Band saw, from catalogue c.1900
Wright's patent (Charles E. Wright, USA) band saw guide, from catalogue c.1900
Band saw, from catalogue c.1900. Roller feed, with variable speed through friction drive. Feed roller table etc can be swung aside
Steam engine, from catalogue c.1900
'American patent automatic lathe for turning wooden spindles, from catalogue c.1900
Machine for shaping lids, etc., for pianos, from catalogue c.1900
Power-fed rounding machine, for dowels, handles, etc, from catalogue c.1900
Single copying machine, to produce spokes, gun stocks, etc from a metal pattern, from catalogue c.1900
See Sagar (Developments).
J. Sagar and Co of Canal Works, Halifax, Yorkshire.
1888 Issued catalogue of wood-working machinery.
1894 Wood-working machines.
A catalogue from J. Sagar and Co about Wood-Working Machinery (undated, but c.1900) includes horizontal steam engines with cylinder bore sizes from 6 to 14 inches diameter.
See Also
Sources of Information