The Engineer 1926/03/12
1926 March 12th PDF
- Contents, p 299.
Main Subjects
- A Large Electrically-Driven Bakery, p 294 - p 295 and p 298. (Illustrated).
- A Seven-Day Journal, p 285.
- The Machine Tool Trades Association.
- Atlantic Air Service.
- An Institution of Fuel Technology - Institution of Civil Engineers, Committee listed.
- An Aero-Engine Endurance Test - Bristol Engine Co: Jupiter.
- Gas and Meter Testing - Mr W. Duffield.
- A New Houlder Refrigerator Ship - Houlder Line, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co.
- The Krupp Losses. (Krupp of Essen)
- Threatened Engineering Lock-Out - R. Hoe and Co.
- The Coal Commission's Report.
- A Toothless Gear, p 304 - p 305.
- Ballasting the C.P.R. Tracks, p 291.
- British Patents, p 311.
- Charles Algernon Parsons - Improvements in Ventilation to Dynamo-Electric Machinery etc.
- Oerlikon - Transformer Winding for Very High Voltages.
- International GEC - Improvements in and Relating to Choking-Coil Switches.
- De Forest Phonofilms - Microphones and Associated Amplifier Apparatus.
- BTH - Improvements in and Relating to Magneto-Electric Machines.
- Oerlikon - Induction Regulator.
- GEC - Process for Very Fine Tungsten Wires.
- Corrugated Furnaces and Smoke Tubes for Marine Boilers, p 293.
- Editorial, p 299 - p 300.
- The "Black Spot".
- The Design of Air Heaters.
- Exhibition of Lighting Appliances, p 312.
- High-Speed Planing and Matching Machine, p 302 - p 303. (Illustrated).
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, p 296.
- Institution of Naval Architects, p 296.
- Junior Institution of Engineers, p 306.
- Launches and Trial Trips, p 309.
- 'Northland' single-screw steamer by Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson to the order of the Clarke Steamship Co.
- 'City of Lyons' single-screw steamer by Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson for the Ellerman Lines. Engines by the Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co.
- 'Olivebank' twin-screw motor vessel by Harland and Wolff to the order of Andrew Weir and Co..
- 'George L. Torian' steamer by Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co to the order of the Eastern Steamship Co.
- 'Belray' single-screw cargo vessel by Armstrong Whitworth to the order of Captain Christen Smith.
- 'John S. Pillsbury' steamer by Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co to the order of the Eastern Steamship Co.
- 'Speybank' motor vessel by Harland and Wolff to the order of the Bank Line.
- Letters to the Editor, p 296.
- 'The Measurement of Cutting Temperatures' by Charles R. Darling.
- 'Petrol Engine Conversion' by Parsons Motor Co.
- 'The Training of Engineers' by R. Opie.
- 'The Commercial Airship' by S. H. Phillips.
- Liverpool Engineering Society, p 307 - p 308.
- Metal Aeroplane Developments, p 306. (Illustrated).
- New South Wales Mining Industry, p 289.
- Notes on British Railways by a Continental Engineer, (No. VI), p 288 - p 289.
- Obituary, p 300 - p 301. (Illustrated).
- Platinum in the Transvaal, p 295 - p 296.
- Sixty Years Ago, p 293.
- South African Engineering Notes, p 305.
- Labour-Saving Elevators.
- Large S.A.R. Orders.
- World's Largest Water Valve.
- Union's 1925 Maize Crop.
- A Large Rock Hoist.
- Motor Car Centre - Ford.
- Rhodesian Irrigation Project.
- Large Power Station at Durban.
- Standardisation in Industry, p 293.
- The Institute of Metals, (No. I), p 292 - p 293.
- Professor Thomas Turner - Retiring president.
- Sir John Dewrance - Elected president.
- George Mortimer.
- R. W. Bailey.
- Samuel L. Hoyt.
- T. R. Schermerhorn.
- The Institution of Civil Engineers, Annual Dinner, p 293.
- Sir William H. Ellis.
- The Technical Fair at Leipzig, p 286 - p 288. (Illustrated)
- Krupps.
- Schmidt's Superheater Co.
- Henry Pels and Co.
- Schiess-Defries.
- Kalker Maschinenfabrik.
- Wanderer-Werke Co.
- Mr Carl Unger.
- Transatlantic Wireless Telephony, p 290 - p 291. (Illustrated).
- War Office Motor Launches, p 309.
- Waterloo Tube Station Reconstruction, p 306.