Category:Town - Birmingham
Pages in category "Town - Birmingham"
The following 5,410 pages are in this category, out of 5,410 total.
- 1828-29 Pigot's Directory: Birmingham
- 1849 Birmingham Exhibition
- 1876 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1878 Birmingham Gas Exhibition
- 1886 Birmingham Exhibition
- 1891 Birmingham Electrical Exhibition
- 1897 Midland Cycle and Motor Car Exhibition
- 1898 Midland Cycle and Motor Car Exhibition
- 1898 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1899 Midland Cycle and Autocar Show
- 1899 Midland Cycle and Motor Car Exhibition
- 1900 Midland Cycle and Motor Exhibition
- 1906 Birmingham Motor Show
- 1907 Birmingham Motor Show
- 1907 Midland Motor Show
- 1978 Motor Show
- 1980 Motor Show
- 1984 Motor Show
- 1990 Electrex Exhibition
- 1991 Power Supply Europe Exhibition
- 1992 NEMEX Exhibition
- 1992 Nepcon Exhibition
- 1994 Control and Instrumentation Exhibition
- 1994 Nepcon Exhibition
- 1994 Subcon Exhibition
- A. A. Motor Lorries
- A. B. C. Co
- A. B. C. Cycle Co
- A. B. C. D. Plastics
- A. B. Coleman and Co
- A. D. S. (Birmingham)
- A. Everitt and Son
- A. G. Accessories
- A. Gnosill
- A. Hughes and W. Murcott
- A. J. Croft and Co
- A. J. Gilbert
- A. J. Thurman and Co
- A. M. Signalling Design
- A. P. Manufacturing Co
- A. V. Motors (of Birmingham)
- A. W. Abrahams
- J. C. Abbott and Co
- J. Abbott
- ABC (Birmingham)
- Abelson and Co (Engineers)
- Abelson Motors
- Abingdon King Dick
- Abingdon Works Co
- Abingdon-Ecco
- Abis and Co
- Abraham Cottrell
- Abraham Cowley
- Abrahams and Co
- AC-Sphinx Sparking Plug Co
- Accessories (Midland)
- Accles
- Accles and Shelvoke
- Accles Arms and Ammunition Manufacturing Co
- Accles Tube Syndicate
- Accles-Turrell
- Accumulators (Birmingham)
- Acetylene Beacon Light Co
- Achilles Bicycle Co
- Ackworthie
- Acme Ball Castor Co
- Acme Screw Co
- Acme Stopper and Box Co
- T. Acott and Co
- ACT Group
- Acumen Co
- Adall Co
- Adamant and Asphalte Co
- Adamant Co
- S. Adams
- Adams and Allcock
- Fred H. Adams and Co (Silversmiths)
- Thomas Adams and Sons
- W. Adams Ltd
- William Adams (Birmingham)
- Adaptable Moulding Machine Co
- William Adcock
- Adderley Street Gas Works
- Addicott and Holland
- C. J. Adie and Nephew
- Adie and Lovekin
- Adie Brothers
- Charles Adie
- W. Adkins
- M. Adler
- Advance Linen Services
- AEI-Birlec
- Aeraspray Associated
- Aeraspray Manufacturing Co
- Aerlec (Aluminium)
- Aeroplane and Motor Aluminium Castings
- Aerospray Manufacturing Co
- AG Accessories
- A. Ailcock and Co
- H. Aingworth
- Air-Tight Metallic Coffins
- Alaska Cycle Co
- Albert C. Neal
- Albert Cycle Co
- Albert W. Sherriff and Co
- Albion Engineering Co
- Albion Mills Saddlery Co
- Albion Saddles
- Alcester Lane's End Garage
- William Aldam
- William Alder
- Alderson and Gyde
- Aldis Brothers
- Alexander and William Southwood Stocker and Co
- Alexander Products
- Alexander Webb
- G. H. Alexander Machinery
- James Alexanders
- Alfred Antrobus
- Alfred Bennett
- Alfred Bennett's Successors
- Alfred Bevan and Co
- Alfred E. Wilson
- Alfred Ernest Purrott
- Alfred Johnson
- Alfred Kendrick
- All Electric Garages
- All Speed Gear Syndicate
- E. F. Allchin and Co
- W. Allcock
- Allcock and Co
- Thomas Allcock
- J. L. Allday
- P. G. Allday and Co
- William Allday (of Birmingham)
- William Allday and Co
- Alldays and Onions
- Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co
- E. A. Allen and Co
- James Allen
- Allen and Freeman
- Allen and Moore
- John Allen (of Birmingham)
- Allied Breweries
- Allied Paints and Chemicals
- Allied Products and Slotted Steel Co
- Alligaro
- C. Allport
- S. B. Allport
- Samuel Allport
- Thomas Allport
- William Allport
- Alneco
- Alpine Cycle Manufacturing Co
- Altendorf and Wright
- Alumilite and Alzak
- Aluminium Crown Metal Co
- Aluminium Die Castings (Birmingham)
- Aluminium Extruders Association
- Aluminium Ladder Co
- Alwayse Castor Co
- Alwayse Engineering
- Amac
- Amalgamated Carburetters
- Amalgamated Power Engineering
- Amalgamated Stampers
- Ambrose Biggs
- Ames and Stokes
- Ames, Stokes, Stevens and Son
- Anchor Tube Co
- Anderson and Dodds
- Anderson and Whitelaw
- David Anderson (Birmingham)
- Anderton and Co
- Andrew's Manufacturing Co
- F. Andrews and Co
- Andrews Manufacturing Co
- Harold Andrews Grinding Co
- T. Andrews
- W. Andrews
- William Andrews Ltd
- Angel Garage
- Anglo-Dutch Pharmaceutical Co
- Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co
- Angora Silver Plate Co
- Ann Bird and Sons
- Ansell's Brewery
- Ansell, Jones and Co
- William Anson (2)
- Anstey and Wilson
- Anti-Friction Ball Co
- Anti-Friction Bearing Co
- Antler
- J. Antley
- Apex Inflator Co
- Apollo Manufacturing Co
- Apollo Plug Manufacturing Co
- H. E. Appleby and Co
- Appleby Edmonds
- Alfred Appleby Chain Co
- Alfred Appleby's Twin Roller Chain
- Joseph Appleby
- Appleby, Strong, and Makepeace
- Applied Computer Techniques
- Apricot Computers
- Aquaduct Iron Works, Birmingham
- Aqualux
- Aqueduct Iron Works
- Arab Cycle Co
- Arab-Villiers
- C. M. Arbenz
- Arbuthnot Engineering
- James Archdale and Co
- Archer Stamping Co
- Thomas Archer
- Archibald Cutler
- Archibald Pearce and Co
- Alfred Arculus and Co
- Arden Continental Car Accessories Co
- Arden Hill and Co
- Argonarc Engineering Co
- Ariel
- Ariel Cycle Co
- Ariel Motors (1906)
- Ariel Motors (J.S.)
- Ariel Pram Wheel Works
- Ariel Works
- Arkinstall Brothers
- Arley Fabrications
- E. Armfield
- Armis Cycle Manufacturing Co
- Armstrong 1913-1915
- Armstrong Cycle Fittings Co
- Armstrong Cycles
- Armstrong Glass Co
- Armstrong Motor Co
- Armstrong Spinners
- Armstrong Triplex Three-Speed Co
- Armstrong Triplex Three-Speed Gear Co
- J. Armstrong
- Armstrong, Stevens and Son
- Arnold E. Williams
- Frederick Arnold
- Hannah Arnold
- Arrow Cycle Co
- S. Arrowsmith
- Art Porcelain Co
- Arthur Blake and Co
- Arthur E. Sayer and Co
- Arthur P. Price
- Arthur R. Price (Aston Manor)
- Asbestos and General Paint Co
- Asbestos Fireproof and General Paint Co
- Asbestos Fireproof Paint Co
- J. Asbury
- Ash and Lacy
- Ash and Son
- Ash Brothers and Heaton
- Ash Petit and Co
- Joseph Ash and Son
- Thomas Ash and Co
- Ashburn
- F. Asbury
- F. Ashby and Sons
- Frank Ashby and Sons
- W. and G. Ashford
- Ashford (Birmingham)
- Ashford and Latham
- E. Ashford
- John Ashford and Son
- Thomas Ashford
- Ashmore Brothers
- Ashton Engineering Co
- Ashton Evans Motors
- J. Ashton
- Ashworth and Steward
- Asphaltic Limestone Concrete Co
- Associated Brass and Copper Manufacturers of Great Britain
- Associated Light Metal Industries
- Associated Sprayers
- Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers
- Association of Metal Sprayers
- Association of Steel Conduit Manufacturers (ASCM)
- R. and W. Aston
- Aston Brass Co
- Aston Chain and Hook Co
- Aston Manor Electricity Works
- Aston Motor Accessories Co
- Aston Packaging
- Aston Screw and Rivet Co
- Aston Tubes (Non-Ferrous)
- Aston Tubes and Sections
- Joseph Aston
- T. Aston
- Thomas Aston
- Thomas Aston and Sons
- William Aston (buttonmakers)
- W. Aston
- Atalanta Cycle Co
- Atco Mowers
- Atkin and Son
- Atkin and Sons
- E. Atkins
- G. Atkins
- Atlas Engine Co
- Atlas Engineering Co (of Birmingham)
- Attenborough Brothers
- F. L. Attwood
- H. Attwood and Son
- H. Atwater
- Augustus Stamping Co
- Auster
- Auster and Smith
- Thomas Auster and Co
- Austin
- A. T. Austin
- Austin Cycle Co
- Austin Electric Co
- Austin Motor Export Corporation
- Arthur J. Austin
- Auto Conversions
- Auto Tube Co
- Autocrat Light Car Co
- Autoflow Engineering
- Autoglider
- Automatic Pressings
- Automobile and Cycle Engineers' Institute
- Automobile Supply Co
- Autopower
- Autoset (Production)
- Autoset Clamp Co
- T. C. Aveling and Co
- W. and T. Avery
- Avery Berkel
- Avery Weigh-Tronix
- C. Avins and Sons
- Ayrshire Metal Products
- B. Bunston-Roberts
- B. G. Machinery
- B. H. P. Machine Tool Co
- B. I. F. Engineering Co
- B. I. P. Engineering
- B. K. B. Electric Motors
- B. K. L. Alloys
- B. M. Rolling Mills
- B. M. S. Laminations
- B. S. A. Grinding Machine Co
- B. S. K. Aluminium
- B.I.P. Tools
- R. Bach and Co
- H. R. Backhouse and Co
- William Badams
- John Badger and Co
- Thomas Badger
- Baedekers Trading Co
- J. and W. Bagnall
- T. Bagnall
- Bailey and Mackey
- Bailey Brothers
- Edward Bailey
- S. and J. Bailey
- T. Bailey
- William Bailey
- William Bailey (Birmingham)
- William Baines and Co
- Bakelite
- Bakelite Xylonite
- W. and H. Baker
- Baker and Co
- Baker and Finnemore
- Baker Metal Stopper Co
- Baker Motor Cycles
- Edward Baker and Son
- Edward Baker Co
- Edward Baker's
- F. E. Baker
- George C. Baker
- I. Baker
- James Baker
- John Baker
- Richard Baker
- Thomas Baker
- Joseph Balden
- B. Baldwin
- E. Baldwin and Co
- Baldwins (Birmingham)
- Ball and Walker
- E. W. Ball
- Henry Ball
- Balsall Timber and Joinery Works
- Banbury Homes and Gardens
- Bancroft Motor Factors
- Banks and Davis
- J. Millward Banks and Co
- W. Banning
- Barbells
- Bard Cycle Manufacturing Co
- C. Bardell
- Barford Manufacturing Co
- Barker and Allen
- Barker Bridge (Birmingham)
- Barker Brothers (of Birmingham)
- Barker Brothers Silversmiths
- George Barker and Brettell
- Stephen Barker
- T. B. Barker and Co
- W. T. Barker
- James Barlow (of Birmingham)
- F. Barnes and Co
- R. Barnes and Co
- Barnes and Bromley
- W. Barnett
- Barns and Son
- Baron
- Baronet Electric Developments
- Baronet Motor Accessories
- S. Barr
- B. Barrett and Son
- Barrimatic Engineering Co
- P. Barrington and Son
- Barrow's Stores
- W. Barton
- Barton Rivet Co
- Joseph Barton
- William Bridgens Barton
- Bartons
- Barwell John and Co
- James Barwell
- William Barwell and Son
- Barwells
- William Base and Sons
- Bass, Mitchells and Butlers
- Bassano and Fisher
- Batchelor Polyurethanes
- Batchelor, Robinson and Co
- J. Bate and Co
- Bateman and Brown
- John Bates
- Batey Engineering Co
- William Batson and Co
- W. Batson and Co
- Baume and Mercier
- Baxter and Impey
- Baxters Bolt, Screw and Rivet Works
- Baxters' Rivet Works
- J. Bayley and Co
- Bayley Motor Accessories Co
- T. Bayley
- B. Bayliss
- Edward Bayliss and Son
- Bayliss, Thomas and Co
- Bayliss, Wiley and Co
- C. S. Baynton
- Thomas Beach
- Beacon Motors (of Birmingham)
- Samuel Beale and Co
- Beasleys and Farmer
- Beaumont Machinist Co
- Beaver Engineering Co
- G. Bechtel
- Beck and Thomas
- John Beck
- William Beck
- J. Beckett
- A. T. Becks and Co
- J. Beddows
- John Bedington
- Robert Bedington and Sons
- Bedington, Tonks and Co
- Beech and Bird
- Beemac
- B. Beesley and Son
- Beesley Brothers
- Henry Bell (Birmingham)
- G. E. Belliss and Co
- Belliss and Morcom
- Belliss and Morcom Manufacturing
- Belliss and Seekings
- Bembridge and Jenkins
- Ben Brothers (Pressings)
- Bendix
- Bendix Home Appliances
- Bendix-Perrot Brakes
- Benjamin Baker (Birmingham)
- Benjamin Clark
- Benjamin Gilbert
- Benjamin Marsh
- Benjamin Mason and Son
- Benjamin Morgan
- Benjamin Parkes
- Benjamin Rogers and Son
- Benjamin Willoughby
- Benjamin Wood
- Benjamin Woodward and Son
- George Bennett and Sons
- William Bennett (of Birmingham)
- Bensons
- Bensons Tool Works
- Bent and Parker
- Bentley and Playfair
- Joseph Bentley (Birmingham)
- Benton and Stone
- G. Benton
- J. W. Beresford and Co
- Beresford Brothers
- James Beresford and Son
- Berkeley and Co
- Berkeley and Young
- Berkeley Expanding Bracelet Co
- Bernard Nicklin and Co
- E. Berry and Son
- Berry Electric Magicoal
- Berry's Electric
- Berry, Skinner and Co
- R. Berryman and Co
- Best and Lloyd
- Best and Townsend
- Joseph Best and Son
- Thomas Best
- T. Betteridge
- Betterwear Products
- Betton, Trow and Co
- Bettridge and Weston
- W. Betts and Co
- Betts and Sons
- Charles H. Betts and Co
- W. T. Bewlay
- Edward Bibb and Sons
- Biffa
- Jacob Biggs
- Bill Switchgear
- S. Bill and Co
- Martin Billing
- W. Billinge
- Samuel Billinge
- William Billinge
- John Billingsley
- Bimec Industries
- Thomas R. B. Bindley and Son
- Bingley Hall Skating Rinks
- Binnacle Products
- Binney and Son
- Alfred Bird and Sons
- Birfield Extrusions
- Birfield Filtration
- Birfield Machine Tools
- Birlec
- Birmetals
- Birmid Qualcast (Wrought and Engineering Products)
- Birmidal Developments
- Birmingham and Blackburn Construction Co
- Birmingham and District Investment Motor Omnibus Trust
- Birmingham and Fazeley Canal
- Birmingham and Midland Bank
- Birmingham and Midland Institute
- Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co
- Birmingham and Midland Tramways
- Birmingham and Midland Val de Travers Paving Co
- Birmingham and Sheffield Tool Co
- Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Co
- Birmingham and Warwick Junction Canal
- Birmingham Associated Chain Co
- Birmingham Association of Mechanical Engineers
- Birmingham Banking Co
- Birmingham Battery and Metal Co
- Birmingham Battery and Metal Factory
- Birmingham Belting Co
- Birmingham Brake Co
- Birmingham Brass Stamping Co
- Birmingham Buckle Manufacturing Co
- Birmingham Cable Tramway
- Birmingham Canal
- Birmingham Canal Co
- Birmingham Canal Navigations
- Birmingham Carbon Works
- Birmingham Central Technical College
- Birmingham Central Tramways Co
- Birmingham Chamber of Commerce
- Birmingham Chemical Co
- Birmingham Coach and Motor Brass Foundry
- Birmingham Coal and Iron Co
- Birmingham Coal Co
- Birmingham Coal Gas Co
- Birmingham College of Technology
- Birmingham Compressed Air Co
- Birmingham Compressed Air Power Co
- Birmingham Condenser Co
- Birmingham Conservatoire of Music
- Birmingham Corporation
- Birmingham Corporation Tramways
- Birmingham Corrugated Iron Co
- Birmingham Dairy Co
- Birmingham District Power and Traction Co
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces
- Birmingham Electric Supply Co
- Birmingham Engineering and Motor Co
- Birmingham Engineering Centre
- Birmingham File and Tool Co
- Birmingham Garden Tools
- Birmingham Gas Works
- Birmingham General Steam-Carriage Co
- Birmingham Guild
- Birmingham Incandescent Lighting Co
- Birmingham India Rubber Co
- Birmingham India-Rubber Co
- Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association
- Birmingham Joint Stock Bank
- Birmingham Label and Stamping Co
- Birmingham Medal Co
- Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co
- Birmingham Metal Co
- Birmingham Metallurgical Society
- Birmingham Mica Co
- Birmingham Mining and Copper Co
- Birmingham Mint
- Birmingham Motor Accessories Co
- Birmingham Motor Body
- Birmingham Motor Cycle Club
- Birmingham Motor Express Co
- Birmingham Motor Manufacturing and Supply Co
- Birmingham Motor Tyre Repository Co
- Birmingham Mudguard Co
- Birmingham Museum
- Birmingham New Street Railway Station
- Birmingham Patent Boiler Co
- Birmingham Patent Disc Engine Co
- Birmingham Patent File Co
- Birmingham Patent Iron Tube Co
- Birmingham Patent Safe and Sure Sectional Wrought-Iron Boiler Co
- Birmingham Patent Steam Boiler Co
- Birmingham Plate and Cutlery Works
- Birmingham Plate Glass Co
- Birmingham Pneumatic Tyre Syndicate
- Birmingham Products
- Birmingham Radiomart
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co
- Birmingham Refrigeration Co
- Birmingham Saddle and Cycle Fittings Co
- Birmingham Safe Co
- Birmingham School of Handicrafts
- Birmingham Screw
- Birmingham Specialities
- Birmingham Supply Co
- Birmingham Technical School
- Birmingham Telephone Exchange
- Birmingham Tin Plate Co
- Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co
- Birmingham Tube Co
- Birmingham Vehicle Owners' Assurance
- Birmingham Waggon Co
- Birmingham Waterworks
- Birmingham Waterworks Co
- Birmingham Welding Co
- Birmingham Wine and Spirit Co
- Bishop
- L. Bishop (Radio and Television)
- C. B. Bishop and Co
- Thomas Bishton
- Henry Bisseker
- BL
- Black and Luff
- Blackheath Stamping Co
- Blackmore, Howard and Metherell
- W. Blackshaw
- W. Blackwell Oil Co
- Blackwell Cycle Co
- A. Blackwell
- W. Bladder
- T. E. Bladon and Son
- Blair and Little
- T. W. Blakeway
- S. Blanckensee and Son
- Blick
- Blonicton Brake Co
- T. G. Blood
- S. Bloore, Junior
- Bloore and Piller
- Bloore and Son
- Bloxidge Brothers
- Blue Bird Toffees
- Blumfield
- T. F. Blumfield
- Blunt, Taylor and Co
- Bob Wilson and Sons
- Bocock and Wilkinson
- Bodill, Parker and Co
- F. and H. Bolton
- Bolton and Lakin
- Charles Bonas
- E. S. Bond
- Bond and Cooper
- C. G. Bonehill
- W. Bonell
- Thomas Bonser and Co
- T. Booker junior
- Booth Brothers and Co
- James Booth Aluminium
- James Booth and Co
- Richard Booth
- Samuel Booth and Co
- R. B. Boots and Sons
- Bordesley Engineering Co
- Bordesley Iron Works
- Bordesley Steel Co
- Boswell and Barratt
- Botts and Sons
- M. Boulton
- M. R. Boulton (Button Co)
- Boulton and Fothergill
- Boulton and Scale
- Boulton and Smith
- Boulton and Watt
- Boulton Scaffolding
- Boulton Tubular Structures
- M. Boulton and Plate Co
- Joseph Bourne and Sons
- Thomas Bourne
- Bournebrook Ironworks
- Bowden Brake Co
- George Bowen and Sons
- J. Bowen
- John Bowen
- Matthew Bowen
- W. Bowen
- Joseph Bowker
- S. O. Bowker
- Bowkett Brothers
- Bowketts Wire Mills
- B. Bowley
- Bowley, Preece and Co
- E. J. Bowman (Birmingham)
- Bown Manufacturing Co
- William Bown
- William Bown Ltd
- Charles Bowyer and Co
- Boxfoldia
- John Boyce
- G. and T. Bradburn
- Thomas Bradburn and Sons
- G. Bradford
- Bradley and Hollinsworth
- John Bradley and Co (of Birmingham)
- Thomas Bradley (Himself)
- Bradleys (Rivets)
- Bradmatic
- William Bradney
- Brady Brothers
- Charles B. Bragg and Co
- T. and J. Bragg
- Brampton Brothers
- Brampton Fittings
- Brampton, Adcock and Co
- F. Brampton and Co
- Branch Goff and Co
- C. Brandauer and Co
- Branson and Gwyther
- Branson and Murray
- John Brasher
- Brass and Alloy Pressings (Deritend)
- Brass and Copper Tube Association
- Brass Turned Parts
- Peter Brasshouse
- Thomas Brawn and Joses W. Downing
- BRE-Metro
- J. L. Brealey
- Charles W. Brecknell
- J. and W. Breeden and Booth
- Joseph Breeden and Co
- Brick Safe Co
- J. Briden
- John Briden
- G. F. Bridges
- J. Bridgewater
- J. Bridgwater
- J. L. Brierley
- Brierley and Sons
- Brightside Plating Co
- Brilliant Incandescent Lamp Co
- H. Brindley
- Brinton Brothers
- H. Brisband
- G. T. Briscoe
- W. H. Briscoe and Co
- Bristol Street Group
- Bristol Street Motors
- Charles F. Bristol and Son
- Britannia Cycle and Component Parts Co
- Britannia Nail Works
- Britannia Tube Co
- Britannic Assurance Co
- Britax Excelsior
- Britax Lemark
- Britax Weathershields
- British Alcosa
- British Auto Machining Co
- British Bound Brook Bearing Co
- British Cast Iron Research Association
- British Castors
- British Crown Glass Co
- British Cycle Corporation
- British Electric Works Co
- British Enamelled Iron Co
- British Engineering Co
- British Gas Furnace Co
- British Hub Co
- British Industrial Plastics (Moulds Dept)
- British Leyland
- British Leyland Motor Corporation
- British Lighting and Ignition Co
- British Malleable Iron Co
- British Motor Corporation
- British Motor Holdings
- British Motor Touring Co
- British Non-Ferrous Metals Federation
- British Optical Lens Co
- British Patent Glazing Co
- British Patent Lap Joint Welded Iron Tube Co
- British Peerless Motor Co
- British Pens
- British Pipeless Central Heating
- British Prometheus Co
- British Standard
- British Timken
- British Tube Co
- British Tube Mills
- British Tube Mills (Export)
- British Watch Co
- Britmac Electrical Co
- T. Brittain and Sons
- William Brittain
- B. H. Britton and Sons
- C. E. and J. P. Britton
- Brituro Silencers
- H. Broadhurst
- Brocklebank and Richards
- Bromford Body Co
- Bromford Fireplaces
- Bromford Forge
- Bromford Tube Co
- Bromheads
- Brooke Tool Automation
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co
- Brookes and Sexton
- W. H. and J. Brookes, Brothers
- Brookes (Pressings)
- Brookes and Adams
- Brookes and Marks
- Brookes Manufacturing Co
- H. P. Brookes and Co
- J. and H. Brookes
- A. Brooks
- J. B. Brooks and Co
- T. Brothers
- G. and S. Brough
- Thomas Brough
- Broughton and Co
- J. Broughton
- J. Broughton and Son, Engineers
- Brown and Barlow
- Brown and Co
- Brown and Ward
- Brown Fintube (Great Britain)
- Brown's Clipper Co
- E. and S. Brown
- James Brown (of Birmingham)
- Brown, Marshalls and Co
- Thomas Brown (of Birmingham)
- J. Wilson Browne and Son
- Browns Clipper Co
- J. Brueton
- G. Bryan and Co (Silversmiths)
- Bryant Holdings
- C. Bryant and Son
- BSA Machine Tools and Small Tools Division
- BSA Metal Components Division
- BSA Metal Powders
- BSA Sintered Components
- BSA: Guns
- BSA: Tools
- BSG International
- A. C. Buchanan (Motor Spares)
- Buck and Hickman
- J. Buckingham (of Birmingham)
- Buckingham and Adams
- Buckley and Hope
- Buckley, Saunders and Co
- Thomas Buckley
- C. Budde and Co
- Bullfinch (Gas Equipment)
- A. W. Bulpitt and Sons
- Bulpitt and Sons
- Bunch and Paget
- Buncher and Haseler
- Charles Burley and Sons
- R. Burley
- Burman and Sons
- George Burn
- John Burn and Co (Birmingham)
- Samuel Burns
- A. Burnwell and Co
- Burridge and Co
- W. H. Burt
- Burt Brothers
- C. W. Burton, Griffiths and Co
- Charles Burton
- Burton, Delingpole and Co
- S. and J . Burton
- W. Burton
- Busby and Co
- Harold Bushell and Co (1925)
- Thomas Bushell
- T. Bushill
- R. W. Busst and Co
- John Busst
- Buswell and Sweeney
- J. H. Butcher and Co
- John Butcher
- W. Butler
- Butler and Gilkes
- Butler and Son
- T. A. Butler and Co (1927)
- Butlers
- Butlers Crown Brewery
- Butterfield Brothers
- Buttons
- G. Buxton and Son
- Buxton's of Birmingham
- Byham and Co
- Byrne Brothers India Rubber Co
- C. E. Gittins and Co
- C. F. Harrison and Co
- C. F. Hirons
- C. H. Allenby and Co
- C. H. Supplies
- C. Haseler and Son
- C. Hodgetts and Son
- C.W.S.
- Cadbury Brothers
- Cadbury Schweppes
- Cadbury Schweppes Foods
- T. Cadby and Sons
- F. Cadhy
- Cakemore Blue Brick Co
- Cakemore Bolt, Nut and Manufacturing Co
- Caleb Lee
- Calthorpe Motor Co
- Calthorpe Motorcycle Co
- Cambridge Metal Stampings Co
- E. Camelinat and Co
- Camera Bellows
- Cameron Hastie and Co
- L. Camillis
- Campbell and Co (Selly Oak)
- Campbell Kerr and Co
- Camwal
- Canal Foundry (Birmingham)
- Candela (Birmingham)
- Candy
- Candy's
- Canning and Co
- Canning and Wildblood
- W. Canning and Co
- Cannock and Wimblebury Colliery Co
- Cannock Chase Cycle Co
- Capon Heaton and Co
- S. Cardall
- Cargo Control
- Carlyle, Chirm and Co
- Thomas Carlyle
- Carnegie and Layton
- Carpathian Manufacturing Co
- Samuel Carpenter
- Thomas H. Carpenter and Co
- C. Carr
- J. E. Carr
- Carridine and Miles
- W. Carron
- William Carron
- Carrs (Birmingham)
- Carrs Paints
- J. Carter
- J. W. Carter
- S. Carter
- Carter Gear Case Patents Co
- Carter Industrial Products
- Carter Thermal Engineering
- Albert Carter
- James Cartland and Son
- F. A. Cartwright and Co
- A. S. Cartwright
- R. Cartwright and Co
- W. H. Cartwright and Sons
- Alfred Case and Co
- W. Cashmere
- Cast Hollow-ware
- Caters News Agency
- George Cattell
- James Cattell
- W. G. Causer
- J. Cells
- Celtic Stamping Co
- Centaur Works Co
- Central and Sheerwood
- Central Novelty Co
- Central Radiator Co
- Centric Cycle Co
- Cerrito, Edwards and Shaw
- Chad Valley Co
- Chain Wheels
- Chains (Jewellers)
- Chaintabs
- Chalco
- H. Challener
- Henry Challener
- E. Chalmers and Co
- Chamberlain and Hookham
- T. Chamberlain
- Chambers and Hilton
- Chambers Engineering Co
- J. H. Chambers
- Samuel Chambers
- William Chambers
- Champion Products
- Champion Weldless Tubes
- Chance Brothers and Co
- Chance Glass
- Chance, Homer and Chance
- Chapel Inn, Birmingham
- W. Chaplin
- Jeremiah Chaplin
- W. F. Chapman
- W. Chapman
- Charles Adkins
- Charles Allsop
- Charles and James junior Shaw
- Charles Ansell
- Charles B. Ketley
- Charles B. Timperley
- Charles Britton
- Charles Clifford
- Charles Collins
- Charles Davies
- Charles Godley and Sons
- Charles H. Pugh
- Charles Harbage
- Charles Homes
- Charles Lander and Co
- Charles Morris
- Charles Osbourne and Co
- Charles P. Pitt
- Charles Riley
- Charles Roe and Sons
- Charles Rowley
- Charles Twigg
- Charles Twigg and Co (Brassfounders)
- Charles Warner
- Charles Westwood and Sons
- Charlie Burley and Co
- Charnock, Phillips and Co
- Chase Cycle Co
- Chase Cycles
- W. and J. Chatwin
- Chatwin and Taylor
- Thomas Chatwin
- Cheadle Copper and Brass Co
- William Cheadle
- Chemag Metal Colouring Co
- Chief Automotive
- R. W. Child
- Joseph Child
- T. Chirmage
- Chisholm, Gray and Co
- Chivers-Hartley
- Christopher Baker and Sons
- Christopher Collins
- Chunk Engine Works
- Chunk Nail Co
- Church and Goddard
- William Church
- Cincinnati Milling Machine Co
- Cincinnati Milling Machines
- City Cycle Co
- City of Birmingham Electric Supply Department
- City of Birmingham Iron Co
- Civic Radio Services
- James Clare
- Claremont Cycle Co
- Clarion Cycle Manufacturing Co
- Clarion Radio Valve Co
- D. A. Clark and Co
- S. J. Clark
- S. J. Clark (Cables)
- Clark and Hope
- Clark's Metallic Hothouse and Patent Copper Sash Manufactory
- Thomas Clark (of Birmingham)
- Thomas Clark and Co
- Thomas Clark, Junior
- William Clark (of Birmingham)
- Frank Clarke
- W. Clarke
- H. B. Clay and Co
- John Clay
- Clayton-Wright
- Clear Hooters
- Clement-Garrard
- Clemmons Aluminium
- E. J. Clewley and Co
- Clifford Aero and Auto
- Clifford Covering Co
- Clifford Motor Components
- Charles Clifford and Son
- George Clift
- Climax Steel Tube Co
- J. Clive and Co
- Clive Greenway, Vale and Co
- Thomas Clive and Son
- Thomas Clive
- Co-Ordinators Service (Engineering)
- Coach and Horses
- Joseph Coates
- Charles Coburn
- Thomas Cocks
- Code-Alarm
- L. W. Cole (Distributors)
- Coleman and Appleby
- Coleman and Son
- Coleman Quick-Lite Co
- Joseph Colesby
- William Colesby
- Colesonia Cycle Co
- Coley Brothers
- Coley Brothers (Tools)
- Collett and Anderson
- J. Collier and Co
- R. H. Collier and Co
- Colliers
- Collings and Wallis
- A. Collins (Birmingham)
- C. Collins
- W. Collins
- C. H. Collins and Sons
- James Collins and Son
- George Richmond Collis and Co
- Colmore Depots
- Colondrina Cycle Co
- Coloral Products
- Colossal Cycle and Component Manufacturing Corporation
- W. A. Comber
- Commercial Bearings
- Commercial Boarding House, Birmingham
- Components
- Components Tube Co
- Compression Joints
- Compressor Accessories
- Comshare
- Concentric (Engineering)
- Concentric (Pressed Products)
- Concentric Controls
- Concentric Manufacturing Co
- Concentric Pumps
- James Cond
- John Coney
- Conformity Lock Co
- Connaught Motor Works
- Connop Brothers
- Constructional Engineering Co
- Constructors
- W. Cook
- Thomas Cook and Son
- E. A. Cooke
- J. Cooke
- M. T. Cooke
- Cooke Brothers (of Birmingham)
- James Cooke and Son
- Joe Cooke
- Joseph Cooke and Co
- H. R. Cooksey
- Cookson Portable Buildings
- Coombs Brothers
- Cooper and Co (Birmingham)
- Cooper and Young
- Cooper Sidecars
- C. Cooper
- Elias Cooper
- Frederick Cooper (Birmingham)
- George Y. Cooper Small Arms and Cycle Co
- Joseph Cooper (Birmingham)
- J. R. and C. Cooper
- William and Henry Cooper
- William Cooper (of Birmingham)
- William Cooper and Goode
- Coopers Plastic Foams
- Cope and Timmins
- Copper and Asbestos Washer Co
- C. Corbett
- Corbett and Taylor
- Thomas Corbett (of Birmingham)
- William Corbett and Co
- Corder and Turley
- Corn Market
- Cornforth Brothers
- John Cornforth
- S. Cornforth
- Thomas Cornforth and Sons
- Corngreaves Iron Works
- Coro Oil and Rubber Co
- Coronet Camera Co
- Coslett Anti-Rust Syndicate
- Cottam and Preedy
- Cotteridge Engineering Co
- B. Cotterill
- Edwin Cotterill and Co
- J. Cotterill
- J. L. Cough
- W. Coulthard
- County Chemical Co
- Lionel Coupe and Co
- Coventry Apex Engineering Co
- Coventry Works
- J. Covington
- Thomas Cowley and Sons
- Cox and Danks
- Cox and Luckman
- Cox Atmos Products
- Cox Brothers and Holland's Refined Steel
- Cox Carburetters
- Cox Motor Radiator Co
- Cox Tyre Co
- Cox's New Patent Detachable Tyre
- Cox, Clark and Co
- F. Cox
- Henry Cox
- Thomas Cox
- J. H. Coy
- Crabbe Brake Co
- J. F. Craddock and Co
- Thomas Craddock and Co
- G. E. Cramp
- Crane's Screw (Holdings)
- Cranes Screw and Colgryp Castor Co
- Cranford Manufacturing Co
- New Cransley Iron and Steel Co
- T. and H. Crathorne
- Crawley and Co
- Crawley and Parsons
- Crawley, Parsons and Co
- Crawshaw
- Credenda Cold Drawn Steel Tube Co
- Credenda Conduits Co
- Credenda Tube Co
- Credit Card Keys
- Joseph Creed
- Crescent Belt Fastener Co
- Crescent School, Birmingham
