The Engineer 1940 Jan-Jun: Index
The Engineer 1940 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 169 Index
- ACHELOOS Hydro-electric Power Scheme, Turkey, (279)
- Achelous River Hydro-electric Plant, Greece, (303)
- Ackeret, J., and C. Keller, Hot Air Power Plant, 373
- Adamson Alliance Co., Ltd., Forging Manipulator, 383
- Airsales Broadcasting Co., Erection of a 220ft. Wireless Mast, 532, 536
- Akroyd Stuart Award Paper, 1938-39, (511)
- All-American Canal, 12
- Allegheny Steel Corporation, " Pluramelt " Steel-making Process, (242)
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., An Unattended Power Plant, 130
- Allen, W., and R. Fitzmaurice, Sound Transmission in Buildings, 467
- Alston Memorial Prize, (485)
- Aluminum Company of America, Largo Testing Machine, (327)
- American Car and Foundry Co., New Six-coach Streamlined Trains, (303)
- Amsler, A. J., Obituary, 438
- Anderson Electrically-driven Scraping Machine, Gaston E. Marbaix, Ltd., 483
- Andrews, W., Some Observations on Metallic Arc Fluxes, 224
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Oil Prospecting Licences, (24)
- Argentine-Bolivian Railway, Proposed, 429
- Argentine Railway Improvements Programme, (231)
- Armour Institute of Technology, Experimental Foundry, (39); The Antarctic " Snow Cruiser," 413
- Armstrong Whitworth Securities Co., Ltd., Kadenacy Oil Engine Research Laboratory, 232, 235
- Asbestos Corporation of Canada Ltd., Sinking Large Line Shaft, (86)
- Ashbridge, Sir Noel, Long-distance Broadcasting, 415, 444
- Ashfield, Lord, Appointed to Railway Executive Committee, (445)
- Ashworth, Ross and Co., Ltd., Semi-self-indicating Weighing Machine, 73
- Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 317
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Railcars of 1939, 44; " Unit-Construction " Trolleybus, 440; Railcars for the Great Western Railway, 452, 473
- Aswan Low Dam Hydro-electric Power, (13), (39)
- Attwood, E. L., Obituary, 37
- Atwell, J. W., The Measurement of Rail Movement, (553)
- Augustin-Normand, A., Pencil Portrait No. 23 (February 16th, 1940)
- Austin, Lord, Retirement from Shadow Aero Engine Committee, (495)
- Australian Government Railways, 4-8—4 Passenger Locomotives, (87)
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., Motor-driven Strainers, 168
- Auto-Route de l'Ouest, 276, 280
- Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Co., Ltd., "Avo" Bonding Meter, Milliohmmeter and Test Bridge. 356
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., Remote Supervisory Control on the Wirral Railway, 102, 126, (134)
- Aveling Barford, Ltd., " Invicta " Road Line Marker, 167
- BACHER, G., New Form of Steel Budding, 502
- "Badouinville," Belgian Motor Liner, 20
- Baghdad Bridges, 30
- Bailey, A. S., Obituary, 163
- Baillieu, Sir Clive, Export Groups in War Time, 377
- Bakelite, Ltd., Substitute for Tung Oil, (417)
- Baker, J. F., Structures under Air Attack, (135)
- Baldry, H. O., Obituary, 498
- Baldwin, O. H., Obituary, 188
- Ball, E. Bruce, The Development of Irrigation (I. Mech. E. Pres. Address), 179; Diploma Honorary Membership of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 409;
- Ball. J. D. W., Not Sectional Area of Tension Members, 251; Dynamic Effect of Incendiary Bombs on Roofs, 459
- Barclay, Andrew, Sons and Co., Ltd., Oil-engineed Locomotives,+45
- Barnby, Lord, Appointed to Central Electricity Board, (135)
- Barnes, G. N., Obituary, 405
- Barnes, M. F., Strength of Beams, 379
- Baton Rouge Bridge, U.S.A., (535)
- Battersea Power Station, Fuel Supply, (279)
- Beare, Sir T. Hudson. Obituary, 539
- Beaudreu-Bergeron, Improved Efficiency of Dredger Pumps, 502
- Beharrell, J. C., Business Training and National Service, 115
- Beira, Port of, Extensions, Pauling and Co., Ltd, 411. 418
- Bell, W. D., Obituary, (207)
- Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Gas-mixing Valve, 239; High-pressure Hose Coupling, 311
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., Shell Fuse Testing, 166
- Bengal-Dooars Railway, Purchase of, (455)
- Bethlehem Steel Co., Powerful Towing Vessels for U.S. Navy Department, (397)
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Beyer-Garratt Metre-gauge Locomotives for Uganda, 3; Bengal-Nagptir Railway Locomotive, 4 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Bex-Gryon-Chesieres Railway. Modernisation, (327)
- Binkerd, R. S., American Railway Locomotive Requirements, (375)
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Water Supply of Rangoon, Burma, 488, 496, 508
- Binnie, W. J. E., Diploma of Honorary Membership of American Society of Civil Engineers, 409
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces. Ltd., Arc Melting Furnace for South Africa. 328, 333 Birmingham Water Supply, 269
- Blackadder, W., Obituary, 478
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., " Roe " Fleet Air Arm Two-seater Fighter, 6 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Blackpool, Derby Baths, Electrical Equipment, Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 352, 359
- Bletchley Train Accident, L.M.S. Railway, 173
- Blood, General Sir Bindon, Obituary, (475)
- Bolsover Colliery Co., Ltd., Coal Export Trade, 197
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., " Defiant " Two seater Fighter, 6 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940), (475)
