Robert Alexander Tarleton
Robert Alexander Tarleton (1893-1936)
1936/37 Obituary [1]
Robert Alexander Tarleton was born in 1893 and was educated at Dundee Technical College and the Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh.
At the outbreak of War he joined the Royal Artillery and served in France before transferring to the Royal Flying Corps, in which he earned his Observer's wing before qualifying as a Pilot. He continued to serve in the R.A.F. until 1919.
In 1921 he was appointed Engineer on the Jodhpur-Bikaner Railway, and on the separation of the line under the two States he remained in Jodhpur.
He was Assistant Locomotive Superintendent of the Jodhpur Railway from 1921 to 1924 and acted as Locomotive Superintendent for various periods from 1928 to 1936.
He died as the result of a flying accident on i6th November, 1936, at the age of 43.
He was elected an Associate in 1924, subsequently resigning. He was re-elected a Member in 1930 and had latterly acted as the Institution's Corresponding Member in Jodhpur.