Phillips
- Robert Edward Phillips
- Walter Phillips
- George Henry Phillott
- Frederick Reginald Phipps
- Lawrence Leadley Pickering
- William Pickersgill
- George Pickles (d.1926)
- James Pigg
- Mostyn Piggott
- William Renard Pilkington
- Edward Pilkington
- John Morgan Pinn
- Reginald Charles Pinniger
- William James Pirrie
- Francis Bernard Pitcairn
- Walter Pitt
- James Davies Pitt
- Francis James Platt
- John Platt (1848-1927)
- Arthur Twisden Playne
- John St. Vincent Pletts
- John Tebbutt Plowright
- Robert Francis Pochin
- Ernest Richard Polehampton
- R. Pollok
- James William Pope
- George Graham Poppleton
- Percy Blades Porritt
- Edward Ernest Porter
- Oliver H. Porter
- Harry Harvey Portway
- Louis Alfred Porritt
- Henry Powell (1882-1928)
- Warington Baden-Powell
- Ambrose Grattan Power
- Charles Assheton Whately Pownall
- Louis Prat
- Lancelot Wilfred Pratt
- William John Pratten
- Charles Sheibner Du Riche Preller
- John Prentice
- Henry Prescott
- John Theodore Prestige (1854-1922)
- Henry James Preston
- Edwin James Preston
- John Bennett Price
- Frank Edward Priest
- Francis Priestman
- Francis Archibald Primrose
- James Primrose
- Reginald Seymour Prinsep
- Hugh Pritchard
- Francis Hesketh Pritchard
- George Pritchett
- Harry Probyn
- James Procter
- Oswald Milton Prouse
- Charles Vernon Pugh
- Carl Pulfrich
- Laurence Pullar
- Samuel Puplett
- Henry Atwell Purdon
- William Thomas Pye
- Henry Joseph Rabone
- George Raine
- William Rainforth
- Octavius Ralling
- Ganga Ram
- Richard Ramage
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
- John Goodfellow Ramsbottom
- William F. Ramsey
- Charles Frederic Rand
- Isham Randolph
- Robert Bolton Ransford
- Geoffrey Ransome
- Lewis H. Ransome
- Adolphus Ranwell
- Herbert Raphael
- Frederick Harvey Rapley
- Daniel Rowlinson Ratcliff
- Edward Stanhope Ratcliffe
- Edgar Philip Rathbone
- Charles Raworth (1850-1928)
- Frederick Lawrence Rawson
- Edward Raymond-Barker
- Henry George Read
- Herbert James Read
- Robert Readhead
- Joseph Fell Redman
- Albert Edwin Reed
- William Henry Reed
- William David Rees
- William Robert Reeves
- John Henry Reeves
- Harold Reid
- William Henry Reid
- Edwin James Reid
- Robert Whyte Reid
- Alfred Arnold Remington
- Ira Remsen
- Charles Rennoldson
- William Robert Renshaw
- Benjamin M. Renton
- William Henry Renwick
- Dario Resta
- James Arthur Reynolds
- John Henry Reynolds
- William Benbow Reynolds
- Frank Sydney Reynolds
- George Bernard Reynolds
- Thomas Joseph Reynolds
- Thomas Reynolds
- Charles Edward Rhodes
- Walter Rhodes
- Halsey Ralph Ricardo
- Alban Richards
- Edgar J. Windsor Richards
- Edward Windsor Richards
- Harold Frederick Richards
- Henry William Hall Richards
- John Richards (1845-1922)
- Joseph William Richards
- Alexander Richardson
- James Richardson (1869-1929)
- John Richardson (1841-1920)
- John Scott Richardson
- William Milward Richardson
- Antonio Richardson
- James Nicholson Richardson
- James Richardson
- Joseph Richmond
- James Read Rickard
- Gilbert Braithwaite Rickards
- Henry Riddell
