Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 166,735 pages of information and 246,596 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Royal Ruby Cycle Co

From Graces Guide
December 1914. 2-stroke light-weight.

of Ruby Works, Cannel Street, Ancoats, Manchester. Later of Altrincham.

1906 Royal Ruby Cycle Co, Oldham Road, Manchester.[1]

1909-1933 Made motorcycles. English brand that built good motorcycles with its own 350 and 375 cc engines and 750 and 1000 cc JAP - V twins.

1913-1914 Made a number of cyclecars.

1914 Ridden by F. W. Carryer in the 1914 Isle of Man TT Races but DNF.

1915 Issue motor cycle catalogue. Built at the Manchester works. Royal Ruby Cycle Co, Cannel Street, Ancoats, Manchester.[2]

1921. News item. 'The Royal Ruby” bicycle was first put on the market in 1906. The first Royal Ruby bicycle was an "assembled" machine, that is to say, it was a bicycle built of "parts” bought for the purpose. Works, however, were established in Cannel-street, Ancoats, Manchester, and gradually part by part was made in these works, till eventually the greater portion the bicycle was the company's own manufacture. In 1912 the manufacture of motor-bicycles was commenced on similar lines for a policy of gradual but steady improvement has always been a Ruby feature. During the war the company was, like most other firms, largely employed on munitions, but time was not wasted, for many interesting experiments were conducted which have now borne fruit. As developments progressed and the demand for the company's products increased, the need for more room began to grow more and more apparent. Extensions had been made year by year to the Cannel-street Works, but at last it became obvious that, in such a congested area as Ancoats, the company could not expand in the way in which the demand for its products required. Therefore, in December, 1918, the limited company was formed, and the works of the Saver Clutch Co. were acquired Altrincham. Plans were immediately begun for new works. In June, 1919, these were commenced and completed just twelve months later. The move from Cannel-street was completed by September. Over £100,000 has been spent on the new works, which have accommodation for 1,000 employees and capacity of 5,000 motor-cycles and 10,000 cycles per annum. The works cover an area of four acres, the building# covering 9,000 square yards. The plant is of the most modern kind - only the meet efficient tools and machinery have been installed, and the most effective methods management are employed. Lighting is perfect throughout, and the arrangements of the shops literally such that the new material goes in at one end and comes out the finished bicycle or motor-bicycle at the other.'[3]

From 1927 onwards, the models were equipped with double cradle frames, saddle tanks and lighter engines, such as 172 to 346 cc Villiers blocks and 248 and 348 cc JAP head valves. Tricycles were also supplied with 346 cc Villiers and 596 cc JAP side caps. Production ceased when World War II broke out.[4]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 24 November 1906
  2. Cambridge Independent Press - Friday 19 March 1915
  3. Surrey Mirror - Friday 04 March 1921
  4. Wikipedia