The Engineer 1944 Jan-Jun: Index
The Engineer 1944 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 177 Index
- ADDISON, H, Extravagance and Industry, 232
- Airedale, Lord, Obituary, 201
- "Albemarle " Transport Aircraft , 96
- Albert Gold Modal Award to Sir H. Tizard, 429
- Annealers, Ltd., Metallic Furnace Hearths. 468
- Appleton, Sir Edward, Fundamental Scientific Research, 327
- Armstrong Whitworth "Albemarle" Transport Aircraft, 96
- Arnott, J., Payment by Result , 173
- Aughtie, F., Electrical Resistance Wire Strain Gauges, 237
- Austin. J, , Water-Tube Boiler Symposium, 1.N.A., 393
- Avro " York " Transport Aircraft. 43
- Ayre, W., The British Shipbuilding Research Association, 35()
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Marine Boilers, 58
- Backeland, L. H., Obituary, (169)
- Bailey Bridge, 512
- Bailey, E. B. National Water Plan, 169
- Baker, O. S., Fundamentals of the Marine Screw Propeller (Lowe Gray Lecture), 93, 106
- Baker, G. S. and L. T. G. Clarke, Effect of Blade Section and Area on Screw Propulsion. 372
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Locomotives for Russia, (82)
- Ball, E. Bruce, Obituary, 507
- "Barracuda" Torpedo Bomber, 279, 373
- Barrie, J. J. Foremen's Panels, 13
- Barry, J. H., Jet Propulsion of Aircraft, 154
- Bauer-Wach Exhaust Turbine System. P. L. Jones, 472
- Baxter, Charles, Unnecessary Fixtures on Machine Tools, 214
- B.E.A.M.A. Report, 299
- Belsey, W. J., Retirement from British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 457
- Bennett, R. F., Obituary, (220)
- Berry, A. E. Review of Canadian Waterworks Systems. (436)
- Berry, H., London's Water Supply, 63, 131
- Bessemer Gold Medal Award to Essington Lewis, (276)
- Bessemer's Jet Propulsion System, 44
- Bevin, Ernest, Lost-War Industry. 21
- Beyer-Garratt Heavy Freight locomotive, 27 (Supplement, January 14th, 1944)
- Biddell, George, Reminiscences of, 384
- Binnie, D., A Shell-Steel Ingot, 430
- Binns, Asa, Hon. Membership, I. Mech. E., 345
- Blackman, R. V. B., New Battleships Proof Against Aircraft., 87
- Blainey, A., 'rho Determination of Stresses in Drop Stamps, 104, 125, 144; Letters, 192, 232)
- Booth, W. Specialised Ship Types, 221
- Bowen. r- C., Pacific- Coast Shipbuilding, 44(1
- Bowyer, J. T., Obituary, (62)
- Bradley, T. G., Making Steel Specifications, 172
- Bragg, E. M., The Quasi-Propulsive Coefficient, 372
- Brearley, H, Making Steel Specifications, 126 1 (Letters, 172, 192, 213, 391); Testing Steel, 438. 458
- British Industrial Plastics, Ltd., Annual Meeting. 143
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Returns for 1943, 103; Organisation, 256; Servicing Civil Aircraft, 324, 353
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., TurboElectric Propulsion. 59; Circuit Breakers. 68; 15,000-kVA Synchronous Condenser, 86; Jet Propulsion for Aircraft, 149; Transportable Turbo-Alternators, 198
- British Timken, Ltd., Slipping of Locomotives, 290
- Brooklyn Navy Yard, Moving a 750-Ton Boiler, (358), 505
- Brown, A. J. S., Foremanship. 231
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Floating Reamer, 78
- Brown, R. J, and J. Bridle, The Winding of Coils for Magnetic Sorting Apparatus, 291
- Bruce, A. K., On the History and Nomenclature of the Oil Engine, 500; (Leading Article, 506)
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Craft Selection School, 28; Switchgear, 68
- Burrells of Thetford, B. H. Clark, 290
- Burt, Peter, Obituary, 13:3
- Bush, Dr. V., Edison Medal Award, (180)
- Butterley Co Lt, Agricultural Developments, 450
- "CALEDONIA," H.M.S., Salving the, 36
- Cambridge University, Proposed Chair of Building,- 12:3