- Cressall Manufacturing Co
- R. Cresswell
- W. Cresswell
- Crichley, Wright and Co
- G. F. Crighton
- Crisford and Norris
- Criterion (2)
- Criterion (Plates, Papers, Films)
- Crofts and Assinder
- Cromalin
- Cromna
- Cromwell Tube and Plating Co
- A. W. Crosbee and Sons
- F. Burton Crosbee
- Thomas Crosbee
- T. Crosbee
- Crosbie and Dunn
- T. D. Cross and Sons
- Cross and Co (of Birmingham)
- Cross Brothers (Birmingham)
- William Cross
- R. and A. G. Crossland
- Crown Copper Co
- Crown Cycle Manufacturing Co
- Crown Decorative Products
- Crown Lamp Co
- Crown Manufacturing Co
- Crown Motor Accessories Co
- R. Cruikshank
- Cryselco
- Cunard Cycle Co
- J. Cutler (of Birmingham)
- R. Cutler and Son
- J. Cutter
- Bernard Cuzner
- CWS Birmingham Cabinet Works
- CWS Birmingham Hay Mills Factory
- CWS Cycles
- Cycle Accessories Manufacturing Co
- Cycle Components Manufacturing Co
- Cycle Engineers' Institute
- Cycle Fittings
- Cycle Necessities Manufacturing Co
- Cyclo Gear Co
- Cyclo Gear Service
- Cymota
- D. G. S. (Birmingham)
- D. R. Price
- A. P. Dadley
- Thomas Daft and Son
- H. Dagnall and Co
- Daisy Vacuum Cleaner Co
- Dale End Power Station
- Dale Forty Engineering Co
- Dale, Forty and Co
- Dallison Gearing and Motor Co
- J. C. Dalman and Sons
- Dalton and Edwards
- Damard Lacquer Co
- Daniel Greenfield
- Daniel Leonard
- S. A. Daniell
- H. and T. Danks
- Darby and Co
- John Darby
- Thomas Darby (of Birmingham)
- William Darby
- H. Dare and Son
- J. T. Darlington
- Dartmouth Auto Castings
- J. Darwen and Co
- Edmund Darwen
- Davenports
- David Cope and Son
- David Haydon
- David Kimberley and Sons
- David Pratt
- David Wiseman and Sons
- Herman David
- A. D. Davidson Electric Co
- Duncan Davidson
- I. Davies
- Joseph Davis (of Birmingham) 2
- T. and W. Davis
- W. Davis and Sons
- Davis and Hill
- Davis and Mawson
- Davis and Wilson
- H. Clifford Davis
- John Davis
- Richard Davis and Co
- Samuel Davis
- W. H. Davis and Co
- Dawes Cycle Co
- R. B. Dawes
- G. Dawson
- W. C. Day and Co
- Day and Millward
- Day and Milward
- Edward Day
- W. Chambers Day and Co
- Dayson and Co (Coachbuilders)
- DCS (Birmingham)
- A. De Courcy and Co
- De Dietrich UK
- De Luxe Motor Co
- Deacon, Bond and Co
- Deakin and Francis
- W. Dean and Co
- Alexander Dean
- C. Dean
- John Dean (of Birmingham)
- William Dean (Birmingham)
- Dearman and Francis
- Dowsett, Edge and Co
- Dee's Royal Hotel, Birmingham
- F. H. Deeley and Co
- Deeley and Irwin
- Joseph Deeley and Co
- Dekla
- Dellow Motors
- Delmard, Lane and Co
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co
- Deloro Stellite
- Delson and Co
- Delta Enfield Rolled Metals
- Delta Metal Co
- Delta Repetition Components
- Dennison Watch Case Co
- Dent Motors
- Deritend Drop Forgings
- Deritend Engineering
- Deritend Precision Castings
- Deritend Stamping Co
- Derverlea Products
- Desideratum Brake Co
- Dexter Products Co
- Deykin and Harrison
- DGS (Birmingham)
- Diamond Cycle and Components Engineering Co
- Diamond Screw and Cotter Co
- Diamond Tools
- Dickenson Toledo Engineering Works
- B. E. Dickinson
- Diecastings
- Diesel Services
- W. J. Dingley
- Discatron
- Dismantling and Engineering (Midlands)
- District Fire Office
- M. Dixon and Co
- Matthew Dixon
- Dobbs Brothers and Hitchman
- Docker and Burn
- Docker Brothers
- Docker's Cements
- Doctor Cycle Co
- J. Doherty and Son
- Doherty and Ashby
- Doley, Wilkes and Doley
- Dollond and Aitchison
- Domestic Products
- Donald Edward (Birmingham)
- Donaldson and Glasgow
- Done and Suffield
- Donovan and Co
- Donovan Electrical Co
- Dorcam
- Dorlaston and Co
- Dorway Sidecars
- Douglas Appliances
- Douglas Patent Clock and Electric Meter Co
- R. M. Douglas Construction
- Dowding and Mills
- Dowding and Plummer
- Dowler and Wakefield
- John Dowler
- Down and Francis
- John Drane
- Dreng and Co
- A. Drew and Co
- Drewry Car Co
- Droitwich Junction Canal Co
- Drome Manufacturing Co
- Drop Stamping Co
- Drummond-Asquith
- Drynamels
- Duddeston Hall, Birmingham
- Dudley Docker
- T. Dudley
- George Duffield
- Thomas Duffin
- Dugard Brothers
- J. Dugdill (of Birmingham)
- Dunderdale, Mabson and Labron
- Dunelt
- Dunelt Cycle Co
- Dunkley (of Birmingham)
- Dunkleys
- Dunlop Chemical Products Division
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co
- Dunlop Research Centre
- Dunlop Rubber Co
- Dunlop Special Products
- J. B. Dunlop Cycle Fittings and Engineering Co
- Dunn and Sutton
- Dunn and Taylor
- J. Dunn
- Dunnetts
- Durex Abrasives
- F. W. Durose
- Duston and Co
- Dutson and Co
- D. S. Dutton
- Daniel Dutton
- Duvallon and Lloyd
- E. A. Wood
- E. B. Refractory Cement Co
- E. J. Pierpoint
- E. Rawlins and Son
- E. W. Stockham
- E. Williams (of Birmingham)
- Eaborn and Robinson
- W. T. Eades
- W. Eades and Co
- William Eades and Son
- Eagle and Wrights (Gauges)
- Eagle Foundry
- Eagle Range and Grate Co
- Eagle Steam Gauge and Fitting Co
- Eagle Transfer
- Eagles and Grattidge
- Earle, Bourne and Co
- Easilit Blow Lamp Co
- East Worcestershire Waterworks Co
- William East
- Easting Windscreens
- Easton, Lloyd and Co
- S. Eaton and Sons
- Eaton and Wrighton
- John Eaves
- Thomas Eaves
- Ebenezer Partridge
- Ebrall
- Eccles (Birmingham)
- Eccles Caravans
- Eccles Motor Caravans
- Eccles Motor Transport
- Eccles Rubber and Cycle Co
- J. Eccleston
- Eclaire Doors
- Eclipse Motor and Cycle Co
- Econa Modern Products
- Economic Water Softeners
- Economical Gas Apparatus Construction Co
- Eddycurrent Machinery Agents
- Eddystone Marine Radio
- Eddystone Radio
- Edelsten and Williams
- Edelsten, Williams, and Edelsten
- Edgar A. F. Hooper
- Edgar and Horatio Clarke
- Edge Brothers
- Charles A. Edge
- Henry Edge
- Thomas Edge
- Thomas Edge and Co
- Charles Edkins
- Charles Edkins and Sons
- Edlin
- Edlin-Sinclair Tyre Co
- G. E. Edman
- Edmands and Hancox
- George Edmonds
- Edmund Coaney and Co
- Edmund Heeley and Co
- Edward Barnett
- Edward Bayliss
- Edward Brookes and Son
- Edward Collier and Sons
- Edward Cotterill
- Edward Dixon
- Edward Gill
- Edward Greenshill
- Edward Holden
- Edward Hudson
- Edward J. Adams
- Edward Morris and Sons
- Edward Rawlins
- Edward Rose (Birmingham)
- Edward S. Bond
- Edward Stubbs
- Edward Thompson (London)
- Edward Tucket
- Edward Varney Pledge and Sons
- Edward Williams and Co
- S. Edwards
- T. Edwards (2)
- W. Edwards
- W. H. Edwards and Co
- Edwards and Ball
- Edwards and Co
- Edwards and Shaw
- Edwards Brothers (of Birmingham)
- T. Edwards
- Thomas Edwards
- Edwin Alldridge
- Edwin W. Badland
- William Ehrhardt
- EIC Co
- Elcock and Sons
- Eldona Manufacturing Co
- Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co
- Electric Depot
- Electric Heating and Hardware Co
- Electric Service Co (Birmingham)
- Electric Tramway Equipment Co
- Electrical and Electronic Development
- Electrical Components
- Electrical Power Engineering Co
- Electrical Power Maintenance Service
- Electrical Trades Supply
- Electricars
- Electromagnets
- Electronic and Mechanical Engineering Co
- Elfson
- Eliz. Sturges and Son
- Elizabeth Onion
- Elkington and Co
- G. R. Elkington and Co
- Elkington, Mason and Co
- Ellenor Allen
- J. H. Elliott and Co
- E. Elliott
- Elliott-Lucas
- Elliotts Metal Co
- Ann Ellis (late William)
- C. Ellis and Sons
- Ellis and Co (Birmingham)
- Ellis and Lee
- Charles Ellis and Sons
- Richard Ellis and Sons
- Whittaker Ellis
- Ellison Insulations
- George Ellison
- Elms Garage
- Elson and Co
- T. F. Elson and Co
- Elstar
- Elster and Co
- Elton, Levy and Co
- Henry Elwell
- John Elwell
- S. M. Emanuel and Co
- A. C. Emery
- Emery Brothers
- W. Emmery
- Empire Folding Car Co
- Empire Manufacturing Co
- Empire Palace, Birmingham
- Empire Stone Co
- Enamelled Iron and Steel Products
- Enamelled Iron and Steel Products Co
- Endless Rim Co
- Endrick
- Endrick Engineering Co
- Endrust
- Endrust Auto-Truck Rustproofing Co
- Endurance Cycle Co
- Endurance Tube and Engineering Co
- Enfield Autocar Co
- Enfield Rolling Mills
- Enfield-Allday Motors
- Engineering Service Installations
- English Watch Co
- Enoch Chamberlain
- T. C. Enstone and Co
- Eric L. Heathcote
- Ernest Jones (Jewellers)
- Ernest Osmond
- Ernst Grapel
- Essor Manufacturing Co
- Ether
- Evans and Askin
- Evans and Harris
- Evans Brothers (Birmingham)
- Evans Components Co
- E. Evans and Son
- William Frederick Evans
- John Evans (of Birmingham)
- Joseph Evans
- Joseph Evans and Co
- J. Evans
- P. J. Evans
- S. Evans
- Thomas Evans
- Evans, Thomason and Brawn
- William Evans, Junior
- Evered and Co
- Everest Manufacturing Co
- Eversure Accessories
- Evertaut
- E. T. Everton
- Everton and Wilson
- W. H. Eveson
- Eveson Coal and Coke Co
- E. A. Ewart
- Ewen and Mitton
- Excelall Metalworkers
- Excelsior Gauge Co
- Excelsior Motor Co
- Excelsior Tyre Co
- Export Credit Guarantee Department
- Export Credits Guarantee Department
- Extended Surface Tube Co
- Extruded Metals Co
- F. and R. M. Harris
- F. Baxter
- F. Dowler and Sons
- F. L. and E. Small
- F. S. B. (Wire Industries)
- F. W. Miller and Co
- F.R.S. Lamps
- Facchino's Biscuits
- Fagersta Steels
- James Fairley and Sons
- Fan Disc
- Fancy Metal Goods
- A. E. Farmer
- Thomas Farmer
- H. E. Farrant
- Farrer, Barber and Co
- William E. Farrer
- Fattorini and Sons
- Thomas Fattorini
- C. Faulkner
- Faulkner Bronze Co
- Fawcett-Finney
- J. Fazakarley
- S. Fearney
- Federal (CWS)
- Federation
- Fellows and Darby
- John Fellows
- Fellows, Morton and Clayton
- Fellows, Morton and Co
- Thomas Felton
- J. B. Fenby and Co
- Fenter
- Arthur Fenwick
- Feridax
- Ferrofort-Holec
- Ferrolite Electric Syndicate
- Ferrotherm
- C. Field
- Field and Grant
- Field Studios and Art Ware Co
- Alfred Field and Co
- F. Field
- J. Field
- John Field (Birmingham)
- Robert Field and Son
- William Field
- Henry Fielding
- Joseph Fielding
- Benjamin Filkin
- Fillerys Toffees
- I. Finnemore
- Finney Presses
- A. Finney and Co
- Firmin and Sons
- Fischer's Ball and Bearing Co
- E. Fisher
- Fisher and Ludlow
- Fisher of Birmingham and Worcester
- Edward Fisher
- Fisher, Rose and Bees
- Samuel Fisher and Co
- Fisk, Davey and Co
- Fitchetts
- Fitter and Grice
- Fitter and Poulton
- Fitter Brothers
- J. R. Fitter
- Flamus Oil Accessories Co
- W. P. Flanagan
- S. Flavell
- Fleet Cycle Co
- Fletcher Hardware Co
- E. Fletcher
- George Fletcher (of Birmingham)
- G. Fletcher
- John Fletcher
- Thomas Fletcher (of Birmingham)
- William Fletcher
- Flewitt Co
- John Flewitt
- T. Flewitt
- Flexaire
- Flexible Drives (Gilmans)
- W. B. Flint
- Flint and Knowles
- Edward Foley
- Fonadek (Branson)
- Forbes Brothers
- Ford and Co (Birmingham)
- Frank R. Ford
- James Ford
- T. Ford
- Forgings and Presswork
- H. W. Forrest
- Fortis Tools
- Thomas Forty
- Forward Engineering Co
- Forward Gas Engine Co
- Forward Motor Co
- Forward Radiator Co
- Forward Sparking Plug Co
- Forward Tool and Engineering Co
- Forward Trust
- Forward Upholstering Co
- Foseco International
- F. F. Foster
- Foster and Ludlow
- Charles Foster
- James P. Foster
- R. Foster and Co
- Thomas Foster
- W. Foster and Co
- A. D. Foulkes
- Foundry Services
- Four Oaks Spraying Machine Co
- Fowler and Bingham
- Fowler's Garage
- Fowler, Lancaster and Co
- Fox and Offord
- Fox Fittings Co
- Fox Tavern, Birmingham
- Fractional H.P. Motors
- W. H. Fraley and Sons
- Francis F. Fox
- Francis H. Fearns
- Francis Hibell
- Francis Smith Tools
- Francis, Smith and Dearman
- Francis, Smith, and Hawkes
- Thomas Francis and Co
- T. Francis
- Frank Baker and Sons
- Frank Grounds
- Frank Hallam
- Frank Shaw and Co
- Frank Stacey and Co
- Frankenburgs
- Joseph Fray
- Frays
- J. Frearson
- Frederic Selby and Co
- Frederick Bates and Co
- Frederick Giles and Sons
- Frederick J. Smith and Co
- Frederick Matchett
- Frederick P. Longmore
- Frederick Parry
- Frederick Stephenson
- Frederick T. Baker
- Frederick W. Evans
- Frederick Wright and Co
- J. Freeman
- R. Freeman
- Thomas Freeman (Birmingham)
- Freight Rover
- W. T. French and Son
- Friedman and Gottliffe
- C. B. Frost and Co
- N. T. Frost
- J. Fulford
- W. H. Fulford
- Furnace Construction Co
- Futurist Theatre, Birmingham
- G. and J. Swingler
- G. Boyd McCullagh
- G. R. Postlethwaite and Co
- G. Welch and Co
- G. Winn and Co
- Gabriel and Co
- Gaby
- I. Gadd
- Joseph Gadd
- James Gale
- Galloways (Birmingham)
- Gammon and Co
- J. E. Gardner
- John Gardner and Son
- Garrard Manufacturing Co
- Garrard Two-Speed Gear Co
- Garrard-Maxfield Motor Manufacturing Co
- G. P. Garratt
- James Gartland and Son
- Garton Cooper
- Gas Retort House, Gas Street, Birmingham
- Gas Street Canal Basin
- Gaskell and Chambers
- Gatling Gun Co
- M. P. J. Gauge and Tool Co
- J. R. Gaunt and Son
- Gay Brothers
- Gearless Stokers
- GEC Machines
- GEC-Avery
- William Gee
- Gen. H. Hughes
- General Vehicle Co
- Alfred F. Genton
- George Allen
- George Asbury
- George Baker
- George Baker (Junior)
- George Barnard
- George Bill
- George Brown (Aston)
- George Brown (of Birmingham)
- George Brown and Co (Birmingham)
- George Burt (of Birmingham)
- George Butler
- George Finney and Co
- George Gale and Sons
- George Garratt
- George Gilbert (of Birmingham)
- George Gorton
- George Green (Gee Gee)
- George Griffin (of Birmingham)
- George Grimes
- George H. Alexander Machinery
- George H. Rentell and Co
- George Harley and Co
- George Lloyd
- George Millichap
- George Morgan (Chandeliers)
- George Norman
- George Patterson and Co
- George Polkey
- George R. Harpur and Sons
- George Skelton and Son
- George Smith (of Birmingham)
- George Smith and Co (Birmingham)
- George Souter
- George Swift
- George Tisdell
- George Tonks
- George Walker
- George Welch and Co
- George Wheeldon
- W. and J. George
- W. T. George and Co
- Gerald Cyclecar Co
- Gerard Mann
- Gerrard
- Gerrard-Maxfield
- Gestetner
- Richard C. Gibbins and Co
- Gibbons Brothers (Rotary)
- H. and J. Gibbs
- Gibson and Jackson
- Thomas Gibson
- William Gibson
- Gideon Goold
- Gifford T. Huxter
- Gilbert Productions
- T. and C. Gilbert
- Hannah Gilbert and Son
- Philip Gilbert
- F. Giles and Son
- W. Giles
- John Giles
- John Giles and Son
- John Giles and Sons
- W. Gill
- Elizabeth Gill
- H. Gill (Stampings)
- W. Gill and Co
- Joseph Gillott
- Joseph Gillott and Sons
- F. Gilman (B.S.T.)
