The Engineer 1938 Jan-Jun: Index
The Engineer 1938 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 165 Index
- ABERDARE Cables, Ltd., Works, 513 Aberystwyth, New Sea Wall, 525
- Acres, H. (1., Outardes Falls Power Development. Canada, 324. 358
- Acworth, Bernard, Alternative Firing on British Men-of-War. 414. 429.Leading Article, 423); (Letter, 474)
- Adams, T., Road Planning. 2711; (Leading Article, 279)
- Adamson Alliance Co., Ltd., Formation. 695
- Adamson, D., and Co., Ltd., Steam-driven Turbo compressor, Stipp. 27.5.38, xvii
- A-1 Electric Welding Appliances Co., Roll Welding Plant for London Transport. 164
- Air France Transatlantique, North Atlantic Air Service, 721
- Air Liquids, Soc., Air and Gas compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxxi
- Air Registration Board, First Annual Report. 695, 71:1
- Air-Maze Corporation, Air Filters for Compressors, Suppl., 27.5.38. xxix
- Airspeed, Ltd., " Envoy 1 I I " Aircraft, 4
- Alton and Co., Ltd., P. B. Evaporator for Norwich Power Station, 274
- Akers Mek. Verksted AlS, Fred Olsen Motor Liner " Black Prince." 6n2
- Albion Motors, Ltd., Trolleybus Criticism, 463 .,
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., " File-All " Filing Machine, 657
- Alexander, H. A., The Severn Tunnel—Its Care and Maintenance, 585
- Alexander, H., Holidays with Pay, 506
- Alfloe, Ltd., Locomotive Feed Water Treatment . (85)
- Alford, J. S., Slide Rules. 113
- Alldays and Onions, Ltd., Roots Blowers, Sup/)t., 27.5.38. xxii
- Allen, Edgar. and Co., Ltd., " Thixlicto " Heat ing Steel, (7(17)
- Allen, Mr., Aerofoil Sections in Screw Propellers, 533
- Allington Tidal Sluices, River M.•dway, 2:3
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Turbo-blowers and Rotary Compressors, Suprt., 27.5.38. xxiv
- Allison, H., and L. E. Benson. Relief of I eternal Stress in Castings, 711
- Allott, C. S., and Son, Barton Power Station Extensions. 535, 538
- American Air Filter Co., Ititerehangeable Filter Cells for Compressors, 8uppt., 27.5.38, xxix
- American Locomotive Co., Oil-electric. Locomotives, 100; New Streamlined 4 6 4 Locomotives for Chicago and Non h -‘1 Railroad, (421); New 4-6 -4 11 ials-n " Type Locomotives for New York Central SySt1•111, 085
- American Railway Engineering Association, Annual fleeting, 450
- Amulree, Lord, Holidays with Pay Report, 509
- Anderson. Mr. Matthew. Appointed Director, Coal Utilisation Council, (193)
- Angus, T. C., Dust Control in Industry. 660
- Aplin, W. H. S., Substitute for " " Branch Pipe, 71 I
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Ltd., Record Furnace Output , (393)
- Argentine National Elevator Scheme, 211 Argentine State Railways, " Mikado " Loco• motive. 463
- Armco Corporation. '• Cardox " Cartridges for Breaking Up Slag in Fu•nitees, (593)
- Armistead R. J. Rees. Selection of a Profession, 712
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors. Ltd., Aero-eogine. of 1937. 44
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W. G., Ltd Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Railcars of 1937. 72
- Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft. Sir W. G., Ltd., Imperial Airways " Ensign class air liners, (109). 125
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Palace of Engineering. Glasgow Empire Exhibition. 671; Riveting Machines, R.L. Gas Cutting Machine, Wylie Safe Load Indicator. Bridge Nludelm, 704
- Arthel, Heliostat. Illumination of 13161,161gs, 4211
- Asea Electric Co., Voltage Regulators, (11)6
- Asquith. William Ltd., Boring and \Idling .Nlaehines for I y limited Co., Ltd., 1-5
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Rai!ears of 1937, 72
- Association of Special Libraries and I lamina. tier, Iiii•ea-x, Conference at Oxford, (165)
- A.T.G. " T-bator " Drain Pip, Forming and Laying Nlachine, 417
- Augusts, Ltd., Sand Distributing and Preparing Plant at Ruston awl Hornsby's Line°In 1,Vorks. 619. 622
- Aurora Borealis Display and l(i4liol)isturbaneem (1:17)
- Austerlitz Bridge Reinforcement, 644
- Austin. J. B., Blast-furiniee Efficiency, (277)
- Automatic Coil Winder and Equipment, Co., Ltd., High Light Exposure Meter. 103
- Avery. W. and T., Ltd., Avery-Brownsdon Wear and Lub•ieant Tester, Transposing Me,li-nisto for Conveyor System. I X S
- BABCOCK and Willcox, Ltd., Extra High-pressure mid Temperature Boiler for Battersea Power Station. 161; Circular Air Register and Chain (irate Stoker, 187; Large Seamless Steel Boiler Drums, 201 Exhibits at Clasgow, 591; Boiler Works Research Department at Renfrew, 594, 600
- Bache, W. J., Presidential Address. I.M. E.A., 597; (Letter, 617)
- Bacon, N. H., Casting Pit, Practice, 561
- Baekeland, L. H., M 0,0101 Medal Award, (loft)
- Bailey, H. A., Obituary, (307)
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., Small General. purpose Compressors, 599
- Baker. G. S., The Qualities of a Propeller Alone and Behind a Ship, 533
- Baker. H. P., and E. E. Hoadley, Street Lighting. 624
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Streamlined Locomotives for N.Y., N.H., and H. Railroad. 29 (Supplement. January 711,. 1938); New 4-5 4 Passenger and Freight Service Engines. (567)
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Linings for 1.,P.T.13., 353
- Ballistics Research Department Woolwich, Thyratron Counter Chronograph. 596
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Study of the Life of Steel Rails, 458
- Bank of England. New oil Engines. Harland and Wolff, Ltd.,:114
- Bank of France, New Vaults. 446, 448
- Barclay, Andrew. Sons and Co., Ltd., Six-coupled 0 6 0 Oil-engined Locomotive for 1.C.1., 72
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., British I nib., Troopship " Dunera." 22 (Sup/dement. Jaw, (ley 711t, 1935)
- Barimar Ltd., Heavy Welding Job, 59
- Barlow, H. M., Protective Relay for Dischitrgi. Tubes, 54
- Barr and Stroud. Ltd., Submarine Periseop% Torpedo Depth and Roll Recorder, Height and Range Finder. Topographical Stereo. scope. 529
- Barson, A. C., Calculation of Wheel Loads, 545
- Barton Power Station, Manchester, Extensions. 534. 538
- Bathurst Power and Paper Co., Power Station at a Canadian Paper Mill, 494
- Battersea Power Station, Extra High-pressure and Tern Boiler, 161: Extensions,
- Baudot-Hardoll Soc., Rotary Compressor. Suppt., 27.5.38, xxx
- Baze, W. L., System of Ship Stabilisation, 676
- Beatty, Sir David, Unification of Canadian Railways, (109)
- Bechard, Monsieti•, Steam.generating Turbo• motor, 647
- Bedlington Coal Co., Ltd., Burning Pit Heaps, (537)
- Beiler, A. H., A 400 Thyratron Motor, 143
- Belfast, and Northern Ireland Industrial Development Committee, Factory Facilities in Northern Ireland, (80)
- Bell, R., Transport on British Railways, (5-7)
- Belling and Lee, Ltd., Radio Field Strength and Noise Nleasuring Set. 247
- Belliss and Morcom. Ltd., Steam-driven Twin. cylinder Gas Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38. iv; Industrial Gas Coriipressor. Suppt., 27.5.3s, xiii; Twin-cylinder Exhauster Set, Surpt., 27.5.3m, .iii; 1000 cubic, foot Capacity Tur-o-eoni-ressor, Suppt., 27.5.38. xvii
- Belsey, W. J., An Alternating-current. Power System for Diesel-engined Ships. 441
- Bennett. P. F., Nominated President-elect. F.B.I., 69
- Benson, F. W., Propellers for Tugs awl wlers, 534
- Benson, L. E., and H. Allison. Relief if Internal Stress in ('a stings, 711
- "Berengaria," Cunard White Star Liner. Fire on. (277)
- Berlin-Stettin Autobahn, 9 (Supplement, January 7th, 1935)
- Bertram, F. G. L., Obituary, (365)
- Bessemer Gold Modal Awarileil to Dr. C. H. Desch, (277). 54n
- Bethune-Williams, D., Park and Buildings, Empire Exhibition. Clasgow. 497. 669. 678; (Correction. 718)
- Biddle. R. P., Shipbuilding Costs, (81)
- Billiten Joint Mining Co., Salvage of tits' " Lutine," (567)
- Binnie, W. J. E., Elected President of Instit ution of Civil Engineers, (567)
- Binns, Asa, Retirement from Port of London Authority, 265
- Birkett, T. M., and Sons, Ltd., Gear for Nonmagnetic Ship " Resear•h." (593)
- Birmingham Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd. Railcars of 1937. 72
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Cont out. Bolt Conveyor Furnace, 218
- Biskeborn, H. W., Electrical Condensers, (165)
- Blackburn Aircraft Ltd., Aero•enginos of 1937, 43
- Blackwall Tunnel, A Seeond. 10. 125
- Blakiston, J., Modern Manufacture of Machine Tool Castings, 712
- Blasberg, Friedr., " F B M " Chrome Hardenulg Process, 474
- Bleichert Mitchell, Ltd., Ve•tiliser Works Telpher Plant at King's Lynn. 576
- Bleichert Transportanlagen, 0.m.b.H Rot any Shovel, 416
- Blohm and Voss, Royal Packet Motor Line, l3oissvain," 84; Ilani-urg•Amerika Liner Ordered, (507)
- Blue Star Line. Ltd., Motor Cargo Liners Ordered, (307)
- B. and N. Line Royal Mail. Ltd., Newcastle-Bergen Motorship " Vega." 684
- Boby, Robert. Ltd., V84'11111E1 Pump, Suppy, 27.5.38. xiii
- Boeing 307 and 307.5 "Stratoliner," (421)
- Bolinders Co., Ltd., New Marine and Stationary Oil Engines, 172
- Bolton and Lakin, Ltd., !liver Improvement Birmingham,:32
- Bone. W. A., Obituary, 081
- Boric, W. A., Dr. Saunders. and Dr. Tress, Gases and Ore in Blast Furnaces. 612
- Bonn. A. G., Construction of Trans- I Railway, (307)
- Booth, Thomas, Obituary, 198
- Born, Max, Statistical Laws of Nature (Kelvin Lecture), 493
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Removal to Wolverhampton, 4
- Brackett, F. W., and Co., Ltd., Circulating Water Screens awl Penstoekm for Norwich l'.,wer Station, 27:1, 278
- Bradbury. T. A., and F. O. Straub. Boiler Witt or Treatment, 5:12
- Bragg, Sir William, Awarded instil slit ol Metals Medal, 304; Glistave Canet Memorial ',velure, 525
- Bragg. W. Scientific Problems of Industry, (165); Appointed Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics, 237
- Brand, Charles, and Sons, Ltd., Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel Works. 10, 82, 85
- Brassey, Sir Charles, Highway Development Survey of Greater London. 566; (Leading Article. 509)
- Braunkohlen-Benzin, A.G., Lignite 11 yo ro. -enat ion in Germany, (365)
- Bridge, I. C., Struct swat Stress in Oil Tankers 46tS
- Briggs, E. R., Engineering Wages. 698
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., " Bombay Twin-engined Transport Bomber, and Blenholm " Day Bomber, 2 (Sup-piens/mt. Janiucey 71h, 1938); Aero-engines of 1937, 43; Sleeve-valve Aero-engines, 455, (649)
