Lancelot William Wild
Lancelot William Wild (1872- )
Engineer of Electrical Testing Laboratory, York Street, Westminster.
c.1918 E. P. Barfield and Mr. L. W. Wild had known each other for many years when they founded Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and so formed the first company in this country to make industrial electric heat-treatment furnaces.
1919 Westminster Electrical Testing Laboratory.[1]
1922 M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, York Mansion, York Street, Westminster, S.W.'. T. N.: Victoria 88. b. 1872. Ed. Eastbourne College and Hanover Square School of Electrical Engineering. With Brush Electrical Engineering Co, Shillingford Works Co., and Chatham Electricity Works. Established since 1901 in Westminster Electrical Testing Laboratory, carrying out testing, experimental and research work and as consulting engineer to various manufacturing firms. Publications: Various papers read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers and other societies. War Services.—Work for Admiralty, Ministry of Munitions and Aircraft Inspection Department.