Category:Town - Leeds
Pages in category "Town - Leeds"
The following 1,484 pages are in this category, out of 1,484 total.
- 1814-15 Wardle and Bentham's Directory: Leeds
- 1817 Directory of Leeds
- 1828-29 Pigot's Directory: Leeds
- 1834 Directory of Leeds
- 1847 Directory of Leeds
- 1858 Directory of Leeds
- 1861 Royal Agricultural Show
- 1866 Directory of Leeds
- 1870 Directory of Leeds
- 1881 Directory of West Riding
- 1894 Directory of Leeds
- 1936 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Visits to Works
- Abbey Street Millwright Co
- L. and D. Ableson
- Ackroyd and Best
- Acme of Fashion
- Adamson and Co
- William W. Adamson
- Aero Piston Ring Co
- Airedale Foundry
- Airedale Hematite Co
- Aireside Hematite Co
- Aireside Ironworks
- Aireside Steel and Iron Co
- Airton Engineering Co
- Albrecht and Albrecht
- Alexander Battye (Batteleen)
- Alfred Alexander and Co
- Herbert Alexander and Co
- Allied Glass Containers
- Allmet (Leeds)
- Alpha Radio Supply Co
- Aluminium Ingot Makers
- Alwetha
- Alwoodley Motors
- Ambler, Wilkinson and Co
- T. W. Anderson
- Angora (Birstall)
- Appleyard Group of Companies
- Thomas Appleyard
- ARA Services
- Ardill and Co
- Ardill and Milner
- Ardill and Pickard
- J. and J. Armistead
- Armistead and Grimshaw
- Armitage Brothers (Leeds)
- Armsil
- H. and W. Armstrong
- E. J. Arnold and Son
- Arnott and Co (Leeds)
- Arrow Aircraft
- Asda
- Thomas Askam
- Asquith and Middleton
- Associated British Oil Engines
- Associated Chemical Companies
- Associated Steel Distributors
- Astral Aero Model Co
- Benjamin Atack
- Frederick Atkinson
- John H. Atkinson
- Atlanta Aero Model Co
- Atlas Engineering Co (of Leeds)
- Atmospheric Gas Co
- Autogear
- Autogem
- B. D. C.
- N. G. Bailey and Co
- Baileys Fertilizers
- Bainbridge Brothers
- Baker Oil Separator Co
- Baker's (Leeds)
- Bakers (Leeds)
- Balmforth Brothers
- E. B. Balmforth
- Banks and Stead
- Kirby Banks and Sons
- Kirby Banks Screw Co
- Bantam Coffee Co
- Bantam Products
- Barker Brothers (of Leeds)
- Barker Oxley
- James Barker (Leeds)
- Samuel Barker
- N. J. Barr
- William Barraclough
- Z. Barraclough Sons
- John Barran and Sons
- Barrans and Co
- J. Barrans and Co
- T. and S. Barron
- Bateman's Machine Tool Co
- Bates and Adams
- Bates and Cook
- Bates and Thornton
- Batty and Gregory
- G. H. Batty and Sons
- W. H. Baxter
- Bay Horse Hotel, Leeds
- Beanland, Perkin and Co
- Beaumont
- Beaumont and Dougill
- Beaumont, Willans and Co
- William Beckworth and Sons
- J. Bedford
- Joseph Bedford
- Beecroft and Heath
- Beecroft, Butler and Co
- Thomas Beecroft and Co
- Belle Power Tools
- Bellow Machine Co
- Benefit Footwear
- Charles Benn and Sons
- Bennett and Co
- Thomas Bennett (of Leeds)
- Thomas Bentley and Son
- Benyon and Co
- Benyon, Benyon and Bage
- Berry Brothers (Leeds)
- Henry Berry and Co
- J. Beverley and Son
- Beverley and Wylde
- Edward Bidgood and Co
- Bierley Chemical Co
- Billing and Smart
- Binns and Marsden
- Birch Tyre Co
- Thomas Birch
- J. Birdsall and Co
- Birkin and Co
- Thomas Black and Sons (Greenock)
- Blackburn and Stiebel
- H. Blackwell
- Blaikie and Co
- Firth Blakeley, Sons and Co
- Blakey's Boot Protectors
- Blakeys (Malleable Castings)
- Blenheim Motor Works
- Blick
- Bolland and Brook
- Bolland and Dury
- W. T. Bolland and Son
- Bolton of Leeds
- Bond Aircraft and Engineering Co
- Booer and Co
- T. H. Booth and Sons
- Joseph Booth and Brothers
- L. J. Booth and Sons
- F. J. Borland
- Frederick J. Borland
- Bosshardt Casting Process
- Boston Marine Patents Co
- Bowden-Jackson (Constructions)
- Bowen Instrument Co
- Bower and Bland
- Bower and Co
- T. and R. W. Bower
- William Boyes and Co
- Boyle and Redrup
- Boyle and Son
- Boyne Engine Works
- T. H. Bracken and Co
- James Bradberry
- Bradford and Pullen
- George and John Bradley
- Humphrey Bradley
- Braime (T. F and J. H.) Holdings
- Braime Pressings
- T. F. and J. H. Braime
- T. F. Braime and Co
- H. Braithwaite and Co
- Bramham Motors
- Bramhope Tunnel
- Bramley Engineering Co
- Samuel Bramma
- H. Brammer and Co
- Bray Accessories
- G. Bray
- George Bray and Co
- Bray, Waddington and Co
- Sarah Brearley and Son
- Brewer and Son
- T. Briggs and Sons
- Briggs and Co
- Briggs and Starkey