- Frank Gilman
- Giltoy Products
- Girdex Engineering Co
- Girling
- Gisborne Co
- James Gisborne
- Gitting, Hills and Boothby
- Gittings and Hills
- Gittings, Boothby and Co
- Gittings, Hills, Boothby and Co
- Isaiah Round Gittings
- A. T. Gittins and Son
- GKN (Midlands)
- GKN Automotive
- GKN Birfield Transmissions
- GKN Driveline
- GKN Driveline Birmingham
- GKN Farr Filtration
- GKN Hardy Spicer
- GKN Kwikform
- GKN Screws and Fasteners
- GKN Transmissions
- H. G. Glanvill
- David Glasgow
- Glass Sealer Co
- Glazebrooks
- Globe Electro Plate Co
- Henry Gloster
- Joseph Gloster
- G. Glydon
- Glydon, Shorthouse and Glydon
- Glynn Brothers
- A. E. Godrich and Son
- Godsall and Read
- Godwins Motor Agency
- Goffe and Sons
- Gold and Co (Birmingham)
- John Gold
- Louis Goldberg
- H. Goldman
- J. Golfe and Sons
- R. E. V. Gomm
- J. E. Goodall
- Goodby, Chatwin and Taylor
- John Goode and Sons (Birmingham)
- John Goode, Junior
- Thomas Goode
- George Goodman
- Goodwin Nash
- Goodwin's Motor Agency
- George Goodwin and Co
- Goodyears Photographic Depot
- Gordon and Co
- Gordon and Co (of Sparkbrook)
- Gordon and Munro
- Gordon Manufacturing Co
- Gordon Newey
- W. Gorse and Sons
- W. and H. Gosling
- Gothic Electrical Supplies
- Gough and Co
- Arthur Gough
- Samuel Gould
- Governer-Villiers
- Govier and Co
- Gowshall
- G. Grace
- George Grace
- Graham and Co (Cycles)
- Grand Cycle Co
- Grand Hotel, Birmingham
- Grand Junction Railway Tavern
- Grand Theatre, Birmingham
- William Granger
- Granville Tin Plate Co
- Graves Gauge Grinding Co
- Gravity Ladders
- Gray and Wilson
- Gray Horseshoe Pad Co
- George Gray
- Graystone
- J. C. Greaves and Son
- A. C. and S. Green
- Green and Cadbury
- Green and Co (Birmingham)
- Green and Francis
- Charles Green and Son
- Charles Green and Son (2)
- Charles S. Green and Co
- Green, Cadbury and Richards
- J. Green
- Greener and Co (of Birmingham)
- W. W. Greener
- Greening and Fardon
- Greenwood, Paige and Co
- D. J. Greig and Co
- Grenfell and Accles
- W. Gretton
- Frederick Grew (of Birmingham)
- Grice and Harrison
- Grice's Gas Engine Co
- Grice, Grice and Booth
- Grice, Grice and Son
- William Grice
- William Grice and Sons
- E. F. Griffin and Co
- Griffin and Co
- H. and S. Griffin
- William Griffith and Sons (Birmingham)
- A. Griffiths
- Griffiths and Browett
- Griffiths and Hopkins
- Eli Griffiths and Sons
- Griffiths, Gilbart, Lloyd and Co
- R. Griffiths and Co
- Richard Griffiths
- Thomas Griffiths
- Griflex Products
- Grimley and Son
- Grinding
- Gromur Tool and Die
- Grosvenor Foundry
- Grosvenor House Hotel, Birmingham
- J. Grove and Son
- Samuel Groves and Co
- Grubb Engineering Co
- R. E. Guest (of Birmingham)
- Guest and Barrow
- Guest Brothers and Co
- James J. Guest and Co
- Guest, Keen and Co
- Guests Brass Stamping Co
- Leonard Gundle Motor Co
- E. L. Gyde
- H. C. James-Carrington
- H. E. Ashdown
- H. E. C. Compressors and Engines
- H. L. Ibbotson
- H. Louis Lungmuss
- H. P. Sauce
- H. Stanley Bleyer
- H. W. Carter and James
- E. Haddleton
- John Haddon
- Thomas Haddon and Co
- Thomas Haddon and Stokes
- Haden Drysys
- A. H. Haden
- Hadley and Robinson
- Hadley and Shorthouse
- Hadley Brothers
- E. Hadley
- M. A. Hadley
- Hague and McKenzie
- Halesowen Railway
- H. and E. Halford
- Halfords
- Hay Hall Group
- Hall and Jackson
- Hall and Lane
- Hall and Parkes
- Hall Street Metal Rolling Co
- Beverley Hall
- J. Hall and Son
- James Hall and Co
- John Hall (Tools)
- R. F. Hall Manufacturing Co
- Ralph Hall
- T. Bernard Hall and Jones
- William Hall (Paints)
- Halladay's
- Hallam Sleigh and Cheston
- Ham, Baker and Co
- Hamilton Cycle Co
- J. G. Hammond and Co
- John Hammond and Co (Birmingham)
- Hammond, Turner and Sons
- Hampton Engineering Co
- Thomas Hampton (Birmingham)
- Hams Hall Power Station
- Hamstead Colliery
- Hamstead Colliery Co
- Han-San Motor Co
- B. Hancox
- Handley and Shanks
- J. Handley
- G. Hands and Co
- G. W. Hands Motor Co
- Hands and Cake
- Arthur Hands and Sons
- John Hands and Sons
- Jonathan Hands
- John Handsford
- Handsworth Cycle and Motor Manufacturing Co
- Handsworth Cycle Co
- Handsworth Power Station
- R. Haneland and Co
- Hanger Motor Co (Birmingham)
- Hannan Cycle Co
- Harborne Railway
- David Harcourt
- D. Harcourt
- Harcourts
- Harden Tool and Guage Co
- Hardman and Iliffe
- Hardman and Lewis
- John Hardman and Co
- Hardy Spicer and Co
- J. A. Hardy
- Hardy Spicer Walterscheid
- C. H. Hare and Son
- Charles Hargrove
- Isaac Harlow
- Harman Brothers
- Harmo Industries
- S. Harold and Co
- S. Harper
- Harper and Screen
- Harpur Brothers and Mason
- Harpur's Cycle Fittings Co
- T. Harrington
- Harrington's Garage
- R. Harris (of Birmingham)
- Harris and Pearson
- Harris and Sheldon
- Harris Brothers
- A. E. Harris and Co
- Francis Harris
- Joseph Harris
- Joseph Harris (2)
- J. Harris
- James Harris
- Philip Harris
- Philip Harris and Co
- R. Harris (Brassfounders)
- Thomas Harris
- W. J. Harris
- Harrison
- C. B. Harrison
- S. Harrison
- Harrison (Birmingham)
- Harrison and Co (of Birmingham)
- Harrison and Cook
- Harrison and Smith
- Harrison and Swann
- Harrison Brothers
- A. J. Harrison
- J. Harrison (4)
- James Harrison and Sons
- J. Harrison (of Birmingham)
- James Harrison
- John Harrison (of Birmingham)
- Charles Harrold and Co
- Hart, Son, Peard and Co
- Thomas James Hart
- Hartley (of Birmingham)
- J. W. Hartley (Motor Trade)
- J. E. Hartley and Son
- Leslie Hartridge
- Harvey Ironworks
- George Harvey
- William Harvie and Co
- R. Harward
- Harwil Engineering Co
- Charles and William Harwood
- Thomas Harwood
- Haseler and Restall
- W. H. Haseler
- Hassall and Singleton
- Hassett and Harper
- Thomas Hastings
- G. Hateley
- Hatton and Smith
- Hatton Motors
- George Hatton and Co
- Frank Hawker, Carpathian Silver Co
- O. C. Hawkes
- Hawkes and Co
- Hawkes and Snow
- W. H. Hawkes and Co
- T. P. Hawkins
- Hawkins and Co
- Thomas P. Hawkins and Son
- Peter Hay
- Hayes Co
- Isaac Hayes
- C. W. Hayles
- Haynes Plaster and Concrete Co
- E. Haywood
- W. Haywood
- Hazelwell Garage
- Hazlewood and Dent
- F. H. Headley
- Headley, Birch and Co
- Heagard Metal Co
- Healey Mouldings
- Hearl and Tonks
- Hearl and Tonks Cycle and Component Manufacturing Co
- G. F. Heath and Co
- Heath and Pond
- George Heath (2)
- John Heath
- Samuel Heath and Sons
- Thomas Heath
- W. H. Heath and Co
- Heathcote and Coleman
- Thomas Heathcote
- Heating and Plumbing Supplies
- Heaton and Dugard
- Heaton Brothers
- Heaton's Steam Carriage Co
- George Heaton (1833-1904)
- Ralph Heaton and Sons
- W. G. and R. Heaton
- William Heaton (Birmingham)
- Heaven, Dowsett and Co
- J. Heeley and Sons
- Heeley and Peart
- James Heeley and Sons
- John Heeley and Co
- Stephen Heeley
- Heenan and Froude
- Hemming and Hazlewood
- Hemming and Co
- A. Hemms and Son
- Hen and Chickens Hotel
- Henley Forklift Co
- Henley, Blackburn and Co
- Henman and Cooper
- J. Henry Beilby
- T. Henry Ryland
- Henry and Charles Grove
- Henry Barns and Son
- Henry Baylis (Birmingham)
- Henry Bliss
- Henry Brisband
- Henry Capner
- Henry Clay
- Henry Clive
- Henry Cox Screw Co
- Henry Doughty
- Henry Ford (Birmingham)
- Henry Garner
- Henry Hart
- Henry Hickman
- Henry Holland (of Birmingham)
- Henry Hope
- Henry J. Manton
- Henry Lea and Son
- Henry Moorley
- Henry Probin
- Henry Radcliffe and Co
- Henry Read
- Henry Sarson and Son
- Henry Shaw and Sons
- Henry Sparrow
- Henry Underwood
- Henry Vale and Sons
- Henry Wells
- Henry Willmott
- Henry Wright
- I. Henshaw
- Henshaw and Son
- Hepburn Engineering Co
- Heppinstall and Hudson
- Herbert O. Worrall and Co
- Herbert, Kershaw and Co
- Herberts (Birmingham)
- Hercules Cycle and Motor Co
- A. Hermansen
- Hermetic Rubber Co
- Heron Motor Co
- T. Hessin and Co
- J. Hewlett
- Hi-Ton Machine Tools
- Hiatt and Co
- Thomas Hickin and Sons
- William Hickin
- Higgins and Co
- Higgs Brothers
- Higgs Motors
- Highfield and Roger Smith
- Highley Pen Co
- W. Highman
- H. Hill and Co
- S. Hill and Co
- W. Hill and Sons
- Hill - Ousten Co
- Hill and Jenkins
- Hill's Precision
- John Hill
- Thomas Hill (of Birmingham)
- Hillcrest Engineering
- Hills Patent Glazing Co
- Hills, Menke and Co
- William Hilsley
- Henry Hilton and Sons
- Hindes
- James Hinks and Son
- Hinks, Wells and Co
- G. F. Hipkins
- H. Hipkiss and Co
- J. F. Hipkiss and Co
- Henry Hipkiss
- Hippodrome, Birmingham
- J. Hipwell and Son
- Thomas Hirne
- Hobbis Brothers and Horrell
- John Hobbis
- H. J. Hobday
- Jonathan Hobday
- T. Hobday
- Hockley
- Hockley Chemical Co
- Hockley Metal Co
- W. R. Hodges and Co
- E. Hodgetts
- Hodgetts and Mole
- Hodgetts Brothers
- W. Hodgkinson and Co
- J. E. Hodgkin (of Birmingham)
- E. Hodgkins
- Hoerbiger Service (UK)
- Hoklykem
- Holbrooks
- E. Holdbach
- Holden and Sanders
- Arthur Holden and Sons
- A. N. Holden and Co
- Holden, Lowe and Lowe
- Thomas Holden
- Holder and Bishop
- W. F. Holdsworth
- Holford Mill
- H. Holland
- Thomas Holland
- David Hollander and Sons
- Holliday Street Aqueduct
- Richard Holliday
- R. N. Hollings
- Hollings and Guest
- I. J. Hollingshead
- J . Hollingshead
- Thomas Hollingsworth
- M. Hollins
- W. and E. Hollis
- Hollis Brothers and Co
- Hollis Wood Trimmer Co
- Hollis, Bentley and Playfair
- E. Hollis
- Isaac Hollis and Sons
- R. and W. Hollis
- Richard Hollis
- D. Holloway and Sons
- Holloway Cycle Co
- Arthur E. Holloway
- J. J. Hollyhead
- Holmes and Co (of Birmingham)
- Holmes and Search
- E. Holt
- Holt Brewery Co
- Edward Holt
- Holt, Siron and Co
- Home-Ease
- Alfred Homer
- Homo
- Hoods
- H. J. Hookham and Sons
- Hookham and Ludlow
- S. Hooper and Co
- Hooper and Edman
- Hope Assurance Co
- Hope Iron and Tin Plate Co
- Hope's Heating and Lighting
- Henry Hope and Sons
- Samuel Hope
- H. and C. F. Hopkins
- J. H. Hopkins
- E. C. Hopkins
- J. Hopkins
- T. Hopkins and Co
- Thomas Hopwood
- Hordern and Mason
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards
- Horrell and Bowman
- Walker Horrocks and Co
- James Horsfall
- G. M. Horton and Co
- T. Horton
- Horton Hub and Engineering Co
- Henry Horton
- J. and W. Horton
- Joshua and William Horton
- John Horton
- Thomas Horton
- William Horton and Co
- T. and G. Hoskin
- Hoskins and Sewell
- Hoskison Manufacturing Co
- Hoskison Motors
- J. J. and H. Hossell
- Hot Pressed Products
- A. B. and G. G. Houghton
- Howard and Johnson
- Howard Lane and Co
- T. C. Howden and Co
- Henry Howell
- William Howell
- Howes and Burley
- F. Howle
- Howlett Cyclecar Co
- M. Howlett and Co
- Thomas Howse
- HS Holdings
- Hudson and Caswell
- Hudson and Co (Birmingham)
- Hudson and Collier
- Hudson Brothers (of Birmingham)
- Arthur Hudson and Son
- J. Hudson and Co
- Charles Hufton and Sons
- William Huggins and Sons
- Hughes
- J. and J. Hughes
- Hughes and Co
- Hughes and Evans
- Hughes and Whitehead
- Hughes Biscuits and Cake
- Hughes Motor Fitments
- Hughes Stubbs Metal Co
- Alfred Hughes and Sons
- George H. Hughes
- George W. Hughes
- Thomas Hughes and Son
- Hughes-Johnson Stampings
- Hukin and Heath
- Enoch Humpage
- Humphrey Keates and Co
- Humphrey Pountney
- Humphreys (Birmingham)
- Humphries and Dawes
- Hunt and Mitton
- Hunt and Turner
- James Hunt
- R. J. Hunt and Son
- William Hunt and Sons, The Brades
- William Hunt (of Birmingham)
- W. H. Hunter and Lane
- T. Huntingdon
- Hurry Water Heater Co
- Hussey Dawson
- W. Hutton and Son
- William Hutton and Sons
- Hyde Brothers and Timings
- Hydraulic Joint Syndicate
- Hydromechanics
- Samuel Hyndman
- I. Marshall and Son
- I. T. D.
- Ian Heath
- ICI Metals Division
- Iles and Gomms
- Iliffe and Player Brothers
- Thomas Iliffe
- G. H. Illston and Son
- Illston and Robson
- George Illston
- T. Ilsley
- IMI Group
- IMI Pneumatics
- IMI Titanium
- Imperial 1914-1915
- Imperial Cycle and Motor Co
- Imperial Cycle Co
- Imperial Enamel Co
- Imperial Metal Industries
- Imperial Metal Industries (Kynoch)
- Imperial Metro
- Imperial Tube Co
- Frank Impey
- Frank Impey and Co
- Improved Sanitary Appliances Co
- Incandescent Electric Lighting Co
- Incandescent Heat Co
- India Rubber Products Co
- Industrial Brushware
- Industrial Fan and Heater Co
- Industrial Guarding Equipment
- Industrial Instrument Services Co
- Industrial Research Laboratories
- Industrial Utilities (Birmingham)
- Ingall, Parsons, Clive and Co
- Ingrain and Kemp
- George D. Ingram
- Ingram, Kemp and Joyner
- T. W. Ingram
- T. Wells Ingram
- Innes, Smith and Co
- Inniss and Riddle
- J. Inshaw
- Insole and Grimley
- Insole and Jones
- Bernard Instone
- Insulation Equipments
- Integra, Leeds and Northrup
- Intermit
- International Furnace Equipment Co
- International Railophones
- International Silencer Co
- Ionic Plating Co
- Irwell India Rubber and Gutta Percha Works
- Isaac Gardner
- Isaac Holloway
- Isaac Marshall and Son
- Isaac Marshall and Sons
- Isaac Wheeler
- Isaac Whitehouse and Co
- Islington Iron Works (Brimingham)
- Ixion Motor Manufacturing Co
- Izons, Whitehurst and Izons
- J. A. Ewins and Co
- J. A. Hemming
- J. A. R. Developments (Garage Equipment)
- J. A. Reynolds and Co
- J. and R. Oldfield
- J. Bernard Blackham
- J. Bernard Stagg and Sons
- J. D. Wood and Co
- J. G. Beddoes
- J. G. Cracknell and Co
- J. G. Mortimer
- J. Gibson
- J. H. Hopkins and Sons
- J. L. S. Engineering Co
- J. Leslie Edwards
- J. Longmore and Co
- J. P. Haynes
- J. W. Bennett
- J.A.R. Developments (Garage Equipment)
- Jabez Bate and Co
- Jabez Bridgewater
- Jabez Bridgwater
- Jabez Smith
- B. R. Jackson
- J. A. Jackson and Co
- J. Jackson
- P. H. Jackson and Co
- Jackson and Bradwell
- Jackson and Hunt
- C. Jackson
- Charles Jackson
- Edward Jackson (of Birmingham)
- George Jackson
- Robert Jackson (of Birmingham)
- William Jackson (of Birmingham)
- W. Jackson
- J. Jacobs
- J. Jagger
- Jaguar Land Rover
- H. James and Co
- James Allport (of Birmingham)
- James and Thomas Hill
- James Archer (2)
- James Baldwin and Sons
- James Boyce and Son
- James Burden
- James C. Nicklin
- James C. Perry, Junior
- James Co
- James Cobley
- James Collins
- James Collins (Birmingham)
- James Cycle Co
- James D. Barney and Co
- James E. Simpson (Birmingham)
- James Enos and Co
- James Fenton (Birmingham)
- James Fox (Birmingham)
- James Gargory
- James Garland
- James Goffe
- James Good
- James Graham and Co
- James Griffin and Sons
- James Harper (of Birmingham)
- James Hateley
- James Heeley
- James J. Salt
- James Kane
- James Keatley
- James L. Allday
- James Middleton
- James Mills (of Tyseley)
- James Neale and Sons
- James Potter (of Birmingham)
- James Probin
- James R. Ferriday
- James Richards and Co
- James Silman and Co
- James Stevens
- James Swift (of Birmingham)
- James Tomey
- James Turnbull and Co
- James Warne
- James Watkins and Co
- James Webley
- Collin James
- C. James
- Birmingham Rim Works
- Thomas James
- W. C. M. James
- W. C. M. James (Successors)
- William James (of Birmingham)
- Jarrett and Rainsford
- Jarrett, Rainsford and Laughton
- Jarvis and Co
- Jays and Co
- E. Jeavans
- W. E. Jeff
- Jeffrey and Co
- Jelson Electric
- L. C. Jenkins
- Jenkins and Clark
- Henry Jenkins and Sons
- Jenkins, Hill and Jenkins
- Thomas and Leonard Jenkins
- R. Jenks
- Jennens, Bettridge and Sons
- Jenner and Gill
- T. Jennings and Son (Quinton)
- Jennings Chalmers Light Car Co
- G. Jepson
- J. H. Jerrim and Co
- Jesse Ball
- Jesse Haywood and Co
- Jesse Matthews
- Jessel Co
- John A. Beard
- John Ackworthie and Co
- John and Charles Ratcliff
- John and D. Holloway
- John and Henry Lowe
- John and Joseph Dyer
- John Aston and Co
- John B. Parkes and Co
- John Barwell
- John Blakeway
- John Blaze
- John Bolt
- John Bricknell
- John Britain
- John Butchard
- John Castle
- John Cattell
- John Clarkson and Co
- John Ducker
- John Duffell
- John E. Mapplebeck
- John Edward Minaham
- John Else and Son
- John Field
- John Garlick
- John Godfrey
- John Hall (of Birmingham)
- John Hemms
- John Hickman
- John Hickton and Co
- John Hodges
- John Hunt and Co
- John Jackson (of Birmingham)
- John Jewsbury and Co
- John Law
- John Lloyd (of Birmingham)
- John Mills
- John Morgan and Co
- John Morton (of Birmingham)
- John N. Brown
- John O. Holt and Son
- John Page
- John Parker (of Birmingham)
- John Parker and Sons
- John Piddock
- John Portlock
- John Pritchard
- John Pursall
- John Ratcliffe, Junior
- John Reading
- John Reading and Sons
- John Reynolds and Sons
- John Rodgers and Son
- John Rogers and Co
- John Rogers and Sons
- John Rubery
- John Saddler
- John Sadler (of Birmingham)
- John Sanders
- John Shepherd (of Birmingham)
- John Stewart and Son
- John Stokes
- John Swann
- John Turner and Co
- John W. Showell
- John Wakefield (of Birmingham)
- John Wall
- John Ward
- John Welden
- John Whitehouse, Junior
- John Wiggan
- John Wright Fletcher
- John Zair
- Johnsen and Jorgensen Flint Glass
- Johnson Brothers (Harbourne)
- Johnson Saddle Co
- Edward Johnson
- J. Johnson
- John Thomas Johnson
- Thomas Johnson (Metal Press Workers)
- T. Johnson
- G. H. Johnstone and Co
- Jointless Rim Co
- Jonathan Denham
- Jonathan Hughes
- Jonathan Wheeler
- J. H. Jones and Sons (Beverages)
- Jone's Boarding House, Birmingham
- C. Jones and Co
- T. Jones
- T. Jones and Sons
- Jones and Barclay
- Jones and Cross
- Jones and Foster
- Jones and Lamson Machine Co
- Jones and Plimley
- Jones and Sons
- Jones and Willis
- A. Edward Jones
- Abraham Jones
- E. C. Jones
- Edward Jones (of Birmingham)
- E. Jones
- F. Jones
- George Jones
- G. Jones
- Henry Jones
- John Jones (of Birmingham)
- R. H. Jones and Sons.