- Cameron J. W., Obituary, 63
- Canadian National Railway, Heavy, Freight Locomotives, E. H. Livesay, 102, 182; (Letter, 233)
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Marine Engine Building, (82); Annual Meeting, (378)
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd. Annual Meeting, 379
- Canol Pipe Line, (496)
- Cape Town Foreshore Scheme, 33,1
- Cape Town Graving Dock. 407
- Caproni-Campini Jet-Propelled Aircraft , 84
- Carter, B. C., J. F. Shannon. and J. R. Forshaw. Measurement of Displacement and Strain by Capacity Methods, 237
- Chance, K. M., Industry and Government Control. 143
- Chapman, C. W. Draughtsmen and Design. 133
- Carter Oak Bridge, Connecticut, 55
- Chatfield, Lord, Presidential Address, 309
- Chicago Undeground Railway. 313, 174
- Clark, R. H. Burrells of Thetford, 2911
- Clayflex, Ltd., Flexible Bearings and Bushes, 119
- Clenshaw, W. J., Moaguromont, of Strain in Components of Complicated Form Brittle Lacquer Coatings, 238
- Collman, R. V., An Inquiry into Research, 467
- Commonwealth Edison Co., New Turbo- Generator at Chicago, (358)
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co.. Ltd., " One-Shot " Pneumatic Riveter, 18
- Corin. P. G., Inquiry into Research, 487
- Crampton. A. W., Idealism and Realism, Progress in Co-ordination, 252:
- The Co-ordination of Allied Professions, 468
- Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., Road Vehicle for 120-140-Ton Loads, 75, (122)
- Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., Short-Circuit. 'resting Station, 50
- Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd. Vis-a-Vis Oil Engine, 128
- DAVIS, R. F., and J. Mayer, Water-Tube Boiler Symposium. 432
- Davy, C. W., Stool Specifications, 213
- Dawson, C., and F. A. HanIon, Cost of Dust Removal, (160)
- Dooley, R. M., Obituary, (516)
- Delaware Aqueduct. (436)
- Devoreux, W. C., Aluminium in the Post- War Years, 276
- Dewhurst, P. C. Compound Locomotives in Great Britain, 13
- Diamond Trading Co., Ltd.. Diamond Research, (330)
- Dorey, S. F., Wire-Wound Electrical Re.
- Distance Strain Gauges, 371, 375, 386
- Dorman. A. Presidential Address, Iron and Steel Institute, 389
- Doxford Diesel Machinery, W. H. Purdie, 512
- Doxford Three-Cylinder Opposod-Piston Oil Engine, W. H. Purdie, 194, 207
- Dudley, G. A., Obituary, (385)
- Dundas, R. K., Ltd. 'The Microtimer," 236
- Dunlop Suggestion Scheme, 391
- Dunn, W. T., Maudslay Exhibition, 214
- Dunsheath, P., New Industrial Research, 214
- ECUADOR Railway Construction, (418)
- Ede, Chuter, Education for Industry, 21
- Edwards, Sir Tristram, Elected President, Shipbuilding Conference, 161
- Ellson, G., Retirement from Southern Railway, 63
- Elox Corporation. Removal of Broken Tools from Machined Parts, 396
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Southern Railway 20-Ton Well Wagon, 254
- Essendon, Lord, Obituary, 497
- Evans, R. W., The Heating of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 402
- Evans, U. R., Corrosion Research, 285
- Ewing Medal Award to F. Whittle (358)
- FAIRBURN, C. E., Appointed C.M.E., L.M.S. Railway, 279; (Letter, 329); The Maintenance of Diesel Electric Shunting Locomotives on the L.M.S. Railway, 285, 314; (Leading Article, 328)
- Fairey "Barracuda " Torpedo Bomber. 279, 373
- Faraday Medal Award to Dr. Irving Langmuir, 115
- Farmer Norton. Sir James, and Co., Ltd., Rod Drawing, Straightening, and Polishing Machine, 473
- Farren, W. S., Research for Aeronautics, 146, 164
- Fedden, Sir A. H. Roy, Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion Power Plant. 423, 449