- Briggs Brothers
- Thomas Briggs (Leeds)
- Thomas Briggs and Co
- Briquette Machinery
- T. and H. Briscall and Co
- British Appliances Manufacturing Co
- British Screw Co
- British Spiro Turbine
- Brook, Raper and Brook
- Brotherton and Co
- Brown and Rintoul
- Brown and White (Leeds)
- Thomas and James Brown
- Thomas Brown (Leeds)
- R. H. Bruce and Co
- Bryden Engineering
- Joshua Buckton and Co
- Richard Buckton and Son
- S. Bumby
- Bunnett and Co
- Burnett and Co
- Burnett and Farrar
- Burnley and Nichols
- Burnley, Nichols and Nichols
- Davis Burrow and Sons
- Burton (Clothing)
- Burwell, Reed and Kingthorn
- Edmund Bush
- Robert Busk's Flax Mill, Leeds
- Robert Parish Busk
- Butler and Pitts
- Butler and Taylor
- John Butler Iron Works
- Joseph Butler and Co
- Samuel Butler and Co
- J. Butterworth and Co
- James Butterworth (of Leeds)
- Buxton and Co
- W. Bywater
- C. T. (British-American)
- Cables and Plastics
- Calomax (Engineers)
- Cambrian Vinegar Co
- Camley Engineering Co
- Thomas Campbell and Son
- Thomas Campbell, Son and Co
- Campbells and Hunter
- Camwheat Pie Machine Co
- Cardigan Press
- John Carlile and Co
- Carr and Heworth
- Carrett, Marshall and Co
- W. B. Cartwright
- W. H. Casmey
- Castleton Lodge, leeds
- Castra Electric Washing Machine Co
- Catton and Co
- M. Cawood and Sons
- John Cawood and Son
- John Cawood and Sons
- Cawoods and Murfin
- CCL Systems
- Central Cabinet Co
- Central Viaduct, Leeds
- Chadwick and Co
- Chadwick and Watson
- Charles E. Tincknell
- Charles F. Thackray
- Charles H. Roe
- Checkley and Blackmore
- George Childe
- City of Leeds Electricity Department
- Clarence R. Foster
- Clarence Works
- William Clark and Sons
- William Clark and Sons (Bradford)
- Claughton Brothers
- Clayton, Son and Co
- B. W. Clegg and Son
- Clemons, Marshall and Carbert
- Joseph Cliff and Sons
- Charles and William Cluderay
- Charles Cluderay
- Richard Cluderay
- Clyde Crane and Booth
- Cocoa Tree
- Coghlan and Dury
- Coghlan Steel and Iron Co
- M. Cohen
- George Cohen, Sons and Co
- Colne and Trawden Light Railway
- Commercial Eating House and Coffee Rooms, Leeds
- Concord Chairs
- J. Concord and Co
- Concrete
- Conways Upholstery
- Howard Cook
- Alf Cooke
- Cookson and Fawcett
- Henry Coop
- D. and I. Cooper
- L. J. Cooper
- Leonard Cooper
- S. T. Cooper and Co
- James Corson and Co
- Coupland and Wilkinson
- Cox and Co (Leeds)
- W. E. Crabtree
- Crabtree and Horsfield
- Crabtree Brothers
- George Crabtree
- R. W. Crabtree and Sons
- Crabtree-Vickers
- Craven and Fox
- Craven Metal Spinners
- Craven, Grewer and Co
- Richard Cremer
- Crewe and Co
- John Crockatt
- Crompton Parkinson
- Charles Crosland
- Thomas W. Cross and Co
- Crosthwaite Engineering and Furnace Co
- Crosthwaite Furnaces and Scriven Machine Tools
- Crowe and Co
- Crown Point Bridge (Leeds)
- Crown Point Foundry
- John Curtis and Son
- Cuttriss Wallis and Co
- CWS Leeds Boot Factory
- CWS Leeds Butter Factory
- CWS Leeds Clothing Factory
- CWS Leeds Mantle Factory
- G. Davis
- William Davis (2)
- Davy Machine Co
- Dawson and Nunneley
- B. Dawson and Co
- James Day
- Job Day and Sons
- Dearden and Newsum
- Dearne Valley Railway
- Deighton's Patent Flue and Tube Co
- Robert Dempster and Sons
- Samuel Denison and Son
- William Denison (of Leeds)
- George Depledge and Co
- Dermide
- Albert Dickinson
- A. Dineen and Co
- Direct Trading Co
- Dixon and Gaunt
- Dixon, Blenkinsop and Co
- Dixon, Powner and Sons
- S. Dixon and Son
- Thomas Dixon (of Leeds)
- Dockray and Pinder
- Jacob Dockray
- Dolphin Foundry, Leeds
- Dougill's Engineering
- Alfred Dougill and Co
- Douglas, Lawson and Co
- Drawn Metal
- Driway Raincoats
- Dubel Co
- Duncan and Pickard
- Dunlop and Ranken
- James N. Durie and Co
- Frank H. Dutson (Leeds)
- T. Dyson
- Dyson and Lumb
- Dyson Brothers and Brotherton
- Frederick Dyson
- Eagle Engineering and Motor Co
- Easton and Tattersall
- Robert Eastwood and Sons
- Eburite Faience and Co
- Eclipse Novelties
- Edmondson's Warehouse
- Edward Bowser
- Electrical Distribution of Yorkshire
- Electricity House
- Electromobile (Leeds)
- Ellins and Sons
- J. C. Elliott
- Ellis (of Leeds)
- Ellis Ingram and Sons
- J. E. Ellis
- John and Samuel Ellison