- R. Jones and Co
- Richard Jones (Rolling Mills)
- S. Jones
- Samuel Jones
- Thomas Jones
- Thomas Jones (of Birmingham)
- Thomas Jones and Sons
- Thomas E. Jones
- Thomas F. Jones
- William Jones (of Birmingham 2)
- William Jones (of Birmingham)
- William Jones and Co (of Birmingham)
- William Jones and Son
- William Jones Clifton and Co
- Thomas J. Jordan
- Joseph Allday
- Joseph and Edmond Ratcliff
- Joseph Barber and Co
- Joseph Bennett
- Joseph Bent
- Joseph Bourne
- Joseph Bower
- Joseph Dunn
- Joseph Fitter
- Joseph Fry (of Birmingham)
- Joseph Gilbert and Sons
- Joseph Green
- Joseph Green and Sons
- Joseph Gregory
- Joseph H. Cutler
- Joseph Houzer
- Joseph Hulse (of Birmingham)
- Joseph Jones
- Joseph Lucas (Batteries)
- Joseph Lucas (Sales and Service)
- Joseph Lucas Research
- Joseph March
- Joseph Mason
- Joseph Nichols and Son
- Joseph P. Cutler
- Joseph Parker
- Joseph Parkes
- Joseph Redfern
- Joseph Richards and Co
- Joseph Roberts
- Joseph Scott
- Joseph Skeet
- Joseph Smith
- Joseph Spice, Son and Co
- Joseph Stirk (Birmingham)
- Joseph Swain and Son
- Joseph T. and John Horton
- Joseph Whitehouse
- Joseph Whitten
- Joseph Woodman
- Joseph Worsey
- B. H. Joseph and Co
- Josiah Hickman
- Josiah Lees
- T. F. Joyce
- Charles Joyner and Co
- A. Jude
- K. M. T. (Holdings)
- Kalamazoo
- Kayay Co
- Kaye Alloys
- Kean and Scott
- Thomas Keane and Son
- E. C. and J. Keay
- H. Keeling
- W. Keeling
- F. A. Keep, Juxon and Co
- Keiper Recaro
- J. Kemble
- A. Kemp and Son
- Abraham Kemp and Son
- H. C. Kempson and Co
- Kempson and Co (Birmingham)
- Kemwell
- Kendall and Son
- Kendall Motors
- George Kendrick
- Kenham Tools and Processing
- Samuel Kenrick
- W. E. Kenway
- J. B. Kenworthy
- William Kerby
- Kersons Manufacturing Co
- William Ketland and Co
- M. Kettle
- J. S. Key and Co
- Keystone Trading Co
- William Kilby
- King Brothers (Stourbridge)
- Samuel King
- William James King
- Kings and Holland
- Kings Heath Engineering Co
- Kings Norton Metal Co
- Kinsman
- Kirby, Beard and Co
- H. Kirby
- Kirk and Merifield
- Klaxon Co
- H. Knapton (Machine Tools)
- Henry Knight
- Krinklee Sanitary Paper
- Kunzle
- Kwikform
- G. Kynoch and Co
- Kynoch
- L'Hollier, Gascoine and Co
- L. le Couteur
- Labron and Day
- J. W. Laird
- Lambert and Co
- Lambournes
- Lamplugh and Brown
- Lamplugh and Co
- Lan-Bar
- J. Lancaster and Son
- Lanchester Engine Co
- Lanchester Motor Co
- W. Lander and Sons
- Lander Automotive
- George Lane and Sons
- George Lane
- Josiah Lane and Sons
- Thomas Lane (of Birmingham)
- O. C. Langford
- Langton and Revill
- Lapal Tunnel Brick Company
- Laser Laboratories
- Latch and Batchelor
- Latex Cushion Co (Birmingham)
- Laughton and Sons
- S. Law and Co
- Thomas Lawden and Son
- W. L. Lawler (Plastics)
- Lawley and Talkington
- Lawley Street Railway Goods Station
- Thomas Lawley
- S. Lawrence
- Lawrence's College
- A. J. Lawrence
- Philip H. Lawrence and Co
- Lawrie and Bishop
- Lawson and Heaton
- Lawson and Holden
- Lawton (Successors)
- E. Le Couter
- E. Le Couteur
- Henry Lea and Thornbery
- D. Leadbeater
- T. Leak
- Leatheries
- Lee and James
- Lee and Wilkes
- Lee Beesley Deritend
- Edwin E. Lee
- E. J. Leek
- Lees and Sanders
- Thomas Lees
- Thomas Lees and Sons
- Leigh Interests
- Thomas Leighton
- Lemark
- Lemet Metal Works
- Thomas William Lench
- Lenchs (Birmingham)
- C. H. Leng and Sons
- D. Leonard and Son
- Leonard A. Ouston
- Leonard Newman
- Leonard Proctor
- S. Leonard
- Samuel Leonard
- D. Leonardt and Co
- Lesbrook
- Lethbridge Motors
- Letter-Filing Appliances Co
- Levi and Salaman
- Levi Hands
- S. J. Levi and Co
- Samuel M. Levi
- Levick and Fereday
- John Levick
- Lewis Gorton and Son
- Lewis Woolf
- Edwin Lewis
- G. E. Lewis
- G. E. Lewis and Son
- G. E. Lewis and Sons
- G. W. Lewis and Co
- J. Lewis
- Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Co
- Liberty 2-stroke
- Lichfield Canal Aqueduct
- Lifford Accessories Co
- H. A. Light
- Light Car and Motor Engineering Co
- Lightning Fasteners
- Joseph Lightwood
- R. Lightwood
- Lil-lets
- S. Lilley and Son
- B. Lilly and Sons
- Limmer Asphalte Paving Co
- Limpet Co
- W. Lincke
- Lincoln Jeffries and Co
- Lincoln Street Motors
- F. Line and Co
- Frederick Line
- Linford and Willson
- Linley and Co (of Birmingham)
- Linread
- Lintine and Co
- Lion Cycle Co
- Lion Engineering Co
- Liphook Motor and Engineering Works
- Lisseter
- List Brothers
- William List and Son
- Littleton Collieries
- Littlewood, Headley and Co
- J. Littlewood
- Littlewoods Ariel Wheel Works
- Mark Littley
- Llewellin and Ryland
- Lloyd and Deeley
- Lloyd and Lloyd
- Lloyd and Son (of Birmingham)
- Lloyd and Summerfield
- Lloyd Brothers
- Lloyd Pascal and Co
- A. Lloyd and Co
- E. Lloyd
- G. B. Lloyd and Co
- James Lloyd and Co
- John Lloyd and Sons
- Richard Lloyd and Co
- T. H. Lloyd and Co
- W. A. Lloyd and Co
- William Lloyd's Cycles
- W. A. Lloyds Cycle Fittings
- Lloyds Bank
- Loach and Clarke
- Lock Slate-Clip Co
- Lock Tools
- Lock Washers and Nuts
- Lockhart Supply Co
- A. Lodge
- Lodge Brothers
- Lodge Plugs
- Lodge-Cottrell
- F. R. Logan
- Lomas and Co
- Lomax Tyre Co
- Lombard Rim and Tube Co
- London and Birmingham Steam Carriage Co
- Lones, Vernon and Holden
- Long Acre Stampings
- Longfield and Parker
- Mark Lonsdale
- J. C. and W. Lord
- Lord Furnace and Steel Co
- J. Lord (Birmingham)
- S. Loveridge and Sons
- Lovett and Jenks
- J. S. Lowe
- Lowe and Brookes
- Lowe and Wood
- Bernard C. Lowe and Co
- Lowe, Bevan and Co
- M. Lowe
- Lowe, Sleigh, Bevan and Co
- Thomas Lowe
- T. Lowe
- Alfred Lowell
- Loxit Loose Leaf Co
- Lozells Engineering Co
- LP-Gas Equipment
- Luber-Finer
- Lucas and Co (Birmingham)
- Lucas Batteries
- Lucas Chloride EV Systems
- Lucas Electrical Co
- Lucas Furnaces
- Lucas Industries
- Lucas Kienzle Instruments
- Lucas Pressure Gauge Co
- Lucas Varity
- Lucas Yuasa Batteries
- F. H. Lucas
- Joseph Lucas
- Joseph Lucas (Gas Turbine Equipment)
- Joseph Lucas (Hydraulic and Combustion Equipment)
- Joseph Lucas (Industries)
- Joseph Lucas and Son
- W. Lucas
- Frederick Luckett
- Ludlow and Co (Birmingham)
- Ludlow Brothers
- E. and A. Ludlow
- S. Lusty
- Lux Patent Blind Co
- Lycett Saddle and Motor Accessories Co
- Lycetts Saddles
- W. A. Lyndon
- Lyndon Brassfounders
- Lynx Brushes
- M. C. L. and Repetition
- M. G. K. Engineering Co
- M. P. Co
- MAB Co
- Macbeth
- F. MacCallum
- J. Charles Macdonald
- Machinists
- Charles Macintosh and Co
- J. Mackenzie
- William Mackenzie (of Birmingham)
- MacNiven and Cameron
- Macrome
- J. Y. Madeley and Son
- Madeley Cycle Manufacturing Co
- Magnet Joinery
- Magneti Marelli Electrical
- Magnetic Manufacturing Co
- Mahler Brothers
- Fred Males
- D. Malins
- Malins (Engineers)
- Manco
- Elisha Mander
- Manis's
- George Manly
- Mann and Allen
- Mansfield and Co
- John Mantle and Sons
- J. S. Manton and Co
- Maplebeck and Lowe
- Mapplebeck and Lowe
- Edward Mapplebeck
- March, Newark and Co
- Marglass Co
- Mark and Wolverson
- Mark Morton
- Mark Perks
- J. Marklew
- Marks and Clerk
- Marloe Motor Co
- James Marlow and Co
- Marrian and Gausby
- Marrian and Gransby
- Benjamin J. P. Marrian
- Francis Thomas Marrian
- William L. Marrian
- Marriott Cycle Co
- G. Marris and Son
- Marris and Norton
- Marris's
- Frederick Marsden
- A. E. Marsh
- J. Marshall and Son
- Marshall Brothers (Birmingham)
- Marshall, Osborne and Co
- Percy Wynn Marshall
- Marson and Jones
- W. Y. Marston
- Marston Radiators
- Marston, Cork Manufacturer
- John Marston and Co
- John Marstons Carriage Works
- Martin and Martins
- Edward Martin
- Ralph Martindale and Co
- Martineau and Smith
- Martineau, Beames and Madeley
- F. E. Martineau and Co
- Martino Steel and Metal Co
- Martins-Birmingham
- Marwin Production Machines
- H. Mason and Sons
- T. Mason
- Mason and Co
- Mason and Elkington
- Mason and Elkington (2)
- Mason Brothers (of Adcocks Green)
- Mason College Engineering Society
- Mason Science College, Birmingham
- B. Mason and Sons
- D. Mason and Sons
- John Mason
- Samuel Mason
- T. Mason and Co
- Massey Motor Co
- William Massey
- Massey-Arran
- Matchett and Martineau
- Matchett and Moore
- F. Matchett
- W. D. Mather
- Matrix Grinding Technologies
- Matthew Boulton and Button Co
- Matthew J. Hart and Sons
- H. Matthews (of Birmingham)
- S. T. Matthews and Co
- W. Matthews and Co
- W. Matthewson
- Matthias Green
- Matthias Watts and Co
- Mavitta Drafting Machines
- Max Gate
- Maxfield and Co
- Maxfield-Garrard
- B. W. May
- May and Mountain
- May and Padmore
- Walter May
- Walter May and Co
- C. Maybury
- Mayfield Cycle Co
- J. Mayo
- William Mayon
- MCA (Aston)
- McCallum and Hodson
- McCallum's Malleable Castings
- Joseph, William and James McCardie
- A. McCulloch
- McCutchon and Co
- McDonald, Chambers and Co
- McEvoy and Co
- H. N. E. McEvoy
- Henry McEvoy and Co
- William McGeoch and Co
- McGowan, Wild and Co
- McKechnie Brothers
- McKenzie Motors
- John McLeod
- John McLoud
- Mead and Deakin
- Mead Co, Birmingham
- Mead Cycle Co
- H. Meadows
- Mechanical Products Co
- Meddocream
- Medlicott and Wheatley
- G. Meeks
- Mege and Davis
- F. and H. Melen
- T. Mellon
- Melrose
- Melsom Products
- MEM Co
- M. Menda
- Mendit
- Mercury Machinists Co
- Meredith and Co
- Meredith and Co (2)
- Meredith Coachcraft
- J. C. Meredith
- John Child Meredith
- Mereway
- Merlin Cycle Co
- Merrick and Heath
- Merry Thomas and Co
- Henry Merry
- My. Merry
- Messenger and Son
- Messenger and Sons
- Thomas Messenger and Sons
- Metal and Plastic Compacts
- Metal Closures Group
- Metal Processes
- Metal Smallwares Co
- Metalectric Furnaces
- Metallic Electrical Engineering Co
- Metallic Presswork Co
- Metallic Seamless Tube Co
- Metallic Tube and Flask Co
- Metalline Enamelling Co
- Metalrax
- Metalrax Group
- Metals
- Metalwood Putty and Mastic
- Metric Motorcycle Co
- Metro Manufacturing Co
- Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Co
- Metropolitan Cammell Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co
- Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co
- Metropolitan Railway Carriage and Wagon Co
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co
- G. E. Mewis
- MG Rover Group
- Micron Sprayers
- Microvernier
- Midac
- William Middlemore
- Middleton and Chellingworth
- Middleton and Gardiner
- E. Middleton
- Edward Middleton
- Middleton, Harris and Co
- G. H. Midgley and Co
- Midland Instrument Co
- Midland Accessories
- Midland Automation
- Midland Brass Fittings Co
- Midland Cattle Products
- Midland Counties Motor Garage Co
- Midland Counties Watch Co
- Midland Depository
- Midland Education Co
- Midland Enamelling Co
- Midland Engineering Co
- Midland Expanded Metal Co
- Midland Extrusions
- Midland Fan Co
- Midland Forging Co
- Midland Galvanizers
- Midland Garage
- Midland Gear Case Co
- Midland Gun Co
- Midland Heating and Ventilation Co
- Midland India Rubber Co
- Midland Laboratory Guild
- Midland Lighting Co
- Midland Machinery and Press Tool Co
- Midland Malleable Foundry Co
- Midland Mechanical Developments
- Midland Metallurgical Laboratories
- Midland Motor Agency
- Midland Motor Co
- Midland Motor Cylinder Co
- Midland Motor Engineering Works
- Midland Perambulator Co
- Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Co
- Midland Red (Express)
- Midland Rubber Co
- Midland Saw and Tool Co
- Midland Screw Co
- Midland Spring Co
- Midland Tar Distillers
- Midland Transformer Co
- Midland Twineries
- Midland Vinegar Co
- Midland Wagon Co
- Midland Wheel Co
- Midland Wire Cordage Co
- Midland Wood Working Co
- William Midwinter
- Midwinters Engineering and Cycle Stamping Co
- Mild Steel Castings
- Miller and Co (of Birmingham)
- C. H. Miller (Engineers)
- H. Miller and Co
- T. Miller (of Birmingham)
- Millers
- Millers Car Equipment
- Henry Millichamp
- E. H. Millington and Co
- T. Millington
- Thomas Henry Millner
- N. Mills and Sons
- S. Mills and Co
- Mills and Newey
- Mills Munitions
- William Mills
- William Mills (of Birmingham)
- E. Millward
- Millward William
- Thomas Millward
- Milward and Son
- William Milward and Son
- Ming Ware
- J. Minshull
- Minstrel and Rea Cycle Co
- Minstrel Cycle Co
- The Mint
- Minworth Metals
- P. Mitchell and Co
- Mitchell and Buckler
- Henry Mitchell and Co
- J. and W. Mitchell
- John Mitchell
- W. Mitchell
- William Mitchell
- Mitchells and Butlers
- Mobile Motor and Engineering Co
- Model Aerodrome
- Modern Furnaces and Stoves
- M. Mole and Son
- Robert Mole and Sons
- Thomas and William Mole
- Monarch Motor Co
- Monitor Brake Co
- Monitor Engineering and Oil Appliances
- Monitor Oil Appliances
- Monks and Crane
- Mono Curtain Rail Co
- Monometer Manufacturing Co
- Montague Hawnt and Co
- Montgomerys
- Montil Manufacturing Co
- F. E. Moore
- H. Moore Components
- N. Moore
- R. S. Moore and Co
- W. H. Moore and Sons
- Moore and Harris
- Moore and Son
- Moore Brothers (Birmingham)
- Moore, Abbott and Co
- Paul Moore and Co
- Morewood and Co
- Morgan and Boon
- George Morgan
- J. Morgan and Co
- W. Morgan (of Birmingham)
- Morgans
- Morgans Chains and Pedals
- Morland and Impey
- L. Morley
- P. A. Morley
- T. Morley and Co
- Morleys (Birmingham)
- T. J. Morris
- Morris and Gore