- Federation of British Industries, Industrial Research, 379
- Ferguson, J. H., Inquiry into Research, 447
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., Air Blast Breaker, 69
- Ferranti and Deptford. 469
- Ferranti, Ltd., High-Frequency Heating Equipment, 50; Large Power Transformers, 51; Dynamic Balancing Machine, 86
- Fisk, Sir Ernest T., Hon. Membership of I.E.E., 115, 339
- Fleming, A. P. M., Research Workers: Their Education and their Place in Industry, 234; (Leading Article, 250)
- Florence, P. Sargant, The Foreman in Industry, 339
- Focke-Wulf Assembly Plant at Marion- burg, 17
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., and the T.II.C., 299
- Forrest, James, Lecture, Mechanical Vibrations, C. E. Inglis, 489
- Forshaw, J. R., B. C. Carter, and J. F. Shannon, Measurement of Displacement end Strain by Capacity Methods, 237
- Forward, E. A., The "Experiment" Locomotive, 1827, 95
- Franklin Falls Dam, U.S.A., (20)
- Frillo. E. W. J., Draughtsmen and Design, 154
- Frost, H. P., Obituary, (476)
- Fry, L. H., Engine Driving, 289
- Fuller, B., American Steel Houses, 139
- GARRO-JONES, G. ., Dependence on Foreign Research, 356
- Garside, J. E., The Inspection of Metallic Materials, 459, 478, 498
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Switohgear and Motor Generators, 69; Magnetic Salvage Equipment, 178; Pin Sorting Table, 87; Fluorescence Prospecting Outfit, 87
- Geyer, E. W., Water Vapour in Flue Gases, 134
- Gill Propulsion System, 45
- Glaimtor, E. Jet Propulsion of Aircraft, 111
- Golden Gate Bridge, Installation for Recording Movements, (275)
- Good, P., Making Steel Specifications, 192
- Gore-Browne, Colonel E., Elected Chairman, Southern Railway, 123
- Gosling, A. W., Oil Engine Outputs, 53
- Gowan, A. B., Obituary, (468)
- Graham, H. B., Obituary, (151)
- "Grasmere " Comparator Plug Gauge, Machine Shop Equipment, Ltd., 312
- Gray Memorial Trust, (465)
- Great Western Railway, Locomotive Boiler Accident, 103; Annual General Meeting, 201
- Green Mountain Power Plant, Blue River, Colorado, 51
- Greenly, Sir John, Presidential Address, Institute of Metals, 2:33
- Gregson, W., Water-Tube Boiler Symposium, 415
- "Griffon" Twelve-Cylinder Aero-Engine, Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 196
- Hadfield, W. J., Obituary, 94
- Hahn System of Jet Propulsion, 85
- Halcrow, Sir William, Hydro-Electric Power, 198
- "Halifax " Bomber, Mark III, 131
- Hammond, R. Large Scraper Excavators, 264, 282, 302
- Harris, L. E., Extravagance and Industry, 12
- Hawker " Typhoon " Single-Seater Aircraft, 66
- Helsdon, R. M., Jet Propulsion of Aircraft, 213
- Henderson, Sir F. N., Obituary, 310
- Hepburn, H. A., Fencing of Dangerous Parts of Machinery, 149; (Leading Article, 152)
- Herbert, Sir Alfred, Unnecessary Features on Machine Tools, 192
- Heywood Compressor Co., Ltd., Small Compressed Air Unit, 474
- Hindley, Sir Clement, Obituary, 369
- Hobart Bridge, Tasmania, 55
- Hobhouse Memorial Trust Lecture, H. Morrison, 359
- Hodgson. E. A., Geophone for Predicting Rockburst, (223)
- Holland-Martin, R. M., Obituary, 83
- Hotchkiss Jet Propulsion Pump, 45
- Howrah Bridge, Calcutta, 23
- Hull, G. B. Gifford, The Hull Bridge, Iraq. 55, 343, 362
- Hurren, B. J., The Future of the Aircraft Carrier, 174
- Hyde, R. R., Industrial Welfare, 249
- ILFORD Accident, L.N.E.R., 43, 103, 252, (291); (Letter, 272)
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., War Effort, 83; Food Dehydration Plant, 107; Annual Meeting, 437
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., "Thermo-bloc" Recuperators and Heat Exchangers,:335; Distortion-Free Metallic Hearths, 452; (Letter, 468)