- Samuel Rideal (1863-1929)
- James Rigg
- R. Sanford Riley
- Charles Erskine Risk
- Frederick George Ross
- Robert Andrew Macfie
- Charles George Roberton
- David Roberts
- Edward Roberts (1851-1925)
- Francis George Adair Roberts
- Harry Owen Roberts
- Joseph Roberts (1858-1922)
- Samuel Roberts (1851-1926)
- George Henry Roberts
- George Henry Roberts (1869-1828)
- Martin Fenn Roberts
- Arthur Robertson
- Charles George Robertson
- F. Robertson
- James Alexander Robertson
- William Stewart Robertson
- Arthur Wells Robinson
- Frederick A. Robinson
- Mark Heaton Robinson
- Matthew Alexander Robinson
- Sydney Greenwood Robinson
- Sydney Jessop Robinson
- John Eteson Robinson
- Mark Robinson
- Samuel Robinson
- Frank William Robson
- John Henderson Robson
- Oliver Claude Robson
- Thomas Spruce Roby
- Andrew Frederick Rock
- John Pearce Roe
- Washington A. Roebling
- Richard B. Rogers
- Hugh Innes Rogers
- Albert Chorley Rogerson
- John Edwin Rogerson
- Thomas Bond Rogerson
- William Michael Rogerson
- George Rolf
- Albert Kaye Rollit
- James Dennis Roots
- Arthur Charles Roper
- Robert Ropner
- William Rose
- Alexander Ross
- Charles Roszak
- Phineas Rothwell
- Eustace Arthur Rouch
- Henry Morrison Rounthwaite
- Oliver Matthews Row
- William Rowan-Thomson
- Thomas Rowbotham (c1855-1926)
- William Thomas Rowden
- Samuel Rowe (1875-1920)
- Gilbert Rowe
- Herbert Babington Rowell
- Albert Edward Rowland
- George Appelbee Royce
- Ralph Sydney Royle
- Heinrich Rubens
- John Tunner Rubery
- Thomas William Rubery
- William Benjamin Rubery
- Martin Diederich Rucker
- Frank Percy Rudder
- Kenneth Rushton
- Leslie Stuart Russell
- Norman Scott Russell
- Thomas Addison Russell
- Stuart Arthur Russell
- Charles H. Rust
- James Augustine Rutherford
- Ethelbert Thomas Ruthven Murray
- Walter Rutt
- Henry Norlande Ruttan
- Frederick Chesterfield Ryland
- John Rymer-Jones
- Frederick Howard Sabin
- Charles Albert Sadler
- John James Sainsbury
- David Salomons
- Henry Salsbury
- Glynn Salter
- Thomas Salter Pyne
- Henry Adolph Salvesen
- John Sampson (1859-1925)
- Marcus Samuel
- Bernhard Martin Samuelson
- Ernest Samuelson
- John Glas Sandeman
- Frank Arthur Henry Sanders
- Frederick Isidor Sanderson
- George Carisbrooke Sandie
- Robert Leake Sandie
- Matthew Henry Phineas Riall Sankey
- Walter Arthur Sapey
- Leslie Sarjeant
- Johan Sarvaas
- Ernest Arthur Savage
- Thomas Ackers Savery (1848-1921)
- Anne Savile
- George Saxon (1858-1924)
- William Brooks Sayers
- Alfred Thomas Scammell
- Carl Wilhelm Victor Schaefer
- Augustus Oswald Schenk
- Albert Schmid
- Wilhelm Schmidt
- Edward Rodolph Clement Scholefield
- Emil Schrodter
- Johannes Schuil
- William Schwanhausser
- John Scobie
- Adam Scott
- Hugh Hamilton Scott
- James Scott
- Joseph Rogerson Scott
- Alfred Angas Scott
- George Scott-Moncrieff
- William Dundas Scott-Moncrieff
- Graves Lempriere Searight
- George Baldwin Selden
- Barratt Carrington Sellars
- Robert Percy Sellon
- Rudolph Selz
- Guido Semenza
- Peter Oscar Serck
- Tom Settle
- William R. Seward