- Morris Commercial Cars
- Morris Lyons
- Morris Patent Engineering Works
- Morris's
- E. Morris
- William Morris (Birmingham)
- W. R. Morris
- A. Morton
- J. Morton
- Mosda
- J. Moseley
- Moseley Brothers
- Moseley Brothers (Tools)
- Moseley Motor Works
- Moss Gear Co
- Motaproducts Automotive
- Motaquip
- Motoplas Co
- Motor Components
- Motor Components (Birmingham)
- Motor Cycle Equipment
- Motor Equipments
- Motor Plants
- Motor Re-winds and Repairs
- Motor Works Co
- Thomas L. Mott
- Moulded Furniture
- Moulded Plastics (Birmingham)
- Moulded Products
- C. G. Mountain
- Mountain, Sons and Co
- C. H. Mountford
- G. Mountford
- Mountford Rubber Co
- Frederick Mountford
- W. Mountford
- William Mountford
- Mousell Brothers
- T. Mousley
- Thomas Mousley
- Moxey Conveyor and Transporter Co
- T. Moxham
- Mrs. Palmer's Linen Warehouse
- Mrs. Smith (of Birmingham)
- Mucklow and Chapman
- Mucklow Brothers
- Mudie's Electrical Co
- Mulliners
- Mundy, Horley and Co
- Municipal Technical School, Birmingham
- F. J. Munster and Co
- G. F. and P. H. Muntz
- Muntz and Purden
- Muntz's Patent Axle Co
- E. G. Muntz
- P. H. Muntz and Co
- J. V. Murcott
- Herbert S. Murdoch
- Murphy
- J. Murphy and Sons
- Musgrove and Green
- T. Mutlow and Co
- Mutual Fire and Accident Co
- W. J. Myatt and Co
- M. Myers and Son
- Maurice Myers
- Myer Myers
- N. Smythe and Co
- Naish and Croft
- Naish and Osborn
- Napper and Davenport
- Nash and Pearce
- National Arms and Ammunition Co
- National Association of Drop Forgers and Stampers
- National Brazilian Mining Association
- National Cycle Saddle Works
- National Express
- National Manufacturing Co
- National Plastics
- National Rifle Factories
- National Saddle Works
- National Safety Services
- National Time Recorder Co
- J. W. Naylor and Sons
- Neal
- Neal and Tones
- Neal and Tonks
- William Neale
- Nechells Gas Works
- Nechells Power Station
- E. Needham
- W. F. Needham
- Needham (Birmingham)
- Walter Needham
- Nelson Brothers (of Birmingham)
- Nelson Hotel, Birmingham
- Nettlefold and Chamberlain
- Nettlefolds
- Edward Nevill
- E. Nevill
- New Adamant Plaster Co
- New Buckingham and Adams Cycle Co
- New Conveyor Co
- New Cooper Cycle Fitting Co
- New Credenda Tube Co
- New Day Electrical Accessories
- New Delaville Spelter Co
- New Grappler Pneumatic Tyre Co
- New Great Western Hotel, Birmingham
- New Henley
- New Hudson Auto-Cycles
- New Hudson Cycle Co
- New Imperial Cycle Co
- New Imperial Cycles
- New Imperial Motors
- New Jointless Rim Co
- New Moon Cycle Co
- New Rapid Cycle Co
- New Revolution Cycle Co
- New Ryder Cycle Co
- Newalls Insulation Co
- Newbold's Machine Tool Co
- Newey and Bloomer
- Newey and Eyre
- Newey and Halstead
- Newey and Son
- Newey and Tayler
- Newey Brothers
- Newey Brothers and Co
- Newey's Midland Garage
- J. Newey and Co
- John Newey
- James George Newey
- J. G. Newey
- J. Newman and Co
- S. A. Newman
- Newman Electrics
- L. Newman
- William Newman and Sons
- Newman-Tonks
- Newton Collins
- Ernest Newton and Co
- James Newton
- L. H. Newton and Co
- L. H. Newton
- Newton, Shakespeare and Co
- Newton, Wilson and Co
- Joseph Nibbs
- James Nichols
- John Mills Nicholson
- J. Nicklin and Co
- Nicklin and Son
- Edward Nicklin
- George Nicklin and Son
- N. Nock
- W. Nokes
- Non-Collapsible Tyre Co
- Non-Ferreous Casting Co
- Non-Ferrous Casting Co
- Norman H. Field
- Robert Normansell
- Bernard Norris
- North and Co
- Northampton Street Tramways Co
- Northfield Tool Co
- Norton
- Norton Manufacturing Co
- Norton Motors
- T. Norton and Co
- Norwood Spinning Co
- Notek Electric Co
- Nu-Way Heating Plants
- Nuffield Mechanizations and Aero
- Nuffield Metal Products
- Nuffield Organization
- R. H. Nuttall
- Nuway Manufacturing Co
- D. E. O'Dell
- Oak Foundry
- A. Oakden and Sons
- Oerton and Grimley
- Ogilvy and Partridge
- Oilbath Axlebox Fittings and Engineering Co
- Oiline Refining Co
- OK-Supreme Motors
- Old Bess
- Old Hill Co
- Richard Oldacre and Co
- T. Oldbury
- Oldbury Tube Works Co
- Oldfield and Co
- Oliver Bayliss
- Ollard, Westcombe and Co
- Onion and Son
- Onions and Co
- John C. Onions
- Opex Brushes
- Optical Manufacturers
- Orbito Optical Co
- Ormerod of Birmingham and Co
- Ormond Cycle Co
- C. H. Osborn
- Osborn and Sons
- Osborn Manufacturing Co
- Charles Osborn (of Birmingham)
- Henry Osborn
- Thomas Osborn
- Charles Osborne
- Charles Osborne and Co
- E. C. and W. Osbourne
- T. Osbourne and Sons
- F. and C. Osler
- Osmond Cycle Co
- T. Oswell
- Overseas Motor Co
- Henry Owen and Sons
- Oxford and Birmingham Railway
- Oxygen Welding Works
- P. and H.
- Padley and Price
- Padley and Venables
- Padmore and Sons
- Thomas Padmore and Sons
- F. Page
- Page Engineering Co
- Pagoda Foundry
- J. G. Palmer
- W. R. Palmer
- Palmer and Co (of Birmingham)
- Palmer and Holland
- Palmer and Salisbury
- Palmer and Shelley
- Palmer and Son
- Palmer Browne Lubricator Co
- C. F. Palmer and Co
- J. Palmer
- John Palmer and Sons
- Panelcraft Sheet Metal
- Para Rubber Co
- Paraffin Carburettors
- S. Parish
- Park Garage (Moseley)
- Parker and Acott
- Parker and Morris
- Parker and Osborn (Overmantel)
- Parker and Sanders
- A. G. Parker and Co
- Alfred J. Parker and Co
- C. Parker
- E. Parker
- Henry Parker
- J. F. and W. E. Parker
- J. F. Parker
- Parker, Winder and Achurch
- Parker-Hale
- Parkers' Lamp Co
- Parkes Classic Confectionery
- Parkes Quinton
- A. and F. Parkes and Co
- B. Parkes
- I. Parkes
- James Parkes and Son
- James Parkes and Son (2)
- Z. Parkes
- Zachariah and R. Parkes
- Zachariah Parkes
- Park Gate Iron and Steel Co
- Parkinson Stove Co
- Perks and Co
- F. Parr
- Parry and Bott
- Parry and Wythes
- B. Parsons
- J. Parsons
- C. H. Parsons
- F. W. Parsons
- Henry Parsons
- Parton, Son and Co
- Stephen Partridge
- T. Partridge
- Partridges
- Pashley
- J. Patchett
- Patent Adjustable Bath Co
- Patent Axlebox and Foundry Co
- Patent Boot Stud Co
- Patent Butted Tube Co
- Patent Enamel Co
- Patent Ferrule Co
- Patent Nut and Bolt Co
- Patent Oil Bath, Axle Box and Fittings Co
- Patent Rivet Co
- Patent Safety Candle Grip Co
- Patent Steam Boiler Co
- Patent Steam Carpet Cleaning Co
- Patent Tip-Up Bath Co
- Patent Transparent Ice Co
- Patent Tube Works
- Paterson, Bate and Co
- Patisserie Valerie
- Patrick Engineering
- Patrick Motors
- Patrick Motors Group
- Pattison-Hughes Catering Co
- Paul Mason
- Paul Mason and Co
- Paul Winn and Co
- Pax Engineering Co
- Payless
- Payne and Griffiths
- Payne and Sexty
- Payne and Wilkins
- Payne Brothers and Co
- C. Payton and Sons
- Pepper, Payton and Co
- Payton, Pepper and Sons
- PDM-Illston
- Arthur Peace
- Harold E. Peace and Co
- Peachy and Bettridge
- Benjamin Pearce
- Joseph Pearce
- Pearl Industries
- W. Pearsall
- B. and C. Pearson
- Pearson and Cole
- Pearson Brothers
- G. Pearson and W. P. Beck
- Thomas Pearson and Son (of Birmingham)
- Pearson-Page Co
- Pearson-Page-Jewsbury Co
- John Peck
- Peco Engines
- J. Pedley and Son
- Peerless Metal and Martino
- W. J. Pellow
- Thomas Pemberton and Sons
- S. Penn
- Pennant Manufacturing Co
- Arthur J. Pepper and Co
- Percival Brothers and Webb
- Perfect
- Perfecta Motor Equipments
- Perfecta Motors
- Perfecta Seamless Steel Tube and Conduit Co
- Perfecta Tube Co
- Herbert W. Periam
- Perkins and Powell
- Sl. Perks
- J. Perry
- Perry and Co
- Perry and Co (Holdings)
- Perry and Co (Pens)
- Perry and Sons (Overmantel)
- Perry Barr Metal Co
- Perry Chain Co
- Perry Engineering
- Perry Motor Co
- Perry, Bevan and Co
- George Perry
- J. C. Perry jun.
- James Perry
- James Perry and Co
- John Perry (of Birmingham)
- Perton and Sabin
- Peter Rogers
- W. and G. Peters
- J. Peters
- William Peters
- Petrel
- Petros Motor and Cycle Co
- Peyton and Alsop
- Peyton and Harlow
- Peyton and Iles
- Peyton and Peyton
- Peyton and Son
- Richard and Edward Peyton
- H. C. Pfenninger
- Phelps Brothers
- Phillips
- Phillips and Hill
- T. Phillips, Junior
- W. H. Phillips (of Birmingham)
- Phillips and Cross
- Phillips and Myers
- Phillips and Rabone
- Phillips and Son, Lock and Safe Co
- Phillips Telescopic Taps
- Phillips's Original Establishment
- Albert Phillips Ltd
- Ephraim Phillips
- Frederick Phillips
- George Phillips
- Henry Phillips
- J. Phillips
- John Phillips (Birmingham)
- Jonathan and H. Phillips
- J. A. Phillips and Co
- P. Phillips
- Samuel Phillips
- Phillips, Son and Entwisle
- William Phillips (Hats)
- William Phillips (of Birmingham)
- W. B. B. Phillips
- A. E. W. Phipps
- Phipson and Evans
- Thomas Phipson and Sons
- Phoenix Bolt and Nut Co
- Phoenix Carriage Co
- Phosphor Bronze Co
- Photo Developments
- Picador Engineering Co
- Pickard and Lloyd
- Jonathan Pickard
- J. W. Pickavant and Co
- Pickavant (Himself)
- Picken and Son
- J. Picken
- Pickering and Mayell
- Pickering, Darby and Allday
- John Pickering and Sons
- Piercy and Co
- Piercy and Pearson
- Piggott and Co
- Thomas Piggott and Co
- Pigott and Co
- Jonathan Pike
- George Pilkington (of Birmingham)
- Pilot Cycle and Motor Co
- Pilot Cycle Co (of Birmingham)
- Pinchin, Johnson and Co
- Pinchin, Johnson Paints (Automotive Division)
- Pinchin, Johnson Paints (Transport Division)
- Pinfold and Parr
- Pinkney Gas Engine Co
- William Pipe, Junior
- Pitney Rolling Mills
- W. T. Pitt and Co
- Sarah Pitt
- William Pitt
- Thomas Pittaway and Sons
- Plant and Co
- Plant and Green
- Plant Engineering Co
- Plant Safety
- Plant, Green and Manton
- Plastic Constructions
- John J. Plater and Sons
- William Platts and Co
- Player and Mitchell
- Player Brothers
- Player, Mitchell and Breeden
- W. and J. Player
- W. J. Plenty
- Plutonic Cement Co
- Pneumatic Gas Lighting Co
- Poles
- Pollard Bearings
- Richard Poole
- Henry Pooley and Son
- James Poolton
- T. Pope and Co
- Portable Balers
- J. Portlock
- Postans
- Postans and Morley Brothers
- Postans, Morley Brothers and Birtles
- Potosi Silver Co
- B. H. Pottier and Co
- Potts, Auster and Smith
- Thomas Potts
- J. Poultney
- T. Pountney
- C. M. Powell
- C. M. Powell Brothers
- H. V. Powell Cycles
- Powell and Hanmer
- H. V. Powell (Cycles)
- Hardman, Powell and Co
- William Powell (of Birmingham)
- Power Strapping Systems
- Power Utilities
- Frederick A. Power and Co
- Frederick A. Power and Sons (Saltley)
- F. A. Power
- F. A. Power and Son
- David Powis and Sons
- Practical Engineer Patent Agency
- A. H. Pratt and Co
- Harry J. Pratt and Co
- Precision Alloy Castings (Birmingham)
- Precision Electric
- Precision Gauges
- Precision Motor Components
- Precision Plastics
- Precision Presswork Co
- Premier Aluminium Castings Co
- Premier Electric Heaters
- Premier Heating Systems
- Premier Motor Co
- Prescott Powell
- Press Equipment
- Press Guards
- Pressed Steel Fisher
- Prestcold
- Preston and Beck
- Edward Preston and Sons
- Graham A. Preston
- John Preston
- C. W. Price
- F. Price and Son
- G. Price and Co
- W. Price
- Catherine Price
- Charles Price
- Elihu Price
- George Price
- Robert Price
- Robert Price and Co
- Prices Electrical Supplies
- Priest and Co
- Priestley and Ford
- T. J. Priestman
- Prima Co
- T. Prime and Sons
- Thomas Prime
- Thomas Prime and Son
- Prior Stokers
- Priory Castor and Engineering Co
- Priory Tea and Coffee Co
- Thomas Pritchard (Birmingham)
- William Pritchard
- W. Probert and Son
- S. Probin
- Productive British Grinders
- Prosser Automobile Co
- T. Proudman
- J. E. Prust
- Pryse and Redman
- C. and S. B. Pumphrey
- Pumphrey and Day
- Pumps
- Charles Purden
- Purit Specialities
- Purrott and Willard
- Pursall and Phillips
- C. Pursall
- J. Pursall
- Pursall, Phillips and Son
- William Pursall and Co
- G. and W. Purser
- J. S. Pye
- Pye Dynamics
- Pyrokrat Electrical Co
- R. A. Pope and Co
- R. and W. Parry and Co
- R. M. Manufacturing and Engineering Co
- R. Walker
- Thomas Rabone
- Rabone Brothers
- Rabone Chesterman
- Rabone Petersen and Co
- John Rabone and Sons
- Raby Cycle Fittings Co
- Radclyffe and Co
- W. Radford and Sons
- Radiant Stainless Products
- Radiation
- Radio Gramophone Development Co
- E. A. Radnall and Co
- Raeno Silver Plate Co
- Rain-X (Britran)
- Rainsford and Lynes
- Rally Sidecars
- A. E. Ralph and Co
- H. Ralph Youster
- Ralph Gilbert and Son
- Ramshay and Marshall
- Randall Brothers (Birmingham)
- Ranford and Mitchell
- Rapid Magnetic
- Rapid Magnetic Machines
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co
- Rapid Metal Developments
- Rapid Utilities
- J. F. Ratcliff (Metals)
- Joseph Ratcliff and Sons
- John Charles Ratcliff and Co
- George Rathbone
- T. Rathbone
- E. Ratherham
- Ratners
- Ravenscroft, Richards and Co
- J. Rawlings
- E. Rawlins, Junior
- Arthur Raybould
- Raymill
- Raynal Manufacturing Co
- Read and Son
- Jefferson Read
- N. C. Reading and Co
- Rec-Older Co
- Redditch Engineering Co
- Redfern, Stevens
- Reeve and Stedeford
- Reeves and Co (Birmingham)
- A. J. Reeves and Co
- A. Reeves
- Elias Reeves
- Reeves, Greaves and Co
- Reeves, Greaves and Reeves
- W. Reeves and Co (Jewellers)
- Reform Accessories Manufacturing Co
- Reg Sampson
- Regal Accessories
- Regal Manufacturing Co
- Regent Engineering Co
- Regent Woodcraft Co
- Regon Industries
- Regwell
- Reliance Screw Co
- Remus
- Rendall, Underwood and Co
- Renwick and Bertelli
