David Joseph Smith
David Joseph Smith (1877- ) of David J. Smith and Co
1877 Born in London[1], son of Joseph Smith, confectioner
1901 Wrote letter to The Engineer concerning lubrication
1902 Manufacturer of flash boilers
1902 David Joseph Smith, of 5 Great Arthur St., London EC[2]
1903 Agent for Trusty Carburetter
1903 A master engineer; married Annie Elizabeth Daynes in Stepney[3]
1905 David Smith, Great Arthur Street, mechanical engineer.[4]
1906 of 58, Compton Street, London, E.C.
1911 Living at of 40 Woodberry Grove, London N.: David Joseph Smith (age 34 born London), Motor car manufacturer - Employer. With his wife Annie Elizabeth Smith (age 33 born London) and their two children David Stanley Smith (age 5 born harrow) and Doris Edna Smith (age 2 born Harrow). One servant.[5]
1918 Article. SUCTION GAS FOR MOTORS. By Major David J. Smith, M.Inst.A.E.
1920 January. Author of technical article in the Automobile Engineer
1922 of 40, Woodberry Grove, Finsbury Park, N.
1923 About a portable motor rail inspection trolley. Illustrated.[6]