- British Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., " Double Eagle " Air Survey Machine, 4, 18
- British Airways. Ltd., Summer Services, (307); Lockheed Air Liners Ordered. (475); Move to Heston, (621)
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Applications of Aluminium at Glasgow Exhibition. 501
- British Corporation Register of Shipping awl Aircraft, Annual Report. 295
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Annual Report, 142 • I nsintgration or Liquid Surfaces in High Electric Fields, 596
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Report.:147
- British Electrical Development Association Annual Meeting and Luncheon,:i2:3
- British Foundry School. Fourth Session. (392) British ((its Federation, Forge Shop Furnace, 219
- British Industries Fair. Birmingham, 187. 211. 216, 243. 269, (307)
- British Industries Fair. 1939 (399)
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., L.N.E.R., Eleetrificution Scheme Contract, (446); Magnetic Moulding Machines, 591
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., Swing I yaiuim let. Gypsum Pulveriser,:344; Elves ric Shaker Conveyor Driving Gear, 714
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Caledonian Power Scheme, 24, 265; Calcium Carbide Factories. 97
- British Physical Laboratories. Coil-Matching Unit. d11.1 Citinteity Bridge wit :11 I V -met er, 76
- British Power Boat Co., Motor Torpedo Boats for Admiralty, (1:17); Inquiry by Admiralty. 437
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Portable Surge Orwillogruph anti Impulse th.nerat 13: Shield Grid Thyrat roil, 14: Turbogenerator Work in 1937. 31 Light Mg Unit for Machine 'fools, 145; Fractional Horse-power Geared Motor Units, 173 High-efficiency Synchronous Motors, 255; Feeder Equipment for Norwich power Station, 299; Register of Ex-apprentices. (374); Voltage Regulators. 526, 556,611: Mercury Arc Rectifiers. Ring Main Switch. gear, and Wren). " H " Lantern. 532: High-speed Recurrent Surge r hieillograph. Shield Grid l'hyrat run. 596
- British Timken, Ltd, Large Case-hardening Furnace. 174
- Broadbent, H. F., Australia-England Air Record, (507)
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., Guillotine Shearing %whines, 244: New Cut I ing-41 Lathe, 713
- Broom and Wade Ltd., Portable Ai., Compressor, 173; A New Road Breaker 230; two-stage Double-acting Ad Compressors Suppt., 27.5.38, ii; Pneumatic ttiveterm, 575 Air Compressor Plaat t'ar Educational Purposes. 8211
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., Ammonia Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38. ix; Hydrogen and Oxygen Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xi
- Brotherhood, Stanley, Obituary, (539), 565
- Browett Lindley, J. (1931), Ltd. Steam-driven (las Compresso•,ppt.' 27.5.38, iv; (Correction, 648); Monobloc Compressor, 598
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Air Blast. Circuit. Breakers, 454; Turbine for Canadian Paper Mill Power Station, 495; Centrifugal Compressor and " Reversed Turbine ' Compressor. Suppt., 27.5.38, xxxiii; Voltage Regulators, 638
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.). Ltd., Gear Drive for Armour Plate Planing Machine, 145
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., New Zealand Cargo Liner " Sussex," 23 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938), (593)
- Brownsdon. H. W., Awarded Thomas Turner Research Medal, (19:3)
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Converting Plant, 46
- Bruce-Gardner, Sir Charles, Appointed Chairman, Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd., 69
- Brunet, Monsieur, Construction Doek at St. Nazaire, 676
- Bryan, A. M., Accidents in Coal Mines. (Ml)
- Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., Gas Engine Driven Gas Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xiii; Six and Two-blade Blowers, Suppt., 27.5.38. xxi
- Bryce, Ltd., Transformers for Trolleybus Rectifier Sub-station, 107
- Buenos Aires Pacific Railway Co., 240 H.P. Railcars, 99, 199
- Building Centre, Exhibits Dealing with Air Raid Precautions, (249)
- Building Research Station, Investigation of the Strength of Bridges, 710
- Burckhardt Engineering Works, Mixed Gas Horizontal Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxxiv
- Bureau of Analysed Samples. Ltd., New British Chemical Standards, (392)
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Sole. Pneumatic Gauging System, 373
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics. Va•,incy, (507)
- Butterley Co., Ltd., L.M.S. Railway and Canal Bridge at Spondon, 484
- Butters Brothers and Co., 3-Ton Electric Overhead Travelling Crane Grab. Electric Hoisting Winch, 3-Ton Power Derrick Crane, Mono-tower Cranes, 613
- Byrom, C. R., Retirement. from L.M.S. Railway, (593)
- Bywater, H. C., Naval Construction in 1937, 5 (Supplement. January 7th. 1938)
- CADMAN Report on Civil Aviation. 265, 310 (Leading Article, 309)
- Cadoux, Etabts., " Durisol " Plywood. (550)
- Caldon Canal, Construction of a Duct Line, 715 Caledonian Power Bill. 24, 265
- California Irrigation Project, 718
- Callender, G. S., Carbon Dioxide and the Atmosphere, (221)
- Callender-Hamilton Unit-Construction Co., Fabricated Hangars, 117
- Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Ltd., Construction of a Duct Line Beneath Caldon Canal, 715
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Stylus-on-Celluloid Recorders, Meter Testing instruments, Vernier Potentiometer, and Dynamometer Reflecting Wattmeter, 15; Stereo- Comparator, 596
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Cunard White Star Liner " Mauretania," 21; Ellerman Liner " City of Capetown," 22 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938): Annual Meeting, (393) Aircraft Carrier " Ark Royal," (507)
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, Motor Yacht " Bluebird," (677)
- Canadian Niagara Power Co., Ltd., Weir at Niagara. 176
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Semi-streamlined 4.4-4 Passenger Locomotive, 30 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938)
- Canal du Nord, Completion Attempt, 663 Candy Filter Co., Ltd., Cape Town Water Purification Plant, 557, 568
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., Automatic Polishing Machine, 218
- Cantieri Riuniti dell Adriatico, Swedish Motor Liner " Stockholm," (621); Newcastle-Bergen Motorship " Vega," 684
- Cape Town Harbour, 176, 289, 405, 525, (537), 654
- Cape Town Power Station, 406
- Cape Town Water Purification Plant, 557, 568 " Capetown Castle," Union-Castle Liner, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 471, 502
- Caquot, A., Elected President, Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France. 123
- Carr, W. M., Co-ordination of Gas Supply. (621)
- Cartwright, W. F., The Design and Operation of a Modern Blooming Mill, 630, 650, 658, 687
- Castlecary Railway Disaster, L.N.E. Railway Inquiry Report, 695
- Catskill Creek Bridge, New York, Rebuilding of, (335)
- Catterson-Smith, R. M., Transportable Loading Resistances, li;
- C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Automatic Starting Arrangement on L.M.S. Oil-engined Train. 391
- Cavendish Professorship of Experimental Physics, Appointment of W. L. Bragg, 237
- Central Electricity Board. Activity during 1937, 30; Annual Report. 368
- Chadburn, Colonel A. W., Obituary, (446)
- Chadwick. R., Soft Soldered Joints, 327
- Chalmers, Bruce Boundary between Tin Crystals, (51)
- Chalmers, R., Committee on the Status of the Engineer, 227
- Chamber of Shipping, Mr. A. A. Soutar Nominated us President, (193); Annual Report, 353
- Chambers. G. M., Launch of the " Nieuu Aisterdam. 467
- Chamier, J. A., Proposed Thames Airport, 237; Eight-cylinder Aero Oil Pump, 314
- Charley. IR. M., The Grid and Transformers (376)
- Chatley, H., Thames Floods, 113
- Chaytor, J. C., Air Conditioning, 640
- Chelsea Bridge. Rondel, Palmer and Tritton, 10 (Supplement, January 7th. 1938)
- Chesterfield and Bolsover Water Board, New Perimitit " Water Softening Plant, (249)
- Chesterfield Colliery Disaster, 525
- Chesterfield Tube Co., Ltd., Manufacture of Weldless Steel Hollow Forgings, 506
- Cheaters. J. H., Steel Works Refractories, 541
- Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., Horizontal Duplex
- Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38. xxix Chickamauga Dam, Tennessee ‘'alley Authority. 4 12
- Christie. A. G., Steam Turbine Construction in Europe and America. 238, 266, 296
- Christie, S. P., Possible Abuse of the Grid. 417
- Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Ltd., New Plant, 432
- Cierva Autogiro Co., Ltd., Work during 1937, 4
- Cincinnati-Bickford Tool Co., Now " Super Service " Radial Drill, 256
- Ciocca, Gaetano, " Guided " Roads in Italy, 406 Citex Oil Wharves. Biological Action in an Oil Tank, 493; (Leading Article, 539)
- "City of Cape Town," Ellerman Liner, 22 (Supplement. January 7th. 1938)
- Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co., Ltd., " Gycentric " Silencer-economiser, 189
- Clay Products Technical Bureau, Standard Bricks. 575
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Richmond Bridge Widening, 10; Finnieston Bridge. Glasgow, 11; Howrah Bridge Across Hooghly River, 12; Verrugas Bridge, Peru, 354, 366; (Correction, 413)
- Clothier, H. W., Obituary, 310
- Clouston, A. E., Britannia Trophy Award, (10))
- Clouston, A. E., and V. Ricketts. Record Flight to New Zeeland, (335), (365)
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Co., Ltd., Developments, 437
- Cobb, John, Car for Land Speed Record, (421)
- Cochin Harbour Railway Extensions. (507)
- Cochran and Co., Annan. Ltd., " Accessible " Gas-tired Boiler, 190
- Codd, A. Mortimer, Electrostatic Generator. 75
- Coldair. Ltd., New Refrigerator Factory at North Wembley, 502
- Cole. A. P., Destroyer Turning Circles, 415 Coleshill, Birmingham, Sewage Work Extensions, (230), (537)
- Collet and Engelhard, Electrically Driven Copying Milling Machines, 331
- Colvilles, Ltd., Mossend Steel Works. 237; Extension Scheme, 437
- Combustion Engineering Co., " VU " Steam Generator for Canadian Paper Mill Power Station, 494
- Costantini, M., Vibration in Ships. 466
- Constanza, Rumania, Abattoir at, 482
- Controlled Heat and Air, Ltd., Stove-enamelling Oven, 269
- Cook, F. J., New Foundry at Dursley, R. A. Lister anal Co., Ltd., 476, 480
- Cook, M., Nickel Brasses, 326 cook, S. S., Marine Steam Turbine Design. 9!)