- Elmore's Patent Copper Depositing Co
- Elmore's Trust
- Elmwood Mill, Leeds
- Elstone Electronics
- Embleton and Co
- Embleton, Mackenzie and Co
- Embleton, Mackenzie and Walton
- Emm and Bee (Leeds) Supplies
- Empire Rubber Co
- Robert Emsley
- English Electro-Metallurgical Co
- Epco
- Evans and Peniston
- Evans of Leeds
- Excelsior Motor Radiator Co
- Exley and Ogden
- Express Railway Chair Co
- F. M. G. Engineering Co
- F. R. Evans (Leeds)
- F.T.L. Co
- Fairbairn, Greenwood and Batley
- Fairbairn, Kennedy and Naylor
- Fairbairn, Lawson, Combe, Barbour
- Fairbairn, Macpherson and Co
- Fairbairn, Naylor, Macpherson and Co
- Peter Fairbairn and Co
- Falcon Engineering Co
- Alexander Falkner
- A. C. Farnell
- Farnell Electronics
- Farnley Iron Co
- Farrar and Young
- Farrar, Whitley and Co
- Farringdon Works and H. Pontifex and Sons
- Fawcett and Firth
- Fawcett and Shackleton
- T. C. Fawcett
- Thomas C. Fawcett
- William Fearnley
- Fenton and Co
- Fenton and Murray
- Fenton, Craven and Co
- Fenton, Murray and Jackson
- Fenton, Murray and Wood
- William Ferguson and Co
- Filliter and Rofe
- Filtrate
- Filtrate Ltd
- Fincham and Co
- G. F. Finister
- Firth and Russell
- Firth, Dunlop and Ranken
- James Firth
- W. and S. Firth
- William Firth (Company)
- Denys Fisher
- Fisken and Co
- William Fison and Co
- Flather and Co
- Flender (UK)
- Fletcher, Lewis and Co
- Flexaire
- J. and J. Flitch and Son
- Forgrove Machinery Co
- W. C. Forrest Co
- C. R. Foster
- Foundrometers
- Fountains
- Robert Fourness
- John Fowler and Co
- Fox Brothers and Reffitt
- P. X. Fox
- William Fox and Co
- Foxton Brothers and Co
- Franklin and Isaacson
- John Fraser and Sons (of Leeds)
- Frazer Brothers
- Frederick Blackith
- Frogland Woollen Rag and Mungo Works
- C. E. Fulford
- G. Curtis Holt
- G. Graham
- G. L. Murphy
- Gaffer Coffee Co
- Gale, Lister and Co
- Francis Gallagher
- J. J. Gallen
- C. Galli and Co
- Gallon, Lumb and Co
- Richard Gallsworthy and Sons
- Garforth Colliery
- Garsed, Son and Co
- R. and W. Garside
- Vernon Gash and Co
- John Gaunt
- Gaunt and Hudson
- Reuben Gaunt and Sons
- Gawthorps
- Gedge and Co
- G. F. Geill and Co
- General Display Accessories
- George Graham (of Leeds)
- George Henry Hodgson and Co
- George Leach and Co
- George Nussey and Co
- G. Gibson and Co (2)
- Robert Gill
- Thomas Gill and Sons
- James Gilston
- Gledhill and Willans
- Glover Brothers (Leeds)
- Glover's Motors
- M. Glover and Co
- Glovers Chemicals
- Goodall, Backhouse and Co
- Goodall, Clayton and Co
- J. Gorstige
- J. and R. Gothard
- John Richard Gothard
- Richard and William Gothard
- Richard Gothard
- Timothy Gothard
- Benjamin Gott and Sons
- Grace Street Mills, Leeds
- H. G. Graham and Son
- Graham, Morton and Co
- Grand Garage and Automobile Engineering Co
- Grand Theatre, Leeds
- Grayson and Beanland
- Grayson and Hardisty
- Gre-Solvent Co
- Great Northern Hotel, Leeds
- Joseph Green (of Leeds)
- Joseph Green and Nephew
- Thomas Green (of Leeds)
- Thomas Green and Son
- A. I. Greenwood
- A. T. Greenwood
- Greenwood and Batley
- Josiah Grimshaw
- C. Grosvenor and Son
- G. G. S. Grundy
- G. C. Grundy and Co
- Guaranteed Vehicles Spares
- Guyson Industrial Equipment
- H. J. Gill and Co
- H. J. Morton and Co
- H.V.E. (Electric)
- J. Haggard and Co
- Ben Haigh
- Hailwood and Ackroyd
- Hailwood Industries
- A. W. Hainsworth and Sons
- John Hainsworth and Sons
- Frederick Haithwaite and Co
- Thomas Haley and Co
- J. Hall and Son (of Leeds)
- Hall and Botterill
- Joseph Hall and Co
- C. H. Halliday and Co
- Halliday and Co
- D. Hannay
- Hansen Transmissions
- A. Harding and Co
- Harding (Leeds)
- Harding, Rhodes and Co
- Harding, Richardson, Rhodes and Co
- T. Harding Churton and Co
- T. R. Harding and Son
- Hardings (Leeds)
- Robert Hardman
- Hardwick and Craven
- Hardy and Webster
- Hare's Retreat (Leeds)
- James Hare
- Hargreaves and Nussey
- F. J. Harker
- Harrison Spinks
- George H. Harrison and Sons
- T. Harrison and Co
- T. Harrison and Sons
- Hart Engine Co
- Ernest E. Hart
- Hartley, Green and Co
- Wilson Hartnell and Co
- Henry Hartop and Co
- Harvard Engineering
- Haste and Brown
- Hathorn, Davey and Co
- Hathorn, Davis and Campbell
- Hathorn, Davis and Davey
