Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 166,784 pages of information and 246,602 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Hans Landstad

From Graces Guide

Hans Landstad (1880-1957) Production Manager and Director of Morris Motors

1880 May 20th. Born in Haa, Jodderen, Norway

Educated at Kristiania Technical College, Oslo, and Hortens Technical College; Horten, and Treider Commercial College, Oslo.

Worked at Akers Shipbuilding yard, Oslo and Nylands Shipbuilding Yard, Oslo.

Worked at Thames Ironworks Co

Worked at British Westinghouse

1903-05 Draughtsman with British Linotype, Broadheath

1905-14 Chief Draughtsman with White and Poppe, Coventry where he met William Richard Morris when he approached the firm with his requirements for a car engine.

1914 Accompanied Morris to the USA on a visit to explore the potential for American methods of car manufacture. Landstad covered his own expenses. After Morris returned to the UK, Landstad stayed in the US working in a car factory and oversaw production of a prototype engine for Morris.

1914-15 Designer with Continental Motor Manufacturing Co., Detroit

1915 Joined W. R. M. Motors

1916 General Works Manager and Director

1917 Married in Coventry to Hilda Phyllis H. Bailey

1917 Works Manager at the Trench warfare factory, where he contributed to the rapid production of the Stokes Bomb.

1919 Works manager and designer at Morris Motors

1920 Member of IMechE

1933 Appointed Production Manager and Director of Morris Motors

1938 With Oliver Boden visited Sweden to examine the manufacturing of the Bofors gun and make arrangement for its production in the UK

WWII In charge of the factory in Coventry where the Bofors gun was made

1947 Retired

1957 December 9th. Died in Oxford.

See Also


Sources of Information

  • The Times, Dec 10, 1957