- Cooper, A. R., Retirement from L.P.T.B., 1
- Coppus Engineering Corporation, Filters for Compressors. $uppt., 27.5.38, xxix
- Court Line, Ltd., New Ships Ordered. (165)
- Craven Brothers (Manchester). Ltd., Large Armour Plate Planing Machine. 89; High speed Planing Machine for Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 104
- Crawford. R., Electricity in Mines, (193)
- Crawford, W. R., The Mechanical Construction of Certain Special Curves, 440
- Croft. E. H., Railway Wheels. 546
- Crofts (Engineers). Ltd., Special Variable. speed Drive, 256;
- Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., Improved A.C. Motors, 59; Fractional Horse-power Motors, 602
- Crosse and Blackwell, Ltd., Broadcasting Installation, Philips Lamps, Ltd., (575)
- Crossley Premier Engines, Ltd.,, Oil Engine Compressor Set, Suppt., 27.5.38, xv
- Croydon Typhoid Outbreak, Report. 196
- Cuenod, H., " Simplex " Automatic Voltage Regulator, 697
- Cullen, Dr. W., World Metal Supplies. (221), (277)
- Currie, Sir William, Appointed Chairman of P. & 0. Co., Ltd., (393)
- Cutland, R. S., and J. L. Kent, High-speed Ships in Smooth and Rough Water, 442
- DADSWELL. C. J., English and Anierienn Steel Foundry Practice, 711
- Daniels, E. J., The Hot-tinning of Fabricated Articles, (365)
- Darby, W. Sinkler, " Palpak " Hand-cleansing Outfit, (578)
- D'Arcy Exploration Co., Oil Search in Derbyshire, (81)
- Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel Works, 10; Compressor Plant, Robey and Co., Ltd, 82.85
- Darwins, Ltd., British-American Industrial Developments, 695
- David, W. T., Thermodynamics of the Petrol Engine. 438, 464
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Roots Blower for Conveying Plant, Suppt., 27.5.38. xxii
- Davies. J. A., Open-hearth Steel Practice, Fuel, 542
- Davis. L. J., Road Illumination, 317; (Leading Article, 279)
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Darnall Works, 104. 110
- De Havilland Aircraft. Co., Ltd., " Albatross " Air Liner, 3, 18; Aero-engines of 1937, 43; Aircraft Orders, 1165
- De Laval Steam Turbine Co., Centrifugal Compressors and Suppt., 27.5.38. xxix
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., Stelae Cutting Tools, (532)
- Demag, A.G., Large Level Luffing Crane, 418; Air and Gas Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxxv
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., Motor Ship " Royal Sovereign " and Paddle Steamer " hyde," 22; Twin-screw Motor Ship for L.M.S. Railway, (137); Southern Railway Motor Car Ferry " Lymington." (393), 516
- Desch, C. H., A Chemist's View of Metallurgy, 270; Bessemer Cold Medal Award, (277), 540; Elected PresIdent, Institute of Metals, 304
- "Destron " Pulley Discs, Douglas Lawson and Co., Ltd., (232)
- Deutsche Werke Kiel A.O., Six-cylinder Gas Engine, 474
- Dick. J., Stresses in a Mine Winding Rope During Braking. 78; Graphical Method of Analysis for Torsional Vibrations, 267; (Letters, 566, 592, 676)
- Dickinson, T. M., New Instruments for Testing Coils, 483
- Dog-in-a-Doublet Lock and Sluices on River Nene, 23
- Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Ltd., Sydney Steel Works Additions, 432 Doncaster Municipal Airport, (165)
- Dorey, S. F., Awarded Porcy Still Medal by D. E.U.A., (109)
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Storstrom Bridge, Denmark, 11; Otto Bait Bridge, Zambesi. 12; Chian Tang River Bridge, 118; Menai Suspension Bridge Contract. (593); Calder Bridge Reonatruetion. L.N.E. Railway, (649), (707)
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Oil Engine. for Private Motor Cars, 79
- Dover-Dunkerque Ferry, Southern Railway, 229
- Dowson, R., The Aeroplane and the Steam Turbine, 251
- Doxford, Wm., and Sons, Ltd., New Ship for Court Line, Ltd., (165)
- Dravo Corporation, Spillway Gates at. Pickwick Landing Dam, 654
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., Railcars of 1937. 72; Oil-engined Railcars for South America. 332
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., " Acluair " Rotary Vacuum Pump. Suppt., 27.5.38, xxiii
- Du Buat's Experiments, F. W. Woods.:386 Duddell Medal Awarded to Professor Hans Geiger, 555
- Dudley, Lord, Presidential Address, Iron and Steel Institute, 540
- Duncan Stewart and Co., Ltd., 12in. Section Mill and Air-hydraulic Accumulator, 565
- Duncan, W. J., Torsion and Torsional Oscillation or Blades, 533
- Dunell, Hubert, Obituary, 369
- Dunston, Richard, Ltd., Tugs for L.N.E.R, Fitted with Komi Propulsion. (421)
- Durban's New Floating Dock, 176. 550 Durban's New Water Scheme, 299,:318
- "Durisol," Plywood. Etabts. Cadoux, (550)
- Dyal, J., Obituary. (620)
- Dyson. R. A., and Co., Ltd., A thin Transporting Vehicle. 144; New Rotel-rail Vehicle for L.NI.S. Railway, 398
- EAGLE Oil and Shipping Ltd., N.,v Motorships Ordered. (51)
- East London Harbour Improvements. South Africa, 212, 222
- Ebbw Vale Works Reservoir, 97
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., Condenser Discharge SwitAth, 55; Water Displays at Glasgow Empire Exhibition. 673, 678: (Correction, 716)
- Edwards, C. A., D. L. Phillips, and D. F. C, Thomas, Acid Attack on Itl-ld Steel, 612
- Edwards. F. J., Ltd., " Beset) " Nibbler Shearing Nlaehine, 190
- Eldorado Gold Mines. Ltd., Ontario, New Roasting Plant . 690
- Electrical and Musical Industries, Ltd., The " Emitron," 596
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Mumetal Current Transformer and Temperature Indicator, 15; Extensions at an Eleet rival Instrument Works, 343
- Ellison, George, Ltd., New Emergency Switch. 629
- Ellison Insulations, Ltd., " Tufnol " Reinforced Artificial Resin Bearings, 16. 60
- Engineering Public Relations Committee. Inaugural Luncheon, 37; (Leading Article, 53); Annual Report, 381
- Engineers' Club, Manchester, Annual General Meeting, (373)
- Engineers' Guild, 227, (376), 493, 555; (Leading Article, 595), 648
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Turbines and Generators for Lochaber, 31; Railcars of 1937, 38; Oil-electric Trains for Ceylon, 115; Engines for Oil-electric Trinity House Vessel " Patricia," 169; A 25 Years' Old Oil Engine, 173; High-speed Oil Engine for Railcars, 228; 102 H.P. Oil-engined Railcars for South America, 332; Victoria Falls Water Power Contract 682
- English Steel Corporation. Model of 2311-Ton Ingot, 590
- Ennis, Lawrence, Obituary, 544
- Escher Wyss Engineering Works, Turbo-compressor. Suppt., 27.5.38, xxxiv
- Essen. L., Quartz Oscillator, 596
- Evans, E., Lighted Signals in Underground Tunnels. (567)
- Evans, E. C., Time Studies in Rolling Mills. 589
- Evans. E. V., Heat Generation by Electricity, (307); Considerations upon the Processing of Coal, 683
- Evans. U. R., Painting I ron and Steel Work. (393)
- Everett. Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., Wattmeter, 77 ^InIti•Range Transformers, 102
- Evershed and Vignoles. Detector Spike and 5000-Volt Megger Testing Set, 55
- Ewing Medal. Award to Mr C. S. Franklin, (137), 493
- FAIRBURN, C. E., Industrial Frequency Single-phase Railways, 401
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Low-wing " Bat tle " Bomber, 2
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Anchor Liner " Cireassia," 23 (Supply. uses!, January 7th. 1938); Sir Alexander Kennedy's Retirement. 69
- Falmouth Sub-Committee's Report on Oil from Coal, 181, 215, 241, 411, 583 (Leading Article. 223)
- Faraday Document Opened by Royal Society, 353
- Faraday Lecture. The Evolution of Electrical Power, A. P. M. Fleming. 555
- Faraday Medal Awarded to Sir John (109)
- Fawcett, E. A. Sandford, Obituary, 397
- Feather, G., Obituary, (220-
- |Fedden, A. H. R., Elected President, Royal Aeronautical Society, (621); Awarded Guggenheim Gold Modal, (649)
- Federation of British Industries, Mr. P. Bennett Nominated President-Elect, 69; Annual Meeting, 411
- Fellows, J. R., and A. P. Kratz, Air Duets. (707) Fen Drainage. 125
- Fenner, A. J., Non-destructive Testing of Welds (The Stethoscope Method), 400; (Leading Article, 449)
- Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow). Ltd. New Vehicular Ferry Boat. for Clyde Navigation Trustees- (365) New Salvage Ship for Colombo, (593)
- Ferguson. Pailin and Co., Ltd., Improved Low-tension Industrial Switchgear, 171
- Ferranti, Ltd., Live Line Tester, and Vibration Indicator, 14; Moving Coil Voltage Regulator, 135
- Fiegehen, E. G., Travelling Carriages for Portable Cranes. 360,:184; (Letter. 545)
- Fieldner, A. C., Fuels of To-day and To-morrow. (365)
- "File-all" Filing Machine. G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., 657
- Finnieston Bridge, Glasgow. II
- Firebrace, Commander, Appointed Chief Officer. London Fire Brigade, (621)
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown. Ltd., Large Seamless Steel Boiler Drums, 201
- Fleming, A. P. M., The Evolution of Electrical Power (Faraday Lecture), 555
- Florida's Everglades, The Drainage of, 444
- Focke, Professor, Unusual Autogiro Flight (193)
- Foot, J., and Son. Ltd., Stairway Lifts for Residences, 685
- Ford, Henry, James Watt International Medal Award, 463
- Ford, L. H., and C. E. Webb, Non-destructive Testing of Welds, 400; (Leading Article, 449)
- Forman, R. S., Special Areas, 50
- Forrest, James. Lecture, Disorderly Molecules and Refrigerating Engineering. Sir Frank Smith, 510, 527
- Foster Instrument Co., Photo-electric High-speed Recording Pyrometer, 16
- Fowler, R. H., Appointed Director, National Physical Laboratory. 609
- Fox, E. J., Medal Awarded to Mr. J. E. Hurst. (677)
- Franklin. C. S., Ewing Medal Award. (137), 493
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works. 50.000 cubic feet. per Minute Blower, Suppt., 27.5.38. xvi; Four-stage Single-flow Blower, Suppt., 27.5.38, xvii
- Fraser River Bridge, British Columbia, 432
- Freeman, Sterry B., Marine Engineering Problems of To-day. 717 (Leading Article, 709)
- French National Railways, Psycho-technical Laboratory, 546; Standardised Stock. (567)
- Frisch. Martin. Trends in Steam Generator Design. 287, (Letter. 339)
- Fry, Lawford H., The Analysis of Locomotive Test Data, 159. 184
- Fuel Research Station. Annual Visitation. 609
- Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Resistor On-load Tap-changing Equipments. 430; Transformer Coolers, 454
- GALLENKAMP, A., and Co., Ltd., Sae Distribution Meter. 10:1
- Galveston Causeway, U.S.A., 458
- Galway Harbour, Improvement Works. (277)
- Ganz and Co., Redeem of 1937, 99
- Garabit Bridge. Fiftieth Anniversary. Single paragraph. 523
- Gardner-Denver Co., Air and Uas Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38. xxvii
- Garrod, Air Commodore A. G. R., Appointed Director of Equipment. Air Ministry. (451)
- Gas Light and Coke Co., Gas-fired Furnace. 104
- Gauthier. G. G., Aluminium Alloys. 712
- Gawn, R. W. L., Effect of Shaft Brackets on Propeller Performance. 533
- Geary, W., Presentation of NV Miami Prize, tron and Steel Institute, 540; Hot Metal Pram ice in Fixed Furnaces, 561
- Gebel Aulia Dam. Sudan. 25
- Geiger, Professor Hans, Duddell Medal Award, .555
- General Aircraft Co., Ltd., " Monospar " with Tricycle Undercarriage, 4. 18
- General Electric Co. of America, New Instruments for Testing Coils, 483