- Jonathan Hattersley and Son
- E. Hawkesworth and Co
- Hay, Walton and Co
- Hay, Walton and Hobson
- Hayes Engineering (Leeds)
- Hays Chemical Distribution
- J. and C. Heaps
- J. G. and T. Heaps
- Heaps, Arnold and Heaps
- Heatons (Leeds)
- Henry Richmond and Sons
- Hepton and Co (Clothiers)
- Hepton and Son
- Hepton Brothers
- William Hepton
- William Hepton and Son
- J. Hepworth and Son
- William Hepworth and Co
- Hercules Engineering Co
- Hercus Manufacturing Co
- Adolph Hess and Brother
- Hetherington and Thompson
- John Hetherington
- John Hezmalhalch
- James Hezmalhalch
- John and James Hezmalhalch
- John Hezmalhalch and Son
- Richard Hezmalhalch
- George William Hick
- William Edward Hickman
- Hill Brothers (of Leeds)
- William Hill (of Leeds)
- Hilton and Co
- Joseph Hilton
- Joshua Hindle and Sons
- Hirst Brothers
- Hirst, Brooke and Hirst
- Hirst, Leech and Peacock
- Hives and Atkinson
- Hives and Tennant
- F. Hodgson and Sons
- Hodgson Motors
- Francis Hodgson and Son
- Frank F. Hodgson
- Holbeck (Farnley) Viaduct
- Holbeck, Leeds: Bridges
- James Holdforth and Sons
- Isaac Holdroyd
- William Holdsworth
- Robert Holliday and Sons
- W. R. Holman
- W. Holman
- Holroyd, Horsfield and Wilson
- Henry P. Holt
- Home Yeast Co
- Hood and Cooper
- Hope's Heating and Lighting
- J. and J. Hopkinson
- William Horn
- Horner, Catton and Watson
- Horsfall Destructor Co
- Horsfall Furnace Syndicate
- Horsfield and Barras
- J. and L. Horsfield
- J. L. and W. Horsfield
- Horsfield, Sons and Mackrell Brothers
- Horsforth Village Museum
- Hotel Metropole, Leeds
- Hotham and Whiting
- W. H. Howson
- Hudson and Co
- R. Hudson's
- Hudson and Clarke
- Hudson's Electrical Engineering Co
- Robert Hudson and Co
- Hudson, Sykes and Bousfield
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co
- Hudswell, Clarke and Rodgers
- F. Hulse and Co
- William Humphrey and Co
- Hunslet Engine Co
- Hunslet Mills, Leeds
- Hunslet Suspension Bridge
- Hunslet-Barclay
- William Hustler and Sons
- Hutton and Co (Leeds)
- Hutton and Macdonald
- Hyde, Dockray and Ambler
- Hygenol Co
- J. H. Bean and Co (of Leeds)
- J. W. Nichols and Co
- Jack L. Barnett
- Jackson Boilers
- Jackson Brothers (of Leeds)
- W. L. Jackson and Sons
- William Jackson (of Leeds)
- Jagger and Co
- James Barran
- James Chappell and Son
- James Eastwood and Sons
- James Ives and Co
- James Lumb
- George O. James
- Japa Paper Products
- Jarratt, Dawson and Hardy
- Jarvis and L. Horsfield
- Jarvis Porter Group
- Jennings Brothers (Leeds)
- Thomas Jennings and Son
- John Beverley and Son
- John Bingley and Co
- John Bland
- John Braithwaite (Leeds)
- John Braithwaite and Son
- John Burnley and Co
- John Chapman (of Leeds)
- John Dodgson
- John E. Walsh
- John Fairbank Barnes
- John Fawcett
- John Frederick Rider
- John Garbutt
- John Glover and Co
- John Hillam
- John Hodgson (of Leeds)
- John King and Co
- John Longbottom and Co
- John Lumb
- John MacKenzie (of Leeds)
- John Moorhouse
- John Roberts and Son
- John Rose
- John Slingsby
- John Smith (of Leeds)
- John Stansfield (of Leeds)
- John Stockdill
- John Sugden
- John T. Macgowan
- John Wheatley
- John Whitaker
- John Whitley and Co
- John Whitworth (of Leeds)
- Johnson and Brooke
- Johnson, Radley and Sons
- William Johnson
- William Johnson and Sons
- John D. Johnstone
- Jonathan Wooler
- Thomas Jones (of Leeds)
- William Jopson
- Joseph Barker and Co
- Joseph Cliff and Son
- Joseph Dalby
- Joseph Garbutt
- Joseph Gill
- Joseph Goodworth and Co
- Joseph Henry
- Joseph Lumb
- Joseph Mathers
- Joseph Matthews (of Leeds)
- Joseph R. Stoney
- Joseph Rothery
- Joseph Watson and Co
- Joseph Whitham and Sons
- Jowett Engineering
- Edward Joy and Sons
- Jubb, Dawson and Wood
- J. Jubb
- John Jubb
- Kaiser Refractories
- W. Kalinsky
- Karspray Co
- Joseph Kaye and Sons
- Kellett Engineering Co
- W. Kempe and Co
- William Kempe and Co
- Ker (UK)
- Ker-nak Natural Remedy
- Kershaw Optical Co
- A. Kershaw and Son
- A. Kershaw and Sons
- Abram Kershaw and Sons
- Keystone Varnish Co
- E. Kilburn and Sons
- Sarah Kilburn
- William Kilburn (of Leeds)
- Kingfisher Co
- Kingfisher Patent Lubrication Co
- Kinnear, Holt and Co
- Kippax Colliery
- J. Kirby and Co
- W. and A. Kirk