- William Frederick Earl Seymour
- Francois Gustave Theophile Seyrig
- Arthur Thornton Shanks
- Henry Shanks
- Henry Shanks (1862-1929)
- Milton Sheridan Sharp
- Richard Sharp (1854-1928)
- Sidney Sharp
- George Frederick Laundy Sharp
- Osman Shaw
- William Dale Shaw
- George John Shaw-Lefevre
- William Sheldon
- Robert Samuel Thomas Shelley
- Joseph Shepherd
- James Shepherd (1851-1929)
- David Alexander Sheret
- Henry Alexander George Sherlock
- Charles Sherwood
- Robert Shinnie
- Ernest Richard Shipton
- Francis William Shorland
- Maurice Edward Fuller Shuttleworth
- Thomas Knight Sibbald
- William Sibun
- Alexander Siemens
- Stephen Winckworth Silver (1852-1929)
- Antony Andre Simon
- Arthur Telford Simpson
- Charles Liddell Simpson
- Edward Percy Simpson
- John Bell Simpson
- Robert More Simpson
- Francis Charles Simpson
- Alexander Sinclair (1861-1930)
- Dane Sinclair
- Herbert Sinclair
- Adam Mortimer Singer
- R. Sissingh
- Charles Sitch
- William George Sitwell
- Robert Skelton
- George Philip Skipworth
- Henry Albert Slack
- William Slack
- John William Wilfred Slack
- Randal Beresford Slacke
- William Slinger
- Hermann Sloog
- Joseph Smalley
- Charles Oswald Smeaton
- Michael Geoffrey Smiles
- Charles Chambers Smith
- Charles Edward Smith
- David Curle Smith
- Harry John Smith
- Henry Smith (1849-1924)
- James Henry Thomas Smith
- John Edwin Smith
- Percy Harry Frost Smith
- Thomas Robert Smith
- Tom Vincent Smith
- Turberville Smith
- William Carruthers Smith
- Isaac Smith (1839-1920)
- James Smith (1860-1923)
- John Smith (1845-1929)
- John Smith (c1851-1928)
- James Hoyle Smith
- John Smart Smith
- John Smith (1874-1926)
- Oberlin Smith
- Prince Smith, Junior
- Peter Wilson Smith
- Ross Smith
- William Smith (of Saltley)
- Alfred Waldron Smithers
- William Carew Smyth
- Thomas Snow
- John Armstrong Snowdon
- Alfred Soames
- Ernest George Soanes
- George FitzRoy Henry Somerset
- Henry Somerset
- Robert Somerville
- Arthur Sopwith
- Charles Edwin Southey
- Richard Southwood
- Alexander Thomas Spears
- Robert Spence
- Arthur William Spence
- Alfred George Spencer
- Samuel Spencer
- William Spencer
- Arthur Spencer
- Henry Spencer (3)
- Bertram Ford Sperring
- Frederick S. Spiers
- John Spiller
- Fred Spivey
- James Osborn Spong
- Archibald John Sproston
- Robert Edmund Sprott
- Henry Spurrier (c1840-1922)
- Percival Walter St. George
- Richard St. George-Moore
- Arthur T. St. Laurent
- William George Stafford
- William Stagg
- William Standford
- William Henry Stanier
- Beville Stanier
- Harry Frank Stanley
- Ernesto Stassano
- William Stead (1837-1921)
- John Edward Stead
- Henry Steel
- James Steele
- Edward Steer
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz
- Louis Sterne
- Arthur James Stevens
- Samuel Edward Stevens
- Thomas Stevens (1862-1924)
- George Stevenson
- Henry Stevenson
- Robert Stevenson (d.1921)
- James Stevenson (1873-1926)
- George Richard Steward
- Alexander Stewart (1856-1927)
- John Graham Stewart
- William Eden Stiff
- Allan Stirling
- B. Stockman
- Robert Stoddart