- Bousfield, Peter, Importation of Machinery and Parts, 210
- Boussiron, Entreprises, Aeroplane Hangar, 443
- Bragg, W. L., A. J. Bradley, and C. Sykes, Researches into the Structure of Alloys, 434
- Branly, Edouard, Obituary, 317
- Bredenbeck, R., Cast Iron Dies, (552)
- Bridges, F. W., Obituary, 269
- Brighton Centenary Railway Exhibition, 447 Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., " Beaufort "
- Bomber, 6 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940), (475)
- British Columbia Plywoods, Ltd., Mill Expansion, 169
- British Corporation Register, Jubilee, (231)
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., Transformers for the C.E.B., 240
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association. Surge Filter and Differential Amplifier. 320; Wire Skin Factor Apparatus, 321
- British Electrical Development Association, Luncheon, 269
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Resignation of Mr. G. H. Nisbett, (571)
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, 317
- British Power Boat Co., Ltd., New High-speed Launch, (279)
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternators of 1939, 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940); Transformer Work in 1939, 8; Switchgear Work in 1939, 9; Steel Works Electrical Equipment, 40. 49; Rectifier Work in 1939, 49; Portable Oil Testing Set, 97; Electrically Operated Soot-blowing Equipment, 191; Engineer Training, 335; Electrical Equipment for Luton Sewage Disposal Plant, 424; Transformer with Non-inflammable Liquid Dielectric ("Permitol"), 424; Fractional H.P. Motors, 676
- Broadway Engineering Co., Ltd., " Vernon " Vertical Miller and Borer, 576
- Bronx-Whitestone Bride, New York, 30 Brooklyn Bridge, New York, (39)
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Lorry-mounted Air Compressor, 383
- Brown Bayley's Steel Works, Ltd., Short- centre Rope Drive, 336
- Brown Boveri and Co., 50,000-volt D.C. Transmission, 240; Large. Mine Hoist in France. 423
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd), Ltd, Helical Gearing for a Mine Winder, 167
- Brown, David, Tractors. Ltd., Track-layer Tractor. 240; Power Take-off and Pulley Unit, 483; Lubrication Chart, (568)
- Brown, T. A., War Inventions, 519
- Bruce, A. K., Oil-engine Cylinder Wear, (571)
- Bruce, A. K. and T. Hornbuckle, Herbert Akroyd Stuart and the Development of the Heavy-oil Engine. 72, (86); (Leading Article, 89)
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Transformer Work in 1939, 48
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternators of 1939. 7; Mobile Transformers, 8; Improved Gas Producer, 74; Small Homogeniser, 215; Electricity Supply at a Gloucester Works, 335; Improvements in the "Brush- Koela" Gas Producer. 395
- Brussels International Industries Fair, (39)
- Buchanan, Sir George, Obituary, 365
- Budapest Power Station, (255)
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd, Annual Meeting. 565
- Burrell Engines, R. H. Clark. 104
- CADMAN, Lord, Appointed Adviser on Oil, Mines Department, (13)
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Thickness Gauge for Steel Strip. Workshop Potentiometer, 297
- Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., Now Electric Furnace at Davenport Works, 169; Reactrol System of Control, 503
- Canadian Hydro-electric Development, 374
- Canadian Industries Ltd., New Chlorine Factory, 169
- Canadian National Railways, New 4-8-4 Locomotives, (417)
- Cape Town Electrical Project, 38
- Cape Town Graving Dock. 349
- Cape Town Water Supply, 1:33
- Carburettors, Ltd., Calor Gas for Motor-car Fuel, (475)
- Carpenter, Sir Harold, Honda Prize Award, (327)
- Catalagzi Power Scheme, Turkey, 409
- Catmur, T. S., The Scandal of the Idle Machines, 556
- Catto, Lord, Ministry of Supply Appointment, (401)
- Central Electricity Board, Annual Report, 401; Emergency Sub-stations, 441
- Chadwick Prize and Gold Medal, (475)
- Chalmers Technical High School. Gothenburg, New Ship Model Tank. (:363)
- Chamber of Mines Steel Products, Ltd., Arc Melting Furnace, 328, 333
- Chan. Monsieur, Recent Developments in Steam Locomotive Design in France, 522; (Leading Article, 477)
- Channel Tunnel, (183)
- Chicago Arc Welded River Tunnel, 190
- Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, New Construction, (207)
- Child, E. R., and F. Flader, The Speed of Aeroplanes, (375)
- Christie, A. G., Post-graduate Training, 113
- Christie, S. P., Gas Power in War Time, 62
- Chubuk Dam, Turkey, 12 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Churia Tunnel, Nepal, 31
- Clark, R. H., Some Early Burrell Engines, 104
- Clark, V. E., Low Density Material for Aircraft Structures, 483
- Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., Streamline Diffusing Discharge Regulator, 97
- Coble, H., Large American "Mallet" Locomotives, 127,153
- Cochran and Co., Annan, Ltd., Large Four-furnace " Economic " Boiler, 310
- Concrete, Ltd., Pneumatic Roofs for Army Huts, 240
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., " Bicycle " Portable Electric Grinders, 73
- Consumers Co-operative Refineries, Ltd., New Refining Plant, 86
- Contractor, G. P. and F. C. Thompson, Damping Capacity of Steel and its Measurement. 434
- Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize and Medal, (351)
- Copper Development Association, New Classification of Commercial Coppers, 98