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Turbo-generator work in 1937, 31; High Breaking Capacity Stonework Cubicle Switchgear. 32; Extensions at. Wembley Research Laboratories, 45; Apparatus for Investigating Picture Characteristics, 103; Steel Works Motors. 201; Trolleybus Circuit Breakers, 202 Grunewald Bright Annealing list allatioo 243; Switchgear for Norwich Power Station. 297; An Outdoor Fuse Isolator, 402; New Refrigerator Factory (Coldair, Ltd.), 502; Air Raid Precautions Scheme, (567): Street Lighting Investigation. 590
- Genissiat Hydro-electric Station. River Rhone. (275)
- Gent and Co., Ltd., Motor-driven Syron. Liquid Level Indicator, 216
- Geyer, E. W., Temperature Indication on Internal Combustion Indicator Diagrams, 389
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, Roads and Railways. (81)
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., Large Case-hardening * Furnace for British Timken, Ltd., 174
- Gibson, J., Cold Metal Practice in Fixed Furnace., 561
- Gill, A. J., and S. Whitehead, Electrical Interference with Radio Reception. 392
- Gillam, J. W., Record Flight in " Hurricane " Monoplane, (193)
- Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., Race Timing Clock, 192
- Gilies, Captain J., Obituary, (593)
- Glasgow, Empire Exhibition, Park and Buildings, D. Bethune-Williams, 497, 669, 678 (Correction, 7 I 6)
- Glasgow, Empire Exhibition. Opening Ceremony, 501; Descriptions of Exhibits. 498, 529, 563, 589, 613, 644, 703; (Letter, 566)
- Glasgow, Empire Exhibition, Attendance Figures, (649)
- Glasgow Salvage Association. Annual Meeting. (137)
- Glenfield and Kennedy. ma., Peebles Rotary Strainer, Sand Washer, " Hydrostat " Chemical Pump. 645; Wave-generating Plant. Electrically Operated Slides Valve, 1146
- Golden Gate Bridge. Wind Effect. on, (307;
- Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co., Ltd., Sir Malcolm Campbell's Motor 'Yacht " Blue-bird." 1677)
- Goudie, W. J., Retirement from Glasgow University. 69
- Gough. H. J., Appointed Director of Scientific Research, War Office. 609; Materials of Aircraft Construction (Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture), 626
- Grafton Cranes, Ltd., Cranes for L.N.E. Boil • way, (446)
- Grand Coulee Darn, Columbia River. Washington. (17), 25. (Supplement. January 7th. 1938i 126. 138, 154, 166. 183
- Great Northern Railway of Ireland, Articulated Railcars. Walker Brothers (Wigan). Ltd., 456;
- Great Western Railway, Automatic Train Control. (17); New and Reconditioned Locomotives, 29; New Halts. (137) Track Renewal Programme, (165); 'Manor' Class 4-6-0 Locomotives, 191; Electrification Scheme, 211; A Locomotive Relic ("Tiny"), 316; Repainting of Saltash Bridge. (537); Air Raid Precautions Scheme, 583; Summer Train Services. 695; Engines Named After Brunel and Gooch, (706)
- Great Western Steam Laundry. Glasgow. Explosion. (447)
- Greatrex, F. B., Electricity in Sweden To-day, 1475)
- Green, E., and Son. Ltd., Foster Economisers for Norwich Power Station, 273 Economisers at Barton Power Station. 536. 538
- Grimsby Dock Gates Renewal Works, (447)
- Grunewald Bright Annealing Installation. General Electric Co., Ltd., 243
- Guest, Keen, Baldwins Iron and Steel Co., Ltd,. The Design and Operation of a Modern Blooming Mill. W. F. Cartwright. 630. 650, 658. 687
- Guggenheim Gold Medal Awarded to Mr. A. H. Fedden, (649)
- Guntersville Dam. Tennessee Valley Authority. 412. 422
- Gurtler, G., Aluminium Alloys. 712
- Gustave Canet Memorial Lecture. Sir William Bragg. 525
- Gusto Shipyard, Suction Dredgers for U.S.S.R., (593)
- Gwynne Pumps, Ltd., Centrifugal Pump Priming, 78
- Gyproc Products, Ltd., Swing Haunt., Gypsum Pulverise, British Jeffrey- Diannuid, Ltd., 344.
- HACKBRIDGE Electric Construction Co. Ltd., New Tail End Booster. 628
- Haddon, Walter. Obituary. 428
- Hadfield. Sir Robert, Trasenater Medal Award, (335); Tests for Fluidity of Molten Steel, Scratching Tools. 710
- Hadfields. Ltd., Annual Meeting, (447)
- Halbert. J., -, Kilfrost " Anti-Icing Compound. (109)
- Hales Bar Dam, Tennessee Valley Authority, 413
- Hall, B. J., and Co., Ltd., New Photo-copying Machine, 285
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., - Freon " Gas Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38. ix
- Hall, P. E., Catnapped Coalfields in South Africa, 655
- Hammond. R. A. F., and A. W. Hothersall, Porosity of Electro-deposited Coatings. (365)
- Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham. Extensions. 125
- Hanson, D., and E. J. Sandford. Creep of Tin and Tin Alloys. 305
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Union Castle Liner " Capetown Castle," 23, 471. 502; Union Castle Liner " Arundel Castle," 23. 49; Railcars of 1937. 39; Re-engining the " Windsor Castle." (81); Oil•engined Trains for New South Wales. 108; Blue Star Motorships (307): New Oil Engines for the Bank of England. 314; Launch of H.M. Cruiser '• Belfast," 323: Shipbuilding at Belfast, 353 Launch of Shaw-Savill Cargo Liner. " Waimarama," (621) Harrow-on-the-Hill By-pass Road. (365)
- Hartley. Sir Harold, Amenities of Railway Passenger Travel, 411, 472; (Leading Article. 477), (Letter. 546)
- Harvey, A. L., Appointed Assistant Engineer, Tyne Improvement Commission, 323
- Hasselt Welded Bridge, Belgium, Failure of the. 675; (Leading Article, 679)
- Hastings Municipal Aerodrome, (629)
- Haughton, J. L., and A. E. L. Tate, Alloys of Magnesium. 304
- Haweswater Dam. Westmoreland, 24 (Supplement. January 7th, 1938)
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., Hurricane " Single-seater Fighter and " Henley " Two-seater Bomber, 4 (Supplement. January 715. 1938)
- Hayes, Sir Bertram F., Appointed Deputy Master of Company of Master Mariners, (137)
- Hayes, J., Road Bridges in Great Britain, (107)
- Hedley, A. M., De-watering Durham Coal. Mines. (335)
- Hegenscheidt, W., Wheel Centre Turning and Burnishing Lathe, 363
- Helps, R. P. A., Proposed Coloured Routes Through Towns, (137)
- Hendon Air Displays, 97
- Henley, V. F., Dying Aluminium. (431)
- Henley's. W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 1, Spark Tester for Cables, 372; Improved .1 Relay, 402
- Hepworth, J., Presidential Address, Institute a British Foundrymen. 711
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Automatic Door-opening Gear, 60; " Atritor " Coal Pulverisers, Dead Length Bar Chuck, 187; Sensitive Drilling Machine. 256; New Die Head for Right and Left-hand Threads. 285; Geared Electric Headstock Capstan Lathe, No. 4 S.E., 315
- Herbert, E. G., Obituary, (195), 224
- Herbert, E. G., Ltd., Stiffness of Flexure Testers. 248
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Twelve-stage Turbo-compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38. xvi; Two-stage Rotary Air Blower. Suppt., 27.5.38, xx
- Highfield. W. E., Obituary. 544
- Highfield Water Heater, Meldrums. Ltd., 515
- Higgs Motors. Ltd., Totally Enclosed Fan- cooled Motors, 172
- Hilger, Adam. Ltd., Dexrae Industrial X-ray Unit. 76
- Hill, Air Commander R. M., Appointed Director of Technical Development. Air Ministry. (707)
- "Hindenburg." Zeppelin Oisaster. Offie ie I Report, (109)
- Hiwassee Dam, 'Tennessee Valley Authority. 413, 422
- Hoadley, E. E., and H. P. Baker, Street Lighting, 624
- Hodgkinson, A. .1., Bomb-proof Power Station. 419
- Hoffmann, L., Record with " Kranich " Glider. (537)
- Holditch Colliery Disaster. Chief Inspector of Mines' Report, (447)
- Holland, B. A., Engineering Co., Ltd., Two-stage Rotary Compressor Installation and Ammonia Rotary Compressor, Suppl 27.5.38, xx
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Wandsworth Bridge Rebuilding, 10
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Monobloc Compressor. 598; Drill Shank Grinder, 685
- Hong Kong Airport. 520
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Soot Blowers, 657
- Horn, Dr., The Measurement of Wake. 533: (Correction, 575)
- Horst Steudel Motorenfabrik. Twin-cylinder Two-stroke Outboard Motor Boat Engine. 474
- Horton. F., Appointed Chief Inspector of Mines, (335)
- Hothersall. A. W., and R. A. F. Hammond. Porosity of Electro-deposited Coatings. (365)
- Howard, W. W., Brothers and Co., Timber from Waterloo Bridge Foundations. 596
- Howden, James, and Co. (Land), Ltd., Forced and Induced Draught Fans at Barton Power Stations, 536. 538
- Howrah Bridge Across Hooghly River. 12
- Hudson. J. C., Fifth Report of Corrosion Committee, Iron and Steel Institute, 613
- Hudswell. Clarke and Co., Ltd., Eight-cylinder Oil-engined Locomotive, 40
- Hughes Bolckow Ship-breaking Co., Ltd., Purchase of P. & O. Liner " (447)
- Hughes. F. A., and Co., Ltd., Elektron Magnesium Alloys, (232)
- Hughes. W. R. N., Aluminium and its Alloys in Warships. 467
- Hull, Port of. 153
- Hurnboldt-Deutzmotoren A.G., Oil Engines for Railcars. 101: Marine Producer Gas Installation, 473
- Hume, J. Howden, Obituary, 625
- Humphreys. G. L. Howard. Road Construction. 317; (Leading Article. 279)
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Oil-engined Locomotive for War Department, 39
- Hunter. H., The Reheated Reciprocating Marine Steam Engine, 441, 452
- Hurcomb, Sir Cyril, Appointed Chairman of the Electricity Commission. 125
- Hurst, J. E., E. J. Fox Medal Award, (677)
- Hutton, R. S., Training and Employment of Metallurgists, 356; (Leading Article. 367)
- Hyde, R. R., Holidays with Pay. 78
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co., Transmission for Buenos Aires Pacific Railway. 240 H.P. Railcars. 199; Fluid Couplings on Oil-engined Excavators. 339
- Hydrology Sub-Committee. Air Ministry, 601
- IGRAN1C Electric Co., Ltd., Four-speed Motor Controllers and " Lo-Vo-Lite " Lighting Equipments. 14; Optical Lift-Floor Indicator, and Eddy Current Timer and Counter, 56;
- Imperial Airways, Ltd., •• Kilfrost " Anti-icing Compound. (109); " Ensign " Class Air Liners. 125; Empire Air Mail Service Subsidy, (249); Sir John Reith Appointed Chairman, 665
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Research Laboratories at Blackley, Manchester, (51) Locomotive Feed-water Treatment. (85) La Mont Boiler Installation, 336, 340
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Low-temperature• Heat Treatment- Furnace, 219, 269
- Inclinator Co., of America. Stairway Lifts for Residences. 685
- [Ingersoll-Rand Co|Ingersoll Rand Co., Ltd.]], Angle Compound Con., pressor. Suppt., 27.5.38. vii; Air and Gas Compressors, Suppl., 27.5.38, xxviii
- Inland Steel Works, U.S.A., Rimmed Steel Study. 474
- International Combustion, Ltd., Stokers for Norwich Power Station. 273; Stokers for Barton Power Station, 630, 538
- International Corporation, Ltd., Traughber Air and Gas Filtering Plant, 514
- Internationsl Engineering Congress, Glasgow., 1938, 604. 702
- International Tin Research and Development Council, Apparatus for Measuring Tin Coating. 54
- Irving, Captain R. B., Appointed Cunard White Star Line Commodore. (109)
- "Iscor " Steel Works. Wage Dispute. 63; Progress, 654
- Isenthal and Co., Ltd., Voltage Regulatora, 526, 011
- JACKSON, Sir John, Ltd., Singapore Dock and Harbour, (51). 181, 194, 197
- Jarrow Metal Industries Ltd., New Works, 616 Jarrow Steel Works, (165). (677)
- Jarrow Tube Works, Ltd., New Works, 616
- Jenkins. B. C., Specifications for Machine Tools, 160