- Inglis. C. E., Mechanical Vibrations: Their Cause and Prevention, 489
- International Nickel Co., Concrete Mine Head Frame, (180)
- JACKSON, P., Oil Engine Outputs, 12
- Jackson, S. B., Water Softening, 111
- James, H. F., Current Aluminium Alloy Rolling Practice, 420; (Letter, 487)
- Johansen, F. C., High-Speed Cinematography, 257
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 379; Single-Operator Welding Set, 431
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Universal Thread Milling Machine, 78; Thread Milling Machine (" Truvox "), 120; Automatic Sizing Attachment for Lathes, 236
- Jones, P. L., Reciprocating Machinery with Exhaust Turbine (Bauer-Wach System), 472
- Jones and Shipman, A. A., Ltd., Angular Sine Vice, 120
- Junkers System of Jet Propulsion, 84
- KAHN, S. IL, Basic English, 349
- Kaiser Company, Inc., Californian Iron and Steel Plant, 148
- Kallir, L., and E. E. Hutchings, Electrical Continuity of Steel Conduit Joints. (20)
- Kay, R. P., Operational Aspects of an Oil Engine Plant, 306; (Leading Article. 308)
- Keating, F. H., Making Steel Specifications, 172
- Kelvin Lecture, Magnetism in Theory and Practice, E. C. Stoner, 339
- Kettering, C. F., How Can We Develop Inventors ? 443; (Leading Article, 446)
- Key, G., Draughtsmen and Design, 134
- Kidnor, P. C., Institution of Automobile Engineers Medal Award, (142)
- Kirkman, P. D., The Use of Unfamiliar Fuels, 294
- Koenigsberger, F., The Application of Fabricated Construction to Machine Design, 346, 355, 364
- Krupps Engineering and Armament Works, 431
- Kynnersley, T. R. S., Post-War Engineering in India, (160)
- "LAFAYETTE," United States Liner, Salving the, 35 (Supplement, January 14th, 1944)
- Langmuir, Dr. Irving, Faraday Medal Award, 115
- Lebedew, P. S., Coal Carbonisation, (496)
- Leckie, A. H. Study of the Thermal Performance of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 402
- Lee, E., Draughtsmen and Design. 133
- Leipzig Fair Buildings, 17
- Lemon, Sir Ernest, The Art of Management, 161
- Levinstein, H., The Use of By-Products for Plastics, 161
- Lillicrap, C. S., Director of Naval Construction, 103
- Lincoln Tunnel, New York, (318)
- Liverpool Street Station, Improved Loudspeaker Installation, 138
- Livesay, E. H., Canadian Locomotive
- Experiences, 162, 182; (Letter, 233)
- Lloyd, E. A., Battleships and Carriers, 33
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Retirement of Dr. J. Montgomerie, 63; Elections, (494)
- Lomonossoff, G. V., Condensing Locomotives, 408, 410; (Letter, 447)
- London-Dover Railway Centenary, 103
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Converted " Royal Scot " Locomotive, 26 (Supplement, January 14th, 1944); Special Trains for War Workers, (42); Road Transport, (60); Snow Ploughs. (82); Euston-Manchester Express Fire, (122); Annual Meeting, 181; Derby Institute Jubilee, (217); Resurfacing Worn Rails, (260); Telephone Inquiries, (272); Retirement of Sir William Stanier, (278); Salvage, (278); Appointment of Mr. C. E. Fairburn, 279; The Maintenance of Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotives on, C. E. Fairburn, 285, 314; (Leading Article, 328); Derailment at Gretna Junction, (398)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Reconstructed "Pacific" Locomotive, 26 (Supplement, January 14th, 1944); 4-6-0 Mixed Traffic Engine, 26; Ilford Accident, 43, 103, 252, (291); (Letter, 272); Woodhead Tunnel Crash, (51); Improved Loudspeaker Installation at Liverpool Street, 138; Annual Meeting, 181; Rapid Repair of Locomotives, 197; " 04 " Type Locomotive Conversion, (200); Flat-Bottom Track, (200); Light Tunnel for Locomotive Examination in Blackout, 216; Radio Telephones, (398); V2 "Pacific" Locomotives, 444