- Cornish, W. E., and I. F. Morrison, Measurement of Earth Pressure, 504; (Letter, 556)
- Cossor, A. C., Ltd, Photo-cell Relay Unit, 450; A.C. Impedance Bridge, Double-beam Oscillograph, 451; Pressure-recording Unit, 471; Cossor-Dodds Amplifier, Ganging Oscillator, and Electronic Indicating Equipment, 472
- Craig, J., Nominated President, Iron and Steel Institute, (13); Presidential Address, 433
- Craig, John, Obituary, 211
- Craig, O., Effect of Coal Characteristics on Pulverised Coal Firing. 512
- Critchley, G. R., The Salvage of H.M.S. " Thetis," 559. 508
- Crompton D. C. Generator, Veteran, (39)
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., A Portable Power Plant, 167; Electrical Equipment of Derby Baths, Blackpool, 352, 359; Automatic Supervisory Control for a Pumping Scheme, 385; Electrical Supply Equipment at a Wireless Works, 482
- Crompton, R. E. B., Obituary, 187; (Letter, 234)
- Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., Natural Gas Engine for Trinidad, W. A. Tookey, 551, 554, 575
- Crypton Equipment Ltd., Non-Mercurial " Automatic Battery Cut-out, 263
- Crystal Palace Water Towers, 565
- DARCY Exploration Co., Ltd., Oil Prospecting Licences, (455)
- Dartford and Purfleet Tunnel, 22
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., Oil Engines for Rail Traction, 45
- David, W. T., Combustion Turbulence, 250; Process of Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines, 509
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Portable Industrial Vacuum Cleaner, 542
- Davidson. M. W., High-speed Locomotive Connecting-rods, (351)
- Davies, D. G., The Haweswater Dam, 141
- Dawtrey, H. L., Nut Tightness, 214
- De Havilland Aircraft. Co., Ltd., Aircraft Manufacture in War Time, 173
- Denny, Sir Maurice, Retirement as Chairman of British Corporation Technical Committee, 101
- Desch, C. H., Retirement from N.P.L., (63)
- Dick, R. and J., Ltd., Short-centre Rope Drive, 336
- Dick, W. H., Obituary, (63), (87)
- Dixon, S. M., Obituary, 337
- Dixon, William, Ltd., Coke Oven Gas Supply for Glasgow, (562)
- Dniepr-Niemen Waterway, (531)
- "Dominion Monarch," Shaw Savill Motor Liner, 20 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Doncaster, Daniel, and Sons, Ltd., Valve Production by the Extrusion Process, 494
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Otto Beit Bridge, 30
- Downs, C. R., Calcium Chloride for Air Conditioning, (553)
- Dowson. J. E., Obituary. 67
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., Railcars and Oil-engined Locomotives in 1939, 57
- Duckham, Alexander Gift to R.A.F. Benevolent Fund, (279); Skin Troubles and Machine Tools. 501
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Window Protection and Blacking Out, (13)
- Dunsheath, P., Emergency Jointing of Cables, (183)
- Dutton Pumping Station, Biggleswade, 11 Durban Railway Station, 38
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Trailer for 40-Ton Loads, 133
- Edge, S. F., Obituary, 149
- Electro-mecanique, Cie., Pneumatic Tyres for Electric Trains, (87)
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Current Transformer Testing Set and Optical Pyrometer, 298
- Ellison, George, Ltd., " Shunt " Limit Switches, 121
- Ellson, G., British Main Line Railways, (303)
- ENGINEER, THE, Returns to London, 497
- Engineers' Club, Manchester, Annual Meeting, (303)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternators in 1939. 7 (Supplement, January 5th. 1940); Switchgear Work in 1939, 10; Steel Works Electrical Equipment, 40, 49; Rectifier Work in 1939, 49; Trade Outlook for 1940, 50; Oil-electric Traction in 1939, 56; Overhead Bus-bar System for Machine Shops, 541
- Escher, Wyss and Co, Hot Air Power Plant, 373
- Esla Viaduct, Spain, 444
- Ethyl Gasoline Corporation, Effect of Lead in Petrol on Crankcase Oils, (327)
- Etzel Welded High-pressure Pipe Line, Switzerland, 118
- Evans. U. R., Report on Corrosion Research Work at Cambridge University, 434
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., Wattmeter, 321; Photometer, 322
- Every, W. S., Obituary, (397)
- Express Lift Co., Ltd., Lift Worm Reduction Gear with Back Gearing. 312
- FAIRFIELD Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Mr. R. Strachan's Jubilee, (87)
- Faraday Medal Awarded to Dr. A. Russell. (111), (375)
- Fawssett, E., W. H. Grimmitt, G. F. Shotter and H. G. Taylor, Practical Aspects of Earthing, 182
- Fereday, H. J., Obituary, 17
- Ferranti, Ltd., Transformer Work in 1939, 7; High-voltage Indicator, 369
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Electricity Supply at Gloucester Works, 335
- Firminger and Gregory, Ltd., Protecting Blueprints (" Fex "), 424
- Firth, Thomas, and John Brown, Ltd., Tool and Die Steels Treatment, (181)
- Firth, Sir William. 389
- Fitzmaurice. R., and W. Allen, Sound Transmission in Buildings, 467
- Flader, F., and E. R. Child, The Speed of Aeroplanes, (375)
- Fleming, A. P. M., Electricity as Applied to Metallurgy, 323
- Fluid Transfer, Ltd., Intermittent Pressure Pumps, 540
- Fokker, A. H. G., Obituary, 1
- Ford, E. H., Coventry By-pass Road, (159)
- Ford, H., and 0. A. Saunders, Heat Transfer in the F low of Gas through a Bed of Solid Particles, 4:14
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Farm Tractor Output, 1397); Rolls-Royce Aero-engines, (5631