- Jenkins, Sir Walter. Chairman of National Federation of Iron and Steel Merchants. 695
- Jerusalem Water Supply. 508, 516
- Johannesburg's New Power Station, 290
- Johnson, H., Obituary. (676)
- Jones, E. H., (Machine Tools). Ltd., New " Super Service " Radial Drill, 256
- Jones, H. Spencer, The Prediction of Earthquakes, 92; Astronomer Royal's Report. 665
- Jones, P. L., Recent Developments in Ship Propulsion, (Lowe Gray Lecture). 61
- Jones, W. D., Porosity of Hot-tinned Coatings on Copper. 327
- Jones, W. R. D., and K. J. B. Wolfe. Nickel Copper-Magnesium Alloys, 304
- Junkers Motorenbau. G.m.h.H. Air and Gas Compressor, and Free Piston Crankless Compressor. Suppt., 27.5.38. xxxiv
- "Jutlandia." Fatuous Motorship, Breaking-up. 637
- KANSAS City Southern Railway, Ten-coupled Locomotives. 290
- Karger, G., Screw-cutting and Forming Lathe, 363
- Kearton, W. J., The Development of Blower,: and Compressors. Suppt., 27.5.38, i
- Kelvin Lecture. " Statistical Laws of Nature,' Max Born, 493
- Kelvin Medal Awarded to Sir J. J. Thomson. (249), 493
- Kempf. G., Immersion of Propellers. 534
- Kennedy. Sir Alexander, Retirement from Fairfield Company. 69
- Kennedy. J. P., American Mercantile Marine Programme. (277)
- Kent, George, Ltd., Multelec CO2 Recorder. 55; Automatic Control Equipment for Norwich Power Station. 274; Centenary. 708, 716
- Kent, J. L., and R. S. Outland, High-speed Ships in Smooth and Rough Water, 442
- Kent, J. L., Rough Water Performance. 5:3:3
- Kieserling and Albrecht. Toggle Lever Hot Press and Bar Finishing Lathe, 362
- Kilmarnock Power Station Extensions, (447)
- King George VI Bridge. Bengal. 11 (Supplement, January 7th. 1938)
- King George VI Dock. Singapore. (51), 181. 194, 197
- King's Cup Air Race, (677)
- Kingston, J. R., and W. R. Powell, A Precombustion Ignition Coal Oil Engine. 641
- Kinnear, Moodie and Co., Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Lining for L.P.T.B., 353
- Kitson and Co., Ltd., Closing of Locomotive Building Department. 295
- Kort Propulsion Test . R. Dunston, Ltd., (421)
- Kraft, A. P., and J. R. Fellowes. Air Duet, (707)
- Krebs, Arno, Horizontal Milling Machines, 362
- Krupp. Fried. A.G., Turkish Railway Contract. (537)
- "LAFAYETTE." French Liner. Fire. 525. .553
- Lamb. H. C., and K. Baumann, Present-day Trends in Power Station Practice. 624. 640; (Leading Article. 651)
- La Mont Steam Generator. Ltd., La Mont Boiler Installation for I.C.1., Ltd., 336. 340
- Lamport and Holt Line, Ltd., New Motorships. (365)
- Lancashire Electric Light and Power Co., General Meeting, 266
- Lancashire Industrial Development Council. Reconditioning Old Factories, 37
- Landis. W. S., Electro-thermal Method for Production of Magnesium, (811
- Langdon. J. N., and S. Wyatt, The Machine and the Workers. 295
- Langstone Harbour as an Air Base. (193)
- Larks, Sir W. J., Producer and Consumer, 686
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Pole Caps for A.C. Machines. 373
- Lawson, Douglas, and Co., Ltd., " Destron " Pulley Discs. (232)
- Leeds and Bradford Boiler Co., Ltd., Two-stage Compressor Results, Suppt., 27.5.38. iv
- Leeds and Bradford Municipal Aerodrome at Yeadon. (81), (137)
- Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Coalfield. Fuel Research Survey Paper No. 43. 493
- Leipzig Technical Fair, 1938. 275,:302, 329, 362. 388, 416, 473
- Leyland Motors. Ltd., Railcars of 1937. 72. Rear-engined Bus for L.P.T.B., (191); Engines for L.M.S. Oil-engined Train, 370.:390; New Mudguard for Heavy Vehicles; (593)
- Liddiard, E. A. G., A New Heavy Alloy. 69. (109)
- Lima Locomotive Works. Streamlined 4-8-4 Passenger Locomotives. 29
- Lincoln Vehicular Tunnel, Hudson River. 12 Lind. Peter, and Co., Ltd., Waterloo Bridge, lu
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Mobile Milk Bar, 219; New Foundry at Dursley, 476, 480
- Little, Admiral Sir Charles, Appointed Second Sea Lord (677)
- Liverpool Maritime Research Society. Formation of. 411
- Livesey and Henderson, Verrugas Bridge, Peru. 354, 366; (Correction. 413)
- Lloyd Barrage, Sukkur. 1
- Lloyd, H., Fire-damp Recorder, 75. 227
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 64, 458; Annual Summary, 136; Wreck Returns, (249)
- Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Harbour Tugs for Union of South Africa, 176
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, New Method of Gearing for Aero-engines, (365)
- Loewy Engineering Co., Ltd., Manufacture of Weldless Steel Hollow Forgings, 506
- Londex, Ltd., Two-step Relay. and Automatic Time Relay, 103
- London Fire Brigade, Commander Firebrace Appointed Chief Officer. (621)
- London Gliding Club. Annual General Meeting. (537)
- London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority, Returns. (256)
- London House. Parsons Memorial Library, 345. (690)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway. London-Birmingham Line Centenary. (17): New Directors Appointed, (17); " Coronation Scot " Trains, 27 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938); Glasgow Exhibition Services. (81); British Locomotive Testing Station. 97; Oakley Junction Collision. 97, (137); New Turntables, (109); Twin-screw Motor Ship for Stranraer-Larne Service, (137) Two Historic Winding Engines, 142: Wirral Lines Electrification, (165). 308, 311, 328, (Correction. 373); Sleeper Production, (193); Liverpool Central Station Accident Report, (193) " The Peak Express " and " The Palatine." (193): Trent Valley Junction Reconstruction, (221): Stone Railway Sleepers, (249); Yard Extensions, (277); Annual General Meeting, 295; Staff College at Derby. (307) Euston Station. Accident Report, 309; Spring Time Table, 323; Improvements at Blackpool. (335) Crewe Accident Report, 348; Streamlined Oil-engined Passenger Train, 353, 370, 390: Nickel Steel Chisel Presented to Science Museum, (393): New Road-rail Vehicle. 398: Derailment at Rutherglen, (421): Soho and Tipton Goods Stations Improvements, (421); Railway and Canal11: ridge at Spondon. 484; Train Speed-up. (507); Weed, Killing Train, (537); Ten New Locomotives. (537); Carnforth Depot Modernisation, (567); Retirement of Driver W. Gilbert- ,ion, (567); Herbert Jackson Prize Award. (575); Retirement of Mr. C. R. Byrom, (59:3); The First Railway " Rates War." (621); Mr. T. W. Royle, Chief Operating Manager. (649); Shock-absorbing Wagons, (649): ‘Volverhampton Engine Shed Modernisation. (707); Summer Train Services. (707)
- London and North-Eastern Railway, West Highland Line 2-6-0 Locomotive. Converted Locomotive " No. 10,000," " Silver Link" Class Locomotives for " Coronation " Trains, 28; British Locomotive Testing Station. 97; Colwick Shunting Yard Improvement•. Nottingham. (277); Electrification of Tyneside Railways, 295; Grimsby Dock Gates Renewal Works, (447); New Electric Signals at Hull Station, (475); Calder Bridge Reconstruction, (649), (707); Appointments. (677); Castlecary Accident Report, 695: Acetylene Generating Plant at Gorton Works. (707)
- London Power Company, Annual General Meeting, 181, (221)
- London's Electricity Supply, 327
- Longden, E., Contraction and Distortion in Grey Cast Iron, 403
- Luchaire, Etabts., Low-pressure Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxx
- Luchard, Compresseurs. Air and Gas Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxxi
- Lugt, G. J., Diesel Varia, 146
- Lyinington," Southern Railway Motor Car Ferry, W. Denny and Brothers, Ltd., 516
- MACFARLANE Engineering Co., Ltd., Self-Contained Electric Ship's Winch, Universal A.C. Motor, and Laboratory Dynamometer. 563
- Marfarlane, J. W., Welding Generators, 468
- Mackenzie, J. T., Chemical Changes of Cast Iron in Cupola Melting. 712
- Maclaren, R., and Co., Ltd., Snap-action Thermostat, 644
- Macnaughtan, D. .1., Tin-base Bearing Metals, (421)
- Maitland, L. C., Mining in Lancashire in the Past, (593)
- Malakand Hydro-electric Scheme, India. 685
- Manchester Ship Canal. Traffic in 1937, (193)
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Annual Meeting, (249)
- Mann, L., Stone Age Finds at Itellahouston. (365)
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Ultra Short-wave Field Strength Measuring Set, 76
- Marconi-Ekco Instruments, Ltd., Electrical Instruments, 77; The " Theracoupler," 711
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., Road-making Machine, 80
- Martin, B. E., Integrating Radiometer, 710
- Martin, Glenn L., Co., New Flying Boat " Ocean Transport," (221)
- Maryport Harbour, Reconditioning, (286). 637
- Masehinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg, Mural Tablet to First Diesel Engine. 84; Oil Engines for Railcars, 101; Convertible Oil or Gas Engine, 473; Gas Blowers, Suppt., 27.5.38. xxxv
- Mason-Walsh-Atkinson-Kier Co., Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia River, 126, 138, 154, 166, 183
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Boiler Feed Pumps for Norwich Power Station; 274; "Mulsifyre " Fire-extinguishing Apparatus at Norwich Power Station, 299
- "Mauretania " Cunard White Star Liner, 21, (593)
- Mavitta Drafting Machines, Ltd., Draughting Machine, 244
- Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., Conveyor Driving Gear. 531
- "Maxhete" Heat-resisting Steel, Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., (707)
- May and Gurney, Ltd., Circulating "Water Culvert at Norwich Power Station, 273
- Maybach Motorenbau G.m.b.H., Supercharged Oil -engined Railcars, 1011
- McCance. A., The Application of Physical Chemistry to Steel Making, 588
- McDonald, G. G., Friction of Rotating Noes. 24)4; Critical Preasum Rides in Gas Flow. 389 Highest Frequency of Torsional Vibration. 542; (Letters, 5141, 592, 1176)
- McGarey, D. G., Canal Lurks and Other Lifting Devices in Inland Navigation, 345
- McKaig. E. J., Thames Floods, 77
- McLachlan, T., Decay in Buildings, (567); Air Pollution in 1936-37, 674
- McLellan, Colonel W., Memorial at Tongland Power Station. Kirkcudbright, (307)
- M. E. Engineering, Ltd., Superimposed Light Railway Switch, 89
- Meldrums Ltd., New Water Beater. 515
- Mellenby. A. I.,, High-pressure Boilers. 206
- Mellor, J. W., Obituary. 626 Atonal Bridge Reconstruction, 11
- Menasco Manufacturing Co., New Method of Gearing for Aero-engines, (M)
- Mesnager, Professor. Dam and Bridge Laboratory at Bellevue. Paris. 135
- Metal Industries, Ltd., German Bat t leship •' Grosser Kurfurst." Refloated at Scapa Flow. (475); Salvage of German Battle cruiser " Derftlinger." (621)
- Metalectric Furnaces, Ltd., Russ Crucible Furnace anti Recirculating Atmosphere. Vertical Furnace, 244
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., 300 H.P. Railcar. 40
- Metropolitan Electric Supply Co, General Meeting.:127
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Turbo.generatur work in 1937, 31; Sub, at a ',dart! Walt-hour Meier, 77; Pump, 78; Short Courses for Teachers in Engineering. (137); Meter Testing Equip• mutt. 244; Inquiry Data for A.C. Motor«. 254; Outdoor Transformera for Norwich Power Station. 299; L.N.E.R. Electrifica• Linn Scheme t.'ontract, (446); Voltage Regulator, 526. 584. 610: 51.500•kW Turbo• generator Set for Barton Power Station, 534, 538; Turbo-compressor Control, Suppl., 27.5.38. xix
- Metropolitan Water Board. Work during 1937.
