John Lort
of Dublin
Scientific instrument maker
1775 advert: 'JOHN LORT, MATHEMATICAL Instrument Maker, from No. 8, the Upper Blind-quay, where he continues to make most Kinds of Mathematical Instruments in Silver, Brass, Ivory, and Box, as Sectors, Protractors, Sun Dials, Parallel Rulers, Gunter's Scales of any Radius, Cases of Instruments, and all Sorts of Guaging Calipers, Rods, Rules, and Dippers, with Sliding and other Rules for Mensuration in general; also his approved of Statical and Hidrostatical Ballances, for weighing and detecting Frauds in Cold or Coin.'[1]
1779 advert: 'JOHN LORT, MATHEMATICAL Instrument Maker, At the the Widow Spicer's, in Plunket-street, where he continues to make all Kinds of Mathematical Instruments in Silver, Brass, Ivory, and Box, as Sectors, Protractors, Sun Dials for any Latitude, Parallel Rulers, Gunter's Scales of any Radius, Cases of Instruments, and all Sorts of Guaging Calipers, Rods, Rules, and Dippers, with with Sliding and other Rules for Mensuration in general; with all Kinds of Surveying Instruments, and improved Thermometers for Brewers, Distillers, the Hot-house or Parlour: also his new improved SLIDING RULES, on a better Construction than any ever yet made in this Kingdom, by which, Superfices and Solids of all Denominations are readily measured without Tables. Likewise his approved of Statical and Hydrostatical Balances for weighing and detecting Frauds in counterfeit Gold.
— N. B. He is determined to sell his Rules at Wholesale Price, being greatly superior to any imported, and inferior to none made in this Kingdom.'[2]