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Oil-engined Shunting Locomotive, 82; Transportable Emergency Pumping Sets for A.R.P. Service, 143. (182); Pumping Sets for Oilfield Duty. 289; Oil-engined Rail Traction Transmission Systems, 360
- Fowler, Professor A., Obituary, 565
- Fraser, H. K., Obituary, 283
- Freeman, S. B., Mechanical Engineering Problems in Marine Transport, 164
- French National Railways, Locomotive with Velox Boiler. 5, 199
- Fry, Lawford H., Vector Analysis and Locomotive Counterbalancing, 518
- GAEDE. G. C., The Earnings of Super Liner, (417)
- Gas Producers (Bellay). Ltd., New Producer Gas Plant, 68
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternators of 1939, 7, 14; Transformer Work in 1939. 8; Switchgear Work in 1939, 9; Steel Works Electrical Equipment, 40, 49; Rectifier Work in 1939. 49; Receiver for Daylight Testing Range, 298; Direct-coupled Roller Motors, 372; South African Broadcasting Equipment, 524
- General Electric Co. of America. Small Permanent Magnets, (327); Electric Locomotives for Brazil, (327); Turbo-electric Tanker, (553)
- Genissiat Dam and Power Station, 34
- Gerard, G., Drying Out Flooded Electrical Machinery, 139
- Gibb, Sir A., Quicker Decisions Required, 5l 7
- Gillies, D. B., Precepts for Engineers, 561
- Gilmour, Sir John, Obituary, 317
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Children's Allowance, (206)
- Glendale Power Station. California, (455)
- Gonser, B. W., and A. U. Seybolt. Copper-base Alloys for Die Casting, (417)
- Goodenough, Sir F., Obituary, 67
- Gordon, Lord Dudley. Nominated President of F.B.I., (63)
- Graeme, N. S., Obituary, (375)
- Great Western Railway War Services. (63), Carriage Body Lifting Cranes, 350; Lighting of Station Indicator Boards. (417); Railcars. Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., 452. 473
- Green. G. W. A., Fuel Injection in Oil Engines, 423
- Grimmitt, W. H., E. Fawssett, G. F. Shotter, and H. 0. Taylor, Practical Aspects of Earthing, 182
- Guy, H. L., Some Researches on Steam Turbine Nozzle Efficiency (Parsons Memorial Lecture), 70. 94, 116; Parsons Memorial Modal Award, 507
- HABBANIYAH Flood-control Scheme, 33
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Mercury Switch On-load Tap-changing Equipment, 131
- Hague, F. T., and M. W. Smith. Study 01 Turbine Blades in Operation, (310)
- Handley Page, Ltd., " Hampden " Bomber. (375)
- Hardie, G. D., Obituary, (169)
- Harvey. G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Dinner to Mr. E. R. Clarke, (39)
- Hauser, E. A., Synthetic Mica, (111)
- Haven, W. A., Manufacture of Pig Iron in America, 434
- Haweswater Dam, D. G. Davies, 141
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., " Hotspur " Two-seater Fighter, 6 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Hawksley Lecture, Mechanical Engineering for Power Stations, Sir Leonard Pearce, 85. 108; (Leading Article, 89)
- Hayward-Tyler and Co., Ltd., Largo Pipe Line Pump, 277
- Heinkel He. 112 Fighter Monoplane, Armament of, (475), 489
- Herbert. Sir Alfred, Road Accidents, (159) Herbert. Alfred, Ltd., Motor-driven. Vertical Milling Machine, 543
- Hibberd, F. C., and Co., Ltd., " Planet " Type Shunting Locomotive, 58
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Fractional Horse-power, Single-phase Motors. 144
- High Duty Alloy., Ltd., New Metallurgical Research Laboratories, 409, 436, 439
- Highgate Railway Station, (279)
- Hildage, H. T., Scope in Works Management, (74); The Measurement of Earth Pressure, 556
- Hill, Professor A. V., Appointed Assistant Air Attache in Washington, (303)
- Hill, D. Y., Bridge Calculation, 139
- Hill. G. H., and Sons, Ladybower Dam, Derwent Valley, 10
- Hill. J. NV., Lightweight Steam Plant, 234
- Hodsdon, O. C., Graphic Method of Obtaining Mean Temperature Differences. 499
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 317
- Hogsmill Valley Drainage System. (375)
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Baghdad Bridges. 30
- Holloway, John, Obituary, 163
- Holman Brothers. Ltd., Air Compressor Mounted on a Road Roller, (74)
- Holmstrom, J. E., The Chemist and the Slop, 228
- Hornbuckle. T., and A. K. Bruce, Herbert Akroyd Stuart and the Development of the Heavy Oil Engine, 72, (86); (Leading Article, 89)
- Hotchkiss, D., Unusual Scheme for Salvaging Vessels, (231)
- Houlder Line, Ltd., Shipping under War Conditions, 53
- Howrah Bridge, Calcutta, 24 (Supplement, .Tan wiry 5th, 1940)
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., Oil-engined Locomotives, 45
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Oil-engined Locomotives, 56; Oil-engined Locomotive for Trinidad, 578
- Hunter, Summers, Obituary, 66
- Hurd, Sir Archibald, The Shipbuilding and Ship-repairing Industries After the War, 259
- Hutt. E. T., Heavy G.W.R. Rail, (159)
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co., Ltd., Vulcan-Sinclair Couplings for Railcars, 43
- ILE St. Louis Bridge, Paris, Collapse. 52
- Imperial Dam, Colorado, 12
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Gas-conditioning Units for Paint and Varnish Manufacture. 542
- Incorporated Society of British Advertisers. Standard Sizes for Papers, (435)
- Inspecting and Annealing Engineers, Ltd., Strength of Beams, 379
- International Harvester Co., Oil-engined Crawler Tractors, 482
- International Nickel., Annual Report, (350). (413)
- Isere Valley, Grenoble, Draining of the, 150, 160
- Jackson, Sir Arthur, Obituary, 101
