Internal Combustion Engineering: 1912/11/13
Note: This is a sub-section of Internal Combustion Engineering
- Improving the Breed - Editorial. p.394
- The Olympia Show
- Some Features of the Mirrlees-Diesel Design (Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day). p.394
- The Otto Cycle and the Fuel Question - John Okill. p.398
- Pumps for Motor Fire Engines. p.300
- The 15 H.P. Clement Talbot. p.403
- Motor Barge Possibilities. p.404
- Automobile Design for 1913. p.409
- A New Scavenging Engine - Arthur Laycock of Detroit. p.413
- A Sleeve Valve Engine Test - Professor W. Watson, H. Schofield, and J. Wilson. p.414
- French Aeronautical Engines (Anzani, Verdet, Esselbe, Clerget, De Dion, Panhard, Laviator etc). p.419
- Correspondence. p.425
- S. M. Udale - British Car Production
- F. Hunter on Carbon Deposit Formation
- A. H. S. on Cyclecar Design
- The Trend of Invention - Eric W. Walford. p.426
- Catalogues Received. p.428
- Malburg Brothers of New York
- British Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Co
- A. G. Taylor and Co
- Alldays and Onions
See Also
Sources of Information