- Replacement Fork Co
- Residential Constructions Co
- Resinoid and Mica Products
- J. A. Restall
- Restall Brothers
- Revolution Cycle Co
- Arnold Rex and Co
- W. H. Reynolds
- W. H. Reynolds and Co
- Reynolds and Bradwell
- Reynolds Rolling Mills
- Reynolds Tube Co
- John Reynolds
- Thomas Reynolds (Birmingham)
- Rhode Motor Co
- Richard Ashton
- Richard Bach and Co
- Richard Cartwright and Co
- Richard Farmer
- Richard Groves
- Richard Mansfield
- Richard Parkins
- Richard Powell
- Richard Stamps
- Richard Thomas (of Birmingham)
- Richard Wheatley and Son
- Richards and Jones
- Richards and Son (Prams and Folders)
- Frederick Richards and Co
- George Richards (Gun Maker)
- J. H. Richards and Co
- Richards, Son and Allwin
- Thomas Richards (3)
- Westley Richards and Co
- William Richards
- R. J. Richardson
- R. J. Richardson and Sons
- Richardson-Nicholls Co
- J. A. Riley
- Joseph Riley
- W. Ringrose
- Rippingilles
- Rippingilles Albion Lamp Co
- Riverlee Motor Bodies
- Alfred S. Robathan
- Robb, Cameron
- Robbins and Bradley
- Robert Best
- Robert Lloyd Crosbie and Co
- Robert Rigby
- Robert Thompson (of Birmingham)
- Robert Watt
- Robert Winn
- E. Roberts and Co
- W. C. Roberts
- Roberts Non-Skid Motor Tyre Co
- Roberts Non-Skid Motor Tyre Tread Manufacturing Co
- Alfred Roberts and Sons
- Thomas Roberts
- Robinson and Hands Electrical Co
- Edward D. Robinson and Son
- G. and J. Robinson
- J. Robinson
- Joseph Robinson
- R. Robinson
- W. Robinson
- William Robinson and Co
- Robot Glass Cleaner Co
- T. Robotham
- Robson's Directory
- Roderoid (Shrunk-on)
- E. A. Rodgers and Co
- C. E. Rodway
- G. H. Rodway
- Rofe and Son
- B. Rogers and Son
- A. Rogers and P. Loach
- Rollason Wire Co
- Abel Rollason and Sons
- Benjamin Rollason and Son
- G. T. Rollason and Co
- George T. Rollason
- Henry Rollason
- Thomas Rollason
- Rollo Car Co
- Rolsan Engineering
- Roman Rim
- Romp and Romper
- George Rooke
- J. Rooker
- T. Rooker
- Rootes Motors (Parts)
- Roplin Accessories
- Rose Copper Co
- Edward Rose
- C. Ross
- Thomas Ross
- Rosser Heating
- C. E. Rossiter and Co
- Rothschild and Baker
- Rotoplunge Pump Co
- B. J. Round and Sons
- Rover Group
- Thomas Rowbotham (c1855-1926)
- Walter Rowbotham
- Rowland Hartrick
- Rowland Hodges
- R. Rowland
- Rowlands Electrical Accessories
- Rowmill Metals
- Royal Machine Manufacturing Co
- Royal Small Arms Factory (Birmingham)
- Rubber and Plastic Industries
- Rubber By-Products (Warwickshire)
- Rubber Tyre Manufacturing Co
- Rubberman Rubber and Plastics
- E. Rudd and Co
- Rudders and Paynes
- H. E. Rudge and Co
- Rudge Brothers
- Rudhall and Co
- Joseph Rudhall and Co
- Runwell
- Runwell Cycle Co
- J. S. Rushbrooke
- James Russell and Sons
- John Russell and Co
- John Russell and Co (Birmingham)
- Russells Oil Co
- Ruston and Wilson
- William Rutter
- A. Ryland
- T. H. Ryland and Co
- Ryland and Dean
- Ryland and Greenway
- Charles Ryland and Son
- Llewellyn Ryland
- Ryle Samuel and Co
- J. A. Ryley
- F. Ryman
- Ryvita Co
- S. B. J. Co
- S. Butler and Co
- S. C. Bryan
- S. E. P. Presstech
- S. Kershaw
- S. M. Precision Spinning Co
- S. O. S. Motors
- S. U. Carburetter Co
- S. U. Co
- S. Walker (2)
- S.H.M. (Birmingham)
- SAB Engine Co
- F. and W. Sabin
- Sackville
- Sadgrove and Co
- S. and D. Sadler
- H. B. Sale
- Salisbury Transmission
- A. and J. Salt
- I. Salt
- Salt and Son
- Jacob Salt
- Salter Brothers (of Birmingham)
- Salter Precision Presswork
- Salter Springs
- Saltley
- Saltley Gas Works
- William Sames
- Sampson Aston
- Sampson Engineering Co
- Samson Steel Balls
- Samuel Adderley
- Samuel Boyce
- Samuel Brown (of Birmingham 2)
- Samuel Brown (of Birmingham)
- Samuel Butler
- Samuel Carey
- Samuel Clark
- Samuel Elwell
- Samuel Hiron
- Samuel Hutton
- Samuel Lycett
- Samuel Minshull
- Samuel Morris, Junior
- Samuel Penn
- Samuel Savage
- Samuel Sheppard
- Samuel Smith (Gun Barrel Maker)
- Samuel Snell and Co
- Samuel Thomas
- Samuel Timmings
- Samuel Walker
- Samuel Walker, Junior
- Samuel Webb
- Sana-Ray Electrical Co
- Sanbra
- A. J. Sanders and Co
- Sanders and Blackband
- Sanders and Mackenzie
- Daniel Sanders
- Jane Sanders
- Joseph Sanders
- S. Sanders and Sons
- J. Sanderson
- Sandvik British Agency
- Sandvik Steel Band Conveyors
- Sanitary Bath Co
- Sanitary Paper Co Bury Street London EC
- Sankey Plated Pressings
- Sansom, Teale and Co
- W. Sansome Davis
- Sanspareil Cycle Co
- Sarah Loveridge
- Sargant Brothers
- Saunders, Davies and Macdonald
- T. Saveker
- T. A. Savery and Co
- G. Sawyer
- George Sawyer
- T. Saxon and Co
- Henry J. Sayer
- Scaffolding (Great Britain)
- Scala Theatre, Birmingham
- Schischkar and Co
- William Scholefield and Co
- Schrader Automotive Products
- A. Schraders Son
- Scotswood
- J. Scott and Co
- James Scott (of Birmingham)
- John Scott and Co
- W. and C. Scott
- W. and C. Scott and Son
- Screen and Plastic Co
- Arthur Scrivener
- Scrivner and Woodhall
- R. L. Search and Co
- H. Searl and Co
- W. Seaton and Co
- Sectional Wrought Iron Boiler Co
- Security Bolt Co
- Seiberling Tyre Co
- Seldex
- Self-Acting Air Chamber Co
- Self-Sealing Air Chamber Co
- Self-Sealing Air Tube Co
- Self-Sealing Rubber Co
- Selley and Homer
- Senspray
- Serck Coffee Industries
- Serck Group
- Serck Heat Transfer
- Serck Radiator Services
- Serck Radiators
- Serck Tubes
- Setten and Durward
- Severn Rubber Co
- J. B. Sexty
- Seydel and Co
- Shadow Factories
- Shakespeare and Kirkland
- E. Shakespeare
- Shakespeare, Kirkland and Frost
- Davy Shale
- Shand Motor and Engineering Co
- Sharow
- Sharp and Brown
- Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester and Birmingham Navigation Co
- C. and J. Shaw
- Shaw and Carter
- Shaw and Heeley
- Shaw Motor Tyre Tread Co
- Henry Shaw
- Horace W. Shaw
- H. Shaw
- W. Shaw
- Henry Sheath
- Sheffield Tool and File Co
- J. Sheldon
- John Sheldon
- Shelley and Co
- R. T. Shelley
- Shenstone and Mills
- Sherborne Rubber Co
- Sherbourne Co
- Sherbourne Engineering
- Sheriff Manufacturing Co
- James Sherriff
- G. E. Sherwin
- Isaac Sherwood and Sons
- James and J. Sherwood
- John Sherwood and Sons
- John, Richard and J. jun Sherwood
- W. Shilton
- J. H. Shipway
- A. Shirlaw and Co
- A. C. Shorter and Co
- Joseph Shorthouse and Sons
- J. Shovelbottom
- Edwin Showell and Sons
- W. A. Showell
- Showell's Brewery Co
- E. Showell and Sons
- Shrewsbury, Howard and Co
- George Shrimpton and Sons
- E. Shufflebotham and Co
- Enoch Shufflebotham
- Edward Shuter
- J. P Shuttleworth
- S. Sibley
- W. G. Sice and Co
- C. and W. Siddons
- Sidway Allwin
- Silas Hyde
- Silvaflame Co
- Silver Knight Group
- Silverdale Manufacturing Co
- Silverdale Motor Bodies
- George Simcox
- Simcox, Pemberton and Co
- John Simister
- Simplex Conduits
- Simplex Electric Co
- Simplex Steel Conduit Co
- Simpson, Baker and Co
- N. W. Simpson
- William Simpson (of Birmingham)
- Sims and Co
- Singleton and Cole
- Sismey and Linforth
- H. N. and W. S. Skerrett
- Richard Slack
- Slough Rubber Co
- Slumberland
- William Sly
- W. R. Small
- Small Engines Co
- Smallbone and Son, Service Station
- I. and D. Smallwood
- T. Smallwood and Co
- G. S. Smart and Co
- Smart, Parker and Podmore
- Thomas Smart
- Smethwick Drop Forgings
- Smethwick Engine
- Smethwick Stamping Co
- Smith and Bown
- Smith and Chamberlain
- Smith and Cox
- Smith and Davis
- Smith and Hawkes
- Smith and Kemp
- Smith and Rollason
- Smith and Wright
- Smith Bingley and Evans
- Smith Brothers (Wirewares)
- Smith Brothers and Webb
- Smith Francis Tools
- Smith's Diecast Products
- Smith's Forging Co
- Smith's Systems
- Alfred Smith
- A. J. Smith and Co
- Benjamin Smith (of Birmingham)
- C. J. Smith
- Charles James Smith
- Charles Smith and Co
- Charles Smith and Co (of Birmingham)
- Charles Smith and Son
- Charles Smith and Sons (of Birmingham)
- David Smith (of Birmingham)
- E. and H. P. Smith
- E. H. Smith (Westhaven)
- E. Smith
- Ernest Smith and Woodhouse
- E. J. Smith and Co
- Smith, Ewen and Stylic
- Smith, Fisher, and Co
- G. Smith
- Henry Smith (of Birmingham)
- Isaiah Smith
- John Smith (of Birmingham 2)
- John Smith (of Birmingham)
- John Smith and Son
- James Smith (of Birmingham)
- Lionel Smith and Co
- Moses Smith
- Obediah Smith
- Samuel Smith and Sons
- Sidney Smith
- Smith, Stone and Knight
- Thomas Smith (of Birmingham)
- Thomas Smith and Sons of Saltley
- T. Smith (of Birmingham)
- W. Smith
- Smith, Wallis and Co
- Smithfield Cycles
- Smithfield Garage
- Smiths Diecast Products
- Smiths' Engineering Co
- J. G. Smithson and Co
- Smyth and Roberts
- Snail, Sons and Co
- E. C. Snaith and Son
- N. Snape
- Snell and Brown
- Snow Hill Station, Birmingham
- Soho Foundry
- Soho Manufactory
- Soho Mint
- Solenoid Regulator Co
- Solomon and Whitehead
- Walter Somers and Co
- A. Sommerville and Co
- South Staffordshire Blue Brick Co
- South Staffordshire Waterworks Co
- Southall and Smith
- Southall Brothers and Barclay
- Southalls
- Southern Raceway
- Joseph Southwick
- William Soutter and Sons
- Souvenir Manufacturing Co
- Sparkhill Cycle Co
- Speciality Polishers
- Speedwell Gear Case Co
- Speedy, Eynon and Co
- A. Spencer
- Spencer, Abbott and Co
- Sperryn and Co
- Sphinx Manufacturing Co
- Spicer and Bellamy
- D. and L. Spiers
- Spiran Manufacturing Co
- Spital and Clark
- Spooner, Painter and Co
- W. Spooner
- Sports and Utilities
- A. C. Sproston
- J. Squiers
- St. Albans
- St. George's Bicycle and Tricycle Co
- St. George's Engineering Co
- St. George's Foundry Co
- St. George's Motorcycle Co
- St. Mary's Church, Handsworth
- Stacatruc
- Stackard and Wheeler
- Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute
- Staffordshire Steel Construction Co
- Staffordshire Wheel and Axle Co
- J. Bernard Stagg
- Stainless and Non-Corrosive Metals Co
- Stamping and Spinning Works
- Stampings Alliance
- Stancroft
- Standard Cameras
- Standard Cycle Co
- Standard Patent Glazing Co
- Standard Weldless Tube and Cycle Components
- Standley and Smith
- Standley, Belcher and Mason
- Stanley and Co
- A. Stanley
- J. W. Stansfield
- Samuel Stanton
- Star Tube Co
- T. Starkey and Co
- Starley Brothers and Westwood Manufacturing Co
- Starling Co
- T. E. Linnett Startin
- J. G. Statter and Co
- Staveley Machine Tools
- Steatite Insulations
- Steel and Screw Co
- Steel Ball Manufacturing Co
- Steel Band Conveyor and Engineering Co
- Steel Belt Conveyors
- Steel Conduit Co
- J. M. Steel and Co
- Steel-Mesh Road Surface Co
- Steelace Manufacturing Co
- Steele and Co
- Steele and Dolphin
- William Steele
- Steelhouse
- Joseph Steen
- E. Steiner
- Stella Rubber Co
- Stentophone Co
- Stephen Cox
- Stephen Tonks
- J. R. Stephens
- W. R. Stephens
- Stephens Belting Co
- Stephens Gaskets
- Stephenson Tube Co
- Stevens and Bulliford
- Stevens and Bullivant
- J. Stevens
- James Stevens and Sons
- Richard Stevens (Engineers)
- Stevenson and Co (Birmingham)
- H. M. Stevenson
- D. Steward
- Stewarts and Lloyds
- J. Stilliard
- Stirchley Nail Co
- Joseph Stirk
- Stokes and Bradley
- A. Stokes and Co
- Abel Stokes and Co
- A. Stokes
- Abel Stokes
- Edward Stokes
- Isaac Stokes
- Stone, Fawdry and Stone
- Stork Hotel, Birmingham
- Stratton and Co
- Strattons Vanities
- Strattons, Twinco
- William Street and Sons
- Stromberg Motor Devices
- Stuart Co
- Stuart's Granolithic Co
- George Stubbings
- Studio Plastic and Metal Components
- Sturge and Baker
- Sturge and Co
- John and E. Sturge
- R. F. Sturges
- Sturges, Bladon and Middleton
- Elizabeth Sturges and Son
- Sturtevant Mill Co
- B. Stych
- Styla Accessories
- Suckling
- Summer Lane Generating Station, Birmingham
- Sumner's Typhoo Tea
- Sun Cycle and Fittings Co
- Sun Foundry Co
- Sun Motor Cycles
- Sundaw Products
- E. Sunderland
- Sunlight and Safety Lamp Co
- Super Oil Seal Manufacturing Co
- Super Oil Seals and Gaskets
- Superior Seating
- Sutherland Meter Co
- A. G. Sutherland
- W. Sutton and Co
- Sutton and Ash
- W. J. Sutton
- C. and J. Svedberg
- Swallow Cycle Co
- Swallow Raincoats
- Swan Hotel Coach Office, Birmingham
- E. H. Swann
- Sweeney and Blocksidge (Power Presses)
- John Swift
- Swift Cycle Co
- C. P. Swinburn
- C. P. Swinburn and Son
- John Field Swinburn
- Swinburne and Horton
- Frank Rowland Swinburne
- Swinden and Sons
- A. Swingewood and Co
- W. and H. Swingewood
- S. M. Swingler
- Samuel Swingler
- Sydenbarn Brothers
- Sydenham Brothers
- Sydney Griffith
- Symplex Motors
- T. I. Aluminium
- Tabberer and Smith
- G. O. Talbot and Co
- Talboys Manufacturing Co
- J. Talbut
- Tan-Sad
- W. H. Tandy and Sons
- Tangye Brothers
- Tangyes
- Tangye Brothers and Price
- Tangye Epco
- Tangye Tool and Electric Co
- James Tangye and Brothers
- Tangye-Shelley
- Tangyes Machine Tool Co
- Tansley's Ice Works
- Tao Clinic
- William Tarver
- Taunton, Delmard, Lane and Co
- John and Joseph Taunton
- Taunton, Kesterton and Hayward
- Richard H. Taunton and Hayward
- H. P. Tay
- D. F. Tayler and Co
- Taylor
- C. Taylor (Birmingham)
- J. Taylor (Birmingham)
- S. Taylor and Co
- Taylor and Challen
- Taylor and Farmer
- Taylor and Firth
- Taylor and Hands
- Taylor Brothers (of Birmingham)
- Alfred Mills Taylor
- Charles Taylor (Birmingham)
- Taylor, Gue
- Isaac Taylor and Co
- J. Taylor (O. G.)