- Jackson, A. V., J. H. Pearce, and L. R. E. Kennedy, A Problem in the Philosophy of Mathematics, 378
- Jennings. J., Proportional Disc Losses in Pumps and Fans, 519
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Electric Pencil, 122; Geometric Jig Borer. 166; " Wicaco " Oil Grooving Machine. 264
- Jones, Brig.-General H. A., Controller of Light Alloys, 429
- Jouett, J. H., American Aircraft Production. 467
- Joy, B. H., Obituary. 66
- KADENACY Oil Engine Research Laboratory. Armstrong-Whitworth Securities Co., Ltd., 232. 235
- Keith Blackman, Ltd., Ventilation and Anti- gas Filtration Plants, 120
- Keller, C., and J. Ackeret, Hot Air Power Plant, 373
- Kennedy, L. R. E., J. H. Pearce, and A. V. Jackson, A Problem in the Philosophy of Mathematics. 378
- Kent, George. Ltd., " Multelec " Potentiometer, 403
- Kent, R. W., What the General Manager Thinks About, 523
- Kern and Co., Ltd., Super-Stroboscope. 402
- Kerr, W., J. F. Shannon, and It. N. Arnold, Singing Propellers. 389, 391
- Kingston Power Station, (455)
- Knox. J. R., Propaganda. 62
- Koch. W. R., and E. J. Wyrostek, The Strength of Laminated Glass. (397)
- Komppa, O., Extraction of Oil from Peat. (351)
- Kootenay River Developments, 503
- LAFARGE Aluminous Cement Co., Ltd., Tube Mill for Cement Grinding, 136, 140
- Lancashire Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd., General Meeting. 197
- Lane, H. C., Press Shearing through an Oblique Plane, 205
- Langley, M., Refuelling in Flight, 358. 365
- Larks. Sir William. Industry through War to Peace, 62
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Memorial to W. H. Scott. (417)
- le Maistre, C., Machine Tool Tests and Alignments, 420
- Lee, R. C., American Shipbuilding, (13)
- Letchworth Training Centre, Ministry of Labour, 470, 476
- Lewis, W. Yorath, and S. A. Robertson, The Lewis Boiler, 249, 260
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Railcar Work in 1939, 83
- Light Production, Ltd., Liquid Level Alarm, 385
- Lima Locomotive Works, 2-8-8-4 Articulated Locomotives for Southern Pacific Railroad. (39)
- Lincoln Electric Co., Are Welded River Tunnel for Chicago, 190; Oil Engine Driven Arc Welder, 336
- Lincoln, J. F., Arc Welding Foundation, Arc Welding and Progress. (39)
- Lindberg Engineering Co., Cooling System for Quenching Oil, 577
- Lingard. H., Factory Lighting. (494)
- Little. A. D., Inc., Powdered Iron, 25; Gear Powders, 230
- Livesay, Edward H., Colonel Crompton. 234 Turbine Locomotive Experiences, 366. 390. 410, 430; (Letter, 499)
- Ljunggren, O. W. L., Method of Selero-grating, 434
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Appointments, (553), (571)
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, New Transport Machine, (255)
- London Electric Wire Co and Smiths, Ltd., Glass-insulated Electric Wire (" Sewco glass "), (475)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Centenaries in 1940, (13); Derailment at Market Harborough. (39); New Time Table. (39); Appointments. (87), (255). (475); Freight Traffic Statistics, (87); Remote Supervisory Control on Wirral Lines, 102, 126, (134); New Rolling Stock for the Liverpool and Southport Electrified Lines, 109. 112; Lighting for Provincial Electric Trains, (111); Landslip at Watford, (135); Herbert, Jackson Prize, (159); Rea ling Lights. (159); Bletchley Train Accident Report. 173; Sentinel Steam Coach, (183); Suggestions, (207); New Turntables, (231); Signal. box for Road Traffic, (255); " Jones Goods " Locomotive Withdrawn, (351); " Precursor" Locomotives 1Vithdrawn, (351); Hillington Station, (375); Glasgow Central Station Extensions, (397); turbine Locomotive Experiences. E. H. Livesay. 366, 390, 410, 430; (Letter, 499); Anti-waste Campaign. (417); "Coronation Scot " to be Exhibited at World's Fair, New York, (435); Atherstone Derailment, (435); Haggerston Station Closed, (433); " War Veteran " Engines. (441); Derby Works Centenary, 447; Clyde Steamer Services, (515); Salvage Campaign. (515). (571)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Manchester-Sheffield Electrification, (39); Collision at Ware, (63); Electrification Schemes. (135)
- London Power Co. Annual General Meeting. 149
- Lorant and Co., Ltd., " Rindis " Filing Machine. 577
- Love, A. E. H., Obituary, 539
- Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., Progress, (159)
- Luton Sewage Disposal Plant, Electrical Equipment, British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 424
- Macartney, W. C., Obituary, 282
- Macbeth, C., Rubber and Railways, (63)
- Machinery Manufacturing Co., " Vernon " Vertical Miller and Borer, 516
- Madero Dam. Mexico, 54, 64
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd., Machine for Planing Marine Propellers. 456, 462
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., Electrical-driven Scraping Machine, 483
- Marconi Memorial at the Needles, 341. (375)
- Martin, Glen L., Co., Zinc Melting, (455)
- Massey, W. H., Obituary, 478
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Hydraulic Pumping Machinery for Mersey Docks, (417); British Canning Plant, 520. 528
- "Mauretania." Cunard White Star Liner, 19 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- McDonald, G. G., A Vortex Casing for an Experimental Fan. 379 Mechanical Efficiencies of Similar Fans and Pumps. 458; Proportional Disc Losses in Pumps and Fans, 574
- McDonald, J. A. R., Federation of Manufacturers and Producers of Great Britain, Ltd., 29. (87)