- London Passenger Transport Board. Annual Report, 201
- Luckenbach, J. L., American Bureau of Shipping, 279
- Lusk, William C., Obituary, 161
- Lyttelton, O., Production Plans for 1944, 206
- MACDONALD, S., An Inquiry into Research, 429
- MacGregor, R. A., India's Iron Expansion, (476)
- Machine Shop Equipment, Ltd., Comparator Plug Gauge, 312
- Manchester Ship Canal Jubilee, (436)
- Mann Universal Thread Milling Machine, 78
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., Removal of Broken Tools from Machined Parts, 396
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Semmering Locomotive Trials of 1852. 488
- Maudslay Exhibition, 214
- Maunsell, R. E. L., Obituary, 212
- Mayer, J., and R. F. Davis, Water-Tube Boiler Symposium, I.N.A., 432
- McGowan, Lord, I.C.I. War Effort, 83; Human Relations in Industry, 241
- McMahon, R. A., New Industrial Research, 272
- McMurtrie, F., Naval Construction in 1913, 7, 29, 46 (Supplement, January 14th, 1944)
- McNair, Sir Arnold, Report on Supply and Training of Teachers, 339
- Melot's " Propulseur-Trompe," 84
- Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., Ltd., General Meeting, 241
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Infra-Red Heating Applied to Aircraft Assemblies, 71; "Pay as You Earn" Quiz, (240); "Metroflux" Magnetic Sorter, 414
- Metropolitan Water Board, Water Supply, 43, 370, 477
- Mexico 'City Airport., (418)
- Midland Counties Electricity Supply Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 221
- Mikulina, N. W., Mechanised Coal Testing, (456)
- Miles Aircraft, Ltd., "Miles 35" and "Miles 39" Aircraft, 414; "Miles 20 Fighter Aircraft, (516)
- Monarch Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Automatic Sizing Attachment for Lathes, 236
- Montgomerie, J., Retirement from Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 63
- Morgan, E. E., The Design of Concrete Mixes on a Minimum Strength Basis, 400 Morgan, H. D., Design of Wharves on Soft Ground, 136, 157
- Morrison, H., Hobliouso Memorial Trust Lecture, 359
- Myers, W. H., Engineers and the British Empire, 54
- NAPIER "Sabre" Aero-Engine, 31
- Narbeth, J. H., Obituary, 409
- Narrows Tunnel, New York, 55
- Newton's "Principia" Presented to. Moscow, (42)
- Nichols, 0. S., Obituary, (318)
- Nilsson, R. S., Arithrnometers, 178
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd, 2-10-0 Austerity Locomotive, 367
- North, J. D., Jet Propulsion of Aircraft, 154
- Northfield, H. J., Biplanes and Monoplanes, 447
- "OKLAHOMA," United States Battleship, Salving the, 35
- Onslow, D. V., Care and Treatment of Transformer Oil, 138
- Ordish, G., Canadian Locomotive Experiences, 233
- Osborn, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Improved Facing Cutters, 336
- PALETHORPE, L. G. Whybrow, Butt, Welded Cutting Tools, 253
- Parfitt, F., Presidential Address, Society of Engineers, 123
- Parker Dam, Colorado River, 185, 204 Parker, E. B., Southern Railway's "Pacifies," 33, 73; The Ilford Accident, 272; Uniflow Locomotives, 311
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 30,000-kW Turbo-Alternator, 51
- Parsons, R. H., Water Vapour in Flue Gases, 89; (Letter, 134); Rational Awarding of Contracts, 184
- Pascal Arithmometer, R. S. Nilsson, 178
- Pennsylvania Turnpike, 175
- Perry, Lord, National Road Federation, 153
- Philadelphia Graving Dock, 58
- Philips Industrial, New Light Alloy Spot Welder, 59
- Pittsburgh Steel Co., Axle Plant., (180)
- Pochobradsky, P. V., Condensing Locomotives, 447