- Middleton Inline Engine. L.M S. Railway, 142
- Midland Saw and Tool Co., Lid., Metal-cutting Band Saws, 655
- Miles, F. G. Proposed New Transatlantic Air Liner. (47.0
- Miller, J. L., and J. M. Thomson, Surge Protection of Transformer, 420
- Mills, John, and Co. (Llanidloem), Ltd., 50-Ton Portable Hydraulic Press and " Pump, 247
- Milne-Watson, Sir David. Pencil Portrait No. 15. February 11th. 1938
- Mineralised Cell Wood Treatment Co., New Pre. serval ive Treatment for Wood, (537)
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day. Ltd., " Combilationeer " Automatic Stoker. 2611; " Mirrlrem-Imo " Screw Pump. 270
- Mitchell, H. H. G., Obituary, 339
- Modern Fuels, Ltd., Low Temperature Coal ('erbonisation. (507)
- Monarch Controller Co., Ltd., Spring Shack Absorber. 1156
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Nickel Alloy Steel Exhibit« at Glasgow, 501
- Monometer Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Melting Furnaces, and " Monolube " Lubricating Flux, 247
- Montgomerie, J., Shipbuilding Practice Abroad. 203
- Morcom, R. K., Roman, 26. 79. 132
- Morgan Rotary Retort, Tests. 648
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., New Foundry at Dursley, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 476, 480
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Birmingham Aircraft Factory, 609
- Moscow Underground Railways, 290
- Moss Gear Co., Ltd., Fall cooled 1Vt11•111 Gear Unit. 269
- Mott, R. A., and C. E. Spooner. Value of Oil Shales and runnels, (67 s)
- Muchnik, V. S., Hydraulic .1st for Coal Cutting. (277)
- Muller and Montag, Die-sinking Marlon, 388
- Myddleton, W., Oil from (:as. 15931
- NAPIER. D., and Son, Ltd., Aero-engines of 19:17. 43
- National Association of Wrought Iron Merchants, Formation of, (275)
- National Federation of Iron and Steel Merchants. Sir Walter Jenkins Appointed Chairman, 695
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Air But tle Charger. 599
- National Physical Laboratory. Professor R. H. Fowler Appointed Director, 609
- National Railway Company of France, Standardising Rolling Stock, 461; Psycho. Technical Laboratory, 546
- National Smoke Abatement Society, Annual Conference, (81)
- Naylor, A. H., Appointed Engineering Professor. Queen's University, Belfast, (602)
- Neckar Water Softener Co., Ltd., Water Softening Plant for Norwich Power Station. 274
- Negretti and Zambra, Motor-operated Interrupter. 56; Flow-operated Cut-out. 6.211
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield). Ltd., " Eclipse " Minor Chuck. 246
- Neilson, James. and Sons, Ltd., Steel Locomotive Type Boiler. 248
- Neuilly Bridge, Paris, Welded Steel Baconatruction, 209
- Nevelin Electric Co., Ltd., Trolleybus Rectifier Sub-station, 107
- New Jersey Meter Co., " Dri-Air " Separator for Compressors. Suppt., 27.5.38. xxix
- New York. New Haven and Hartford Railroad. Six-coupled Streamlined Passenger Locomotive. 29(Supplement, January 7th, 1938)
- New Zealand Government Railways. Signalling Developments, 144
- New Zealand Shipping Co., Ltd., New Ships, (503)
- Newells Insulation Co., Fireproofed Girder. and Cables, 4711
- Newcomen Society, Summer Nleet Mg in the Lake District. 706
- Newhouse. F., Thames Floods, 113
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., I Cargo Ships for VA. Maritime Commission, (707) 1
- Niagara Falls Bridge Collapse. 125, (707)
- Niagara River Concrete Weir. 1711
- Niagara and St. Lawrence Development , (537)
- Niagara Sewage Disposal Plant, (221)
- Nichols, J. R., The It ili•rant Bellfoure ler, 401
- Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Co., New Shipbuilding Programme, 463. (507)
- Norfolk Coast Erosion, 437
- Norfolk and Western Railway. U.S.A., Centenary, (17) 1
- "Normandie," Freud. Line Liner, Service Reports, 21
- Norris Dam, Tennessee Valley Authority, 383, 1 394
- Norris, K. T., The Moving Coil Voltage Regulator. 135
- Norris, Henty and Gardner, Ltd., Oil Engines for Private Motor Cars, 80
- North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co., General Meeting.:127
- Northcott. L., Crystallisation of Copper. 327
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., Amalgamation with Richardson!. Westgarth and Co., Ltd., (165), 211
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Al-niniwo * Paint in Architecture and Industry. (51)
- Northern Ireland Electricity Board, 686
- Northey-Boyce Rotary Engineering Co., Ltd., Hi•rotor Compressor. Suppt., 27.5.38. xxii
- Norwalk Co., High-pressure CompressoN. Rupp!., 27.6.38, xxviii
- Norwich (Thorpe) Power Station Extensions, 272, 278. 297
- Nuffield, Lord, Birmingham Aircraft Factory. 009; It„) „I Air Force Expansion Seheme, (1121)
- OCKNENFELS, F. H., (4-nding Attachment, 455
- Oerlikon Co., Voltage Regulators, OM 1
- Office Nationale des Recherches et Inventions. Darn and Bridge Laboratory at Bellevue. Paris. 135
- Old Centralians, Annual (;moral Nleeting (427); Annual Dinner, (475)
- Olsen, Fred., Line, Motor Liner " Black Prince." 602
- "Orcades" Orient Lin,. 22 (Supplement. January 7th. 1938)
- Orange River, South Africa. i 1.000,0118 Storage Dam, 289
- Otto Belt Bridge, Zambesi, 12
- Outardes Falls Power Development . Canada, H. G. Acres, 324, 358
- Owens, J. S., Atmospheric Pollution in London. 237
- Oxford Electricity Cuderiak mg, 1
- Oxley Engineering Co., Ltd., Big All•welded
- Gasholder Erected at Sale, Cheshire, (3071
- PAHL Process of Hot Spray Painting. Send', Co., Ltd., 430
- Painter Bros., Ltd., Fabricated Hangars 117
- "Palpak " Hand Cleansing Outfit, W. Sinkler Darby. (578)
- Panama Canal Traffic. (365)
- Paris Electric Co., A Silence Room for Electrical Tests, 255
- Paris Exhibition. 12, 35
- Paris Metropolitan Railway Co., Suburban Railway Signals. 235. 253: Metropolitan. Sceaux Line, 379
- Paris Sewerage Works. 681
- Purim Subways, 643
- Parker, A., The Treatment and Disposal of Trade Waste Waters, 91
- Parrott, T. H., Obituary, 310
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Turbo-generator Work in 1937. 31; 30.000-kW Turbo-alternator for Norwich Power Station, 274; Double ended inirbo•compr.sor, Suppt., 27.5.38. xvi
- Parsons Memorial Library, London House, 345. (690)
- "Pasteur," French Line 28,500•ton Liner. Launch. (193). 263
- Paterson. C. C., Presidential Address. Electrical Research Association, 181
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Chlorinating Plant for Norwich Power Station, 275
- "Patricia," Oil-electric Trinity House Vessel. Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., 169
- Pauling and Co., Ltd., River Improvement at Birmingham. 32
- Pearce, Sir Leonard. Pencil Portrait, No. 17 (Supplement, June 17th, 1938)
- Pearson, C. D., Retirement from Shanghai Waterworks Co., 632
- Peel, Commodore. R. V., Retina .'1,f, from Cunard White Star Line, (17)
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Armour Plate Folding and Punching Prem., Guillotine Shears, 329
- Pemberton, A. C., Obituary, 681
- Pendred, Loughman St. Lawrence, Pencil Portrait No. 16 (Supplement. April 815, 1938) Pennsylvania Railroad Electrification, (176)
- Permutit Co., Ltd., New Water Softening Plant for Chesterfield, (249)
- Perth Gasworks Improvements, (17)
- Pfyffer Automatic Pump Priming System. 63 (Letters, 78, 192)
- Philips Industrial, Ltd., Seam Welding Machine with Time Control Unit, Ironclad Rectifier, 220
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., Capacity and Resistance Measuring Bridge, 102; New Lightning Arrester, 172; Broadcasting Installation at Crosse and Blackwell's Factory, (575)
- Phillips, D. L., C. A. Edwards, end D. F. G. Thomas, Acid Attack on NI ihl Steel. 612
- Phillips and Powis Aircraft. Ltd., Aircraft Orders, 665
- Physical Society's Exhibition. 13, 54. 75. 102 I'iekwiek Landing Dam, Tennessee Valley Authority, 412, 422,1354
- Piercy, N. A. V., Aircraft Efficiencies. 338, 340, 374
- P.L.M. Paris-Riviera Service, Loin, motive. 1, 30, 35
- Poole, Granville, Mineral Deposits in the North of England. (92)
- Port Elizabeth. South Africa, Neu Power Station, 055
- Port of London Authority, Retirement of Mr. haa Bitla. 265; Air Raid Precautions, 437 Appointments. (821)
- Portsmouth Dockyard Extension. (421)
- Post Office Engineering Department. High. frequency Heterodyne Oscillator and Pireet - Reading Measuring Met. 75
- Potomac River Bridge, U.S.A., (567)
- Powell, W. R., and J. R. Kingston, A Pre-combustion Ignition Coal-oil Engine. 641
- Power Corporation of Canada. Ltd., Power Station at a Canadian Paper Mill, 494
- Price Brothers and Co., Ltd., Icing Timber Roads, 432
- Price, G. H. S., C. J. Smithells. and S. V. Williams, Copper-niekel•tnngsten Alloys, 305
- Prior Burners, Ltd., Automatic Urulerfeed Stoker, 218
- Progress Industries, Ltd., New Lubricating Pump, 344
- "Protectovent " Air Filter, Vokes, Ltd., 546
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Ant iNibra• (ion Pipe Couplin 4. 402
- Purdy, B. N., New Endless Bells. 201
- "QUEEN Elizabeth" Cunard White Star Liner. Date of Launch, 21, 153, (105)
- "Queen Mary" Cunard White Star Liner. Ov.,, haul, 20. 125
- Quitmann, Otto. German Machine Tool Exports. 389
- RABOMA-MASCHINENFABRIK, High-production Radial Drills. 303
- R.A.D., Ltd., Eight Cylinder Aero Pump, 314
- Radiant Heating, Ltd., Radiant. Panel Healer. 219
- Radiation, Ltd., Int i•grai nig Radio:net er, 7to Railway Clearing Iloose Handbook of Railway Stations. 632
- Ramsay, Vice-Admiral Sir Alexander. Appointed Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, (447), (649)
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 30-m. Locomotive Turntable, 86 (Supplement. January 214. 1938); An Armament Nlannfact tiring Offer. 493
- Ratcliff, H. A., Obituary, 514
- Rayner, G. E. H., Electricity in Hospitals, (1931
- Rea, River. Improvements. Birmingham. 32
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., 'Three-stage Carbon Dioxide Premium Booster, Suppl., 27.5.38, viii Four-stage Hydrogen Compressor, Suppl., 27.5.38, xii; Large Three-at age Gum Blower, Stipp., 27.5.38. xvii Six-bladed Rotary Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxi; Monobloo Compressors. 598
- Redpath, Brown and Co., Ltd., Palace of Industries, Glasgow Empire Exhibition, 117 1
- Reinecke, Eugen, Obituary, (550)
- Reith Sir John, Chairman. Imperial Airways. Ltd., 605
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, clink'. Bridge. 10 (Supplement, January 70- 1938); King George VI Bridge, Bengal. 12; Howrah Bridge across }kight). Rive, 12; Hew. River Bridge, Fiji. 13
- Reyrolle, A., and Co. Ltd., New Fuse Carrier. 483
- Rheinmetall-Borsig, Vertical Twin-cylinder Compressor, Suppl., 27.5.38, 'tarry
- Rhodes, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Geared Open. front Power Press. 246; Shearing Machine, 247
- Rhodesian Railways. NI r, W. J. Skillicorn Appointed General Manager. 437
- Ricardo and Co. (1927), Ltd., High Supercharging in a C.1. Engine. W. It. Smith. 239. 281
- Ricardo, H. R., The Internal Combust ion Engine. 702
- Richards, C. E.,Corrosion of Galvanised Iron Wire. 612
- Richards, F. B., Carbonisation from a Plant Designer's Viewpoint, 683
- Richards, G. Tilghman. Typewriters. (597)
- Richards, George, and Co., Ltd., Large Boring and Turning Mill, 515
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Amid. gamation with North-Eastern Marine Engi• 'leering Co., Ltd., (105), 211
- Richardsons, Westgarth-Brown Boveri, Ltd., Turbo-blower, Suppt., 27.5.38, xv; (Correc tion, 080)
- Richmond Bridge Widening. 10
- Risdon, P. J., Venlig'. Bridge, Peru, 354. 366; (Correction. 4 I 3)
- Ritchie. A. C. It., Trehnical Education and Culture, 637
- Ritchie, J. D., Appointed General Manager, Port of London Authority. (821)
- Ritchie-Atlas Engineering Co., Ltd., Portable Belt Conveyor, Electric Hoist. Block. 11'ork - shop Grinding Machine, 703
- Robb, Henry, Ltd., Launch it NI nada),
- "Redstart," (447)
- Roberts, David E., Elected President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 224
- Roberts. J. H., Education for the Mining Industry. (593)
- Roberts, John, Oil in Great Britain, (193)
- Robey and Co. Ltd., Compressor Plant for Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel Works. 82, 85 vis-a-vis Compressor, Supp1., 27.5.38. xv
- Robinson. A., Tilt Mg Furnace Practice, 561
- Rochester. 11. It , I iapiiry Data for A.C. Motors, 254
- Roe, A. V., and Cu., Ltd., Bombing Aeroplanes.