- McKinnon, E. C., Trolleybus Storage Batteries. (111)
- McKinnon Industries, Ltd., New Foundry, 134
- McLeod, R. C., Lightweight. Steam Plants, 163, 302
- McMurtrie, F., Naval Construction in 1939. 2. 35 (Supplement, January 5th. 1940)
- Meik and Halcrow, Extensions to the Port of Beira, 411. 418
- Mellanby, A. L., Fifty Years of Marine Engineering (Lowe Gray Lecture), 270, 307
- Melmoth, F. A., The Electric Furnace it the Steel Foundry. 404
- Melvin, James, Railings and Scrap. 479
- Menai Suspension Bridge Reconstruction, 22
- Mersey Railway Co., Annual Meeting, (279)
- [[Metal Box Co|Metal Box Co., Ltd.], British Canning Plant. 520, 528
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternators in 1939, 7, 14 (Supplement. January 615. 1940); Transformer Work in 1939, 9; Switchgear Work in 1939, 10 Steelworks Electrical Equipment, 49; Rural Oil Circuit Breaker, 73; Coil Tester, 432 Metropolitan Water Board. New Laboratories, 344; Review of Work. 447
- Meuse Tunnel, Rotterdam, 23
- Meyer Mechanical Laboratories. Geometric Jig Borer, 166
- Midland Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Accident Prevention, (213)
- Miller, R. C., Appointed Electrical Engineer, Southampton Docks, (422)
- Missouri Pacific Railway, Auxiliary Water Tank Cars for Goods Trains. (535)
- Mitchell, K. C., Indian Roads. (279)
- Mobility. Ltd., Tubular Steel Trucks. 312
- Molloy, F. G., Obituary. (455)
- Monitor Patent Safety Devices, Ltd., New Pressure Alarm. 192
- Mono Basin Project, Los Angeles, 548. 566, 572
- Montreal Locomotive Works, Ltd., New 4-8-4 Locomotives for C.N.R., (417)
- Moraine Products, Powder Metallurgy and Gear Manufacture, (564)
- Morrison, I. K. and W. E. Cornish, Measurement of Earth Pressure, 504; (Letter, 556)
- Mossfield Colliery. Longton, Explosion. (327)
- Mountstuart Dry Docks, Ltd., Tredegar Dry Dock Reopened. (87)
- Mullard Wireless Service Co., Ltd., Cathode Ray Oscillograph, 422; Dynamic Vibration Detector and Electron Switch, 422
- Myddleton Cup (Inst. C.E.) Presented to American Society of Civil Engineers. (63)
- NALDER Brothers and Thompson, Ltd., Wattmeters, 368
- Nasmyth Relics, (495)
- National Physical Laboratory. Retirement of C. H. Desch, (63); Annual Report. 429; Staff Changes. (375)
- National Steel Car Corporation. Ltd., Steel Plant Expansion in Canada, 483
- Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw Mij, Shipyard Extension, (13)
- Nelson. C. H., Trade Out look for 1940, 50
- Negretti and Zambra, Multi-point Recording Thermometer. 371
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield). Ltd., "Eclipse" Automatic Centre Punch, 265
- Neuilly Bridge Over the Seine, 23
- New York Municipal Airport, 174, 184, 198, 208
- Newell, Ernest, and Co., Ltd., Tube Mill for Cement Grinding. 136, 140
- Newell, W. C., Estimation of Hydrogen in Steel and Other Metals, 434
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Ltd., The U.S. Liner " America," 166
- Niagara Falls Bridge. (13). (327). (475)
- Niagara Falls Power Plant Plans, 51
- Nisbett, G. H., Resignation from British Insulated Cables, Ltd., (571)
- Nock, O. S., Turbine Locomotive Performances, 499
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 4-6-4 Tank Engines for Sao Paulo, 5
- North Wales Power Co., Supply Interruption. (159)
- Norwegian Air Force, 389
- Nuffield, Lord. Lead in War Effort, (505)
- Nunn. H. E., and Co., Ltd., Portable Power Plant. 167
- Nuswift Engineering Co., Ltd., Extinguishing Incendiary Bombs, (455)
- ONTARIO Power Station, Drying Out Flooded Electrical Machinery. 78, 88; (Letters, 139. 186)
- "Oranje," Netherlands Motor Liner. 20
- Ormerod Shapers. Ltd., Heavy-duty Slotting Machines. 543
- Oswald. T. D., Unusual Pump Casing Repair. (571)
- Ottaway, E. C., Motor Transport, 236. 253, 286
- Otto Bait Bridge, Zambesi River, 30
- Panama Canal Improvement Project, (327)
- Panama Canal Locks, 108, (475)
- Paris Trade Fair, 282, 526
- Parker, E. B., Automatic Train Control, 186
- Parker, T. W., and J. Spalding. Air-conditioning Plant at Deep Gold Mine, (159)
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Turbo-alternator Works in 1939, 6, 14; Transformer Work in 1939. 8
- Parsons Engineering Co., Ltd., Gas Booster Plant, 122; Water Circulation Indicator, 384 Parsons Memorial Lecture, Some Researches on Steam Turbine Nozzle Efficiency, H. L. Guy, 70, 94, 116
- Parsons, R. H., Graphic Method Obtaining Logarithmic Mean Temperature Differences, 458
- Partridge, G. W., Obituary, 438
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Commercial Ozone, A. E. Williams, 557
- Paterson, J. H., The Corrosion of Ship Structures, (375), 463
- Pauling and Co., Ltd., St. Saviour's Dam, Guernsey, 11 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940), 300. 304; Extensions to the Port of Beira, 411, 418
- Pearce, J. H., A. V. Jackson, and L. R. E. Kennedy, A Problem in the Philosophy of Mathematics, 378
- Pearce, Sir Leonard, Mechanical Engineering for Power Stations (Hawksley Lecture), 85, 108; (Leading Article, 89); Appointed Electricity Commissioner, (515)
- Peirson, J. Gordon, Early History of the Submarine, 202
- Penarth Dock, (351)
- Pennsylvania Railroad. Express Locomotive, 4 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Penzance Harbour Improvements, (2117)
- Petch-Elliott Current Transformer Testing Set, Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., 299
