Harry Le Van Horning
Harry Le Van Horning (1880-1936), founder of the Waukesha Motor Co
1935/36 Obituary [1]
Harry le can Horning was born in 1880, and obtained his early engineering training with The Milwaukee Gas Light Coy., The Crane Coy., Chicago, and The Modern Steel Structural Coy.
In 1906 he established The Waukesha Motor Co., of which he became President and General Manager, retaining that position until his death. He was President of The Society of Automotive Engineers, U.S.A., in 1925, and was a member of many. Committees of that body. He was especially identified with the movement for co-operation between the automobile and fuel industries in order to settle the fuel problem in 1920, and was the author of many authoritative papers on commercial vehicle engines and fuels.
During the War he was Chairman of the Automotive Products Division of the War Industries Board, and a Member of the Advisory Council of National Defence.
He died on 4th January, 1936, at the age of 55.
He was elected a Member of the Institution in 1929.