- W. Stoddart
- George Stoker
- Wilfrid Stokes
- Edward Herbert Stone
- Sidney Stone
- Leigh Stopford
- Isaac Henry Storey
- Peter Campbell Stormont
- Frederick Storr
- John Somes Story
- Robert Stotesbury
- Percy Kendall Stothert
- Frederick Stanley Stowell
- William Edward Stoyle
- Frank Strachan
- James Marshall Strachan
- John St. Loe Strachey
- Ralph Strachey
- Sidney Samuel Straker
- John Strange
- William Lumisden Strange
- Harold Meering Strickland
- Arthur Lewis Stride
- Henry Osborne Strong
- Thomas Vezey Strong
- J. Stuart (d.1924)
- Herbert Akroyd Stuart
- Charles Stuart-Wortley
- John Stubbs
- William John Stutt
- Alfred Inigo Suckling-Baron
- Edouard Suenson
- Edward Sullivan
- Herbert Watson Sullivan
- Jacob Sulzer-Imhoof
- James Summers
- Frank Bright Summers
- James Sumner
- Thomas Sutherland
- Edward Willis Swan
- Marshall Swanston
- William Norman Swettenham
- John Arthur Swift
- George Swinburne
- James Swindell Evers Swindell
- Harry Cawley Swindells
- Joseph William Swithinbank
- Sydney Yates
- James Weeks Szlumper
- William Archer Porter Tait
- John Charles Taite
- Takeo Takimura
- Frank Forrest Talbot
- Bentara Tamaki
- George Tangye
- James Frederick Tangye
- Richard Tangye
- John Croysdale Tannett
- William Henry Tannett
- William Howard Tasker
- Leonard George Tate
- Albert Lester Taylor
- Christopher Mardon Taylor
- James Taylor
- Knox Taylor
- William James Taylor
- George Crosland Taylor
- Godfred Midgley Taylor
- James Taylor (1850-1928)
- John Taylor (1841-1920)
- Joseph Samuel Taylor
- William Howard Taylor
- Sidney Tebbutt
- Percy Crosland Tempest
- John Temple
- James Lethbridge Brooke Templer
- William Terant
- Hubert Lanphier Terry
- Stephen Harding Terry
- Joseph Roberts Tetlow
- Edgar Thewlis
- John Thom (1859-1922)
- George Thomas
- Wyndham Partridge Thomas
- Cedric Llewellyn Thomas
- Gordon Cale Thomas
- George Holt Thomas
- James Thomas
- John Godfrey Parry Thomas
- William Thomas (1867-1928)
- Paul Sommerville Thompson
- Arthur Moore Thompson
- William Bruce Thompson
- William Phillips Thompson
- Campbell Thomson
- Charles Ernest Thomson
- George Dawson Thomson
- George Thomson (1859-1928)
- Harold Lyon Thomson
- Henry Thomson
- James Stuart Thomson
- William Curtis Thomson
- John Thomson (1840-1922)
- George Thornley
- David Hannam Thornton
- Richard Thornton
- John Isaac Thornycroft
- John Thorold
- Edgar Leslie Thorp
- Thomas Edward Thorpe
- William John Thorrowgood
- James Hay Thow
- George Herbert Thrupp
- George Henry Thurston
- William Henry Tilley (1862-1924)
- Richard Stephen Tilling
- Jean Francois Timmermans
- John Tindall
- William Tingey
- Charles Ernest Tiplady
- Frederick Charles Tipler
- Ganesh Khanderao Tipnis
- Charles Jerome Tisdall
- Alec John Buckeridge Titt
- Thomas Henry Tizard
- Adolph Tobler
- Michael Tomkinson
- John Arthur Tomlinson
- Henry James Tonks
- William Walter Tonks
- James Algernon Toop
- Thomas Fuller Toovey
- William Sharman Toplis
- Frederick William Topping
- Joseph Torbock
- Alfred William Torkington
- James Alfred Towler