- Roe, J. W., Machine Tools in America, 60:1
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Nero-engines of 1937, 42; Aero-engine Factory at Crewe, 637, (677)
- Rome, T., Obituary. (193)
- Roots-Connersville Blower Co., Roots Blowers. Suppt., 27.5.38, xxvii
- Ropner, W. CI., Elected Chairman, Deep Sea Tramp Section of Chamber of Shipping. (136)
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Vegetable Oil Mill Machinery. 856
- Rugs, T. W., and C. Ryder, High-speed Protection for Electrical Net works. 190
- Roumanian States Railways. 4400 B.11 .P. Oil-electric Locomotive, Sulzer Brothers, 570
- Rowe. F. W., Cement Moulding, 711
- Royal Aircraft Establishment. Detonat ion Unit and Meter, 596
- Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Army Me•haniaation, 484
- Royal Mail Line, Ltd., Ships to be Scrapped, (137)
- Royal Society's Converaazione, 5116
- Rubber Growers' Association, Rubber Research, (506)
- Ruhrol, G.m.b.H., Liquid Fuels from Pitch. (475)
- Ruskin Power Plant. Stave Falls, Vancouver, 690
- Russell, Archibald, Ltd., New Scottish Coalfield in Thorrilibank and Darnley Area, 323
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 800 B.H.P. Direct-reversing Marine Oil Engine. 163; Vertical " Therm., " Boiler. 217: Visit to Lincoln Works. 618, 622
- Ryder, C., and T. W. Ross. High-speed Protection for Electrival Networks, 190
- Ryves, R. A., Sand-Island Method of Sinking Offshore Piers. 132
- SAFETY in Mines Research Board. Distance Recorder for Fire-damp. 227
- Sainrapt and Brie, New Vaults. Bank of France. 446, 448
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., " L " Meter for Rapid Measurement of Induetnnee, 70
- Saltash Bridge, Repainting, (537)
- Sams, J. G. B., Locomotive Boilers, 79
- Sandford. E. J., and D. Hanson. Creep of Tin and Tin Alloys. 305
- Sarjant, R. J., Furnace Design and Control. Stilt
- Sarjant, S. J., Obituary. (249)
- Saunders, Dr. W. A. Bone, and Dr. Tress, Gases and Ore in Blast-furnaces, 1312
- Saunders-Roe. Ltd., " London " Boat Sea-planes. 5
- Saurer, Adolph. A.G., Oil Engines for Railcars, 102
- Savage, W., The Development of Single Bucket Excavators, 224, 230. 257; (Letter, 339)
- Saxon, James, Obituary, 168
- Sehiess-Defries A.G., Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine, 302
- Schlesinger. G., Machine Tool Tents and Alignments. 106, 118; (Leading Article, 1 l ( Letter, (00)
- Schuler, L., Double-sided Excentrie and Extruding Prelates and Automatic Tube Lot he. 3:iti
- Science Museum, Advisory Council's Report. 583
- Scottish Airways, Ltd., Air Transport in Ssotland. (475)
- Scottish Power Co, Annual General Meeting. (3117)
- Serulix Co., Ltd., Hot Spray Painting (Pahl Process),
- Sempill, Lord, Art and the Engineer. 417
- Service, T. M., Aeid Steel Molting Practice. 562
- Severn Catchment Board. The Control of Slain Rivers, 525
- Seversky " Super Clipper," The Projected, (393)
- Sharp, B. E., Elected President of Electrical Industries Benevolent Association. (3:34)
- Sharp. R., into Ore Resources of Cleveland. (165)
- Shasta Dam and Railway Tunnel. California. 280
- Shing Mon Dam. Hong Kong, 24 (Supplement, January M. 19:04)
- Shipwrights' Hall Ltd., New Company. 237
- Short-Mayo Composite Aircraft. 5, 18. 153. 250, 254, (537), (617)
- Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd Axle Counting Equipment. 144
- Siemens-Schuckert Co., Chlorine Compressor, Sapp., 27.5.38. xxxv
- Sihl A.G., Centrifugal Pump Priming, 192
- Silentbloc Anti-vibration Mount alga for Power Presses. 173
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Argent me National Elevator Scheme, 211
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Boilers for Barton Power Station, 535, 538
- Simons, W., and Co., Ltd., Dredger for U.S.S.R., (821)
- Sinclair, H., Some Problems in the Transmission of Power by Fluid Couplings. 479. 486, 518
- Singapore Dock and Harbour. Sir John Jackson. Ltd., (51), 181, 194, 197
- Skillicorn, W. J., Appointed General Manager, Rhodesian Railways, -137
- Slack. T. J., Miners' Hand Lamp Bulb Efficiency, (421)
- Small, J., Appointed to James Watt Chair of Heat Engines, Glasgow University, 525
- Smith, A. J. Nicol, Copper in Cast Iron, 712
- Smith, C. W. R., High Supercharging in it C.1. Engine, 239, 281
- Smith, E. C., The Centenary of Transathintie Steam Navigation. 299
- Smith, Sir Frank, Disorderly Molecules and Refrigerating Engineering. James Forrest Lecture, 510, 527
- Smith, H. C., Presidential Address, Institution of Gas Engineers. 683
- Smith, J. Francis, The Prevention of Vibration in Buildings, 577
- Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., Oil-electric Trinity House Vessel " Patricia," 169
- Smithells, C. J., G. H. S. Price, and S. V. Williams, Copper-Nickell'inigsten Alloys, 305
- Snare, Frederick, Corporation. Harbour Work in Peru, (137)
- Snell, Sir John, Faraday Medal Award, (109)
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd.,
- Sir Charles Bruce-Gardner Appointed Chairman, 69; Aircraft. Industry So iolarships. 153
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Ltd., 'Horne Market Analysis, 1938. 609
- Solent Engineering Co., Ltd., Air Raid Shelters, (335)
- Solex Pneumatic Gauging System. 373
- Souter, W. A., Nominated President., Chamber of Shipping, (193)
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Wage Dispute, 63: Progress. 654
- South African Pulp and Paper Industries, Ltd., New Factory on the East Rand, 655
- South African Railways, Safety Investigation Committee's Report„ 549
- Southampton Docks Statistics, (193)
- Southern Railway, Now 0--6-0 Goods Engines, (165); Hastings and Bexhill Electrification. 181; Hotspur Park and Chessington Line. (193), (621): Dover and Dunkerque Ferry, 229; Electrification Policy, 265; Motor Car 1.'erry " 1,yrnington," W. Denny and Brothers. Ltd., 516; Horsham and Portsmouth Electrification. (567); Weed-killing Train. (621)
- Spencer, F. J., Roman Steelyards, 50. 113
- Spooner, C. E., and R. A. Mott, Value of Oil Shales and Cannols, (677)
- Spooner Dryer and Engineering Co., Ltd., Drying Asbestos Sheeting. 316
- Spyer, Arthur, Obituary, (19). 58
- Standard Fruit, and Steamship Co., New London Banana Service, (537)
- Statimeter Co., Ltd., A New Pressure Meter. 89
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Chesterfield Colliery Disaster, 525
- Staynew Filter Corporal " Protectomotor " Filters for Compressors. Srippt., 27.5.38, xxix
- Steel Ceilings, Ltd., New Welded Steel Factory at Hayes, 285
- Stellite Cutting Tools, Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., (532)
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., Launch of P. & 0. Liner " Canton," 437
- Stephen, R. A., Residual Stresses in Welds, (109)
- Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Company of Canada, Ltd., Coal Handling Equipment for Canadian Paper Mill Power station, 494
- Stephenson, A., Happiness as an Industrial Asset, 50
- Stephenson, Robert, and Hawthorns, Ltd., Oil-engined Locomotive, 40
- Stevensons, Ltd., Ash-handling Plant for Norwich Power Station, 274
- Stonehaven, Lord. Presidential Address, Institution of Naval Architects, 396
- Storstrom Bridge, Denmark, 11
- Stratheden," P. & 0. Liner. 22 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938)
- Straub, F. G., and T. A. Bradbury, Boiler Water Treatment, 532
- Stroud, William, Obituary, 625
- Suez Canal, Statistics, (81), (249). (567); Sea Access, (707)
- Sugden. F. E., Hire-purchase Law and its Applications to Municipal Electricity Under- t liking s, 640
- Sullivan Machinery Co., Twin Angle-compound Compressor and Double-acting Vet) Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxiv
- Sulzer Brothers. 4400 B.H.P. Locomotive for Roumania, 570; High-pressor , Gas Compressor, Suppl., 27.5.38, xxxiii
- Sulzer Freres, S. A., Abattoir. at Constant, Roumania, 482
- Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Large All. welded Ship " J. W. Van Dyko," (335)
- Sun-Vic Controls, Ltd., Resistance Thermometer Controller, 57
- Superheater Co., Ltd., " MeLeSco " Super-heaters at Barton Power Station. 536, 538
- Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Annual Report. (277): Russian Floating Dock. (335), (621); Launch of H.M. Cruiser " Edinburgh," (303)
- Swannington Incline Engine, L.M.S. Railway, 142
- Swat River Canal. Kabul River, 684: (Correction. 716)
- Swedenborg's Treatise on Copper. (145)
- Swedish American Line, Motor Liner " Stockholm," (621)
- Swinden, T., Inspection as Applied to Iron and Steel, 175, 204; (Leading Article, 195)
- Symes. J. W., Railway Co-ori I in America, (393)
- Symonds, P. H., Obituary, (021)
- Szlumper, G. S., Appointed President, Institute of Transport, (537)
- TABLE Boy Harbour. Soul h 711, 289, 405, 525, (537). 654
- Tancarville Suspension Bridge Over the Seine, 581
- Tapley and Co., Brake Testing, (315)
- Tarmac, Ltd., River Improvement at Birmingham, 32
- Tarpon Engineering Co., Ltd., Two-stroke Cycle Industrial Petrol Engine and Generating Sot, 217
- Tate, A. E. L., end J. L. Hatighton, Alloys of Magnesiiim, 304
- Taylor, C. A., Power Required to Start Trains, (475)
- Taylor, G. 1., Plastoc is Strain in Metals, (421)
- Taylor, H. W., Obituary, 168
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., 100-Ton Crank Press and 70-Ton Screw Press, 217