- Philippe, C. D., Synthetic Materials for Mill Bearings, 119
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., Spot Welding of Light Alloys, 189
- Pick, F., Retirement from L.P.T.B., (351)
- Pigott, Sir Stephen, Gold Medal of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (553)
- Plessey Co., Electrical Supply Equipment at Wireless Works, 482
- Pollard, E., and Co., Ltd., New Form of Steel Building, 502
- Pollard, E. F., Obituary, (417)
- Pollitt, A., Development in Design of Boilers and Boiler-house Auxiliaries, 381, 405, 425
- Port Elizabeth's Big Dam, 239
- Portsmouth Power Station Extensions, (39)
- Potomac River Bridge, Ludlow Ferry, Caisson, (45)
- Poulter, T. C., The Antarctic " Snow Cruiser," 413
- Poultney, E. C., Heavy Passenger Engines, South African Railways, 222, 240
- "Pretoria Castle," Union-Castle Motor Liner. 19 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940)
- Pretoria Steel Works, 192
- Princes Pier, Greenock, Closing. (327)
- Print Sales Co., Ltd., New Method Paying Discounts (War Savings), (475)
- Proctor, C. F., Obituary, 438
- Provincial Paper, Ltd., Modern Coating Machine, 241
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Fire-fighting Pumping Plant, 97
- QUARENDON, R., Glass Fibre Electrical Insulation, 538
- "Queen Elizabeth," Cunard White Star Liner, Sent to New York, 256, 258
- Queen's Midtown Tunnel, New York, 491, 512, 516, 530
- RADIATION, Ltd., Canteen Kitchen Equipment, 239
- Raine, A. J., Obituary, (265)
- Rangoon, Burma, Water Supply, 488. 496, 508
- Ravenshaw, H. W., Obituary, (135)
- Restler, J. D. K., Sixty Years Ago: London's Water Supply, 499
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 341; Transformer Work in 1939, 8
- Rhodes, Ernest, Road over River Mersey at Stockport, 284
- Rhodes, H. F. T., The Use of Methane, (87)
- Rhodesia's Copper Output, 544
- Richards, Charles, and Sons, Lighting in a Nut and Bolt Factory, 312
- Robertson, S. A., and W. Yorath Lewis, The Lewis Boiler, 249, 260
- Richmond Bridge Reconstruction, 22
- Rochelle-Pallice Mole, 243
- Rogaleki, S., Aerial Warfare in the Polish-German Campaign, 396
- Rogers, F. H., Presidential Address, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 377 (Leading Article)
- Rood, K., Supplies of Drill Steel in South Africa, 544
- Rooksby, H. P., X-Ray Investigation in the Structure of Matter, (80)
- Rowell, P. F., Obituary. 365
- Royal Institute of British Architects, Research Board, 467
- Russell, Dr. A., Faraday Medal A ward, (111), (375)
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., A " Walking " Drag-line, 462
- SAINT-CLOUD Bridge, Paris, 339
- St. Lawrence Development Plan, 301
- St. Lawrence Paper Mills Co., Ltd., Heat from Sulphur Dioxide, 191
- Saint Louis Bridge, Paris, Collapse. (13)
- St. Saviour's Darn, Guernsey, Pauling and Co., 11, 300, 304 (Supplement. January fth, 1940)
- Salinillas Hydro-electric Plant and Madero Dam, Mexico, 54, 64
- Sangamo Weston, Ltd., Current Transformer, 357
- Sankey, J. H., and Son, Ltd., New Acid-resisting Cement, (543)
- Santee River Power Project, California, (535)
- Saunders, O. A., and H. Ford, Heat Transfer in the Flow of Gas through a Bed of Solid Particles, 434
- Scott, R. G., Obituary, (279)
- Scott, W. H., Memorial at Gothic Works, Norwich, (417)
- Severn Catchment Board, 429
- Seybolt, A. U., and B. W. Gonser, Copper Base Alloys for Die Casting, (417)
- Shannon, J. F., W. Kerr, and R. N. Arnold, Singing Propellers, 389, 391
- Shasta Dam, Bolt Conveyor. 562
- Shaw, J. R., Coal Dust, Suppression by Water Sprays, (63)
- Short and Mason, Ltd., Time Schedule Controller, and Dial Thermometer, 370
- Shorter Process Co., Ltd., Now Gear Tooth Hardening Machine, 384
- Shotter, G. F., W. H. Grimmitt, E. Fawssett, and H. G. Taylor, Practical Aspects of Earthing. 182
- Sidwell, E. E., Obituary. (374)
- Sillcox, L. K., Mastering Momentum in Transport, 461, 480. 500, 510
- Simons, H. S., Super-Stroboscope, 402
- Sloane Square Underground Station Improvements. (327)
- Smart, Ralph E., Ltd., Floatless Pump Control (" Antila "), 192
- Smith, B. H., A Locomotive Query, 401
- Smith, D. M., Quantitative Spectrographic Analysis, (350)
- Smith, Fred., Obituary, 478
- Smith, M. W., and F. T. Hague, Study of Turbine Blades in Operation, (310)
- Smith, Roger, Obituary, 420
- Sneeden, J. B. O., Steam Propulsion of Cargo Ships. (327)
- Snowy River, Australia. Power Project, (39)
- "Sobieski," Gdynia-America Liner, 20
- South African Airways, Lockheed Planes Ordered. 544
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Plant Increase, 38; Workshops Moved on Skids, 238; Pretoria Steel Works, 192. 440
- South African Railways, Heavy Passenger Engines, E. C. Poultney, 222, 246
- Southampton Docks, Mr. R. C. Miller's Appointment, (422)
- Southern Railway, Appointments, (39); Cliftonville Tunnel Mishap, (231); Railway Electrification, 293; Mobile Railway Workshops, 313; Fire-fighting Train, (571)
- Spalding, J., and T. W. Parker, Air-conditioning Plant at Deep Gold Mine, (159)
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Feedback Transmission Measuring Set, 369; Test Trolley Equipment, High-frequency Distortion Factor Meter, 370
- Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., Plant Extensions, 503
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Erection of a 220ft. Wireless Mast, 532, 536