- Frederick Town
- William Townsend (c1862-1925)
- William Tozer (1858-1923)
- Robert Traill
- William Henry Traill
- Emile Trasenster
- A. Trautweiler
- James Lindsay Travers
- Thomas Henry Tregoning
- Rupert Trematon
- William Le Poer Trench
- William Henry Trentham
- Frank Henry Trier
- William Trimmer
- Julien John Stanislaus Tripplin
- Norman Percy Miles Tronson
- Olaf Trost
- Frederick Thomas Trouton
- Ernest William Henry Trusselle
- Dimitris Tschernoff
- Alexander Edwin Tucker
- Hector Tulloch
- Baron Turckheim
- Robert Thorburn Turnbull
- Walter James Turnbull
- George Turner (1856-1929)
- Ernest William Turner
- William Wallace Turner
- John Turney
- Fanos Eugene Turpin
- Charles McRobie Turrell
- James George Tuxford
- Samuel Tweedale
- Walter Edgar Twells
- Samuel Poole Twemlow
- C. Temperley
- Thomas Twyford
- Frederick W. Tyzack
- Thomas Tyzack (1842-1923)
- Walter Tyzack
- George James Valentine
- Samuel Alfred Varley
- Richard Vassar-Smith
- William Steains Vaughan
- Peter Christian Massyn Veitch
- William Verity
- Charles Vernier
- Percy Venables Vernon
- Charles John Vickary
- Edmond Boyce Vickers
- Lawrence Theophilus Vickers
- William Alfred Vincent
- Robert Willoughby Vining
- Giulio Vitali
- Gerald William Vivian
- James Waddell (of Glasgow)
- John Waddell (1865-1923)
- Robert Donald Waddell
- Joshua Arthur Paget Waddington
- Francis Richard Wade
- Walter Reginald Wade
- Frederick William George Wadeson
- Arthur Wadham
- Harry Smith Wainwright
- William Wakefield
- Ernest Tom Waldron
- Frederick Walford
- Edwin Robert Walker
- George P. Walker
- Harold Walker
- John Scarisbrick Walker
- William Edward Walker
- William R. Walker
- George Blake Walker
- John Henry Walker
- Philip Jeffery Walker
- Thomas Ferdinand Walker
- William Walker (1843-1922)
- Duncan McNaughton Wallace
- John Crawford Wallace
- John Wallace (d.1921)
- William Wallace (1873-1926)
- Roger William Wallace
- Edwin Cooper Wallis
- Herbert Wallis
- Robert Wallis
- Reginald John Wallis-Jones
- Roughsedge Wallwork
- Arthur Thomas Walmisley
- Robert Mullineux Walmsley
- Robert Laurie Walsh (1869-1925)
- Louis Heathcote Walter
- James Hopkins-Walters
- Frederick Thomas Granville Walton
- Joseph Walton
- Rodman Wanamaker
- George Gray Ward
- Henry Thomas Simpson Ward
- John Cecil Ward
- Samuel Ward
- Thomas William Ward
- Walter Evers Warden
- Marmaduke Wardlow
- Francis John Waring
- Charles Edward Delancy Waring
- Worcester Reed Warner
- William Henry Warren
- William Whittle Warren
- F. Warren
- Richard George Frank Warton
- Walter Warwick
- Robert Waterston (1885-1927)
- James Watkins
- Edward Augustus Watson
- George Coghlan Watson
- George Watson (1852-1921)
- Robert Scott Watson
- Thomas Watson (d.1925)
- Henry Burnett Watson
- Fenwick Shadforth Watts
- William John Thomas Watts
- Philip Watts
- Herbert Wealleans
- John Evenden Wearing
- Arthur Webb
- Clem D. Webb
- George Richard Webb
- Samuel Henry Webb
- W. H. Y. Webber
- Richard Arthur Webster
- William Webster (1849-1922)
- James Weir
- Charles Kingston Welch
- Joseph Welch