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Reflecting Glass and Autocollimator, 56
- Tecalemit Co. (France), Storage and Transport. of Petrol, 60
- Tecalemit, Ltd., Holidays with Pay, (174);
- "Tecalemeter " Fluid Meter, 714
- Technological Institute of Great Britain, " Engineer's Guide to Success," (481)
- Tees Development Scheme, (307)
- Tennessee Valley Authority's Works, 383, 394. 412, 422, 654
- Thames Airport, Near Tilbury. Proposed, 237
- Thames Barrage Scheme, 24, 40, 125, (221), 353: (Loading Article, 367)
- Thames Conservancy Board. Annual Meeting' Ill
- Thames Flood Prevention. (:365)
- Thames Floods. Newhouse and H. Chatley, 113
- Thomas, D. F. G., D. L. Phillips, and C. A. Edwards, Acid Attack on Mild Steel, 612
- Thomas, Richard, and Co., Ltd., Ebbw Vale Works Reservoir, 97
- Thompson, John (Engineering) Co., Ltd., C Type Stoker with Submerged Ash Conveyor, 245; Fusion Welded Boiler Drums, 246
- Thompson, Joseph L., and Sons. Ltd., Now Ship for Court Line, Ltd., (165)
- Thompson, W. G., Progress in Power Rectifiers, 374
- Thomson. Sir J. J., Kelvin Medal Award, (249), 493
- Thomson, J. M., and J. L. Miller. Surge Protection of Transformers, 420
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., H.M. Training Ship " Caledonia," 21
- Thousand Islands Bridge Across St. Lawrence River, 13
- Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Co., Stiffness or Flexure Testers, 248
- Tinnerman Stove and Range Co., The Speed Nut, 428
- Tin-plate Merchants' Association, First General Meeting, (344)
- Tirrill Regulator, British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 556
- Todd, F. H., and J . Weedon, Models of Coasters, 443
- Tokyo Underground Railways, (17)
- Toronto Transportation Commission, Tramcars, 628
- Torpshammar Hydro-electric Station. Sweden, (365)
- Townend, D. T. A., Elected Livesey Professor of Coal Gas and Fuel Industries, Leeds University, (611)
- Trasenster Modal Awarded to Sir Robert Hadfield, (335)
- Traughber Air and Gas Filtering Plant, International Corporation, Ltd., 614
- Tress, Dr., W. A. Bone, and Dr. Saunders, Gases and Ore in Blast-furnaces, 612
- Trinity House, Oil-electric Vessel " Patricia," 169
- Troost, Mr., Open Water Tests with Modern Propellers. 533
- Truscott, S. J., Awarded Gold Medal of Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, (474)
- "Tubator " Drainpipe Forming and Laying Machine, A:LG. Masehinenfabrik, 417
- Tufnol Industrial Products, Ellison Installations. Ltd., 16, 60
- Tullis. D. and J., Ltd., Motor-driven Washing Machines and Pneumatic Laundry Presses, 530
- Turnbull, F., and Co. ( Engineers), Ltd., Milling Machinery Factory, 545
- Turner, Thomas, Research Modal Awards, (19:;)
- Tyne Dock Improvement Scheme, (307)
- Tyne Improvement Commission, Mr. A. L. Harvey Appointed Assistant, Engineer. 323
- Tyne Tunnel and Bridge, Proposed, (567). 583
- United States Steel Corporation. Extensions. (137)
- United Castle Line, South African Service. (447); Motor Liner " Capetown Castle," 471. 502; New Liners, (537)
- Union Meat Packing Co., Beef-canning Factory at Klerksdorp, 550
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Record Furnace Output, (393)
- VAALBANK Darn, South A (*fief', 25
- Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Dolvac Mecham ii!ul Lubricator, 220
- Van Deventer, J. H., " Kill the Tough Roosters Quietly," 161; Technological Unemployment, 318
- Vauxhall Cross Road Improvement Works, LOU.,., (393)
- "Vega," Newcastle—Bergen Motorship, 684
- Venner Time Switches, Ltd., Light Sensitive Switch, 54
- Verbus Bolt Co., Transparent Engine Model, 202
- Verrugas Bridge, Peru, P. J. Risdon, 354, 366; (Correction, 413)
- Versailles Airport, 491
- Vickers, Ltd., Cutting Coring Machine for Cardboard Box Manufacture, " Empire " Wire Stitching Machines, 589
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Orient Liner " Orcades," 22 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938); Lanneh of Submarines " Tritunph," " Unity," and " Ursula," 211. (221); Annual Meeting, (393); " Swan," L.M.S. Railway Motorship for Lake Windermere, (677)
- Vickers (Aviation), Ltd., " Wellington " Long-range Bomber, 4
- Victoria Falls. Water Power from, 682
- Vincent, G., Britain's Traffic Problems, 295
- Voith-Schneider Propellers Fitted to Swedish Pontoon Crane, (277)
- Vokes, Ltd., New Air Filter, 546
- WAFIOS Engineering Works. Ltd., Spring and Wire Machinery, 603
- Wagner, Gustav, Cold Sawing Machines, 364
- Wakefield, C. C., and Co., Ltd., Locomotive Lubricators, 500
- Waldrich, H. A., Heavy Roughing Lathe, Single-column Boring Mill, 302
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Articulated Railcars for the Great Northern Railway of Ireland, 456; Horizontal Air Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xiii; Dehumidifier Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xiv
- Wall. T. F., Control of Magnetic Quality by Surface Treatment, 667. 701
- Wanderer-Werke, Milling Machines,:388
- Wandsworth Bridge, Rebuilding, 10
- Ward, A. J., Obituary, (51)
- Ward Leonard Electric Co., Thermionic Regulator, 697
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd., Jarrow Steel Works Site, (165): Breaking up Motorship " Jutlandia," 637
- |Waterloo Bridge, The New. 10, 125, (537),
- Watt, James, International Medal, Award to Mr. Henry Ford, 463
- "Weathermaker ". Air-conditioning Plant., 640
- Webb, C. E., and L. H. Ford, Non-destructive Testing of Welds, 400; (Leading Article, 449)
- Wedgwood, Josiah, and Sons, Ltd., New Factory at Barlaston. (51)
- Weedon, J., and F. H. Todd, Models of Coasters, 443
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Revolving Globe al Glasgow Exhibition, 498, (Letter, 566): Multistage Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, vii Oxygen Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, xii; Low-pressure Compressor and Vacuum Pump. Suppt., 27.5.38, xiv; Motor-driven Monoblor Compressor. 598; Naval Evaporating and Distilling Plant, Turbo-feed Pumps for New Cunard Liner " 552," " Electroreeder " Pump, 615
- Wells. P., Long-distance Gliding Records, (537), (660)
- Westall, John, Obituary, (488)
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Acoustic Shock Suppressor, 55
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., "Lysander" Army Co-operation Aeroplane. 4 (Supplement, January 7th, 1938); Agreement with National Steel Car Corporation, Ltd., (507)
- West Norfolk Farmers' Manure and Chemical Co-operative Co., Ltd., Fort ilisor Works Telpher Plant, 576
- Wheeler Darn, Tennessee Valley Authority,:383, 394
- Whalen, A. C., Temperature Effect on Permanent Magnets, (109)
- Whitaker, H., Sand Blasting for Vitreous Enamelling, (707). 712
- White Fox Instrument Co., Ltd., Continuous Reading Power Meters, 485
- Whitecross Co., Ltd., Large Winding Rope, (657)
- Whitehaven Harbour, Improvements. (277)
- Whitehead, S., and A. J. Gill, Electrical Interference with Radio Reception. 392
- Whitelegg, Frank, Spring and Wire Machinery, 603
- Wice, H. G., The Manufacture of Safety (nixss, 161
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Wimet Tools. 189
- Wigglesworth, F., and Co., Ltd., Variable-speed Drives, and " Elcard " Flexible Spring Coupling, 246
- Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture, Materials of Aircraft Construction, H. J. Gough, 626
- "Wilhelm Gustloff," Gorman Motorship, Visit to Tilbury, 411
- Williams, C. G., and J. Spiers, Engine Bearing Temperatures, 505, 548
- Williams, Sir Robert, Obituary, 479
- Williams, S. V., G. H. S. Price, and C. J. Smithells, Copper-Nickel-Tungsten Alloys,:305
- Williamson. R., Empire Exhibition, Glasgow, 566
- Wilson, Ernest, Obituary, 214
- Wilson, F. Raynar, One Hundred Years of Russia's Railways, 140
- Wilson, H. W., Obituary, (120)
- Winnipeg Sewage Disposal Plant, 260
- Wirral Lines Electrification L.M.S. Railway. (165), 308, 311, 328; (Correction, 373)
- Wittig. R. S., and Co. (Compressors), Ltd., Rotary Compressor, 599
- Wolfe, K. J. B., and W. R. D. Jones, Nickel Copper-Magnesium Alloys, 304
- Wood, Hugh, and Co., Ltd., New Mining Machinery Factory, (503); (Letters, 545, 566)
- Woods, F. W., Du Buat's Experiments, 386
- Woodhouse, W. B., Industrial Unification, 22')
- World Power Conference. 1938, (479)
- Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation. Air and Gas Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxv
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Two-stage Vertical Compressor, Suppt., 27.5.38, v; Rotary Compressors, Suppt., 27.5.38, xxi
- Wright, L. A., Appointed Secretary, Engineering Institute of Canada, (447)
- Wright, Boag and Co., Ltd., Gun-making in South Africa, 655
- Wyandotte County Lake Dam, U.S.A., Foundation Failure, (335)
- Wyatt, S., and J. N. Langdon, The Machine and the Workers, 295
- Wyles, G. W., Signalling Developments on New Zealand Government Railways, 144
- YAMAGATA, M., Optimiun Propeller Diameters for Single-screw Ships, 5:34
- Yates, H. G., Steam Turbine Performance at Partial Loads. 98, 128, 156
- York Railway Museum, First 4-4-2 " Atlantic " Engine. (148)
- Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd., Non-ferrous Tubes and Pipe Fittings, 644
- ZINC Development Association Ltd., Formation of, (249); Zinc: Its Miunifileture and Uses, (657)
See Also
Sources of Information