Hans Gustav Rohr
Hans Gustav Rohr (1895-1937)
1936/37 Obituary [1]
Hans Gustav Rohr was born in 1895 and received his engineering education at the Berlin Technical University.
He served his apprenticeship in the Aircraft Engine Constructional Works and during the War was a Pilot in the German Air Force.
At the conclusion of hostilities he was appointed Technical Director of Priamus-Automobil Works at Cologne, and was subsequently with Roehr Automobiles, Ltd., as Experimental Engineer, and ultimately General Manager.
After a period as Technical Director of the Adler Works, he was appointed, in 1935, Technical Director of Daimler Benz A.G.
He died on 10th August, 1937, at the age of 42.
He was elected a Member in 1937 and will be remembered as the author of a paper on rear-engined cars which he read before the Institution in November, 1936.