- Samuel Kirk and Sons
- Walter Kirk
- Kirkstall Abbey
- Kirkstall Forge Co
- Kirkstall Forge Engineering
- Kirkstall Power Station
- Kitching Brothers and Co
- Kitson and Co
- Kitson and Hewitson
- Kitson, Thompson and Hewitson
- Knight and Forster
- Korte, Atkinson and Co
- Korte, Campbell and Co
- Krinklee Sanitary Paper
- Ku-Bist Hair Fixative
- Lady Bridge Cabinet Works
- Laird and Kitson
- Lambert, Jackson and Vickers
- Michael Lambert
- Charles Lane and Sons
- Langham Manufacturing Co (Leeds)
- Lanura Co
- Laporte Acids
- Lawson and Sons
- Lawson and Walker
- Samuel Lawson and Sons
- Lax and Shaw
- Frank Leach Manufacturing
- James Leach (of Leeds)
- James Leach and Co
- W. B. Leachman and Co
- Leadbeater Brothers
- Leatham and Co
- George Leather and Son
- Leech, Goodall and Co
- Leedham and Heaton
- Leeds
- Leeds and Bradford Boiler Co
- Leeds and District Worsted Dyers and Finishers Association
- Leeds and Holbeck Building Society
- Leeds and Liverpool Canal
- Leeds and London Electrical Engineering Co
- Leeds and Middleton Railway
- Leeds and Yorkshire Fire and Life Assurance Co
- Leeds Association of Engineers
- Leeds Bargain Co
- Leeds Bradford Airport
- Leeds Bridge
- Leeds Bridge Foundry
- Leeds City Brewery
- Leeds City Tramways
- Leeds Consumer Ice and Cold Storage Co
- Leeds Copper Works
- Leeds Corn Exchange
- Leeds Corporation
- Leeds Corporation Electricity Department
- Leeds Corporation Tramways
- Leeds Electrical Construction Co
- Leeds Electrical Supply Co
- Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic Co
- Leeds Fireclay Co
- Leeds Forge Co
- Leeds Gasworks
- Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society
- Leeds Mechanics Institute
- Leeds Metal Spinner
- Leeds Metal Spinning Co
- Leeds Meter Co
- Leeds Model Co
- Leeds Motor Exchange
- Leeds Motor Manufacturing Co
- Leeds Motor Trading Engineering Co
- Leeds Permanent Building Society
- Leeds Piston Ring and Engineering Co
- Leeds Railway Plant Co
- Leeds Railway Station
- Leeds Steel Works
- Leeds Times Newspaper
- Leeds Tool and Manufacturing Co
- Leeds Tramway
- Leeds University
- Leeds Waterworks
- Leeds Wheel and Axle Co
- Leeds X. L. Fire Cement Co
- H. Leverton and Co
- J. M. Levey and Co
- Lewis's
- Linkum Belting Co
- Lister and Higgins (Leeds)
- Henry Lister and Sons
- Lithex Products
- Lockwood and Clarkson
- Lofthouse Colliery
- John Long (of Leeds)
- W. Longbottom
- J. Longbottom and Co
- Longclose Engineering Co
- Lonsdale Brothers
- T. W. Lord
- Lord and Brooke
- G. H. Lord and Co
- J. W. Lord
- Lorien
- Low Hall Mills, Leeds
- Lowe Engineering
- Loxley and Co
- H. and E. Lumb
- Asher Lumb
- James Lumb and Sons
- Samuel and William Lumb
- William Lumb
- James Lupton and Sons
- William Lupton and Co
- William Lynd and Co
- M. W. Leathers
- T. Mabane and Co
- J. Mackrell and Co
- W. A. Maclaren
- Maclea and March
- Magazine Holder Co
- Mallinson, Knapton and Co
- T. P. Mallorie and Co
- Mammatt and White
- Mammatt, White and Kay
- Mann and Charlesworth
- Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co
- George Mann and Co
- G. H. Mann
- Manning, Wardle and Co
- J. M. Marchinton
- Mark Oldroyd and Sons
- Marr Engineering
- H. R. Marsden
- Marsdens
- Marshall and Co
- Marshall and Wigram
- Marshall's Mill, Leeds
- Marshall, Fenton and Co
- Horace P. Marshall and Co
- Marshall, Hives and Co
- James Marshall, Son and Co
- Thomas Marshall and Son
- Marston Radiators
- Martin and Fenwick
- Martin and Fox
- Martin and Shaw
- J. and W. E. Mathers
- James Mathers and Sons
- Ewing Matheson (of Leeds)
- Mathieson, Wilson and Co
- Matthew Ingham
- Matthew Johnson
- Matthew Outhwaite
- Joseph Maud and Son
- Edmund Maude and Sons
- William Maude
- Thomas May
- McLachlan and Co (of Leeds)
- McLaren Fabrications
- J. and H. McLaren
- McLaughlin Brothers
- W. McQuade and Co
- Mellish, Richardson and Co
- Mersey Textile Co
- Metalcraft
- Micro Screw and Bolt Co
- Middleton Colliery
- Middleton Colliery Railway
- Middleton Estate and Colliery Co
- Middleton Tramway
- Robert Middleton and Co
- S. T. Midgley and Sons
- W. S. Midgley
- Midgley and Beesley
- David Midgley
- Midland Engine Works
- Milford Instruments
- Millard and Walker
- Miller and Co (of Leeds)