- J. Taylor (of Birmingham)
- Joseph Taylor (of Birmingham)
- Joseph Taylor and Co (Birmingham)
- Joseph H. Taylor
- Lawrence Taylor
- Taylor, Law and Co
- T. Taylor
- T. Taylor and Sons
- Thomas Taylor (of Birmingham)
- William Taylor (of Birmingham) 2
- W. Howson Taylor
- W. Taylor
- William Taylor (of Birmingham)
- Taylors and Lloyds
- Teale and Co
- Tearne and Sons
- Teisen Furnaces
- Th. Teisen
- Telfos Holdings
- Telsen Electric Co
- Temperance Arms
- Temple Products
- J. Tennant
- Abraham Terry
- Testar and Swain
- Tetley Brothers
- Theatre Royal, Birmingham
- Thermax Distillation Processes
- Thermostatics
- Thomas and Gilbert
- Thomas Lockhart and Co
- Thomas Longmore
- Thomas M. Pickard
- Thomas Marston
- Thomas P. Hawkins
- Thomas Page
- Thomas Perks and Son
- Thomas Phillips
- Thomas Plant
- Thomas Pope and Co
- Thomas Price
- Thomas R. Carpenter
- Thomas Robinson, Junior
- Thomas Sanders
- Thomas Savery Pumps
- Thomas Shaw
- Thomas Silver Shaw
- Thomas Small and Son
- Thomas Starkey and Co
- Thomas Startin
- Thomas Startin Junior
- Thomas Turner (of Birmingham)
- Thomas Twiss
- Thomas Walker (Medical Appliances)
- Thomas Welch
- Thomas Wharton
- Thomas Whitfield and Co
- Thomas Whittington and Sons
- Thomas Wilkinson and Co
- Thomas Wilson (of Birmingham)
- Charles Thomas and Co
- J. Thomas
- R. Thomas
- S. Thomas
- T. Thomason and Co
- Thompson, Astbury and Co
- D. Thompson
- Ernest E. Thompson and Sons
- George Thompson (of Birmingham)
- William Thompson and Co (of Birmingham)
- Thomson-Bennett
- Thor Hammer Co
- W. H. Thornberry
- Thornley and Knight
- Thornley, Son and Knight
- Thornton and Sons
- James Thornton and Son
- James Thornton and Sons
- J. Thornton
- R. Henry Thornton
- S. Thornton and Sons
- F. W. Thorpe
- Three M Works
- TI Tubes
- Rt. Tibbins
- William Tickle
- H. H. Timbrell
- Timbrell and Wright
- J. H. Timings
- S. Timings and Co
- J. W. and S. Timmins
- R. Timmins and Sons
- Timothy Jerome
- Timothy Smith and Sons
- Timson Brothers
- Tipping and Lawden
- Tiptaft
- Titanic Paint and Colour Co
- Titley and Bragg
- Tizer
- TMA Engineering
- J. and W. Tolley and Co
- W. F. Thomas (of Birmingham)
- Tomey Industries
- Joseph Tomey and Sons
- L. Tomey and Co
- John Tomlinson (of Birmingham)
- Tone Engraving Co
- Toney and Jones
- William V. Toney
- W. Tongue
- Tonks
- H. Tonks and Co
- Richard Tonks
- William Tonks and Sons
- Topham and Snushall
- A. Toussaint
- Townley and Sons
- James Townsend
- Townsends
- Townshend and Co
- Townson and Coxson
- Toye, Kenning and Spencer
- Transatlantic Oil Co
- William Tranter
- Trent Railway Station
- Trevelyan and Co
- J. Trevitt
- Trewhella Brothers Pty
- Triplex Holdings
- Triplex Safety Glass Co
- Triumph Electric Manufacturing Co
- E. Trueman
- Truflo
- Truform Gauge Co
- C. Truman and Co
- J. Truman and Co
- Trump Motors
- Tryus Cycle Co
- Tube Investments
- Tube Manipulations
- Tubeless Pneumatic Tyre Co
- Tubeless Tyre and Capon Heaton
- Tubes
- Tucker Fasteners
- George Tucker Eyelet Co
- J. H. Tucker and Co
- Tufnol
- E. Tullett
- Tungum Co
- Tupper and Carr
- Tupper and Co
- Turley and Williams
- F. Turner
- J. and J. Turner
- Turner and Co (Birmingham)
- Turner and Simpson
- Turner Brothers (Birmingham)
- Turner Machine Tools
- Turner Tool Manufacturing Co
- Percy W. Turner and Co
- Turtle Restaurant
- S. Turton and Co
- B. Turton
- Benjamin Turton
- Joseph Turton
- Twells and Co
- Philip M. Twells
- G. H. Twigg
- G. Twigg and Son
- Twigg's Rolling Mills
- Charles Twigg (Birmingham)
- Charles Twigg and Co
- D. T. Twigg
- W. Twigg and Co
- William Twigg and Co
- Twinco
- Josiah Twine
- T. and H. Twiss
- Twisteel Reinforcement
- Typhoo
- Tyseley Car Co
- Tyseley Foundry
- U. M. B. Light Car Manufacturing
- J. P. Udal
- Uddeholm
- Uddeholm General Agencies
- P. Underwood
- Union Rolling Mill Co
- Unique and Unity Cycle Co
- United Advertising Publications
- United Electrical Co
- United Hinges
- United Metal Industries
- United Typewriter and Supplies Co
- United Wire Works (Birmingham)
- Universal Dampers
- Universal Dampers Organisation
- Universal Plating Co
- Universal Wood Working Co
- University of Birmingham
- E. Upfill
- Upfill, Morton and Asbury
- T. and J. Upfill
- Thomas and James Upfill
- Thomas Upfill and Son
- Christopher Upton
- Uren, Rogers and Co
- Samuel Usher
- V.A.L. Motor Co
- Vacuums
- Val De Travers Paving Co
- Val Motor Co
- H. F. Vale and Co
- William Vale and Sons
- Valor Co
- Valveless Two-Stroke Engine Co
- Vane and Schofield
- Joseph Vann and Co
- Varley and Gulliver
- C. F. Vaughan
- Charles Vaughan
- Edgar Vaughan and Co
- Vaughton and Co
- Vaughton and Williams
- Vaughton Brothers
- Edward Vaughton
- P. Vaughton and Sons
- Vaughtons
- VDO Instruments
- Veeco Cycle Manufacuring Co
- Veloce
- Veloce Co
- Veritys
- Vetacessories
- Vevo
- Vic-Tree Products
- Victoria Commercial Inn, Birmingham
- Victory Cycle Co
- Victrolec
- Vim Brake
- Vincent Switchgear Manufacturing Co
- Harry Vincent
- Vitty and Co
- H. H. Vivian and Co
- P. H. Vogel and Co
- Vogue Vanities
- Vulcan (Motorcycles)
- Vulcan Manufacturing Co
- W. A. Winder and Co (Curriers)
- W. and C. Wynn and Co
- W. Brooke and Co
- W. Chamberlain
- W. Cook Simcox
- W. E. Wiley and Son
- W. H. Collins
- W. H. Hotton and Co
- W. H. Ward and Co
- W. Ivy Rogers and Co
- W. J. Hill (Birmingham)
- W. J. Wild
- W. Johnson, Timson and Co
- W. Lewis and Son
- W. Middleton
- W. Reading and Son
- W. S. Manufacturing Co
- W. Slater and Co
- W. Westwood and Son
- Alfred Waddams
- Waddell and Williams
- Wade Couplings
- Wade and Jones
- Charles Wade and Co
- Wag
- John Wager
- Wagon Industrial Holdings
- Wagon Repairs
- Wainwright
- Wainwright and Buxton
- J. and T. Waite
- B. Wakefield
- J . T . Wakefield
- J. Wakefield and Sons
- Samuel Wakelam
- S. E. Wakelin and Co
- Walco
- Philip B. Waldron Co
- Walford Cycles
- Walford Manufacturing Co
- John S. Walford and Son
- T. J. Walford
- J. and C. Walker
- S. Walker
- S. Walker junior
- Walker and Loach
- Walker and Son
- Walker and Sons
- Walker and Woodward
- Walker Fender Co
- Walker Manufacturing Co
- Bernard P. Walker
- George Walker and Sons
- Ian Walker Furniture
- John Walker
- John Walker and Son
- Joseph Walker (Birmingham)
- Joseph Walker and Co
- J. Ernest Walker and Co
- R. Walker and Son
- R. Walker and Sons
- R. Walker's
- Reginald Walker (Brass founder)
- Richard Walker (of Birmingham)
- S. Walker and Co
- T. Walker and Co
- T. Walker and Son
- T. Walker and Sons
- Thomas Walker and Son
- S. Wall Richards
- Wall's
- A. W. Wall
- Wallace and Gilbett
- Waller Carter
- John Walsh Walsh
- Walsh, Lovett and Co
- Walter Adams
- Walter Allcock
- Walter Bangham
- Walter T. Jones
- C. Walter (Birmingham)
- Joseph Walter and Sons
- Walther Trowal
- G. E. Walton
- Walton and Brown
- Walton and Co (of Birmingham)
- F. Ward
- K. F. Ward
- Ward and Bowen
- Ward and Groundy
- Ward and Sons
- Ward Brothers (Birmingham)
- Ward Brothers Pressings
- Ward Cycle Co
- H. H. Ward
- H. W. Ward and Co
- Harold F. Ward
- James Ward
- Robert Ward
- F. H. Warden
- W. Warden and Co
- J. Warden and Sons
- Joseph Warden and Sons
- Joseph Warden, Junior
- Warland Dual Rim Co
- Warlex Products
- Warne, Wright and Rowland
- Warne, Wright Engineering
- Warner Liddiard
- Henry Warner
- J. Warren
- F. Warrillow and Co
- Warstone Gauge and Tool Co
- Henry Van Wart, Son and Co
- Warwick and Birmingham Canal
- Warwick Tyre Co
- Thomas Warwick and Sons
- Thomas Warwick
- Thomas Wasdell
- Wasdell Rim and Tube Co
- Washers
- W. E. Wassell
- Water Street Generating Station
- Waterhouse and Parker
- Frederick Waters
- W. H. Wathen and Co
- Watkins and Keen
- R. J. Watkinson and Co
- Watson and Co
- W. A. P. Watson
- Watsonian
- James Watt and Co
- Wattis and Co
- Watts and Manton
- Waverley (Birmingham)
- Waydicator
- Wearing and Bluck
- Weathershields
- Webb and Greenway
- Joseph and W. Webb
- Francis Webb (of Birmingham)
- H. C. Webb and Co
- John Webb and Co
- J. Webb
- Thomas Webb
- W. Webb
- Webley and Scott
- P. Webley and Son
- Philip Webley
- Webster and Horsfall
- Wedgbury Brothers
- F. H. Weight and Co
- Jonathan Weintz
- Welco Patents
- Welconstruct Co
- Weldings
- Weldless Steel Tube Co
- Weldless Tube Co
- B. J. Weldon and Co
- Wells' Brothers
- W. Wesley
- Wesleyan and General Assurance Society
- West Midlands Gas Board
- William West (Jeweller)
- Weston Bridge
- Weston Works (Birmingham)
- M. Weston
- Westool
- Westpark Group
- Westward and Wright
- A. E. Westwood
- Westwood and Sons
- Westwood and Son
- Westwood Electrical Co
- Westwood Manufacturing Co
- Westwood Rim and Patents
- Westwood Tyre and Rim Co
- Westwood Wheel Co
- J. Westwood
- Whale Tankers
- Thomas and Edward Wharton
- J. Wheeler and Son
- S. Wheeler
- Edward Wheeler
- John Wheeler and Son
- Wheway Optical Co
- J. D. Whidden
- W. Whiston
- Whitacre Pumping Station
- White (Weapons)
- White and Pike
- White, Cottell and Co
- M. White
- Thomas White and Sons (Birmingham)
- White-Wall
- Whitehall and Co
- W. E. Whitehead
- A. Whitehouse and Co
- E. H. Whitehouse and Co
- J. R. Whitehouse
- Whitehouse and Co
- Cornelius Whitehouse
- Edwin Whitehouse and Son
- George Whitehouse and Co
- William Whitehouse
- M. Whiteley
- W. Whiteley
- H. Whitfield and Co
- F. Whitfield and Co
- Samuel Whitfield and Sons
- S. B. Whitfield and Co
- Thomas D. Whitfield
- Whitfields Safe and Door Co
- H. J. Whitlock and Sons
- Whittal Engineering
- Whittle
- H. Whittles
- Whitworth (Motorcycles)
- Whitworth Cycle Co
- J. J. Wickham and Co
- Wickman Scrivener
- Widney
- Wiggan and Elliott
- Henry Wiggin and Co
- Wiggins-Davies
- William Wight
- Reuben Wigley and Co
- Wigley-Mulliner Engineering Co
- A. E. Wilby
- E. J. Wilcock Works
- Wilcox and Co
- Wilcox and Lines
- M. B. Wild and Co
- B. Wilden
- George Wilden
- W. and J. Wilder
- Wilding and Torr
- Wildman and Megnyer
- W. E. Wiley and Co
- Wilfred T. Scutt
- D. A. Wilkes and Co
- Wilkes and Godwin
- A. H. Wilkes and Co
- J. Wilkes
- John Wilkes
- John Wilkes, Mapplebeck and Co
- John Wilkes, Sons and Mapplebeck
- Richard Wilkes
- W. Wilkes
- Wilkins and Son
- Wilkins and Wright
- George Wilkins
- C. Wilkinson
- T. Wilkinson and Co
- T. Wilkinson and Son
- T. Wilkinson and Sons
- Wilkinson and Riddell
- Wilkinson Sword
- John Wilkinson and Sons
- T. Wilks
- E. W. Willard and Co
- S. W. Willard and Co
- Willard and Wallis
- P. L. Willcox
- Willcox and Raikes
- T. Willetts
- G. Willetts
- J. Willetts
- William Alston
- William and Andrew Smith
- William and Cornelius Wynn and Co
- William and Joshua Hyde
- William and Richard Aston
- William Ashwin
- William B. Cull and Son
- William Ball
- William Barlow
- William Bayliss (of Birmingham)
- William Bedington and Co
- William Bennion
- William Brindley
- William Brothers and Piggott
- William Burton
- William Chapman
- William Christie
- William Coleman
- William Cook (Birmingham)
- William Court
- William D. Rudder
- William Deeley and Son
- William Dudley
- William E. Morris and Co
- William Farmer (of Birmingham)
- William Foxcroft
- William Gammon and Co
- William Gay
- William Gough
- William Green
- William Griffiths
- William Grove
- William Groves
- William Guy
- William H. Fox
- William H. Small
- William H. Westwood
- William Hammond
- William Hanson
- William Harris (of Birmingham)
- William Hinds
- William Hopkins and Son
- William Hopkins and Sons
- William Jennings
- William King (of Birmingham)
- William Langley
- William Lea (of Birmingham)
- William Leggett
- William Lizard
- William Lort
- William Lowe (2)
- William Lucas
- William Marston
- William Newman
- William Nixon
- William Pendrell
- William Pratt
- William Reading and Son
- William Reddall and Co
- William Ryland
- William Scott (of Birmingham)
- William Smallwood
- William Smith (of Birmingham)
- William Suckling and Sons
- William Swift
- William Tay and Sons
- William Tongue
- William Turner (of Birmingham)
- William Whitehouse and Co
- William Williams
- William Willmott
- William Wray and Son
- A. Williams (of Birmingham)
- C. Williams, Son and Co
- J. T. Williams and Co
- Williams (Birmingham)
- Williams and Morgan
- Williams Brothers and Piggott
- Alfred Williams
- A. B. Williams and Co
- A. Williams
- Arthur B. Williams and Co
- Edward Williams (of Smethwick)
- E. W. Williams
- Frederick Williams
- John Williams (of Birmingham)
- J. G. Williams
- James Williams
- R. Williams, Owen
- T. Williams
- William H. Williams
- S. Willis and Co
- T. Willis and Co
- Willmore and Co
- Willmott Taylor
- Francis B. Willmott
- A. W. Wills and Sons
- Wilmat Handling
- Wilmot Breeden
- Wilmot Manufacturing Co
- W. H. Wilmot
- Wilsdon and Co
- C. Wilson and Co
- Wilson and Elford
- Wilson and Green
- Wilson Carter and Pearson
- E. Wilson (of Birmingham)
- Henry Wilson
- J. Wilson
- W. Wilson
- J. and C. Winchurst
- Windsor Street Gas Works
- Wineberg and Co
- Winfield's Rolling Mills
- R. W. Winfield
- Charles Winn and Co
- George Winnall and Son
- Winstanley and Co
- Thomas Winston
- T. Winter
- William Winters
- Wirax Wirewares
- Wire Forming Co
- Wirewares
- T. Wiseman
- Alfred Wiseman
- Alfred Wiseman and Co
- R. Wiseman
- Withers (Tobacconist)
- Withinshaw and Co
- Witton Electronics
- Witton Kramer Electric Tool and Hoist Works
- Wolseley
- Wolseley Aero Engines
- Wolseley Engineering
- Wolseley Hughes
- Wolseley Sheep Shearing Machine Co
- Wolseley Webb
- Wolverhampton and Cannock Chase Railway
- Wood and Allcock
- Wood and Lamplugh
- Wood and Perkins
- Wood Brothers (Birmingham)
- Wood Carving Co
- B. Wood
- J. G. Wood
- Woodall and Son
- T. Woodall
- James A. Woodams
- Woodbridge and Co
- H. Woodhouse
- Woodstock Motor Mart and Repository
- Woodstock Motor Tyre Co
- B. Woodward and Son
- Woodward Manufacturing Co
- A. H. Woodward
- F. E. Woodward
- J. Woodward
- Woodward-Weddell Steel and Engineering Co
- John Woolfield
- J. Woolley
- John Woolley
- Woolleys Radio and Electrical Supplies
- Charles Wootton
- Worcester and Birmingham Canal
- Worcester Brass Co
- Richard Worley
- Worsdell and Evans
- Thomas Worsdell
- J. Worsey
- Worson Co
- William Worton
- T. Worwood
- F. L. Wraight and Co
- G. H. Wright
- J. Wright (of Birmingham)
- Jeremiah Wright
- George Wright and Sons
- Wright and Brueton
- Wright and Butler Lamp Manufacturing Co
- John Wright and Eagle Range
- Wright and Gasking
- Wright and Hadgkiss
- Wright Saddle Co
- Wright's Warehouses
- Wright, Bindley and Gell
- Charles Wright
- H. Wright
- John and Edwin Wright
- John Wright and Co
- Joseph Wright and Sons
- Joshua Wright
- Thomas Wright
- Wrights Ropes
- Wrights Saddle Co
- E. G. Wrigley and Co
- Wrought Light Alloys Development Association
- Wychall Mill
- Wyckham Blackwell
- Wynn (Valves)
- J. H. Wynn
- Wynn, Timmins and Co
- William Wyrill
- Yale and Valor
- Yarwood Ingram and Co
- J. Yates and Co
- Yates and Birch
- Yates and Greenway
- Yates, Birch and Spooner
- I. Yates
- James Yates
- John Yates
- John Yates and Co
- John Yates and Sons
- Samuel Yates
- Yenton Garage Co
- York Forge and Welding Co
- A. M. Young and Co
- T. Young and Co
- Youngs (Lifting Appliances)