William Henry Brownjohn
William Henry Brownjohn (1873-1936)
1936/37 Obituary [1]
William Henry Brownjohn was born in 1873 and received his education at The Grocers' Company's School.
His apprenticeship was served with George Clark, Sunderland, and after a further period of two years with this firm he occupied positions successively with Harfield and Co at Blaydon, John Spencer and Sons at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Babcock and Wilcox and Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, either as Draughtsman or Assistant Engineer.
He then spent a number of years in business as a Consultant and was later appointed London Representative for the Conveyor Co, and Strachan and Henshaw, Bristol.
During the latter part of his life he ceased from active participation in engineering, although retaining his interest in it.
He died on 6th November, 1936, at the age of 61.
He was elected an Associate in 1917.
1937 Obituary [2]
WILLIAM HENRY BROWNJOHN, after receiving his education at the Grocers' Company's School, London, entered the Southwick Engine Works of Messrs. George Clark, Ltd., Sunderland, and served a five years' apprenticeship, terminating in 1894. After a considerable amount of experience as a draughtsman with important engineering firms in the Tyneside area, he was appointed in 1901 assistant engineer to the Sturtevant Engineering Company, Ltd., London. In 1903 he became assistant engineer to the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (1900), Ltd., with headquarters at Gravesend. During the following four years he modernized no less than twenty of the firm's twenty-six works by installing rotary kilns, new washing and grinding mills, and electric generating plants. He then joined the New Conveyor Company, Ltd., of Smethwick, as London and district manager. Subsequently he became London representative of several firms abroad and turned his attention to the development and production of alcohol as a source of power in this country, for which purpose several plants were established between 1928 and 1932. Mr. Brownjohn also studied modern methods of producing sulphuric acid and superphosphate, and he was specially interested in the new vibrational method of placing concrete, now largely used in Government and municipal contracts. He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1903 and was transferred to Membership in 1909. His death occurred in London on 6th November 1936, at the age of 62.