Henry William Allingham
Henry William Allingham (1882-1960) of Chalmer and Hoyer
See also Henry W. Allingham for similar name and birth year
1909 Married in Hampstead to Nellie Lomax
1911 Living in Hampstead, age 28 born Witley, Surrey, Assistant Manager in Engineering Works.[1]
1922 M.A., M.I.Mech.E., S.M.E., M.S.A.E., Vice-President Inst. Wks. and Cost Accountants, Consulting Production Engineer, The Manor, Sharston, Northenden, Cheshire. T. N.: Gatley 18 (Manchester). b. 1883; s. of William Allingham, Irish poet, and Helen Allingham, R.W.S., water-colour artist. Ed. University College. Engineering Course; worked in factories in England and U.S.A. as Machinist and Toolmaker. Joined Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., 1905, to start up Morse Chain Factory; Hans Renold, Ltd., Manchester, 1911-5, installation of Scientific Shop Management, 1915—Commenced as Consulting Engineer on production. Has specialised as Consultant on Scientific Factory Management; advises in this capacity several firms employing L000 to io,000 hands, and a number of smaller firms. Papers read before various American and English Societies of Engineers. Club: The Arts. War Services.-194-5—Shell and fuse layouts, and machine design. 1916—Sent to U.S.A. by Ministry of Munitions for ten months, in charge of fuse manufacturing methods. 1917—Assistant Director Ij of National Projectile Factories, four months. 19178—Consultant on aero-engine component manufacture to nine factories.
1939 Living in Flint Cottage, Pinkneys Green, Maidenhead, Director of company producing war products.[2]