- Posdunine, V. L. Suporcavitating Propellers, 342
- Poultney, E. C., Uniflow Locomotives, 329
- Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd., 339
- Pressed Steel Car Co., Gondola Cars, (260)
- Priestman, William Dent, and the Oil Engine, H. Shoesmith and P. Priestman, 135
- "Proctor " IV Training Aircraft, 156
- Purdie, W. H., Diesel Machinery (Doxford), 512; Three-Cylinder Doxford Opposed-Piston Marine Oil Engine, 194, 207
- RAGGIO, J. M., Large Scraper Excavator-, 264, 282, 302
- Ransomes and Rapier. Ltd., 10-Ton Mobile Crane, 90, 117; (Letter, 173); Annual Meeting, 457
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Skittle Alloy at First Foundry and Cast Iron Bridge at Stoke, 384
- Reavell, Sir William, Retirement from British Standards Institution, 83
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., Pneumatic Pressure Switch, 216
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Switchgear, 68
- Richardson, H., The Incentive of Competition, 241
- Ridd, P. J., Retirement from G.P.O., 21
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Aero Instruction School, 43; " Griffon " Twelve-Cylinder Aero-Engine, 196; The 100,000th " Merlin " Engine, (278)
- Rotel, Ltd., Auxiliary Power Unit for Aircraft, 7; Cooling Fan for Aircraft Engines, 494
- Rowden, W. F., Steel Specifications, 391
- Rowe, P. W., Interpretation of the Notched Bar Impact Tests, 247
- Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., Annual Meeting, (378)
- Russell, J., Millstones, 248
- Ruthven's " Waterwitch " Propulsion System, 44
- SAGAR, J., and Co., Ltd., The "Unisaw," 392
- Samson, J. B., Foremanship, 231
- San Roque Dam, Argentina, 509
- Sansom, E. B., Obituary, 21
- "Scharnhorst," Sinking of the, 1
- Seeger, Sir Leighton, Great Britain's Merchant Shipping, 161
- Semmering Locomotive Trials of 1852, C. F. Dendy Marshall. 488
- Severn Road Bridge Scheme, 143
- Shannon, J. F., B. C. Carter, and J. R. Forshaw, Measurement of Displacement and Strain by Capacity Methods, 237 Shasta Dam Belt Conveyor, (298)
- Shoesmith, H., and P. Priestman, W. D. Priestman and the Oil Engine, 135
- Siemens - Schuckertwerke, A.G., Berlin Works, 266
- Sigmund Pumps (Great Britain), Ltd., Apprentice Training Scheme, 28 (Supplement, January 14th, 1944)
- Sikorsky Helicopter, 25
- Simms, F. R., Obituary, 330
- Simms Gold Medal, (260)
- Skeat, W. O., Condensing Locomotives,:391
- Snedden, W. P., Aluminium Rolling, 487
- Snedden, J. B. O., Reciprocating Machinery with Exhaust Turbine (Gotaverken System), 492
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd., Training of Aeronautical Engineer Apprentices, 339
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Ltd., 209; Now Blooming Mill, 452; The Vanderbijl New Plate Mill, 490
- Southampton Harbour Board, Proposed Air Base, 60
- Southern Railway, Retirement of Mr. G. Ellson, 63; Colonel E. Gore-Browne Elected Chairman, 123; Plastic Four- Wheeled Passenger Van, 188; Annual Meeting, 201; 20-Ton Well Wagon, 254; Bricklayers' Arms Centenary, (349)
- Southwell, R. V., British and American College Alliance, 43
- Speed Tools, Ltd., Horizontal Action Work-Holding Clamp, 216
- Spencer, F. W., Determination of Stresses in Drop Stamps, 192
- "Spitfire" Fighter, Mark XII, 299
- Spurrier Memorial Scholarship. (298)
- Stacey, H. F., Foremanship, 251
- Stainer, A. C., Obituary, 153
- Stanier, Sir William, Elected F.R.S., 221; Retirement from L.M.S., (278)
- Stansfield, Dr. Alfred, Obituary, 123
- Stephen, A. Murray, Elected Vice-President, Shipbuilding Conference, 161
- Stevens Memorial Lecture. Junior Institution of Engineers, (278)