- Benjamin Miller
- MKD Holdings
- Monk Bridge
- Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Co
- Monk Bridge Iron Co
- Monteith, Hamilton and Monteith
- K. and H. Moore
- Moore and Co
- Moore and Korte
- Moore's (Belfast Linen Warehouse)
- William Moorhouse and Sons
- Moortown Motors
- Morley Electrical Engineering Co
- Morley Main Colliery Co
- Morley Tunnel
- Morton and Joynt
- Francis and Henry Joseph Morton
- Henry J. Morton and Co
- Mosley-Stone
- Motley and Green
- Mount Hotel, Leeds
- Mountain and Lambert
- B. Mountain and Son
- William Mountain
- Murray Colour Controls
- Musgrave Brothers
- National Breakdown
- National Breakdown Recovery Club
- James Nelson and Sons
- Netherfield Mill, Guisley
- M. Evers
- New Dock Works
- New Pelapone Engine Co
- New Wortley Gasworks
- Newlay Wheel Co
- Newsum, Wood and Dyson
- Newton and Co (of Leeds)
- Newton and Taylor
- David Newton
- Israel Newton
- Newton, Taylor and Co
- W. Nicholls
- Nicholson and Walton
- Thomas Nicholson
- William Nicholson and Sons (Leeds)
- Niels Larsen and Son
- Noel Paton
- Norman C. Ashton
- North Eastern Gas Board
- North of England Motor Co
- Benjamin North
- Northern Asphalt and Roofing Works Co
- Northern Export (Furs)
- Northern Foods
- Northern Machine Screws
- Northern Radiators
- Norwegian Titanic Iron Co
- Nox Electric Lamp Co
- Nu-Swift
- Nussey and Pilling
- Nuswift Engineering Co
- Andrew Page and Son
- Andrew Page and Sons
- Pal-o-mine Coat Co
- G. Pallister and Sons
- Edward Parker
- Ezra Parker
- J. Parker (of Leeds)
- James Parker
- Parkfield Motor Engineers
- Parkin and Co
- F. and A. Parkinson
- F. Parkinson and Co
- Parkland Manufacturing Co
- E. J. W. Parnacott and Co
- Patchett and Co
- Patent Chimney Pot Co
- Paton Brothers
- F. Patrick
- William Paul
- George Payton
- Pearson and Spurr
- William Pearson and Co
- J., J. L. and C. Peate
- Pelapone Engine Co
- Pelican Engineering Co
- Pennine Amplifiers
- Perkin and Co
- Perkin Bentley and Co
- J. W. Perkin
- J. W. Perkins
- John W. Perkins
- Peter Rayner
- Petty and Sons
- Phoenix Foundry, Leeds
- Phoenix Ironworks Co
- F. Hattersley Pickard and Co
- George Pickles
- Pifco Safety Wireglobe Co
- Plastona
- Plimsoll Pipes
- Thomas Pollard
- Pollock and Pollock
- Pollock, Laing and Powley
- Luke Pool and Sons
- Popular Products
- B. Porter
- Benjamin Porter
- George Porteus
- G. R. Portway and Co
- William Potts and Sons
- Power Unit Engineering
- Premier Farnell
- Premier Lamp and Engineering Co
- Prentice
- B. Preston and Sons
- Prices Tailors
- Joseph Priestley (Leeds)
- Prior Stokers
- Procter Brothers (Wireworks)
- Samuel Procter and Co
- Samuel Proctor
- Public Benefit Boot Co
- Pullan and Mann
- R. Pullan and Son
- Richard Pullan and Son
- Pullan, Tuke and Co
- Edward Pulleyn
- Puro Soap Co
- R. E. T. Construction Co
- Radiant Heating
- Radio Supply Co
- Ragosine Oil Co (Textiles)
- J. Raistrick and Sons
- John Ramsbottom and Co
- John Ramsbottom (of Leeds)
- William Cass Raper
- John Ratcliff and Sons
- William Ratcliff and Sons
- E. J. Rawlins and Co
- Rawlinson
- Rawlinsons
- Rayner and Wardle
- James Reffitt and Sons
- G. L. Rexroth
- Reynolds and Branson
- Reynolds and Raper
- H. L. Reynolds
- Joseph Reynolds (of Leeds)
- Richard Reynolds and Co
- RHM Ingredient Supplies
- Rhodes Brothers (of Leeds)
- Rhodes and Co
- Rhodes, Gill and Co
- James Rhodes and Co
- M. Rhodes and Sons
- William Rhodes
- Rice and Co (Leeds)
- A. M. Richardson
- Richardson, Child, Christy and Co
- Edmond Richardson and Co
- James Richardson and Co
- John Richardson (of Leeds 2)
- John Richardson (of Leeds)
- Mark Richardson and Co
- H. Richmond and Sons
- Rickard, Dockray and Pinder
- C. A. Rickards
- Rider's Boatyard
- Ridley and Jones
- Ridley and Rothery
- Edward Riley and Co
- Rimes
- Ring
- D. Ripley and Sons
- J. Rivlin
- W. Roberts and Co
- Roberts and Co (of Leeds)
- A. Roberts and Co
- C. and E. Roberts
- J. W. Roberts
- W. S. Robertson and Co
- W. Robinson and Co
- J. Robinson and Sons
- John Robinson and Sons
- Rocol
- Rodley Automobile Co
- Rodley Boat Centre
- Rogers and Kaye
- Rogerson and Armitage
- E. J. Rogerson
- Job Rose
- Rossleigh (of Leeds)
- Royce Thompson
- Thomas Russom and Co
- S. P. S.