- Arthur Collings Wells
- Thomas Henry Wells
- Alfred Ernest Wells
- Charles Keen Welton
- Albert Francis Wenger
- Francis Charles Wenger
- Richard John Wentworth
- William Wesson
- John West
- David Monro Westland
- Samuel Johnson Wheelton
- Richard Whichello
- Arthur Thomas Whiley
- August Whitaker
- Jeremiah Whitaker
- Arthur George Whitby
- Richard Saxton White
- Samuel White
- John Bazely White (1848-1927)
- Robert White
- Thomas Hyler White
- Thomas Edwin Beveridge White
- William Henry White (1844-1925)
- William Henry White (1874-1927)
- Arthur Whitehead
- Gustave Whitehead
- Richard David Whitehead
- James Whitfield
- William Henry Whiting
- Alfred Austin Whitley
- Samuel Whitmore
- Richard Henry Whittington
- Edmund Whomes
- Frederick Whowell
- Charles Wibberley
- Gerald Hamilton Wicks
- Ernest Leedham Widdowson
- John Henry Widdowson (1857-1925)
- Robert Wigglesworth
- Frank Clinton Wight
- Eustace Ernest Wigzell
- Charles Froggartt Wike
- John George Wilcox
- Frederick Charles Wild
- Adamson George Wild
- Wilhelm Westhofen
- Enoch Wilkes
- James John McKinlay Wilkie
- Frederick George Richard Wilkins
- Frank Sidney Wilkinson
- Frank Wilkinson
- Herbert Tatlock Wilkinson
- Joseph Wilkinson (1868-1921)
- John Frederick Willans
- William John Willcox
- Walter Henry Willcox
- William Augustus Tilden
- William Hood (d.1926)
- Alfred Edward Williams (1891-1920)
- Bertie Williams
- Daniel Williams
- Hugh Lawrance Williams
- Illtyd Williams
- W. R. Williams
- Evan Britten Williams
- Henry Willey Williams
- Harry Williams
- Henry Watson Williams
- John Avery Branton Williams
- Francis John Williamson
- John Williamson (Captain)
- William Dean Williamson
- Henry Willis (1852-1927)
- Roger Hurst Willis
- Ernest Thompson Willows
- Charles Joseph Wills
- Stephen Prust Wills
- Arthur Henry Wilson
- Edward A. Wilson
- Howard Stuart Wilson
- John Wilson (1846-1922)
- John Frederick Wilson
- John Jordan Wilson
- John Veitch Wilson
- Robert MacDonald Wilson
- Thomas Parsons Wilson
- Arthur Skelton Wimble
- Bartlett Wrangham Winder
- Cecil Stanley Windsor
- Robert Windsor-Clive
- James Wing
- Richard Ernest Winkfield
- Luis Wirtz
- George Macdonald Wise
- Frederick Wissler
- Rudolf Wissmann
- Gordon Stennett Withers
- Charles Ernest Wolff
- Edwin Wolstenholme
- Charles R. Wood
- Henry Trueman Wood
- Lindsay Wood
- Richard Wood (1871-1923)
- William Wood (1859-1924)
- William Alfred Wood
- Thomas Turley Woodall
- Rollo Robert Woodcock
- Arthur Roland Woodhall
- Samuel Woodhead (d.1928)
- William F. Woodington
- John Harold Woodward
- Thomas Woof
- Stanley George Buchanan Wollaston
- Edward Augustus Woollard
- John Tuppen Woollright
- John Wootton
- Charles Henry Wordingham
- Wilson Worsdell
- Henry Hugo Worthington
- Edmund Wragge
- Francis John Wraight
- John James Wright
- Wallace Wright
- Charles Wright (1846-1929)
- Charles Arthur Wright
- Henry Trueman Wright
- Hugh Wright
- John Arthur Wright
- John Roper Wright
- William Valentine Wright, Junior
- Thomas Wrightson
- Alexander Wyllie
- Albert Victor Wynbloom