- Stewart, P. Malcolm, Efficiency in Industry, 419
- Steyr Werke, Austria, Air Force Targets, 167
- Stokes Mortar, J. E. Thornycroft, 111
- Stoner, E. C., Magnetism in Theory and Practice, 339
- Strohmann, E. I. N., Basic Mathematics, 329
- Strope, W. E., Battleships of the Future, 173
- Strub, R. E., Influence of Production Requirements on the Design of Reciprocating Machinery, 79, 98
- Sulzer Brothers and the Ministry of Economic Warfare, 221; Cast Steel Storage Cylinders for Methane Gas, 407
- Swinden, T., A Rimming-Steel Ingot, 430
- Sykes, C., Appointed Principal of Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, (62)
- Szlumper, G., Future of Transport, 76
- TACOMA Bridge Towers, (13)
- Tarring, B. B., Post-War Training of Engineers, 214
- Thomas, Sir Miles, State Control and Free Enterprise, 221; The Future of Motor Taxation, 299
- Thompson, W. B., Oxford Engineers, 329
- Thornton, W. M., Obituary, 369
- Thornycroft, J. E., The Stokes Mortar, 111
- Thornycroft Jet Propulsion System, 44
- Tilling, Thomas, Ltd., Producer Gas Buses, (122)
- Tippett, L. H. C., The Efficient Use of Gauges in Quality Control, 481
- Tiranti, D., Lectures on Production Control, (180)
- "Tirpitz." German Battleship, Bombing of, 279
- Tizard, Sir H., Albert Gold Modal Award, 429
- Todd, A. Metalliferous Mining in Cornwall, 419
- Tratman, E. E. R., District Heating, 320, 341, 360, 380; (Loading Article, 388)
- Trevithick, R. E. Water-Tube Boiler Symposium, I.N.A., 462
- Tuplin, W. A. Engineering Design and Research, 53; Southern Railway's " Pacifies," 53, 95; Steam Locomotive Cylinder Performance, 479
- Turnbull, J., Repairs to Welded Ships, 331
- Turner, P. S., Obituary. 507
- Turner, W. H. Wire Rope Technique, 1 " Typhoon " Single-Seater Aircraft, 66
- Tyro, L. C., Temporal tire-Indicating Paints, 258
- UPPMARN, E., Sweden's Water Power Resources, (456)
- VANDERBIJL New Plate Mill, 490
- Vickers "Warwick " Transport Aircraft, (278)
- Vincent, E. E. Leo, Obituary, 419
- Vowles, H. P., Industry and Employment, 487
- WALTERS, Austin, and Sons. Ltd., Infra- Red Baking Equipment, 156
- "Warwick " Transport Aircraft, (278)
- Warwick, W. C., Post-War Merchant Ships from the Owner's Point of View, 304, 322
- Waterloo Temporary Bridge, Demolition of, 23
- Waters. A. H. S., Survey of the Ironstone Industry, 437
- Wates, G. Leslie, Trade Associations and Industry.:179
- Watson; F. L., "Expansionism," 173; Foremanship, 251; Industry and Employment, 508
- Wedmore, E. B., Retirement. from the 457
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Fuel Economy Lantern Slides, (436)
- Wostman, E. B., Obituary, ( 338)
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Compressed Air Cannon for Aircraft Windscreen Tests, 451
- Whincup, N., Wire Ropes for General Engineering Purposes, 405, 426
- Whitehead, A. C. Payment by Result. 172
- Whittle, F., Jet Propulsion Engine, 21, 85; Elected Follow of Royal Aeronautical Society, (102); Ewing Modal , Award, (358)
- Wigley, W. C. S., Wave Resistance, 342
- Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture, Sir A. H. Roy Fedden, 423, 449
- Wildig, B., Supply and Demand, 73
- Wimpreis, H. E., Aviation and World Security, 193
- Wiseman, C. D. Supply and Demand. 134
- Wood, B. The Future of the Gas Turbine, 202, 224, 242
- Wood, W. A., Study of Internal Stress in a Metal by X-Ray Diffraction, 258 Woodland, P., Basic Mathematics, 370
- Wray, G. H., Basic English, 311
- Wright's Ropes, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 1
- Wuthrich, G., Monopolies. Cartels, 508
- YARROW, Sir Harold, Water-Tube Boiler Symposium, I.N.A., 453
See Also
Sources of Information