- William Sadler
- Salisbury, Longfield and Henderson
- Samson Fox Brothers
- William Sandford
- T. A. and J. W. Sands
- Savage's of Leeds
- L. E. Scafe
- Schlegel (U.K.)
- Schlegel (U.K.) Plastics
- Schoen Steel Wheel Co
- Richard Scholefield
- Schunck and Co
- Schunck, Mylius, and Co
- Schunck, Souchay and Co
- Scootacars
- Scotland Mill
- Scott and Stead
- Scott Motors (Saltaire)
- Walter Scott
- Scriven and Co
- Scriven and Holdsworth
- Scriven Machine Tools
- Scriven-Crosthwaite
- Scupham and Wood
- Seamless Steel Boat Co
- Selsand
- B. Senior
- Harry Senior
- Service Equipment Co
- Sewell of Leeds
- Shaftesbury Precision Service
- Theodore Shann
- S. H. Sharp and Sons
- Shaw and Co (Leeds)
- Shaw and North
- Joseph Shaw and Son
- William Shaw
- Sheepscar Foundry
- Sheet Metal Engineering Co
- Shepherd and Todd
- Shepherd and Watney
- Shepherd, Hill and Co
- Shepherd, Hill and Spink
- S. Shepherd and Co
- Silcock and Simpson
- Silver and Chrome Products
- Simpson, Fawcett and Co
- Simpson, MacLarty and Co
- Skelton Grange Power Station
- Edwin Slack
- Sloan and Davidson
- J. Sloman
- J. and H. Smith
- Smith and Butler
- Smith and Parker
- Smith and Stabler
- Smith and Whincup
- Smith, Beacock and Tannett
- Frank Smith and Co (Elland)
- Robert Smith (Leeds)
- Thomas Smith (Leeds)
- Thomas Smith (of Leeds)
- Thomas Smith and Sons
- Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley)
- William Smith (Leeds)
- Smith, Warwick and Co
- M. Solk and Sons
- South Accommodation Road Bridge, Leeds
- R. Southall and Co
- Specialloid
- Spensall Screw and Bolt Co
- St Georges Motor Co
- Stainless Steel Sink Co
- Stanhope Motor Co
- Mr. Staniland
- G. Stannard and Co
- Stead and Simpson
- Charles F. Stead and Co
- Stead, Simpson and Co
- Stead, Simpson and Nephews
- William Stead
- Steam Storage Co
- Steander Cut Nail Works
- Steander Foundry
- Stedman's Cine Lab
- Jesse Stephenson
- Sterling Engineering and Automobile Co
- C. L. Stiff and Co
- Stirk and Horsfield
- Zebulun Stirk
- Richard Stocks
- Robert Stonehouse
- Storey, Evans and Co
- Stormgard
- Stott Brothers
- Strachan Studio
- Striven and Co
- John Sturgeon (of Leeds)
- Sugden and Wheatley
- F. C. Sugden and Co
- Henry Sugden and Sons
- Sulzer Brothers
- Sulzer Pumps
- Sumrie Clothes
- Sutcliffe Pressings
- J. W. Sutcliffe
- Sweet Street West Bridge, Leeds
- John and Joseph Sykes
- Symington's
- Systime
- Talisman Cloches
- Tannett, Walker and Co
- Taylor and Co (Leeds)
- Taylor Brothers (Printing)
- Taylor Brothers and Co
- Taylor File and Tool Co
- Taylor Rustless Fittings Co
- James Taylor (Leeds)
- Thomas Taylor (of Leeds)
- Taylor, Wordsworth and Co
- Taylors Drug Co
- James Teale
- Henry Teall (Ship Builder)
- Temperance Hotel, Leeds
- Temple Mill, Leeds
- Tetley Walker
- John Tetley
- Joshua Tetley
- S. Tetley and Sons
- William Tetley and Son
- Textile Machinery Association
- Thermoduct
- Thompson and Wilson
- Thompson Brothers (of Leeds)
- James Thompson (of Leeds)
- Thompson, Watsons and White
- Thompson, Wilson and Co
- Thor Manufacturing Co
- Henry Thorne and Co
- Thornhill Iron and Steel Co
- Thorp and Co
- P. M. G. Thorpe
- Thwaite Mill
- George Thwaites
- Time Recorders (Leeds)
- C. R. Tipping and Co
- Titley, Tathams and Walker
- Thomas Tittley
- Titus Wainwright
- Tizer
- Todd, Kitson and Laird
- A. Toller and Co
- Samuel Topham
- Towler Brothers
- Towler Hydraulics
- William Towler
- Joseph Town and Sons
- Tramway Supplies
- Treat Products
- Trident Television
- Triumph Stoker
- Trumble and Cooke
- John Trumble and Sons
- Tubex Silencer Co
- Tunstall and Co
- Turner and Ogden
- Turner Machinery
