Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 164,964 pages of information and 246,440 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Laycock Engineering Co

From Graces Guide
March 1930. Lodemor truck.
December 1934.
October 1936.
February 1937.
July 1938.
March 1939.
February 1943. Layrub.
November 1943
November 1944.
March 1945.
May 1947.
November 1947.
January 1948.
February 1948.
May 1948.
July 1948.
October 1949.
October 1949.
November 1950.
November 1950.
November 1950.
April 1951.
February 1952.
June 1952.

of Victoria Works, Archer Road, Millhouses, Sheffield, general engineers and manufacturer of components for the motor trade including Layrub universal joint.

1880 Company founded by William Samuel Laycock as W. S. Laycock of Sheffield

1913-15 Made a number of 35hp trucks.[1]

1922 Scheme of Arrangement between W. S. Laycock Limited and Charron Limited[2]

1924 The W. S. Laycock company was subject to proceedings for bankruptcy

At some point W. S. Laycock became Laycock Engineering Co

Developed garage equipment, and began supply of gearboxes, front and rear axles, etc.

1930 Laycock Engineering Co was offered for sale by the receiver as a going concern[3]. The company was acquired by Thomas W. Ward of Sheffield

1934 Manufactured the Layrub universal coupling, originally developed for road vehicles, under licence from the American patentees.

1935 Having been reorganised and brought into a profitable state, the company was acquired by London financial interests. A public company of similar name was incorporated to acquire the business[4]

1937 Engine accessory manufacturers.

1938 Agreement with Tecalemit Ltd to manufacture and supply garage equipment that had previously been obtained from outside suppliers; Tecalemit would take over the marketing of Laycock garage equipment[5]

1938 Birfield Industries was formed for purpose of acquiring Hardy Spicer and Co and the undertaking and assets of Laycock Engineering Company [6].

1939 Layrub propeller shafts (see advert)

1939 Laycock continued as a holding company to hold the shares allocated under the merger.

1944 Advert for a Propeller Shaft for diesel traction. 'A Birfield Company'.

1948 Laycock-Neale air pressure braking system (see advert)

1948 Developed an overdrive unit for the Standard Motor Co - designed by Auto Transmissions.[7]

1949 Laycock garage equipment for the motor trade (see advert)

1950 Laycock-de Normanville overdrive system manufactured under licence from Auto Transmissions Ltd (see advert)

1952 Name changed to Laycock Engineering - dropped the 'Co'

Note: the Layrub products continue to be made see Twiflex

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Complete Encyclopedia of Commercial Vehicles. Edited by G. N. Georgano
  2. The London Gazette 31 March 1922
  3. The Times, Jul 25, 1930
  4. The Times Dec 23, 1935
  5. The Times, Nov 03, 1938
  6. The Times, 23 December 1938
  7. Automobile Engineer: 1965/04