Norman Osborne (sometimes mistakenly recorded as Osbourne) Fulton (1872-1935)
1872 June 3rd. Born. Cousin of George Johnston
1895 Works manager of the Mo-Car Syndicate
1935 July 27th. Died at Dumbarton. Proven by Hugh Ernest Fulton, David Guthrie Reid, Hugh Wilson Fulton (Engineer), John Murray Fulton, and George Pate (Engineer).
1935/36 Obituary [1]
Norman Osborne Fulton was born in 1872, and was educated at Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.
He served his apprenticeship with Kesson and Campbell, Ltd., Parkhead, and subsequently held positions with Aitken, McNeil and Co., Paterson's Chemical Co., Geo. Johnston, and in two motor car factories in the U.S.A.
At the end of 1899 he became partner in The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., on its formation, and a few years later was appointed Managing Director.
He retained his seat on the Board until his death, which took place in July, 1935, at the age of 63.
He was elected a Member in 1913.