- Turner Tanning Machinery Co
- R. Turner and Co (of Leeds)
- Tyrer and Glover
- Vallance and Davison
- Varley and Sedgwick
- Varley and Yeadon
- James Varley
- William Varley
- Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association
- C. C. Vevers
- Benjamin R. Vickers and Sons
- B. R. Vickers
- George Vickers
- Victoria Bridge, Leeds
- Victoria Iron and Cement Co
- Victoria Metal Spinning Co
- Vincent Roberts and Co
- W. Barraclough and Co
- W. D. S. Tooling Aids
- W. R. Patents
- John Waddington
- Waddingtons
- Waide and Sons
- S. M. Wainwright
- Waldenberg Brothers
- Walker Brothers (of Leeds)
- Alfred Walker (of Leeds)
- Charles Walker and Co
- George Walker (of Leeds)
- Harry Walker and Son
- Henry Walker and Son (of Leeds)
- Wallis and Watson
- Walsh and Clark
- Charles Walton
- Walton, Morton and Co
- Waltons, Morton and Co
- Ward Group
- William Ward and Sons (of Leeds)
- Warwick and Co
- Joseph Warwick and Co
- Watkinson and Co
- Joseph Watson and Sons
- J. B. Watson
- Isaac Webster and Sons
- James Webster ( of Leeds)
- Wellington Bridge, Leeds
- Wellington Mills, Leeds
- West Ardsley Iron and Coal Co
- West Leeds Motor Co
- West Yorkshire Foundries
- William West (of Leeds)
- Westwood and Sons (of Leeds)
- John Westwood
- William Westwood
- William Westwood and Son
- B. R. Wheatley
- Wheatley and Whiteley
- Richard Whiddington
- B. Whitaker and Sons
- Whitaker Brothers
- Whitaker Brothers and Co
- Whitakers (Engineers)
- Whitehall Advertising Agency
- Whitehall Mill, Leeds
- Whitehall Road Power Station
- Whitehead Brothers
- Joseph Whiteley and Co
- Joseph Whitham and Son
- S. and J. Whitham
- Whitley Partners
- Joseph Whitley and Co
- S. and J. Whittams
- L. Whitwam and Co
- Joseph Whitwell and Co
- William Whitworth
- S. H. Whyman
- Wilcock and Co
- R. Wilkie
- Wilkinson and Co (of Leeds)
- Wilkinson and Harker
- William S. Wilkinson
- W. S. Wilkinson
- Wilks and Meade
- O. Willans and Sons
- Wilson Brothers (of Leeds)
- Charles Wilson and Sons
- E. B. Wilson and Co
- George Wilson (of Leeds)
- Wilson, Hawksworth and Co
- James Wilson (of Stanningley)
- Joshua Wilson and Sons
- Wilson, Smith and Sutcliffe
- T. H. Wilson
- William Wilson and Sons
- William Wilson's Sons
- Wilson, Walker and Co
- Wilsons and Mathiesons
- Roland Winn and Co
- W. Winter
- Winter's Sewing Machine Manufactory
- William Winter
- Wireless Instruments
- Wolf Safety Lamp Co
- Robert Wostenholme
- Wood and Bedford
- Wood and Co
- Wood and Sielk
- Robert Wood and Sons
- J. R. Woodhead
- Jonas Woodhead
- Jonas Woodhead and Sons
- Woodhead, Scriven and Holdsworth
- Edwin Woodhouse and Co
- Wool Industries Research Association
- Wormald and Fountaine
- William Wormald
- Wright and Summerhill
- Wright Brothers (Fletland Mill)
- B. and D. Wright
- Thomas Wright and Co
- Wyles Motor Ploughs
- Y. V. Co (1919)
- Yeadon and Co
- York Road Iron Co
- Yorkshire Aero Club
- Yorkshire Bank
- Yorkshire Brush Electric Light and Power Co
- Yorkshire Chamois Co
- Yorkshire College
- Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co
- Yorkshire Copper Works
- Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co
- Yorkshire Electric Supply Co
- Yorkshire Electricity Board
- Yorkshire Engineering Supplies
- Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co
- Yorkshire House-To-House Electricity Supply Co
- Yorkshire Hut Co
- Yorkshire Imperial Plastics
- Yorkshire Motor Car and Electrical Engineering Co
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co
- Yorkshire Road Tar Binders
- Yorkshire Switchgear and Engineering Co
- Yorkshire Telephone Co
- Yorkshire Television