- Stout W. B., The Motor Car of the Future, (475)
- Strachan, Robert, Jubilee with Fairfield Company, (87)
- Suez Canal Shipping, (87)
- Suits, C. G., Arcing in Mercury Switches, (385)
- Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., Etzel Welded High-pressure Pipe Line, Switzerland, 118; Heat Measurement in Large Buildings, (435); Heating by Air Drawn from the Earth, (435); Oil Engine Outputs in 1939, (Ill)
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., Automatic Supervisory Control for a Pumping Scheme, 385; Ventilation of Electrical. Machinery at a Steel Rolling Mill, 376, 380
- Sykes, C., A. J. Bradley, and W. L. Bragg. Researches into the Structure of Alloys, 434
- Sykes, F. J., Automatic Train Control, 234
- TABLE Bay Graving Dock, 238
- Taylor, C. I., Awarded Ewing Medal, 507
- Taylor, H. G., The Resistance of Copper to Soil Corrosion, 156, 176
- Taylor, H. G., E. Fawssett, W. H. Grimmitt, and G. F. Shutter, Practical Aspects of Earthing, 182
- Taylor, T. U., Instrument for the Measurement of Heel and Trim,:334
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson. Ltd., Precision Optical Apparatus, 92
- Teesdale Water Power Scheme, Proposed. 409
- Tennessee River improvement Works, (111), (535)
- Thames Valley Land Drainage, 53
- "Thetis," H.M. Submarine, Report of Inquiry. 3.17; (Leading Article, 353); The Salvage of, G. R. Critchley, 559, 568
- Thomas, J. F. I., Obituary, (521)
- Thompson, F. C., and G. P. Contractor, Damping Capacity of Steel and its Measurement, 434
- Thornycroft, Sir John E., Pencil Portrait No. 24 (Supplement, April 19th, 1940)
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., High-speed Motor Torpedo Boats, (183); Patrol Launches for Burma, (:397)
- Thorpe, Sir Jocelyn F., Obituary, (535)
- Tilling, Thomas, Ltd., Fuel for Omnibus Service, 173
- Tookey, W. A., Natural Gas Engine for Trinidad, 551, 554, 575
- Trades Union Congress, Annual Conference, 487
- Transcontinental and Western Air Co., "Magnaflux " Testing for Non-ferrous Alloys, (553)
- Tratman, E. L. R., Submerged Barriers for Shore Protection, 226
- Trench, Louis, Obituary, 188
- Tripp. G. W., The Selection of Apprentices, 441
- Troughton, H. J., Flashes from Overhead Trolley-bus Equipment, (397)
- Tyrrell, G. W., Coal Resources of the U.S.S.R., (475)
- UNION-Castle Fleet Replacement Account, (475)
- Union Pacific Railroad, High-speed 4-8-4 Freight Locomotives. 5; Turbo-electric Locomotive, 4 (Supplement, January 5th. 1940)
- United Molasses Co., Ltd., Tanker Fleet, (375)
- United States Rubber Co., Moulds made by Electro-deposition, (75)
- Unwin Memorial Committee, 215
- Usborne, Vice-Admiral C. V., Resignation from Censorship Bureau, 29
- VAAL Dam, South Africa, 440
- Vaal-Hartz Irrigation Scheme, 12
- Vacuum Refrigeration, Ltd., New Industrial Heating Unit, 143
- Vauclain, S. M., Obituary. 234
- Velox Boiler Fitted to French Locomotive, 5. 199
- Vigoureux, P., Quartz Oscillators, (183)
- Villenueve-St. Georges Bridge, France. 212
- Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., Ventilation of Electrical Machinery at a Steel Rolling Mill, 376, 380
- Volk's Railway at Brighton. (207)
- Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co., Ltd., Fusion-welded Steam Pressure Vessels, (147); Unusual Gasholder Explosion, (397)
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., Oil-engined Railcars, 45
- WADSWORTH, G. W., Measuring Personality, 206; (Loading Article, 209)
- Wall, T. F., The Mechanism of Magnetisation, 273, 294, 318, 342
- Walters and Dobson. Ltd., File Grinding Machines, 263
- Wandsworth Bridge, 21
- Ward, H. J., Obituary, 458
- Ward, Thos., W., Ltd., H.M.S. "Caledonia" to be Broken Up. (327)
- Warner, W. E., Preventing Gear Corrosion, (255)
- Waterloo Bridge, London, Peter Lind, Ltd., 21 (Supplement, January 5th, 1940), (435)
- Watford Training Centre, Ministry of Labour, 393, 398
- Wauchope, H., Obituary, 211
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Corby Coke-oven Plant, (34)
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Magnetic Vibrators. 355
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Turbine Blade Vibration, 514
- Weymann's Motor Bodies, Ltd., " Unit-Construction " Trolleybus, 440
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Co., Carriage Body Lifting Cranes for G.W.R., 350
- Wheeler, H. V., and J. V. Elsden. Fuel in Science and Practice, 134
- White, W. A., Obituary. 539
- Wickham, D., and Co., Ltd., Railcar Work in 1939, 58
- Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture, R. Cox, (135)
- Wilkinson, M., The Demolition of the " Mauretania." 442
- Williams, A. E., Commercial Ozone, 557
- Williams, C. G., Collected Researches on Cylinder Wear, (111)
- Windeler, G. E., The Development of the Heavy-oil Engine, 306
- Windred, G., Switchgear Contacts. 558, 567
- Wirral Lines, Remote Supervisory Control, 102, 126, (134)
- Witwatersrand Goldfield, 454
- Woodall Duckham Co., Ltd., Pretoria Steel Works Extension. 192
- Woodhouse, W. B., Obituary, 337
- Woods. M. W., An Investigation of the High-speed Producer Gas Engine, 448, 468
- Worthington, W. B., Obituary. 17
- Wright, Sir Charles, Appointed Iron and Steel Controller, 29
- Wyrostek, E. J., and W. R. Koch, The Strength of Laminated Glass, (397)
- YELLOW River, Changing of Course. (455)
- Yunnan-Burma Railway, (135). (455)
- ZAVALA, F., Long-distance Transmission, 191
See Also
Sources of Information