Salford Electrical Instruments
of Peel Works, Silk Street, Salford, 3, Lancs. Telephone: Manchester Blackfriars 6688. Cables: "Sparkless, Manchester". (1947)
of Times Mill, Gee Street, Heywood.
1910 Company founded.
1910 On 24th December GEC incorporated the Peel Works as a separate company, employing 1,000 workers[1].
1912 Investments in various companies including Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd making measuring instruments; all three companies were directed or controlled by GEC.
1937 Manufacturing electrical engineers. [2]
1945 Proprietors were GEC
1947 British Industries Fair Advert as Manufacturers of Switchboard, Portable and Substandard Electrical Indicating Instruments; Industrial Electronic Equipment; Magnetic Powders and Cores; Quartz Crystal Units; Radio Cores; Toroidal Cores and Coils; Mercury Switches, Relays, Optical Components and Apparatus; Rectifiers; S. E. I. Exposure Photometers; Photo-cells; Synthetic Sapphires. (Scientific and Optical Section - Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1119) [3]
1958 Maker of components for communications, crystal valves, transistors, electrical instruments and thermostatic devices[4]
1961 Manufacturers of electrical instruments, thermostats, telecommunication components. 1,725 employees. [5]
1968 The combination of SEI and Chamberlain and Hookham with AEI operations at Motherwell, Harlow and Manchester was expected to make a strong base for competing in meters, instruments and components[6]
1973 SEI was a member of GEC Electrical Components Ltd
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ History of Peel-Conner Telephone Works: [1]
- ↑ 1937 The Aeroplane Directory of the Aviation and Allied Industries
- ↑ 1947 British Industries Fair Advert 416; and p239
- ↑ The Times, Sep 05, 1958
- ↑ 1961 Dun and Bradstreet KBE
- ↑ The Times July 30, 1968