Robert Washington Dana
Robert Washington Dana (1868-1956), A.M.Inst.C.E., Secretary of the Institution of Naval Architects
1901 Resident engineer of works on Kew Bridge
1956 Obituary [1]
NAVAL ARCHITECTS, particularly those of the older generation, will learn with regret of the death of Mr. Robert Washington Dana, which occurred at his home at Cockmoyle Rock, Cornwall, on Monday last.
Mr. Dana, who was born in 1868, was the son of William Dana the marine painter, and received his education in Paris, then at Clifton College and later at Pembroke College, Cambridge.
After leaving the university he became a civil engineering pupil with Sir John Wolfe-Barry.
In 1901, Mr. Dana was appointed Secretary of the Institution of Naval Architects, a post which he continued to hold until his retirement in 1935, when he was made an honorary member. During his tenure of office he edited the "Transactions" of the Institution and was awarded a gold medal for his work for the Jubilee meeting of 1911. For his services during the 1914-18 war at the Ministry of Munitions, as assistant director of Artillery Supply for the Allies, he was awarded the Order of the Crown of Belgium.